Woolly Witchcraft Ep. 9 || Knitting Podcast || The one where I’m running on 4 hours sleep

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi and welcome to another episode of the willy witchcraft podcast my name is brogan and i'm coming to you from my little corner of glasgow in scotland and this is my little space on youtube where i document my knitting experiences and any trials and errors that i make along the way and if you're new then huge warm welcome thank you so much for stopping by i hope you like it and stick around if you're returning your as always thank you so so much um you know how much i appreciate you and i end up rambling on about it um just jumping right in i'm hoping to get out trying to re-run after so yeah we'll just jump on the finished objects i have one unfortunately not with me um i posted a photo in my stories over on instagram if you want to give me a wee follow you can have a look um i'll post a picture i finished the archie socks so i was making actually some rainbow socks with the regular or regia six ply i think it is it is um rainbow yarn and it looks great and i'm really happy with how they turned out he loves them i finished making them when my parents were having the two boys for a sleepover so i took my knitting with me as i always do um and i was sitting outside having a coffee with my mum and i ended up burnt again um i'll never learn um and i was knitting away on the socks and i ended up finishing the second sock and because it was such a sunny day i asked my mom if she would mind if i gave them a quick hand wash and then blocked them out on the decking because i thought the sun will have them dry like real soon um so i did that and they were almost dry when it was time for me to head home um and i had asked archie do you want to keep like i had said to actually i'm going to take these home because obviously he was staying there the night and he was like no i want to wear them tomorrow and i'm like it is july and these are thick willy socks but of course i didn't stop them at all um so i left them at my mom and dad's and i forgot to bring them home with me um but hopefully you can kind of get an idea in the picture of what they're like um after i'd finished them uh it was still early in the day so i wasn't rushing off home or anything so i decided to cast on a pair of socks for myself with them in the hopes that maybe i'll actually keep this pair um for myself i have mentioned before that i always seem to make socks and then gift them however i made a pair of the biscuit socks i'll if i've got the picture still then i'll post it um but i had made the biscuit socks and i was going to do them for a gift because they were just a tiny bit too small for me but i can't i can't remember what what made me do it but i put them on i was going to wear my docks my doc martins and i thought i want a pair of big like woolly socks with them and this was when it was still a bit colder um and i put them on and they actually fit okay they weren't too bad and they did stretch out a little bit so i yeah i have a pair of knitted socks i have just reclaimed the biscuit ones that i were gonna i was going to keep um for a christmas gift i've just decided no i'm keeping them for myself so i do have a pair of knitted socks and they're holding up pretty well um i like i said i've been wearing them in my boots and i wore them when i was out for lunch with a couple of my friends and we'd been walking about the city centre pretty much all day um and i was just wearing these socks and my doc martens and there was no the felted a little bit of the heel but i'm okay with that i don't think that i imagine that would make it a bit stronger no because it's like it all becomes one solid piece but anyway i'm happy with them and i really enjoy the feel of wearing knitted socks so i'm definitely going to try and make a couple more pairs for myself and but equally it's a really nice gift for other people so i'll just let you wait up sock by sock i'll just decide am i keeping this or am i giving it away um but moving on i am still working on my final version of my design the bear bandana and i'm really liking it so far i am almost finished no i'm not what am i talking about um i i'm almost finished sorting out the pattern i've had a few people get back to me and that were testing it for me they've all provided brilliant feedback so far and it's been wild seeing people um share their pictures of it to see like my designs been knitted by someone in america or it's just mad um but it's really really cute it's so cool and it's really encouraging and i love it so thank you so much um so i'm the yarn that i had recommended for it was the round 100 cashmere because i thought you can get it out of a 50 gram ball so you only need the one skein of it and it's so soft if you're gonna be wearing it like near your face then i thought that would be quite nice but i'm i was a bit worried that maybe this would be too dark um for the pattern to show up sorry fibre on my nose um but i feel like it's actually looking pretty nice i wonder if you can see that okay um so yes that i love i'm obsessed with seed stitch at the minute as you can see i just think