"Marlin'" Not Quite Enough Yarn July 2021

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stop it leslie i've lowered the tone already it's what i do [Music] hello lovelies welcome to the july 2021 episode of the not quite enough yarn podcast my name's leslie and this is a podcast about knitting spinning crochet general yarn stuff recorded on the south coast of england hello welcome um whether you're a new viewer or you've been here a long time thank you you're very welcome and i'm just grateful to have you here so hello how are we all i hope everyone's okay i know there's been some very weird weather we're having a warm one at the moment and i'm of an age where i have a lot of warm ones so bear with me this is called the not quite enough yarn podcast despite the fact that i have a lot of yarn because i rarely have enough to make an entire garment in the same color so i'm often adding in bits of stripes blocks fades just to to make something with what i have and i personally i like the challenge of shopping from stash and thinking what have i got that will go together um i the thought of going and buying a sweater quantity of yarn doesn't really excite me as much as looking at two or three different skeins of different colors so we all have our foibles that one's mine this is a monthly podcast i record vlog style so i'll be recording throughout the month and you see me in different places um sometimes in the car sometimes in different rooms in the house particularly because we've got a sunny day um the sun is very much that side of the house in the morning and this side in the afternoon so we have to kind of work the house to get the more comfortable viewing position and that applies summer and winter because sometimes you want a bit of sunshine sometimes it's a bit too much so oh i'm waffling already that's not bad is it uh i'm running a year-long knit along make along rather with the fabulous and gorgeous kellyanne of yarn tales by the sea and it's an accessory mal so any accessory for the person hats scarves socks anything we've kind of used the ravelry categories on this so if it fits in that accessory category it's eligible for the mail like so it's a year-long make along and we draw quarterly so at the end of each quarter we draw for two prizes these are announced on the podcast and we have threads on ravelry now i know that not everyone is able to access ravelry so if you would like to enter but you are unable to to use rivalry please email me on not quite enough yarn at gmail.com and i will enter your your post into the thread on your behalf so um yeah so accessories that's it really that's as tough as it gets um multiple dipping is allowed and encouraged so please do enter to both kellyanne's threads and mine and any other make-alongs that are going on um i know barbara from flame and fiber has her ode to joy males so anything you make that brings you joy you're welcome to to post on there um and from no excuses podcast is doing a seasonal mail so if you've got something that at the moment every summary by all means if you're putting it in there included in ours um we only ask that you're a member of our groups on ravelry and subscribers to the podcast so that's it yeah so quarterly draws uh two threads finished object thread wins a physical prize so that'll be a skein of yarn or a bag or something crafty and wonderful and the chatter thread wins a pattern prize up to a value of 10 u.s by all means if you have a finished object also put it in the chatter because the finished object thread is no chatter so it's just for you to put it on there with as much description as you like but there isn't the capacity for people to respond if you also put it on the chatter thread people can tell you how wonderful it is ask you questions all sorts of gorgeousness so those are the make alongs yep i think that's that this is all the admin oh very easily done i like to keep things simple i'm a simple soul i haven't got a lot in the ways of finished objects this month at least the stuff i've got is kind of small or reworking i've got a sweater that i'm finishing off for the second time which i'll show you later um but i did have in the car a granny square blanket that um i was just making when i was sitting in the car waiting for appointments and this will go to the local cat shelter when i can take stuff around which may be soon as things are opening up in england but uh we'll see so it's just made of acrylic very simple granny square traditional granny square blanket actually these colors it could be a baby blanket as well because they're soft pastels not that you have to have soft pastels for a baby but i know a lot of people like that but this will go to the cat's home so yay talking granny squares i've also done a couple of little squares here now if you follow aquila the hun lefty knitter podcast or her husband johnny bowe and his johnny bow dies episodes are also on aquila's channel you may know that um aquila was making a um a project and she was asking people to guess what it was because it was an unusual project go and check out her podcast to find out what it was and someone suggested that it was a pair of patchwork trousers britches pants whatever you call them for her husband he is well up for this [Laughter] he is very keen on this idea and so the suggestion has been made that people might like to make small granny squares which will be assembled into said pair of trues trousers plus fours again choose your word as is appropriate and so i messaged and said um any problem with them coming across