Women of Grace with Johnnette Williams - 112321

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really strengthened in us at the moment that we are confirmed but we still have to operate in it right we still have to operate in it we still have to move forward and press on in light of it and that is when the true change begins to take place that's when the transformation happens that's when we begin to see the world through a new perspective a new lens one that speaks of heaven one that speaks of hope one that promises us new life not in spite of the situation but because of the situation so i just share some words for you today i know that we're coming up to uh thanksgiving it's not tomorrow but the next day as i often would tell my children when they were looking forward to an event or something that's not tomorrow but it's the next day and that's the way that it is for us for thanksgiving this year i know that some of you are spending thanksgiving alone i know that in this past year you've lost loved ones for any given reason perhaps to the coveted 19 virus but maybe because of an illness that was long-standing in addition to that maybe you have lost a loved one due to an accident or a tragic event what i can tell you is that god is there with you and he will be with you on thanksgiving day and you know through the communion of saints so will your loved one some of us are simply separated from our loved ones because of distance the inability to travel or the way in which lives unfold and prevent us from being with each other on these significant dates but even then you know through the communion of saints we are mystically bound together and spiritually we can experience that that true gift of fellowship that true gift of love that true gift of family that comes to us by way of the holy spirit i want to give you a couple of numbers that you can use today and this is the toll-free one for you right here in north america it's 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288-3986 i'm encouraging you not to be shy i'm encouraging you to give it a try i'm encouraging you that when you do call in you are certain to give our call screener a big big great big howdy hay and matt gabinski is on the phones and he's eager to hear from you i am eager to hear from you too and if you're a first-time caller we certainly want to know let matt know he'll let me know and i will ring my bell for you to welcome you to the program today we're also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page simply go out to those locations on the internet use the chat feature there your question comment insight inspiration or word of encouragement certainly does help us to live that abundant life in our lord jesus christ and to share that abundant life with others so we invite you to use that opportunity to contact us as well if you're a first time submitter again i tell you let us know we'll ring our bell for you jeff burson will race out there he is our producer and social media manager he'll get your uh question or comment and put it up on the board and we certainly will be able to address it and now listen if you're outside of north america we really want to hear from you too we do so we've got a number for you it's country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five that's country code one two zero five two seven 271-2985 these are all of the ways in which you can join us today right here on women of grace live well i've been telling you about the book club that we have going on here at women of grace and i want to let you know that last evening was our first uh first time coming together it was beautiful we were really really excited by it and i can i can say that everybody that came i think was outrageously uh pleased by the experience that they had so i want to encourage you you know to keep attuned to what it is that we're doing at women of grace we're always striving to find ways to help you to live that abundant life and to share that abundant life with others we're always looking for ways to help you grow in your faith and to grow in love with the one who is father son and holy spirit and this particular book study is one of those opportunities uh and it began last evening i don't know if it's too late for you to sign up at this point or not maybe not you can go out and check it out go out to our website womenofgrace.com you'll see it it's number one in the upcoming events there on the home page also accessible to you by clicking on events in our navigational bar but i do want to remind you of something very special that's also coming up in this uh you know what what i want to say at this time of the year maybe as we move forward into the advent season and then into the christmas season father john paul mary zeller and i are going to be hosting a retreat at malvern retreat house in in philadelphia pennsylvania outside philadelphia right at the end of the main line really and it's a beautiful location it is peaceful it is serene it is 135 acres of of just glorious property you often seen why see wildlife there it's a beautiful place to make retreat and this particular advent retreat is called advent a time for hope healing and new life we will be discussing hope healing and new life and the talks that we will give the sacraments will be available for you there obviously we are going to have the holy sacrifice of the mass it's going to be a great opportunity to really hone our vision on that which is most important at this time of the year which is not shopping which is not planning for you know a great big dinner all of that's important but all of that has to be sublimated subjected to that which is of key