Women Wear Suits • Ladylike

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- Last time I wore a blazer, Sarah Jessica Parker was still wearing blazers with little fabric flowers on the lapel. So it was a while ago. (upbeat music) (logo squeaking) - Power suits. - We see them on Wall Street, in DC, and in some boardrooms in Hollywood. - But it's not every day we see them on people like us. - Unless it's, like, an interview, or, like, a wake or something. - But why is that? - Can a jacket and pants make us feel powerful? - It's Ladylike, and today we're meeting with Toni and Leon - From Sharp Suiting to suit up and boss out. (rejoicing music) - The first custom tailored suit that I ever had was amazing. I felt, finally, I could be taken seriously and I knew that this is something that I wanted to bring to women as well as my community. - I see, from some of our customers, a kind of empowerment that it gives them, when they wear something that fits their identity, and sort of just claims who they are to the world, by what they're wearing. - The fit and the cut are most important. It needs to fit around the shoulders, and you wanna make sure that it fits around the seat. - Another big important thing to focus on is definitely the color, because even if something fits really great if you are maybe apprehensive about the color of it, it could still sway your confidence. - If a man can feel sexy and empowered in a suit, than a woman should be able to feel that way as well, and that's what we're here for. (upbeat music) - This is my jacket, I think my mom bought this jacket for me from like Anthropology. It's like a beautiful cross-section of I'm a weathercaster, and also I'm about to marry the King of England. - I actually really like this suit. I feel like Olivia Pope, but I can't move around in this suit. I'm not feeling mobile in this suit. - This jacket I got on sale from Nordstrom probably senior year of college. I think I got it cause I was like "I'm gonna probably maybe be working in like an office or something". - I don't own any suit pieces, none. (record scratching) Zero. I tried to find anything that would even resemble a suit and like it wasn't even close. I just don't own anything like that. If I 'm gonna go out, I'm gonna wear like a wrap dress, a pair of heels, and like, that's my armor. - Hey Kristin. - Hi. - Toni. - Nice to meet you. - One thing that you would want to focus on is probably a shorter cut. I think, sort of emphasizing your top half, and just the way that you do with dresses sort of letting that hang, I think, is a really good fit for you. - Um, yeah, this three quarters bullshit is not working for you. You are tall and you're sexy, and you want to feel empowered with that. You want to find shoulders that end right at the shoulder endpoint, not too far out. So just focus on making the fit perfect up here, and then it's gonna look nice, it won't look so boxy. - The concern is that you want more flexibility, you want to be able to move more. I think the jacket is great, so maybe just finding a pair of pants that will compliment. You could wear something that's very skinny, that has stretch, so not only will it make you move around, it's not fussy. It makes you feel empowered but makes you look like Rihanna. (Fred sighs) - Yeah, that's all I want in life. - Yeah, I really really like this jacket. I'm looking for pants that are kind of in like a similar fabric, I guess? - First of all, you'll want to find pants that have a material that match your jacket. - Mmhmm. - Um, I would recommend a crepe wool, with a high waistband, and that's fitted right here, and you're gonna have it kind of hug your curves, and then go straight down. - Let's go buy suits, bae. - Yay, let's do it! - Okay, this way? This way. (Leon laughs) - We're at the mall, and we're gonna go suit shopping. It's gonna be friggin awesome. - Whoo! - We're gonna find some awesome suits, for our awesome bods cause we're awesome bosses. - I think I'm a culprit of definitely like having a lot of things to mix and match, rather than having, like, a few good pieces. - Freddy and Saf got distracted by the chokers, in Claire's. - Chokers. - I mean, but chokers, though, I get it. - I know we're supposed to get pantsuits, but look at this bad boy. That is a bad-ass skirt, just let me have it. - I am gonna look online for some suits, cause it's gonna be much easier for me to find a suit on the Internet than in a store. I mean, I have a feeling there's like a whole world of suiting options out there that I have completely ignored up to this point. There's a cool outfit and it's not in my size. - I have very long limbs. I'm just a limby person, and so I hope that I can find a blazer that makes me feel sleek but also, like, cuts me in the right way. I am reaching the juncture that every woman reaches when she goes shopping, which is, I'm gonna have to buy a size that's bigger than I normally wear. I'm a long human. I think I'm into it, I think I might get it. I think this may be it. - I want something that fits