How To Tell She Likes You | Women Share The Signs Of Attraction

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new here i'm courtney ryan and today i have a group of girls who are going to tell us how to tell a girl likes you how to tell she's into you and i'm also going to give them some different scenarios because i do know that the way we show attraction or the way we show interest can be different depending on the situations that we're in so we're going to be going over how to tell she's interested over texting how to tell she's interested at a party a bunch of different scenarios they're going to be spelling the secrets of how you can tell if the girl likes you or not let's get into it number one is texting so when you're texting a guy you like how do you typically act with him um i'm very flirtatious in what i say i'm a quick responder if i'm on my phone and you reply to me i'm not gonna just open your message and act like i didn't see it i'm you know pretty transparent um i'd be sending flirty text messages using emojis you know that kind of show i'm into you um things of that nature trying to make plans i hate i overthink it every time personally i i'm kind of i don't want to use the word calculated but i don't want to act too interested but i don't want to pull back too much to where they're like she's boring and she's sending me like two word messages every time so i like give just enough um so that they reply and we're having good conversation but not so much that they're like okay she's extremely into me i don't do small talk when i text so if it's something like hey what's up like every day i think that's like boring and annoying and i don't usually respond to those messages i prefer deep long conversations that are gonna make me want to look at my phone not hey what's up or how was your day like i guess how was your day that could actually be that could be a polite question so it'd be a little rude to ignore it oh i'm flirting like i'm throwing in emojis winkies yeah okay so that's how you flirt over text is like the emojis that you use yeah but i'm also like funny i'll like crack jokes and kind of just be like oh oh i don't know you'd have to think about it right yeah i don't have a text in my mind um if i'm responding to his text quickly and if i'm like engaging in the conversation and adding to the conversation then i like you i would say i act funny like i'm typically responding in a good amount of time um a little flirty you know like funny gifs do you text him first or do you wait for him to text you um if you like him first yeah um i think it depends on the situation i'm totally fine with texting first i think guys like that i think too many girls wait around and you know they want the guy to talk to them first i mean it's 20 22 reach out to them if you want to talk to them in my opinion oh i text first all the time you miss 100 of the shots you don't take it depends if it's super new if i know i have a shot and i know that like i'm just like i know he's interested then yeah i'll text first but if he's you know i'm playing the game a little bit i might wait but see if he texts me and then maybe i'll be like okay maybe i text him now i typically like to wait for the man to text me you know i feel that it shows he's interested versus that i'm chasing him i would text him first if i'm interested i would text him first okay yeah and then you said you kind of are a little bit more calculated but do you think that you say a lot when you're texting or do you try to keep it kind of short i think it depends on who i'm talking to um some guys are boring i mean they're cute and i'm interested but they're having boring conversation i'm not going to talk their ear off if they're not really acknowledging what i'm saying in our conversation but if they are well spoken and you know they want to talk about things that you know are interesting then i i think that i'll go a little bit more in depth i feel like a lot like not like paragraphs but you know not just like sup more like hey you know like what are you doing today like uh what are we eating for lunch you know stuff stuff like that i feel like if it's a conversation i try to like elaborate a little bit so he can get to know me um sometimes if it's just kind of what what's up nothing how about you it's so boring so you prefer when it's more of a conversation yeah i do but i also don't i if i'm getting like a long paragraph i'm like i'm not reading this so yeah maybe just like a little bit you know keep the conversation going um i try to keep it you know short and just nice casual conversations i'm more in depth in person so you're kind of just texting to lead up to the next time you see them or hang out with them not more so like texting all the time like novels in your phone absolutely i say a lot yes if i like a guy i will engage in conversation more my text messages will be longer more thought out so maybe take a little longer for me to respond i think yeah how do you flirt over text um sexy type of language you know like i can't stop thinking about you i can't stop thinking about your body i can't stop you know wanting to be around you things of that nature just letting them know that their presence is something i miss okay um a lot of emojis saying lol a lot and just a lot of emojis yeah i make a lot of jokes like i poke fun um not in a mean way again it's it's very like i don't know i think that there's a line there like i i poke fun at them i use a lot of sarcasm i'm very sarcastic a lot of people don't get it because i have very dry sarcasm my friends are always like like we can't tell when you're joking and i think it's like that with guys too even worse over text in