importance and that's preparing ourselves for the coming of the christ child this retreat taking place december 17th through the 19th this retreat the last weekend before christmas is going to help you to refocus your vision on that which is most necessary we're coming right back 833 288 ewtn pick up the phone give us a call i'm eager to talk with you today stay with us [Music] the words of blessed carlo agutis the virgin mary is the only woman in my life and this i offer all the suffering i have to suffer for the lord for the pope and the church i'm doug keck this is an ewtn bookmark brief just had the pleasure of speaking with our good friend joseph pierce about his book benedict the 16th defender of the faith published by tan books available through our ewtn religious catalogue ewtnrc.com all things catholic another book on benedict the 16th how is this one different well i hope this one is the go-to for people that just want to read one book and pope benedict that just to be introduced to him scott hahn in his very kind forward to the book called it a portrait of pope benedict and that's what i hope it is i wanted to encapsulate the man both as cardinal ratzinger before he became pope and then his papacy pope benedict in one easy to read easy to the guest volume so for those people that aren't going to read dozens of books academically on pope benedict this is one they can go to to at least know the man and his teaching better very good joseph pierce benedict xvi defender of the faith and i'm doug keck this has been a bookmark brief we appreciate you stopping by we hope to see you next time thanks many people are confused as to what news program to listen to one news station promotes one thing while another says the opposite that's where catholic radio comes in this is donetta robin of divine mercy radio in hayes kansas be assured that catholic radio will give you the news from a catholic perspective and without bias be informed today tune in to catholic radio the world needs awtn catholic radio now more than ever during this time of crisis join us and pray for an end to the coronavirus radio classics is now ewtn radio essentials featuring 24 7 masses rosaries chaplets and prayers the women of grace phone lines are open 1-833-288 ewtn 1-833-288-3986 [Music] welcome back everybody we're so happy you are with us today and we are asking you to use those phone lines to communicate with us we only have three lines open so i'm inviting you to fill them up fill them up fill them up we want to hear from you today 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 it's toll-free for you right here in north america as you've just heard in addition to that we want to remind you that if you're outside of north america you have a number two it's country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five again that's country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five in addition to all of that guess what else we have available for you we have ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page and you can use the chat feature there to put your question or comment inside inspiration or word of encouragement up on the board and jeff berson who is our social media manager will dash out there and retrieve it he'll put it up if you're a first timer either through submission or through phone call want to know because we're going to ring our bell for you lots going on today and we do have felicia with us she's in san antonio texas and felicia is a first time caller and so we welcome you felicia to the program hi thank you hello welcome hi so what is going on in dear felicia's life um well first i want to say good morning and thank you all for answering and i my call for this morning is i'm asking for some prayers for my family uh we've recently lost my mom due to kovish and uh obviously um you know my dad and sisters were taking it pretty hard um we're very uh you know we would pray the rosary together as a family even even though we're already all three married with our own husbands but we're very close family go to church together so it's been hard for us but i'm asking prayers for my my family especially during this time and also me and my mother were very close and she was my rock and i am today going to be taking my daughter to go see a specialist or some blood work that we got back and pretty hard not having my mom to be here with me during this but i wanted to ask for prayers for my family and my daughter sure and so felicia do you mind sharing with us a little bit about what this blood work is all about um right now um her pediatrician is sending us to the specialist she has i believe it was high blood counts so that's all we know at this point um but this is the second lab work that came back the same way um so i don't have too much information but of course it's not something i want to hear right after i lose my mom war forever for that matter or forever right right and how does how is your little girl she is one years old and she was very attached to my mother uh so i i don't know how much this has affected her but i know she's definitely walked around the house looking for hernan of course she does yeah i i understand that and experienced something similar when my late husband passed away with my oldest grandchild who was just like two at the time and he passed away in the evening she was already in bed and when she came downstairs and the hospital bed wasn't there and he wasn't there she just held her little hands out as if to say what you know what yeah and children are very yeah and they they you know they do form these beautiful attachments and we want them to well we're going to pray for your