How to Install and Setup Traefik with CloudFlare Using Your Own Domain

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I had a great suggestion a while ago while setting up my Traefik instance for enhanced security. if you are using a firewall like Pfsense you can setup an alias with all of the published IPs from Cloudflare. Once that's is done, setup your Port Forwards for 80,443 to only accept traffic from the IPs defined in that Alias. Now when your IP is hit it directly on either of the ports the firewall will then drop the packets.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Kage159 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

The video is awesome i appreciate it

I didnt know i could encrypt traffic using CF

It took a while but figured out to enable encryption you need to go to SSL/TLS section on CF and enable it

For people that dont have OMV5 do you think its possible to post a working config just using docker compose?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Cytomax 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Awesome video, thank you so much! I’ve been having a hell of a time trying to get subdomains working because every guide I find is either half complete, using the old version of Traefik, or just outright wrong.

I also learned a few things about portainer :)

Bonus points for the tips about SSL and auto-IP updating through Cloudflare. I subbed!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sure-Temperature 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys in this video I want to show you how to set up traffic using your own domain name and CloudFlare for a little added security and IP obvious keishon the reason I want to bring CloudFlare into this rather than duct dns is because if you're using duck DNS they don't actually hide your IP address so if you went to you know like Damita Duck DNS Dorgan you pinged it it would probably show up with my houses IP if I had that service set up I don't so that's not gonna work for you basically what I'm saying is if you set up a domain name or a sub domain through duck DNS and you give that to someone they can then ping that URL and get your home IP so that's not terribly secure the way CloudFlare does it is a little bit better in fact a lot better in my opinion they actually provide the SSL for free so we don't need to involve let's encrypt at all so that's a huge load off that we don't have to deal with on our server also because of the way CloudFlare does their DNS stuff they actually give you an IP address that they assign that can't be traced back to you your house your server anything else if you ping you know like music dot DB tech demo com DB tech demo is actually a domain name I just registered for the purpose of this video we're gonna set up music DB tech demo com if you ping that IP address that is not me that is a CloudFlare IP address that is hiding my real IP address so that's why I want to bring a cloud flare into this they add a lot of security both from the SSL perspective as well as hiding your IP address and it just makes the whole thing much much easier so in order to do this you're gonna need a few things first thing you're gonna need a domain name like I said I registered DP tech demo com on pork bun yesterday for less than four dollars for the first year then it renews for about nine dollars a year now what I like about pork bun is when you register domain name through them they actually give you a private who is registration so if you go look up the Whois information on DB tech demo com you're not gonna find my contact information there either so what we're trying to do right now is make sure everything is very very secure and very cost-effective so like I said you're gonna need a domain name I would suggest getting that from pork bun because they're cheap and they've got a lot of services built into that that a lot of places like GoDaddy charge a lot more for so like I said if you're gonna need a domain name oh so you're gonna need a CloudFlare account that's also free and you're gonna set up you're gonna point the DNS servers of your domain name to CloudFlare that way all of the traffic that you push towards that domain will go through CloudFlare there are lots of tutorials online I'm sure on how to do that but they have made it very very easy to set that part up once you've got your domain name and you've got CloudFlare set up and you've got your name and domain name pointed to CloudFlare once you've got that then we can jump in to the actual server portion of things where we're going to install traffic and will actually install a couple of apps so that I can show you that it works so with all that being said let's jump over to my desktop again I'm making the assumption that you have a domain name and you've already pointed it to CloudFlare so let's jump over to my desktop and we'll get started on this okay so here we are on my desktop this is actually the CloudFlare website and what we're gonna do is set up our domain here now I've already changed the DNS records for my domain to point to the DNS records that I was told to point to to get everything set up for my CloudFlare account I'm not gonna go through that cloud Flair's got great tutorials on how to do that what I am gonna do though is I'm going to show you how to set up your domain name properly so we're gonna set up an a record right here we're gonna select this drop-down right here we're gonna make sure that it says a record we're gonna type in the @ symbol and that by default is just gonna automatically fill in whatever our domain is for this account then we're just gonna type in our IP address if you don't know your home IP address this is the