Woolly Witchcraft Ep.6 || A fail? Or a really committed swatch? || Knitting Podcast

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to another episode of the wooly witchcraft podcast my name is brogan and i'm coming to you from the city of glasgow in scotland um yeah great big hi welcome if you're new um welcome back if you have been sticking around for a while i really really appreciate it um i still get overwhelmed with it but it's so lovely to see all your comments and stuff and i've obviously not been able to reply to them all the past two episodes have been giveaway episodes and i thought that if i start replying to them when i try and do the comment picker it's gonna end up making it a bit of a nuisance if it's just me i am the winner no um so please know that i have been reading through them and i'm trying to like everyone um so that you know that i've seen it and yeah i really really appreciate it brings a great big smile to my face whenever i see it um so yeah a little update glasgow has had sun i think the most of scotland has had sun over the past week which is very unusual if you follow along on my instagram you would have seen that i got burnt to a crisp last sunday and i went to visit my parents and i did a lot of knitting outside and i got very very burnt very burnt and it was awful but it is going now we're getting there we're getting there it's starting to fade a little bit but yeah that was tight um so yeah it's been sunny here we're getting a wee bit overcast today but if i'm completely honest i welcome it a little bit i don't do great great with heat um but yeah moving right along because i know that none of you are really interested in the weather um finished objects i guess so the last episode i had mentioned that i was thinking about maybe doing a vernunculus knit along and after talking about it i got way too excited and i kicked up the yarn that i had shown you and i cast it on that night and i've pretty much been working on that like solidly for the past week in a bit um yeah i know i know because i've not got enough other things to work on at the minute um good ish news is that i finished it i don't like it but i'm not seeing it as a complete fail i've learned a lot from it and it's definitely not put me off at all i love the pattern it's really really addictive and by the time you get through the yolk part you've only got a small amount of the stockinette and rubbing part at the bottom before you know it you're finished so it is really really addictive and it's great really well written lots of pattern support there's lots of um links to videos and things for different techniques the crochet cast on i was totally new to me a lot of things in that pattern i think actually were new to me but again i just went through all the videos and you know it was great i managed to do it no bother at all the reason i'm saying i think mainz was a bit of a fail was user error so everyone i'm sure that watches knitting podcasts are very familiar with the ranunculus at is supposed to be knit on quite a large needle um it's to be six millimeter needles and it's like kind of fingering weight is to be quite drapey and things and i don't know i don't know why i got it into my head i cast on with the six millimeter and i just it's like i was getting overwhelmed with how gapy it was and i was like this just doesn't look right so i downsized to have four and a half and it looks really nice on the stockinette portion the bottom half of the body all the lace work part is just it's the yarn that's the color i wouldn't even say it's the needle size that was the issue because i i still like the fabric i got with the four and a half millimeter needles it's just the color and i'm looking down here because i've got it all washed and i'm blocking it just now it's on the blocking mat and we'll see how i feel about it but i'll i'll put a picture up so that you can see what i'm talking about i just feel like it's too busy and i've seen some beautiful ones that have been made and it is still variegated yarn but it's off the same can uh it's all variegated like pinks different shades of pinks or like blues or whatever and it it's not as busy on the eyes if that makes sense whereas the yarn i've chosen as you'll have seen from the picture it's just a wee bit too busy i think um it's still something that i'll probably wear kicking about the house you know i'm not gonna let it go to waste but i don't know i was just a bit disappointed because i was loving the pattern so much and i was loving that in it so much and then to have the finished object and be like i don't really don't really like this um but i didn't even knit the recommended length because i got to the point where i was like i'm just not enjoying this let's just finish it here and call it a giant swatch so now i know um what i want from my fabric for next time and yeah i'll talk a little bit more about some ranunculus stuff in a minute for my second finished object i will include a picture because i've already gifted it i made a pair of ankle socks for a student of mine and she was my very first student and as a thank you and yeah just to celebrate her being my first student i don't know um i made her a pair of ankle socks and i used the hedgerow yarns and i think it was called a little christmas tree it was a sock set that came with like a contrasting mini and i used it just for a little bit of the the cuff and they're so they were so soft they were so tiny should size three feet tiny tiny feet so i had been making them two at a time on two 24 inch i think it would have been um circular needles and yeah it was great but i get caught up with a ranunculus and then all of a sudden i was like i'm running out of time i didn't get these finished fast so i switched them from the two circular needles put them one at a time onto the nine inch 2.5 mil circulars and i just zipped right through them and got them finished and blocked them and gifted them and she loved it and it was great it felt really really nice um [Music] i'm still knitting on the other partners for the socks that i've made so i mentioned before i have one bowl of yarn i'll make one like the first of the pair from that color and then i'll get another color and i'll make the first from the pair from that ball and then i'll go back and yeah so it works in