WordOps WordPress Setup & Migration Tutorial (Using Vultr and Cloudflare)

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hey how's it going alex here from ideaspot in today's video you'll learn how to migrate a wordpress website over to a server running wordops now for this example i'll use a vulture vps and i'm going to use cloudflare for our ssl so if this sounds interesting then keep watching [Music] the reason i really like this combination is using wordpress combined with cadence theme on these vulture vpss is a really cheap and effective way of maxing out your google page speed scores so let's just run this through google page speed insights before we start so we can see how it goes so this is a cadence starter template i'm getting 100 on mobile and 99 on desktop so pretty much perfect scores quite a nice looking page and quite easy to achieve check out my wordpress optimization video i'll put the link in the description but all you really need is a script optimization plugin and an image optimization plugin it's not very difficult at all before we start i'll give a quick overview on how this tutorial is going to work so step one we're going to set up a new word up site we're going to be using a vulture vps to do that once we've done that we are going to install the ssl certificate so i'm going to manually take cloudflare ssl certificates upload them onto our wordops site and set up an ssl config file for our site so we're going to do that through wordops and then what we're going to do is we're going to go over to the site that we're migrating our existing website and we're going to install a migration plugin we're going to make a copy of our website in this case i'm going to use wp vivid to do this but you can use whatever you like all in one migration or duplicator it doesn't really matter then once we've got a copy of our website we change the host file on our computer and point it over to our word ops ip address so this lets us upload our migration file onto the word up server all while the existing website is still live so we can do a seamless migration so when we do that then we can get into our word ops wordpress install and we can install our migration plugin we can restore the site onto the new server and then it's just a case of pointing the dns over to the word ops ip address and reverting the host file on our computer back to normal and then we'll get a nice seamless transist transition from one server to the new server so it's definitely a process that's definitely worth learning it is a little bit more technical we are going to be using some linux commands all the commands i use are over on my blog on ideas.com a u i'll put a link in the description so you can copy and paste commands as we go this is definitely more technical than our previous tutorials particularly the plesk tutorial if you want an easy way to set up wordpress on vulture or digitalocean or whatever go ahead and follow that tutorial i'll link those in the description as well the main disadvantage with pulesk is you get a three domain limit on the free plus so if you don't mind that limit go ahead and use plesk if you want to get past that limit you might want to learn how to use word ops so totally up to you but let's get started as i mentioned earlier we are going to be using vulture to do this tutorial if you'd like to follow along and try it for yourself there's a free trial link in the description so that'll take you over here and as you sign up you'll notice you get a hundred dollars free credit that's good for 30 days during your sign up process and if you click that zero dollar deposit you won't need to pay anything upfront and you'll get a 30-day trial for free over at vulture so let's just go ahead sign into our account and get this show on the road first thing we'll do is head to this blue button and we're going to deploy a new server okay so we're going to go with a high frequency compute and we're going to locate in north america for today but just pick something closest to your audience and for our operating system we're going to go with ubuntu and we're going to go with 2004. that is the most recent one supported by word ops and then we can go with the 6.1 cpu one gigabyte you can use it as large as you like but this one will work fine and besides that um will give us our host name i'm just going to call it word ops tutorial you can optionally add an ssh key but i'm just going to use the root password for today if you're interested in ssh keys i'll link in the description to how to set up ssh keys but then i'm going to go ahead and click deploy so then you'll get a success message sort of added successfully let's go into our server here so you'll just get a little message here about your server will take a few minutes to install and set up so just give it five minutes and then we can go ahead and log in to our server now to log into our server we're just going to need the ip address which is there and the password you can copy those with the copy tool there and i'm using windows so i'm going to use software called putty you can get that for free from putty.org if you're using mac you can just use the terminal i'll link in the description for how to do that but let's go ahead and copy our ip address and then in party i'm going to paste that ip address in there and then i'm going to save this as vulture word ops and click save here so we can basically come back anytime and highlight the one we've saved and click load and then you can open that then we'll just click yes here and we can log in as a route now we need our root password so you'll find your root password is in here in vulture so i want to copy that one and in putty we can just right click the mouse here to paste the password in and hit enter and here we are we're logged in as root on our vulture server first thing you do when you log into a new server is just update the update list so that's apt update and just let this