IP address that your ISP gave you this is not the IP address of your server this doesn't the IP address of your computer what you'll do is you'll go yo Google what is my IP Google will tell you what your IP address is put that right here so I'm just gonna type in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 just like that the TTL is gonna be Auto that's fine and proxy status leave that proxied and going click Save we're gonna set up some sea records here so or some cname records so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna click cname now the one thing we're gonna need is something some way to access the dashboard now by default that is monitor dot if you wanted to be status or something like that we could do that I'm gonna set this up as monitor like so and I'm going to tab over and I know type at so that way this is setting up a domain name for monitor DB tech demo com we're also gonna leave that proxied now this and the cname is basically saying whatever I point this record to like I'm going to point it to DB T demo com so anytime I update the IP address in this content area it will automatically update that for all of the subdomains that we're setting up so we're just gonna put an out symbol right there we're gonna click Save so I want to do the same thing I know I'm gonna set up for this we're gonna set up our sonic that's a music server so whoops I'm gonna type in music and then over here I'm going to type in at just like this and I'm going to click Save and then one more I'm gonna working I'm also gonna set up a like a little home hosted wiki so I'm gonna type in a wiki and I would do cat oops at like so and I'm gonna click Save so now we have our main domain name set up we have a monitoring domain name set up we have a music domain and a wiki domain so we've got all of these domains set up and ready to go on our CloudFlare account so once we're done with that what we can do is uh I want to come over to open media volt like you can see here that I've got my port changed from port 80 to port 81 and now you'll have to move everything off of port 80 here now I'm doing this on a clean server so just know that I've got nothing on here right now so what we'll do is we're gonna change that to port 81 if you're not sure how to do that what we'll do is we'll just get logged in here go to general settings right here change that port from 80 to 81 or what a report you want to change it to set that to something other than 80 I'm also gonna just switch the auto log out that bugs me I know why it's there it's for security I'm just disabling it because this is my demo server so I'll give this just a second here to load and then we'll go in and we'll take a look at some shared folders that we'll need access to for for some of our configuration later okay so now I have an extra I've got an external hard drive that's 250 gigs set up and mounted it's ready to go here over here on shared folders I have a configuration folder or set up and I have a music folder set up both of those are ready to go here I also went to the SMB CIFS here and went to shares and I shared both of those on the network as well so then if we go over to our file explorer you can see that I've got a configuration in here now I've already done some testing to make sure this would work these actually shouldn't even be here but they are so I've already done some testing with our music server and our Wikipedia entry here or our home hosted wiki and I put some music in here just so we would have that for our music server when it's ready so with all that being said what we're gonna do is we're actually going to come over to portator I actually don't think there's anything we need to do in here I just want to show that portator is the only thing in here there are no stacks in here there are no images other than poor tainer there are no networks other than what came pre-installed same thing with volumes this is all very bare-bones stock nothing installed so now that we've got that what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and open up putty or whatever your favorite SSH command is and I'm gonna log in to my server I'm gonna drag this back up here now to log in as root like so now what I'm gonna do is make sure there's okay so I do have that there so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do an RM or F like so ok so now I've got nothing in this folder so I'll do it clear and just prove it I'll do an LS there's nothing there I'm gonna do a make directory oops um mkdir and I'm going to call this traffic like so and I'll do a CD in China check traffic like that now I'm going to create two files here one of them is going to be a dynamic Yambol file so I'll do Nano oops I'll do space and I'll do dynamic looks dynamic why am L like that so this we don't necessarily need this but we're gonna have it just in case for later all of this all of the stuff that I'm typing in here or that I'm pasting in here rather this will be available in the blog post that's linked in the description down below so so jump over there to grab this so you don't type all of this out so once we've got all that patient in there'll be new control Oh to save press ENTER and then control X that's going to take us back to here so the next thing that we want to do here is we're going to create a docker compose file so where do you nano doctor - compose why am L so this is gonna be blank as well so I'm gonna copy actually I think I've already got this over here somewhere I do so I've got this in another screen here oops so I'm gonna copy that I'm just gonna paste this in here I'm gonna make this fullscreen oops and I'm gonna scroll up and we're gonna talk about some of this so basically