daughter and i'm sorry for the loss of your mom i'm good we're going to also pray for the repose of her soul it sounds like you have a beautiful faith-filled family a devout family so my hope and prayer is that your mother had the benefit of this of the sacraments right did she have the benefit of the sacraments before she passed away she did oh that's beautiful so this is what we do know felicia and i know that we know this by faith and sometimes we have to encourage us we have to encourage ourselves uh through through uh our imagination as well as through our emotions to to dig deeply into that which faith tells us is true and here is a beautiful quotation from john the 23rd he's now pope saint john the 23rd and he gave us you know a word about our loved ones and he said that our loved ones are not separated from us but only invisible to us not separated from us but only invisible to us so while you do not have your mother in the flesh with you right now your mother is with you spiritually she most certainly is in this communion of saints she received the sacraments which gives us great encouragement as to the the reality of her salvation and so you have the capacity whether your mom is in heaven already or whether she's working out a few things in purgatory nonetheless she can pray for you and she can pray for you uh it at this at this moment in time uh for us but from all eternity for her she can pray for you in a way that is more efficacious than she could pray with you had she been here in the flesh why is that because she's already beheld god she's already seen our lord and if she was in in in perfected already then boom she's in heaven if there was a little bit that needed to be worked worked out she is in purgatory and she can pray for you there she can't pray for herself but she can certainly pray for you there and she's already seen our lord and she's seen that the great beauty that is god and and our blessed lady visits the souls in purgatory so she can even speak to our lady in a way in which she couldn't speak to our lady when she was here in the flesh so all of that being said draw on that reality and you'll feel that comfort coming i i know that you will i've experienced it myself in the past you will you will feel that comfort of your mother and she is praying for your little daughter who knows but maybe the timing of your mother's death was really important for some reason that we don't understand so that our prayers for your daughter could achieve the fullness that god intends for them to achieve but we're going to pray for your little one i'm going to pray for you as as a spiritual mom here uh cleaving you know to our lady and asking for her intercession for you and so it is father god that we come before you in this moment and we present your daughter felicia to you father you know what you have entrusted her with you know the sorrows of her heart right now you know that she is still mourning the loss the very fresh loss of her mother uh you understand that you understand that because you mourned uh the loss of your son our lord jesus christ mary our mother you understand because you mourned the loss of your spouse saint joseph and you mourned the loss of your son and jesus you know because you mourned the loss of of your father on earth saint joseph and you mourn the loss of your dear friend lazarus you understand this pain and the suffering that felicia is feeling in reference to the grief of her mother and now in this moment when she would love to have her mother's arms wrapped around her when she would love to be able to just cry on her mom's shoulder and share with her her concern perhaps her anxiety perhaps her fear would she would be able to seek the solace that only a mother can give to the child she's deprived of that in the flesh but certainly not in the spirit lord certainly not in the spirit and so it is father god that you would make full provision for felicia to experience that maternal comfort that maternal comfort that comes by way of the mothers who gave us birth but even more and to a greater degree father god that she could experience the love of our blessed lady that she could experience that spiritual maternity that spiritual motherhood that our blessed lady desires for her to receive in this moment so i ask that you would open up felicia's heart for this inundation of grace that is flowing down upon her and i stand with her as sister but in a certain way too a spiritual mother asking you to bathe or to bathe her to bathe her in this grace that comes by way of the holy spirit through the salvific action of of your son's passion death and resurrection and also through the maternal hands of our blessed mother i ask that you hear this prayer now father all of this is for felicia that she might embrace the cross that you've entrusted to her in this moment we are asking for a complete and total healing of whatever it is that is afflicting her daughter that's causing for these these blood tests to be wacky lord we ask that you would bring everything in this child's body into right order we ask that you would you would would heal whatever needs to be healed that you would banish whatever needs to be banished we ask that you would give the doctors wisdom and insight we we ask that this is simply a minor blip on a screen uh of the life that you have entrusted to police's felicia's little girl we asked father god she lives a full life a happy life a well life because there is nothing impossible with you and we know that nothing can stand against you lord and so it is that we ask that all of this would be affected and we're entrusting this little girl now to the intercession of felicia's