Making a Big Investment for our Family Business

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I have an important message for you regarding today's video and I'm not sure what happened and I think I need your help so what went down is this this morning it's about 9:00 right now I published this video that you're about to watch at 8:00 a.m. now when we publish a video it doesn't matter what time of day it is uh normally we stick to a schedule Tuesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday at 8:00 a.m. this morning I was right on time 8:00 a.m. the video published and I was down here splitting some firewood and I always take a break check the comments answer a few comments and I noticed it was about 830 and the video had like 1,500 views and I knew something was wrong uh it doesn't matter when we upload what day what the video is we always see a minimum a bare minimum 5 to 6,000 views in the first half hour I thought well that's weird and uh so I got the check in there were hardly any comments at all it was like you guys that are subscribers weren't being shown the video I have no idea why I don't think it was anything nefarious I think it was just a glitch I've seen it happen once or twice before so I thought to myself what should I do here a lot of people are going to be confused because they're not seeing the video when I normally upload the video so I thought it would be best to pull the video down and publish it again at 300 p.m. with an explanation of what happened which is what I'm doing now now here's where I need your help I'm also getting a lot of emails and comments from people saying that they have been unsubscribed I have no idea why they do that that is a real thing so if you are a subscriber to our Channel please check make sure that you are hit the notification Bell and hopefully you will be notified when we upload a video and I hardly ever say this but hit that like button leave a comment and uh we'll try to figure out what's going on here I have no idea but today's video is a good video I hope you enjoy it we have some big news to share and some not so good news about Hunter that actually worked out pretty good enjoy today's [Music] video [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so welcome back to outdoors with the Morgans it's been a long time since I did that but it is an absolutely beautiful day today much much nicer than it was yesterday uh we had a bad day yesterday I'll get into that in a minute but it rained from about 5:00 in the morning till about 10:00 at night on and off probably had an inch of rain it was just a miserable day but that was actually the least of our problems uh Hunter had another seizure yesterday and it was kind of late in the day for him normally when he has one uh it's first thing in the morning yesterday it was about 1:30 in the afternoon and he hasn't had one now for probably a year and a half but the good news was it happened he was laying in his bed so he didn't get injured he didn't fall down or anything like that or hit his head on anything but uh they are a hard thing to witness I'm sure that's even worse if you're the victim but it's a full blown Grandma seizure and he's his tough as Nails he is uh after it was over and things calm down he just uh took a nap for about 2 hours and uh he was as good as new after that but uh hopefully it's not a cluster of seizures that has happened before where you know he'll have one one day and then maybe two days later have another one and might have three or four of them in a week and a half and other times he'll have one and it might be a year and a half or two years before he has another so we'll have to see what happens but like I said everything's good now uh he's doing well and uh it's crazy he goes through all that sleeps for 2 hours and it's just like nothing ever happened it's uh it's crazy oh I almost forgot I have to tell you who the real hero was yesterday believe it or not uh when Hunter had his seizure like I said he was in his bedroom the door was closed it wasn't closed tight and you'll never guess who alerted us that Hunter was having a seizure Axel our youngest Golden Retriever now it may have just been luck I have no idea but Axel had just kind of ran into his room which opened the door and I could hear something going on and I was the first one in there so I don't know but I think arie's a little upset that it wasn't him that saved the day but we have to give credit to Axel for this one uh he's a wild one he is tons of energy we joke that his heart's much bigger than his brain but uh yeah he let us know like I said it could have been an accident but I still have to give him credit for alerting me that Hunter was having a seizure so shout out to Axel but anyway we're down at the Sawmill here today uh we've got a red oak log on here now uh this came from over at the neighbors just the other day uh this is probably the third or fourth log up the tree I think it's the fourth yeah and we're going to saw this into stickers for uh you know stacking and stickering lumber to air dry what I've been doing I've uh been stacking the stickers in the building in a crisscross pattern uh just to allow for some air flow for them to start drying and probably within a month or so uh they'll be ready to use they're not going to be dry completely all the way through but the outsides will be dry enough that I don't have to worry about sticker stain so that's a plan for this long yeah looking at it now I think that is the fourth log going up the tree this is all from One Tree right here that's a walnut right there but this is the butt log right here this would have been the second one third one fourth one is on the mill now as soon as it dries up or freezes up one of the two I need to go back over there because they took another one down it was just massive when I first looked at it I thought it might be around around 28 in it's probably 30 or 32 in straight as an arrow really really nice tree that one will go all to Lumber I won't uh saw any stickers out of that but we're going to fire up the mill and get started I need a lot of stickers we are really gearing up and uh I've decided to make a major investment we'll get this log saw up real quick then we'll go over the uh master plan and I took the first step just the other day to implement this plan I'm pretty excited about [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we cranked out uh quite a few stickers there in a hurry that log was 8 ft about 8 ft 3 in Long my stickers