a way because they can't hear my voice or read my expression but it works out for me so you're a little bit more playful i am yeah you like the banter of the back and forth yeah okay yeah i would say if she's responding pretty fast you know let's say she's at work obviously give her some time but if she's like keeping up the conversation texting you back maybe he's like hey like what are you doing um maybe she wants you to ask her out uh if she's you know obviously if you can tell it's like she's sending a winky in there i mean sunglass emoji no kissy face yeah emojis emojis are important to know how people are feeling because over text it's so hard to decide decipher everyone's emotions so emojis so i'm like a big emoji person sorry if people hate emojis but so um i'll probably like you know like like hey handsome you know like winky face send cute pictures i think like that's important you know like so you don't forget what i look like i'll send you something cute so yeah and then how would you say a guy could tell if she's not interested over text like say a guy's texting you he's nice but you're really not into him you don't like him at all there's nothing happening there how are you texting him i'm not but um sometimes you know it depends like if he's you know really persistent and i'm like okay maybe i should give him a shot maybe i should go for it i'll be a little bit more vague with my responses i'll be a little bit more shorter um yeah i would say that i think that quicker replies and longer replies in my opinion express more interest guys i don't really want to talk to i reply like every four or five hours or like three days later i'm like oops sorry i got caught like i was busy with work but if i'm interested in them i'm not going to reply immediately but you know maybe like 10 every 10 20 minutes i'll reply to their message and i think that most girls would probably agree with that okay the conversation is interesting you know like she's making the time to text you back like if you text her and then like she doesn't text you back for like three days she's probably not that interested and she's talking to somebody else i think the first thing would be their response time now people have jobs and people have social lives as well and that's all good and dandy but if you guys were just having a conversation you know a few moments ago and you're trying to make plans and all of a sudden she's not replying to you it may give you the hint she's not fully interested in you know committing to that time and if she was you know she would do that and also by how she responds to she's very short one-worded she's not looking to engage in a conversation um i just never respond ever i just won't respond um and if i do respond it's like one one word um one wording text um just not interested taking forever to respond um not texting back that's me i won't i just won't even that's rude but i just i'm being honest you don't like him yeah yeah okay and then a lot of times i think girls will text maybe because they're bored maybe because they want a little bit of attention how can a guy tell when that is the case or the girl actually genuinely likes him i think there's a few things that come into play there about the time that she texts you you know if if she's always texting you late at night kind of after she's at the bar with her friends she's probably just looking for some late night attention if she wants to make plans with you that's a little bit more of a way to know that that she's interested in hanging out and if she straight up doesn't reply for a few days she's probably not interested um that becomes the hey what's up like a hey what's up text message like oh i'm bored i just want to chat kind of that's kind of how i take that and i personally would never send that text message i don't i feel like i don't i don't know i just don't so it's more surface level rather than more in-depth thought out yeah it's more just like hey what's up how's your day okay cool i'm good and then that's it that's like a boredom out of boredom i think yeah okay oh i think you know with this with this scenario i think that most people you know might be texting just because they have the free time but you'll know that she's interested in the conversation if she's asking you questions maybe she's wants to learn more about you um not just you know the general oh you know what's up with your day how's your day or like what are you interested in you know trying to find those those deeper rooted questions and maybe seeing your availability for uh the next week okay i think a lot i mean depending on their messages i mean if they're like oh hey like what are you doing today and it's very like casual maybe more baseline conversation then they're probably not interested i don't know about other girls but i know with me and i don't really do that a lot text people when i'm bored i don't know i don't really love texting anyways but if i'm doing that i'm not having super in-depth conversations that are going to take up a ton of my time i want just enough to where i'm not as bored but not so much where it's taking up my you know my whole day so if it's a more baseline conversation sorry this is a long explanation but more baseline conversation um then you know maybe maybe not okay so surface level versus going more in depth yeah okay i don't text because i'm bored because i don't have time for that but i do think that if if i like a guy i'll definitely be texting like with longer paragraphs like adding to the conversation um probably like cure more like curious about him like asking questions about his life but if i'm bored i'm i might still be texting in long paragraphs because