Women Rate Guys 1-10 (What Makes Men More/Less Attractive?)

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new here i'm courtney ryan and today we're back with another he's a 10 video if you didn't see the last one basically what i do is i give the girls a guy and a baseline number and then i give them a statement that is either going to raise his score or lower his score and they give a new number and kind of explain a little bit of how they got to that answer so guys let's not waste any more time and let's get right into it first is he's an eight and he lives at home with his parents i think it depends on how old he is you know if you're like 35 and you're still living at home with your parents you might be like a five or a four but if you're just saving money and you're trying to save you know do your own thing i don't think it really matters still an eight people go through different things sometimes that happens it's not always bad but i feel like if he's just kind of freeloading off his parents and not really doing much and hanging out like that just doesn't work with me i like someone that's you know living in their own space yeah it's definitely going down maybe we'll say he's your age so however old you are and you can tell the guys how old you are yeah so i'm turning 24. yeah i just prefer someone to have their own space honestly like even without roommates i know that's hard and a lot to ask but yeah so what number would you give if you had to probably a five four yeah it's go it's going down i appreciate the honesty so number one is he's an eight and lives at home with his parents um i feel like okay i'm gonna be terrible at these because i feel like there's so many details like that need to go into it you can explain it a little bit too so i want to i feel like like the age and everything like it and like what's going on with like the job situation so you think his age and then certain scenarios would make this like an acceptable thing yeah definitely like there's definitely factors that go into that so how old are you i'm 24. okay so pretend he's 24. okay okay if he's an eight but he lives at home if he's working on his career he's still an eight in my eyes and then on the contrary to that say he's not working on his career he's just kind of mooching off his parents oh then he's a tail definitely lowers um i guess it depends how old he is but i'd say like maybe a five or six okay and how old are you i'm 24. okay so if say he's 24 and he lives at home six okay he can't be too harsh i live at home he's a three i mean i respect the hustle of like saving money if he's doing it for you know his his future but yeah he's a three um he's still an eight if he's actively working to get out of that situation we'll keep an eye keep him at an eight okay and how old are you i'm 23. okay so do you think age matters for this like if he lives at home i absolutely do think age matters but like as a young 20 year old um i understand it's kind of hard to figure out who you want to be what you want to do and i think society puts a lot of pressure on us in our early 20s so if you're around my age or 23 i still personally live at home so if you're living at home as well i mean it's not a red flag for me but if you're pushing 26 then 26 27 then we might have an issue okay so he's staying in eight we're gonna stay in eight okay number two he's a five and he has 50 000 followers on social media um i guess yeah that could stay the same i feel like followers don't really make someone more attractive to me okay so yeah that's just gonna stay the same so if it was like a hundred k or a million it would say yeah okay five what about 100k six a five okay what about 100k a seven i'll give him a seven little 50k gets a nice boost 100 he's a zero zero for me if you have more than 10 followers on instagram you're automatically not on the roster i feel like he's a five so what about 100k i feel like he's a five his personality is where it's at so you don't care about social media clout followers all that kind of thing i mean it definitely shows like he is focused like he has some type of passion i feel like if he has like that following and so he must be doing something that people are interested in watching but i feel like it matters more how he is like in person five what about 100 um maybe like a six if he's like doing something with those followers like he built a community around one of his hobbies or a skill but it doesn't take him to attend because it's just social media how is he in real life me personally i'm i don't care about the followers sometimes people buy them um you know i've never been like big on followers you know it's it's more about meeting the guy in person and getting a connection he could have five followers and be the greatest guy in the world so um i mean he must be doing something though to have like that money so let's give him a six okay what about a hundred thousand hundred thousand we'll keep him out of six he's a nine and doesn't have social media i don't know i don't love when guys are like all over social media but it's kind of a red flag to me if they have nothing uh so probably would go down a bit just do an eight he is a hundred like marry me right now propose yes get down on the knee i'll get down on my knees for you oh yeah he's staying a