it's so simple but i love the texture that it creates um and yeah so i'm quite impressed i'm quite happy with how it's turning out so far and i'm hoping that i'll be able to finish that probably by tomorrow if i work on it tonight um but i've got a couple things that i'm working on just now that are bringing me a good bit of joy which is nice because i feel like the past week um my knitting mojo hasn't been the best i've been quite flat um mood wise and i think that that definitely impacts like my motivation for things um i'm not special in any way like that it's normal if you're not feeling great you don't really want to do anything um but bit by bit it's creeping back so i'm really i think finishing those socks and getting away objects off the needles was that nice like gratification type feeling um and everyone's encouragement and things with um the beer bandana sorry i've got ollie lying on the bed and he's head button the tripod so if there's a bit of a shake i'm sorry um yeah everyone's been so encouraging with my first design and it's such a nice community as it is that yeah everyone's just been so supportive so it's been really really nice and my knitting mojo is starting to creep back in so i've got a couple things that i'm working on that i'm not rushing through them now i feel like sorry i'm kind of going on a bit of a tangent i felt like i went through a phase where i was getting frustrated with my netting because i wasn't able to do it fast enough and i'm like why is it that i only it was as if i was only allowed to enjoy the final product it wasn't it wasn't the process of it anymore do you know what i mean and whereas i'm glad to say that that didn't last long at all um and i'm now back to enjoying the actual act of knitting and just sitting down and getting lost on it for me but um other things i've been working on i'd mentioned before that i was making a ranunculus for gaddy's mom's her birthday on the 31st and i did pick it up again um just a couple days ago and i started working on it so i'm nearly at the point where i'm separating for the body and it's looking really good it's on am i doing it on the six ml needles yeah and it's just a sock yarn that i can't remember the name of off the top of my head and the ribbon mo here and i hope you can see it but i'm really really enjoying how it's looking so far um i'm definitely going to be making more for myself they are really quick um i picked this up and i had only just got to this part there you only excuse my nail polish i'm a picker um i'd only just got to this part here and i sat didn't it wasn't even a long time um and i got the next kind of patterned chunk out of the way um it just i feel like it flies off the needle because it really does it's really enjoyable and it's quite moorish i think i said that before like you want to get to the next bit um so i've been enjoying that and i will have that finished for her birthday and if i don't post before her birthday then i will obviously include a picture however i had mentioned before when i did the week mini episodes for my design i talked about having ideas for a shawl and for a sweater now i've picked i'd asked you guys over on instagram like what did you want to see first i'm working on both but which one should i focus more on and it was quite close um but the the outcome was that you just wanted the sweater which is fine um so i have i'm waiting to get the yarn for that and i'm really excited about the yarn choice and things i think the color is going to look really good for what i'm picturing as long as i can make it work um i'm i'm still kind of thinking some things i i might do a tiny mini jumper like in the round because there's a part of it that i'm trying to figure out but anyway while i'm waiting on that i thought i already have the yarn that i want to use for the shawl so i'm just gonna start working on that because i've got the idea obviously with a bandana they're both triangular shapes however there is a little change with the shawl that i'm doing um a new little edition i am actually quite proud of and i think it looks really good and hopefully you guys like it too and yeah so i'm making it with rowan is it more dale maybe um and it's this beautiful green color unsurprisingly foresty green's mustardy yellows and burgundy they're my favorite colors at the moment and that grayish can i gray beige color i love it um so this is the yarn that i'm using for the shawl at the minute and it's gonna be a great big snuggly thing and obviously i'm gonna do it the same as the bandana so casting on all of the stitches but then it means it gets quicker and quicker and quicker so i'm like that it's going to be worth it um i will be honest i don't think i think i'd struggle to do shawls all the way around where they're getting wider and wider but that says more about me than it does the pattern um so yeah i i'm happy with this so far again it's just seed stitch so far and i love it i love the texture it gives and i love this shade of green how wonderful is that oh it's really soft too um so yeah starting working on that just it's quite mindless for me just now see because it's just the seed stitch thing um i'm enjoying just