WordPress Installed on Docker - Host Your Own Website!

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hey guys happy monday hope everybody is doing well and had a great weekend uh today we're gonna take a look at a video that i've been wanting to make for a long time uh in fact when i first started getting into docker i had a lot of requests for people or from people to make this video so uh what we're gonna do is take a look at installing wordpress and the reason i took so long to do this is originally the idea of a reverse proxy which is kind of beyond my scope of understanding on how to get it to work but now that i've got a pretty good understanding of how to use traffic and nginx proxy manager uh and those kinds of uh reverse proxies today we're gonna take a look at installing wordpress uh on our machine and getting it uh set up so that the world can access it uh from basically anywhere but in order to do that we're gonna need a couple of things the first is a domain name and the second is a cloudflare account so as i mentioned the first thing that we're going to need is a domain name and what's great about this is actually today's video is sponsored by porkbun now porkman does a lot of things from domain names to hosting websites as well as email that sort of thing i primarily use them just to purchase domain names for a couple of key reasons the first is they're the cheapest place online that i have found to buy a domain name normally if you go to a lot of competitors sites you're going to pay 10 to 15 for justa.com i've actually purchased several domain names from pork bun for uh five dollars or less and what's great about pork bun is they respect your privacy so they add domain privacy to your domain when you purchase it for free and most other domain name competitors will charge you a fee for that 10 20 bucks to hide all of your personal information because when you buy a domain name by default your name address phone number and email address are all made public um and that's in today's society that's not good so pork bun has jumped ahead of everything and they've made sure that all of your information stays safe and secure so there will be a link in the description for you to go check them out uh definitely do that it would really mean a lot if you go down there check out their site um and just see what a great company they really are so do me a favor click the link in the description down below to check out pork bun so now that you've bought your domain name um the next thing that you're going to need to do is actually set up a cloud flare account so i've already got an account set up and that's what i'm going to use uh you can sign up for a free account there's no charge they never ask for a credit card it's all totally free there are paid options but for what we're going to do you can totally use the free option and and not have to worry about any issues so uh what we're gonna do first is we're gonna come over to pork bun here uh here you can see i've got nine or ten domains uh that most of them are blurred out because it's none of your business but this last one right here i just bought yesterday it's dbtech dot x y z uh so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna copy that and then i'm gonna come over here to uh cloudflare and i'm gonna click on add a site and i'm just gonna go ahead and paste that in there so what it's going to do is go through a bit of a process to find the domain name online see where it's registered that sort of thing and it's going to look up a bunch of records once it's done with that the first thing it's going to do is ask which plan you want to use we're going to use the free plan because we can do that and it'll work perfectly for what we're trying to do here so the next thing we'll do is we'll click on confirm plan so now it's going to scan for dns records and that sort of thing this shouldn't take too long now because i just purchased this domain yesterday and haven't touched it yet this is all going to be default information from pork buns so any of the ip addresses or any of that kind of stuff that you see it here they're not mine these are oh okay so they don't actually have uh any uh records in there and that's fine uh this is perfectly fine as well uh so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna click on add a record and then we're going to go over here we're going to add an a record to start and we're just going to say at and then we're going to put in our home's ip address now if you don't know what your ip address is at home you can just open a tab here and just say my ip and google will tell you what your ip address is i just have to remember to blur this out so what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy that i'm going to close here i'm going to paste that in there again i hope i remember to do both of those i'm going to turn the proxy off so that it's dns only for the time being and then i'll click save so once we have that that's really all we need for the time being so what we can do is click continue and right here you can see the default uh name servers that are set up by pork bun what we're gonna do is replace these four with these two so i'm going to go ahead and oops i'm going to copy all of that i'm going to come back over to pork bun i'm going to click on details this will expand out here in just a moment and then we can click on edit under authority authoritative name servers uh that will all populate so then we can come back over here oops and uh we'll paste that in there and we'll click submit and now these have been updated so we can come back over here and say done check name server so we'll click that uh ssl encryption is set to full that's fine uh you may want to play around with between flexible and full uh just to get things started but full should be fine uh to get things started here uh we do want to have https on uh always uh that's just a good thing