WordPress Page Builder Comparison - Best Elementor Alternatives 2021

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elementor may be the top wordpress page builder in 2021 but there are many alternatives to this popular builder today we'll explore some of the main contenders and cover the key pros and cons of each including pricing feature set those kinds of things now before i get started though be sure to let me know in the comment section your preferred wordpress page builder because i would love to hear from you and get your feedback and comments okay first up let me quickly list out all the alternatives i'll be covering in this video today so if you want to jump around full time stamps are listed down below so first up brizzy free and pro brix builder beaver builder divi wp bakery visual composer oxygen builder and zion builder [Music] now brizzy and brizzy pro have both been around for several years and have a solid community behind them brizzy cloud is the latest addition to this family and offers some really exciting features but for this video we'll stick to the wordpress page builder version for comparison now let's start by talking about the free version of brizzy and what that offers us you have all of the usual tools like text images and video along with many other options however while elementor only provides a form in the pro version brizzy does at least offer a basic form that uses the wordpress email sending method if you need smtp gmail or third-party integration with the likes of mailerlite and mailchimp you are going to need to opt for brizzy pro now on top of these basic building features you also get access to some templating features like single post and archive templates this lets you work on more complex designs using these global templates now another area where brizzy excels is in the quality of its blocks and full page templates they are excellent and can easily be used as they are with a little modification to fit into your website style another great feature is the way in which brizzy has set up their global options it's super simple to get your head around and it's integrated directly into the clean and simple interface this is again in stark contrast to what elementor offers where even though there are extensive global styling options they do just feel a little bit bolted on and not a fully integrated feature in the builder itself now finally there are some really cool and well thought out features in many of the widgets that make building more complex layouts and absolute breeze let me give you an example let's take the accordion element with elementor you're pretty restricted in what you can insert into the accordion sections unless you have elementor pro and you can use the templating feature now with brizzy you have access to the container element inside the accordion itself so this means you effectively have a layout inside a layout but without the need to rely on hacks and templates it's really cool it's also available in the likes of the timeline element so i would recommend if you've got brizzy pro check it out and see how it all works now when you're ready to open up even more options then you can opt for brizzy pro which adds a lot more functionality with pro you have access to the full complement of templating features that include the ability to manage your woocommerce layouts in addition to that you also get the pop-up builder dynamic data and much much more a beautifully simple interface intuitive container builder for accordions timelines etc a shallow learning curve some basic template and options in the free version a pop-up builder dynamic content integration woocommerce integration in the pro version it also has great theme support and well-designed block templates a slower development and release cycle the dynamic content is not as well supported there's no third-party api for external plug-ins and add-ons [Music] now let's talk a little bit about the pricing of my thoughts on brizzy firstly at the time of this video there's a 299 lifetime deal still running for unlimited websites however if you prefer to go for an annual payment they offer two plans a 49 and a 99 plan respectively okay so this is our brizzy layout again i've tried to pick a template that's kind of in keeping with most of the other styles that we have similar kind of length layout those kinds of things so let's go ahead and drop these into dashboards for gt metrics and for page speed so we'll run that one and we'll do exactly the same on google page speed okay so look at the gt metric score is not coming back amazing fair play i'm quite surprised at that if i'm honest but there are some large images so maybe that's a contributing factor and if we take a look at the page speed insights again you can see mobile is not looking uh amazing desktop is looking pretty good so there's still some work to do on the mobile side of things again like i say i think there's some quite large images being used and you probably could benefit from using caching and those kinds of things and this is something to take into consideration across all these speed tests they're just a basic benchmark to give you some idea don't take these as indicative of the results that you'll get now brizzy is a great alternative to elemental and elementor pro but does still have some shortcomings key among them is the lack of open api for third-party add-ons to open up what could be done it's also somewhat limited when it comes to dynamic options however if brizzy offers the tools that you need to get the job done it's a solid option and one that i personally really enjoy using so next on our list is brix builder a relatively new addition to the page builder market now before i talk more about the features let me quickly say that while i refer to brix build as a page builder it's more like divi in the way it includes a theme but where it differs from divi is that it can't be used with any other themes bricksbuilder and the bricks theme are all in one and cannot be separated so if you have a theme that you enjoy using and you want to use that with bricks unfortunately you are out of luck i'm afraid okay with that taken care of what is there to like about bricks well quite a lot actually i know it's only been around for seven months at the time of releasing this video but in that time