my head let's just all pretend that it makes sense um and yeah so i'll not bother um showing you how i'm getting on with those because i've seen them before so as soon as they're finished don't worry i'll show them um so that yeah i've got evidence that they do get finished socks second sock syndrome isn't isn't a thing um for me uh so yeah that is my two finished objects was my kind of a fail kinda not ranunculus and the pair of ankle socks for my student moving on to works in progress i have don't shout at me but i wanted something that was a bit mindless because i was sitting in the car for a while and i just yeah i just decided that you know what i need it's been so sunny recently it's been so warm it's been like 21 degrees i think it was 24 degrees celsius at one point which is super hot for scotland um i need a wool hat so i decided to cast on a 100 will dk weight new gateway hi i had this one lonely ball sitting on my shelf and it is from faith mead yarns and that was the company i'd mentioned before i don't even want to say company company i don't feel like that's right it's a farm i believe it's in wales i might be wrong but i'll link it down below and all the sheep are named and i've lost the ball band for this um because i did i wound up a good while ago and it's just been sitting there waiting i've lost the ball band for it but all the sheep are named and on the ball bands you get name of the sheep it came from and things like that and they've got a facebook and instagram page i believe and you can follow along and see how the sheep are doing and you can see how your purchase how your support is helping the sheep like at one point i think i mentioned before um that one of the sheep had taken on well and yeah they were showing you like how the sheep was getting better and things and yeah it's just good to know that your purchases and you're like you know they're supporting a family or they're supporting a real person rather than it just being like a big company and i know that that can get into a very deep conversation and we're not here for that right now um but yeah definitely check them out if you can um really really good good hearted peoples doing good things so yeah i've been doing it's just a one by one rib nothing oh i've got more hair in my face um one by one rib and it's in this lovely burgundy kind of color and i'm really enjoying it it's just dead mindless don't need to think about anything i think had i mentioned it in a hat before in a video before i've never knit a hat i cast on this is a bit embarrassing so here we go um i cast on a hat months and months ago and i got so much of it done and it was when i was knitting on the antler sweater and i was doing the short row shaping at the back and i did the knit and then wrap and turn and i went to purl and then when i went to wrap and turn the knit again i'm like why is it so difficult for me to knit these purl stitches and then i realized that i'd been purling wrong the whole time and this was after i've met like three jumpers so i don't have it with me the forest land jumper that i made i'll show you next time i'm gonna call myself out i'm just gonna do it but the back of it where i do the short row shaping you can see all my twisted stitches because i couldn't pearl right i don't know why i just ah so yeah basically what has happened is i my grand tried to teach me how to knit years and years ago and i could still remember the next stitch and i thought i could remember the pearl stitch so i didn't bother looking it up your girl got it wrong so there's a good yeah there's a lot of projects that i've made where i've purled incorrectly but you know what we can do it right now so it's fine we'll just never mention it again but yeah so i tore that hat and that's why i've started again so yeah i've just i've never made a hat and i just thought let's just do it i have one lonely ball of wool here and it'll make a perfect heart and i don't actually i don't even own any woolen hats for myself anyway and as you can see today there's days where i could use a hat to hide hate the sins so yeah that's what we're doing and we're not going to talk about the purlin thing ever again so other than that moving on to another work in progress i've taken some notes because my mind is like yogurt inside it's just all mush and it's just it's not going it's not great um yeah i've been working on all the socks that i've told you about before working on that hat and in terms of the ranunculus thing i decided not to give up straightaway i loved the pattern so much and i thought you know what no i'm casting on another one right away and i went for this how beautiful is that color i absolutely adore it i don't know if you'll be able to see it it's like i don't even know how you describe it it's like a sage kind of it's kind of the same as my wall i'm seeing her i'm seeing a theme oh wow that is quite close so yeah um i've decided to make this with mohair which is the first my first experience of knitting with it um very very soft very very soft i'm really liking it at first and the like the ball or donut um i thought it was quite scratchy but when i'm knitting it up and i'm pairing it with this um they're both brown this is the kids silk haze as it called and this is i think it's called summerlike cotton and they're both quite soft and sea together it's just creating this absolutely beautiful fabric and i'm so excited and i'm behaving myself i'm doing it on the the six millimeter needles um and i'm gonna see how it got on with that so i cast that on just this morning and yeah i'm really really enjoying it so hopefully next time i record i can show you a little bit more of that and it'll be more of a success story than my first one but hey ho um [Music] just before i show you some other things that i'm working on at the minute i thought i would talk about the knit along for a little second and so i've cast on that and i'm loving it and i just wanted to say if you have decided to join and i know i had mentioned briefly before in the last episode um but on instagram i have a hashtag that i'll put up here it's ww for willie witchcraft ranunculuscal and it means that i can find it and i can like it and whatever i thought it'd be quite nice to just as long as everyone's comfortable with it share some like pictures of the ones that