Woody Woodpecker Show | FrankenWoody | 1 Hour Compilation | Videos For Kids

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oh boy german polynesia here i come sun sand and festival hmm looks like the only place for miles [Music] [Laughter] oh that's inga smorgasbord with my den dead i'm coming [Music] [Music] tank stock i go for the short red-haired type about this tall don't you know wow what do you know a perfect fit oh my [Applause] [Music] [Music] i never get the girl they all think i'm just boring quit your blubbering yep i guess some of us got it and some of us don't maybe you could show me how to be more cool yeah cool woody pecker sure if you'll put me up i'm not going anywhere till 11. you rang show woody to the guest room but be careful with his head follow me [Music] comes back she gets the woodpecker's body yeah but fit me inside [Music] my brain in your body will make me irresistible [Music] i am a cool woodpecker yes i am now i get that inga girl for sure hey meatball you talking to me woodpecker you're a disgrace look at you papador falling feathers ruffled waddling like a chicken it will never go for you now let me out of here so i can help you no way woodpecker ha forget it now if you see who gets the girl you bet [Music] oh how about doing that cute little laugh of yours [Music] [Music] oh yeah i am woodpecker watch this he's gonna ruin the reputation of woodpeckers everywhere don't go vay i'll be right back [Music] hey ho what do you know i'm from the bad date intervention bureau i've seen some bad dates before bub but yours is off the chart yeah it's not going so good what i do you need now go get her partner [Music] i'm a cow poke y'all look at me inga oh i love cowboy hat [Music] ah i'm a girl [Music] i never did look good in chartreuse but i'll bet this'll confuse the doc just long enough so i can change into something more comfortable namely me by likes me the way i fast better than this dumb bird sword you're bad [Music] [Music] that's my girl [Music] i get you woodpecker bye bye buddy [Music] what do you know it's finally father's day [Music] the day of our annual father-son tee off pops no matter how crazy dad makes me this year i'll be the one taking home the trophy are you ready for our annual father-son golf tournament you better pop rest assured laddie the trophy is going home with me just like it does every year we'll see about that pop and none of your shenanigans boy of mine i'm going to beat you fair and square by the 18th hole you're on pops anybody thinking of golfing should think again there will be a major thunderstorm this afternoon i have a feeling i'm gonna get what i'm really after by the 18th hole now watch how a master tease off [Music] not bad at all pups now watch this let me help you now no oh yeah that trophy's all but mine sure if it was a trophy for best divot digger [Music] [Music] huh why did my ball come out of that hole [Music] nothing's as quick as messy on dry land are you back out to shape with you get out in a boat and fuel the wind but if you're killed like a real woodpecker would [Music] [Applause] golfers oh no you don't that's my ball there boy oh better stop laying a boat i'm beating your laddie i'll bet it's a hole in one i'm guessing the trophy's mine a record storm is heading our way golfers be advised rain's coming i'd better speed this along so we can get to the 18th hole in time [Music] [Music] daddy-o [Music] merciful divots that was a beauty of a head son [Music] the old electro magnet trick all i can say is you'll have to play the ball where it lies boyle you're really in it nice son you'll never clear these bushes with that shot i'm one stroke closer to the trophy excuse me does this ball belong to either of you that is not my ball there's an english ball and i'll use scottish rudy uses english balls [Music] you know i wouldn't go out in a storm dress like that [Music] wow what do you know about that this is no rain it's just a mess play online but pop the neck peckers are golfers not swimmers that is a wee bit of water that scares you then come on swing already come on come on speak to me speak to your altar i need that best to him [Music] [Music] i only want you to know oh find the great kill giver you're all right is there anything i can do for you sonny well i might be back to my old self if i had that trophy pop sure sure my sunny boy anything it's yours for the year keep it really thanks pop i got the trophy i got the trophy [Music] [Music] that'll look great on your mantle for the rest of the year [Music] guess who [Music] hey [Music] so [Music] trying to get in on your nerve eh well you're going out on your ears [Music] okay milad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get your seat off of my feet oh pardon me boy oh boy one of you one of you [Music] hey herbie remove the derby [Music] [Applause] [Music] well well soda pop come on open up open up [Music] top no stopper [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on now shardy put it right in there hope i give up [Music] come on cut out the fancy stuff toss me that old apple [Music] apple