Dockge: The New Docker Manager You Need To See!

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hey guys how's it going hope everybody's doing well out there today every once in a while a new Docker uh container or project or whatever you want to call it hits my radar when I'm least expecting it and that actually happened here recently uh somebody over on Mastadon reached out and was like hey there's this this Docker thing that I think you'd be interested in you should take a look at and that's what we're going to do in this video is we're going to take a look at this Docker image this Docker container that was brought to me that's called dockage now I'm not 100% sure if dockage is the actual correct correct pronunciation of this container that's what I've had in my head since I saw the first since I saw it the first time but if we jump over to the GitHub repository with the FAQs it says dockage is a coinage word which was created by the developer which we're going to talk about him in a minute uh and I hope it sounds like Dodge and that's kind of what solidified into my brain is dockage Dodge very close so that's what we're going to call it in this video and uh just a little preface to this uh about a year ago a little over a year ago I guess I made a video uh about a Docker service a Docker container uh called uptime Kuma and uh conveniently or luckily or or whatever uh I'm super excited that this container is also being developed by the same developer right there Louis lamb uh sponsor of the project uh the contributors Lew lamb right there let's pop that open real quick and here it is that is uptime Kuma I love uptime Kuma I've been using it uh since I deployed it for the for the video that I made uh it's my homepage when I open my browser that's the first thing I see is all of the services that I'm monitoring so I love that the the Louis uh or Louie I I I I'm not sure which which pronunciation they prefer but I'm super stoked that they're working on a new project uh and again that's what we're going to take a look at here again we've got our GitHub repository for this and links to everything will be in the video description um but basically um it is a fancy easy to use and reactive self host a Docker compose or Docker compos yl stack oriented manager so kind of think of this as an alternative to something like port container or yacht or something like that it is a Docker container that runs and its sole purpose is to manage other Docker containers and and I want to share it with you for a couple of reasons one uh if you like this project it would be amazing if you went over to the GitHub repository and gave it a star that's kind of like giving a video a thumbs up it's like saying hey I'm interested in this project you'll also get notifications when there are updates and things like that on your GitHub page I also like a couple of the features that they have implemented that the the painer for instance has not and we're going to take a look at that but but I kind of wanted to get out of the way that this is a Docker management solution much like painer or yacht just done a little bit differently and what I want to do next is actually show you the instance that I've got up and running so that you can kind of get a feel for how it works uh and then then we'll deploy it and we'll take a look through it that way as well so let's jump back over to my desktop and take a look at my dockage instance so this this is it right this is what you're going to get when you when you log into dockage when you've got some stuff up and running this is what you're going to to see or at least something similar to it right so at the top left we've got the dockage logo space we've got compose right here we've got a search uh so we can search through our our uh Docker services that are running like I've got dozle and hedg do I don't know what this home is uh I just I don't know what that is but it's there got home chart Momo Monica Riot and root again I'm not sure why that's there but it is and I don't care um so basically uh next to that we've got a little we've got our main area here with active uh exited and inactive so seven active one exited zero inactive we've got this Docker run here that I love so let's say you've got a Docker composed like where it's just like Docker run- p80 DV and some volumes and then an image like it's just one kind of runon sentence right you can copy and paste that into this area right here and click convert to compose so let's actually do that real quick okay so what I'm going to do is I'm I'm actually just going to grab this from V chat I'm going to copy this and I'm going to paste that in there and I'm going to get rid of um the slashes just cuz I can't find another good example for some reason right so I'm come back over to here I'm going to paste that in and click convert and right there it converted it so we got a version 3.3 our services or V chat server restart of always ports container name image Network um just that quick and easy it converted it and it's got us over here already so I'm just going to give this a name and I'm going to say I'm just going to give it the name of V chat now what I want to do is actually jump over to my Dev environment here so that we can see uh something so if I do LS right we can see all of the containers that I have running dozle hedg dock home chart Momo Monica and Riot and we can see dozle hedg do home chart Momo Monica and Riot there's a couple of of Orphans in here that I'm not sure what's going on with them I just haven't dealt with it yet but now the reason I I bring this up is this right so we've got our our composed. yaml file over here we've got our Docker images or Docker containers running over here and we we can see all of those different Docker containers here have their own folders the reason for that is if we do like an LS we do a CD into dozle I do an LS there's a composed. yaml file there if I do a nano composed. yaml there is the compos file right so why why does this matter Let's do let's exit out and do that so now we're back let's clear my screen oops and do an