Dutch Working Culture & Finding a Job in the Netherlands as Non-EU

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hi there natasha here from the traveling foxes so this isn't our usual travel vlog because i wanted to do this video in response to another video i uploaded about a year ago basically sharing my experiences pros and cons living here in the netherlands and i've had a lot of responses and questions specifically about working here and how to find a job especially if you are a non-eu citizen but note that i am not an expert at some visa laws and processes can change but i do know that the internet is a rabbit hole of information so i hope this video can help put you on the right path before i begin please don't forget to subscribe to the traveling foxes if you haven't yet we're usually a travel channel so we post a lot of travel videos but um from time to time i do vlog about my experiences here in the netherlands so if you're interested in that type of content then hit subscribe and get updated by me all right first a little background about myself so i'm originally from the philippines hello mangakababayan moved here two years ago and now i'm working at a tech startup as a content marketer full-time um and then just doing my travel vlog on the side because of corona we are all basically working remotely and i'm in my home office now for that when i started i worked in a dutch fintech company also as a content marketer so i could say i have experience both working in working so i could say i have experience working both with internationals expats as well as local dutchies first of all i love amsterdam as a city it's very vibrant and you really get to meet a mix of very diverse crowd and in terms of work they value work-life balance and i really appreciate that for example in my previous company i've had colleagues who decided to work less than the usual 40 hours a week because they had their own families and i was really surprised to find how really easy it is to find part-time jobs here compared to compared to when i was in the philippines when i first had my job offer the employer asked me how many hours i wanted to work i never got asked that question before people here i believe value family time and they usually choose to work less so that they can um less hours so that they can spend more time with their family if you think there are other reasons for this then do let me know in the comments below i'm interested to knowing this mindset another thing is holidays so it's very important here so in dutch law you get a minimum of 20 paid leaves and if they're a good employer sometimes it can go up to 25 and that's a huge difference from where i come from uh the most i had was like maximum 10 days so there's also this thing called holiday pay where they get a percentage of your annual salary and get paid every year before summer so that you can take a break and enjoy your holidays so you want to come here to the netherlands that's awesome and i'm really really excited for you it's always very exciting to come and live in a different country it's been an adventure for me so far so kudos to you for taking that step but now the question is how coming to the netherlands as a non-eu citizen is much more challenging than someone who doesn't need to apply for a residency here or a visa i suggest you go to ind.nl which has all of the information you need about visa processing work permits resident permits all those things there is a link somewhere where you can check out if your particular citizenship requires a visa to come here in the netherlands here's an overview basically you have a short-term visa or short stay visa you can stay here for a maximum of 90 days over that you would have to apply for a long stay visa or the mvv i forgot what that means but it's basically a resident permit and in order for you to get a resident permit you have to be sponsored by either an employer a school or a partner the processes may be different for every country so make sure to check out ind double check the requirements whether you need a visa or not some have asked me if it's a good idea to come to the netherlands first with a tourist visa while looking for jobs i mean yes sure if you have a budget for that so it's far more advantageous for you if you secure a job first in your home country before coming here because that means your employer will be sponsoring your visa and that would qualify you as a highly skilled migrant it's a fancy type of classification where you're hired as a foreign talent and you meet the minimum wage which is much higher than the average minimum wage you should also have at least three to five working experience and in a profession that is in high demand like it business manager etc and as a bonus they have this tax advantage called the 30 ruling essentially you can have a higher take-home pay because you get to keep 30 of your annual income tax free they shorten it now to five years from eight because of the controversies surrounding it and i could imagine why some would consider it unfair for locals but hey i didn't get the 30 ruling because i went to the netherlands first through a partnership visa before finding a job [Music] i consider myself extremely lucky and i'm very grateful that i get to live and work in amsterdam it is one of the most international most open-minded vibrant city in europe there's so many foreign companies here with multilingual talent and also very popular home-grown brands like booking.com they hire so many expats it's crazy there are also other tech giants here like netflix and uber and a mix of many multinational companies in different industries like shell ing philips but amsterdam is not the only cool city in the netherlands you can also check out eindhoven for example which is very popular as a technology hub you checked for science and even gaming industry apparently there's also rotterdam i know some folks who work in unilever and if you're into startups like me there's also a pretty vibrant tech scene here and you see a lot of innovation startup events because there's a lot of support from the dutch government and a lot of vc companies here just do your research and the only thing to note if you do decide to live and work in amsterdam it's much more expensive than the other dutch cities because of the higher rent be prepared to spend about 1300 to hundred euros a month depending of course on your lifestyle and if you decide to live on your own or with someone so to wrap it up if you do decide to work and live here in the netherlands the first obstacle you need to go through is your visa situation figure out first if you need a resident permit and see if you can qualify as a highly skilled migrant and check out in the ind they they post the list of all of the companies who sponsors so that could be a really good start other than that just go on linkedin i just use linkedin as my primary source of finding jobs just network connect with people research the companies you want to work for and focus on improving your skills because that really goes a long way most employers here value your level of education your ability to communicate well especially in english but if you can speak fluent dutch that's also great because it opens a lot of opportunities for you and overall just work on creating that standout cv i know it's really tough nowadays to find a job let alone keeping our jobs so i hope you keep positive keep trying remember that oftentimes persistence is the key good luck on your journey and i hope you learned a lot from this video give it a thumbs up if you did and i will catch you guys again next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nat from The Travelling Foxes
Views: 60,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the travelling foxes, working in amsterdam, working in amsterdam as an expat, expat netherlands, finding a job in the netherlands, visa netherlands, dutch working culture, life in amsterdam, amsterdam work visa, moving to amsterdam, living in amsterdam, moving to the netherlands, life in holland, dutch culture shock, working in the netherlands, life in the netherlands, expats in the netherlands, dutch culture, expats in amsterdam, dutch lifestyle, living in the netherlands
Id: fFczPI8f1fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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