i'm bored but i probably won't really care about anything that he has to say i would say you can tell when a girl is bored when like if you text her something so for me personally i hate when a guy will like text something and it's not a message that generates you to be able to respond to like if you're like hey what you doing and they're like oh i'm just chilling you're like um okay like what about you you know like acts like what am i doing you know so like conversations like that you know because if you're texting boring then the girl she's not going to be interested and respond back so that's how you can tell like if you're keeping that interesting and then like she's actually like responding back laughing at your jokes like hello and good and then the next scenario is social media so if you like a guy on social media you have a crush on someone or you're really into someone how do you interact with them on say instagram [Music] um i think it's common to story respond definitely respond to stories like stories be prominent in their dms because if you're just liking i mean anyone can like a photo everyone just likes photos so yeah i like everyone's photos um so myself i'm a pretty direct girl i'll like their pictures and just straight up dm them and let them know hey i think you're looking really good here and from there we can just see where the conversation goes so you would respond to a story or message him first yeah like if you posted on a story i'd sign up if there's a recent post to the feed i'd probably like it and send it to him and slide up so you're looking good obviously i'll like their pictures i think if they put something up on their instagram or snapchat that i'm genuinely interested in then i might swipe up and make a comment i like to golf so if a guy's out golfing at a course i've never seen before i might swipe up and be like oh hey like did you like that course but i don't do it in a way that's fake like if they're gaming i'm not gonna be like oh i love call of duty i hate i hate call of duty um so little things like that but not too much i'm not reacting to every photo um that they post i'm not swiping up to every photo but here and they're kind of dropping subtle hints so you're still like in the back of their mind but not being overbearing you know like some pictures you know show some love like in the comments and typically you know like if the person is filling you back they slide in the dms like hey cutie you're like what's up and they're like hey and you know let's move it to the phone like okay so so typically just you know like something like that and i feel like if you get a response then that's how you know to like move on with it so you would say if a guy reached out and you didn't respond versus you did respond that would show that you're interested yeah because like i might look at it and just like you know like if it's like uh so be like hey you know i think you're cute like you sign the name like hey girl i think you cute and she just hurts it or she's like oh thank you and she doesn't say like oh you know you're cute too like hey you know i've been i like your stuff too she just like is very dry with it not into you um if i like them usually i'll follow them and then just like like a few of their photos like in a row and then just wait and see if they notice now we're going on to social media so instagram tick tock you know all the social media sites do you message him first i do i shoot my shout out i was gonna say you come you i keep my shot on my bullet okay um like what are some ways that you would message him if you're into a guy like what what kind of messages are you sending i'll swipe up on something like if there's something that i can relate to maybe it's a dog i'm like oh my god such a cute dog like something so stupid but they're like oh they eat that up so you'll respond to his story yeah i respond to stories yes okay just keep it brief casual if i'm giving him attention and and like if i'm giving him repetitive attention whether it be like constantly liking his photos or constantly liking his stories or constantly like reaching out somehow i think that would be a sign that like i like you it's a little bit more vague it's a little bit more flirty i might like swipe up and do like the you know heart eye emojis on something or you know i'm not sending him a whole paragraph what is your plans this weekend you know what are you doing i might be like oh like what's your snap or you know what's your number like just kind of keep it a little bit more casual um but i'm definitely a little bit more flirty on instagram for sure than texting okay so instagram like social media is more for flirting and then leading to something else casual okay and then what about when you're not into a guy say a guy's been messaging you how can a guy tell that you're not interested over social media i have like two people that are sticking out of my mind and they swipe up on every single story and they're fire emoji super cute and i'm just i don't even like the message like scene is scene okay it says scene so do not if you don't if you did it once if you did it twice i would just say you know maybe just move on so know when to move on when you're not getting those responses yeah definitely i mean she just might not you know be the one for you okay so if if you're interested in a guy you will respond you will acknowledge his message oh yeah okay and you'll probably interact with his stuff too oh yeah definitely okay um a quick response i would definitely use emojis so he knows i'm happy smiling laughing um it would be definitely a more in-depth response because i do know that some guys who respond to my story i