6 Physical Traits That Women Find Irresistible | Courtney Ryan

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new here i'm courtney ryan and today i'm going to be going over some traits that make you more physically attractive more physically irresistible to women so if you haven't seen it already last week i posted a video all about character traits and personality traits that make you more irresistible to women and really just a better person in general but i think there is a physical aspect that goes into attraction as well even though it's more about initial attraction rather than keeping a relationship going i do think that looks definitely play a role in your attraction to someone so for me to sit here and say that looks don't matter would be me lying to you i also wanted to reiterate that looks are not everything and physical attraction alone is not enough to sustain a relationship physical attraction should not be the sole focus in building a connection or intimacy with a person but i do think it does play a big role in initial attraction so i know not all of us were gifted or blessed with winning the genetic lottery and that's okay some of us are just more lucky than others life isn't fair and that's the way that it is but there are some things that you can do regardless of the cards that you've been given that will make you more physically attractive there's things that are easy to change it might take a little bit more work to change on some of these but they're definitely doable and there's no excuse as to why you aren't getting the results that you want if you do these things if you haven't already be sure to hit that subscribe button to be in the loop for when i release new content and also be sure to enter my giveaway down below with teddybonusaur.com to win a watch of your choice up to one thousand dollars from his website so the link to the giveaway form is down in the description below if you haven't already entered good luck so getting started with the physical traits that make you more attractive and irresistible to women number one we have being in shape so this one is kind of a no-brainer i try to tell you guys all the time how important it is to take care of your body eat good food go to the gym you don't need to look like you're about to compete in a bodybuilding competition or about to walk on the stage for a show but i do think it's important to take good care of your body and be physically fit so i'm not saying that you need to be chiseled or have abs like a greek god but you need to be at least working out and going to the gym and trying to be in good shape so a guy who has a nice body or even a somewhat nice body that is going to the gym that is working out is going to be more physically attractive to most people i would say than someone who is just sitting on the couch all the time eating a bunch of bad food and never working out taking care of yourself and your body is something that everyone should be doing not even necessarily to attract the opposite sex but just because this is the only body you've been given you only get one shot so you better make it count and i think it's important and something that often gets overlooked especially nowadays with the rise in body positivity i think it's great that people are able to feel good about themselves but i think there is a big difference between promoting unhealthy behavior and promoting uh self-love and body positivity so just something to keep in mind here i think it's important to be in good shape and to take care of yourself and it's an absolute no-brainer that girls are attracted to guys with nice bodies again like i mentioned in a past video i'm not saying that girls are attracted to guys just because they have abs i don't think abs are really that important i was actually taking a look at a couple different studies and chest and arms ranked the highest in every single study that was done of importance to women i think it's because it makes you feel safe and secure around someone who is just naturally bigger than you for the most part and i can't speak for every single woman on the planet but i feel like i can speak for a lot of women when i say you know we're attracted to a guy with a nice body and it definitely doesn't harm you by being in good shape i think it's going to do you more good than harm and girls are going to notice it and be attracted to you especially with the rise of people that aren't putting in the work and their bodies you're going to stand out if you're one of the ones that are i also wanted to point out here that often girls are into a very nice jaw line as well so if you have a nice jawline you've been gifted with a nice jawline you're one of the lucky ones but i will also say if you're someone who doesn't work out and you're thinking oh my god my jawline sucks sometimes all it takes is getting in good shape to have a really nice chiseled jawline i think people who are often better shaped see this come through and girls will notice that as well we love a nice jawline next on my list number two is facial hair so if you haven't seen it already i did an entire video asking girls to react to different facial hair styles and all of them mostly preferred a guy with a little bit of facial hair over someone who you know had a really long beard or someone who was just straight up clean shaven i think the five o'clock shadow and a little bit of stubble going on is what girls normally like the most facial hair in general can just make you look a little bit more mature and distinguished and it gives off a very masculine vibe which i think is why girls like it so much the five o'clock shadow and the stubble is my personal favorite so i can see why other girls like it as well i will also say a little bit of stubble or the five o'clock shadow is the perfect option for you guys that maybe can't grow facial hair that well because it's pretty close to the skin and doesn't require a lot of growth don't get me wrong i love a baby face too but i feel like i am in the minority there i think most girls prefer a little bit of stubble of course do whatever you like and what makes you happy but know that a little five o'clock shadow will get a girl's attention number three on my list is dressing well so putting your best foot forward showing up for yourself and dressing very nice just shows that you value yourself and you're putting in the effort dressing well can also make you appear like you have your life together a little bit which let's be honest girls like i also want to be really honest here and