Woodturning - Ice coffee mug ! Кофейная кружка !
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Channel: Ruslan Lysov
Views: 3,890,075
Rating: 4.5781379 out of 5
Keywords: woodturning for beginners, woodturning ideas, woodturning projects, wood turning, woodturning a coffee mug, wood turning a coffee cup, tung oil finish, matt jordan woodturning, scheppach lata, axminster chuck, pewter casting, woodturning tools, Кофейная кружка, epoxy, wood lathe projects, resin turning projects, wood, Cone, шишка, woodturning, Ice coffee mug, lathe
Id: ESQE-0FxKn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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