kind of not having to concentrate too much because you kind of like muscle memory you learn like okay so it's net pearl net pearl net pearl and then then you just you go um so that's what i've been working on um have i missed anything else talking about works in progress i have a small confession so obviously i'm not the only one that has languishing whips as people call them i have mentioned before if something's not bringing me joy i'm not going to work on it um i feel like it puts me off more than actually powering through it i would rather just take a break and then go back to it um i've had a better period of reflection on what i've got on the needles at the minute and i came to a conclusion so the two there's three in mind the socks don't even worry about the socks they'll get them um but the three projects that are in mind for me that i've been thinking about recently is the anna's cardigan my size that i'm doing in that beautiful rust orange color the anchor t-shirt and the whalerman shawl now i love these three designs i think they're beautiful the anna's cardigan then there's a what's it called is it like stitch stoppers i've taken the needles off but i've put those things on so that i don't lose all my stitches i'm going back to that because i know it's something that i'm gonna wear all the time it's one of my favorite colors just now i really really like the pattern i was just i had no motivation for purlin the whole way back i'm on the wrong side of the cardigan however that was before i learned the norwegian pearl and now i'm a lot quicker at that so i think that once i've got a couple of other things out the way i will go back to that so i've not discarded that yet the whaler man shawl i adore i'm struggling with the yarn choice i've mentioned it before i think it looks nice now um i'd messed about with needle size and things like that but i had mentioned to you before i didn't really like the yarn um that i was using and i think it was is it kinko forest or something like that and i felt like it was really papery and it it broke really easy and it felt like paper like pulp if that i don't know um and yeah i'm just i'm struggling to fall in love with it especially now that i've started that shawl and the rowan murdael or whatever it's called sorry if that's wrong um and it's so soft and warm and then i look at this papery one and i know i feel like i'm totally slatting that yarn it's just not for me so i think after i've got some other things out the way i'm gonna go back to that i'm gonna take it out and i will make it because i adored it i love the pattern i think it looks fantastic um and it's quite enjoyable it keeps your mind busy and things like that but i'm definitely gonna have a rethink about the yarn choice for it um i've got some stuff in stash that i could actually use um that might be quite nice so i could even do that but yeah excuse me i don't think i'm going to be finishing it in that yarn which is a sin because i don't know what i'm going to do with it i'll let you have a pink anyway maybe i'll make i could maybe make like a wee kid's jumper because it'll be quick it'll use up the yarn but then it's not really gonna be sturdy enough i don't know what to do um any suggestions let me know um but yeah that's where i'm at with that piece i want to make it just not in that yarn um and finally the last piece i had mentioned before was the anchor tea or anchor t-shirt i pull over again i love that pattern i think it looks really really good but the cotton i can't remember the name of it and i can see it in my shelf that's why i'm looking over there um i haven't even separated for the sleeves yet or the sleeves to the body i haven't done that yet and it's so heavy and i don't know if that sounds really stupid but i thought cotton was like lighter i don't know it's that's am i sounding like an idiot here i just thought this is gonna be like a summery t-shirt and it is so heavy and i've not even i've only done like to hear i hadn't separated or anything yet and i thought there's no way i'm gonna be able to wear this um so i don't know if maybe i could go back and rip it out and maybe just make uh let's see like the my secret crop or something um like a smaller surface area garment might be better um so yeah that's my confession i ripped out one of the works in progress but i just wasn't enjoying it and like i said i will go back to the anna's one it's a really really easy pattern to follow really well written i love it um it was just the purlin thing for me but like i said no that's not an issue so once i've organized myself a little bit with current projects i'll go back to that one and get it finished hopefully for all at least because that rust orange is like perfect autumny color um anyway i'm rambling now so acquisitions i've not got i've not bought any new yarn as such however something did arrive that i had ordered many moons back and it is the collab kit with fibre tails woolen twine and blue rabbit house and it was this beautiful i'd done the giveaway for it and it was this project bag with the pattern and the yarn look at it this is currently i love it i love it so much i love a bumblebee i love yellow