Wood turning 5000 year old Irish bog oak

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[Music] okay in this video we're doing something kind of special i managed to get some 5 000 year old bug oak all right it's very very wet all right now i turned a small piece of this kind of stuff about 25 years ago i've never actually gotten a piece a big piece and i got a bit of it right and this is one of the smallest pieces i got so i'm gonna use this as kind of an experiment on what's the best way to do this all right as you can see i'm gonna have to cut it to get a ball blank out of this and i figure the best way is probably like put that part off there and get a ball blank there and then i'm going to try and figure out what's the best way of drawing it and this one i'm going to either put in the kiln or i'm going to microwave it and i said it's just an experiment this this one to just see what's the best way of actually doing this and at the off cuts will of course be keeping for our pens and stuff because this stuff is nearly impossible to get all right so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to try and kind of straighten that out there somewhere to get a ball blank out of it right so i'll uh i'll be back when i do that right then that talk of oil i haven't caught it round because at the moment only the other day i hit a nail with my bandsaw blade and i'm waiting for new blades to come so i just did the best i could with this is one of the off cuts as you can see it's basically pure black inside i hope it is actually uh did quite a bit of research on this when i got it uh the camera angles on this video are going to be a little bit weird because i can't leave the camera up there where it is because it will get destroyed with the stuff that's going to spray off this apparently bug oak has uh the water ratio in it is two and a half gallons to every cubic foot of wood so you can imagine what the spray off this is going to be like i have everything in the in the place covered right i'm going to put the camera over there so it's out of the way and i'm going to be cutting this slowly it's 5 000 year old wood so um there could be something wrong with it i've used two inch screws with a very heavy thread to hold it in right now this is actually quite heavy as you can probably imagine you can see your black it is in there i said god knows what i'm gonna discover when i actually there's a crack there but i'm hoping to cut that down when i round it off that'll cut out both the thing with bug oak is uh look right there if it cracks it cracks that's just the nature of the beast kind of thing right so uh i'll move the camera put on a mask or a face shield and we'll see what we can do with this i said this one should be quite interesting i'm interested to see what's inside of this already done more setup nice and clear i mean the tail stuck up i said i have no idea what way this was going to react oh that sucks think i'm way into that i think this may be a bit funky all right now judging by the way that tail stock went in i'm gonna have to go in a fair bit on the base of this and that crack is after really opening there it's a huge crack in this all right so i'm gonna very slowly turn this on 3 30 4 30. all right we're five members and i'm not gonna be here that's why i'm not going anywhere all right cancel that one all right now we're back with a second piece all right this piece seems more solid i've done the exact same thing again and it squared it off as much as i could in the band saw two inch screws all right now what happened the last time and i would recommend this to anybody if you've got a piece of wood on that you think might be dodgy spin it up to faster than you're to torn at us and stay out of the way and if it's going to blow it's better to blows when you're back out of the way then when you're in the forwarding line so i'm going to do the exact same thing with this one i'm going to spin it up to 500 r if the light starts vibrating whichever comes first leave it for a few seconds save the blouse and continue from there all right so back over here out of the way again start up all right 220 320 400 this bit's flying off and there's a slight vibration in the light 430 450 right now i'll leave that for a minute these little bits flying off it as i said this is 5 000 year old wood the odds are it's dodgy right right i've got the voice down so i'm gonna probably sound funny all right here we go five thousand year old there's a piece flying off i'm taking this very very easy all right i'm gonna stop at another local the water's just pushing out of this thing the only place i'm hitting is there a little some very soft bits in this okay go back to it now stay back out of the way turn it up okay we're back to what now wait there was a big bang so something came flying off i'm gonna stop it and find out what it was it was a piece up here at the top the bowl is going to be smaller i don't remember that as a feature we don't know yet as you can see i'm staying well back here out of the way of this just in case because you never know oh man is that color fantastic all right i'm still not flat so i'm gonna have to keep going [Music] stuff again have a look that felt smoother it was actually feels dry compared to what i haven't caught don't know why all right so i'm basically round now apart from that but if this walks in that will come out when i shape it right now i need to face off there so i'm just going to cook this like it would a normal bowl i'm actually like with that in i guess on the face i've never seen that flower covered in pure black shavings it is we're at 550. something sounds hollow let's stop another look i'll be stopping and looking at this quite a bit that something sounded a bit hollow there i think it's them yeah here there a lot of mike's picking up it sounds hollow just there so i'm gonna go in a bit deeper just to see what's in there back up to 460 again i'm trying to get down to solid wood here especially there in the center i don't think i'm gonna get there because that void it goes way down i think my best bet is probably to start trying throwing a shape into this everywhere is solid except there right i'm gonna try