say that for a lot of women especially modern women not sure if you want to attract these type of girls but wealth success and status are very big initial attractors for these types of women so if you're someone that is looking for a hookup or you're someone that's just looking to date around these are going to be things that you're really going to want to pay attention to because this is what is going to get these girls attention i think some of you are not necessarily going to love to hear that and i totally understand and get it and don't get me wrong there's a ton of girls that really don't care about those things and would love you regardless of what you're wearing but i think for initial attraction again just to reiterate here we're talking about initial attraction a first impression the way that you carry yourself and the way that you're dressed says a lot about you so if this is all this girl is saying about you right off the bat it's gonna make a first impression and it's either gonna be a good one or a bad one and that's your choice by dressing well you're giving off a good first impression and i don't want you guys to be dressing like someone that you're not necessarily but just be dressing like the best version of yourself so i think sometimes that's where people get confused is like you know if i give an outfit recommendation and you guys say well i would never wear that then don't wear that i don't want you guys to be you know trying to be someone that you're not or dressing like a totally different person in order to attract a certain type of girl your true colors are always going to come out eventually and you should want to be with someone that wants to be with the real you i'm just saying dressed as the best version of yourself and show that you put in a little bit of effort because i promise you it makes a way bigger difference than a lot of you probably think and a good one at that i want you guys to be well-rounded in every area of your life and fashion and style being one of them i think it's a great way to express yourself and kind of put your best foot forward so that's why i try to make at least one to two fashion videos a week so i can help all of you guys out in that area of your life as well different girls are into different styles as you guys could probably tell from the fashion videos i did with some other girls on my channel in the past so don't feel like you need to dress one certain way in order to attract every single girl if you dress a little bit more punk some girls are into that if you dress a little bit more preppy or street style there's the girls that are into that as well so just dress like the best version of you and not like someone that you're not number four nice hair so this one's a little bit tricky because i know this is an area where it's kind of out of your control to a certain extent but i think there are things that you can do to make your hairstyle look better on you picking a hairstyle that works well with your face shape your bone structure the thickness of your hair if you're someone with very thin hair growing it out is probably not the best option for you and you'd want to keep it a little bit shorter to make it look more full so it's really going to depend here kind of on what you're dealing with and kind of the cards you've been given but i think that a nice hairstyle and finding one that fits you specifically for you can make a huge difference and girls love a guy that has a nice hairdo i think a lot of this also is the effort that you put into it if you're getting it maintained keeping it healthy those things make a really big difference so really regardless of what you're working with just make sure that you're taking care of your hair keeping it healthy keeping it trimmed up and knowing how to style it the right way that works for you i was also reading this thing online that was very interesting and it was about how girls typically prefer someone with darker hair and then it made me think about all the people i've ever dated in the past and every single one of them has dark hair and i don't know if that's a coincidence or if it's a little ironic but i was sitting there like oh my gosh wow this study is 100 accurate for me which is just interesting to think about so if you have dark hair you're a step above the rest i guess if you're watching this and you're bald or someone that barely has any hair don't worry because there's a whole entire community of girls that are obsessed and into bald guys so don't worry about it number five is a little bit of a bummer and some of you guys are going to be upset and i get it but it's you're taller than her and i know this one is totally out of our control we cannot really control how tall we are i think there's some weird surgery you can get in china or something crazy um that can like elongate your body or make you a little bit taller but it's very expensive and i heard it's very painful and i've actually never known anyone or seen online anyone that has done that so most women not all women i know some women that are dating guys that are shorter than them are married to guys that are shorter than them and they don't care at all because the guy has confidence and at the end of the day that overrules everything else in my opinion but i think most girls me included are attracted to guys that are taller than them at least i dated a guy that was five six and i didn't care at all because he was technically still taller than me i was five five he was five six so he was still taller than me it wasn't a big deal of course there are going to be girls out there that say i won't date a guy unless he's six five or six six or whatever it is some crazy number and that's their business that's their preference you can let them do that if they don't like you why do you want them to like you anyway but i think a lot of girls are just attracted to a guy for the most part that is a little bit taller than them at least so again don't shoot the messenger here i'm just telling you what a lot of girls would say the best advice i can give you for this category here is to just be confident rock it you know do the best you can with the cards that you've been given and a girl that really likes you won't care as much about your height and if there are girls out there that say the things like i won't date you unless you're 6'5 then let them go date the guys that are 6'5 you shouldn't want to date someone that doesn't like you for you anyways number six and last on my list is good grooming habits and the reason why