LS so we've got our our six containers there what I'm going to do is click save down here uh under my stupid face you can't see it I apologize it says saved over here it's got a compose ym yaml file uh listed uh it's running on it's got Port 39 there it's not running right it says start but if we do LS again now we have um we have where did it go V chat right there so why am I so excited about this basically if you deploy uh a container in say poer for instance right you go in and you go to stacks and and you drop in your Docker compose and you click deploy it's just stored uh basically as as text in a database entry and if you if if something goes wrong or you update your your system incorrectly or let's say you you shut down portainer to to do an update but you for some reason do something stupid like I've done in the past and delete the volume for that and then redeploy painer all of those containers are going to be um basically you know outside of painer and painer can't do anything with that anymore and that's super frustrating I've had it happen more than once I have I have gone out of my way to make sure it doesn't happen again in the future but when you deploy a container in uh dockage it automatically creates a a a compose do yaml file that's saved on your server so that if if you have to do an update um there you don't have to worry about possibly not being able to administer that Docker image through your your container manager in this case dockage I know that's a long convoluted saying way of saying that it does it better uh but that's basically what it is right so now if I come back over here to dockage I can click Start and it's going to it's going to show me everything that it's doing uh which again is something that painer doesn't do it's just like it it spins and Spins and Spins and Spins and Spins and then eventually it will either deploy or it won't and here again it deployed and now we've got real-time logs of our container showing us what's going on so we don't have to deploy it and then go back to another screen and then go find the icon and then go into logs and scroll through the logs and and deal with all of that that that's not how this works when we deploy it we immediately see everything that's going on and we immediately see the logs for that container and I absolutely love it it's the simplest thing but it's it's so it's so intuitive in my opinion right so now if I click this just like that there's my there's my my my V chat server I didn't like I didn't have to jump around and go click somewhere else go back to my stack and then click the port and do all of that it's just it's all right here all of the information that you need about whatever container you're looking at is right here on this page and let's say for some reason let's let's actually go back um to V chat here and let's say I need to edit this you know I can just come over to this and I can see you know what I don't 3009 doesn't work for me I want on 310 and I can click save and restart it's going to go ahead and restart and give this just a second I love again that it's giving me active information like hey your system hasn't Frozen it's actually say like showing me that took 10 and a half seconds to deploy I know it's a little thing but I like to know what's going on okay so now our Docker container is our V chat Docker container is stopped uh let's see if we just click Start uh let's make sure that it's actually going to redeploy it on 3010 instead of 39 and there it goes so uh so that's the process of of maybe making a modification to your your Docker compose or your compose yaml file in this case your stack there's a different name for that everybody uses but but basically you just stop it make your change uh save and restart your container and it's just that simple now I do I do want to say that again this is very early development I don't necessarily think I would put this in production just yet but uh it's definitely got a lot of cool features in it that I I really do dig about uh about how to manage a a Docker container environment uh it does a lot of the stuff that painer does but here's the thing like painer is a great tool in fact it's what I used to get familiar with with Docker and how to how to deploy a Docker image and that sort of thing however um Docker or or painer rather is is it's got its Community Edition and that's great but it's obviously it has to make money it's a it's a company they have employees they have salaries they have overhead they have offices they all kinds of stuff so they have to make money so they've got their business Edition as well so a lot of the features and and things that that painer is doing it does very well but it also is is very much more geared towards business clients whereas I feel like and I might be wrong about this I feel like dockage is meant for just simply deploying Docker containers in a simple easy to understand manner that that gives you a few different ways that you can do it so let's take a look at getting uh dockage deployed I've got a a another proxmox container set up and running so that we can do this quickly uh but let's get this a new instance of dockage Floyd will take a look at actually going through and setting up some different containers in a couple of different ways so that you can see it but uh I hope you're excited about as excited about this as I am again if you are excited about this please go over to the GitHub repository and give it a star that's the equivalent of giving it a thumbs a video a thumbs up here on YouTube uh and it helps them achieve certain goals uh that helps them get funding sometimes or gives them access to certain things that they wouldn't otherwise have access to without a certain number of stars so with that little uh side rant out of the the way let's go deploy dockage okay so here we are we're on the GitHub repository for dockage I'm just going to come over here and click the copy right there for this Docker compose and then we're going to come over here to my my my kind of my Docker test environment over on proxmox again you don't have to do