just say thank you or lol or just a little heart thank you for saying thank you or something like that like i think i would write like a sentence or two and i would interact a little more kind of see what i can get out of the conversation right and that kind of determines if if we have a conversation or not if it continues throughout the day or something usually it doesn't but so if you like them you're going to interact with them more than just liking the message they sent you or saying thank you or something like that yes okay yeah okay so for the guy that messaged me that i'm into um right away i'd probably respond with some flirty comment you know letting you know that i'm into as well try to have some casual conversations lightly get to know you and then you know see if you're available for the weekend coming up for a guy that i'm not interested in it would probably just say scene next situation here is like a party a bar a concert something where drinks might be involved so say you see a guy across the room that you think is super cute what do you do i am all about eye contact i i'm very outgoing once you meet me but like first impression a little bit shy so i'll usually eye contact if they make eye contact with me i'll usually make my way over to where they're at and if i'm bold enough i'll just introduce myself and talk to them or ask them what they're drinking if they're not drinking something like a bud light where i can obviously tell what they're drinking or uh we go to a lot of live music bars so okay they obviously like country music if they're at a country music bar that's a really easy topic for me to talk about so i find something to relate about but yeah i'll approach them usually that's funny because a couple of my questions were do you give the look from across the room and i think every girl knows kind of what the look is like the eye contact and the little smile yeah things like that and then trying to move in closer to him and you said you're a little bit more introverted i feel like that's how girls who are a little bit more shy at the beginning kind of act when they're interacting with a guy yeah um i'll probably walk over there but very um like it's not going to be obvious you know like so if i see them over there i'll make it look like it's an accident so you know i take the long way around and i'll just move my way over maybe like go to the bar next to them like and bump them like oh i'm sorry and then if we make eye contact and it's like good eye contact like then i then i know like okay to like move forward well i was just like oh i'm sorry and then like he keeps doing he's doing like oh okay divert divert mission i'm very bold so if i like you i'm gonna approach you uh i if i saw a guy i really liked i would probably just approach them um if he was like out of my league then i'd probably just look at him and try to make eye contact from like across the room maybe make eye contact like a few times and then wait for him to approach me or if i think he's like interested then i'll go over and approach him first i'm going right up to him oh so you're a more bold one you would go straight up yeah or i'd like kind of move in a little bit closer you know okay so one of my questions you drink over here one of my questions was do you try to get closer to him yes definitely okay tell all your friends like oh we should go we should all go stand over there yeah and like that's just me i'm very outgoing i see something you know i'm like okay like maybe i can shoot my shot and i'll i'll know in like the first few seconds if you know okay maybe they have the girlfriend you know i'm not stepping on those toes um you'll kind of you'll kind of feel it out but i would say if a girl is like looking at you you know make that subtle eye contact yeah she's interested i again am a bold type of woman i will absolutely catcall i actually have done this multiple times just out and about with friends if i see an attractive guy whether it's his shoes his outfit or overall how he looks i will absolutely let you know i'll probably go up to you at the bar ask you what you're drinking if you'd like to have a shot with me or a drink and see where the night leads us i think that my body language says a lot i think body language is very important so if a guy that i'm interested comes up to me i would probably take a step back from my friends so i could be more open to our conversation and then i would just engage like some kind of way to contact you like a phone number instagram are my two go-to's because i don't really use really anything else and if i'm not interested i would face my friends and kind of just close off our circle so he couldn't come in i feel like i use that actually a lot yeah i think that i will talk to anyone for a couple of minutes so i don't i don't love to blow people off i don't know i i like get feel guilty and rude but so if i'm interested in them i'll definitely give them more of my time and engage in a conversation if i'm not all say hi you know if they want to exchange a couple of words fair enough but i'll definitely move away or be like i'm going to go back with my friends or i'm going to go to the bathroom so again if i like them i'm going to sit there engage in conversation for as long as they want to talk to me okay i'm a friendly person so i like talking to people so i i would say for me the way to know like if they come up to me they're like hey can i get your number and i say no like just like straight off the jump probably not interested but i will still like give you conversation i'm not rude but you know if i feel it's better to come over and just not go straight for the number because it's very impersonal