bumblebees i love big daisies oh that's great and this is currently holding the ranunculus and my shawl that i've started so it's a good sized bag um and i like the cord on it as well it feels really well made um and yeah so this is what arrived and of course along with it the yarn so i think this is what's helped me not purchase any more um this month is because i got this delivered and i've been busy working on the design things and i'm using like the shawl so i'm using stuff from stash from that and because i'm so focused on trying to get the design stuff out not out the way but like worked on i'm not really i'm window shopping don't get me wrong i window shop frequently um for yarn but this definitely helped um break up a crappy few weeks but look at that color oh i love it so of course i'm going to make the is it humble be sure i don't know i can't want to call it bumblebee shawl um by fiber tails and it's so beautiful and this is the what is it bfl and mushroom dk 240 meters per 100 grams so that's quite good and i think the pattern said that it took two and a half so yeah i'm really really looking forward to making it and it's such a perfect color for it as well because it's like honey even though it's called caramel it doesn't matter what kid on it's honey um so yeah that's what i got and i've been enjoying it and what else am i talking nonsense about i don't know uh podcasts that i've been watching i came across a little fern fibers podcasts so i think if my memory serves me right i'm sorry if i'm getting this wrong and they spin yarn and it looks amazing but they've just started a podcast and when i'd started typing up like my show notes and things that i wanted to try and remember i talked about they had episode one now i'm not sure if there's a two yet but definitely go and check them out um really really lovely lovely podcast and i had a nosey on instagram and they posted a picture of the tulip jumper so obviously i'm i'm working on i was working on my tulip jumper and the plot of lopee and i've not been doing it just now because it's so so warm in scotland like we're not coping um i didn't really want to sit with all that big heavy or warm icelandic yarn sitting on me um and i had a look on their instagram and i'll try and remember and i'll link it below but if i don't please go try find it and it was what did they call it i wrote it down because it was cute a tulip jumper family oh and it was like the jumpers were sat oh they're all different sizes it was wonderful and so yeah definitely go and give them a movie check and show them some love because yeah nice people doing nice things might as well um and i just wanted to say a little bit of a soapy note to ruth from the ruth loves to knit podcast so she is one of the kindest women i i've spoke to um i'll be completely honest and sorry ruth if this is weird in any way but she kind of reminds me of mommy mommy um but she's really really nice women and she's helped a lot the past few weeks um for myself in terms of the test net and stuff she's been amazing provided great feedback and support about that any anxieties that i've had from the podcast side of things to the design side of things to work to anything she's just been this absolute angel and she has a podcast so if you've not seen it please go and see this amazing woman and support her but yeah just thank you so much ruth for all your help and for making me laugh even when i didn't want to so you're an absolute gem and now that that mushy bit is over what else have i got to chat about um the ranunculus knit along so i had spoken with a friend of mine who again she has started her own podcast i'll link it a summer and we're kind of doing the car very relaxed not any specific terms and conditions uh knit along for the ranunculus um top or jumper because i totally fell in love with it and i loved seeing how the one jumper could look so different depending on what needle size you used or what type of yarn you used if you used it double like i just i loved seeing all the different sleeve lengths and body lengths and it was just great it was like one jumper could look so different even though it was the same pattern it was just great so over on instagram we're using the hashtag ww ranunculuscal i believe and yeah just really easygoing if you want me to see it or if you want somewhere to see it use that hashtag or tag us directly in it and i think summer's going to be doing some giveaways and i know i mentioned before that i would like to do one can at the end of every season maybe so i'll do one i wonder if i should maybe see if i could do one for next episode that could be an idea but yeah if you want to enter that's all it is is just use the hashtag on instagram and give us a tag so that we can see it and hopefully i can include some pictures of any of the recent ones that have been posted and you can see what everyone's up to i think it's amazing like i said how different they can all look and oliver has currently put his head on the little piece of paper where i've got all my notes so sorry ollie um on to just a little bit of chat so if you're not hugely interested in i think it's knitting related to most of the questions i've