How To Make A WordPress Website - Simple & Easy

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Hi guys, In this video I'm going to show you how you can quickly make a website, using wordpress Now after watching this video, you will be able to make any kind of website using wordpress, just like this, by using drag & drop. So, don't miss out on this video and watch it till the end, to learn how to do it. Okay! So, I'm Bryan from WebsiteLearners and Let's start making our website using WordPress! Okay! So before we start, you need to First, Click the link, below this video. So I'm going to click this link. And, It will take you to this page. Now we're going to make our website in just 4 steps! So the 1st step is to pick, a name for your website. Now, I have already picked a name which is "" So I'm going to search for it... And then click "check availability". Okay, so you can see that, ‘the name’ is available. Once you get your name, you can go to the next step, which is to get the domain name and hosting. Now this name is called as a domain name It is the website's address, which people have to enter, to reach your website. And hosting is the place, where your website's files are stored on the internet. Like your website’s images & text. So to get your hosting and this domain name, let's scroll down and click get hosting Now This will take you to a website called ‘BlueHost’, This is the place, where we're going to get our hosting & domain. So to get it, let's click 'get started'. Now here it will ask us to choose a plan. So based on the number of websites, you’re going to build You can choose a plan here. I want to build 1 website so I’m going to choose this plan. And it will take you to this page. Now here enter the same name which you selected before So I'm going to enter and click 'next'. Now as you can see our domain is still available. Now to get this domain and hosting Let’s fill up these details Now, here you can see that we're getting our domain, and our hosting. Now this hosting will be valid for 36 months which is 3 years So, once we place this order, your website will be live, on the internet for the next 3 years. Now, if you want you can also click here and choose 12 months, which will give you hosting for 59 dollars but I'm going to choose 36 months so that I get the lowest price. Now here to reduce the price, let’s uncheck these items. And as you can see our price has been reduced. Now to get our domain & hosting Let’s enter our payment details And click submit. So, now we've successfully made the payment, and we've got our domain and hosting. So once you've get your domain and hosting from this link on our website, You will also be able to get our complete WordPress course for free of cost We will show you how you can get our course for free at the end of this video Okay, So once we have got our domain and hosting, We can go to step 3 of launching your website, Which is to create your account on bluehost So to create the account. Let’s click here, then enter a password, And click ‘create account’. Okay! Now our account is created. So let’s login And then enter the same password. And login. Okay! So once, we have created the account We can now go to the final step of launching our website, which is to Install Wordpress. Now once we install wordpress, we can start building our site. So, To install wordpress, all you have to do is Just click 'skip'. And as you can see, wordpress is now being installed! And it’s DONE! Okay! So Wordpress is now installed. and this means, we can now launch our site on the internet. Now, before we launch our site, let’s confirm our email address. So let’s go to our inbox, And then open this mail And click ‘verify’ Okay! So now we’ve successfully verified our email address Now to launch our wordpress site. let’s click home And then click ‘login to wordpress’ Now if we click ‘launch your site’ you can see that, our website is live! now if you open a new tab And then enter your website address which is ‘’ And press enter you can see that, we now have a brand new website, on the name which we selected. And anyone in the world can access this site, By going to this address. So! This is how, you can launch your wordpress site, on the internet! Now once, you’ve launched your site, next let’s see how you can control this website. Now as you can see here, we've got a black bar, so this means right now we're logged into wordpress, And we can make changes to this site. Now if we visit this site from a different browser you can see that, we don't see this bar here. which means others can't control your site unless they are logged in. Okay! So to control this website Let’s go here and click ‘dashboard’. It will take you to this page. Now this is the wordpress admin area, where you can control everything about your site. So for example, Here you can see that we have a sample page Now in our admin area, if we go to pages You can see that, we have the same sample page here. Now if we delete this page and click refresh You can see that the page is deleted So this is how you can control your site from the WordPress admin area Okay, Now once it’s launched, this is how the wordpress site will look like, by default. So NOW, let’s go to the second part of this video, where we see how you can make this default wordpress site Into a professional website like this. So to make this into a professional website, we’re going to do 2 steps. The 1st step is to import the design Now instead of creating our website from scratch. We're going to import a design, and then Edit it, to make our own site. Okay! So to import a design into our site, first we're going to install a theme in wordpress Okay, so to install the theme, Let’s go to our dashboard. Now go to appearance, And click themes. Now here you can see the default themes which come with wordpress. Now to add a new theme, Let’s click here And you will find different themes which are available for WordPress Now we are going to install a theme called Astra, So lets go here And then search for ‘Astra’, And you will get this theme. This is the theme which is going to help us import the design on our site. Now to install it, Let’s click install. And to apply this theme on your site, click ‘activate’. And as you can see The astra theme is now active on our website Okay! So once, you’ve installed the theme, Next we need to choose a design for our website. So to choose the design, Let’s click ‘get started’ And now, it will ask you to choose a ‘page builder’ Now these are the tools which will help you edit, your design. Now we recommend that you choose elementor here. Which makes it easy to edit your pages. So, I’m going to select ‘elementor’ And now you can see all the designs, which can be applied to your site. So have a look at these designs, And select the one you like. I’m going to choose this one And here you can see a preview of how the design looks Now to import, this design, into your site Just click ‘Import Complete Site’ And then click import. Okay! So now the design has been imported now if we go back to our site You can see that, this is how our site was before. Now if we click ‘refresh’ You can see that, We have got the exact design which we selected And we also have these other pages which also has these demo content Okay So, Once you've got the design into your site Next let’s go to step 2 of building your website Which is to edit the content. Now here you can see that we have all of this content. Now how do you edit your page, to add your own content? To edit any page on your site. You just have to go to that page and click Edit with Elementor. So let's say you want to edit the homepage. Just click ‘home’ And then click "edit with elementor". And now it will take you to this editing mode, where you can edit any part of this page. So let's say you want to change the text here. you just select the text, And then start typing anything you want So I'm going to type Hello! I Just made Launched A New Website! And now if you want to change the text on this button, just select it And then enter your text So in the same way, you can edit any text you want on this page Just select the text. and then start typing. So this works throughout the website. Now if you want to change this image, just click it. select the image here And then drag and drop an image from your computer So once you have done with the changes, you can save this page by clicking update And all your changes will be saved. So now if we go back to our site and click refresh you can see that all our changes have been applied Okay, so now you know how you can edit any page on your site Next we're going to see how you can change the Header area of your website. Now by choosing elementor you will able to change this part of your website. But if you want to change this area, which is the header you can do it by going to the customize option. So let's go to customize. Now here you can see we have these "Blue icons". Now if you want to change this logo, just click this "Blue Icon" and you can change the Logo here. Now in the same way you can change the menu section by clicking this icon. So everything can be edited by using these blue icons. Once you are done with the changes, just click "publish" and they will be published on the site. So this is how you can change the header of your website Now, lets close this Okay, so we saw how to edit the header area Now, what if you want to add a new page? It's very simple. All you need to do is, go to new, And click page. Now let's say you want to create a service page for your website you need to first enter a title. and now to start creating your a page just click edit with "Elementor". And now, it will take you to this blank section. Now here we have 3 different ways to create your page. First you can either use these elements which are here. and then drag and drop them into this area. So for example, if you want to add a heading you can drag and drop this element here. and then enter your text. To add an image you can drag & drop this element. So drag & drop here and start creating your page Now the 2nd way to create a page is by using ‘blocks’. Blocks are ready made sections, which you can add to your page. So let’s say you want to add a section like this to your page. Just click here And now if you go to ‘blocks’ You can see different types of blocks which you can add to your page. Now to build your page, all you have to do is, choose a block from here Then click ‘import block’ As you can see, we’ve got the block here. Now let’s add 1 more block here. So let’s click here Then choose the next block. And import it And as you can see, we now have our page. So now to complete this page, all you have to do is Like we did before, Just select & then change the content To change this image, let’s click here Then select your image And add your image. So in this way, you can build your page using blocks You can also find more block designs by clicking here And then choose a block from here Next let’s look at the 3rd & final way of building a new page which is by importing a page template. So let’s delete these blocks And now we’re back on the blank page Now to import a page template… Just click here And instead of block Let’s go into ‘pages’. and as you can see you will find a lot of page designs here. Now if you want to use any design just click it. See how its look like. And if you like it, just click ‘insert’ And as you can see we've now got the entire design into our page. Again, like we did before, you can change anything on this page, Just by selecting it and typing anything you want. This is how it works. Once you are done with the changes, Just click publish Then click here And select view page As you can see, we have published a brand new page, on our website. So This is how you can add new pages, to your wordpress site. Now here you can see that this page which is called ‘our services’ is not on our menu yet. So next let’s see, how you can add this page to your menu. So to add this page to your menu Let’s go back to ‘customize’ And click this blue icon Here you can see that we have all the pages, which we have here Now to add this new page to your menu Just click ‘add items’ And here you can see the new page which we just created Now if we click on this page, You can see that, this page has been added to your menu. Now to move this menu item here Just drag this item and then drop it where you want. And As you can see, this page now appears here Now to save this Let’s click ‘publish’ Now if we go back to our site and click ‘refresh’ You can see that, we have now got this page in our menu Now if we click ‘home’ It takes us to our homepage And if we click ‘our services’ We can now see our service page. This is how you can add new pages to your menu Okay! Now you know how your site looks on computers But how will this page look on a mobile phone. So Next, let’s see how this page will appear on a mobile phone. So now if we take our mobile And then go to our website you can see that, our site is automatically optimized for mobiles. And this is how it looks. Now if we click here You can see our menu on the mobile phone Now if we go to services You can see that , this page is automatically optimized for mobile phones Now let’s say you want to change the size of this text only on mobile phones. How do we do that? So next lets see how you can change how your site looks on mobile phones So let’s go back to our computer Now make sure you’re on the page which you want to edit And click ‘edit with elementor’. Now scroll down to the place which you want to edit Now to change the size of this text on mobile, just click this icon And then change to mobile And as you can see we have got the mobile view of our website. Now to change this text on mobile Let’s click here And make sure you’re on the style tab Now next to typography click ‘edit’ And here you can see that, we can now change the font size on mobiles So to change the size All you have to do is Just drag this slider And the font size will be changed on mobile phones Now to save your changes Just Click ‘update’. And Now if we go to our site on mobile And refresh the page You can see that, our font size has been changed. So that’s it guys! This is how you can edit your website for mobile. So now you know, How you can launch your site, By getting a domain & hosting. Import the demo content. and then edit it to make your own website So if you're ready to start making your own website Just click here. And It will take you to the page which we saw in Step 1 which is choosing your domain. So just pick your domain and start building your website. So once you launch your website, to get our complete WordPress course for free, just send us a message using this Live Chat Thanks for watching. I will see you in the next video. Take care. Bye Bye.
Channel: Website Learners
Views: 351,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a website, how to make a wordpress website, how to create a website, wordpress tutorial, wordpress tutorial for beginners, how to build a website, create a website, how to make a website using wordpress, web hosting, wordpress basics, websitelearners, create a wordpress website, build a wordpress websiute
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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