nine i like that i mean i mean yeah i don't think people need social media um i do like to stalk though so like it's very frustrating like the first thing i do like the deep dive of the facebook find their old twitter they don't use kind of get a feel for like who they were and who they are and what they like but that's definitely not going to make me less attracted to someone oh he's a 10. he's a straight 10. he's an 11. um i think social media is awesome for a day and age especially if you're a creative it's a great way to put your brand your businesses out there but a lot of guys go on it for the wrong reasons so um i mean i've even had a past with social media and that kind of stuff with men so he's a 10 if he stays away from that all right take notes guys take notes oh he's a 12. so you like that a guy wouldn't have social media yeah can you explain why a little bit i feel like um [Music] social media can cause a lot of issues i feel like in relationships so definitely it's like attractive if someone is um i don't know i i like that more reserved like mysterious okay still in nine i guess nine's already high so i feel like not having social media can be attractive um but if you have social media like majority of everyone but you're still acting right then that doesn't matter 12. that is so funny every single girl has said that huge perk one they're not looking for anything there's no options out there for them and two they know they're secure with themselves they don't need likes which is just awesome to find in a guy he's an eight but communicates with you via snapchat only he's a five i deleted snapchat i don't have snapchat i think it's so childish if you come up to me anywhere and you ask for my snapchat i'm gonna turn away i'm gonna look away he's a two like what a grown-ass man using snapchat no two and do you think age matters for this yeah but i think after college like get rid of the snapchat communication oh he's the three i feel like snapchat is not a good form of communication does age matter for that one too like do you think it's weird if older guys are using snapchat definitely i feel like you need to move past that imessage or like write a letter or something something romantic yeah i mean i use snapchat i talk to my boyfriend on snapchat all the time during the day and my friends but like if he doesn't want to text that's gonna be sketchy to me um i'm also like a facetime phone call person so that's definitely going down because i feel like if you're only using snapchat and you won't text like the message is delete instantly i feel like you're just kind of doing something weird so he's going down ugh no that's going to go down for sure um six oh he's an eight um i'd give him a four i feel like that's pretty uh slimy he's a seven and plays video games four hours a night that's gonna go down that seems like a lot um so if it was less would it not be as drastic yeah i mean you can have a hobby but four hours seems like a lot of time every night to play video games i've definitely been with people who play video games a lot and it's kind of annoying so i'm gonna say bye and would there be a difference between you know the video games and maybe him scrolling on his phone or watching tv or watching sports like if he's doing any of that for four hours would your number reflect the same way if he's i think it would be the same if he's as invested so it's like continuous four hours where there's nothing else that could interrupt him i'd say a five do you think the like having a balance is important yeah i think it's a balance it's not so much about the video games like if it was he watches tv for four hours a night like i would still that's just a lot of time to spend doing one thing that's kind of i don't know sedentary a five would you say that this would be the same like if he was watching tv for four hours a night or watching sports for four hours a night or scrolling on his phone for four hours a night like is it more of just like the balance versus the actual video games yeah i think video games like grab his attention a lot more than if we were like both watching a sports game on the couch or if we were doing something together that involved entertainment video games is like all his attention and i'm a little needy so i what was his rating what was seven i'd make him a five four hours a night okay so my best friend who is my brother plays video games for us four hours a night so i don't want to disrespect him so i'm gonna keep it at a seven it's absolutely about finding a balance if you're in front of a screen all day playing call of duty and you're not finding other hobbies or activities or stimulating your brain in other ways i think that just says something about your character um so like maybe one or two hours a day if you want to hop on with the boys i get it but four to five hours every day that's a little excessive for me so one of my questions was gonna be like is it the same as if a guy were to be watching tv for four hours a night or watching sports four hours a night like is video games any worse than that um or scrolling through his phone four hours a night okay i think sports is a little different because as a female i grew up with my dad loving espn like um i get like the tournaments i get all that stuff the competitiveness it's