printed a couple out just so that i could remind myself um i asked over on instagram you know have you got any questions that maybe we could do this going forward a couple days before i post an episode i'll ask over instagram sent you want to ask and i can answer it in the episode if we've got time so i did that a couple days ago and it was quite nice to see like so many people ask questions and things so i'll go through some of them just now but if it's not for you then please don't worry about it i can catch up with you in a couple weeks time uh if you want to chat about yarn then you can find me over on instagram and you can send me a message so the first question i got was martin o'mandeli i'm going to butcher these names so i can only apologize for that and they ask what do you think would be a great first project with colourwork so my first that i did i can't remember the name of the pattern but i'm going to post the picture of it because i've still got it in my ravelry i'll post the picture and i'll try and remember i'll link it as well and i'll post the name of it and it was a cowl with color work and it was at trees on it and things and it was just the two colors i don't think there was any majorly long floats in it that was my first color work project and the reason you've not seen it is because i get halfway through it and i called it quits because not the pattern not because i found it too difficult it was the yarn choice this was at the very i'd say i'd probably been knitting for about two weeks before i tried it and i had a lot of acrylic yarn left over from when i did mostly crocheting and the color work i'd say you're probably better from my limited understanding i'm still learning um i believe like rustic yarns are a bit better for color work because it's toothier and they stick together a little bit more and all that good stuff whereas the acrylic it was just sliding so some of the stitches that were contrasting colors would fall more behind or it would change round by round like they'd get pulled different ways it wouldn't stay put and i knew that when it came to blocking the acrylic there was mixed kind of feedback online about if you could actually do it because it was plastic or um if you'd end up just melting it into a shape um so i thought i've got the technique down i've got that practice and i'm just gonna jump in and i've mentioned i think in my very first episode that my first completed color work project was the forest land jumper by jennifer steingas glass and it was really really easy so honestly i'm kind of a go big or go home person um no that's terrible but what is the worst that can happen do you know what i mean like if you try it and it doesn't work tear it out keep the yarn for when you develop the scales if you want to make that just unwind it and keep the yarn by keep it safe practice on smaller things and then go back to it like you know what i mean but my attitude was just nah i'm i'm gonna give it a go and it worked albeit i twisted my um pearl stitches but we've talked about that before and we'll not go back to um i still wear the jumper don't care um i'll call it a design element of it now um but yeah that was my first proper like completed color work piece was that for a stand jumper so yeah next one is by creations by valerie and she or he asks where is your favorite place to go to relax i honestly it depends what i'm needing i am a huge like naturally person uh i find anywhere where i'm surrounded by nature extremely balancing does that sound weird like i don't know it depends again depends what i need if i need to be [Music] alone and have some time on my own then i feel like naturally walks in like woods or like in a park where there's a lot of trees and things i find that quite soothing and relaxing for me if so if i'm feeling maybe every bit down that's kind of a good thing for me if my mood's fine but i maybe just want i think you know what i want a nice relaxing day today i want something soothing or whatever um if it's still a nice day and i want to go outside i'll go anywhere near water so beaches obviously we've got like the loch lomond and stuff like that about an hour away so make the trip and go over there and then i've got the benefit of having all the trees and the water so that's quite good so trees or water tend to be my my thing um if i'm not up for going outside as such i my bedroom is kind of my safe space so there's no kids toys normally um i've got my little fairy lights and i'm not it's so daft like i'm an adult kinda um i'll put my fairy lights on i'll bring my ipad up stick something on netflix and i'll sit on my bed and i'll net with a cup of coffee like it really depends what i'm needing to relax about if that makes any sense at all and i realize it probably doesn't so i'm sorry um but yeah so different things really hugely influenced by nature and i get a lot of calm from that so yeah sorry rambling um jan has asked impulse buys how many skeins or balls do you have that you bought with no pattern in mind well um honestly i i try to be good when i'm buying yarn i will buy like sock yarns and stuff i'll just buy because i think well they'll become socks at some point so