mother tucked into the immaculate heart of our blessed lady and i'm asking in a special way on this feast day of blessed miguel pro that that that the full measure of grace would be received we ask for the intercession of miguel pro and so it is father that we lift his prayer to you in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our blessed lady amen amen thank you so much that was beautiful oh you're so welcome felicia and i want you to hold on to that prayer and whatever was excited in your imagination or in your emotions as we prayed hold on to that but most important of all you know you just cling to faith our lord tells us you know that that hope is confident assurance and things not yet seen right and so we have that faith we have that hope we have that trust true resolve under severe testing and i'm just going to ask for the lord that that you would just put up you know a hedge around felicia and all of her family members that the fear that the evil one would like to incite in them that this untoward inordinate anxiety uh would not be able to to make its way to them that rather they would be encased in this hedge of grace uh and and all of the fiery darts that the evil one would like to hurl at them that all of these fiery darts lord uh would ricochet back would boomerang back and attack the evil one and his minions and she and and her uh family and all of those praying for this little girl uh would be completely unscathed by any tactic that the evil one might use and i'm gonna ask you this felicia you know we're praying for you and i know we've got powerful prayer intercessors out there as i shared recently one of the beautiful women who listens to our program said johnnette when you start to pray i go down on my knees and i pray with you that's the kind of people that we have that listen to women of grace life so i'm asking all of you to be those prayer warriors for felicia so don't keep us in the dark felicia we want to walk with you through this let us know how things are going okay okay i will thank you so much oh you're welcome sweetheart now when is this appointment today right it's today in about 30 minutes okay all right okay so listen friends we're going to offer up the rest of this program felicia i'm offering up the rest of this program for you for your daughter uh for all of those that are involved in her case all right so you've got this this you know bit of prayer right this minute but but we're standing with you united with you uh in prayer before the throne of god even as we uh move through the rest of the show okay okay thank you all right darling god bless you now thank you all too god bless goodbye god bless you thank you bye-bye i you know i'll bet you right now if if felicia is still in a position uh you know through the rest of this show to listen it would really really boy her spirits uh really edify her and lift her up if you were to call in with a praise report of how it is that god showed up in your life in a very dire moment in a very frightening moment uh you know your testimony can be what she needs to to be able to dig deeply into that theological virtue of faith to make it through this appointment and this time uh so you know do call in our phone lines are available for you eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six we've got matt gabinski on the phones there he's eager to hear from you no more eager than i we've got jeff person out there on social media land and he'll retrieve your question or comment your insight your word of encouragement uh and and we'll get it up on the board uh and and we're asking you to call in with anything that's going on in your life or anything that you want to talk about uh here we are we are present for you in this moment we're going to get to rosie rosie is a first-time caller too she is in yuma arizona this morning and rosie i'm ringing my bell to welcome you to the show thank you so much and god bless you all thank you i your your show really or your program really inspires me and it gives me a lot of hope right now thank you during the holidays i become very depressed and first of all i suffer from depression and anxiety throughout my entire life and worsens i can ever remember i normally see a therapist and i take medication and i try to do um i try to read the scriptures and read the bible um there's a lot of things that have kind of taken my my faith not my faith but um i wouldn't say that there's like a lot of anger and confusion because of the way the catholic church has changed but my main concern here is during the holidays um my friends in the argument and my daughters in the army as well as my daughters in washington state my son okay so you're you're breaking up us on us a little bit here rosie so you your son and your daughter are both in the army your daughter is in washington washington state i don't know where your son is located my son is in texas and my youngest my daughter and my youngest son were very close but my middle son he's i want him to be close but he kind of get away drifted apart from me um you know from from the time that um when i divorced but he was like a very troubled child ever since he was little he was okay and and so you're you're still breaking up on me a little bit so this middle son has been rebellious he's been separated from you things got really dicey after your divorce and so you don't communicate with him very often is that what it is i don't communicate with him very often even though i send him messages and i i text him i call him and i you know send a message and i tell him you know son i'm not i'm not the perfect mom i know i made a lot of mistakes but i want you to know that