the pond and aquila said well i'm hoping to assemble them at a certain time i said well i'm going to send them we're reliant on leaving me and the usps and you know they've got to get from the uk to maryland so we're in the hands of others but i said if they don't get there in time i guess he's going to have a pocket because um i've made him a couple of squares now i know some folks have been doing variations on the granny square theme different squares i'm keeping it kind of old school from the old country but i will put these in the post and if they can make it into johnny bows britches trousers pants they are going to be seriously warm to wear i know he wants them for a festival i can't remember when it is but i really hope it's a chilly day because they are going to be very warm to wear you're going to be very sweaty in some unfortunate places john so but it's it's a bit of fun um judging by what i've seen on instagram i think that they're gonna have far more squares than they need so maybe aquila will have a matching pair who knows i'm not putting ideas in your head no no no part of this podcast is my no by yarn attempt um because i bought some yarn last year in the pandemic i was trying to support dyers who were struggling because the shows and that they normally went to uh weren't happening but i'm back on the uh no buy wagon this year but other people buy me on and that's lovely and very kind of though and i'm very appreciative and that just happened this month my lovely friend belinda who watches this although she's not a knitter so thank you thank you um saw her recently she and another friend came to the time where i live and prior to that she'd been to the lake district and picked up some local seriously fabulous yarn so here are two balls of herdwick wool and i can say well because they're from sheep and everything from crookerbeck herdwicks oh it's normal to focus her husband will laugh at that because he's a photographer and he knows about these things yes crookerbeck herdwicks herdwicks who are from patterdale in cumbria and that makes me think of my previous dog fudge we used to have a patter deal terrier and she was a sweetheart she used to bark at himself every time he came home which is one of the reasons why i loved her um yes so two balls of yarn these are aaron weight yarn hundred grams each uh doesn't give a meterage don't care they are rustic um i think they'd make great hats they're not something you'd you'd want you wouldn't want these in your trousers johnny bro i can tell you that for nothing but um they are fabulous yarn she says the difference in color comes from the age of the sheep this is what she was told now herdwick sheep are a bran a breed that was known to me nothing to do with wool fibre yarn or anything like that beatrix potter when beatrix potter she of peter rabbit fame moved to cumbria she bought hilltop farm and helped to save the herdwick sheep breed so i always associate these sheep with her but thank you belinda for these fabulous yarns they are very sheepy they have a slightly different texture actually which makes sense of the um the different age i'll stop doing that that looks very odd and fabulous yarns thank you very much to the lovely belinda who bought them and i shall look forward to using them thank you okay so i've just drawn the curtains got my dummy out and got my camera out the neighbors will start to talk if they've noticed but i digress who's your mate les this is enid indies and i go back a long way yes i mentioned in the previous bit that i had reworked a cardigan and it was a cardigan from a couple of years ago that i had been inspired by a design by inspired by one aspect of a design and completely remade it so this was the panel jacket by carol lapin blapper i don't know and um i'll put a photograph in here of the original i liked the concept of that but i wanted to do things slightly differently and so i'll show you a photograph of what i made at the time the theory was relatively sound the practice wasn't um i had initially initially well hello i had initially uh thought about making a kind of very open jacket so it wasn't edge to edge because it wouldn't meet in the middle but it was just kind of open that was fine up to a point this is a very square jacket very there's no shoulder shaping or anything like that and i am very round backed and shouldered and so it really didn't sit well on me i don't have any photographs of me wearing it at the time at least if i did i don't know and edith carried it off because what can i tell you she's a model sorry i'm just so sorry uh but on me it didn't feel right it didn't i didn't like the way it looked um so i decided well i decided to do nothing for two years um because i couldn't work out what to do and you know what it's like when you finished a project particularly a sweater you know a garment size project there's a strong chance that you're fairly sick of the color and the whole thing by the time you finished it um so you just don't want to go near it again earlier this year i decided to revisit some projects that weren't working this was an idea i'd been kind of mulling over and then oh excuse me inspired by one of my knitting heroes mars of the hey brownberry podcast she had also been thinking in a similar way and she had a sweater that she shortened the sleeves you know unpicked reworked the the cuff and so forth i a couple of months ago reworked the sleeves of a cotton hoodie that i'd made previously um the sleeves were very wide and baggy and so i taped them and made them more