that's fine when it comes to like just a decay or an iron weight yarn i try and go for roughly a sweater's quantity of it so that i know i can make probably a shawl or a jumper out of it i'm quite guilty of buying um or i was i've got better over the past um few weeks so i am stretching my legs out and i've got ollie like lying right there so i'm trying not to crush them um i'm i was quite guilty of just falling in love with the yarn in the moment buying it taking it home and then thinking what am i actually gonna do with this or i would buy yarn and i think this isn't even in my color wheel house if you want to call it that like um i love earthy colors and neutrals i have caught myself on a number of occasions seeing like a bright bright turquoise or like a really strong jewel-toned pink or something and i think oh that looks so good that looks really really nice and then i'm like what would i when would i wear that like i could knit a beautiful jumper on it or top or whatever and i wouldn't be able to wear it because it would literally go with nothing else in my wardrobe so i've had to kind of reign in a little bit and i used to be bad for it but i'm getting better recently so yeah most of the things that i'm bringing in now have a vague idea of what they're going to become might not have totally tied it down but you know they know their boats um kellnets asks i'd love to hear some of your favorite techniques for example joining yarn cast on etc my favorite cast on we'll start with that one would be the german twisted cast on is that right have i called it the right thing um purely just because it's became [Music] like it's a subconscious thing when i'm doing it now like i remember when i first tried to learn how to do it and because you're twisting in such a different way um i used the long tail one for a good few months i can't remember when i learned the twisted the german twisted one and i remember it took me i i could be a bit before i got used to it and then once i'd got it that's me i'm i can't actually remember how to do just the normal long tail one now um but so i'd say that's my favorite cast on i do really like the was it called the crocheted one so you do it for the ranunculus you do like a crochet cast on and you and then you take the yarn out and it's like magic and it's so cool like i did i really enjoyed that but it's a lot of faffing about um so yeah i'd say favorite cast on is the german twisted one if that's the right thing to call it um favorite techniques joining yarn and things so normally i just go for the sp splicing methods um if you're using sorry he's kicking the you're kicking the tripod buddy um he's just rolling around um normally if i'm doing if i'm joining in same color and stuff i'm just joining a fresh ball i will take the end from my working yarn that's about to run out take the end for the new ball and i'll like open up the plies a little bit stick both in my mouth um saliva and all that lay them over the top of each other and rub it in between my hands and it felts it together and it just becomes this long continuous uh strand of wool so that's the kind of go-to for me um if it's drawing in new yarns if it's something that i can't do that with so if it's a cotton or like the mole hair not putting that in my mouth ends up in my mouth at the best times anyway um but normally what i'll do i've not got any that i could show you so i'd go into the stitches after knit i will yarn over with the fresh new yarn and i'll knit that stitch then i'll go into the next stitch and i'll see similar to how you carry floats if you're doing colour work i'll do that with the old strand and i'll carry the old strand along with me um for maybe eight to ten stitches or if i'm not doing that one i will knit one stitch with the new strand of yarn knit the next next stitch with the old and i'll switch between the two i'll do that for between eight and ten stitches as well and then i'll just leave a good old long tail to weave in at the ends and so yeah nothing like majorly fancy most of the time i just end up getting my saliva all over the place so um but any other kind of techniques i'm not entirely sure of i love knitting the way i'm knitting now so like the continental and then the norwegian pearl i love that and i still encourage you if you've not tried it yet give it a go just do one of them like for me i practiced on the body of my ranunculus and because it was just knitting in the round and i practiced the continent and continental knitting there and by the end of it i had got it um and then go and look at the pearl side of it anger knitting traditions posted a video just after i had tried to teach myself and i hadn't quite got the pearl part yet and i watched her video and i got it so definitely go and have a wee look um that's something that i would recommend i feel like i've got quicker at it again not that i'm rushing it just feels more efficient like it's more fluid it's not stopping and starting because i'm having to drop the needle to wrap the yarn if it was english style still um so yeah probably that anyway i'm rambling so i'm just gonna go on the next one um right next one where am i so did you little fern