i'm thinking of you and i love you very much you know i hope you can call me when you get a chance i'm always thinking of you and i want you to know that you're very special my doors are open to you okay so what how how can we help you today rosie i don't really know like um what he keeps on pushing me away in a way that he doesn't tell me but like every time that um the holidays come like uh thanksgiving or christmas um i always ask them you know in advance are you gonna come home for thanksgiving oh yeah you know i'm gonna pick up the boys because okay and now we're we're gonna we're gonna go to a break pretty quickly here so i want you to hold rosie and we'll finish up that bit about the holidays when we come back friends 833 288 ewtn give us a call we're going to be right back stay with us [Music] ewtn the global catholic network the power of prayer depends on god's action not on our praying the holy spirit prays within us with groanings too deep for words as romans 8 says and he empowers us to seek god and to seek from him all that we need and the answer to prayers are always from god in order to worship him and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for those who have suffered abuse [Music] lord jesus christ innocent lamb who suffered unjustly for our sake look with mercy on those who have suffered abuse as children the wounds they carry are deep and yet are not beyond your reach heal them console them free them from the burden they carry and bring a swift end to these terrible acts cleanse our churches our schools and our homes of all abuse and grant that children everywhere will be welcomed loved and cherished amen want to be notified when women of grace goes live on facebook simply follow ewtn radio's facebook page and click on the bell icon to be notified hi this is sci kellet host of catholic answers live open forum with father hugh barbour and jim blackburn later today on catholic answers live 6 pm eastern ewtn radio now back to women of grace transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams welcome back everybody we are so happy you are joining us today right here on women of grace live do want to give you that toll-free number to use it's 833 288 ewtn 833-288-3986 is the way that you can join us here uh toll-free in north america in addition to that we're available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page simply use the chat feature there and give us a call we do want to hear from you i can tell you that uh we are very happy to have rosie with us she's in yuma arizona first time caller she was sharing with us prior to the break that she has a son in the army and a daughter in the army they're both stationed here in the united states son in texas daughter in the state of washington she has a middle son and the middle son has always been uh you know one of those children that that causes us some tears and a lot of sweat he's been a bit rebellious uh he uh became especially uh difficult uh especially with regard to his mom after her divorce from his father and it seems as though you know as the holidays come near and rosie reaches out to him to see if he's coming he's giving her assurance that he comes and he says he's going to pick up his boys obviously he's a dad uh her grandchildren i'm suspecting and and come but then rosie sometimes he doesn't show up is that what goes on yes um and then there's times when he shows up and he just picks up the boys and um because their mom drops them off here in the house and then he comes and picks them up and then they leave and so i have all these things ready for them and uh ready for my son and dinner and things and so it's kind of like a bummed out because it it's really sad it causes me to be depressed because i feel like you know he just and his wife is very controlling of him yeah he's very controlling with him and before he was never even close to me but now it's gotten worse since he got he since he married this girl and i know they're having a lot of problems and i try to talk to her and i said you know it would be really nice that you guys would have a better relationship you know sure well rosie let me let me interject here i mean it is difficult you know and and it sounds to me like you know your other two children who are in the army are not available every holiday which is understandable and these are the days and the times when we really long to have family together and this is a this is one of those crosses just on the face of it i would say this the the sad reality is that your son is a man and he can make his decisions for himself and if he decides that he's going to be controlled by his wife then that's his decision and he's going to be controlled by his wife if he makes a decision that he's not going to be then he can take steps to regulate that situation the fact of the matter is you don't have control over any of it and that's the hard part because i can imagine as a mom myself i can imagine that you know you prepare a beautiful meal people say they're coming and then they don't show up or they just drop the kids off and they head out that's not what family is meant to be and this is this i think is what is really necessary for you to do and it's going to be hard but what i would suggest you do is you have a conversation with your son you need to put boundaries in place so that you don't find yourself in a state of disappointment a state of depression because of the actions of others at some point in time we have to take some kind of responsibility for our own emotional well-being and you are not a toy to be played with you are a human person made in the image and likeness of god you are this child's mother