fitted which suits the way that i like things to to be so that also made me think we need to look at the panel jacket layers so i unpicked the previous border i made a slight alteration i'm going to try and turn enid round but she's a bit stiffer in the shoulder now this panel here you can possibly see there's a change of color uh if i put it there you've got a line here i had basically i'd run out of this yarn and i had used some of the grey boucle which you've seen in a lot of my projects because there was a very large cone of it and it kind of did okay but it did flare out a little because the tension was very different so i thought as i'm reworking this i will rework that as well so um unpicked the booklet bit picked up the stitches and just knitted up to the to the required length i then made so i seem to be grabbing enid in very inappropriate fashion and then made another two panels so that was in this pink and grey this is aracania ranco sakyong i've made two panels attached those it's a crochet attachment i still wanted this shawl collar effect so i then picked up i did a couple of rows in the dark grey that i've been using for all of the seams to give that some consistency and then i decided i'm going to slide you forward slightly or tip you forward slightly no i'm not come on then there we go now what i decided to do was to give a kind of v effect a v-neck effect and so i started working short rows on this panel and i did both sides and then it occurred to me that my v-neck was starting here and my neck starts here so i did another panel here in the grey i don't know why i didn't just do it oh i know why i'd already picked up and done a couple of rows in this darker gray now this is um a generic four-ply fingering that i received as part of some stash i was given um i'd already done a few rows so i thought well i'll just do another panel here echoing that shape so they were they weren't short rows it was kind of staggered rows so two stitches longer here two stitches shorter there to give me the v starting from the neck point rather than here so i'm calling it a design feature because i call many mistakes a design feature but it worked so after i'd matched up that shorter panel and taken it up to the neckline the shoulder line i then just carried on working straight to create this short collar and then for a bit of interest well i say for a bit of interest it started off my plan was to make this a very big shawl collar and i would just use up what i had left so i then went on to the the aracania and carried on with that and my idea was i was going to carry on with that and then finish with the dark gray i have a little bit of that left but i was getting to the point where i thought actually well two things were at play firstly i was getting sick of knitting it it felt like it was taking longer to do this alteration than it did to do the original sweater which i know is is nonsense but that was how it felt um so i was getting a bit sick of it but i always worry that i'm then looking for excuses to finish it so i decided to refer to my style guru himself if you saw his wardrobe you would question my choice on that but he's very good at knitted stuff he's very good at putting colors together and working out just giving me a common sense view on things so although he's not interested remotely in fashion and clothes and you know they are just things to be comfortable in um he is very good when i have questions so i put the thing onto a long cable so that i could try it on tried it on so how much more do you think he said i think you're nearly there that's why i love you so um so i cast off so that pink although it wasn't my initial plan to have it as the final color i think it does give a nice edge because i think i had about three or four rows so just a ridge or two of it and then the cast off so this is now a much better fitting sweater the reason why enid's wearing it and i'm not is because of the the sunny weather but it is a sweater a jacket that fits an awful lot better than it did before as i have some yarn left over i did wonder about the possibility of pockets that's still an option but um i haven't decided on that oh sorry bashed you in the boob i do apologize um so yes it's uh a much better fitting jacket than it was and one that i'll actually use now because that was the thing this was sitting in a cupboard unused because i didn't like the way that it fitted but a lot of time had gone into it so for the sake of a few more hours i've now got something that i can use and will use because i think this would be okay to wear for some of my work things when i go to visit families i conduct funerals so it means i go in and visit families and i tend not to wear a very formal suit because when you're going into someone's home um sometimes they're in there like dressing gowns you know i mean people are are in the throes of horrible stuff um so you don't want to go in looking like you're a tax inspector or a social worker nothing wrong with either of these professions but not the image i'm trying to to portray when i'm trying to build up rapport with people so if they're very casual i'm quite happy to be in sort of softer knitted things rather than shoulder padded jackets so i think this would be smart enough to do that um and i'm very pleased so although i haven't got mahusiv finished objects this month thus far i have refinished something and made it usable charles hello lovelies now this next section is going to be a bit stream of consciousness i think as if the rest isn't because i'm going to go