Woodturning | Deer Antler Ring with Copper Inlay

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hi welcome back to the shop thanks for stopping by this week's video um i'm going to make a wedding band for my son he's getting married next month and he asked me if i would make him a ring with copper center and copper inlays in deer antler so i've never made a ring before i thought i'd give it a go so this is a piece of three quarter inch l weight copper pipe which fortunately uh is the right size so i don't have to monkey around too much of trying to expand metal and things like that so i've got this trued up as good as i can in the chuck and i'm just gonna just kind of touch this face make sure it's perfectly round and clean up the edge and then i'll put a i'll put what they call a comfort fit radius on the inside part it off flip it around put it inside the jaws and put a round edge on the inside as well and then i can work on drilling out some antler making that fit so see how we make out [Music] so i've never turned copper before today you can see i have some shavings here from when i had a little test run earlier on what i learned is that um just you know like you would normally peel cut wood doesn't work nearly as well as cutting in like this the same way that a metal lathe would so i'm just going to true this the rest of the way up so fortunately you can see the pipes that are around we're touching here not here here so it's uh so you gotta make that round that's important [Music] all right we've got a clean surface now i'm going to find my calipers and we'll check that to make sure that we're the right diameter both sides these are all just easy wood tools carbide just regular carbide no no negative rake the inside of this pipe was at around the same as the outside was so i had in addition to putting the yeast edge on it i had to uh true up the inside as well i'll leave just a little extra so i can clean it up on the opposite side [Music] now we get the insert ready i've tested it on my boy's finger it fits well luckily so now we can move on to getting some antler fitted over it i'm going to turn it down on this end put it back in the four jaw chuck and then i'll clean this part up [Music] [Music] [Music] okay too big that may work for another one so i don't want to waste it [Music] and i think that'll press in there just fine so i'm going to clean up the space a little bit all right i feel pretty good about that now i'm going to back this out just a little bit [Music] [Music] yeah it's gonna work just great nice and tight on both sides so i just have to put some glue on this and press it in we're good so i started the insert in i'm going to put a b2ca glue around the inside of the antler now and i'm going to use the tail stock as i press up against this plywood to press the press it in it's a pretty pretty snug fit so okay just gonna put a little bit of ca rare on this edge not a lot this doesn't need a lot okay let's set that in there and we'll press it right in [Music] there we go okay so this worked out pretty good um definitely need to come up with a better way to get the glue on and get it pressed in there so you see i got a little bit into my plywood so that's stuck on but that's not a problem it's gonna come off anyhow so now i'm going to build a mandrel to hold this ring i'm really happy with the fit though so that's the that's the main concern so that fits in there nicely and i'll build a mandrel now all right so i just took a little piece of scrap wood actually this is a cut-off end from the uh honey dippers that i made the other week and i'm just going to make a mandrel to fit one size ring and this may be too short i'm not sure i'm going to try it [Music] [Music] okay i'm gonna cut that down just a little bit more right there i'll put a ledge on it and then i'll split this so that it's sort of expandable [Music] okay that's really good so now i'm just going to split this on the bandsaw in an x and i'll put a screw in the end to expand it so that it takes up the slack and works as a friction chuck for this [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] okay that's pretty good right to the edge almost all the way do the same over here [Music] okay so that's pretty close now what i'm going to do next is i'm going to put take this mandrel back out put this in and i'm going to polish up this inside that way if i put any tiny marks in the outside i'm going to be turning those away in case you didn't notice there's a lot of guesswork going on here because i've never made one of these before [Music] do before i get this turned down to the final diameter i just want to do a couple of practice runs on the uh the grooves for the wire and the spacing for the wire to make sure it was going to look okay i'm not sure what gauge this wire is just some stuff that i had here it looked like it would fit proportionately well for this piece now i'm just testing the radius and i'm going to put on it and see what looks okay as well [Music] do [Music] so this part of the project i wasn't really able to explain as i was going because you're kind of trying to focus on what you're doing and get this done the ca glue sets up quite quick so you don't want to be messing around with time basically you start out with your piece of wire and you make sure that you get the end of the wire cut off nice and square i actually filed them flat so that my joints would match up good um then you kind of roll around you adjust this one a little bit at a time this end the trailing end so that you get a good lap and a good joint so this one there was a very very tiny speck that you could see where they met the second one you can't tell where the wire starts to stop so i was really pleased with how that turned out so i'm just pushing the wire down in tight to make sure it's down and good making sure it's got lots of ca that doesn't come back out when i turn it off flush so same process for the second one [Music] so [Music] do [Music] give this a couple of minutes to set up and then it's just a matter of putting the profile on the face that you want and getting the copper down flush to the surface of the antler uh so this is a really easy part of it once you got to here and then i sanded it up started at 1200 grit and i went to 2500 and i was going to put a ca finish on this um but i didn't like how it acted on the copper i did test it on on the copper and the insert which i didn't show but i didn't like how it reacted and so what i'm going to do with this is i'm going to get some uv resin and a light and i will put a coat of rest on that and i'm going to show that in another video but so this will suffice until that gets here and i met my deadline and my son's happy so if you're still with me thanks for sticking around i appreciate it thanks again to all my subscribers everyone who watches the videos i appreciate that as well if you watch the video and you like what you saw and you haven't subscribed please consider doing so and leave a thumbs up or a thumbs down let me know what you think in the comments i appreciate that as well and i respond to them all i'll leave some stills up at the end as always and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Klondike Craftsman
Views: 39,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodturning, wood turning, Klondike Craftsman, Deer Antler Ring with Copper Inlay, How to make a ring turning a ring on the lathe, inlay, turning antler deer antler how to turn antler, turning copper, easywood tools, carbide cutters, how to make a wedding ring, inexpensive ring
Id: pKCsOdbEgMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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