How To Setup WordPress SMTP For Sending Emails - Must Watch For All Website Owners

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every wordpress website sends emails to people so if someone registers an email goes out someone leaves a comment an email goes out if you have a contact form and someone fills that out an email goes out and some websites are more complex they have an e-commerce system or learning management system or maybe an event website or a booking website and those happen to generate really mission critical emails that will go out from your website now regardless of how much email your website sends out it is super crucial mission critical that your website reliably sends out emails that end up in someone's inbox and not in their spam box and sadly for most web hosts and wordpress wordpress on its own needs a little help to get those emails that go out to actually make it in people's inbox now there's four main features in the free plug-in i'm going to show you how to install and configure on your website today that make this one plug-in so crucial to every single website that sends an email and we just went over every website pretty much sends outbound email now while this plug-in is absolutely free to get similar features you're looking at forty nine dollars per website per year but because of this video and this plug-in you get to skip all of that and have everything for free and that forty nine dollars per year still doesn't have everything that this free plug-in has so it is literally christmas coming early for website owners so let's go ahead and quickly talk over those four features and then i'm going to show you how to get this set up on your website so the first one is among smtp connections you can have native api connections with email service providers this is going to make your web server love you because sending email can really tax your web server which potentially can slow down your website in all the websites that are on your server so to have the ability to use the native api connection is a huge difference there's also email logging so all these emails that go out you're going to be able to see a log of the emails that go out and if one of them happened to fail there's a nice little button you can click on to resend that email right out now for those of us that do more complex things on our website you can actually use multiple email sending services simultaneously on your website so if you want one email service to be used for your e-commerce emails and one for your contact form that's super easy to accomplish using this and the big one this is the moab this is hugh mungus sadly though it's not yet here it but it will be here within a matter of weeks and it was a unique request that i made which is email service fail over what that means is if you're using an email service to send emails out and some for some reason they pause your account or they cut you off you have no way of knowing that your emails aren't going out so they're also going to be adding fail over a failover feature so if it doesn't work with one it will fail over and go out through an alternative email sending service i'll tell you a little story on why that is important at the end of the video let's go ahead and get started thumbs up this video if you're excited to learn how to do this and all the features that this plug-in has let's hop into it okay so let's go ahead and get started this is so simple i'm gonna first install the plugin i'll go to plugins and then i'll click on add new now over here on the top right i'm gonna search for fluent smtp and here it is now this is a new plugin but don't worry the developers of this are not new themselves they make a very popular contact form plug-in and a crm plug-in for wordpress and they made this for their existing customers so they're not going anywhere and that's how they can afford to make this gift completely for free where other companies that have something similar charge for it so let's go ahead and click on install now now i'm going to click on activate and that takes me back here to the list of plugins i have and right here i can click on configure fluent smtp so at launch these are the services that are supported through native api connections amazon ses mail gun send grid send in blue spark post i'll tell you a story about spark plus a peppy post never heard of them and native php so it's really these ones here in the middle but first let's do what most people are going to need is just configuring a normal typical smtp connection so i'm going to go ahead and choose that and now here is where i'm going to fill it out first i'll enter in the from name so when someone receives it this will be the from name and the from email okay so i've gone ahead and entered that in i've got my name and i have an email i just need to go create the email address but it's it's tied to the domain name here on this website so now we need some information that we can only get from our smtp service provider so here i am on siteground which is where this website's hosted so i'm going to create a brand new email address to use here and we're going to use its smtp connection it's super easy to do and if you've ever configured an email address on an email program it's so easy so i'm going to go ahead and click on websites right here and then i'm going to click right here it says let's create a new website i'm going to click on site tools next i'm going to click where it says email and then click right here where it says accounts now your hosting will probably be different but it's not probably that hard to figure out how to create an email address so now you can see i can create my email here but you see off to the right it says email configuration this is the information that i'm going to need to copy and paste into that plug-in so i'll go ahead and put an account name and a password with that entered i'll click on create all right i've gone ahead and created a brand new email address and it's the same one that i entered already i just need to copy and paste this outgoing server information so first i'm going to copy in the server address now this with siteground is a little different it's just the website address however with most hosting services it would be mail dot and then your domain name so i've got that in my clipboard and i can go ahead and paste it right here under smtp host the port number i believe was 465. i'll go verify it i believe it was ssl so let's go back and see and yep right here it says 465 is the port so now all i need to do is enter in turn i need to toggle this on to enter in my authentication and then i'll go ahead and enter the username i just created on siteground and the password i used all right with that all entered in i'm going to click on save connection settings and then it's actually going to test it and so i get this message here and i love that it verifies everything first it's basically saying i