from one thing to another to another so i'm going to start off with some spinning and this i feel like i haven't done any spinning for a while this had been on the wheel for a little while i've just been kind of busy with other things but it is from witchcrafty lady of course and it's her peacock colorway now this is coming up a little bluer it's more of a this is showing up better it's got kind of dark greens dark teals kind of into jade green type of colors um in it as well as flashes of lilac and purple what i'm going to do is put a picture here of the original fiber picture from witchcrafty ladies uh etsy shop so you can see the colors of the fiber originally and this is what i have spun so i have here uh it's a two ply i've got 19 wraps per inch so that's come out quite fine 278 meters for just over 100 grams so it has come out as a sort of light fingering sort of weight i'm very pleased with it um it's feeling quite balanced it's i'm i'm happy with how it's turned out and i was thinking about my spinning because in some of my crafts i like to do new things and try new techniques and in others i know there's a whole world out there but i just want to keep on doing what i'm doing and the spinning that this is kind of where i'm at with it at the moment so while i could try different techniques and i have books to read about different fiber types and different breeds of sheep or different um plant types the spinning for me it's kind of my happy place it's my i know what i'm doing when i do this one thing so i'm gonna do this and that kind of works for me and it was it actually came it kind of cemented in my head um thanks to something that barbara from the flamin fiber podcast and her daily corona vlog was saying because she had a while where she lost her knitting mojo and in the end she decided to cast on another boxy and she's made several of these summer's gifts some for herself and she said i don't need another boxy but i need to make another boxy and that's kind of where i am with my spinning i think i don't need i don't need more yarn and i certainly don't necessarily need another light fingering weight to play young but that the creative process of making this is what i need right now and some of my knitting is sometimes like that that i'll make something that's very um straightforward to make because actually that's what i need right now and then other times i want to be more complicated and try new techniques and something a bit sort of fussier so thank you barbara for that insight because when you said it it really resonated with me so thank you for that and this is some yarn because i am now thinning i'm thinning very spine singles yes i'm spinning very fine singles um so this might mean i have to go to three plying my yarn rather than two plying it to get a slightly thicker yarn um but we'll see you know there can be some variation even when you're keeping it simple so so this is it did i say it was uh when superwash wensleydale i can't remember but it is and there we go now talking of witchcrafty lady which i often am i follow um her on instagram and she was saying that she's changing some of the focus of her shop she's going to do more sewing and certainly less yarn dying i think she's still gonna die fiverr but less yarn dying and so was having a bit of a sale and for uk customers she was also including other goodies in the package with when you ordered from her so it'd be rude not to really wouldn't it so i have ordered some fibre and i have goodies as well and bless her she's so generous i don't know how much is left in the shop i will put the link down below and certainly the things that almas is sewing are in there so you can see the lovely things she's making so i ordered kind of bits and pieces there was at the time another braid of this and i was tempted but i decided against it what i have ordered oh that was almost a sentence wasn't it so we have here some pole dale lap waist so bits and pieces of pole dale in greens bits of red bits of grays um lou from our knitting group suggested that this was um camo colors so i can make myself a little camouflaged something or other that could be fun that could be fun i ordered a couple of fairly plain colored braids um very similarly colored braids they're both grays so we have here [Music] bluff gray fiber and we have here uh darwin gray cormo and i thought that these might work quite nicely if i make some rolex so rather than spinning these up on their own i'll probably blend them with other colors and make some rolex but of course we're not frightened of color on this podcast we rather embrace the color and we certainly embrace the pansy so this is superwash merino and it's the pansy colorway so you can see we've got purples on a white base with flashes of these gorgeous orange reds that that's almost kind of coy carp color isn't it that is fabulous so i've got to decide how i want to split this fiber because depending on how i want to split it will then depend on how the colors look and this is the beauty of spinning so although i'm doing pretty much all the same thing you still have choices because i could have long strands of orange in the singles or i could have little bits of orange then pop through or i don't know what i'm gonna do but whatever i'm gonna do it's gonna be soft and i'm gonna have fun so these were the things that i ordered and then almas who is wonderful added in some bits when i say some bits i mean she was incredibly generous so we have here alpaca merino silk yak waste so we've got a bag of this and you may remember