it's just like okay well you know you're not getting to know who i am so how do you know you want my number you never hear me say hello so i would say more so like if you're having that conversation like hey you know how are you oh great like you look good you know always compliment a woman it goes a long way you know and if she's like like shrugging you off not giving you much and just kind of just like then she's not really interested but she's like kind of like you know flirting a little bit smiling you know giving you that good conversation it's probably a good sign that she likes you oh i would say if you're kind of like looking around trying to be like oh where are my friends um she's not interested if she is leaned and you know engaged maybe like you said a funny joke grabs your arm oh that's that's my go-to for myself it's pretty pretty easy my body language is a big giveaway if i'm interested into a guy and i especially think if you're trying to approach you know just a random woman up at the bar read her body language i think that's going to be the biggest telltale sign if she is into you um now if she's got girlfriends around and she's distracted that's okay maybe offer her friends a shot but for myself personally if i'm engaging in conversation and i'm trying to you know keep it going and being active you'll know by my body language my arms won't be crossed i'll be looking at you in the eyes and smiling and laughing if it's a guy that i'm not interested in i'll probably make very quick small talk and turn the opposite way try to get the bartender's attention and just bounce every girl has been in this situation where guys came up and they're just like they do not want to talk to them but the guy keeps on talking if i'm giving you like one worded responses or like every time you're talking i'm like looking away like just like then that means i don't want to talk to you if if i'm like barely responding and like pretend like fiddling with my like hair or something and looking away i don't want to talk to you um but if i do want to talk to you and you come over me to me then if i'm like engaged like my whole body's towards you and i'm like laughing and smiling and like actually responding to what you're saying and like adding things to the conversation then you can like stay and continue talking okay and then what about a friend group have you ever had a crush on a guy friend or have you ever had a guy friend like you absolutely and that can lead to a few different conversations if you know myself as a woman has always thought of the relationship like platonic and strictly friends i don't want to hurt his feelings and make him feel misled or that i did something you know that wasn't going on um but i try to just be as nice as possible if i'm not interested in making a friendship more than what it is and if i am interested then that's the best of both worlds yeah and how did that go um it's it's it's hard because you're you know your friends and you don't want to ruin the friendship um but at the same time i mean like shoot your shot go for it and they might be feeling the same way i feel like it's it's hard with friends i've seen it kind of crumble just because in you know my certain situation as well as you know friends in the past it's just it's it's sticky definitely so um i don't know it was weird so like the guy friend because it was so it was like four girls and two guys the one guy he's not really into girls like you know sometimes yeah sometimes no but then our friend like he kind of liked all of us so it's just like you know like if you're if you two are alone he's like you know looking at you flirty and stuff you're like but weren't you just flirting with her because you know she told me she was y'all were like flirting so i'm good bro yeah yeah so i'm super against dating and friend groups um i have a lot of guy friends that have been my friends since i was like 12 um and i've never once even made it remotely like they the door has never been open for that so they've not one of them has ever like asked to be anything more than a friend um i i'm against it because it will i think it will tarnish the friendship and it will tarnish the group of friends i think and i'm like i'm not about dating in the friend group or and i'm also not about dating like in the work like in the co-working place just because there's just there's so many people out there just go find somebody that's not gonna ruin what you have going on okay so if you wouldn't even be into a guy in your friend group if you mentioned it i wouldn't even be in to a guy in a friend group so i don't even know i i haven't even put up the my walls for my friend group have been so like everyone's so friend zoned that i've never even experienced any of the guys in my friend group like trying to hit on me like there was one friend that like invited me out to valentine's day dinner because i didn't have a date but he brought one of his like another friend from the group so that was like he it it wasn't even close to a date yeah because it was like you don't invite a guy to a like a girl out to valentine's day dinner with another guy so it just i don't even know what that would be like yeah i have um i think it really depends on if they're reciprocating what you're feeling i think in the situations where i was they weren't which is completely fine and for me personally i kind of just had to learn to separate my feelings you know if they're not into you they're not into you and they're probably going to be talking to other girls at the bar other girls when you're out and i i really just had to learn to get over it and you know you just kind of have to move on no i have never okay