it's covered a heck of a lot of ground and actually launched with a lot of really great features included yes you have all the usual widgets to build a typical web page or website but also comes with a fairly extensive range of dynamic options and works with all of the major meta field tools on the market right now it also allows you to easily add dynamic information to almost any part of your design now of note here is the ability to easily add meta information directly inline in other words if you're writing a welcome message for example to your logged in users in a paragraph of text you can simply drop in the short code or meta key information into the text itself where needed and that will be dynamically replaced on the live site for me i think that's just really really cool now once you get used to working like this you'll find elemental pros handling of prefix and suffix text very basic and also very limiting now on top of these features you also have a solid start to working with woocommerce templates now at the time of releasing this you can only create the archive and the single product template files but by the time version 1.4 is released which hopefully won't be too much longer full woocommerce templating will be included it's a combination of a theme and a page builder all in one because solid integration with dynamic plugins like acf and metabox fast load times and well optimized code the developers are listening to what users actually want and implementing what makes the most sense currently there's no loop builder and no way to handle dynamic conditions but they are on the list of features to be added there's no advanced dynamic data tools to handle the likes of repeaters or nested repeaters etc [Music] okay let's start our bricks speed test by taking a quick look at what we're going to be using so this is just one of the standard templates that ship with the fairly limited collection of designs that we have with bricks but it's indicative of a typical kind of layout several images some text of styling those kinds of things hopping over onto google page speed insights we'll analyze on there as well okay let's take a look at gt metrics so we can see coming back from hue we've got lower performance if i'm honest i'm a little surprised that the performance isn't better but the web vitals as we say pay a small amount of notice to those let's take a look at the google page speed insights and we're coming back with 85 which is again a pretty respectable start desktop is giving us 90. so there's a little bit of work left to be done with bricks but pretty solid start i would say for most use cases [Music] the brix builder is making a lot of waves in the wordpress page builder scene right now with a lot of users getting really excited about the features it launched with and the way in which the developers are actively listening to the community looking at the current page build the shortcomings and developing an interesting and solid product based upon that information sadly though it's still early days and there are still some important features missing to make it one that i can truly offer as a suggested direct replacement for all but the most simple of website design projects but and it is a big but this is one to watch and if you're feeling flush grab yourself that lifetime deal and keep an eye on its development this is one that i am truly excited about for the future now beaver builder is one of the og page builders for wordpress and has a long history of happy and faithful users so it's definitely a well-established platform one of its key strengths is its stability the developers are less interested in bells and whistles and more interested in creating a solid reliable platform for the users to take advantage of now beaver builder comes in two parts the builder and beaver themer if all you want to do is create and edit the content on the page with a page builder you can simply buy and use beaver builder however when you want to go beyond those basics you'll really need to invest in beaver fema to start to get the most out of the platform once you open up the builder you'll find it quite different to the likes of elementor and unfortunately in my opinion it does just feel a little bit dated there's definitely some similarities in some areas to the likes of divi or visual composer for me i'm not the biggest fan but your mileage may vary considerably now once you dive in you'll find the usual complement of standard widgets or modules as beaver builder refers to them there's a decent collection of pre-built layouts and while they're solid they're not the most inspiring designs out there probably good to learn from how to build your layouts but not something you'd be using as the basis for your next award-winning design once you add in beaver themer though you open up a lot more potential and there's a solid support for meta fields and custom post types as well as the ability to get in and edit the actual underlying code of various elements should the need arise now while you may get comfortable with beaver builder quite quickly i think the learning curve is just a little bit steeper than the likes of brizzy but spend some time learning it and you'll be able to build some incredibly feature-rich websites with relative ease [Music] a well-established product it focuses on stability over features even the standard plan offers use on unlimited websites multi-site support on pro and above plans supports custom post types and dynamic data with tools like acf the product is split into two parts builder and thema thema is needed to be able to build custom site layouts this increases the cost it also has a slightly steeper learning curve [Music] as you can see typical page several images some effects those kinds of things good example of a basic page layout as always let's pop over to gt metrics all the same settings hit analyze on there and pop over to the page speed as well and hit analyze on there and there we go this is our gt metric score coming back again paid no not too much attention to these uh these web vitals they are kind of server related but we can see we've got a performance and structure of 1995 so pretty acceptable we could probably do with a little bit of optimizing on there but let's hop over and take a look at the page speed now for google and