i've been tagged in before and see how people are getting on so we can all kind of see what each other are doing and how the one pattern can be interpreted to do how the one pattern can come out in so many different ways there we go we'll be fine so yeah i'm doing one now and cotton and mohair i've got so many people that have sent me some are tagged on instagram and they're just looking so lovely and i just can't wait to see all the different ones that come up in the future as well so if you wanted to and please feel free to use the hashtag or tag me directly if you forget what the hashtag is um and yeah as long as you're comfortable with it then i would like to have a little segment moving forward and where we can include some pictures of them and see how we're all getting on and yeah if that's okay um so yeah moving back on um in fact though before we do more ranunculus related stuff um i've been chatting with someone on instagram and she's an amazing creator um her account is called let me just get it right horsefeather fiber arts and i'll link her down below she's got a podcast as well which i didn't know about and and i really enjoyed knitting along on some socks this morning while i had my morning cup of coffee and she's so lovely really really creative she makes the most um project keepers and project markers sorry and i'll try and remember and i'll include a couple pictures of what i got in her latest update i don't know if there'll be anything left but definitely go and have a we look um there was a beautiful set and it was like i think it was moonstone and it was like a butterfly and like oh man it was lovely but yeah and definitely go and check her out i watched her episode this morning and she had actually just finished her renunculus and it looks gorgeous it is so nice so nice so definitely go and check it out and she's also i believe um i don't know about you if you knit and watch podcasts and you you take in some of it and then you forget so i end up watching them like maybe twice so that i make sure i've not missed anything um but i believe she's making she's designing her own pattern and it looks really really good as well i'm really excited to see how that turns out um but yeah again i'll link her below and you can go and check her out and say hi and check her on instagram as well and see all the beautiful stuff she makes because it is chef's kiss it's great um but anyway moving on again so i was picking up the kids from my partner's mum's she was watching them while i was at work and she'd asked if i could repair something that i'd made for her a number of years ago and i had mentioned to you guys before that i crocheted for years years and years and i had made a granny square blanket for gary's mom and it's huge it is a big big big blanket and it's great um not to took my own horn um but i love it it's really good and it's all squishy and it's just great and this was just made with style crafts acrylic yarn nothing super fancy but really really nice colors and and yeah basically it's about four years old i think this was one of my first bigger blankets and i made all the squares individually and then sewed them all together and some of the joins where i've sewn them together i've come loose so i need to go through and fix fix some of the joins i'm glad that the squares are actually fine i've went through them and i've checked the squares are fine it's literally just my my poor stitching skills at the time um that yeah some of them have came out but yeah that's what i'm gonna hopefully get finished maybe even do it this weekend and just reinforce some of those stitches and make it one cohesive piece again um because it's falling apart so oh yeah other crochet related things i was trying to see if i could find some things that i've made in the past and i have a scarf downstairs which isn't fancy at all but i wear it quite a lot really really comfy and big um i'll either try and insert a picture or i'll make sure i bring it upstairs for the next time so you can see um i have this very very simple kill that i made i couldn't tell you what the stitch what kind of stitch it is sorry about that but yep it's a comfy comfy kill and keep you cozy and stuff um i never knew i never crochet a lot of things for myself i did i did the likes of like what would you call them like hot pot pads um with like the cotton so you can set your pots on them when you take them off the stove when they're hot i made some of them um i think i've made some like washcloths and stuff before i made a lot of uh teddies and a lot of toys um but yeah i never really made much in the sense of like garments i crocheted the jumper for my dad's that i told you about before and i did that just before i started learning how to knit last year um and again i've spoken about that before so i'll not bore you with it but yeah i really really like crocheting and and again i've i've done it for years but i just feel like netting is is my jam for now speaking of crocheting and things my friend that i had mentioned before um jilly and she made the bear cardigan that i'd showed before and it was so sweet and this absolute machine of a woman has made another cardigan and did i take a note of it actually let me see um so she has made it's excuse me a yarnspirations pattern and it's called the cluster yolk cardigan um and i'll insert a picture of her one here and she used three millimeter needles and it was lang yarns quattro 100 cotton and it looks really really lovely i'm so impressed with it i think she's glad it's finished she said that the pattern was quite confusing um excuse me and yeah it was a bit i went to her house at one point to see if i could help her with it and yeah it was a bit confusing there was this i can't even remember which part it was but we just we couldn't wrap our heads around it at all but she stuck with it she made it work and it looks great and i'm really really impressed i wouldn't have stuck with it i'm too sure i'm too impatient i just no wouldn't have stuck with it um but no she's she's done she's done so well with it and i don't know what she's working on next but i'll be sure to let you know because she's always up to something um so yeah that kind of brings us to the end of what i've been working on what my friends been working on that kind of thing um i have got