he has a duty and a responsibility to honor you all the days of his life he has a responsibility honor thy father and their mother your mother that's the fourth commandment and there's no expiration date but you can't force someone to do that you are welcoming you tell him he's welcome to come but you can't make him come and so i would put some boundaries in place that at least helps for you to have a reasonable expectation about what might or might not happen and i would tell in point-blank period uh you know look i've reached out to you uh you know i've apologized for the fact that i'm not a perfect parent i've tried to do everything that i possibly can to encourage you and to make you feel welcome and to you know convince you of my love for you and i've tried to do the same for my grandchildren and for your wife but i am not going to let you play with me and so i need to know are you coming i would love for you to come i will cook a meal for you but if you're going to come and drop the kids off and leave i would prefer that you would spend your thanksgiving with your little family rather than come to lead me to expect something that's not going to happen i think you have to put the boundaries up rosa you've got to take that is the you can't control them but you can control yourself and you can defend yourself and that's what i think you need to do now this could cause a complete severing in the relationship i don't know i don't know how he'll respond but what i do think is it's important for you to say so and i think it's important for you to be his mom as your being and to pray for him and to pray that someday the light goes on you know i don't know what the circumstances were with the divorce divorce is very hard on kids people say they get over it they're resilient they carry that wound into their adult lives and oftentimes they act out of that wound because in that place in their emotional development they're stuck so if he was 10 when you and your husband divorced or 12 or he was 16 in that regard with regard to that moment he's still 12 he's still 10 he's still 16 until he seeks healing for it and you can't force him to do that okay all right i just asked you guys to pray for me and my family well we will right now we're going to pray for my fault i know sweetheart and these are hard it is really hard to be the parent of an adult child um you know i used to think to myself when i was raising the kids thinking oh goodness you know someday they're going to be adults you know it's going to be wonderful sometimes it's not so wonderful and and we our hearts break for them in a jillion ways but um it can be very painful to be the the parent of an adult child who is wayward in any way and i don't mean necessarily breaking the law or being addicted to substances i mean a child that can just be wayward in their emotions uh so let's pray with you rosie you know let's pray with you oh father god we do lift your daughter up to you in this moment and listen mother i mother please pray for rosie your daughter you know what it's like as a mom you saw your son ridiculed you saw your son mocked your heart broke thousands and thousands and thousands of times but yet your son was the perfect son and we know in the midst of it all our lives are are anything but perfect and our children anything but perfect and we as human persons as parents anything but perfect and yet we strive to cooperate with the grace that your son merited for us on the cross and in this moment mother i'm just asking that you would have your spouse the holy spirit and trust to you the very graces that rosie needs and you this beautiful mother who only wants good things for your children would you would distribute those graces to rosie and she would be affirmed in them she would be confirmed in them and she would be able to be firm in them and move forward in them i pray mother that that that this this this ache in her heart would be assuaged by by your maternal love for her by the love of the father for her the love of the son and the love of the holy spirit i pray that that the sadness of heart that she feels and and the really kind of emotional abuse that takes place on these days i i just pray that that that there would be a resolution to this that comes by way of rosie's own capacity to be the one who initiates a new moment into this relationship and who knows what can happen by way of it who knows what can happen by way of it and so it is mother that we we ask for your maternal beatitude father god we ask that you would send these graces by way of the cross of your son and through the power of the holy spirit and into the hands of our lady that she might distribute them and we lift rosie up to you and we're grateful for her and we thank you and we pray all of this all of this in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our lady amen and if you hear any kind of stridency in my voice rosie it's not directed at you i just don't like to see it just it just it hurts my heart when people's hearts um are breaking because others are not concerned for their emotions or feelings and and act unjustly towards them and and so it it's it's again it's against that that spirit of of injustice that sometimes holds people's way uh in in their in their grips so there you have it okay thank you so much and god bless you god bless you too rosie thank you very very much we're going to get to jeannie uh jeannie is in troy ohio and as we're getting to jeannie i want to remind you that tomorrow is wednesday sue brinkman is going to be with us it is a wacky wednesday hey genie how are you i'm good thank you for taking my call you're welcome i have a praise report for you