to have uh to automatically force a url to roll over to https if you've got a url using an ssl um everything else you can pretty much leave a load so i'll go ahead and click on done um so it said hey change these just to make sure go ahead and recheck now all right so it's in a queue it's going to take some time to check so while this is doing its thing now we can move over to installing wordpress so uh you are probably familiar with wordpress at this point uh it actually uh runs about half of the internet i think last time i saw it's a very cool content management system uh easy to use easy to develop for uh i used to be a wordpress developer uh mostly i did themes and functionality and that sort of thing i loved it i've been using it for years i've still used it for basically all of my websites these days so what's cool is they've actually got a docker compose over here on hub.docker.com so we can scroll down and we can actually grab this right here all the way down and copy that and then come over to portainer and paste it in now you can see i've already got this here now there are some changes that i made uh to this uh to this uh stack here so the first thing we'll notice is version 3.1 i changed to 2.1 uh there was nothing in here that told me that we needed a version three so i changed it um also below that the restart let me just drag this over here it's set to always that's fine you could probably set that to uh unless stopped and not have any issues there um and then um i changed port 8080 to 81.81 because i already had some stuff on 8080. um so you can change this port to whatever you'd like it to be um all of this uh is pretty much the same you'll probably want to change your username and password and database name uh up here but when you do that uh make sure you change it in these three spots right here as well and then we've got volumes now this is where your uh wordpress instance will be hosted on your server uh if you plan on having like a a site with a lot of pictures that sort of thing uh definitely make sure you put this on a hard drive that's got a lot of space available so that's where we're gonna store this for right now uh below that i've added this link uh for db right here we're gonna make sure that we link the database and so i actually didn't know about this until i got an email the other day uh somebody sent me an email the contact form on my phone or on my on my website also made on wordpress from giovanni foco i hope i'm pronouncing that last name correctly but giovanno sorry giovanni man did you have in the morning so giovanni foco emailed me like hey you can do this thing where you link the database this way and it will solve a lot of your problems and he was right holy crap uh huge huge help with this right here below that we've just got the database uh container here again if you if you change the username and password up here uh make sure you change it here this last entry is to give uh the the root user just a random password that you're never gonna know you don't need to know it and then we've got some volumes down here uh so once we've got all of this what we can do is scroll down and click on update the stack or deploy the stack as the case may be uh since you guys will have not done this yet so once we've got that we can take a look at the logs uh make sure everything looks good uh apache in the foreground is good uh so let's go back let's take a look at our database that looks good so let's go ahead and click here cool so this is the installation screen so what we want to do is actually stop right here we don't want to do anything else uh what we want to do uh is make sure that dbtech.xyz is up and running so let's take a look at the dns here that still looks uh good uh you shouldn't be able to see any of that that's uh that's good um so let's go ahead and do this let's come back over to nginx proxy manager let's add a proxy host uh this is going to be dbtech.xyz like so and the ip address for my panda server it's and i believe we're on 81.81 but let me verify that we are uh so i'm gonna come back over here i'm gonna click on block common exploits uh ssl i'm gonna request a new one i'm gonna force uh if you've seen my previous videos we're going to have to come back in here and uh re-enable the force and the http 2 uh but let's go ahead and click on save hopefully our dns will have well i've had enough time to do what it needs to do in here nope it has not so what we're going to do is we're going to pause i'm going to pause for just a moment and then i'm going to come back here in just a little while to finish this up okay guys so it's been a few minutes i think everything has switched over the domain name should be pointing uh from pork bun over to cloudflare uh and then of course from cloudflare to my home so what we're gonna do just real quick here uh is we're going to uh grab this url we're gonna paste that in there all right so here we can see that we've got nginx proxy manager so that's a good thing that means everything is pointed uh to my home the way it should be so what i should be able to do now uh is actually come back over here at a proxy host uh we're going to uh oops let's uh let's come back over to here uh let's go ahead and paste that domain name back in there and of course uh dot 30 and i think we did that on 81.81 so we're going to block this and go over here and request that and check those two boxes like we did a minute ago and click save all right so that seems to have worked uh let's go find uh the one that we just created right here uh let's go over here and click on edit go back to ssl and again for some reason we'll have to check those back on so we'll click save now and now we should be able to refresh and now we've got our wordpress installation screen here so we can go ahead and click on continue uh we're going to call this idb tech oops wow uh xyz just because uh we're going to hide that uh i'll put in