i feel like i have never i think if you guys have a collective friend group that you hang out in pretty regularly and she's looking for some one-on-one time she's probably more interested in getting to know you a little bit closer as opposed to just always seeing her when you're with the certain same friend group you know is she asking you to hang out like one-on-one is she always texting you hey you know are you going to this party or are you are you going you know kind of just making it like known to ask if that person's gonna be there um but feel it out with your friends first you know maybe you see how the group not the whole group hey guys don't open it up to the floor but you know if your buddy i would just be like hey do you think you know can you help me read this because i know i ask my girlfriends all the time like okay help me out here do they like me i can't tell yeah get kind of use it yeah phone a friend yeah phone friend i would say like body language you know um like if you're with her like is she like you know moving her way closer to you is she giving you like sexy eye contact or you'll catch her looking at you and you know just like you look over she's like so i would say hints like that you know maybe like in the conversation you know like is she being like flirty with you is she texting you stuff that you know not a lot of other people would text you like hey you know is this outfit cute you know like showing like some cleavage and like being a little sexy like showing you a picture like that that typically like um a girl who's your friend wouldn't typically send you something so sexy so i would say clues like that but on days when you know a lot of the group couldn't hang out but he was available i would be like hey do you want to go you know go get coffee or go grab lunch or do whatever go watch the soccer game at college or whatever it was and you know like little stuff like that making an effort to single out him to do things without the group and that was my way of showing again it didn't work out for me nine times out of ten which is fine but that was my way of letting them know like hey i'm interested in hanging out with you without everyone else around and then what about at somewhere like the gym i know girls have mixed feelings about approaching at the gym or like having a crush at the gym but what would be the best way for a guy to approach you at the gym or what do you just think about it um i hate when i'm at the gym and i'm like on the machine out of breath you know i have the music in like in the groove and they're like hey and you're like and then there's they don't they won't leave and so you're like yeah they're like oh what's up and you're like working out oh okay no i don't i don't know like it's just it never really worked you know like kevin getting hit on at the gym i would say maybe if like she's like walking to a different machine then spark up conversation or like you know like off the machine or like stretching is a better time if you do want to make your move at the gym um my gym is packed with a bunch of meat heads so um i personally don't like being bothered at the gym like don't bug me um i'm working out i'm in my zone this is like my only free time but if a guy were to come up to me at the gym which they have every day um i feel like it's better to just get in and get out just hey you're cute let me get your phone number and then just get out because if you're talking and talking and talking like i think that's just like the gym is not the place i think like you're lingering too long yeah i think that's a little tough and that definitely all comes from body language and how they're working out if a woman is focused on herself she's in the mirror she's working on her weights and she's doing her own thing you know she's probably just focused on that now if she's walking around the gym making eye contact with a couple other guys on her phone taking pictures trying to get attention for herself you know the best thing i would say is work out maybe on a similar machine kind of read the energy and then if she feels approachable you know the least you could do is just let her know that she's looking good in the gym yeah so like when i work out i'm definitely in my zone like i don't want to be disturbed at all like i i just want to get my sets done and leave um if i'm interested i guess the eye contact thing would work or yeah the eye contact maybe like asking for the machine like approaching them to say like hey can i use that when you're done and then maybe you can start a conversation there if anyone's interested but i honestly won't approach if you're a guy i would not approach a girl in the gym other than eye contact and asking to use like her machine when she's done and then see where it goes yeah and then see if she like starts talking to you then like okay but never like hit a girl like like hit on a girl at the gym because like then you have to go back to the gym like the next day like i'm not gonna lie i used to go to this gym in rocky river and i it was like my my like gym that i went to every day and i literally stopped going there because i had like a couple guys that asked me like asked me out and i had to turn them down and it was just awkward because then it's like you see them again and then there was this one guy that just would always talk to me i couldn't even get my like sets done so i literally do not go to that gym anymore because of that so it's like take a hint yeah it's like take a hit like you're not gonna get the girl from just talking her ear off if she doesn't like you she doesn't like you you continuously pounding her for your attention is not gonna get her you're