I Got Styled By Ladylike For A Week • Ladylike

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- Hey, I'm Niki, and it's 2017, and it's a new year, and that's when people try new things, right? Something I haven't changed in a really, really long time is my style, and the clothes that I wear. So I'm going to the most stylish people I know. Ladylike. (upbeat music) Let's actually go talk to them right now and find out if they'd be willing to help me. Hello. - [Group] Hey! - Hi, I have an idea for a video, and I was wondering if you guys would want to style me for a week. (group reacts favorably) - Yeah, yeah? Okay cool. (laughter) Let's go! - So this week we're gonna be styling our friend Niki. - And I am so excited, because I love fucking with Niki. - Each of us will be styling Niki for one day. - Each day is gonna be drastically different. - Not only gonna consist of clothing, but we're gonna throw in some accessories, have her try different makeup looks, even different hair looks. - We are dressing Niki like our favorite video game characters. I am going to have her dress just lik Pac-Man. - I feel like Niki has a certain swag, in a kind of like lumbersexual way. I don't know, there's just something very like Pacific Northwest to it. - Comfortable Portland. - I'm going to a bonfire, but like I'm very pulled together. - She looks to me like a lot of lesbians I know. - She likes flannels. - Flannel. - Flannel. - Flannels. - Even in the summer, flannel. (ring) - So most of the time I dress comfortably. I dress efficiently, and I try not to spend too much money on it. - I'm actually surprised Niki wants to do this video (laughs). - Niki's thighs are gonna be front and center. - I wanna see some thigh. - [Group] Whoa! - Damn! - I know that these girls are gonna push me out of my comfort zone, but, maybe, I might just pull off clothes that I never thought I could. So it's day one and, it's Sophia's day. - I know Niki doesn't wear a lot of dresses, but for this week we're gonna go for it. I got her a tight dress, not too tight, comfortable still. - It's a dress. - And then I got her a cool bomber jacket, and little heeled kind of lace up combat boots. I just think she'll look more feminine than usual, maybe a little more dramatic than usual. Niki's gonna look a little bit like the 20-something Asian cousin of the Adam's Family. Yes. (interviewer laughs) - So on my way to work this morning, I was like, how does someone wear something like this all the time? And I was like you know what? Sophia does it, and, if Sophia can do it with confidence, maybe I can too today. - Owe, owe! (Niki laughs) - Hello legs! - [Niki] Did I do it, Fred? - You did it! - I just want Niki to wear like a dramatic cat eyeliner. Something about the dramatic liner kind of just like makes you feel a little bit more badass. So, I'm trying to infuse that in. - Who am I? (laughter) - I think you look so good! - Yeah? - You look great, the little heels are doing a lot for those bootie, the bootie's out today. I think she looks wonderful. - Whoa! - What? - She looks like Sophia (laughs). - Soph's outfit was hoo-ha whoa! Whoa! It was tight. Everything was tight. Making its way. That was one of the outfits where I was like, I can't believe that I look good in this. 'Cause I did, I looked good in it. Day two is Freddie's outfit. - So I kind of went for a sporty chic kind of look, with thigh, so I chose like an oversized t-shirt dress that's long sleeves and has two stripes here, really, really cute. - If they keep putting me in dresses then I have to shave my legs more often. - And then, most importantly I want her to wear her hair in a high bun, with gold hoops, and sneakers. - Okay, I think I can do this, right? - I want her to channel J-Lo, Ja Rule, I'm real. Early 2000's. - Do you like my dress? - I do actually. - That's as high of a bun I could get. - I think J-Lo would've put it higher (laughs). - I'm not J-Lo. - Hi! - [Niki] Hi! - How do you feel? It looks so comfy. - [Niki] It is. - Cute, okay I need your hoops on ASAP. - Yeah, okay. Ooh, it worked, I did it. The earrings really took me over the top, which I think Freddie wanted. But I was like who, this is not me (laughs). Who am I right now? I was J-Lo, which I was never like wow, I really wish I could look like J-Lo. Like it was never really a thought I've had, ever. - You look like you play tennis. - Your legs look fantastic. I love the hoop earrings, I'm always a fan of hoop earrings. - I did not even know this was Niki. (Niki laughs) That is crazy. - The earrings, jiggle every time I move. And my ears kind of hurt. And it's really hard to wear headphones with them, so I'm gonna take them off. Definitely not far outside my comfort zone. I could forseeably wear that dress again. I just have to shave my legs. Today is Jen's day. - Okay, so here's what I got Niki. I'm very excited about it, I'm very proud of it. I'm gonna put her in these like, nice blue pants, and then a white button-down. But then this is the important part. I got her a brown pair of leather suspenders. - I've never worn suspenders before. - And then a brown skinny tie, and it looks really cool. It's only a matter of time, before anyone tries to wear a tie. So let's just make it the time right now. (cat meows) - It took me a long time to figure out the suspenders, so I gave up, because I was late for work. I also don't know if I really know how to tie a tie. What do you think? How'd I do? - You look like you're in Mad Men. - I like it. The shirt is a little big. - [Niki] It is. - But I think if the shirt was a tad smaller, it'd be a really badass outfit. - [Niki] Yeah? - I think it's badass in general but like. - [Niki] Yeah? - Yeah, I like it a lot. - You look like a flight attendant. (Niki laughs) Very badass though. - I got a lot of responses for the outfit that Jen put me in, and I think that was probably because I felt, like