to try and start trying to shape into this to see how solid the wood actually is [Music] [Music] [Music] remove the tool list see they have those classic bug oak stripes there look at that seems to almost be an ant colony inside this there is there's another colony inside this it's a massive ant colony inside this hmm that's gonna have to go outside and get treated because there is a massive ant colony inside of this i don't know if the is picking a little like excuse the camera movement for a minute i'm going to give you a close-up of what i'm saying you see it inside the cracks that's gonna have to be brought outside and treated to get them out of there so i'll be uh back in a bit all right then it's a couple of hours later and the invasion of the prehistoric hands i think i've dealt with all right yeah so i'm just gonna continue what i was doing i'm trying to get a shape into this okay let's stop and have a look at that i'm kind of torn on whether to try and fill those cracks or leave them there but i'm i'm actually in towards leaving them there because it's part of the wood uh what i was waiting for to get the ant started out i was having a look at the video that i've done so far for some reason on the video the wood looks kind of brown it must be the lightning here in the camera because it is actually pure black so what i'll do is i'll take some photographs at the end in better lighting and uh you might be able to see the color better right so i keep down on this it's definitely it's very solid even the parts of the cracks it's actually very solid all right so i'm going to keep going on [Music] [Music] this [Music] i'm just trying to get a basic shape into it and then i can think about the shape properly that i'll be cutting it down to there so i'll be taking about about an inch off it and we have more ants in a different section and then sort them out now as well all right then the answer started out so now we're going to start actually putting the shape into this fold if i can work for a tenant it's oversized because we'll be um trying to dry this bottle out a bit so it could go out of shape on me so i'm leaving with up enough room to reshape it if i need to now cut down to that finish that tenon off when i uh remove the tail stock i want to get some shape into this force though that's i might be able to gap there but it's actually quite solid all right you know i'm sticking this shape into this proper shape which i'm going to be doing with pull cuts check my height slightly [Music] all right i'll just keep stopping and checking this i know i normally do um practical balls but this one is not going to be practical this is going to be a display piece all right so i'm up to where it's gonna cut to which is there that's quite punky just there it's really soft just there how do i leave that in do i leave that in all right all right i'm going to lose the tile sucker and start that out while i'm thinking about what to do there's a 10 inserted that is so solid that crack shouldn't matter so no effect on it whatsoever do i leave that i think i will mostly solid but that for five thousand year old wood i think that would add character so i'm gonna all leave i'm gonna leave that crack at the top i've broken out bit there i'm gonna go push hook that way now to do that i need the shutter ball i got the shorter ball gouge i'm just gonna put an edge on it i'm just gonna use this because i can get it around the camera [Music] easier [Music] [Music] [Music] uh the bevel and pick up mr clutch is slightly there in the middle there's a jump in it there somewhere in that section i think it's that punky piece that's doing it try to sort of pull again such a strange wood to be caught that will do for the time being because i'm going to put this in the microwave and see if i can dry it out so i can get a finish out because it's still very wet so now what i'm going to do is mark there and spin it around so that i can hollow at the inside of it i want to make the center forced so that i can put it back on centralized it's the center marked all right take this off and spin it around see we can discover on the inside of it right now it's one around uh the blank is i think it's too small to actually use the tail stock so we're i'm gonna go with that one all right first thing i'm gonna do is as i would underneath the ball face that off i've dropped the speed down now hundred all right okay we're flat now i'm still thinking about that edge is it worth keeping a half an inch to break that edge if it's not broken there it's gonna be broken there anyway i think i'll take it there's a look good gun nearly i don't know the camera's picking up when you say just there okay leave it the way it is it's that piece it's not that solid let me leave it the way it is for the moment we're going to find the width of the bowl now i'm going to dry it i want it quite heavy so there all right then we're going to have now we're going to hollow this into speed up slightly i'm at 700. i'm still quite wary because i know those cracks are on the outside but i suppose they're not actually cracks they would be this pose just not as dense part of the wood that has got rotted away in the bug as i was saying i did a lot of research on this and uh there seems to be two schools of thought all right i came across some articles that said that uh bargo you should try and use and kilnjoy uh as soon as it comes out of the ground because as soon as it comes out of the ground it starts to decay and i came although i came across one that said you have to leave it to dry naturally for 20 years i came across another that said to put it on a bed of straw for six months so uh i definitely won't be doing the 20-year one but the first one i'm going to try is drawing it out quickly which is what i'm going to try with this one so i don't know if you can see in the background over there i got a nice little bit of this stuff so i'm gonna experiment first to make sure i don't ruin the cool bits look at that again yeah see if we get a little crank on the tenon small little let's check that again yep that's about great all right now i'm gonna put the uh i'm gonna grab the microwave and use a shed and we're gonna have a