Women & Stress

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women have so many health problems the bulk of them way more health problems and men do the bulk of it from stress ironically you live longer what is that about one person came to me as a passer I know why men died earlier why is that that they want to hello take me now oh Lord I gotta go sometime let's speed this up shut up just relax okay I know you got a lot of stuff but everything doesn't always have to be done and it doesn't have to be perfect all the time just where you're gonna stress yourself that no end and some of your kids are involved in 47 different activities every week really stop now we've grown up without 47 activities really key we had the Boy Scouts would your parents do it don't shut them go outside play leave me alone you know my mother wasn't being a taxicab service at 47 different activities and sign ups and this that and the other good grief relax you're gonna stress yourself to death I know some of you won't like this but I know we're not supposed to encourage drunkenness and and I'm not encouraging drunkenness but some y'all could use it once in a while well just just just a chill out take the edge off mommy watch Jack Daniels it's medicine baby gasps Mama's medicine you know can I ask what little you know a little something I'm not saying drunkenness just medication all right relax and then your husband should help your children should help remember I call them servant girls all right they should help you they don't freak out if they don't help you just right okay for your husband to clean in the you yell at him because you like the way he cleans it's a problem your husband to do the laundry but you hate the way he folds of towels it's a problem what do you care he rolls it in a ball so wide I don't like it relax seriously just you're gonna kill yourself your husband does the cookie you don't like the way it cooks you criticize me cooks what he expect okay I got one cooking story and all fairness to the redhead this is the only time in 43 years so she we don't have a problem sir but just one time I come home late and I'm hungry as a baby she's AI adresses can make me something to eat she says make it yourself come on come on you're a pretty lady make me subsidy key I don't want to do it you're a big boy doing yourself ah I can make two things toast and eggs I'll make some eggs so I pulled the pan out the eggs I start cooking three seconds she's over my shoulder huh well don't use that BAM don't turn the heat up so that you don't it's the only time but so it's not the only time every time he does something you're telling him I was doing it wrong stop I'd rather do it myself then quit whining about doing it yourself Shh
Channel: Mark Gungor
Views: 120,802
Rating: 4.8735838 out of 5
Id: o-LMDJRqxFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2016
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