my email address david dbtech reviews.com and you can check that whether you'd like it to be uh indexed or not by search engine we'll go ahead and click on install and now we can go ahead and log in we'll click on log in and we'll say db tech like so uh we'll go ahead and undo that so now it looks like we've got some updates to run that's probably a good place to start so we'll go ahead and do that perfect we'll return to the updates page so we've got a couple of themes to update so we'll go ahead and do that all of this is updating perfectly so we know that everything is working the way that it's supposed to but let's just for the sake of it let's add a new plugin just to make sure everything is going to work here i'm a big fan of oh let's say a disable comments uh so that one i've used a lot in the past so let's go ahead and do that that seems to have worked we'll click on activate great so now we can go to the configuration page we're going to say disable comments everywhere and click save so then let's go to posts let's add a new post and um ooh you know what screw that i i i hate the new gutenberg thing so let's add one more plug in and we'll say uh disable this able gutenberg and uh and we'll give this a second to load up that is not what i said to do try that again there we go so now install now uh i love this plugin i use it on all of the new sites that i release uh because i really hate the new gutenberg editor i would rather use a page builder editor or something else uh okay so now we can go back to posts we can click on add a new post hey that looks much better so db uh tech dot x y z test post uh i'm going to do this oops lip like that i'll grab a couple of paragraphs here like so paste that in there all of that looks great uh let's set a featured image just to make sure that we've got images working here um let's go to pictures sure why not we'll just use that as a featured image that all looks good we'll say it's uncategorized oh you know what let's go ahead and publish that but we need to change our uh our permalinks so let's go to permalinks uh let's set that by post name um let's do month yeah month in name that should be fine we'll go ahead and click save now if we go back take a look at the home page all right so this seems to be working we've got our post here uh everything seems to be working there let's make sure that our url structure works it looks like it is so we've got wordpress installed we're on our own domain name here we've got an ssl that in this case is being handled by let's encrypt oh the other thing that we want to do just for an added layer of security here is go back to cloudflare and go back over here click dns change it to proxied and click save and that will obfuscate your iap address so they can't find out what your home ip address is now if we ping uh dbtech.xyz we're going to get a cloudflare ip address rather than my home address so that's why i like to use cloudflare okay guys so there's one more plugin that we're going to install just to avoid any issues with ssl and that sort of thing so what we're going to do is go up here to add ssl and we're going to say in secure content we'll give this a second ssl insecure content fixer we're going to install that and then we'll go ahead and activate it and uh then what we'll do is go over here to settings and secure content right there we're going to do capture all uh like it says here's the biggest credential to break things but it's sometimes necessary that's fine we're going to do that we're going to select this because that's the detected recommended setting and then we'll click save changes and that should keep us from having issues like this later on i actually i was doing some testing and realized that i was having this issue so now if i go ahead and refresh there we go so we want to make sure that we also install that insecure content fixer plugin so there you go guys there is how to set up wordpress uh go through the full installation process get it set up onto next proxy manager and cloudflare of course in order to do that we have to have a domain name and like i said earlier this video is being sponsored by pork bun so big shout out to them i want to thank them for sponsoring this video uh really does mean a lot to me that uh since i've been using them for so long uh they're willing to take a risk on me and uh and and help out the channel here just a little bit so again do me a favor it'd be great if you guys would check out uh the pork bun link that's in the description uh again they're sponsoring me so the more you guys go check them out the more likely they are to uh to continue to help me in the future so uh yeah go check them out i think that pretty much wraps up everything i wanted to say in this video uh we bought we took a look at uh getting into new domain name pointing it to cloudflare pointing cloudflare to home setting up enginex proxy manager to work with that domain name and installing wordpress we covered quite a bit in this video uh if you found the video helpful do me a favor give the video a thumbs up really helps me out a ton lets me know you guys are interested in this kind of content um but again like i said i think i'm gonna go ahead and wrap things up here as always thanks for your time i always appreciate your support and i'll talk to you the next video [Music] you
Channel: DB Tech
Views: 52,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DB Tech, DBTech, Docker tutorial, OpenMediaVault Tutorial, OMV tutorial, Portainer tutorial, docker and portainer, How to Install WordPress Docker, How to Install WordPress on Docker, Install WordPress on Docker, WordPress on Docker, How to Install WordPress on OpenMediaVault and Docker, How to Install WordPress on OpenMediaVault, Install WordPress on OpenMediaVault, WordPress on OpenMediaVault
Id: ZdcZDmJeq4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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