Woodturning | Project That Sells - How To Fund Your Shop - Hobby

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hi welcome back to the shop thanks for stopping by this week's video we're going to do another installment in the project that sells series um it's not something admittedly that i make a lot of but i see a lot of them around craft shows and things like that and um and they are popular and i had a different idea in mind but i was watching them live from my friend brian oosby at heartwood turning and i'm gonna put a link to brian's channel in the description go check him out on his live he made a bunch of these the other day out of different species of wood but we're gonna make some mushrooms and they are really an impractical little impulse purchase it goes on a window ledge or on a shelf just kind of looks cool make them out of anything you want now this literally 10 minutes ago i took these pieces out of my dad's firewood pile so this is a piece of maple this is a piece of iron wood there's a piece of poplar and this is a piece of white birch and so you can use any any wood it's good to have good to have around wood with a mark on at least i prefer it that way so we're going to do this in real time the only difference really in what i'm going to do and what brian did other than you know different species of wood and different shapes is i am only going to use like in all videos in this series i'm only going to use the spur center that would have come with your lathe and the tail stock no chucks um nothing fancy so this is for anybody who's got a lathe you know with the gear that you they came with it you can make these so i'm going to start out because i really like the look of this i'm going to start with this piece of uh this white birch and it's got some smaller so it's going to be really cool so i'm going to put a link also to a video that i did for uh the very actually one of the first project that sells videos and it was of the vases made with the bark on them out of green wood now this wood is dry this has been in the firewood pile for quite a while um it doesn't really need to be dry but um i think for these a little drier than than what those vases were would be the best now the head of the mushroom is going to be on this end and the bottom the foot's going to be over here and so i want to get rid of this little bark defect here and i do want to like like in those phases i do want to leave a ring and bark a solid ring around the bottom of the mushroom and at the base and if you don't want to you don't have to you can turn them however you like and maybe we will turn one without without the bark around it just to see how it goes and maybe one the bark will come off and not give us any choice but so you can either take the bark off and leave just the natural edge that's inside of the bark or you can turn it around whichever whatever you choose like i said there will always be somebody that likes a certain thing a certain way and so you really can't go wrong with these and you can make them any size you want so i'm making them not not huge they'll go on the window edge of my house so i'm not going to make them great big but you can make them as large as you like again in terms of pricing you know you can charge five dollars for a little one like this right up to whatever you feel is you know acceptable for and depending on how big it is so um so i get a lot of questions about what to charge again it really depends on where you are um around here you know five ten dollars and again you got zero wood cost you can probably spit out when you get good at it you can probably spit out six or seven of these in an hour at least and um yeah so we'll we'll start shaping this thing up and see how it looks first thing we want to do again same is the same as with the vases is we want to make a clean cut with a gouge so that we leave our bark so i'm going to make a clean cut where i want the bottom of this to be and the top of the mushroom in the bottom of the mushroom and where the base is going to start [Applause] [Applause] school [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] quite leave myself enough room here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh now we're going to undercut the bottom and we're going to trim the top down as close as we can without getting into that that point on that tail stock and probably the next one that i do i'm going to take the brad out of the tail [Music] stock [Music] [Music] around and be redone but so on the bottom once again you want to break the bark with your gouge so it's clean and then you want to just flat turn it slightly flat and then concave it just a little bit there now these ones we are going to sand this one we are going to sand because you see with the spalding and is a little bit funky so i am going to speed up the sanding on this i will show all the sanding on this one i'm going to skip the sanding on the next ones um i've sanded up to 240 grit and that's fine enough for these now you don't have to chuck these up on center either because if you uh you know they they look it's just nice different effect if you do it differently if you go off center just kind of make sure headier mushroom a little crooked which is good if that's what you like [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so so [Applause] so all right so to take the tops off you can take a fine like a little coping saw or some fairly fine tucson cut that off leave yourself a little bit extra for the base you depending on what you have around um i i just use a forstner bit in the drill the same way as they did in the vases i would take the base off first while this was still