run for a minute so this is just gathering a list of updates that we can potentially upgrade our server with so it's found 45 packages that can be upgraded so we can go ahead and upgrade our server so here we just type in apt upgrade and press enter and we press yes here and just let this go ahead and upgrade we'll get a little progress bar here so just be patient as all this installs all right now our server is all updated we can go ahead and install word ops so that is our next command here and we're just going to copy that out paste it in and go ahead and install word ops now this part does take a while so just sit tight while this installs so after a few minutes we'll get prompted for a username so i'm just going to go with ideaspot and pop in an email address there and then this will finish up so now there's a few more instructions on here so we can enable bash auto completion with um l so i'll pop that in there that is just a little tweak to enable us to enter commands more quickly from my command prompt so not that important but it's just a nice little tweak the next thing we can do is the word ops stack install so i'm just going to copy that and go ahead and run that one so here we'll see it's installing our stack for wordpress so we're going to have my sequel nginx php all that good stuff that allows us to run a wordpress server now that'll just take a few minutes and you'll notice that at the end you'll get a word ops username and password you can use that to access the back end of word ops through your ip address on port 222 i'm just going to go ahead and copy that info into my notepad and save that for later so i'll just pop that in here and keep it safe for later so now we are ready to make our new wordpress site so the command i'm going to use to set up our site is this one here wo site create ideademo.site so this is the domain of the site we're going to be using for our demonstration but your domain will go here obviously and we're going to be installing wordpress with fast cgi caching for nginx and we're going to be using php 7.4 so that's what our command is going to be i'll also mention that word ops does support a few different caching options if you look at the word ops faq you can do nginx fast cgi caching with what we're doing today wpfc but you can also choose readers wp readers wp supercache which is the free plugin wp supercache so that's wpsc you can use rocket with wp rocket and wp cache enabler so any of those will work today this is a very simple option so i'm going to go with this one for the demonstration but feel free to use whatever your preference is one key difference from the last tutorial is last time we put let's encrypt on at this stage this time i'm going to use a cloudflare certificate i'm going to install cloudflare's ssl certificate manually a little bit later so i'm not going to do let's encrypt in this tutorial but if you're interested in using let's encrypt go and watch my previous tutorial where i set up only node but today we'll use this method so i'm going to go ahead copy this command out and go ahead and install my wordpress website so this will start installing this does take a minute so just wait for this to install so this is moving along okay i think we're almost done all right so that just took a couple of minutes and we're all done we've got our wordpress credentials here so i'm going to go ahead and copy these over and save them in notepad for later so there we go we've got our username as ideasbot and the password is here so that's what we can log in with a bit later on okay for our next step what i want to do is install our cloudflare certificate onto our server so for this i'm going to want to edit some of the files on the server so i'm going to be using software called filezilla you can get that from filezilla project.org and they have versions for windows mac linux whatever you like so you can go here download it for free i'm going to go ahead and connect to the server so filezilla looks like this we're going to go ahead and put in our ip address username and password and port 22. so i'm going to go ahead and do that again we just copy those out from our vulture settings all right so i've just plugged those in there ip address root root password port 22 and we'll quick connect so there we go we have connected to our server what i might actually do here is you want to go to your file and just copy the current connection to the site manager so it's saved for later i'll call this word ops vulture and then just hit okay so now i'm going to set up a couple new files for our certificate and key so let's go back to our root directory here just click on the slash and i'm going to scroll to etc here and here i'm going to create a new directory in etc i'm going to call that one cloudflare so create directory and enter it here with the right-click menu i'm going to call it cloudflare with a slash there and click ok and it's going to create our new folder i'm going to create some new files in here so a new file i'm going to call this idea demo dash site.cert.pem so you can rename that depending on what your site is called so just the domain name and the extension there and i'm going to click ok i'm going to do the same thing again a new file this time i'm going to call it idea demo site key so that's that i'll set some permissions on these so the certificate itself i'll set uh file permissions so i want this to be 644 basically hang on let me delete that so everyone can read it but only the owner the owner can write it so that's 644 um and click ok and then with the key we'll set the permissions here that one's going to be 600 so only the owner can read and write it no one else can read write or execute so that's 600. so these files are obviously empty we're going to head over to cloudflare and grab our certificate and key and put those in in just a minute so here i am in my cloudflare dashboard we are under ssl and tls we've selected