from a month or two ago i had some silk waist from witchcrafty lady this is the this color this sort of undyed color and i've applied that with some rainbow rolex that i got from needle and fred and i have started although i don't think i've shown it to you yet the um shawl from mars of hay brownberry and the name has escaped me so i shall put it on screen oh don't you hate it when that happens so yes ritual shawl that's the chap ritual shawl sorry mars just went blank yes i've already used some of this and it was very nice to spin so i've now got some more so thank you very much and she put some yarn in as well so i've got five balls of this gorgeous wolf mill yarns saddleworth and it's a fabulous mild yarn but it also has flecks of colour in it if i take the label off a bit see you've got a bit of red there there are only a few of them and they're subtle but they're just enough to give a little pop so i don't know what i'm going to do with this yet um it doesn't say the yardage on the ball band but i had a quick look online and i think it's 200 and something meters per 100 grams so kind of dk weight i don't know what's going to happen to this but it will make friends in my stash for a while until i find a good project for it so yes i have acquired yarn without intending to this is my sorry not sorry face can you tell and i have acquired fiber most of which i intended to but very generously given others as well so and it's all such stock soft lovely stuff i mean this is to repeat alpaca moreno silk yak soft as a puppy's underbelly i'll tell you this is just going to be so gorgeous and talking of fiber i did warn you about the stream of consciousness thing um coral has been in touch and coral has started dying fiber i will link in the notes below corals fiber arts i've got all right i'll put the name here and she has very kindly offered me some fiber which i will take her up on that offer and i will show you that next month but if you're in the market for fiber she has some very pretty colors and like i said i'll put the link in the notes below and go and have a look at her online shop because it is drool worthy she has fiber braids she has row legs and there are also some stitch markers there which are all very pretty and colorful so seek her out and you'll find pretty things on your screen so yes that is that is my adventures in fiber and fluff and spinning for this month more to come next month oh i am so excited sorry i'm a grown woman i should behave better yeah yeah right hello lovelies i have a finished object i said i thought i might be finished and i finished it yesterday it is a sweater which hasn't been blocked so the neckline looks a bit odd at the moment it probably won't be blocked it'll be washed and i'll wear it and that's it but this is a sweater as you can see now we've still got quite warm weather here so i'm not going to put it on or i shall fade away like a delicate flower but i will put some pictures here of me wearing it but what is this sweater i hear you crying anticipation and excitement yeah okay it is a pure fuzz by skeindia knits i did my usual thing on this i went by the gauge and found a pattern to suit so viewers who were here a few months ago i'm trying to work out how long ago but a few months ago may remember that i had started to create a magic ball of four ply fingering weight scraps and this ball had got quite sizable and there's all sorts in here there are some this pink here is a mini skein from chince pine knits i think there's another mini here there are lots of leftovers and some of these are quite brightly colored and these are leftovers from the brightly colored crochet items i was making last year and i decided to apply them where's my cone gun with some gray boucle that i have that is going on forever um i often wear the gray cardigan with the rainbow stripes that's made of this stuff this cone is getting a lot smaller i mean it was but as you can see there's still quite a bit left so i had two strands of this and one strand of the different colored yarns or the magic ball and i applied them together using my spinning wheel could have just held them together and knitted but i just wanted them applied i wanted very much a mild effect when you are holding yarns together and they haven't been spun together or applied together you can get quite a patchy effect which might be what you're looking for but i wanted something more um i'm cutting the word i want it the same all the way down there is a word for that you're probably shouting it at me now but anyway words english language not always my strong point so so i've just spotted a little sticky-outy thread which i'm poking back through so three plies of yarn all applied together two of this which is quite a fine yarn it's because it's booklet it has a kind of odd texture the cardigan that i showed you earlier with the the stripes the the strips rather that were then put together i had used a bit of this and it was flaring out so when you knit with it its tension was coming looser than regular foreplay but it is quite a fine yarn so two of those one different colors from the magic ball and i did a gauge swatch to find the fabric that i like so this is my usual thing i do a gauge squat gauge squatch do a gauge swatch find the pattern that matches in my library or online halfway through the sweater realize my gauge swatch has been lying and adjust accordingly because gauge swatches tell lies we know this this is a pure fuzz by skeindeer and it's a fairly simple shape it's a contiguous construction so it's top