Woodturning log to a flowers art!! 【木工旋盤】職人技で木の枝から花のオブジェを作る!लकड़ी
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Yamabiko Wood Art
Views: 4,499,268
Rating: 4.5721383 out of 5
Keywords: Woodturning, goblet, lathe, howto, failures, lathework, woodworking, wooden, ウッドターニング, 神業, 職人技, 木工, 動画, 木工旋盤, जापान, लकड़ी
Id: 7A62Gt86Xdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Really cool even though the process made me anxious as hell. Kinda wish he would have left a little divider between the base and the stem though, to really sell the flower effect. Now they look more like mushrooms.
This was phenomenal
Truly subtractive production. Also, everytime he used the slow-mo, I'm conditioned to expect something bad to happen...