see where we are with that okay so coming back with a pretty decent result to start off with getting close to the 90s when it comes to mobile so that's a good starting point over the desktop decent results for that you'd expect decent results and you can see if we take a look at the lab data that's actually coming back with pretty respectable scores so there's still some work to do on the mobile version of this but i'm pretty sure you could probably get this to where you wanted to be we needed some tweaking and if i'm honest you would expect this to come straight out of the box seen as it is one of the pre-built templates to kind of be optimized for various different screen sizes and so on so this looks a little bit not great okay so that's where we kind of are with this basic speed test for beaver builder [Music] a beaver builder is one of the sleeper products in my opinion yes we all know about it but many of us have never used it on a full project to see why the fans of it are just so happy dig a little deeper though and you can easily see why it's primarily built around stability and in the wordpress page builder world that does count for a hell of a lot now divi has come a long way over the past few years and still remains a firm favorite with many many people sadly though i'm not one of those people while the interface has certainly improved i just think there are way too many options scattered all over the place my brain just can't cope with all that stuff so let's start by saying the divi comes in two flavors the theme with builder included and a standalone builder in this example i'm only going to be looking at the theme and builder bundle my thinking here is that you would expect the theme of builder to provide the most optimized platform to build your website upon so the build itself offers a similar method of switching between building modes in a somewhat similar fashion to what we'll see inside wp bakery only in divi's case it's actually truly useful you can build in either a visual way or a wireframe mode much like the aforementioned back end mode in wp bakery now this could be useful if you want to take the visual clutter away and see exactly what you've included in a page you can also use grid mode where the bounding boxes and all related options are displayed on screen around your design elements this is useful if you have a lot of layers going on in your design and you just want some visual clarity now as there's only one version of divi available you aren't getting access to pretty much everything including the kitchen sink so this means you get the full editing experience access to the theme builder pop-ups dynamic data and loads more including a pretty comprehensive library of design templates now much like brizzy there are some great designs included which is a real bonus now my personal biggest bug bait with divi is the overall interface it just feels like there's way too much going on that's mainly because well there is divi offers so many features and options it could be totally overwhelming for the newer user i much prefer the streamline way in which brizzy has handled interface design it's so much more elegant but in divi's defense it does have a lot more options to cope with over what brizzy offers now on a final note regarding the interface there's one thing that bugs the absolute crap out of me when you open a settings panel up by either selecting a settings cog on a widget or by double clicking the widget you then have to click to close that panel down when you finished this is super frustrating and time consumingly pointless so please just sort that out but if you can get past some of these annoyances you do find a solid wordpress page builder buried beneath the clutter both a standalone page builder and a theme with a builder integrated a well-established product with a solid marketplace selling designs and extensions support for building custom templates for woocommerce dynamic content integration extensive global styling support the interface could be clunky in use overwhelming for new users with a sheer number of options on display inside the editor it can slow down your website [Music] so once again we're going to be using one of the pre-built templates this time we're taking a look at using this particular one as you can see very similar in style to lots of the other ones that we have used for these particular speed tests as before let's run that gt metrics and the google page speed insights tests there we go there's our gt matrix looking not too bad 1.5 second not bad i'm sure you could optimize this a little bit better that's the gt metrics let's take a look at the page speed insights and whoa that is not looking particularly good so what's the desktop looking like desktop's coming back pretty well so i think there's a fair old bit of work on a divi site when it's working with mobile to get that up to speed [Music] now divi has been around for a long time it offers a compelling lifetime deal and has all the features and more than most users could ever need the interface while well presented feels overly cumbersome and a little disjointed with so many features it can be overwhelming for newer users sadly straight out of the box though optimization isn't great and it does have a significant impact on the front end loading times of your website designs so wp bakery used to be the visual composer but that changed a few years ago and well caused massive brand confusion and probably did more harm than good but not to go into that too much let me just say that wp bakery is a page builder that's been bundled with hundreds if not thousands of themes sold via the popular theme forest website now this was my first real exposure to page builders when i moved over to wordpress at the time it was a breath of fresh air from the typical html and css method of using tools like dreamweaver yes i am that old now fast forward a few years and we still have wp bakery bundled with many themeforest themes and while it's had a little bit of a facelift it's still the same underlying concept of a front-end and a back-end editor the back-end editor is a more of a skeleton layout tool with no real way of visually designing anything at all the front-end editor well that isn't that great either now as i just said the back-end editor is basically a skeleton