fibers ask did you grow up with knitting in your family or did you just teach yourself so my gran is a knitter and my mum is slash was a knitter they tried they both tried to teach me when i was younger and on a couple occasions and i couldn't get it i would drop stitches everywhere i had one side of my work that would just grow and i now know it's because i had when i went to turn my work i had wrapped the yarn over by accident and i would knit that as a stitch so i now know like how that happened holy um but yeah i just i gave up and i was really really impatient it took too long to see any progress so um other than that i'm not that i'm aware of anyway and there's not really been any big knitters in the family my my gran like i said she even like now she would net um jumpers for my boys and stuff but her hands are getting sore now my mom she's just kind of she's more than a crocheting thing now i had mentioned before in one of my earlier episodes um yeah me and my mom i think we've swapped so i'm the knitter now and she's the crochet um so yeah i think i just kind of taught myself um through youtube mostly if i'm being completely honest i think i did a couple classes on skillshare um i'm a really are a farty person so i had the skillshare membership anyway um and i would use it for watercolor or sculpture stuff or anything like that um and i thought i wonder if there was anything on that and i can't remember how much there was if i'm being completely honest but most of it's been through youtube it really has um youtube and i think i'd bought a book maybe but i'm gonna do an episode like a mini episode going through the different books and things that i've got and what i think about them and maybe get a little bit of feedback if you just get any favorites that i might benefit from um but yeah so can i talk myself it was a little bit in the family but it wasn't really forced upon me it wasn't a big massive part i did remember always having like a knitted sweater vest or something for school from my gran yeah anyway um my favorite yarn to knit with my favorite yarn to knit with um how can i pick one there's so many i haven't tried i think at the moment what am i enjoying the most at the moment oh no i think it's i think it's the one that ruined moorland or murder um that dark green one i showed you i think it's this it's i think there might be alpaca on it i can't remember um it's soft enough but it's still got a little bit there's just a little scratch too it's just enough um i'm really enjoying this just now in fact i'm going to show you hang on sorry um so it's murdael um there is it's quite drapey i'm just gonna flop that about there um it's quite a drapey yarn i think is there a pack in it yeah so it's 70 wool and 30 alpaca and i think that's why i wanted to use it for the shawl as well because i thought it'll it'll be nice and flexible and yeah so this is one of my favorites i don't think i can pick just one um i'm really really enjoying that just now i am also really enjoying the cashmere purely because it is so so soft and i really like the stitch definition that i'm getting with it and when i showed you my bandana that i was working on i really like how it's looking and i'll be honest i wish that i could afford to make a jumper out of it but i know for a fact i would be too precious about wearing it so favorite yarn just now between the cashmere and that murdeal i think and next question so i'm very aware that i'm very it's just it's very warm it's very clammy we're very warm in this vicinity of the house next to the window and the sun coming in and anyway um so nat nitscraft asked how do you organize your days do you have a knitting routine are you allowed to knit at work just because i find it so difficult to find time with the kids and work organizing my days um i got up in the morning and i'll make my before i start getting ready i'll get up i'll be honest i'll get up about an hour earlier than i need to um [Music] i'll go downstairs i'll make myself my coffee the night before i'll have ironed whatever i'm wearing for the next day i'm on iron as i go kind of person um i'll have ironed what i'm wearing for the next day it'll all be there ready to go i'll have washed my hair the night before i'll get up in the morning like fresh my face but make my coffee and i'll spend about 40 minutes knitting before i start getting ready for work and again like that's going back to one of the earlier questions like about relaxing that sets me up for the day see stopping and just thinking this is my wake up time i'm gonna have my coffee i'm gonna do some netting maybe watch a podcast or something and it's just that we moment of peace before i start the day before it goes sideways um so yeah i know i don't net it work really um if i'm working from home and i'm on phone calls all day i'll knit on a sock but it's got to be something mindless it's got to be something where i can still focus on work i wouldn't do it if i felt like it was going to be at the detriment of my job or anything like that i would no as long as i'm still able to produce the quality of work that i want to do then yeah i'll get a few rounds on a socket um then at night after