some acquisitions that i could show i know it's not everyone's cup of tea um but just to kind of quickly run through it i have the i went to a little yarn shop um on a day off and i got some stuff from there which i really didn't need to but um it was a beautiful shop and it was called the ori mill um apologies if i've already mentioned this as you can tell from my husky tones my voice is getting a bit tired i think this is like the fifth time i've tried to record this and i can't really remember what i've mentioned and what i've not so i'm really sorry um but yeah i believe the shop was called the ori mill and if there's a website i'll link it down below and the owner she was an absolutely wonderful lady beautiful soul um really really kind we spent about two hours chatting yarn and experiments and what favorite projects are and yeah it was great it was really really great and [Music] very very helpful she was really keen to help as well um pre covered times she would host little like knit nights in her shop and you could bring along any pattern or whatever that you were working on and you could have like coffee and things and she would be there to help if you were stuck on anything um which i think is a fantastic thing so yeah hopefully um with restrictions and stuff easing up they can start up again because i would love to go along i mean sitting and netting with people and drinking coffee and that is just amazing um so it sounds great um i got some wonderful stuff from her it was oh i think i took some footage because i was gonna use it at the end of my video and i thought no no no we'll get some footage of some sun to document the fact that scotland it gets sun sometimes um so i'll include some videos of what i got and things and some of it was the stuff i showed you for my ranunculus that i'm working on just now um and yeah i don't know i do i'm going to make a point of going back regularly i'm going to try not to go back every payday because my yarn stash as i'm looking at it just now i've still got stuff in the post that's on its way here and i don't know where it's gonna go so i'm gonna have to get quicker at nitton um and stop buying things because i don't need it i'm just spoiling myself but i don't need to so yeah i'll definitely be going back there again um and supporting small local yarn stores and whatnot it was great it was great um and hopefully again uh with lockdowns and restrictions and things easing i would like to drag my friend jillian that does the crochet cardigans into edinburgh and go around some of the shops that they've got in there um and see what we can find but yeah so other than that i announced the giveaway winner for the sock yarn and the project bag from tea cake make um last week i think it was and it was christina redmond i have not heard from her and so christina if you're watching this and you missed um the last episode you won um so please just get in touch i'll put my email address or a link to my instagram you can send me a message on there if you'd prefer um and just get in touch and i'll organize getting that sent over to you if i don't hear from christina then i'll just draw another winner from that um that episode uh the comment section and yeah we'll just do that until someone claims it um and it will get sent along to them so for the giveaway for the last episode i had mentioned the shawl kit from woolen twine fiber tails and the blue rabbit company is it blue rabbit house i'm rubbish for names i'm sorry um yeah if you don't follow them on instagram definitely give them a give them a look and see um they've got beautiful instagram accounts it's just i love scrolling through all the pictures and just dreaming of it all um but yeah i'll link it all down below so you can go and have a look and support them but i purchased two kits as i mentioned before one for myself and then i thought i'm gonna buy another one and see if i can do a giveaway um i got the go ahead i purchased it asked if it would be okay for me to do a giveaway with it and they all said yeah that would be fine so the giveaway winner for the kit the second kit is 269 clark and her name was amy and she said that she would really want to knit the wild flowers shawl in the 52 weeks of shawl's book i would love to get a hold of that book and the socks version but yeah i agree it's a beautiful looking shawl and congratulations you have won the kit so the kit should hopefully be getting posted to me soon and it was a pre-order as soon as it arrives with me i will let you know and i'll get it posted straight over to you amy but in the meantime please just drop me an email or message me on instagram and yeah we'll tie down some details on getting it sent over to you and i'll just keep you updated as and when it arrives so yeah congratulations um i just wanted to end this video with a great big thank you to everyone who's been so supportive either by just liking and subscribing and following along on instagram answering the instagram stories and getting involved over there is really fun i love all the little conversations that come from it um i did not think that i would get anywhere near as many subscribers as i have at this point and so yeah please just know i really really appreciate it it's so lovely to feel like i've got a little community of people to chat with and share different experiences of different patterns and yarn and all that good stuff um but yeah i know i'm getting mushy and things but i just i really wanted you to know that i do i appreciate it and i love reading all the comments and now that this episode doesn't have a giveaway in it i can actually reply more in the comment section and because i hated feeling like i couldn't respond as much as i wanted to in the past ones but like i said i just didn't want to muddy the water when it came to doing the comment picker thing and so yeah thank you so so much for watching and i hope to see you next time bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Woolly Witchcraft
Views: 5,574
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Knitting, Knitting podcast, Woolly Witchcraft, Ranunculus, Ranunculus sweater, Sock knitting, Rowan yarn, Giveaway, Fiber tales, The blue rabbit house, Woolentwine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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