are going to be 4et long so out of each one I'll get two and I had eight boards across there so each cut you're basically getting 16 1 in by 1 in stickers all right Melissa just came down nice day isn't it it's beautiful a lot nicer than yesterday it is I told them about uh Hunter earlier Levi's up there with him right now but we're keeping a pretty pretty close eye on them yeah lot of stickers there huh there are a lot of stickers so what I do with these then I'll take them up to the building and I uh I can fit like eight or 10 I got a big slide compound miter saw yeah I think it's 10 at a time and then I can cut them to length down to 4T okay they're all perfect 1 in by 1 in okay I don't even know how many is there a lot yeah when I was telling them when you have eight boards up there each pass is basically 16 stickers you know what I mean cuz you cut them in half right yeah all right so the first part of this video that you just watched was from yesterday when we were down at the Sawmill and I told you that we were going to talk about a uh big investment that we're going to make and that's what we're going to do right now it's real windy outside I was just down at the Woodyard cutting some firewood so I figured I'd come in here it would be a little bit easier on the audio if I was indoors and by the way it is cooking in here uh this morning it was probably 12 or 13 degrees out and uh I got a fire ripping and roaring in the wood stove and I put wood on it a couple times throughout the day and I should have backed off cuz it's up to about I don't know 45 Dees or something outside and I think tomorrow is going to hit 60 so it's been up and down quite a bit but spring is definitely on its way but anyway enough about all all that uh if you noticed if you watch our videos you know we've got this whole wood thing pretty well covered but there has been a missing link uh we produce a lot of firewood uh we saw lumber on the wood meiser Sawmill we are now selling slabs through our friend Chris Martin he has the ey dry Kiln but there's a lot of other things that we could be doing and the one thing that we've been missing is our own Kiln and uh that's what we just ordered the other day uh it's a pretty big investment and the thing is sometimes I struggle spending money on a dedicated piece of equipment meaning that's all it's going to do is dry wood however I think for us it's time uh Chris will continue to dry like a real thick slabs and things like that and he does a great job and he's got the slab flattener and uh he can take care of all that kind of stuff but the the fact of the matter is we can saw in one day what it takes him to dry with his Kil in 3 weeks to a month you know what I'm saying plus he has his own wood and his own customers and so we would just like to be able to expand that capability some not only to dry Lumber which we will focus on like four quter 64 84 nothing too thick uh but also to dry firewood not bulk firewood uh but firewood for like you know the pizza ovens uh the little solo stoves the tiny little ones there's just a lot of different things that we can expand into but you know you can't ship firewood like little firewood if it's not Kil dried and uh that's one of the things we wanted to be able to do so I think having our own Kil we will be running this thing literally 247 365 with either firewood or Lumber and we'll go over exactly what it is and all that when it arrives which will be in about four to 6 weeks and we can set it up with a shipping container or we could build a uh its own designated chamber which isn't a big deal either so it's something we're going to get working on real quick but it'll drop probably around 3,000 board feet of lumber at a time and uh that's a lot of lumber and a lot of firewood as well and I'm really excited about it but like I said this is a dedicated piece of equipment you know a lot of times I'll see uh comments from people you know about you bought an expensive excavator to cut firewood that's not all that machine is used for you can use the excavator for a 100 different things uh same with the skid loader uh The Sawmill obviously it's a a dedicated machine log splitter it is as well and the Kiln will be another one normally I like to buy things that can be used for a variety of things but uh we're going to be pretty well set up in the wood business we are we're going to get into uh shipping Pizza Wood I've been kind of doing a market study on that looking at all the different sellers online what they offer how much they sell it for compared to you know a board foot per price of Lumber in other words you know you're taking good say White Oak what's it worth as Lumber what is it going to be worth cutting and splitting it into tiny little pieces of firewood trying to figure out labor costs all that kind of stuff but I think it's going to be worth doing and uh but we definitely need a Kil and we have needed one for a long time Melissa is actually the one that has been pushing me for a long time in that direction I see it as we got a whole whole bunch of other things going on but really once you get the product in the Kil there's not a whole lot to do you know what I mean so that'll just it's one more step in the process you know so I'm pretty excited about it and then the next thing after that you know the goal here is to have another building not like this one but just kind of a bare bones building but both heated and cooled that we could store uh kill and dried Lumber in so you know you always need more space but if you have kill and dried Lumber you don't want to go through all that trouble and leave it stacked outside somewhere and we will start to sell more lumber we've been doing a lot of that as it is start selling more of it but I'd like to just keep building an inventory uh talk about this all the time you have no idea how long nobody does all this lasts with YouTube and all that and we went from you know I went from a firewood guy to a guy yeah I went from a firewood guy that does YouTube to a YouTube guy that does firewood now it's starting to kind of go the other way again because we are we're doing pretty well you know sewing wood whether it be firewood or Lumber but I just want to build a big inventory and uh it's kind of like money in the bank you know whether it be firewood or a huge building filled with nice kill and dried Lumber and we're not going to fool with any lower grade stuff at all uh it'll be all good quality Hardwoods and like I said just build an inventory