dinner's done after boys are in bed i will set so boys go to bed say 8 o'clock or something i'll sit until 10 half 10 with a wee cup of tea and the tv on and i'll net so i i do i managed to squeeze in a lot of time for it i'm not i wouldn't be able to just net while cooking unless it was something that was like you put it in the oven for 30 minutes and you're not having to do anything else in between that time and i like to sit and actually commit time to it um i couldn't just pick it up and do a couple stitches and put it down and then a couple stitches i think that would stress me a wee bit or i'd get frustrated because i feel like i'm not getting anything done um so yeah just getting up an hour earlier than i need to um but again like that's only about seven o'clock i'm getting up at it's not i'm not getting up at like four in the morning i i'm really lucky the current job i've got um i'm really close to in terms of location-wise so if i'm in the office that week i don't need to leave my house until like 20 minutes before work starts um and that allows me to get to work and make a coffee and things before i actually start um so yeah i get up at seven and i start getting dressed and things at eight and i'm out the door by quarter past 20 past eight because i don't do makeup or as you can see um so yeah sucks for everyone else but it's great for me um other than that that's that really um the top of these two questions when it's printed out i don't know why but it's cut off the name so i'm really sorry if i've missed you um but the question was what knitting or crafting technique do you next want to try so like i've mentioned before i'm a bit of a crafty person i really really enjoy it i've played about with like polymer clay and resin and different sculptural things i've tried every kind of paint i think i've tried all the different pencils pastels all that good stuff i've done embroidery and i really like it i would quite like you know what i would quite like to try those see those little like felted creatures or felted mushrooms and oh i would like to learn how to do that i think i pretty sure i would injure myself a lot in the process but yeah i'd say that's definitely up there um i want to try and dye some yarn however i have plans for that so that'll be another wee mini episode at some point so i'm going to do that and i'm looking forward to it um i would quite like to try and spin yarn but at the same time i think i would probably just get really frustrated with myself because i can just see it going wrong um other than that is there anything else that i'm really feeling strongly about art and fart and wise don't think so netting has pretty much taken over my brain if i'm being completely honest i don't think i'm allowed to think about anything else that just pushes out um but next last question so when you don't know how to do a new technique where do you look to get help youtube i do yeah i don't think occasionally i'll google whatever it is and i'll find the written instruction of how to do it with the pictures and it totally breaks it down for me um for example when i first learned the baubles or like german short rows favorite short rule where was that question about favorite techniques german short rows um yeah um so youtube is a huge huge thing for supporting my learning and i'm a real visual learner so having the videos and having people go through it bit by bit and explain what they're doing is a definite help for me so there occasionally i'll go to my books um like i've mentioned before i've got some knitting books but again i just i feel like having someone actually talk it's that human experience for me and yeah definitely that's my biggest kind of resource and if i'm still stuck then i'll ask some of the lovely people that have been chatting away to me on instagram and some of you make the most incredible things i know it's just mind-blowing and so i'll ask you guys like i'm really struggling with this that i don't know what i'm doing can you please help um and every one of you have been so lovely unsurprisingly um so yeah youtube is where i go if i am stuck so thank you so much for listening to my knitting nonsense as always sorry if this wasn't as neat and heavy as it normally is i feel like it was a lot more question a rambling than it was actually sharing pieces i'm working on but i guess it's just the way it is just now um because i the week i've had and kind of secretive pattern stuff i guess it's just one of those episodes um but yeah if you're interested in having a chat or following along and seeing what i'm up to on a more day-to-day basis then please tag along over on instagram at willy.witchcraft i think there's a dot in there um and yeah i'm happy to chat and yeah i'll see you in a few weeks time bye [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Woolly Witchcraft
Views: 5,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knitting, Knitting podcast, Knitwear design, Sock knitting, Ranunculus sweater, Woolly Witchcraft
Id: srvh8cHkL1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 24sec (3264 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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