system where you build up your rows and columns insert widgets and fill out a selection of information now some of this information can be done via handy select options while others like image size have to be inserted manually by using wordpress sizes yeah i really mean that you have to manually type in wordpress sizes says 1995 let's just say that while wp bakery is in this list of alternatives it isn't a viable one and i would suggest pretty much ignoring it in favor of one of the more modern and fully featured options available [Music] a well-established product included in thousands of themes you can buy an extended license to include it in your sas or theme included grid builder to build custom posts and media grids with the editors an odd licensing system with either a single license or an extended license aimed at theme and sas developers a clunky interface in use feels dated and not as intuitive as many more modern page builders the separate front end and back end editors so for the testing out when it comes to wp bakery i've grabbed one of their templates it's nothing complex there's several images inside there typical kind of thing that you'd expect to see on a page let's go ahead and run a gt metrics test on this we'll analyze that and we'll also do the same thing on page speed on google and we'll see what they come back with okay and it comes back with pretty respectable scores to be honest i think one of the key reasons for this is the fact that i'm using the generate press theme free version underneath all this so that's already a good starting point but i am actually quite surprised to see how well this has fade even on a fairly simplistic page if we jump over to the page speed insights again we're coming back with a fairly decent starting mic but again i think a big part of this is going to be down to generate press so if you are unfortunate enough to have to use wp bakery maybe take a look at getting a good solid theme to go with it something like generate press which gives you a good starting point anyway desktop scores again pretty respectable but taking all that into consideration i still would not recommend wp bakery just because of the fact it's such a dated and clunky way of working and it's not really focused on the designer's experience [Music] the wp bakery is one of those og page builders for wordpress but it's not always a good thing being one of the first while the interface has improved as well as the overall speed on the front end it is still a very poor design experience the back-end design method is dated and not at all intuitive and the front end experience is just a little bit better but still very annoying in use so for me wwe bakery is a legacy builder that only really still has a place here because it's bundled with so many themes without that i think this builder would have just slipped into obscurity in favor of a more combined approach employed by most modern page builders now another page builder that's been around for a long long time is visual composer now this is not to be mistaken with the visual composer that became wp bakery yeah i'm confused too anyway let's leave that behind to talk a little bit more about visual composer in just a bit of detail first let's talk about the interface now parts of this look clean and modern and parts look totally disjointed for example let's take the widgets panel in my eyes this is all over the place with a real lack of any kind of consistency instead we have loads of individual company icons company logos etc and this just looks very very cheap and disjointed but dig a little deeper and the interface does actually clear up but it is still retains some of the features present in wp bakery so for example the setting of margins padding borders etcetera and this kind of feels overly cumbersome for what you're trying to do i also find the need to double-click a widget to open up the editing options just a little bit frustrating it's either double click or click once and then use the series of pop-out options to select the correct element and then choose to edit it i mean come on there's got to be better ways than that you do have all the usual tools you can expect from wordpress page builders though in the free version and it offers a decent amount of features some more advanced options like dynamic content are locked behind the pro version so you won't be getting those more advanced features without buying a license but there is still more than enough here to build a page for any kind of typical website now to access things like woocommerce integration the header and footer builder dynamic data pop-up etc you'll need to go pro but you can't feel too hard done by though as this is pretty much the same with all the builders that we've included in this video now one area that is really good to see is in the pro version that it offers a comprehensive grid builder tool so you'll be able to customize the wordpress post loop it's also good to see the visual composer ditch the awful front end and back end design ethos employed in the earlier days and is still used in wp bakery that was and still is an awful way of working in my opinion free versions available supports dynamic content relatively simple interface to get started with a well specified free version works with most modern themes it's got a theme builder and a pop-up builder confusion about the original visual composer being renamed to wp bakery cluttered an inconsistent editor interface you can't directly select an element on the page you need to select it via two extra clips via a pop-up menu so this is the design we're going to be using for this test as you can see it's a typical kind of design several images some text you know nothing you haven't expected to see so we'll use this as the basis so first of all let's hop over to gd metrics and i've set this up to be in the closer server to me for this particular example which is based in london i'm going to hit analyze on there and while we're waiting for that we'll pop over to google pagespeed and i've got the same inside this we're going to run analyze on that as well okay so there's the results when we're looking at gt metrics now obviously certain things like you know the content full paint those kinds of things these are going to be influenced by the server this this is based on but it