kind of like girls with like i don't know i i just think that like females have certain things that they love to do and sports is just something that guys love to do um so i wouldn't necessarily knock him or lower his score for liking sports and like to watch sports but again if it's an all-day thing come on you know i guess like a five like i'm not a hater of video games but you need to like do something active too and be um i don't know like i i don't hate the video games but i feel like every single night's a little excessive do you think there needs to be kind of a balance with it yeah definitely yeah um so i think there's nothing wrong with playing video games everyone has interest but like if it's all you do it's going down like you have to balance with anything so i was with someone that like just played video games all the time and we didn't ever spend good time together or hang out and that just kind of killed our relationship so gotta find the balance it's going down what number would you give what did we say he was a seven a seven a four he's a five definitely if you're uh kind of like cooling off from work i can totally see that um being your getaway from your daily life but if it's like excessive then it's a problem he's a five and he drives a porsche um five i don't know a five like that's an attractive car but i feel like i can't judge somebody's like rating based on what they drive uh what kind of a porsche uh i'd say he's a six if i don't like someone like it doesn't matter what they have so he can stay a five i feel like when i first meet him he's gonna go to a nine but then like if i get to know him and he's really just a five what did we say he's five he's staying five what kind of porsche um it ate he's he's an eight like materialistic things doesn't they they don't matter to me not that much but um it just shows me that you're working hard to achieve the things you want in life so he's an eight he's got to be doing something to get that money to afford a porsche so um he's an eight for sure he's a six and he's successful but he's frugal with his money by frugal i don't necessarily mean cheap i just mean he's responsible with his money okay uh that's a strong candidate i'd give him like an eight and a half that's a responsible young man um i'd say an eight he's an eight because i think that's really important um especially for the future i mean if you have a guy who's making money and he's just blowing it and spending it on ridiculous things that just kind of shows what your future with him is gonna look like and if you were in any financial struggle um you know he's not somebody that you could depend on so being frugal with your money i think is actually a really good thing okay then i feel like that's like a four because it's nice that there's needs to be like a happy medium like it's good to save your money but at the same time you want to live life and experience things so you need to spend like a little bit to do that um say eight or nine i think frugal is okay but i hate when guys are cheap he's a nine yeah he's a nine i i respect being mindful of your your money and your life choices and being wise about how you spend your money oh so if we're not gonna let me think about this one he's a six i like to have fun i like to go out to dinner i like to buy clothes so i feel like i would probably go down in his eyes if he's frugal like i don't think he would like the way i like to spend my money so good for him but for me it's probably not gonna work so i feel like that's a me problem not him problem honestly if you had to give him a number what would you give him he can stay the same because that's me not him that's fair he's a nine he makes half a million dollars a year and considers himself a high value man he also thinks he can sleep with other women while being in a relationship with you because of this he's a i'm sorry he's he's now just dimmed himself down to a three because if you're you know just because you have money and you think you're all that in a bag of chips and that doesn't mean you can't stay committed to the right girl or a good girl um yeah that everything was good until that last part zero um yeah zero no explanation needed for this one ladies zero two he's a zero he's not for me i think well i mean i guess this gets into beliefs about like polygamy and open relationships but i don't believe in that so loyalty is part of being a high value man to me um i'm not polyamorous so he yeah that's not gonna happen i'm gonna say he's a zero then if he cheats at me oh my god he's a three a two a negative a negative one he's a seven and he calls himself an alpha male four oh i mean that could be hot with the right guy um i kind of like it i'd say he's still a seven um i'm not super into that so i'm gonna say a zero again zero no explanation needed for this one either i feel like if you have to say you're an alpha male you're not an alpha male so i feel like you're a two he's he's an eight because i call myself an alpha female so fair enough all right can't be a hypocrite nope two it doesn't need to be sad if you are an alpha male is like a quiet leader like it doesn't need to be announced you don't need a shirt that says i'm an alpha male he's an eight and he's divorced how old is he we'll go with like your age he's divorced and