really nice, but also I can move around in and be mobile. I think I'm gonna go with these pants. I think they're a little more roomy than I originally anticipated, but they do taper at the ankle. - So I definitely have commitment anxiety about, like, spending a lot of money on a good suit. - I love it. These are fun, I love a wide leg. - You look very businessy, do you feel powerful though? That's the whole point Leon kept saying. - The turtleneck does give me something. I think we're gonna do, a tuxedo. Yeah, if you told me that I was gonna be buying a tuxedo for myself, like three months before my wedding, I woulda been like "yeah that kinda sounds like something wacky I would get into". - We got all our items. - Yeah. - Success. - Success, we made it. - You look cool. - Oh, thanks babe. - You look hot. - I got my whole suit on. - [Tyler] Power suit and heels. - [Safiya] In the parking lot. - I think it looks great. I mean, it got me to dress up. - Tyler doesn't usually dress up when we hang out, but I made him put on a button-down and like some actual pants, and we went to the mall. I felt very much like Miranda from Sex In The City, dating Steve, you know, cause Steve's kind of got the kind of, like, on the go like Springy guy, he's wearing his jeans and his, like, Dad shoes, and Miranda's like coming out, you know, from the office from her law firm like (sighs), steve. - Saf has a suit, I have a moustache-- - What could go wrong? Being not at an office in a suit, gives you an air of you were just at an office, so I think I felt like "oh well, I was just somewhere very important, so". - So I wore my pantsuit to work, I had two really really big shoots that day that I was directing and shooting, and producing. And I felt amazing. - I literally looked over and I saw Fred in her outfit and was just like "she's in charge". - I definitely think there was a boost in my confidence when I was wearing my pantsuit on set. - So we're shooting our engagement photos, and I am wearing a suit with a little bra, and actually, I was gonna wear an alternate outfit, to change into, but this actually is pretty cute. - It's working really well. - Yeah, plus you can see my boobs. - Yeah, I like that. - Okay, literally 15 minutes ago, I got my engagement photos back. Holy shit, they're so cool. I just felt more powerful, I felt like cool. I felt like that cool woman who might be designing things for like Vogue or Diet Vogue or some other, I can't think of any other names of magazines. - So I'm here at my Airbnb with my mom, and I'm about to put on my suit to go see Hedwig and the Angry Inch. My mom came to town, and she and I went to go see a friend in a show. And I noticed that, being a tall woman, when you wear a suit, people just tend to, like, look at you. What do you think about wearing it without a blouse underneath? I'm just kind of wearing it with a bralette. Honestly, what do you think? - Well it's not my style. - Usually, I really don't like walking into a room and having people's eyes on me, because it makes me feel like really frantic, and like I need to perform. But there's something that was like super calming about wearing a suit. It was like "this is who I am, I'm wearing a suit, you have to take me seriously because of the suit". I've gotten a couple, like, nods of approval, like, and I'm not even wearing a blouse underneath it. - We shot the video the day after the election, and honestly, I didn't want to shoot anything that day, I didn't even want to be at work that day. - None of us were expecting to feel this way, and to be doing this at this kind of political climate. But at the end of the day, I think we were all pleasantly surprised with what we learned. - It was something that catapulted me into really like making sure that I felt powerful, making sure that I felt good and not losing hope. - Wearing a suit made me stand up a little straighter. I took myself seriously, I didn't doubt myself as much. - It was almost like a peek into a different world. You know, like if I had gone a different route, maybe I would be wearing stuff like this all the time. - When you change kind of how you look, you change how other people look at you. That's what I think I learned. When I was in college, and I saw The Devil Wears Prada, I was just like "those are the people who shape the world", and now I feel like I'm a people who shapes the world. (pleasant music) - Hey y'all, click on that playlist over there to see more videos from our channel. - Some of our favorites are in there. - And some we like just okay. (laughing) - But watch anyway. - Because we love you. - Yeah. - (deep voice) We love you. - I'm sleepy. (logo whooshing and squeaking) (giddy music)
Channel: As/Is
Views: 5,905,406
Rating: 4.9115324 out of 5
Keywords: 2016 Election Results, BuzzFeed, Hillary Clinton, Ladylike, ONEX, SthJ, adults, buzzfeed, buzzfeedyellow, fashion, jobs, malls, pantsuits, suits, women
Id: l2Or5jqUQl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2017
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