goofed and you know what i did i goofed i got these mixed up it says from email and from name i got them backwards which is all right so i'm gonna just go here and fix that really quick and enter this in all right with that all set correctly let's give it a shot now i'm going to go ahead it's going to test it and it looks like it went through just fine so if you made it to this screen everything is configured and it's going to work fine but we always want to test so i'm going to click right here and click on email test and then right here we just need to fill in a from and a2 and so i'll do that now and there's also this option of the formatted the email it doesn't really matter so i'm going to go ahead and click on send test and i see here on the top right it says email delivered successfully i can click here where it says email logs and this is going to be a log of all the emails that your website is sending out and i can see it listed right here sent and it is successful and i can even resend it or i can click on this little icon right here and i'll be able to see exactly what ended up being sent now so far you have seen how to configure this and you've also seen how to interact with the email log now for settings it's actually very simple we have a list of our email connections i'll show you how to make a second connection right now but over here to the right you can control the logging if you want it on or off i can uncheck this and it won't log it and here's a really nice option you can set it to delete the entries after 14 days i think this is great so that your your performance doesn't get impacted in the slightest so now let me show you how to configure a second connection with this and it's also going to be sort of how the email failover feature works which will be coming out unfortunately it's not ready yet for this video which is fine but it'll come out soon enough so if you want to add a second email connection here's the option add another connection and then you would choose the connection for example amazon ses now if you're not familiar with amazon ses i've used this extensively it's a little more involved setting up but it's not the end of the world but it's extremely extremely cheap i can't actually remember the pricing off the top of my head right now i think it's like is it 10 cents per 10 000 emails or yeah i think it's 10 cents per 10 000 or 10 cents per 1000 i'm glad i searched it and you can see it's really really cheap i had it wrong it's 10 cents to send 1 000 emails that is insanely inexpensive now it is a little bit technical to set up it's not that hard basically you create your account and then you have to request an increase on how many emails that you can send per day because they're trying to prevent spammers from damaging the service and then you just have to generate an api key so when we're looking at the settings right here we need that api key to put here and the secret right here you just copy and paste those in and you're going to be set but here's the thing this is very important and you might get confused if you go and try to add in a second email service and see where it says from name from email and you put the same email you used in the prior one this will actually replace that one so the way the email outbound email routing works is based upon the sending email so if you have a contact form and you want it to be from adam at let's create a new website dot com but then we want to use a different service for woocommerce we need to just use it a different from email so that could be receipts at let's create a new or something like that it just has to be different and then this would be saved as a separate outbound email connection and that's how you're going to be able to use two different services for different parts of your website that have to send outbound emails and that's quite simply all that there is to using this plugin now your emails are going to go out reliably now let me tell you that quick story of why an email failover service or feature that's going to be added to this is crucial especially for agency owners anyone that has an uh website that sends outbound emails and as far as i know i haven't found any other tool that has a failover feature like this let me tell you what happened last november on one of my websites a bot was attacking my website with spam registrations in fact they sent four thousand registrations in about a two hour time period and these emails were bouncing so the the service i was using to send the outbound emails put a block on my server's ip address so no more emails could be sent the only thing is they don't have a mechanism to notify me so i had no way of knowing that i had no way to know that all outbound emails legitimate ones such as contact form ones they were just not going out and that lasted four days until someone mentioned it to me and so if i had had an email failover feature then i wouldn't have had a problem there would have been no disruption the second time this happened is using spark post i used to use spark post and someone went on my contact form they have these bots that will fill out your contact form with garbage and they used a bunch of bitly links well spark post if they see a bentley link go through and their their email service they immediately freeze your account and you have to go through all kinds of steps to get it unfrozen and by the way they don't let you know that they freeze your account so it happened then as well email failover i think is going to be the key feature of this plug-in it already has a lot of amazing features that you would normally pay 49 per website per year and it has them for free but that's going to be the killer feature when it comes out and that's why i'm switching all of my websites where i use an alternative plug-in to fluent smtp because i desperately need that email failover and i love the logging at least if it had the logging on my website i could have maybe if i would have logged in and looked i would have noticed that there was a problem but unfortunately it is what it is so i'm happy with this i think it's a fantastic plug-in hey if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up and share it out with your friends subscribe to the channel thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 42,512
Rating: 4.9312196 out of 5
Keywords: wordpress not sending emails, fix wordpress emails, wordpress emails not working, correctly send wordpress emails, wordpress emails in spam, wordpress emails not sending, wordpress emails not being recieved, wordpress send emails, wp mail smtp, wordpress smtp email setup, wordpress smtp settings, wordpress smtp email, wordpress mail problem, wordpress smtp setup, wp mail smtp gmail, control wordpress emails, wordpress emails going to junk, wordpress emails not received
Id: Je0OPk1NnjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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