he's 24. ah that seems like a red flag to me i would say a five what if he was older what if he was like 30 maybe a seven oh yeah he's an eight still an eight he's an eight okay yeah um eight ooh i would have to know what's the context why are they divorced you don't know i don't run a first date with him you don't have the story yet you just know he's divorced and he's your age if she cheated that's okay um i personally don't believe in divorce my parents have been together for a while but everyone's different i think if the reason was significant or acceptable then okay but if it was just because they didn't get along then that lowers his score because in a marriage you're supposed to work it out no matter what it's a commitment people go through things divorce rates are so high like i totally get it i think someone that would have already gotten married and divorced at my age would be kind of hard for me to swallow just because that comes with a lot of things um so if he was a little bit older than you would it change the way you view it no i don't want to shame people for getting divorced everyone gets divorced so yeah it's okay he could stay the same he's a seven and he has two kids um i personally am not looking for children at the moment so for me it is a little bit of a hit as i'm still trying to take care of myself so i give him a five a seven ashley's ready to be a stepmom everyone like every situation is different i don't want to be a stepmom right now but i don't know i he could still be like a seven though just because he has two kids um i am not ready to be a stepmother personally so i don't think that would work for me right now so i have to give him a lower number i feel bad um i'll say in my eyes probably like a two or three but i'm 23 years old so like if you have kids do not let that you know bring you down like it's just not for me right now so and that's fine it's okay if something is not you don't need to yeah i feel bad because you're a two now you don't need to feel bad it's and i tell the guys sometimes women will like it sometimes women won't yeah it's just finding someone who's ready for that you don't want to be with someone who's not ready for that oh yeah he's a seven okay yeah um seven oh [Music] that's a no for me uh i'm gonna say i'm gonna say a two and he's 23 my age we can give ratings for if he's your age or he's older than you oh he's older okay he's a seven and he has two kids at 23. he's a four because i'm not ready for kids so if he's gonna be with me i don't think i i could help raise two kids maybe for somebody else but not for me okay and if he's older and has two kids would the numbers stay the same just because you're personally not ready um i mean if i really loved him if he was worth it i guess i would sacrifice he's a 10 and he's currently unemployed for how long like if it's a week in between finding jobs that's fine but if you're chronically unemployed zero that's a no for me um he's he's a five if he if if he's working towards his employment then he's a five if he's not he's just like staying at home then a zero okay uh i don't think that has much to do with anything it depends on how long you're unemployed for i'd give him an eight so is there a difference between like a guy who's just temporarily unemployed and like looking for new employment versus a guy who is just chilling in the unemployment life absolutely absolutely i mean now if you're unemployed but your job is like social media or marketing or cryptocurrency or something like that that's a little bit different um now if you're just unemployed couchsurfing it's not the most attractive thing 10 if he's actively working to become employed but if he's not then what would you give him if he's not like a three like that can happen to anyone like you can become unemployed even if like you're the vice president of a company so i understand that but if you're fine with being unemployed then i feel like you lack drive he's a seven or an eight because i like go-getters um i have been with men who've had no driver motivation so it's that's just a no-go for me is the score different if he you know maybe lost his job due to some like weird circumstance and he's looking for a new job versus like he's not putting in any effort to find out absolutely absolutely um if he lost his job or you know things are rocky then his score stays the same there's nothing wrong with that life happens but if he's just sitting on the couch being a bum and he's not looking or trying then his score goes way down if he's just unemployed i feel like there's a couple different categories if he's a trust fund baby like he's fine i'd say maybe like a seven because not having drive isn't attractive but it's like okay you're fine um if he's just kind of a bum a four i don't care how hot you are um and if he's just in between jobs i would say i would say he can stay a ten um it depends like if he's looking at jobs and like putting effort into that then i feel like he's maybe an eight but if you're not putting effort into like finding your next step then you're probably like a two or three he's a seven and he's rich but he has no work-life balance and you see him once a week a five i personally like yes money isn't money is important but it isn't everything to me in a relationship so if i don't get