this in proxmox it's just my test environment so set it up however you want to set it up on your environment so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a Docker compose and I'm going to paste that in there now there are a couple of things in here that I want to change um but let's start at the top we've got a version 3.8 Docker composed file here that's fine our service is going to be dockage and our image is Louis Lamb's dockage with a tag of one change that to latest uh the version one still has some stuff in it that needs to be fixed if you go to latest it was updated recently within the last couple of hours at the time of recording this video so change that to latest you'll have a much better time next we've got a restart policy unless stopped our Port uh basically this is going to run on Port 50001 by default but if you need to change that if you're already using Port 50001 uh you know change the left hand side of that colon don't change the colon or anything after it I'm going to put that back on 50001 though that's where I want it next we've got a Docker volume uh we got sorry we got a volume that connects to the docker socket you need that so that uh so that this can connect to the docker socket and communicate with Docker so just don't bother that line at all next we need to know where are we going to store uh Dock's information like when it deploys where are we going to store that on our server so um what I'm going to do is I'm just going to say home uh dockage just like that next we've got some additional information here if you need to uh do anything additional uh here here's more information that I encourage you to read uh basically uh where are we going to store our Stacks right basically where are we going to store our our folder structure for our composed. yaml files now we can we can we can put this basically wherever I'm here's what I'm going to do going to do home uh Docker uh stacks and I'm going to do home Docker Stacks um and then in order and and that volume is now set but we actually have an environment variable that we need to give that same bit of information to just once not twice though uh so home oops home Docker Stacks right and this is where it will store all of that folder structure for those composed. yaml files once we're happy with this we can do control o and and contr x and then do let's clear our screen and do Docker compose up- d uh if you run this uh and you get an error like Docker composed that isn't recognized it means you've got an older version of Docker compos uh and you need to get the new version um or the other thing you could do uh is just come back here and put in a dash uh that's the old version version two doesn't require the dash in the middle there so I'm going to go ahead hit enter so now the container is going to go through and or the the system is going to go through and pull all of the resources that it needs to deploy this container uh in a minute or two it'll be done and it'll tell us that our container is up and running and then we can go over and take a look at our dockage instance and there we go after just a couple of moments uh everything is up and running so the next thing we need to do is figure out the IP address of our server here so what I'm going to do is just do an IPA uh and then it's on uh 10 so I'm going to copy that and I'm then I'm going to put on Port uh 5001 and yeah I know it's not secure that's fine and if you've ever set up up time Kuma this login page looks very very similar and I love it I it's the simple things that impress me sometimes so anyway we're going to create an admin account we've only got English right now I'm sure that at some point they would love to have translators for this so uh if you if you multilingual I bet they would love to have you go over there and offer to do translations that's just speculation but just know that right now this is only available in English so something to keep in mind so I'm going to go and create my user and click create and down here you can't see it but it says success added we're good to go so again this is what it's going to look like when you first log in there's nothing here so let's fix that like let let's deploy things a couple of different ways uh let's first do a just a compose and this is a just a generic yaml file in there for engine X but let's let's come back over to my my previous dockage instance here you know let's go ahead let's just go ahead and deploy dozle I'm a big fan dozle is great so we're just going to go ahead and run this so now we've got our our dozle Docker composed so what we're going to do is we're just going to paste it in just like that um and it's going to run on like basically it's a version two service dozle image dozle container name dozle restart unless stopped ports 8888 on uh mapped to 8080 it's got a uh volume that just connects to the docker socket as well and we've got a network we don't necessarily need that but it's there so we're going to leave it so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to copy this into there and I'm going to click save right so now in theory if I come back over to here to uh to this this to LS right let's do uh CD home and then LS and then CD uh Docker LS CD Stacks again this is where we told it to store our Stacks as we're deploying them and then do an LS there's dozle so if I do a CD into dozle and an LS we've got a compos so we'll do a nano composed. yaml and hey look this is the file that it generated by us creating it over here again I know this is a silly thing to be excited about but I'm going to show you why it matters here in a moment so once this is once we're happy with this we're going to click Start it's pulling everything uh it's giving us a timer and uh here in just a second it'll be done cool just like that uh it says that it's active it says that it's active up here as well uh we've got uh we've got our live terminal down here saying that it's accepting connections all of this looks really good now I'm going to click 8888 right there and there's dozle there's dozle now here's one of the things that that