just you're just like maybe you'll be happy because you're like talking to her but like that's it like she's not gonna like it and i am probably not i have bad gym intimidation like when i'm at the gym i'm there to get my workout in for my strong hour and then leave i get uncomfortable when there are really attractive guys around me at the gym i feel like they're judging my form and judging everything i'm doing wrong but i think if there was a guy and i don't think everyone has the experience i did but you know at the gym a lot of those guys are probably not the kinds of guys i would date can i use the word meathead not my type but i think if there was a nice guy who was there working out and i had seen him a couple of times and we made eye contact i would probably go over and say hi you know and start a conversation and then what about the gym so your gym crush i think every single girl has had a gym crush at some point yeah how do you act around him how do you show that you're interested yeah i think i'm a little bit different because i'll make that conversation with them or i'll give them looks at the gym um i've had multiple gym crushes and you know i'm i'm pretty good i'm like you know 10 for 10. now i'm just getting out of them um but yeah i think just kind of like making it known that you know you're interested or smiling or you know just kind of if they're at the water fountain i need water like i'm gonna go right up there i'm like hey you know cool shoes that is my go-to always i'm like nice shoes that's amazing so you're a little bit more bold you approach them you'll go when they're at a certain place and if i know their schedule like i'm showing up like i'm showing up with jim kaley is creepy okay um what is the best way do you think for guys to approach say say a girl is not as bold and outgoing and as extroverted as you what is a good way for guys to approach a girl at the gym because i know this is a bit taboo it is it's hard because i know so many girls that don't like people coming up to them at the gym they're like i just want to work out um but i don't mind a little conversation this one guy i remember came up to me and you know i had a boyfriend at the time so i didn't you know really read into it but um he just kind of straight out was like hey i don't normally you know come to girls but um i don't know if that was a lie but it worked for me uh i was like okay cool and he's like i just you know think you're really pretty and i'd like to get to know you can i have your number and i'm like i have a boyfriend i'm so sorry but i'm flattered and you know it you know i had a good day after that i felt i felt good yeah that's a perfect response i don't think there's any way to be offended by saying something simple yeah for sure um i'm quick i'm just quick to get out of there i'm just i feel like i'm just quick to like and oh thank you and then just kind of i feel like i ended it yeah yeah i really just end the conversation okay which really sucks for i know it makes you feel bad but at the same time like you can't stand there for 30 minutes talking to someone that you're not into yeah i i think so yeah and i think a lot of guys read gym girls wrong and they approach them like in the middle of a set or something and try to talk to them my personal advice unless she is making eye contact with you being you know flirty from afar probably don't go up to them unless they're approaching you that's my like in my personal opinion okay okay and then lastly here on a date so say you met someone on a dating app you're going out for the first date how can the guy tell that you're into him absolutely body language and the tone that the woman's talking to you if if she's talking to you in a very boring you know kind of downbeat mode she's probably not excited but she's sitting up and she's laughing and she's excited and smiling and looking at you she's probably really excited to be there with you and you know spend time on a date but it really just comes from body language and i think with the first date the biggest thing is just listen and get to know someone don't try to make a move right away just feel the energy she's not on her phone you know like like texting and like scrolling or [Music] you know she's not really giving you a conversation kind of looking off um i would say she may not be that into you and she's more into the food so first dates are always hard because they're awkward and like you don't know what's going on if anything i would say if she's being very like open and she's laughing a lot and she's talking a lot i would say that's a sign that she likes you um if she's like being very reserved and kind of like looking around and not not like saying anything i would say she probably is not into you i would say if the conversation's flowing if um you know she's engaged in the conversation is she drinking a lot um you know she just might be getting really drunk which sometimes helps because you know people get nervous on first dates i know i need a glass of wine or something uh it's kind of like loosen me up but you know if she's laughing at what you're saying if she's genuinely interested in the conversation or if she's like oh where's our food you know i would i would say she's probably you know not the one um if there's a second date okay um i was on tinder for a little bit and i only went on a couple dates and only one guy got a second date and we actually became really close friends and we still we still hang out and talk and stuff today and he's super awesome yeah but the other guys um i noticed that it's a guy thing to want to kiss on the first date and that's a huge no from me like and that like surprises a lot of people