gives us a good example of how well optimized this is i still wouldn't take gt metrics to be all and end all as always but it's a good starting point so we can see we're gonna have a look at the top issue so surf static assets from an efficient cache policy we'll use a cdn you know the kinds of things you'd expect to see but pretty respectable results when it comes to gt metrics let's take a look at the one that most of us actually are more interested in these days which is the google page speed and as we can see the mobile does not come back amazingly well first content full paint 4.8 seconds speed index now again like i say certain aspects this are going to be influenced by the server it's going to have a knock-on effect there's no cdn optimization side of things on the server level being used in this example if we look at the desktop you can see that comes back with a value of 91. so there's a bit of work to be done when it comes to the mobile side of things when using visual composer now while visual composer is a solid page builder i can't say that it feels on par with some of the other tools i've included here today yet it's being actively developed but in use it feels slower to work with and a little bit more dated in its approach to page and site building so this leads to a slower design process with more clicks needed to do simple things like select a widget or make quick changes [Music] now oxygen builder has picked up a lot of avid supporters since version 3 was released and for good reason it's a very powerful theme builder and yes i said a theme builder oxygen differs from most of the elemental alternatives listed here today in the fact that it just totally overrides the theme this gives you all the tools then to build your own theme using the oxygen builder itself now obviously there are many benefits and the main one being that you don't need to load in your theme files alongside your page builder files now this can be especially important when all you want to do is simply override the normal wordpress design theme system and just replace that with your own design this reduction in bloat means that sites built with oxygen generally fare really well when it comes to speed tests and this is probably one of the main reasons that oxygen is so highly regarded by its avid user base but what exactly does oxygen offer well firstly there's a compelling lifetime deal available now with the recent pricing changes they brought in there's now a tiered system depending upon what features you actually need but my recommendation here would be to go for the ultimate plan as this covers you for all future project requirements plus the price difference isn't all that significant and this is kind of probably what the developers were aiming for when they kind of brought this pricing structure in now in use oxygen does have a slightly steeper learning curve to the likes of elemental or brizzy but it does share a lot of similarities with the brics builder you'll find that both of these options are more geared towards experienced users who like to have full control with less handholding now this doesn't mean to say that you have to be proficient in coding or fully understand html css and javascript what it does mean is that if you do you'll be able to take oxygen further have a lot of granular control over all of your projects now once you get used to working with classes in oxygen you'll find this just one of the areas in which it excels you can very quickly make design changes globally in seconds combine this with the global styling options built-in css editor the code editor and way more and you'll have a very powerful tool at your fingertips should you want to invest the time and learning all its nuances now all the usual tools are here along with a selection of pre-built blocks to get you started or to be used as inspirational prototyping tools you have plenty of options for dynamic content with tools like metabox acf etc unfortunately on the downside i'm no fan of the oxygen interface it feels dated and clunky while it does share a lot of the same design ethos as tools like bricks as mentioned a little earlier brx pulls off the design with much more streamline than modern feel it's also pretty slow loading in the editor often taking up to 13 to 15 seconds just to simply load now this may not seem long until you are waiting for it to load in just to make small tweaks to your design then it very quickly mounts up especially when you have many of the other editors coverage you're taking less than five seconds to open up now finally the conditions feature for when your templates will be used can be a little less intuitive in certain circumstances but these are just little niggles and they soon disappear once you get used to the oxygen workflow [Music] websites built with oxygen score high on page speed results powerful and fully featured tool for building wordpress websites its theme agnostic has a theme builder dynamic data support comprehensive class-based design system global styling options integration with gutenberg still a little clunky and woocommerce support editor could be a little slow to load the post grid widget is slow when using dynamic data it has a steeper learning curve than many other wordpress builders it's got a dated looking interface it's not overly beginner friendly woocommerce support is still limited and requires a very specific plan so this is the oxygen page we're starting off with it's using again one of the pre-built templates that ships with the builder itself all on the same server so we've got a fairly level playing field it's not perfect let's hop over now into the gt matrix dashboard we'll run that analysis and we'll do the same for page speed insights and we'll let those run through and see what results we get there's our starting point with the gt matrix results doesn't look too bad it's coming back pretty well and if we go to page speed insights not as good as i thought it would be but i'm sure there's still plenty of scope for tweaking these kinds of things we're not using things like webp images and so on so this scope and if we take a look at the desktop options again not as good as i was expecting it to be [Music] the oxygen builder is a solid alternative to elemental and while the learning curve is just a little bit steeper than some