Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Fiasco

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace immersive van go immersive friends immersive trolls there seems to be an immersive experience for everything these days but House of Illuminati a Live Events company based out of London wanted to take immersion one step further they wanted to create an interactive theater experience based on the Whimsical world of wily Wonka but what promised to be a Golden Ticket event ultimately turned out to be a massive Wang doodle it promised to be a magical chocolate experience at every return but instead it ended with children crying parents angry and the police called to the site what is that that was not bad that was that was funny generally not a good idea when the internet Compares your event to a meth lab this is a story of promises and expectations of technology and humanity and of how a world of Pure Imagination descended into pure chaos in just 48 hours this is the story of Will's chocolate [Music] experience introducing the latest Squarespace ad starring Me and My Fabulous feline friend fluffy do you need a website that's as sleek and stylish as my mustache well look no further than Squarespace with easy to use templates drag and drop design tools and Sleek blogging tools you'll have a website up and running in no time and if you're anything like me you need a website that can keep up with your caffeine addiction Squarespace is the perfect website builder because it's like having a professional web designer living your computer just waiting to make your website dreams come true with the click of a button Squarespace for the man who can't juggle coffee mugs but still wants a killer website so go to squarespace.com inthe wings and use code weit in the wings to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain immersive theater isn't new the off Bradway show sleep no more has been sending audiences scurrying around a five-story hotel for the past 13 years but the idea of swapping out a dimly lit hotel for a Whimsical Chocolate Factory in Glasgow Scotland sounds on paper like a recipe for Success from the looks of it this type of experience wasn't new to House of Illuminati the website for the event company boasted Larger than Life events like Mystique Galas secret sarees and interactive theater experiences their next event promised to be just as big for months their Facebook page posted photos of these visually stunning environments like the tunnel of nightmares and Will's magic garden and at $44 ahead expectations continue to grow on February 14th 2024 House of Illuminati declared they were only 10 days away from opening Will's chocolate experience to the public there was just a slight problem they didn't have a cast yet 2024 was going to be Michael Archibald's year an artist and youth representative in the Scottish Parliament the 18-year-old started considering a gap year at his university the point of the matter was I wanted to get a job at the end of the day I was just wanted to build myself up and make some money and really just calm down for a really little good bit I'm Michael archal I am 18 years old and I applied to be part of this Willy's chocolate Extravaganza that is now blown out oh the one time I decided to go out and look for a proper like little job thingy that I didn't get like uh through like a different organization I was like I can do this my CV looks great so I signed up on indeed I need indeed indeed you do that's when he found an acting job offering 500 lb about $630 for 2 days of performances I was looking up stuff and then they were like actors needed urgently and I was like oh well that's really chill so I applied on the Thursday the 22nd and I got a call back later on that day and they were like hey can you come in tomorrow for a costume rehearsal and I was like okay sure like that sounds fine just one day after getting the job and one day before opening archal and the rest of the indeed recruited actors journeyed inside Wily's chocolate experience given the breathtaking renderings and the lofty ticket price the group expected to enter a maze of these enchanting Gardens and mysterious tunnels instead they walked into a nearly empty Warehouse with a wrinkled backdrop and a couple of bean bag chairs the director of the House of Illuminati Billy Cole tried his best to explain how the performance was going to go the self-described enigmatic Wordsmith hailing from the bustling streets of Glasgow Scotland specifically noted that he'd been working on the original idea for a long time as archal put it Cole wanted Willie to be a Whimsical sort of Albert Einstein in all there were supposed to be four there were supposed to be four Willies one played by Michael archal another played by a comedian named Paul Connell a third actor who's asked to remain anonymous you'll figure out why soon and a final Willie played by a girl named Felicia the folk that were cast as Willie Wonka were really different from each other and uh he was like you know I'm really eal and diverse and uh you know um he goes on to talk about Felicia right and he's specifically singling her out for this and he's like and see we hired this 16-year-old black African girl like and this is like a similar thing that I have to go through by the way where they're like look at us we do such good work this poor young boy with no parents no family none of this we we're we're providing him with a great little thing and I'm like oh yeah guys are so great right so I was talking to Felicia about it later and even she thought it was absolutely Bonkers after signing their contracts with erasable ink pens as it turns out provided by Cole the group of actors sat on the bean bags and started to read the script as Willy Wonka actor Paul Connell referred to it in an interview with axis Hollywood it was 15 pages of gibberish and they had less than 12 hours to memorize