the site that we're working on and we are under origin server here in our ssl section so we can go ahead and create a new certificate to put on our word ops server so we can just leave the default here we've got a 15-year certificate we click next and this will generate our certificate and key so here we've got our certificate let's go ahead and copy this out there we go all right now back in filezilla let's go to our certificate file that we made let's right click that one and view and edit the first time we do this we'll get uh no programmers associated with these pem files so we're going to select the default editor for text and always use the selection for unassociated files and say okay it's going to download our file and now we can edit the file so i'm just going to paste in that certificate from cloudflare there go ahead click press save and close out of that and uh let's go and click yes there and with any luck that should upload cool and back to cloudflare let's grab our private key go ahead and we'll copy this one again let's head back to filezilla and i'm going to edit this key file here so i'll just paste that in there again and save close it out and we can re-upload that edited file so there we go i might click refresh here and there we go we can see we've got our certificate and our key is in there there's one thing we'll add as well is our cloudflare origin certificate so we can head over to the cloudflare article i'll link to this in the description but we're going to go ahead and grab the basically the origin certificate so we can grab this one it's called cloudflare origin rsa.pam we can just click that and download onto our hard drive so back in filezilla i've just saved that cloudflare origin certificate there in my c drive tutorials folder but you can save it wherever you like and we're just going to upload that back into our word ops cloudflare folder so all i did there was just drag and drop into the cloudflare folder so we've got our certificate our key and our origin certificate so that's all good to go it's worth noting the default permission on that looks correct already i'll just check there but it's 644 which is correct now our next step is to make a ssl config file so we're going to go back to the root folder here and we're going to go into var here and then we're going to go into www there we go and we should find our website here ideademo.site that's our website we're working on and there's going to be one called conf and then there's a folder called nginx and here we need to make a ssl.conf so i've already got one in there if you don't have an ssl.conf in there already just go ahead right click create the new file and set up that ssl.conf and set those permissions to 644 then we're going to go ahead and edit that file so here's our nd ssl conf and the file is going to look like this don't worry i'll share this content on my blog but all you really need to do is just edit these certificate and key files to match the names of the files that you created earlier from your cloudflare certificate and key so all this is basically doing is pointing the certificate key and origin certificate over to those files that we just created in our cloudflare folder so that looks all good i'm going to go ahead and save that one and then close it out and i'll get a prompt to overwrite this file so again we can just refresh this and just double check i'm just going to click view here and discard the local file and down and edit a new file so there we go it looks all good so i think we're pretty good to go here so now that we've got our certificates and our config all set up what we can do is go back to putty and we can do a word ops stack reset so that's w o stack restart and we can check that this certificate is running properly so the one we want to look for here is testing nginx config and that is okay so i think our certificate and ssl config is running okay now now messing around in filezilla and doing all that was a few extra steps compared to my previous tutorial but the benefit of doing it like this is we've got our ssl all set up already before we even point the dns over so we can work in the background while our old website remains live and so when it does come time to point our dns over to the new server everything will be working fine so we'll have our nice seamless transition of our ssl and we'll also migrate our website so it all cleanly changes when we change our dns so that'll be our next step let's work on copying this website over to our word op server so we're logged in on our existing website here let's head over to our dashboard and then plugins and add new all right and if we search for the word migration here you'll find the most popular migration plugins now we've used all-in-one migration before on the channel and duplicated before this one is probably the most reliable but the free version has a 500 megabyte limit so if you've got a small website this one works really well this one is a little more complicated but no limits this one is also unlimited and it's fairly simple i think we'll go with this one for today wp vivid so i'm going to go ahead and install this one but there's obviously lots of ways to do this so just if you've used one before and you like it go ahead and use what you like i'm just going to try out wp vivid for today all right now we're going to go ahead and activate so we can basically use the default settings here and start to back up the other way of doing it is if you've got a really big website that's sitting on a slow host you might just do the database using wp vivid and then manually transfer your files over if you run into any troubles that is usually you can just do your database and files all in one go and press back up and let that do its thing so we will see our progress here ticking away now if you're on a really slow shared host with a big website this might actually time out or become unresponsive so that's why