of the other options i've covered here it is worth the time and effort to learn as it can result in fast loading easily modified and updated designs on the downside it can feel a little slow and less intuitive in use at times [Music] now i'm going to keep this fairly simple when it comes to zion builders i don't have a lot of experience in using it so please do take this with a pinch of salt as these are generally fairly superficial observations of the builder itself so let's start off with the interface now can you remember back when i said about not being a massive fan of the divio visual composer stroke wp bakery interfaces yeah well zion is basically a hybrid of those two models with some design tweaks you could certainly be forgiven for thinking you'd install visual composer on your first look at the editor so without the way let's talk about templates now there are quite a lot on offer and they all look fairly decent sadly though they are pretty much all locked behind the pro payball so in my testing of the free version and yes there is a free version i think i found about three page layouts could load each one of them and they didn't include any typography settings so that means when you do load them in they all just look a little bit rubbish now no mention of typography or fonts in the template users or descriptions or anything so we don't know what they're using but more on typography and fonts in a moment now i thought i'd have a look at quickly applying some global styling to quickly get up to speed and get the design looking much better well if there is global styling it's either not included in the free version or it's hidden away from plain sight it could be that design is being inherited from the theme though but there doesn't appear to be any options to override that and use your own styling straight out the box when loading in any of these designs now speaking of styling out of the box styling typography feels really really slow you need to do several clicks to get to the settings and annoyingly google fonts aren't active by default and when you do want to use one you have to search for it activate it in the settings panel and come out to the editor just to do this surely there has to be a better way to avoid unnecessarily loading in resources to having to manually search and install fonts from the settings panel but enough of the negative points let's talk about some of the positives of zion build up the editor does feel snappy and lows in really really quickly sadly even with a positive feelings of speed doing most things just feels clunky and overly complex wait a minute wait a i did say this was the positive section sorry now you can switch between multiple view modes tree mode wireframe mode and section view these feel very reminiscent of the likes of brizzy and divi you can save sections as templates and use those anywhere in your project but unfortunately on the mac using dark mode and switching the editor to dark mode as well means that you can't actually see the name that you're given to your template as it's still using black text on an almost black background i mean come on now to be honest i'm going to leave it to you as the two times that i've tested zion builder i really haven't enjoyed it yes there are lots of options the pro version brings support for tools like acf there are loads more options to look into but if you don't don't enjoy using the tool it just becomes an absolute chore now again your mileage may vary but for me zion builder just isn't a tool that i would choose to use in a real world project there's a lifetime deal available it's an established product it has dynamic data support global styling support somewhere theme builder header and photo builder blog post builder or loop slider and pop-up builder repeater query support and a snappy interface dynamic data still has minimal support a buggy even though it's in version 2.7 plus [Music] the cyan design we're going to be using as you can see the fonts are a little bit all over the shop but i'm not really going to get the time and effort of going through and trying to figure out what fonts they are and restyling everything we'll just go with the standard default fonts so let's go ahead and analyze on gt matrix and do exactly the same on page speed so there we go there's our results when we take a look at gt metrics pretty decent results you can't really complain too much about those but i'm sure they will slow down just a little bit when we actually take a look at installing the relevant google fonts and using those let's take a look at the page speed insights and again coming back pretty respectable on the mobile and desktop very very respectable [Music] while zion may offer a lot of features i found it to be a bit of a chore in use yes it's fast loading and responsive but that doesn't make it a pleasant user experience it generally feels like a combination of many page builders without the streamlined approach employed by the likes of brix it's good to see a free version available and if you're thinking of getting into zion i'd recommend starting with a free version to see if it appeals to your way of working for me though it's a hard pass right now [Music] so i would love to get your feedback on what you think of the builders that i've covered in this video and anything i've missed out you'd like me to see me cover in a future video let me know in the comment section below now as always all the links are in the description and if you found this video useful and you got value from it why not give that thumbs up button a click however if you didn't get value feel free to hit the thumbs down button twice as that works pretty well too my name is paul c this is wp test until next time take care
Channel: WPTuts
Views: 10,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress page builder, wordpress page builder comparison, wordpress page builder free, wordpress page builder plugin, wordpress page builder plugin list, wordpress page builder speed comparison, best wordpress page builder, page builder, page builder wordpress, best free page builder plugin for wordpress, beaver builder, oxygen builder, divi theme, elementor vs divi, visual composer, wptuts
Id: cKMb7NRv6yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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