it my name is Jenny and I was at the will chocolate experience I was just kind of in disbelief I was like there's no way they expect us to learn all this before um like for the next morning now I'm going to try my hardest to recap this but I'm just going to be up front this is not going to make sense so the show starts with a man of eccentric charm and wit welcoming people to the show his name is Willie McDuff buckle up because this is wonky Doodles at mcduff's Chocolate Factory a script that is the literal title so after a few too many Winks McDuff asks the audience if if they've packed an extra pair of socks you know in case the first pair gets knocked off by sheer amazement Willie then takes the visibly amused audience into his Garden of Enchantment so then once they're inside the garden the audience is greeted by Willie mcduff's magic helpers only they're not Ooma loomas they're they're Wonka Doodles anyway after he finishes handing out a bunch of magic glowing orbs to the audience he takes them into the Twilight tunnel TM and he tells the tale of the unknown who who is a evil chocolate maker but then uh-oh the unknown shows up and they have an evil plan to steal the anti-graffiti Gob stopper which is a candy that helps save beloved mums and yes dads too but especially moms from the endless scorge of dirty socks I feel like I'm on drugs so somehow uh after the unknown shows up McDuff is supposed to just ignore this and then he leads the audience into another room that is described on the website as the imagination lab TM and it's bustling with test tubes and new candies and fizzy lemonades and then from there what happens is a high spectacle Battle Royale for control of the anti-graffiti Gob stopper this lightbeam filled fight ends with Willie McDuff hitting the unknown with a wave of sparkling cleanliness and the unknown proceeds to be gently swept up by a robotic vacuum everyone was confused but we found it absolutely hilarious we just thought oh this is highly unprofessional we were just kind of in shock of it like each page we're like there's more how does it keep going and just kind of ask like the owners like you see the like this bit with the unknown what does that mean like what who's playing that like why is there Hoover here like it was just did they have a vacuum cleaner no after the cast traded contact info and went home to memorize a team worked through the night to transform a nearly empty 23,000 ft Warehouse into a Chocolate Factory the next day a crowd of families who drove hundreds of miles lined up ready to cash in their golden ticket to Wily's chocolate experience but Inside the Actors p with Dread over what was about to happen so the original Plan called for four Willie mcduffs and they were each supposed to lead a 45-minute tour through the Chocolate Factory like an assembly line meanwhile for wonky Doodles each a pair of two actors were going to switch off every cycle this plan abruptly changed when Cole realized he didn't actually cast an actor to play The Unknown acting fast Cole cast one of the Willies to Dawn the silver mask as the evil chocolate maker by this point the show was already off the tracks but it completely derailed when Billy Cole made a truly mystifying decision you remember this script this 15-page script filled with magic stones and Twilight tunnels yeah Cole decided that morning to scrap it and he told the actors to just make things up with a 10-hour shift ahead and a shortage of performers many actors wondered how breaks would work Cole allegedly responded by saying you're not getting a lunch break after holding back the crowds for as long as they could the doors opened and the first handful of families walked into the Garden of Enchantment I walk through and I'm like oh this looks horrible because I didn't even get to see that place beforehand I thought the whole Warehouse would be filled um I thought there had a lot more work to do and then the next morning we came in and they just put curtains up I thought there would be so much more as well but there was like two props a table and like the tiniest bit of lemonade like it was a shot in plastic cup instead of a garden filled with giant lollipops waterfalls and dream catching butterflies there was a bridge kind of a couple of big mushrooms and a flamingo the Twilight tunnel TM was a couple of black and white striped sheets with a mirror at the end for the unknown meanwhile the imagination lab TM looked like something straight out of Breaking Bad with the wonky Doodles forced to ration their Jelly Bean Supply to just two beans per child There Was 80 glass test tubes full of jelly beans but there was hundreds and hundreds of people coming true and we were told with each group just give a test tube full of sweets to one child but obviously like I've worked with kids before you can't just give iight one child and be like you're the one getting the sweets also health and safety you can't give a kid glass that's when we decided to like open up test tubes and just give like rash in the mouth cuz there wasn't enough sweet spot like they ran out of sweet the huge empty Warehouse made the few props that they did have stick out worse than a ball pit at dashcon at one point McDuff actor Michael archal pulled back a curtain and found a stack of boxes from Teemu however embarrassed or angry the actors were they still didn't want to disappoint the kids and so they did their best to give them a memorable [Music] experience oh look it's a chocolate Riv oh my what is that it's the end now here pair of socks nextra pair of socks as scary face scare the great paid 45 the ticket for this what a waste of money so the costume looked exactly like this because this was the costume we had three Willy Wonka in total and because there was only two costumes we had to switch out one of the other Willy Walker actors he had been up for so long that when he came back back around his