Wonky Wonka Experience: New Documentary on the Disaster Glasgow Event

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you may remember the disastrous willly chocolate experience in Glasgow that went viral last month for all the wrong reasons the event promised a chocy dream but instead left parents livid children in tears and the actors involved well quite frankly embarrassed excuse me without thinking I've just put some chocolate in my mouth really somebody in the Green Room gave me get into the spirit how ironic and it was such a failure such a spectacular failure that a documentary has been made about the whole event called Wonka the Scandal that rocks Britain well we're now joined by Michael archal who appears in the documentary and played the main man Willie and two Umpa lumpas who we've chatted to before Kirsty Patterson and Jenny fogy good waving everyone good waving as we haven't met you before Michael Billy um tell us how it all happened for you then tell us about well first of all how you even got involved in it and when you realized how it was all going horribly wrong so essentially for me um what this started off as a little bit of a job search right uh so I'm care experience by the way and happy kinship care week by the way for all my fellow kinship carers out there a okay um so I live on my own I've been a strange since I was 17 and uh for me like I'm currently 18 and I was like you know what I'm going to go out there I'm going to get a job I'm going to make some mad money and I'm going to mov into my own flat for the summer yeah and it went downhill from there so I was like you know what an acting job seems really fun how how about I go for something like that and it turned out oh Wily's chocolate experience was like advertised on indeed which is you know like job searching up I'm like yeah this is great right my first time using it and um I it was my first gig I was like you know what I'm an artist I've done like all different kinds of stuff I've spray painted a mural in Glasgow which I'm featured on I've done work with John Lewis releasing a tote bag like all this different types of stuff right I'm an artist I'm a I'm creative then I was like acting seems really up my alley I could so I could smash it like I I would do so good and I'm bringing joy to children like it's just everything I need at once and then the reality there wasn't even a chocolate bar inside so when you got there in the day there wasn't a chocolate bar inside yeah what did you think I mean we're looking at the pictures from it it's absolutely you know it's pretty sparse put it that way and were you embarrassed it's like asking a kid if they like candy yes I was very embarrassed um it was it was oh my goodness I I was in front of all these people and uh a lot of folk were like wow he's so unenthusiastic but um it was because I didn't want want to be there in the first place and you didn't you didn't know did you you knew what they didn't know that when they got inside it was going to get even worse Kirsty and Jenny you knew uh because you were facing it and I know ciry that you were trying everything you were doing cartwheels you were jumping up and down you were doing everything you could to distract from this so my motto in life is leterally just make the best out of worst situation so that's what all I could do and I think all the kids and the parents could all vouch for me and I was doing cartwheels yeah the start but then when he went abandoned the scripts I was stuck behind the Jelly Bean bit handing about one Jelly Bean and then we ran out of jelly beans so I know but so when that picture got took that was when I hit my point of like what's going on here what's what am I doing with my life which can resonate with a lot of people cuz we've all actually done a job that we don't like to do because we have to what's what's life like now because bizarrely although the experience wasn't a great experience it's turning into a kind of all together different experience for you because here you are and Good Morning Britain and sort of getting a bit of a profile so for me the media has been amazing um it's opening doors for me I never thought could ever be opened Dre like my dream was always to be a kid's TV presenter and work with Charity your dream was always to beinga lumper yeah but I love being like a character I love like being in my imagination and my dreams always to work with Charities such as ADHD and autism UK they're very important to me right so yeah it's just and that's happening is it they've been that's my plan yeah wow to work with Charities and how did the documentary come about Jenny um well I I'm not actually working on the channel 5 documentary okay but I have seen like a hugely positive response from people for like all the attention that we've been getting from the media um it's just it's wild like none of us could have expected this kind of a a result and and and have you heard from from the organizers what are they doing because I know a lot of people still want their money back promised they're going to get refunds well in the statement in a fair play you know they've been very apologetic and it seems to be heartfelt in in the statement but you I'm in conflicting feelings with it because I do and one way I am a human being and after all kind of this has kind of come down for me I have we' actually all spoke about we actually do feel we bit sad for them but at the same time but the organizers cuz I know you felt very sad for the par but however there is the flip side where I do believe like there is a cost of life there's a like people don't have money these days and like kids were going up to me parents were going up to me on the day saying this is what they got their kid for Christmas and that just doesn't come out my brain and they've not got the refund so I can't my I empathize up to a certain point but then I get an O again the organizers House of Illuminati did post a statement uh on Facebook saying unfortunately the last minute they were let down in many areas of their event and tried their best to continue on and now realize we probably should have cancelled first thing instead well they probably should have done shouldn't looking at it um have are people getting paid are people getting their money back as far as you know yeah PE they have said they're refunding people um families I know that the actors only got paid half of what we were contracted to right but um yeah I haven't seen many F's actually going true for families um it's just and it's a lot of money received any more than um cuz it was we were supposed to be paid the week after and we've only received half and then he's gone completely Mia essentially and what really sucks as well is like for myself I've not actually gotten that many opportunities out of this the channel 5 documentary and uh whatnot it's because people were really late to releasing videos of me and whatnot so nobody's really reached out still you're only 18 still still time don't you worry don't you worry all right well it lovely to talk to all three of you um and good luck with what comes next thank you thank you thank you very much always got the flourish
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 40,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, glasgow, glasgow willy wonka, good morning britain oompa loompa, good morning britain willy wonka, wonka experience glasgow, wonka experience, wonka experience unknown, wonka experience glasgow footage, wonka experience oompa loompa, wonka experience glasgow interview
Id: 0NrnZpikBsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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