IT FINALLY HAPPENED! | The story of how I stole my friends dog | Svalbard 4k

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my name is cecilia and i live on svalbard  and island close to the north pole i've   lived here for about five and a half years now my  boyfriend and i bought this cabin two years ago   it's located 10 minutes away from the main village  of long island and has the most amazing views   we can see seven glaciers from our living  room we live here together with my dog grim   and this is the story of how he became mine this story begins when i first moved to svalbard  and started working at this place who said it's   a restaurant and i was the booking manager  while working here i met olivia who became   my colleague a few months into the job one  day she shows up to work with two of the   fluffiest fluff balls i've ever seen and it  was love at first sight the end just kidding   not kidding about the love at first sight though  because grim and i found each other immediately   i started off as grimm's buddy watching him when  olivia and her husband aynor went on vacation and   such and from here on it just kind of escalated  so when we moved out to our cabin on west pintan   grimm came to live with us full time olivia einar  and his brother as in dog brother fenris live in   a cabin just a few hundred meters away from  our cabin so they could see him anytime they   wanted grim is quite an energetic dog and requires  lots of exercise which fit perfectly and with my   lifestyle his brother fenris on the other hand is  a much calmer soul who requires a lot less i think   one of the big reasons why olivia and einar didn't  have a problem with me dog napping grim is because   they saw our bond and also olivia had done the  same to her neighbor's dog when she was younger so   she kind of understood the dog soulmate situation  since she had been through it herself as time went   on we all lived our best lives and we didn't  really discuss a proper adoption situation it   wasn't until this year i started hinting well you  know asking olivia every week if i could adopt him   so fast forward to grim's birthday  and what this video is about   olivia gave me the most beautiful gift that  i've ever received so let's head into the video   we are finally ready to go i actually put some  makeup on today and i'm of course wearing my   friend's brand because i love these clothes so  much i'll link it in the bio or in the comments   astrid wild clothing this is but i have packed up  some stuff that i need to bring i'm going to bring   my washings so i'm going to show you where i do  my washing because we're going to wash the dogs   at our friend's house where we do this washing  you're going to hear grim be very impatient   so we're going to go to the car then we're going  to stop by olivia's cabin pick up the dog shampoo   and then we're gonna drive to the cafe and i'm  not sure these guys are gonna behave when they're   together they're absolute mayhem grim is a  sweetheart on his own feminist is easier on   his own when it comes to other dogs he's still a  psycho is cujo so we're gonna see how that works that's fine it's total chaos it's a lot of chaos happening these guys  need social training grim is good when fenris   is not here so he's freaking out now that  fenris is here but we're taking fenris away   from this situation we're gonna see how it works  i think it will be fine why are they so dramatic   you're fine look at the one-eyed husky he's  fine so you're fine and after this a nice shower the most stressful day of their life  wear yourself out here little buddy okay so i got myself some sort of bun and a  coffee and you got chicken curry it's really   nice with freaking tabasco on it because  you you're obsessed with all of this stuff   we're not made the same okay we've arrived guys so this is where i do laundry i  don't think anybody's home wow okay so this is our friend's apartment and  he lives like a boy because there's a bicycle   but i would say this is a very typical apartment  in svalbard what do you think or in long island   i feel like this is a very typical  attire that too a mix of white and wood   trimmings and just random in size hey green  okay to the washing we found this are you ready you look beautiful so maybe i should tell you guys what's going on  here these dogs don't need showers that often   because during the winter they kind of create  this fat under their fur and their double coat   that keeps them super warm and you know minus 30.  so since they every day roll around in the snow   they keep their fur super fresh and that's why we  don't really have to give them a bath or a shower   at all during the winter up here but since  grimm's birthday party was coming up we thought   we would just give them a shower so they would  be fresh and beautiful so that's what we're doing okay can i just go up and shake your body   beautiful you know that this is okay it's your  birthday [ __ ] round oh give me something   last time you had a shower  my dear was like in august   here it was pennies oh you look so hot  i am here with the oatmeal shampoo oh oh you look so pleased with yourself  here comes the head massager it's so wet in here so wet and i'm so sweaty  so i've cleaned his whole apartment as a thank   you for cleaning the dogs here look speaking  span here's a clean dog we put a washing on   put the towels on and in here i'm cleaning oh my gosh like a snowstorm okay the owner of the house in this snowstorm so the weather here is completely  different than over there do not rub yourself in pee or poo please  do we have a birthday boy in the house   is it your birthday