apple okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] matter of fact come on people i usually put her over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] today's horror movie festival is proud to present welcome to freak street freaky freaks my mother is a freak your mother is a freak freaky ruseki freak freak and freak again plus the all-time horror movie classic what the heck are you thinking turn on our lights stupid meanie great announce you got zip sparkle flair and the constitution of a contortionist in a sardine can sir you know i think it's time you worked in the theater i'm giving you a chance for a big promotion oh oh well thank you sir i've been brushing up on my management training guide i won't let you down ruling attack of the zombie woodworms is about to end in theater 13. clean it out before the next show and watch out for theater hoppers [Music] zombie woodworms it's just a movie [Music] damn kids leaving all the seats caddy walkers [Music] freeloader trying to hide his seat for a second showing of killer zombie wood worms [Music] zombies everywhere [Music] huh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] nothing to be afraid of it's just movie stuff dark outside it was like when i came in now i'm gonna have to stay here until day break aha there you are you little movie motor [Music] please just let me stay inside until i calm down what do you say the old sympathy ploy better theater hoppers than you have tried that one crying boy i didn't become a manager in training five minutes ago you know buster no no listen i'll pay to see another movie just don't make me go out in the dark your money's no good here woodpecker you're a theater hop in movie grubbin low life and when my boss finds i've kicked your storytale feathers out he'll promote me for sure huh [Music] that does it i'm going into galactic on your hindquarters woodpecker meanie what are you doing going woodpecker wrangling sir step aside just need to find a nice peaceful place to hide the happy cults of rocking horse island this should be perfect to settle my nerves hmm sweet sweetness everywhere [Music] [Music] you aren't a happy cult get off that stream i'll stop that no-good theater offer sit tight and out of here [Music] what [Music] i knew hanging out in the theater all night could get me over my fears what happened to you bub yep know just what you mean she's been after me all night here i am sir the little theater hopper got away but i'll find him you'll never get a promotion in my theater meanie not only did you tie me up you've broken nearly every rule of customer relations you've you've she scared the daylights out of me frightening customers she wouldn't take my money refusing service act and most of all you've she was disruptive when others were trying to watch the movie oh that's wrong with us she did all that oh please don't report these incidents to the theater chain mr woodpecker it could mean my job well if there's anything i can do for you anything and today's feature citizen woodpecker jurassic woodpecker woodpecker and the you know mimi you got the best movies in town at your theater i wonder who picked them i'll just use my lifetime free movie pass for a ticket to every place [Music] i'll be watching out for you woodpecker mark my words i won't be in this booth forever [Music] let's see okay scouts that ends our tour of the petrified forest with trees that are 10 million years old and as hard as rocks now let's go see some amazing redwoods [Music] petrified forest that way hmm i'd better go the other way oh boy unpack trees and they're all for me [Music] oh why i feel rather strange what am i doing in this wretched place i'd better head back to civilization oh my it's so lovely i can't wait for all the little birdies to hold it right there woodpecker this birdbath is not for you so forget it why i wouldn't dream of being so bold i was merely admiring the craftsmanship glad to ever get you nowhere i am not cleaning up that mess of yours i'm so sorry dear neighbor i had no idea i was so inconsiderate i'll take care of that mess [Music] i can't believe it you've seen the error of your ways maybe now we can live in harmony of course we can woody and wally friends neighbors and brothers i can't believe it took us so long to see how alike we really are astonishing isn't it that's game what but i have never lost a game of swedish checkers i am the reigning champion it was just luck old chum i'm sure you'll win the next game well how about a more challenging game grace paul climbing is my favorite game last one to the top is a third [Music] [Music] i win good game old bean you almost had me i don't get it i always been at swedish games chuck chuck old boy you're always a winner in my eyes oh by the way wallace you must clean and prepare for the festivities this evening [Music] are you almost ready old chum of mine i'm so thankful for your kind invitation to the swedish smorgasbord i stand a good chance of winning speed of the year aboard i've dreamt of this moment my whole life now for the moment we have elevated further the