Applying 28-0-0 in the rain ๐Ÿ‘Œ

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good afternoon everybody it is June 3rd today uh still at the South Farm they just came down here and picked up my North spray they're taking it back up there we're going to have to start spraying up there now um but yeah I'm in Donald spray here the South one and it's raining lightly raining but raining ah maybe it's a little more than lightly raining anyways I putting down liquid 2800 liquid nitrogen so uh the reason why I'm doing that is cuz oh that's my wind meter that's the Patriot wind meter that tells you that it's windy it's not actually that's the de tank uh the fill in there but uh when the wind gets excessive it hits the window on the front of the cab and then bounces back and fix that up somehow I don't know how it does it guys I don't know how but it does so we've already done one tank of 28 0 we're putting it on at about 10 gallons so there's there's right around 2.8 to three actual pound of in per gallon so putting on right around that 30 gallons or 30 lb of actual in yes so you want rain guys okay the more I actually want an inch of rain to take this in might not get that only forecasting about a quarter inch but really need a good inch of rain in my experience just booming out so you're probably wondering why why are you putting more fertilizer on uh it's because we didn't put very much down yes we did have quite a bit in our ground from our previous drought years three them be exact and yes we soil sampled the fields and yes we just propped up to what we needed for about a 35 to a 40 Bush crop is what we shot for and if it keeps raining we're going to get more than that or at least we need to at least give it a chance to produce more than that because you should be in 40 50 bushel territory pretty easy if you can get some rain so we're going to top it up it is a risk cuz we don't know what this year is going to do it could just dry right off again it could all be deceiving [Music] you guys can't really see that so anyway what this is this is not a regular cap like a sprayer cap that has a flat fan you know because fertilizer Burns crop you know any fertilizer that touches those leaves out there it's going to burn it so the last thing you'd want to do is spray the whole plant this is not a foler do not be be confused with fers fers have a bit have some a little bit of fertilizer in them this is straight up raw product which means we're dribble banding I guess you could say so these caps have three holes in them basically just like this like a bowling ball and it has an Orphus in it for 10 gallons and so it just literally streams three out like this it just goes like that we're not trying to hit the plant here we're actually trying to hit the soil anything that we hit on the plant will burn it going to shut these sections off last thing I want to do is fertilize the SLO it's kind of counterproductive so we have done the whole I know this thing just the window every now and then drive B anyways Donald sprayer any time you hop in Donald's sprayer it will always have junk food you will never be disappointed you'll never be disappointed we got 5 Cent candies over there we've got three cases two cases of three cases of Pop down here with a bag of chips if you're ever hungry you always want to find donal's equipment I don't know how he survived on it I guess I've survived about uh 20 some years on just itchy alone so no probably closer to 30 years anyways going back to uh the fertilizer and the top dressing completely lost my train of thought here you obviously don't want to be out here if you're making ruts it's not that wet yet and the reason why I'm out here prior to a Rain is cuz it can wash the fertilizer off the plants the staging of this wheat is right around that five to yeah right about five leaf I would say pretty dang close right on five maybe five coming on six Lea that's perfect timing in my opinion for dribble banding going into this wind we wise well just be purely spraying out there seriously just purely spraying cuz it's pushing it when we turn around you'll actually get to see the streams there's our 10 gallon rate right there we're not going to bother do our Headland right now cuz we're probably going to get rained out just want to go up and back as fast as I can to empty off this tank oh there now you guys can see it hold on let me go through this wash out there we go see here try zoom in on this you guys see the streams see the three prong streams coming down I you guys can see that let's try this side there you go now you guys can see it through the water through the water of the window so it's just a three it's literally just doing this all right speed up let's get some Acres down here so back in the day like probably back 2013 2014 and even prior back to then we were all liquid we we didn't do we didn't use any Gran we used liquid fos liquid nitrogen liquid sulfur everything was Liquid liquid um we pulled the we pulled liquid carts we just ran small 700 bushel um seed carts cuz you can just fill on full seed it's all you needed we went away from that because I don't know we were just sick of liquid we were sick of Leakes dripping it was always spraying up on the midro banders you always r a hose down through the midw bander blade and then the blade it touched the blade and it would swirl it like this and hu fertilizer like with fertilizer up and it's just I don't know a lot of guys love it I don't I don't dislike it we just chose to go a different route so it went back to dry but liquid through a sprayer is still a great option to spread risk out so that way you know you could you know like this year for example it was super dry we were seating in the great big old lumps we just put minimal fertilizer on now it's been raining we're like oh man things are