we're going to start with a service the service is going to be traffic we're gonna pull traffic version 2 and we're always going to restart it just to make sure that it's always running so it runs into a hiccup it'll automatically restart no matter what below that we're gonna name the container traffic below that we're gonna have some ports now this will be the only time using traffic that you add ports to your to your docker compose file moving forward like when we install arrow sonic we're not gonna put ports in that so just just keep that in mind as we move forward so we're gonna have port 80 that's going to be just our HTTP port we're gonna have port 8080 that's how we're going to access our dashboard which I'll show you here in just a moment and then port 443 is gonna be for all of your SSL traffic that's gonna be HTTP colon forward slash forward slash whatever so we've gotta have those three ports set up here also one thing to keep in mind here is that we also will need to forward do port forwarding for ports 80 and 443 from our modem or router to our server's IP address you don't have to do 8080 but you do have to do 80 and 443 so we need those two ports to access the traffic on the network so make sure that you do the port forwarding for port 80 and for port 443 from your modem or your router to your server below that we're gonna have some commands in here now the API insecure this allows us to access our dashboard on just HTTP or port 80 for the sake of security you should set this to false but for the sake of just demonstrating this and showing you how it works we're gonna leave that set to true right now we're going to allow it to be set to insecure it doesn't matter everything we do here is going to be unencrypted on an on an encryption on an SSL so this this really doesn't matter just know that that's what it's for also dashboard we want this set to true or false during this setup you probably want it set to true afterwards you may want to change that to false so the people can't go find all of your domains or all of your subdomains on your server debug is true if you've got debug set to false you're not gonna be able look through the logs and see what's going on this is your debug level you can just set that to debug there are different levels that you can set that to debug he's probably fine for most instances below that providers docker equals true that tells traffic to use docker as its as its provider and talk to docker so that's why we've been on that docker exposed by default you want this set to false otherwise everything you put on your server is going to be you can see it on on the dashboard you don't want that so exposed by default is false we will set each of those to as we install the applications or if you want to go back and add the the labels to each of your containers you'll expose out there as well and I'll show you how to do that when we get to that point as well the provider file name dynamic that's the dynamic ya mol file that we set up and that's that actually asked more to do with when you've got let's encrypt and sold on here but I put it there anyway just to be safe the providers docker Network basically any of the containers that you want to be accessible from from the outside from from the internet that you give access to it you're gonna have to put it on a separate network that we're going to create and then the endpoint web address so your web address in this case this is going to be it's just telling everything on the web network to go to port 80 so that's all that is by then we've got some volumes here because we set up a traffic folder and we put the dynamic camel file in that folder this line is just fine this dynamic that yellow line is fine this is just telling it to communicate with the server or the hardware directly so that's fine it the next line is networks that's saying put traffic on the web network and then below that we've got some labels now this is kind of what it's going to look like when we add labels to other containers when we're going back and adding this to containers that we may already have on our servers so basically what we're saying is we want traffic to be enabled here we want this to show up on traffic the answer that is yes so true by the traffic HTTP router API rule host so this is the the domain that we're going to use to access our dashboard and in this case I've got it set up as monitor DB tech demo com you're going to want to change that to be whatever you set up whether it was you know dashboard or whatever it was you set up to monitor your traffic dashboard that's what you're gonna put in here just in this case it was monitor DB demo comm don't put in the HTTP don't put in the WWE just subdomain or God whatever extension you've got there and then this traffic routers API service just leave this line alone this is because it's on an internal API don't mess with this and then we've got a call that network and say that it's an external network is true so then we can go ahead and press control o enter control X and then we can do docker actually the next thing we need to do now that I think about it is we actually need to create that network so what we're gonna do is do docker Network create web web is important because that's what we said earlier in that docker compose file so and I've already created this so that's there you should get something very similar just know that you have to create that next ok so just clean things up I went ahead and did a clear screen there so let's do it doctor come hos up - D and we'll go ahead and let this pull ok so now that is done so now let's go back over to stacks so now traffic is showing up here so let's open that up and