speed of the year avoid we have chosen a man of class distinction and character [Music] and the winner is [Music] woody woodpecker [Applause] no this is mistake he is not even swedish it is mine award goes to foodie woodpecker he is an imposter i am the votive packer no no i am speed of the year i am speed of the year hello doctor yeah please help me i can't stand him anymore yeah well what seems to be the problem it's that woodpecker he's all nice and civilized he is ruining my life what are the symptoms well well he he's courteous he cleans up after himself and he wins at everything i do sounds to me like his head's all jumbled up what you need to do is re-jumble his head oh yeah thank you doctor i think i have a plan [Music] oh voodoo take up i have a treat for you my dear wally you shouldn't have well civilized or not i'm still a woodpecker [Music] hey what are you looking at oh nothing say voody would you mind raking my yard it seems your tree has dropped leaves all over it what forget it bob [Music] something should never change [Music] i said stand still now as you were [Music] um you big clumsy axe now if you move boom no more doggy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] [Music] quite [Music] [Applause] come on let's get it not me i don't want any part of him [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] what's the big idea throwing my food away take it easy pal don't get excited i got enough food for us and all your marriages yeah yeah come on i'll show you and will you be surprised take a stand some hunk of meat you said it let's pull them up [Music] we can't pull him up he's too heavy yeah we gotta figure some other way [Music] i got it [Music] boy what a brain what a brain [Music] hello [Music] come back here boys [Music] [Music] spacekit that not had the space cadet splinter come in splinter i have the killer asteroid in sight roger that catheter we have to do something before it destroys the earth my zack zubar east alien hunter foamerang should do the job [Music] aah ah there's only so many space missions one uncle can take this is not gonna go on all summer i can tell you that maybe you could send this to the zach zubar summer space camp uncle woody do you have any idea what summer camp costs these days 300 bucks a week can we go uncle woody please please please can we can we well what do you know i have exactly 45 only enough to send your beaks to that camp perfect 45 bucks is all i need then i'll have enough to go to bora bora well hello there sucker i mean sir looking to send the little ones off to camp this summer you bet well if camp buzzard we train youngsters to be fine upstanding buzzing scouts space cadets i've never heard of camp buzzard what do kids do at this camp anyway is it expensive there's overhead room and board luxury tax equestrian feed you always have to consider it again about 50 bucks but we're having a deal this week only two for 45. 45 bucks sold counselor buzz they're all yours welcome to camp buzzard kids gee it doesn't look like much this is an exact replica of planet jungle rama really cool do we get camp nicknames like they do exact silver's camp nicknames sure you'll be one zero two three seven three and you can be one zero two three seven four that was my old nickname at camp what kind of camps have you been to i went to uh camp folsom i mean camp alcatraz uh i mean camp pokey yeah camp hokey pokey now go play [Music] for a boy here i come we're bored aboard we came here to be space cadets oh sure in order to be space cadets you gotta earn a bunch of merit badges here this is for your weightless training merit badge what are those anti-gravity boots yeah they belong to my favorite auntie gravity wait what about seat belts [Music] what about navigational equipment how will we know where to go follow the sun you'll be close enough but how will we steer that's so easy even a woodpecker can do it all you gotta do is pull the release pin [Applause] we're hungry now counselor buzz yeah well you know a good buzz at scout space cadet learns how to survive on any planet you gotta hunt for food oh boy we'll catch a beer for dinner sure a good buzzard scout space kit that spends hours making a trap for the uh i spent hours making a trap merit badge we could cover a hole with palm leaves or roll a 10-ton boulder down here or string up a 50-mile net think they have now officially earned their sucker merit badge [Music] oh drop a boulder yeah perchance an incoming net when you're good you're me no it couldn't be [Music] what are you little buzzard scouts doing now we're supposed to have rides like canoeing or horseback riding or how about a rocket to the moon yay go get your space helmets and get ready for the last merit badge you'll ever need here on ice [Music] take off in t minus ten nine zero [Music] that's one small step for woodpeckers and one giant lead towards my vacation [Music] freeze alien we claim this planet in the name of camp blizzard [Laughter] please buddy take him home i'll give you all your money back oh please no dice we had a deal 45 bucks and you'd take care of them