Woodturning - Hawthorn Root Lamp
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Channel: Matt Jordan
Views: 48,507,813
Rating: 4.7471232 out of 5
Keywords: Hawthorn wood turning, root to lamp, woodturning a lamp, matt jordan woodturning, scheppach lata 5 lathe, resin art, resin lamp, resin and wood night lamp, epoxy resin and wood night lamp, how to make a wood and resin lamp, green resin, axminster chuck, woodturning for beginners, woodturning for beginners videos, woodturning for beginners uk
Id: UTplpIjc33k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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Would have been better with just the globe bit imo. Also putting that root on the lathe right off seems very very dangerous.
I come from a machine shop background and I cringed every time he rubbed the spinning work piece with his hands!
Jesus the wear he’s causing to his lathe with that much unsupported and unbalanced weight. Also let’s use our chisels to remove dirt? Could he not have first washed it off?
And he glued the base in, good luck if that led light strip shits the bed
I was like: another resin lathe project?
But this was very cool.
Why does he look like he pressurized the vessel when he was curing the resin. Don't you want to pull a vacuum on it to remove air bubbles?
That is so epic
Man, such a waste of a good piece of wood. Thats DIWHY material right there.