let's actually click on the log files here it looks ok so let's take a look let's do let's put our IP address and let's put in port 8080 ok so here we've got traffic is running here and our web is running here our router is setup there everything here looks good so let's make sure let's see here DB tag demo com ok so that tells us that our domain name is working this is monitor dbgap demo com so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna set up an application on our network we're gonna set up our sonic so let's go ahead and do that real quick so what I'm going to do is I'm actually just gonna go over to here I'm gonna go to DB tech reviews comms blog and then I'm gonna come down to err Sonic like so no that's weird but okay I don't know why I didn't have that saved there but so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna grab all of this just like normal or to come back to poor deiner will go to stacks we're gonna click on add a stack we're gonna paste this in here so this is just like setting up a stack just like normal what I want to do now is actually come over so I've just got all this pasted in here now I'm gonna change some stuff 9 9 8 and 100 is my U ID and GID I'm gonna say America / Denver I can remove both of those remove all of that I'm gonna remove that okay so now I just need to set up my two pad this here for config and music if you're not sure how to set this up I made a video on how to set up arrow sonic so that's why I just kind of blew through that very quickly what I'm gonna do is come back over here to my shared folders I'm gonna grab this for my configuration oops that's not what I meant to do it all I'm gonna do this to go to inspect I'm just gonna grab this copy that I'm gonna go here so and then I'm gonna paste that in and then I'm going to type in error Sonic like so and then I'm gonna do the same thing here sort of I grab this come back to Port Ainur and I'm gonna paste that in there so now that we've got that now what I can do is that can come in over here and click on deploy okay so now we have our sonic here I'm going to click here but I'm just gonna look at the logs cuz it will take it a second to set everything up and I want to be sure that I know when this is ready so okay now it says I started application that's good so now we'll just go to 192.168 2:38 and we're gonna go to port 40 40 all right so we're gonna have an admin and admin okay so here you can see it automatically picked up the artists that I put in there so that's good but what will happen here is if I go to music DB tech demo com not found nothing there so let's fix that so what we'll do is we'll come back we'll go ahead and close Arizona here since we're done with that and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come back over to Stax when I open up our sonic again I'm gonna edit the stack and then I'm gonna grab some notes over here real quick let me copy yeah it's okay so I'm gonna put it right under here under image that's just where I like to put my labels so here we've got labels and we're saying traffic enable is true we want traffic to handle this so we're saying yes do that but below that we've got traffic HTTP routers err sonic rule equals host and this is the URL that we're gonna put our music server on this is music DB tech demo comm and we're saying that we want it to be on the web networker our entry point will be web so now that we've got that what we watch they want to do here is come down here and delete the ports just like so and then we're gonna click on update the stack and we'll open this back up so that we can take a look at the logs one more time and it's going to go through this process okay so now it says started application cool so now if I come back over here and I refresh nothing happened and that's because what we actually have to do is one more step what we're gonna do is well come back over to containers we're going to oops I said I meant stacks we'll come over to stacks and we'll go to air Sonic then we're gonna click on air Sonic down here we're gonna go to duplicate and edit then we're gonna scroll down here to network remember earlier I said this had to be on the web network so we're gonna go ahead and do that I know you could have done that in a stack but I wanted to show a couple of ways to do that so just know that you can put it in stacks you put your network in the stack but if you run into this issue like I have more times than I care to admit it's because I didn't put it on the web network so I'll go ahead and play the container I'll say replace and of course this will take it a second and then once it's done we're gonna open up the logs and watch it one more time just because it's got to go through the whole process of setting up the server and actually making sure the applications running should take about 30 seconds here okay so like I said about 30 seconds so that's good now if I come back over here and I refresh so that's done so now let's take another look at our router here use it it's - now instead it was one earlier monitor DB tech demo com okay let's refresh now chrome may have cached this it didn't awesome okay so now we can type in admin and admin and just like that now we have music DB tech demo comm slash index it's on a secure server here if we look at the certificate we can see that it is actually a CloudFlare ssl there so let's do that one more time let's set up our little Wikipedia here so let's go ahead and close this well go back over to here oh yeah so I've got some code over here that I'm gonna use I'm gonna go ahead and add a stock I'm gonna paste this in here I'm gonna name it and then this is all correct that is all right so what I can do now