down and it you end up with like a sort of subtle shoulder effect there so top down split for the sleeves like you would a raglan just knit down the original pattern and i'll put a picture of it here is more of a cropped sort of length and it's quite oversized designed to be worn quite kind of loose and it's a cozy sweater it's one that you kind of sling on when you've got to walk the dog or it's a bit chilly indoors it's one of those kind of sweaters um i made it slightly longer not really a great one for crop sweaters so i made it a little bit longer but apart from that pretty much followed the pattern as is because i realized my gauge was slightly out i did fewer rows on the sleeves but also i think it might be a quite a long when i say long sleeve i mean over the edge of the wrist whereas i tend not to wear them beyond that length so yeah okay there we go so this is pure fuzz now i used about 3 000 meters of yarn but bear in mind i had three strands held together so the overall sweater takes just over a thousand meters of yarn it's on a fairly loose gauge this was on five millimeter needles and i'm rather happy with it the the gray has really pulled all these colors together because this is a mixture of all sorts we've got mohair we've got wall we've got i haven't got any cotton in here but we've got kind of wool blends we've got pastel colors we've got brights we've got muted shades we've got everything so it could have looked like a dog's breakfast some might feel it does personally i don't but the gray has really pulled everything together and i think applying it worked for what i was hoping to achieve because it just means that means it's all really mixed through which is exactly what i was after so there we go a finished object for goodness sake and um yeah purifiers by skein deer i made the largest size use just over a thousand meters of yarn in my case times three cozy sweater so yes i am happy with that and i will no doubt leave it in here for a few weeks like i normally do because i forget stuff and then i'll discover it and start wearing it when it's chilly we know how it works the chatter prize chatter thread prize for june wasn't claimed so i have redrawn it so in case you've wandered off into your own imagination by now i'm gonna highlight your attention to the fact that you could win a prize so i've redrawn the chatter thread so this was between posts 409 and 544 on the thread and the redrawn post is number 515 and actually it had a picture in it of this shawl and some yarn chicken and the winner is g guess from kentucky so congratulations if you'd like to get hold of me on instagram ravelry email all the details are below of how to get hold of me then i will send you a patent prize up to a value of 10 u.s so congratulations thanks for being part of the make along and please claim your prize if you could do that by the 25th of august please that would be appreciated otherwise i'll have to draw it again so please claim your prize thank you so i think that's all the done stuff i mean i've got a few works in progress depending on where i knit so in the car i have the ritual shawl at my desk i have my rocket tee and these are things i knit in specific circumstances future plans i do have another crochet boxy on the hook i was full of enthusiasm after making that rainbow one last month i really loved it i thought do you know what i'm gonna make another one because yay and i've got about that far on it and sort of lost the the energy for it a bit so so it's there i went back to this this had actually been started some time ago and i lost the energy for this at the time so i decided to pick it up and plowed through it and it was it was a quick grower because it's on five mil needles you know it's big um yes i've got crochet boxy on the go i have some small projects to make my sister would like a pair of fingerless mitts my great niece i'm going to make her another jacket because she's growing because apparently that's what children do rude and i've also found out i was visiting some spending time with some neighbours last weekend and found out that one of our neighbors daughters is due to have a baby in a couple of months time so i'm going to do a little bit of knitting for for them so yeah small things on the go but what i really want is to start another sweater now i'm not going to go into details because i have an idea in my head and i'm not sure it's coherent enough yet to explain it so i'm going to get it started and next month hopefully you'll see it and it will be explained and it's a combination of patterns and it's just me making it up as i go along as usual but that's okay it's all part of the fun it's only knitting it can always be unpicked it's only crochet it can always be unpicked if it goes wrong it can be taken back out and the yarn can be reused so we like to try these things some work some don't fingers crossed that this will but i'm getting ahead of myself so yeah i'm going to start that because that's where my kind of enthusiasm is i think i'm going to go back to my rotor of patterns because i i can have a habit of kind of putting things aside as i did with the sweater i've just shown you as i've done with the boxy and you do then lose the momentum and it's it's hard to kind of crank back up and to keep the pattern in your head because if you haven't touched it for quite some time then you're going to lose the flow of what it looks like what you're supposed to be doing and it it feels like starting again halfway through which it basically is and um it feels like harder work