go with drying this out so uh i'll be back then that's done either pass or fail tell your but uh so far it's been quite interesting to do and something i've noticed is when it's freshly cut there's a kind of a brown tinge of it but after the air has been out for a couple of minutes it goes pure black wait so i'll go and grab that microwave and uh i'll be back when i know what happens all right then after three days of microwaving this is as dry as i can get it and i can tell you it's still not dry but uh for the sake of the video i'm gonna go with it and i'm going to uh let it bend and twist whatever way it wants all right so first thing i'm going to do is start out doing something else before this is in reverse and what i'm gonna do is let uh let it bend and twist whatever way at once the first thing i'm gonna do is straighten out this tenon gonna get that tenon run through running true again that's true again [Music] i'll take that off so it doesn't hit great okay we'll flip that around now and uh let's see what we can do i don't know if you can see this but even after three days of microwaving the pressure is still pushing water out of this i'd say that this probably is not microwavable now let's see what we can do with this so this is just an experimental piece before i go into the big stuff that i have holy all right i'm putting the helmet back on because i still don't trust this wood all right i'm gonna try a pole coat to get to get us round again okay this bowl garage is a sleepy longer blade longer [Music] slightly longer wing look at me cleaner closer okay we just lost a bit just lost a good bit see that's why i have the hammer on because as i said i still don't trust this wood now my choices are not a lot really i think that's where the ants nest was i think it was majorly hollow in there nice what i'm gonna do with that i'm gonna deal with that is nothing broke clean out all right now i don't know what i'm gonna do with that i'm gonna cut that way down to below that so this is just the experimental one so a bit more it's still absolutely sulking in the middle of this great i'm going to cut down to below that it was that that's the weak spot there that was found earlier on and you can see that that is pure soaking wet inside of that i'm just going to cut that down and uh we go from there another trunk came out there so stay on the edge but there's depth there so i've actually got something to work with right i'm gonna try and sharpen this down the other way now this ball may just become a platter we got rid of most of the cracks in the ponky-ish wood it's going to be a really small bow but that's the thing when you're working with we all know from walking wood you never know what's inside of it and if you're working with 5000 year old wood you're really done a little bit more here we transfer that remote a little more something i can't do is the smell of this stuff is not great all right let's leave another crack there and i didn't see that there's actually water coming out of it hmm definitely just to practice this [Music] um too late [Music] better i gotta watch my depth i don't want to be in that 5 000 year old club there's that wonky edge there i don't want to cut down too far for that go deeper now enjoy the mega break scraper get rid of tool max that is definitely moving so i want to be very careful there right i'm going to sand this and then i'll be back nice i'm actually up till there's a point in this one even though it's a lot smaller than we started uh as an experiment to see how to walk the wood and canopy droid in the microwave and that stuff it worked and the answer is the wood's easy enough to walk but uh the microwave doesn't work it's absolutely stunning as i said the colors and the lights in here don't seem to be great for picking up the color so i'll take some stills and put them up but it's absolutely pure black as i said i'm not actually disappointed in this one because uh as an experiment it worked and i learned that the microwave doesn't work on this eraser i'll take it out of these jars flip it over stick it in the cauldrons and finish the bottom i'll be back when i flip it over all right then we're in the college house i have a small bowl guys take this down all right the finish we used was as soon as it was an experiment i didn't go with the oil i remember my normal finish of the actually written hamstring it seemed to take it seemed to take it quite well right below i am just checking i have a number of corners i do also get to the middle the smaller the quotes i'm taking all right i've moved the camera a bit closer so maybe you can pick up the color but also look though if you can see it there the warped it's after coming in this as i've been working it as it's drawing out as i'm walking it's a massive warp right now but uh as i said as an experiment as in how to walk this uh i'm after learning a lot out of this one hopefully you have too in case you ever happen to get a piece of this stuff the microwave doesn't work what i'll do is um i'll torn a rough torn a ball out of another piece of this probably in the next few days or something and uh off camera i'll do it and i'll put it in the kiln and see what happens there and if that actually dries out properly i'll finish tournament in a video oops it's close there i'll finish touring it in a video so hopefully with the camera closer it's actually picking up the color i can't tell if it is on it where was i oh yeah he said our tall name a corner ball and stick it in the kiln and see if that draw is better but uh there's a sign i learned a bit from doing this if i walk somewhat doesn't and hopefully any other stuff that i did that didn't work if you ever get a bit of this you don't have to try it all right so uh hope you enjoyed that one and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: BB Turning
Views: 250,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood, turning, bog oak, 5000 years old, five thousand years old, BB Turning, Laguna 1836, Laguna Lathe, Laguna UK
Id: 1QO2iW7IiOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 11sec (3191 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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