is I can go ahead and remove this okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go ahead just like I did before I'm going to paste this under image so I got my labels here so about traffic and able to get was true that's good I've got our HT our traffic HTTP routers err sonic rural host wiki DB demo comm and HTTP routers our sonic encryption entry points web so what we have to do here this is very important anytime you set up a new application and you want it to be on the traffic system this where it says air sonic here it needs to be different for everyone so what I like to do is just make it whatever my container name is so it's gonna be traffic got HTTP routers dot wiki or donkey wiki don't rule equals host same thing down here it's my routers document so every time you do one of these you have to change it this part right here to match the container name so that it's different for every one of these otherwise it won't know what to do and you'll actually drop it will actually kill both hosts with the same with the same name in here so beak be aware of that it fooled me for a while till I figured it out so so this should be good to go here so we'll go ahead and we'll go ahead and click on deploy the stack so while that's thinking I tell you what I'll do is I'll just go over here to dashboard right now this says to what I'm gonna do so I'm just gonna pop this open so that these two are side by side this time let this go down here we'll wait for this to deploy okay so I'm gonna so now automatically you can see that updated to three now it still isn't gonna work because I was dumb and I didn't actually add the networks in there so we'll go ahead and put on edit here we'll scroll down to network will change doc you wiki and default to web and we'll click on deploy the container again and we'll click replace and again we'll give this just a second to load here cool so now what I can do is if I come over here and I click on my Explorer on routers you'll see that I've got wiki DB tech demo com so what I'll do is I'll actually just copy this I'll paste it now this is actually because I had already set it up once I would have had to otherwise go to slash install that PHP but but it works some one thing I wanted to point out if you look at that URL bar it actually says that it's not secure and the reason for that is there's something on the code on that wiki page something written like in the HTML or something that is like HTTP colon forward slash forward slash that's hard-coded into that so it's part of the pages secure and part of the page isn't secure so it's showing not secure up there but it is secure as much as it can be based on the code that's written for that application if I were to just to show you this kind of oops in real time here if I go to oh darn it let's go to there yeah we'll go to docq wiki we'll go ahead and edit the stack or edit the container rather I'll go to network and I'll change this back to docq wiki container and I'll redeploy the container and we'll go back to the dashboard here this shouldn't change because I've still got it set up to be true and pointed here but if i refresh this it should give me a 404 page not found yeah see now it's it's just not doing anything because again and we did actually change that Network so I'll go ahead and turn your back real quick duplicate an edit Network docu wiki web deploy go and just stop that well click replace and now I should be able to refresh I will give it a second it probably still needs some time to run or to spin up there so we'll give this a second there it is okay so I just need to let give that time to run so now we have our own domains set up now keep in mind what we want to make sure of on each of these when we're setting these up you can even go back and retroactively these that's what I did on my home server when you're actually going in and editing these oops let's edit the stack that you have to add these labels here each of these in in the the routers has to be unique to the container so remember for air Sonic was our Sonic for dock you will key I replaced both of these with dock you a key and of course you want to make sure the full domain name is correct here I just wanted to jump in here and say that there is one other way that you can do this you don't have to go through stacks and you know edit the stack and go into the editor you don't have to just do it through the stacks editor here you could also go into the container itself it's like welcome to air sonic here we're going to duplicate and edit and then you can come over here to where it says labels and then scroll down and here you can see it says traffic enable for the name true over here then we've got our second line with the entry points which is web and we've got our routers our sonic rule and that's what we put in the host and the URL there so that is another way that you can do that you don't have to go through stacks you can actually come into the container and edit the labels to put those in there as well now the other thing you have to remember is you have to remove the the ports section in here remember earlier it was for this one it was like ports and then oops space and it was like 40 40 and 40 40 we don't want that we have to make sure that that is all removed if we do go back in retro these we're putting them in make sure you remove the ports traffic bowl will figure it all out all on its own okay so one of the things that I want to touch on just real quick is if you've got an IP address from your internet service provider that changes periodically some some places are nice and they give you a dedicated IP let's attach to your modem other places will change your IP address daily