Women of Grace - Jan 12 , 2021 - Johnnette Williams

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race with john williams starts now this is women of grace live discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams welcome back everybody to women of grace today we're always so happy to have you with us monday through friday at the same time on this same station as we discuss issues of importance to your life and your faith always eager to hear from you right here on women of grace life we do love having that holy conversation with you here is a number for you to use it's toll free for you right here in north america it's 833 288 e wtn that's 833 833-288-3986 that's the way you can join us here ryan penny answering the phones today be sure to say howdy hey to him and if you are a first-time caller please do let him know and we will be sure to ding ding ding for you and welcome you as a first time caller to the broadcast also want to let you know if you are a first time submitter to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page via their chat feature let us know that too and we will ding ding ding for you as well and welcome you to the program jeff burson our producer and also our social media manager will dash right on out there and he will get your uh comment your uh question he'll get your insight your inspiration or your word of encouragement and he'll get it up on the board for us here today eager to hear from you want you to know we are always happy to receive your questions and your prayer requests you can get them to us via our email address at ewtn it's women of grace at ewtn.com that's women of grace plural on the women women of grace at ewtn.com i want to remind you also that there's all kinds of good things that are happening right now through women of grace and we're eager eager eager to have you join us for some of them i was telling you yesterday about our women of grace foundational study facilitator training that is coming up very very shortly here as a matter of fact it's coming up really soon and that takes place in two days the evening of january the 14th from 7 to 9 p.m eastern time as well as the morning of january the 16th from 10 a.m until 12 noon eastern time so we invite you to check that out on our website you can get all the information that you need regarding that and you can register for it right there online if you go to our website womenofgrace.com it's in the upcoming events right on the home page additionally i want to remind you about a beautiful beautiful benedicta enrichment seminar that is coming up on january 28th and 29th it's a two-part benedicta seminar and it is from 7 30 p.m until 9 00 pm eastern time our guest speaker is dr carrie grass she's going to going to be talking with us about conquering toxic femininity with mary mother of god i want to tell you this is a very very important topic one that we need to know more and more about she will help for us to identify those aspects of the female person that have to do with authentic femininity and why we need to rejoice and celebrate in them and the way in which the culture of the day as well as i think you know the malfaction of the evil one wants to take us away from those very specific charisms that are ours by way of our gender uh she'll tell us how it is that our blessed mother figures into all of this and why she is the option so we want you to join us for fascinating fascinating two-part benedicta enrichment seminar it is an online event january 28th and 29th 7 30 pm to 9 00 pm eastern time you can register right online again just go on to our website womenofgrace.com click on that offering right there on the home page it'll take you to a landing page and you'll see the option uh to register online as well as uh you know a blurb if you will about this upcoming benedicta enrichment seminar so we're eager for you to join us dr kerry grass is is an amazing woman she has a doctorate in philosophy from the catholic university of america she is the editor of helena daly she's a faculty member a pontificate uh a pontiff pontifex university i can get that out if i try really hard and a member of the international marian association she contributes to a number of different publications she's been on our television program seen on ewtn women of grace in the past she's been with us on radio in the past as well and now we're happy to have her again uh for a beautiful beautiful enrichment seminar so get on out there to womenofgrace.com check out the upcoming events register for this beautiful opportunity that we're making available for you and i just want to let you know this webinar is not just for women you gentlemen need to know about this uh you need to see uh the ways in which god is raising up the female person it will help you i think to have a deeper insight and recognition of where we are at this moment in history and why our blessed mother is of key importance so we want to invite all of you beautiful gentlemen to join us for this event as well so get on out there and take a look at it uh you know i want to mention to you too that on our program on television this friday it's a one hour live presentation every friday our guest is going to be stephen ray and we're going to be talking about the catholic faith in light of the creeds it's going to be fascinating many of you are familiar with steve ray many of you know his conversion story he has been out there in the catholic world for for many years now he has great insights and i know that you are going to be really blessed by what he has to share with us this friday we will be opening up the second half of that show to your phone calls so we invite you to join us for this beautiful program that is going to take place this friday i always like to let you know who that live show guest is going to be so please do join us for this beautiful show coming up on friday we are with you monday through friday on ewtn television at 1 p.m eastern time and so we invite you to join us every single day of course and looking forward to that opportunity with you uh interviewing a couple of different guests tomorrow we're going to have michael uh excuse me not tomorrow but on thursday and you'll be seeing them in the in in upcoming broadcasts of women of grace on television michael o'neal the miracle hunter is going to be one of our guests and we are also going to be talking about uh different topics that have to do with the resurrection of our lord and we have a jim papadrea going to