this stands out so much nowadays is because there's so many guys that are simply not doing these things and as you guys know it's all about the details and sometimes the little things make the biggest difference and often girls notice details and the little things a lot more than guys do so if you're doing the things on this category i promise the girls are going to notice having a skincare routine is a big one using sunscreen is a good one protecting the wrinkles and age spots just really taking care of your face and the skin on your body as well i see so many guys who have dry flaky skin or who are not using moisturizer and a lot of it could just be solved with a nice skincare routine so there's no excuse here guys get yourself some nice skincare you don't need to spend a ton of money here there's a ton of really great options even at the drugstore for very cheap so if you guys need help with that i can try to help in the comments down below i might do an entire video on skin care if that's something you guys would like to see so let me know below if you'd like to see that but having a good skincare routine the girls are going to notice it's something that i absolutely love so this is something that i have always noticed about guys if they do it versus if they don't and it's very obvious so if your skin is like dry and flaky and cracked or you have breakouts all over your face i know sometimes acne is a little bit out of our control but there are things now that we can do to make it a little bit better or at least take strides into working on it so i'm not saying your skin needs to be perfect and glowing but i will say that a guy who puts in the effort and takes care of his skin is going to stand out versus a guy who does not some other things here are trimming your nails keeping your hands clean i mentioned it in a previous video that i did and you guys thought it was really funny um that i have a friend who is like really into hands on guys she says it's like the first thing she notices about a guy and ever since she said that now it's something that i notice as well i think that a lot of other girls notice this too and just aren't vocal about it because it's kind of weird to say out loud but i think having nice hands keeping them moisturized keeping your nails trimmed keeping the dirt out from under them just really taking care of your hands is a big one that girls notice i talked about facial hair earlier in the video and i think a big aspect of facial hair is the way that you take care of it so no neck beards going on we're keeping things nice and trimmed up nice and clean just keeping it tidy and well groomed is the way to go and the last point i wanted to make about good grooming habits is taking care of your smile making sure you're going to the dentist i just went to the dentist this morning so i feel like i can say that with confidence i might need to floss a little bit more but that's besides the point make sure that you're brushing twice a day make sure you're flossing using mouthwash so that you don't have stinky breath girls don't like a guy with stinky breath if you get all up in my business and your breath stinks i'm not going to want to talk to you and i'm sorry guys but i have to say this white teeth and taking care of your teeth and having a nice white smile is going to look better just initial attraction right off the bat than someone who has dark yellow teeth okay if you're a smoker that has dark yellow teeth your breath stinks your smile is not going to be as attractive as someone who doesn't smoke takes care of his teeth and maybe whitens them so you know i know a lot of you guys have different opinions on whitening and that's your personal preference and that's up to you i personally use a whitening toothpaste and a whitening mouthwash one to two times a day depending on kind of you know how my teeth are feeling sometimes you know if i want to give them a little bit of a break from the whitening i'll use a whitening toothpaste in the morning and then like a pro health toothpaste at night to kind of give it a little bit of a break i know all of our teeth are different sometimes some people can't whiten their teeth and that's fine but i'm just being honest when i say a white smile is more attractive than a yellow smile i know some of you guys are going to get mad at me but again don't shoot the messenger here i'm just being very honest and saying that a white smile is very attractive it makes you stand out and it makes you look like you're taking care of yourself which is a good thing and shows good health which we all love so just something to consider i know like i said we all have different preferences we all you know do different things with our bodies and that's fine you don't have to listen to me i'm just simply giving my advice all right guys that is all i have for six physical traits that make you irresistible to women of course like i said there's so much more to being attracted to someone than just the physical aspects but i think for initial attraction for getting someone's attention for just being physically attractive these things all play a big role so don't feel discouraged if you don't have all the things on this list luckily most of these things are things that we can actively work on and change about ourselves which is always a good thing so let me know in the comments down below if you like this video or found it helpful if you did be sure to give it a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button to be in the loop for when i release new content i've been trying to be a little bit more active on my instagram if you follow me you can probably tell but i'm going to be doing more q as on my stories and all of that good stuff so if you have a question for me now is your time to shine and be sure to follow me on there as well as always thank you all so much for watching and i will see you all next time
Channel: Courtney Ryan
Views: 994,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Courtney Ryan, Alex Costa, Alpha M, Darius M, Teaching Mens Fashion, Charisma On Command, Physical traits that women love, things to be more attractive, turn ons, turn offs, qualities that women notice in a man, get her to notice you, attract more women, get her attention, attract your crush, mens dating, mens relationships, mens style, mens lifestyle, how to get her attention, things that are in our control, she'll find you irresistible
Id: uOkJ4zh1AKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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