or weekly or monthly or however often they feel is necessary if you've got one of those ISPs there's a way that you can make your server talk to CloudFlare directly and update CloudFlare to change your server or your your IP address on your a record so the way you're gonna do that is you're gonna come over here to CloudFlare you're gonna be logged in this is what its gonna look like okay so what you're gonna do is come up here to the top right you're gonna click on the little icon up here you're gonna go to my profile then you'll go to API tokens now we're gonna click on create a new token we're gonna name this server DNS and then we're gonna have actually three permissions here the first one is gonna be Zone in fact they're all gonna be zone oops like so this is going to be a zone settings which we all the way at the bottom and this is going to be a read the next one is going to be soon and this is also gonna be a read and this one is gonna be DNS and this one's going to be edit so once we've got that would include all zones we'll click on continue to summary so now we've got it's just saying hey are you sure this is what you want to do the answer to that for me is yes so couldn't let them create token so now I've got that token so what I'll do is I'll just kind of save that in some notes that I've got down here so then what I want to do is I want to come back over here I'm going to create a new stack I'm gonna add a stack I'm gonna go ahead and just paste this in here and I'll call this CloudFlare ddns like so and and then I'll go ahead and put my API key in since that's what we generated it for just like that so you're gonna edit the API key this zone is gonna be whatever your URL is that's your main URL you're a sub-domain I don't know if you necessarily need this because we're doing C names on everything but I just want ahead and pick monitor just so that we'd have a sub-domain in there and proxied because you're doing everything through proxies the answer that is true and then once that's done you can go down here and click on deploy the stack okay so again the reason we did that is in case your IP address changes you don't have to log into CloudFlare periodically and update it manually your server will do it for you automatically if your P address changes it will just ping CloudFlare and say hey here's new IP it'll put that in there and then you won't have to worry about trying to manage that manually so that's just a little extra thing that I thought about adding after the fact after actor I was like editing this video and I realized hey that's probably a good thing you guys want to know about so that's how to automate your DNS updates of your IP address changes okay guys so here we are we're 31 minutes into this video but we have set up traffic we have set up a domain name and three sub domains that are all secured through an SSL that was provided by CloudFlare and we've got IP address protection or obfuscation through CloudFlare as well so our servers should be pretty secure they're gonna block suspicious traffic we're gonna have that SSL and we don't have to worry about trying to access different things on different ports or manage our own SSL any of that kind of stuff so this really is the easiest way in my opinion to set up traffic with CloudFlare so that you've got a very cost-effective solution and an easy way to access your server remotely so if you made it this far congratulations like seriously I know this was a long video there was a lot in here we covered a lot but he made it this far again Congrats I've been at this all day trying to make to this video for everybody so if you found this video helpful it really would mean a lot if you give it a thumbs up it would really help me out a bunch also if you're interested in this kind of content definitely get subscribed I've got lots other ideas coming up for different server ideas and things to do with your server that sort of thing so if you're interested in this kind of content definitely get subscribed also now that I've eight ten thousand subscribers on the channel I feel like I can kind of officially call myself a youtuber now so I won't actually start promoting a couple of things one is coffee and that is a kind of a tip jar kind of application there's a link for that in the description if you find this video helpful you want to send me a couple of bucks to support and say thanks for the video or the link to coffee down there also I've got a patreon set up where if you donate five dollars a month you get access to a patrons only discord server where we can chat about just whatever you want to chat about so if you find the videos helpful you want to help me out there's a couple of ways in the description down below where you can do that monetarily so with all that being said thanks so much for or for your support up to this point for making it this far in the video so I'm gonna go ahead and wrap it up here as always thanks for your time I always appreciate your support and I'll talk to you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: DB Tech
Views: 28,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Install and Setup Traefik with CloudFlare Using Your Own Domain Name, Setup Traefik with CloudFlare Using Your Own Domain Name, How to Install and Setup Traefik with CloudFlare, Install and Setup Traefik with CloudFlare, Install and Secure Traefik with CloudFlare in Docker, Setup Traefik in Docker, How to install Traefik 2 in Docker, Setup Traefik 2.0 in Docker, Setup Traefik 2.0 in OMV5, Setup Traefik 2.0 in OpenMediaVault 5, DB Tech, DBTech
Id: b83S_N1kkJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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