you might do just the database by itself and then manually move the files if you run into that trouble but i think in this case it's a fairly small website and we should run okay here but later in the video i will talk about how to move files from one site to another manually if you run into that issue so stay tuned for that but let's go ahead and finish this one off so after a few minutes that should complete and we can go ahead and we can see our backup is down here we can go ahead and download that onto our computer now so there we go we can see that ticking away in the bottom left of screen there okay now that the copy of our website has downloaded what we want to do now is move our backup over to our wordops server and restore it and get this website over onto our new server so i'm going to leave our original site completely live while i do this what i'm going to do is point my computer over to our word ops ip address so i can work on the word up site while the original site is completely live so to do that in windows we go to our start menu and right click and i'm going to search for notepad and i'm going to run notepad as administrator there we go you'll get prompted for your windows credentials so just enter them and now we are in a notepad running as administrator so now all we have to do is open our host file so you'll need to navigate to c drive windows system32 drivers etc change this to all files and you'll find your host file if you're using a mac or something i'll link in the description to how to edit the host file on a mac but similar process you just need to get that host file open and then we put in our word ops ip address and i'm going to point that to my website that i'm working on so that's idea demo.site so what this does is effectively allows us to work on ideaddemo.site in our browser and our browser will point to this ip address rather than the live ip address which is seen by the rest of the internet this allows us to work on our website in the background while our live website is still there for the public to still view while we're doing the migration so this is a great seamless way of performing the migration all right so we obviously save this one in case you've forgotten the ip address comes from the vulture server that we set up that is the number that we put in for our ip okay so now let's start uploading our website to our word op server so let's go ahead and open a new incognito window and let's go to our website id demo.site and now we're going to get a security message because our domain is pointing to a different ip than it should be because we manually did that in our host file so let's just go to advanced and proceed here here we can see we've got our new wordpress site from our wordops install so we can go ahead and log in here so i'm going to go to wp admin here there we go now our login is going to be the login details that word ups gave us and we saved those in our notepad earlier so i'm just going to grab those ideas and the password there so we pop those credentials in there and log in there we go cool so this is our wordops wordpress install on vulture so let's head over to settings let's do a few changes before we bring in our website we're going to be using https when we finalize this so i'm going to change that now and go ahead and save that in we'll get asked to log back in again same deal we just changed our website name so we'd have to go ahead and log in again so that looks all good the other thing permalinks i might just change those now these are already on post name i'd like to check that but if it's not on post name just change it to post name and click save now let's go to our plugins let's go to add new we're going to add vivid on here as well so again we search for migration here's wp vivid we're going to install and activate that one there we go all right let's go here and click upload and we're going to drop in our backup that we did earlier so from my downloads folder that is the vivid backup that we made earlier i'm just going to drop that in here and then click upload you will see your little progress indicator there so just be patient while this uploads there we go we got success the upload has completed okay from here we're just going to click restore there'll be a little bit of information about the restore process so basically we're overwriting this website with our backup so let's go ahead and click restore here and i sure okay you'll see our progress progressing along down here then we've got our success message and now we get to log back in now this is not our word ops username and password this is the username and password from our backed up website so our original website username and password so just make sure you get that right go ahead and log in so this looks all good let's go ahead and have a look see if we got what we wanted here we are we've got our original website moved over to wordops so this looks all good there's a little bit of housekeeping we should do before we finish this off so let's go back to our dashboard and let's look at our plugins install plugins we'll see that word ops came with some plugins bundled up so akismet i'm not going to use that i'm going to delete kismet and hello dolly we obviously delete hello dolly we've got nginx helper there the old website didn't use nginx caching but our new website is using it so if we are using it now let's go activate that one so as we talked about earlier it depends on what kind of caching you selected when you installed the word up site so i used nginx fast cgi caching so i'm going to use this one here let's go to settings and we want to enable purge and we can leave the settings here as default and click save all changes and let's just go ahead and purge the entire cache now while we're here other thing that's worth doing after doing a migration is just resave your permalinks in this case the demo site came with the day and name permalink settings so