for the whole summer please i'll give you triple take everything i got just take them back [Applause] goodbye counselor buzz why so glom campers don't you want to go to the zak zobar summer space [Music] [Music] wow you've mastered the bones in crohn's beginner's game have you then you better upgrade to the bones and crowns mega monster deluxe game version where your life will be a living nightmare [Music] let's go down there ah splinter that old witch really is a witch just goes to show you never really know who your neighbors are i bet she blew out our lights with some kind of spell yeah in fact she could be casting a spell over us right now what does the bones and crohn's game book say about witches it says you gotta capture a witch to break her evil spells come on as soon as she opens the door we run uh that's my favorite part what are your little yard monsters up to [Music] if i wanted a hammock in my tree i'd get one myself and what's that littering my yard are you oh we were playing a game and and there was a big gust of wind the book flew out the window and we had to come get it back you like games do ya well i happen to know lots of games quit your catalogue we're gonna play guess what's for dinner see if you can figure out what the main ingredient is i've been wanting to have you two for dinner for a long time so did you guess what the main ingredient is did you she's gonna eat us no she's gonna cook us don't you even think about leaving it's all stormy outside oh well uh we were just gonna wash up for dinner good idea i like a nice clean dinner bathroom hmm jumpy little we don't stop her tykes she'll just get us later grab the hose out there [Music] oh kids i'm getting hungry we are totally stew chewed up by the cute could you not mention barbecues [Music] there you are where's your brother it's not dinner without him he's um um just washing up good cleanliness is next to tastiness i always say [Applause] hey we're playing my game first [Music] oh she's got awesome powers man this could be our last chance and we got surprise on our side [Music] on youtube i'm dying for dinner [Music] now where did you little monkeys go oh we gotta kill uncle woody one last guess what for dinner runner we're cooked [Applause] where are you going get back here [Laughter] stupid game took me six hours to put this thing together and it's just too darn scary for them to play now who am i gonna get to help eat my vegetables still [Music] you're the last ingredient i need for my woodpeckers [Music] hey kids what's up uncle woody but we thought while he was making woodpeckers too one bowl of stew for the woodpecker so do you think it's good enough to win the neighborhood stew cook-off tomorrow woodpecker yours is definitely up there wally come on kids let's go taste mini stew oh no we're not going over there have it your way that just means more still for me know what i think splinter that if we keep being such scaredy cats we'll miss out on one of uncle woody's best ideas yet [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] that's my boy [Music] um [Music] that's my boy [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] woodpecker figure 3. [Music] he's a cartoon [Music] [Music] what can i do uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] it's the busiest blonde i ever went around with [Music] what are you looking for assad i'm looking for speeders speeders what's a speeder a speed is a guy that goes [Music] you mean like this no like this oh i get it i didn't say i said and if you go once more i'll give you a ticket you mean i can't go that's what i said no more oh you mean like this how's that sarge yeah that's it that's the way your speeder goes say you're a speeder if you think that's fast get a load [Music] i suppose you think that was funny come over here [Music] i'd like to ask you a few questions okay what subject would you like to talk about um um women okay what's the color of genie's light brown hair no coaching from the audience please i got a notion of bust this over your head oh yeah well i bet you wouldn't be so brave without that uniform oh i wouldn't uh i'll show you i'll take it off hurry up come on you gotta take them off too hurry up cut out the staller i'm gonna break every bone in your body [Music] now [Music] um [Music] i said follow that motorcycle you'll have to talk louder officer i can't hear a word you're saying i said ah skip it i gotta be going anyway [Music] why you little shrimp you can't do that to me i'm an officer at the law come back here you hear me [Music] oh [Music] follow me [Music] look i'm a dive bomber [Music] [Music] how do you feel buddy oh i feel fine sure you're okay yeah sure i'm okay can i uh can i ask you a question sure what do you want to know is it true that speeders go like this [Music] do you
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 1,069,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: vNO4jGK_xJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 51sec (4011 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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