makes me excited about this and I know again it's the little details it's really the little details that make the most difference uh when I'm checking out something new right so let me let me show you what I'm talking about here if we come back over to dockage um you'll notice at no point did I put in the IP address of This Server I didn't put that like over on painer you have to go into the environment and then you have to put in the IP address of the environment in the local environment in order to be able to click the port and have it open up if we come over here up to the top right uh and click on settings uh General primary host or primary host name rather Local Host is by default there's nothing there but it was still like hey I bet I bet you just want to deploy this on the IP address that you're currently on right um and I just I love that they had the forward thinking this which isn't a word the the the ability to be Forward Thinking enough to be like hey I bet that pisses people off quite a bit using painer like I've actually created videos um to show people how to fix the error from portainer and they're like no we're we're just not going to do that we're going to make this easy from the jump so if I jump back over to here like I can click autog get and it'll automatically fill it in but I don't need to um and I can just click save and it's there but I didn't need to do that I didn't need to put in the primary host name in order for this to work if I just come over and I click that Port hey look it just works and there was no I didn't have to put any thought into it because they did and I and I love that so we've deployed a container here dead simple to do and again it created the file for us on our server so while we're here on this server let's do a control X oops let's let's actually clear my screen and then let's go back a directory right like so so we've just got dozle in here for right now let's let's go back over to my other instance um Let's uh Let's do let's do one for hedg dooc I'm a big fan of hedg dooc lately I've been using it a lot right so we're going to do CD into hedg do and then we're going to do uh LS right there's our compos I'm going to do Nano compose and I'm just going to grab this this right here and I'm just going to copy that then I'm going to come back over to my tutorial here and I'm going to I'm going to do uh mkd hedge Doc and then we're going to CD into Hedge doc I'm going to do a nano composed. yaml and I'm just going to paste that in now I am going to need to change one thing in here because of the command domain is 10 and not 7even right so now I'm going to clear my screen again I'm going do a let's just do an LS so we've got our composed file in here I go back a directory do an LS we've got two different directories in here uh for dozle the one we deployed in uh dockage and then the Hedge dock uh folder that we just created in command line so if I come back over to to here and I come up and I say scan hey look there's the the folder that we just created with the composed. yaml file that we just created so now if I want to I can just click Start and it's going to go ahead and pull all of the files and folders and everything that it needs to deploy this container so I love that um that the folks that are building dockage we like hey let's let people deploy a Docker compose file natively in the application or let's uh let them uh convert a Docker CLI into a compose so that they can deploy it that way or let's say they've already got a bunch of composed files that they that they want to put on their server they can just say migrate those from one server to another and just import them with one click of a button and then deploy them as they see fit I absolutely love the thought that was put into all of the different things that they're doing with dockage and again this is still very early in development um obviously the the the devel developers uh made a post about it on Reddit so it got some traction there it's already got like 450 something Stars uh again you should go give them a star if you think this project is worth making note of or or taking note of or following or whatever I think they're going to do something really really cool with this uh in fact let's let's jump back over to here so we can take a look at this uh it's it's pulled everything it's created everything there is again our our our logs in real time doing the things that it needs to do and now it's like hey we're listening on Port three 3,000 right there uh and it's running a health check so let's go ahead and click on Port 3000 and there's hedg do just that simple and easy so let me know in the comment section down below what your thoughts are on dockage um of course again I can't emphasize this enough go check out uh the their GitHub page their their their their Reddit post again links to everything will be in the description down below so you can check that out if you run into issues or complications or whatever uh be sure to let them know over on their GitHub page posting a question here might get an answer um but chances are it probably won't um be because again I'm not the developer of this project and likely uh the viewers of this won't be either unless the developers of this project happen to come over and check out the video but um I'm super excited about this I hope you are as well um and I think I've rambled enough so I thank you for spending a few minutes of your day with me today and I'll talk to you in the next video
Channel: DB Tech
Views: 73,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Big Bear Tech World, Container Management, Db Tech, Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Container, Docker Environment, Docker For Beginners, Docker Manager, Docker Tutorial, Dockge, Dockge Tutorial, Helm Chart, Learn Docker, Louis Lamb, Omv, Portainer Alternative, Proxmox Container, Raspberry Pi Projects, Self Hosting, Tech Reviews, Tech Tutorials, What Is Docker, What Is Docker Container
Id: E805XcbTzgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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