you could just resave it here i always like to use post name so i might actually change mine to post name here and just resave it so that basically completes our migration over to word ops we are ready to point the dns over to the new ip so let's go ahead and do that so over in cloudflare we are under the website we're working on here under the dns settings and we're just going to change the a record for ideademo.site we're going to point that to our vulture ip address here save that in and we can just go back to the overview and just do a cache purge here purge everything there we go and now the fun part we go back to our hosts file in administrator mode in notepad like we did earlier and we are just going to comment out our modified host file so you can actually just delete the whole line if you want or you can just add a hash mark that will remove the line from our hosts file if we want to use it later we can just take the hash mark out and reactivate that one but go ahead and comment that out go ahead and say save there we go one other thing worth checking here is under ssl under edge certificates just make sure you always use https is turned on so everything gets redirected to https i think that should be on by default but just double check and now when we go over to ideademo.site we should have our completed secured migration done if you find you're still looking at the old website just go into your browser settings you might need to do a clear your cache in the browser as well so in chrome i just search for clear clear browsing data you can just go ahead and clear your cache like that as well so just do that if you need to great now that everything has migrated and we've confirmed everything is working there's still a few more tweaks we can do we can install the firewall for our server with this command here wo stack install ufw firewall so let's go ahead and copy that in and go ahead and install that one so that automatically sets up our ufw firewall if we want to check the status on that we can type ufw status so ufw status will tell us what ports are allowed and which ones are limited so this is all automatically configured to suit wordpress next up you can run package updates with um wo maintenance this is an automated maintenance script so you can just paste that in wo maintenance and go ahead and run that so that just took a few seconds now this is just upgrades and optimizations all the actual security updates are done automatically so you don't actually have to run this wo maintenance very often maybe once a month will be fine for just keeping things upgraded now upgrading word opposite self you just run w update again about once a month should be fine it'll just upgrade word ops with its new features at the moment i've got the latest version of word ops as we can see so every once in a while you run these two maintenance and updates finally at some point in the future php 8 will be out and supported so we'll need to update to php8 it'll probably be something along the lines of wo site update and then your domain name and update that to php probably 80. they don't have this command yet but sometime in the future when we when it's time to upgrade php versions you want to upgrade your php version but no need to worry about that for at least another year or so again i will have all the commands over on my blog so check that link in the description so that's how you run a wp vivid migration using the database and files like i talked about earlier you can just do the database by itself in one step and then you could just go into your hosting file manager like we've got here and then all you need to do is grab the wp content and just download that in this case we would need to just compress it up into a zip file you can choose zip uh whatever here it depends on what the file manager looks like this is a pretty normal looking one go ahead and compress that up if you've got a lot of content this can take a pretty long time so just be patient while this zips up and that's all done we can download our content there just go ahead and download it there we go now once you've downloaded it you just go back into filezilla navigate to your wp content folder here in my case i'm under demo var site htdocs wp content and then just overwrite all your wp content with that zip file content that we downloaded so uncompress it on your computer and then overwrite all this content so after you've uploaded it like i've already done here you'll notice that the owner is set to root which is why which is what we logged in as we do have to change the permissions here to match the rest of the site you'll notice that wordop sets up the owner and group as www data here so we can go into our putty and change that owner and group by ssh so back in putty we just changed the folder to our varw idea demo.htdocs and then then we changed the owner by uh change owner recursively dash ah so we're changing it to www data and the group is ww-data and we're changing wp content folder so hit enter there so that only takes a second and then back in filezilla if we refresh our folder here we'll notice that uh all of our owner and content is set to ww data again so uh everything should be all good all right congratulations if you've made it this far hopefully you've learned a lot about wordpress and performing wordpress migrations if you found this a bit too hard don't worry there's easier tutorials i've done in the past so i'll put those here how to do a plesk migration and how to set up wordpress using plesk as well so these are much easier if you want to check those ones out but otherwise let me know what you think in the comments thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: IdeaSpot
Views: 4,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordops install, vultr vps, cloudflare dns
Id: VOA_H08Bkws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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