on the top i'm just drill down into that and remove that remove that little uh a little dowel that's left on there just to get rid of the chuck marks and then once you've finished and i'll show you how that works out here once i'm just going to take this off okay so once you've sewn this off you can just take a piece of sandpaper put it in the palm of your hand which will allow it to contour a little bit just stick the just stick the top in it takes surprisingly little to get it off actually this is 240 grit paper there so even with 240 grit that comes off pretty easily so this is the way you can finish the tops off if you have absolutely no tools whatsoever to sam with but if you have a palm sander belt sander uh if you have the mandrel that fits in the headstock of your lathe with a two or three inch disc on it there's lots of ways of doing this but again i'm just showing this way in case you don't have any tools whatsoever and it really doesn't take that long as a couple of minutes and it does a fine job you can obviously make these as high end as you like you can glue up wood do whatever you like make them fancy as you want to on the bottom uh same way as i did the vases i just took the tenon that was sticking out there just took it off with a forstner bit and that's all that you really need to do again this is just a little inexpensive craft sale item now i'm handling the slot and getting it quite dirty so i'm going to blow this back off before i put some oil on it but i am going to turn one i know that this is for beginners but i am going to turn the last one uh and use the four jaw chuck so i'm going to put a tenon on it put it in just to show you the difference if you have four jaw chuck so if you have a lathe that you like and you have some chisels that you like my suggestion and you have a sharpening system that works well for you my next the suggestion i would make for your next purchase would be a four jaw chuck scroll a scroll chuck so we're gonna do one that way i've decided to make this one a little bigger it doesn't make any difference what gear you use you can still make these as big as you like using the centers but i just wanted to show a different size a little more variety in them okay you're gonna want to take this little tenon it's on the bottom the not the one that's going in your four jaw chuck but this one you're going to want to cut that off with a chisel or a bandsaw or whatever you want to use set your tail stock up when you're first starting just to keep a little extra support there so [Music] [Music] [Music] to mark like where we want our base [Laughter] [Music] foreign so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there so that one i just wanted to hollow of course bigger i didn't want to be too heavy so i just hauled a whole bunch up underneath the head of it here very quick and easy to do so normally i would part this off with a parting tool don't have one right now as it's broken i have one on the way so i'm just going to cut the bottom of it the same way as i just did and i will do the same thing to the bottom as i did in the other one just sand them off but and also before i do that i'm going to take the top and i'm going to turn this top off and this is the advantage of having a four jaw chuck so you can turn you can turn this little dowel off the top here this little tenon off the top nice and easily all right so while i just finish off this uh the top and the bottom of this one um these obviously the more colorful and more character wood that you have to turn these out of the more interesting they are again these are these are reasonably similar shapes it's kind of a shape that i like uh these are being made for someone and i know that's what they want so that's what i made but you can go nuts with profiles on these things like brian said in his video if you turn the shape of a mushroom there's a mushroom somewhere that looks like it so you really can't go wrong for a finish on these i did just put mineral oil on them just wiped it on with uh with the paper towel and brings out the color in the wood really nicely they look a little bland when they're on the lathe but as soon as you put the oil on them they really shine up nice i've had a few people ask me not to put music in my videos i'd rather listen to the sound of the tool on the wood uh this video where it's in real time i did that uh you know because you're aware there's no music in this video but any video when i speed it up um the sound of the tool on the wood sped up four or eight times is not representative of how that actually sounds just very shrill i find it hard on my ears i expect others do as well i don't care for that so real time videos i don't mind to leave the tool noise in there but when it's sped up it's always going to have music if you're still with me thanks for sticking around i appreciate it thanks again to everyone who subscribed to the channel i appreciate that as well and everyone who watches my videos please feel free to leave a comment um in the thumbs up or a thumbs down and hit the notification button if you'd like to be notified of every time a new video comes out so i'll leave some stills up at the end as usual thanks for watching we'll see you next time do [Music] you
Channel: The Klondike Craftsman
Views: 28,706
Rating: 4.9733996 out of 5
Keywords: woodturning, Wood turning, How to make a mushroom, turn a mushroom, Klondike Craftsman, project that sells, woodworking project, beginner wood turning, how to fund your shop, earn money with your lathe, woodworking that sells
Id: 2vsfNB6ZV_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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