to have that quality time with you or spend time with you or um due to work all the time then also not for me ooh that's awful i definitely i'm i'm a needy girl uh that's like a three for me um yeah i feel like maybe you'd be like a five again there needs to be a little bit of balance there yeah there definitely needs to be like some type of balance um i'd want to see you more than once a week um a six he's a two i feel like a five i've like it's one thing to be rich and have a lot of money but i feel like freedom is more important so work life balance is definitely attractive to me if i feel like quality time and communication are like the most important parts of relationships so if that's not happening i guess it would be like a one or two if we're not having any time together then it's not really a relationship but yeah you gotta have the balance good for him though he's a ten and most of his friends are girls um like a four that's fine he can say a ten yeah um i think eight or nine i it's kind of suspicious because like why do you is there a reason why like you don't get alone with guys i don't know why are most of your friends girls i guess he's a 10 but most of his friends are girls he's a seven he's a six he's a two um it depends um if you know they're like childhood friends i totally get that but there's there's a point in a man's life where if you're having too many female friends then i can see that being an issue but i don't know it just depends on if i see that their relationship being safe and like platonic only then totally get that if they're fun girls like you'd be if they're cool like cool um girls like maybe attend still but if they're not cool girls then you'd be like a four or three and that's a little suspicious um that's i don't think i thought about that before you said he's a 10 i'm gonna say an eight that makes me nervous little raise of the eyebrow yeah he's an eight and he's immature um four one i don't yeah i don't like immaturity so he's going all the way down for me ooh two definitely can't deal with a maturity he's a three okay then yeah you'd be like a two a three um a two he's a four i i can't there's if you can't be mature like with yourself or just i don't even know it's kind of self-explanatory i mean if you're not mature in a relationship then that just means that you're not going to take the relationship seriously so that's how i take it he's a six and he's a gentleman he opens doors he gives you his jacket he walks on the side of the road closest to the street all the good stuff that would be a 10 for me a true gentleman can outmatch looks for a lifetime he's a 10. yeah that would go up to an 8. he's a 10. chivalry is very important to me and mostly all women so um eight he's a ten he's a ten um even if he isn't the best looking but if you're you know you're treating me like how a woman should be treated then he's a 10. oh you're a 10. i love that um i don't know what's like what's the word chivalry yeah i love that do you think that do guys do that a lot when you go on dates like are they chivalrous are they gentlemen or are they typically not that way um i think i feel like in my experience i feel like it always starts out that way and then like once you get comfortable then it goes away he's a nine and he constantly talks about himself probably going down to like a four honestly um yeah he's a four um yeah you should let your lady talk like a five seven a six okay he's a five i can't it's okay to love yourself but to be obsessed with yourself and egotistical is a whole different story so five i feel like then he is a five it's good to like talk about yourself and talk about what your like day to day is but you have to talk about other things have you ever been on a date with someone where they didn't ask you a single question about yourself and they just talked about themselves the entire date oh yeah definitely does that leave a bad impression it definitely i i was thinking maybe like the other person's just nervous and so like they're just talking like rambling about themselves because they don't want there to be like a minute of silence of like awkwardness but i think you do want to show interest that you want to learn more about the other person that you're with all right guys that is all i have for this video if you like this style of video be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to be in the loop for when i release new content if you haven't already be sure to follow me over on instagram courtney christine ryan i love connecting with all of you guys over on there as well as always thank you all so much for watching and i will see you all next time
Channel: Courtney Ryan
Views: 459,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Courtney Ryan, Courtney Ryan dating, Women rate guys, Women rate guys 1-10, am I attractive, signs you're attractive, rating men 1-10, he's a 10 but, are looks all that matter, modern dating, how women rate men, how to be more attractive, what women like, things men do that women love, things men do that women hate, how to be attractive to women, how to increase attractive rating, attraction scale, what women look for in men, women rating men, he's a 10
Id: j4B2-PkqbaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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