and you'll always have that there it's kind of like money in the bank and we'll sell throughout the years but at some point who knows maybe we'll just sell lumber keep adding to it or maybe just sell firewood I kind of just go with where my time is best utilized is what I like to do and at this point in my life what I like to do uh for years I did what I had to do and now I'm kind of steered by what is the best use of my time and you know what's the most beneficial for myself and my family I had to laugh the other day I was out there working in the clearing and I have this big brush pile and I've got a bunch of stumps piled on it and usually I know what some of the comments are going to be and sure enough I wasn't wrong a lot of people literally get worked up about seeing firewood in that brush pile knowing that I'm going to burn it up and how I'm wasting that wood that's good firewood and why would you do that there's a lot of different reasons number one uh it's fuel to get those stumps burn up you know I can't just pile up a bunch of stumps and hope to burn them up but more importantly I have learned over the years to try my best to best utilize my time time we all only have so much of it and one of the comments was about me wasting wood and he said something like when you had when you didn't have two nickels to rub together you would never have left that wood in the burn pile or whatever is what he was implying and I said that is correct and it's because that's why I didn't have two nickels to rub together I was too focused on the little stuff and I was chasing in my tail always running in circles trying to get things done trying to make a living trying to provide for my family and I wasn't making the best use of my time once I started to figure that out things just kept you know you get traction then you know I remember years ago I used to plow snow uh like commercially I did a Lowe's store all by myself and at the time you know looking at it you're thinking boy I'm doing pretty good at this but at the end of that season you know you start adding up what you spent on salt you got a bunch of equipment that needed repaired that you beat on all winter long you really didn't make any money and you spent all this time in the middle of the night the middle of the day whenever it snowed or you had ice you're up there running around like crazy literally and figuratively just spinning your wheels you know what I mean so that is one of the things that I tried to do uh is just prioritize and use my time to the fullest and uh I think I thought of that once I read those comments about that firewood you know if you go out there and you're cutting every little piece like this yep it's good wood burns good you don't have to split it but you're just not making enough product running around whacking up little Limbs and uh stacking them up it's just not worth the time uh if you didn't have any anything else to do it would absolutely be worth the time but I have found that there are other things that I like to do that are more beneficial if that makes sense so I'm kind of rambling on now but I'll kind of give you all this in a nutshell coming up soon is a new Kiln uh for drying Lumber drying firewood we're going to get into other types of firewood more specialty stuff smaller quantities of firewood that's another thing when it comes to firewood the smaller the quantity the more more that you make per chord but it's more labor involved more time involved you just have to find a good way to streamline all that and produce as much as you can in the least amount of time and I enjoy all that kind of stuff I like just trying to find little bit better ways to do things that that work for us uh and then another building and I don't know where we're going to put it to tell you the truth we got a lot of hills and a lot of valleys around here and uh it's not going out in the new clearing at least I'm 99% sure that's not where it's going uh it would be a fantastic spot for it don't get me wrong but two reasons number one probably going to cost $50,000 at least to get electricity back there and number two I don't really want to screw that area up right now and not saying a building would screw it up we could make everything real nice but it's just a nice place to go to get away from all the other things you know it's a nice place to hunt to see the wildlife would like to plant some fruit trees have a nice food plot who knows I don't know but I need to find a place to put another building and uh we can move some dirt that's for sure but I have I have been literally walking all over the place trying to find a good place where everything will flow nicely like coming from The Sawmill up here or out there I don't know we have to work all that out and uh this building is 40 by 72 I don't think we're going to build one quite that big but whatever we build will be a little bit taller you know even a 40x 60 say because this one is basically half Game Room office bathroom kitchen you know half of this building is for recreational purposes and the other half yeah I think a 40x 60 would probably do it with a big overhang on one side and uh we would probably end up putting the Kil right inside the building I think tell me that wouldn't be great you know the middle of winter Snow's flying and uh you got a couple lifts of lumber right there you're working inside pointed out of the Kil stacking sorting and not being affected by the weather so those are all the things that we're working on and I'm really excited about it when we get closer I'll uh or when we get it we'll go over all the details on this Kil we may even get two not right away but I think this one is going to be running around the clock year round and uh it'll just have to depend on how sales do but oh one more thing before I forget which I already did forget people have been emailing asking when fire starter is going to be available again you're going to see this video on Tuesday we'll have it back on the website this coming weekend either Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning and for everybody that's local uh you can get it at Dall Lumber in Harmony Pennsylvania or wrath farms in calerie we just restocked both of them so they have plenty that's about it catch you on the next one
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 173,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: YzG88Rz7870
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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