yay a little over two years ago i called you very upset and worried my husband was diagnosed with a melanoma that had spread to his lymph nodes one um and we were waiting at the time it had gone to one lymph node so they did surgery and removed it i called and you prayed the most beautiful prayer um and i even saved it on my phone and my husband heard it later and all that so you prayed for his healing and that the cancer had not spread any farther than just a little bit not one lymph node and so here we are two years later he is still cancer-free after that and he has his next round of scans november 30th so i ask everybody to pray that those come back clear but he's now graduated to only needing to be scanned every six months now he was going every three but so far he is still cancer-free so i wanted to let you know that and ask everybody to pray that november 30th scans continue to go in the right direction and we are just so grateful i can't even explain it so wow thank you thank you for the praise report thank you so very much it edifies all of us i know that means a lot to felicia today uh you know as she is facing this moment with her little girl you know god does work miracles and oftentimes those miracles are worked through the very therapies that we have available to us uh so we we never you know we never deprive ourselves of those therapies but we also stand firm in the conviction that our god can do all things i'm so happy for him i'm glad he's graduated to six months i'm going to look forward to when it's once a year then i'm going to look forward to none at all because the healing has been completed in the name of our lord jesus christ okay okay oh thank you genie thank you so much for calling god bless you now and have a blessed and holy thanksgiving and i will make a notation and of course you'll be in my prayers anyway i pray for you all every day uh and i will be praying uh for him in a special way on the 30th okay thank you so much you're welcome god bless now bye bye oh isn't that lovely friends you see i you know it's so very important to get these praise reports because it does encourage us we have dr sonya with us from south texas this morning good morning to you good morning johnette um how are you and i i'm listening on my way out of adoration chapel into my clinic and i got the last end of the earlier conversation with felicia when she asked for prayers for her daughter well i had a very appraised report if you will uh i'm an endos a gastroenterologist for children and yesterday as i was doing an endoscopy on a seven-year-old boy um i was really almost panicking because the boy was severely obstructed it really shocked me and i was in the operating room i don't operate but i do endoscopies and his vital signs were coming down and i just kept on praying and i just did the case as fast as i can and uh we got two liters of of stool collected in his bowels out and um i pushed fluids in and his vital signs really picked up in less than 10 minutes so um i was just an instrument of god um he lived and i uh was praying throughout and i i just said just take this boy and when he was doing well in recovery room and and the pre-op so the pre-operative nurse came to me and i said this was a difficult case and i just prayed i just this was a miracle so she said that the boy before he was wheeled to the or told his mom and told the nurse that he just wanted to die and he just didn't want to suffer anymore he's had multiple bowel surgeries in mexico so his he was severely obstructed and i just had i i i just i just said you know it's really a grace of god that this boy was saved oh um we are so grateful for this praise report and i think everybody that's listening right now says oh i want dr sonia to be my doctor because she prays what a beautiful thing to be praying over this little fellow i have tears in my eyes yes and i and i i said all the years of daily math and daily adoration has been to fruition because sometimes you say well you do it every day but you know you want you want daily miracles right we do small miracles but this was truly a miracle was really coming down going down fast oh my goodness wow the anesthesiologist was really trying to become i said is he okay but i was so i saw the numbers going down so i just i praise be to god well he did use you as his instrument there's no question about that now just uh if you can doctor you know what what is what is your estimation of his prognosis going forward do you think that things are can be corrected for him yes i have had this bad cases before but when i was at johns hopkins i was exposed to these difficult cases but not here in south texas so um there is good prognosis and and i told the mom it will it will be close follow-up and um just to let you know my brother passed away uh six months ago also from bowel per perforation so i i was telling my siblings last night that um um i didn't i did not i was not an instrument to save my brother's a passing so he didn't he died for the same reason but he made me save this seven-year-old boy through his hands so oh i'm so happy my father also passed away from a similar similar problem and i've always thought all these years how i how i was not being able to save either not save say i'm not the savior but to be an instrument for my dad and for my brother so this this voice is here for me to to help oh yes and to encourage you i mean you know what a beautiful thing when we're caught in in a very serious situation like that and we resort to prayer which never should be the last resort of course that's not the case with you because you spend all these hours in adoration and in prayer but when we call upon