I knew how to command myself in that outfit. The suspenders are now down here. - [Woman] They are now, 'cause it's hard to pee. Taking everything off is. (Niki laughs) - And I like totally had this moment where I had to like, walk into a room and like meet someone new, and I was in a tie and suspenders and was like, hi, nice to meet you, and I had this total power moment. And it felt really cool, and I was like, I get why people dress like this. You think I can pull off this look? - Totally man. Any woman should. - It was a little formal for maybe just like a Wednesday at work but, I looked good. - Okay, Devin. - So my approach for this week is I got Niki this kind of cosmopolitan look. It's a black body suit, very minimalistic, and she can wear it to the office, she can also wear it on set, and she could wear it out. - I don't fully understand what I'm supposed to look like. - All the time she looks pretty comfortable, and she always looks kind of clean and simple. I hope this outfit brings out Niki's like, professional boss ass bitch side. - I'm getting to the point where this is really tough. And, it's like, raining. And I can't just like hop into a cozy sweater, and sit at my desk all day. - (gasps) Oh my god! Do you like it? - [Niki] I'm gonna tell you, I feel really uncomfortable in this. - Oh really, why? - It's super not me. Devin's outfit really, put me out there. I had a really, really hard time with it. - [Niki] But that's just me. - I think you look great. - [Niki] I have gotten some compliments. - I think you look amazing. - You look very, stylish. This is something I would wear. - Really? - Yeah. No yeah, the shoes and the, I think that's like perfect. I really like it. - [Niki] That's a no? - Well. - I don't wear lipstick very often, and I feel like I look like a toddler who's putting on her mother's makeup, like I think I did this all wrong. People thought I looked really good, and the style itself is something that's like in style, but I like, I was just not familiar with it. I really didn't know how to feel, and how to carry myself. - The jumpsuit looks great, the shoes look great, and the blanket is very Devin so. - We did it. Day Five. And it's Kristin's day, and I'm willing to bet she got me a dress. - Alright so, I wanted to see what Niki would look like in a dress. But I know that not everyone has the same dress style. I picked, a dark navy H&M dress for Niki. - I was right. - It's sleek, but it's not like, here's your butt. I think this look is like, I'm in charge of people, and people listen to me. - What do you think? - I love it. - [Kristin] Okay, I love this dress on you. - [Niki] Yeah? - I love this dress on you. - I feel like you can see all of my lines. - But it looks good. - I love this color on you, I can, I love like the shape of your arms in this dress. - Yeah. - I honestly had no idea what your body looked like before this. - [Woman] Right, you have a body. - I think you look like Michelle Obama. - (gasps) You do look like Michelle Obama. - High praise. I really appreciated Kristin's approach. She wanted me to try something new, but she gave me something that she knew would align with like how I like to dress myself. What do you think? - It's so cute! - Ooh, look at that. - Is this cute professional? - Girl you look good! Look at that booty. Look at that. - Everyone is really shocked that I have a body, and curves. It was pretty formal, so, this wouldn't be something I'd like wear to work, but if I like had to go to a cocktail party, I'd totally throw that on. (burps) One more day. It's Chantel's day. - So I wanted something that was kind of like, to make Niki feel like a little tease. I got Niki these black, kind of like, faded overall romper jersey situations. - Oh it's like a jumper. Like romper? Romp, romper. - It's something completely different than she would normally wear. I won't be offended if she doesn't like it, but I will be sad. I think it's cute! How do you feel in it? - This is totally like, comfortable. - Yeah. - Like it's pants, you know. - It feels like something that I wouldn't see you wear, but it also doesn't look too far outside of your look. - Yeah, no. I also haven't worn a turtleneck since maybe I was like a teenager. (Chantel laughs) - Can you romp around in it? Are these soft? - It's very soft. - Oh these are so soft. - We're totally romping. Chantel's outfit was like a really great happy medium. Curly doesn't like my turtleneck. - In case you're a little bit cold up here, but hot down here. (laughter) - I tried on a romper like two years ago, and I looked horrific in it, and I was like whoa, okay these just aren't for me, but I think I like, I looked pretty good in the one she gave me, so maybe this will like, maybe I just need to go back and visit other rompers. - Overalls aren't cool in my book, but you pull it off. And I think that's a big deal, right? - Sure. Do you think I can pull those off? Everyone likes looking at my body. I didn't realize this was a thing. - This is definitely Chantel's outfit. - How can you tell? - 'Cause she wears this kind of stuff all the time. Yes you do! (laughter) - I like honestly did not think I could wear rompers. It was fun, I could move around. I am definitely surprised with myself, at how I pulled all of this off. - I think Niki slayed this week. She put a lot of trust in us and, I'm not sure why. - My favorite outfit was my outfit. (laughter) - Niki tested, Niki approved. But I'm wearing pants today! I'm wearing my own clothes today! And I can do this. I'm wearing my own clothes today. Does feel good to wear my own clothes again.
Channel: As/Is
Views: 6,618,584
Rating: 4.9433956 out of 5
Keywords: SthJ, buzzfeed, buzzfeedyellow, clothes, evaT, fashion, for a week, ladylike, lgbt, niki, queer, style
Id: dO6UQIm3bOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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