today stop moving come on sit get in front of the camera thank you is it  your birthday today okay see oh my god calm down   how old are you if you're  six years old give me a paw he's six years old it's your birthday today   and we're having a party so you're gonna have  your friends over and we're gonna have a cake   and presents stop wait and you're gonna love  it so i think christopher that we should take   him on a walk first and you have had your  birthday shower oh my gosh stop walking away okay bye what do you want get out of the  couch we're going for a birthday walk   does somebody want to go for a birthday  walk it'll go yeah you know that works   just let me i'm just going to change into my gear  yeah i hear you i hear you loud and clear dude oh my god okay okay we're going on a walk  bruce if i put your pants on we're going you're so great at listening it's your birthday   we got a party like it's your birthday  so i have this thing about always making   gift bags for some reason what's it called  like you leave with a little little gift   i just do it in everything we do and it's just  enjoyable yes green so of course our guests   there's like three of the guests are getting grim  cup with some candy some sweets in it because why not because it's graham's birthday  and i feel like that's what you do   do you smoke it he's down here so okay who doesn't want a cup with some  sweets in it and we're going to start making   uh grim's cake i have to figure that one out i  want to do the base with bread because i know   he's not going to eat the bread and i don't  want him to eat so much he gets all you know   that in the stomach oh this one is wait i  need to clean you guys give me one moment this candy right here is very typical for  scandinavia or i mean sweden and norway anyway   i'm gonna show you that's grim what's your use you  always move when you see the camera and this is   very typical swedish and norwegian candy this is  what it looks like it's for your guests you have   all these different tastes  this is like raspberry and   it's called licorice so good a lot of  other stuff i'm going to perform in here but just basically please i was getting a pair of scissors but  i walked from the kitchen with an oven mitt   so excuse me somebody explain that brain please okay so everybody's coming at three  o'clock it's two no it's one o'clock   now i'm gonna start the fire outside so that  gets really nice and hot and then we're gonna   boil the sausages because we have boils  because these are all done look how cute   on the back it says zalbard these are my merch  cups i must say that i i just love cups though but   they are the best okay so now  we're just gonna do cake fire make it a little bit nice that's cool  okay so we're making the cake now and this   is what we're making because grammy loves sausages  and he can't have much other stuff so it's the   best for him and then we're going to use bread in  the bottom because he's not going to eat the bread   because he can't eat like huge cake but so this is  what we're working with and we have sausages and   we have these that we hope we're going to be able  to use for some something and then we have this   dog food thing yeah watches make this okay okay thank you wow look you made it so nice for your party  did you do all this oh you did there we have   some lovely gifts for our three guests hey and  then we have the fire going and we're gonna boil   some sausages from there and then christopher  moved all of our snowmobiles so it looks a bit   better and the sun is coming around the corner so  soon we can sit here in the sunlight look at this   oh so cozy it's gonna be such a party grim cool  and then we have your cake yeah oh you forgot look it's so clean look at my area oh   but the rest looks really ish good really  good it's a bit of an overstatement   we have a drink and we have a limb hello welcome  to the party who brought a gift for greenpeace okay of course there's a package incoming awesome  but you got there what you got here girls oh it's so fantastic okay vaude adams um ah give me the candy lady emotional today when olivia told me i could  adopt grim i of course offered to pay for him   but what she asked me to do instead was to make  a donation to one of her favorite charities   the big fix uganda so i went to their  website and set up a monthly donation plan   this organization operates as the only veterinary  hospital in northern uganda and have so far helped   over 000 animals in this impoverished and  war torn region so if you would like to go   make a donation in grimm's adoption honor that  would be incredible every single dollar helps   i've linked everything in the description below  and i hope you go and just help out if you can never the best stuff oh my god we worked  so hard on this look when they died some sort of pate for dog oh okay so that was graham's sixth birthday party so  thank you so much for hanging out with us today   and i'm just so happy that i got to adopt  him and i mean nothing really changes i   see olivia and fenders all the time it's just  you know that it's more official than before   so i'm incredibly happy and thank you so much  for watching subscribe if you want to get   notifications on when i post and i look forward  to putting up new videos soon bye love you guys
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 238,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, norway, adoption, dog, dog adoption, finnish lapphund, remote, island, climate, glacier, arctic, north pole, polar bears
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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