that prayer in that moment and we see the hand of god at work it's got to be very encouraging for you to move forward and and to um really encourage you that that god is with you and he's using this beautiful healing art that he's entrusted to you this great talent and great gift uh in these in these very serious moments to great effect and to good effect i'm so thank you so much for sharing this we'll keep this little guy in our prayers uh and we'll certainly keep you in our prayers too and i know that that pediatric gastroenterology is a pretty specified field there's not a whole lot of pediatric gastroenterologists if i'm correct correct correct there's only a few of us here in south texas and across the nation probably less than a thousand so that's right yeah we try to do good we try to do good oh i'm sure not only do you try but god certainly does the good through you there's no question about that in this beautiful testimony i think uh proves that to be true and my husband is is an orthopedic surgeon he also um truly very busy and he in fact after my case i saw him in in the recovery room i never used to see him and i told him how i did how that prayer really saved the boy and i hope it it moves something in his heart and i know he does but he doesn't go to adoration and daily masses i do and he said my work my work is my adoration so you know just keep him in your prayers too we'll do that for sure i i have a feeling that you're you're pulling down a whole lot of grace from heaven for him and he's probably not quite aware of it but we ask that one day that light will go on for him thank you so much for your thank you so much for your praise report dr god bless you and god bless you and your work and thank you so much for being an instrument of god's mercy love and healing you're welcome thank you you're welcome and thank you and i may i say a happy thanksgiving to you too and to all of you that are listening today we're going to go to marie she is in williamsville new york good morning to you marie good morning janet um i just wanted to say quickly that um i wanted to remind the listeners that the christmas novena begins november 30th which is one week from today it's very powerful it only takes a few seconds to say it um it's said 15 times a day from november 30th to christmas day and you can i'm not good with the computer but it was very easy for me so anyone can pull it up if if you just type in feast of saint andrew christmas novena prayer okay um it'll come right up and and as i said it's it's a very powerful i've used it in the past and it begins november 30th until christmas day all right and nine people well i'm so glad that you did and i i went out here right away to look it up and there's a lot of different christmas novenas that go on novina usually meaning nine uh but this is one that incorporates saint andrew into it and you can find it out there online and i encourage you to take a look at that and as you say it's it's not a very long novene it's very easy to say 15 times a day hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the son of god was born of the most pure virgin mary at midnight that hour about save i beseech thee oh my god to hear my prayer and grant my desires through the merits let me get this of our savior jesus christ and his blessed mother amen so there you have it uh it's not a long one at all i thank you for that it's it's it's new to me so i i really do thank you for informing me i'm not aware of that particular novena also because it's so short you find that uh after saying it a couple of days you you you remember it i mean um you don't need to read it anymore that's right and it and it sticks with me all through the year anyway thank you for for giving me the opportunity to remind people well thank you marie we just uh thank you because i'm sure that as people begin to engage in these holy and devout practices this one in particular they'll be abundantly blessed and it'll be all because you let the holy spirit be an instrument are you let the holy spirit use you as an instrument uh to bring this good news to all of us so thank you for it thank you thank you you're welcome oh and the same to you thank you very much we will be with you tomorrow as i mentioned to you sue brinkman is going to be uh with us it is a wacky wednesday we're looking forward to uh your questions and comments we're always available for you taryn is out there on youtube she says holidays are hard because our adult children celebrate santa and not jesus even though we try to keep the day about jesus no one goes to church with us i'm so sorry taryn i this i know that this is a heartbreak and again as i as i said to rosie you know our children grow up they become adults they make choices for themselves but you keep praying you never know when when that light you know is going to dawn into the darkness of their understanding and father we pray for taryn we pray for her family we pray for her children her adult children we ask lord that you open their eyes to see that jesus is the reason for the season and we pray this in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our lady amen gonna be back with you again tomorrow inviting you to tune in then we're happy to hear from you until then may god richly bless you pray for us i want you to know we are praying for you as we always do god bless you now bye-bye [Music] ewtn uses the power of radio to
Channel: EWTN
Views: 876
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: 0nhgpHJfSM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 10sec (3070 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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