so i'm going to go back to my rotor of listing my live projects and then working through them one at a time so hopefully i don't get stuck in a rut with anything but it will keep the the flow of everything that's the plan i find that works for me um i don't necessarily have all of my works in progress on that because some things i've got a blanket that if the weather is as warm as it has been i'm not going to make because it's getting to the size where sitting on my lap it's just going to be far too warm and comfortable so that isn't going onto the rotor but these little projects and the sweater that i want to do and the crochet boxee they can all go on that system so i can make a little bit of progress with everything hopefully so we're at the end of july august is coming i'm going to take a little bit of time off um a bit like i did back at easter so was that four months ago i find with my work conducting funerals is a privilege it's an honor and i get to hear all these people's stories and it's fascinating but they kind of get stuck in my head and i find i get a bit kind of muddle-brained with it because i've i've been taking on all this information and this person was evacuated there and that person did that job but this one wants that music and that one wants that home and it can get a little bit much in here and i always say this isn't a good place to live at the best of times so when it's feeling overfilled i need to take time off and just not do funerals and kind of clear my head a little bit so i'm going to take a little bit of time off this month which of course means crafting time himself is away quite a bit i have booked some time off for when he's home because i felt i ought he's away doing lots of sporting things watching cricket watching golf i think there was going to be some rugby but i'm not sure that's happening that might be later in the year he's not here much at the moment a lot of it is stuff that was postponed from last year that's now happening this year um yeah i mean i'm glad he's doing these things it it does feel a bit um i feel a bit abandoned at times at times it's a good job the dog's here really because um otherwise i'd be very lonely no i wouldn't i'd just get on with it but yeah so he um he's not here much um but he is he does have an entire week when he's going to be here let joy be unconfined so i'm going to take some time off this month's spend hopefully with him and just kind of pottering around doing stuff apart from that we are hopefully doing some drumming events long time viewers will know that i belong to a drumming group and we take part in carnivals parades bonfire processions sorts of things like that we had one rehearsal which we did on the beach and the plan was do some of it on the beach some of it indoors there's a room that we use above a pub and one of our group um after our rehearsal outside our practice outside tested positive for covid now obviously we wish them well as far as i know they're doing fine um but it then made us think oh what are we doing so the the idea is at the moment we're only going to practice outside but then that relies on reasonable or at least dry weather um so we had one rehearsal the next week we couldn't do we'll see what's happening there is meant to be um a carnival early in august which we're supposed to be leading out when we practice we actually did pretty well considering we hadn't played together for well over a year we did pretty well some of our pieces are more complicated but a lot of them are quite simple and we kind of stuck to the simple ones and as long as you start at the same time finish at the same time and they're going roughly the same place as everyone else we were doing fine so hopefully we'll get to do some stuff i mean most of the events that we do are outside it's whether or not these events are still going ahead and that's the big question at the moment certainly in my town looking at covered numbers they are shooting up at the moment but nationally there is a reduction so we'll have to see what happens and we can we can only do what it's legal and safe to do so so we shall see on that one it would be lovely to be drumming but if we're not and we have to wait some more we have to wait some more that's fine what else is happening don't think much else is happening this is probably a relatively short podcast few you will cry it's just been very busy with work and that's reduced the um crafting time that i've had so less content shorter video very simple but thank you so much for being here thank you for all your comments all your observations for liking subscribing for all the things i am so appreciative of you all you're all stars as far as i'm concerned so thank you very much look after yourselves keep well i will see you friday if you watch the vlog or at the end of august uh for the next podcast and yes gee guess please get in touch to claim your pattern prize and keep well everyone i hope that whatever you're doing you're having fun you're feeling safe and you're looking after yourselves and keeping as well as you can so happy crafting find joy in all things if you can and look after yourselves thanks so much [Music] bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Not Quite Enough Yarn
Views: 4,110
Rating: 4.9902201 out of 5
Keywords: Knit, Knitting, Crochet, Crocheting, Yarn, Fiber, Fibre, Spin, Spinning
Id: ka9MUvZhubE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 31sec (3091 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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