but i just like that's a boundary i'm just like i've done it i've kissed someone on a first date but just to like appease them right and that's how i was like this is not ever happening again i would probably say eye contact um like engagement in conversation um you know also with that i think that guys need to remember to let the girl talk i've been on so many hinge dates where they run their mouth the entire date and i'm like okay like i probably said four things i know everything about you from third grade to now and you don't even know my middle name or my last name or whatever it is so i think just having the girl being engaged um if she's on her phone if she's picking up her phone every two seconds she's not into you unless there's like a family emergency but i just think engagement in the date is very very important in terms of them having interest and then do you ever get nervous around guys you like do you think your body language on a date would reflect maybe the nerves that you're feeling what are some things that you might do yeah i i don't want to use the word shut down but i think i am a lot more reserved around guys that i like when i'm with my friends i have a mixed group guys and girls they'll tell you i'm you know i can be a little bit loud i'm always running my mouth and talking but when if that guy that i like joins the group i'm a lot more quiet i'm not saying as much and for me i think it's i i just get shy and my entire body language changes i'm a lot more tense i'm more aware of you know what am i doing with my hands like am i breathing too heavy stuff like that um that's how my personal reaction is when a guy comes around that i'm really into okay and then say you know you're on the date the dates ending how do you act or what do you say at the end of a date to signal either hey i'm interested in you or not so much yeah i'm i think i've been on enough dates to you know i tell them how it is if i had a good time like i'll probably give them a hug and be like i had a really great time we should definitely do this again like i'll text you or you should text me um i'll say something like that if i'm not into it i'll usually be like oh hey good meeting you like thank you so much and avoid a hug at all possible costs unless they do not give me the option um if i'm not interested i'm like oh okay um i don't know i would say if i'm interested like oh you know this is great um i can't wait to see you again you know but if i wasn't really interested i would i would be more quiet like thank you bye if i'm not really into him i would just let him know you know i appreciate you taking me out on a date i i thought that this was a nice time unfortunately you know i don't know if moving forward romantically is the best idea i think you're a great guy and i would like to be friends with you um that would probably be the best way to approach it or just let him know that you're not interested in getting serious right now and you don't want to mislead him um and for a first date with a guy that i did like or was interested in pursuing i would probably you know do a little bit of uh seeing if he's gonna kiss me first or if i should make the move um not opposed to a kiss on the first date but i think anything further than that is just a little too much for myself okay yeah so sometimes i feel like first dates they might be like you wanna you know get a drink at the bar or something i might say you know i'm really tired like i have to you know i have an early night you know i might just kind of call it um and just kind of think about you know how the date went overall maybe maybe i was in a bad mood or you know tired or something but if you're not feeling it you know i think they're probably just gonna go home i would definitely notion if i liked him that yes i'm gonna see you again yes i'm gonna text you we're gonna have a second date but if not i feel like i'm quick to just end it i don't really like to waste my time and i know that sounds so rude i feel like i'm being so rude today no you're not you're not at all um yeah i feel like i would just um it was nice to meet you you're a cool person i feel like that's a not interested thing i would say versus i'm going to see you again and i'll text you later and then i'll usually text um probably like an hour to two hours after our date to let them know like that was really fun i want to see you again have a good day stuff like that perfect all right guys that is all i have for this video if you liked it or found it helpful be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to be in the loop for when i release new content if you like this style of video you want me to bring girls on more often please let me know down in the comments if you haven't already be sure to follow me over on instagram courtney christine ryan i love connecting with all of you guys over on there as well as always thank you all so much for watching and i will see you all next time you
Channel: Courtney Ryan
Views: 646,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Courtney Ryan, Courtney Ryan dating, Girls react, signs of attraction, she likes you, she doesn't like you, signs she likes you, signs she doesn't like you, how to tell she likes you over text, flirting over text, how women flirt, how to tell your friend likes you, I have a crush on my friend, how to tell she likes you on a date, modern dating, signs she likes you on instagram, how to flirt on instagram, subtle signs she likes you, body language signs she likes you
Id: 6dD26P4luD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 58sec (2878 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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