looking a little optimistic we're going to go and put some fertilizer down the downside is is you got to be able to cover it all you got to have the sprayer capacity to do it and it's tight right now for us cuz you know we got we're still going we're spraying this wheat Derm right now for herbicides we got chickpeas that are going to need herbicide and fun acides here pretty soon and uh now we're trying to do liquid fertilizer which is a whole other app and it's 10 gallons anything anytime you do anything at 10 gallons bance takes a long time so that is the dealio I wouldn't want to do too much of this cuz we just logistically can't cover it can't get over it and then soon as you got soon as you're like well I'll just buy another sprayer or two so that way I can have it on hand or you know just cover your ground faster well then you wi as well just put it in the ground because you kind of defeated the purpose sorry you guys can't see through that at all I guess so once it gets too wet we'll actually start slinging some mud and then we know it's time to quit we have broke out our side windows before it's not a fun experience just from slinging mud in rocks oh did you hear that H the window oh I can tell it's windy it's pushing my boob back all right guys I'll let you go you kind of get the gust of it this is what we're doing now you don't have to be perfect at least I don't like you know if you're doing herb besides you got to go all the way around that slop you know what I mean like you actually you can't leave these little spiffs and misses but when you're just doing some dribbling it don't matter just do the path of leas resistance hello you never know sometimes this case on the Ste might want to turn you turn your R around I actually really like the uh The Raven Viper Force we're pushing our speed a little bit here trying to cover as much ground as we possibly can woo this is a 1 1600g tank and uh yes I did fill right up don't worry don't worry it's only full for like one to two passes then it's not full anymore all right guys I'll catch you on the slipper byos Amigos back I know I know I'm like a bad cold just can't get rid of me but I don't think we're going to get this load off we still got about 800 gallons on here yet and and uh we are have to slow down because we're barely going to keep it in a straight line as you can clearly look at my fenders she's getting a little sloppy out there right now it's pretty steady rain um hoping to make another couple passes am I uh rutting up my crop ah not yet you can see my track just over there that was my last track see if I can zoom in on it whoa and it's not bad well I'll show you when we get out I'll show you yeah it's starting to rain even harder we're going to just try and get to the road here right now before we start sliding around yeah there's there's water running out down those uh oh oh oh oh oh we're sliding here we're sliding that's okay that's okay that's okay let's just get it over here to what hasn't been seated see don't worry that will come back that will come back not if I drive into the slooh but we just got to just going to follow this all the way around our road is right there just staying on the edge of the slew don't worry we're not actually spraying the fertilizer see the water starting to lay here there we go just like that we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good calm down Square we're good maybe I should just fertilize this a little bit here we're here we're here just throw a little bit on there it is okay we're going to get on the road here Beauty boom up I guess we're done well I'm super stoked about the stuff we just uh dribbled that fertilizer on and uh when it dries up a little bit we'll come back out and keep cracking on it it won't dry up tonight but so that's the dealio the downside is though that look how dirty I got this sprayer oh that pains me a little bit but I'd rather get this sprayer dirty and put that fertilizer down and have that rain to take it in any day of the week so with that being said I'll catch you guys on the clipper I know I'm telling you I'm telling you I'm like the worst cold you ever had but uh I'm just about back to the farm here and I'm pretty sure pretty sure can't see it here the guys are still doing concrete we've had concrete trucks coming all day cuz we're working on the shop now can't remember if I mention that or not but uh I guess we're going to build a shop so they're working on the piles and when I left in the rain there was a couple concrete trucks here I don't know if they're here anymore they're not doing a floor just piles right now o it's a little little dampish love the rain you guys absolutely love this rain it's just freaking awesome oh there's Brian down there that tells me that they must be done or they got rained out or oh here's the rest of the crew they're off in the shop okay I better let you go then cat you guys on the flipper adios amigos the last time it's it's the last time I swear guys I apologize anyway I thought i' just do a walk around yeah and if you notice that this tire is going the wrong ways because when we got these set of tires uh they whoever put them on so we got to get that thing flopped around that gives us traction when we go into a s we want to back out it's actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be I thought it was going to be a lot worse to be honest with you nothing a good pressure washer won't fix but that's probably the worst okay last time see you next time
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 51,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Mitchell, Faith Hope Farms, Saskatchewan, Canada, Top dressing, Fertilizer, Applying 28-0-0, South Farm
Id: 80_ffHLdk3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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