whole thing was drenched in sweat and I was like I have to wear this like are you dead serious we were handed a Amazon box it was so lucky that we were wearing tights and stuff underneath these were like the adults versions of the while other actors got a couple minutes to take a break in between costume changes the unknown was trapped behind that mirror the entire time yeah I ended up bringing her like a bag of um like pick AIX sweets anded on behind the mirror to her because she was like the only one she was the only unknown so um there was no way she could get a break even if she wanted to in between Cycles archal got out of costume and went up to families to see what they thought of the experience so they're telling me about um the fact that they've come from miles out the these kids are like disappointed and I'm looking to some them so sorry but I'm like and by the way over there is Billy Cole I was like that's your guy go tell everyone and I'm going to slink away and oh it was just a domino effect from there the house of L guarante tells lies we guarantee a f refund starting from Monday we receive refund I'm going to call the please if you don't because you in liquidation are no longer a company is that why you don't have pictures up of your stuff it's actual phut stuff we we use artificial intelligence fake fake that's why you don't that's why you don't advertise exactly what the thing is about the images advertising the event looked a little too good to be true and that's because they were the images on the house of Illuminati website and Facebook page were generated entirely by Ai and honestly it makes sense the closer you look at these posts where you have these fancy colorful images sitting alongside Promises of cat gaging ketons and a padise of sweet teeths the Twilight tunnel TM graphic featured some baffling scales tracking levels of dim dick ungal and unit twits it wasn't just the Wonka experience ads though the entire house of Illuminati website was AI generated a closer look reveals audience members arms morphing into bald heads and human bodies just jutting out from people's chests the only articles written on the website were all posted on the same day in December 2023 with no real photos of any past events nothing about the company was real not the artwork not the descriptions hell not even the company's London office address and there was a reason a month before their website popped up House of Illuminati didn't even exist the company off ially formed in November of 2023 and only listed one employee Billy Cole as it turns out this was just one of three companies Cole created in 2 months Wily's chocolate experience was one in a long list of hustles by Cole including a Christmas donation drive he canceled after receiving all the presents and a self-help course promising to help people become financially freed in a move that would make Ernest Hemingway blush the enigmatic Wordsmith miraculously found time to write and release three fulllength novels on the same day Cole's Amazon page boasts more than 16 AI generated novels including Classics like operation inoculation unveiling the a conspiratorial journey into vaccination deep state conspiracy so knowing all that it's safe to assume that Wonka Doodles at mcduff's Chocolate Factory colon a script was probably AI generated too as Cole fought off a horde of angry Scottish parents the remaining actors made the most logical decision of the day they decided to go to the pub when the group of actors finally came back a little bit later they saw four police fans and a fr antic coal in the end the cops realized there wasn't really anything they could do and the house of Illuminati canel the remaining performances of Will's chocolate experience when all the actors signed up they imagined a simple way to make 500 lb what they weren't expecting was for it to turn into a global phenomenon images and videos of the baffling event spread online suddenly major news outlets like the New York Times and Vanity Fair reported on it the Ooa looma Queen dominated Twitter and fan cams of the unknown along with investigations into their identity took over Tik Tok some even dubbed it the fire Fest for kids I thought it would have been like a legal issue I thought it would have been like oh my God like makes the Glasgow times a little bit but the way this blew up I can't believe people care about this I'm trying my best to make the best out of the the situation as of March 5th 2024 the actors still haven't received the pay for their full contracts the male actors received 250 of their promised 500 lb the female actors received 200 in the two weeks since Billy Cole has gone Mia a completely scrubbing his social media accounts the same goes for the house of Illuminati Facebook page which only recently posted a bizarre apology declaring that regarding a personal matter there will be no wedding a few days later the unknown finally became known when they revealed their secret identity on Tik Tok hello I'm Felicia I'm 16 and I am the unknown so what will the legacy of Wily's chocolate experience be well it's way too soon to tell but one thing's for sure it won't be forgotten anytime soon that being said just because a show starts in one random location that doesn't mean it can't still make it big click on this video to learn about how a musical based on the Percy Jackson novels managed to go from a school cafetorium to the bright lights of Broadway and all without any workers rights violations also support the channel on patreon to help us continue making these documentaries what a w won Doodles come [Music] on that's so good no one's talking about the Wonka Doodles we got to talk about the Wonka Doodles more
Channel: Wait in the Wings
Views: 63,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 57hyesITwH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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