be our guest for that program and i think it's going to be very interesting i just finished reading his book and i got to tell you i was pretty fascinated by everything that he was sharing and i think that you are going to find out some very interesting facts about what the church teaches regarding the resurrection of our lord and what that means with regard to you uh when your body and your soul will be joined together uh we're gonna be talking about what happens in the interim when your body and your soul are not together we're gonna be talking about you know will there be hugs in heaven an interesting thing to consider uh so those shows uh we're gonna be producing this week and they're going to be airing for you in the near future always help wanting to help you know what's going on in the vast world of women of grace so we invite you to get out to the website all this information is available for you out there as well so we invite you to do that did you know that there are actually four properties of a glorified resurrected human body we might be talking about that when we come back from the break but more importantly we want to hear from you let me give you that phone number to use again it's toll free for you right here in north america 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 pick up the phone give us a call eager to hear from you if you're outside of north america country code one two zero five two seven one nine [Music] also ewtn radio's youtube channel facebook page chat feature is there for you looking forward to hearing from you that way as well more coming up on the other side of the break you're listening to women of grace live i'm johnette williams we're gonna be right back stay with us the venerable fulton john sheen it is a self-evident principle that the creator has endowed man with certain unalienable rights the leading catholic voices are on ewtn radio it's time for family man with dr gregory popja we all know that consistency is important for our children's well-being but a recent study in the journal of childhood adolescent psychiatry shows just how true that is researchers found that young children who experienced multiple moves and school changes had up to a 60 percent greater risk for exhibiting serious mental health problems in adolescence including psychosis consistency in a child's life isn't just key it's critical our church teaches us that human beings need ritual to be healthy and happy rather than being boring repetitious actions rituals bring order meaning and peace to our daily lives multiple moves and school changes disrupt the rituals that allow children to develop the ability to regulate their emotional psychological and relational lives to give your kids an advantage work hard to keep up rituals like family meals game nights family prayer family days and of course sunday mass as a family i'm dr greg popchek but you can call me family man to discover more ways faith can enrich your life visit catholiccounselors.com next time on ewtn live learn how to deepen your spiritual nourishment from mass as father timothy gallagher teaches catholics how to better enrich their faith life on the next ewtn live ewtn live with me father mitch pacquiao tomorrow at 8 eastern on ewtn tv and radio missing catholic radio in your area heed god's call to get involved and start a catholic radio station contact jack williams five 205-795-52 seven fifty six or email jay williams at ewtn.com [Music] transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams welcome back everybody we are so happy to be with you today inviting you to give us a call here let me give you that number here you go it is toll-free for you in north america that number is eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six if you're outside of north america here's the number for you too come begins with the country code country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five again that's country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five just pick up the phone give us a call if you call from outside of north america we will get you right to the head of the line so that we can take your call immediately so we invite you to use that means to contact us today ryan penny's on the phone be sure to give him a big old howdy hay and we will be happy to ding ding ding for you as a first time caller in addition to that we also have ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page available for you there you can use the chat feature put in your question your comment your insight your inspiration your word of encouragement and we'll get it up there right away so we are looking forward to hearing from you today we're taking questions on any kind of topic that you would like to discuss and i know that there are topics roaming around in your mind today and we're curious and interested in wanting to know what it is that is going on with you so let's get right out there i know that we've got a caller with us trinette is with us she is in waynesville ohio she is listening to us via ewtn.com she is a first time caller so ding ding ding trinette uh and how are you today i'm fine thank you jonah how are you i'm very well thank you for asking a little chilly but other than that i'm doing great yes it is cold here in ohio so um so my question or i just want to get your take on things i have the opportunity to receive the covet vaccine which i feel blessed however i've been discerning all of this i'd like to get your take on it just because of the way the testing went and just things that i've read um i just i'm i'm not sure morally if i can do it okay if i didn't take the vaccine yeah you know it's it's a we're in it we're in a bit of a pickle here with regard to all of this trinette you know and a lot of people are concerned about the morality of the vaccines and there's a lot of chit-chat that's going on out there so i want to refer you to the national catholic bioethics center and i want to refer you to their website it's ncbc center let me see ncb center so it's n c b c e n t e r dot org and uh put into the search engine there vaccine and uh articles will come up for you that you can read and so the question is must catholics refuse a covid 19 vaccine made with a cell line from an abortion um and and this is basically the short answer to that is no we don't have to refuse a kovad19 vaccine uh that came from a cell line from an abortion that that is the answer that the national catholic bioethics center is giving us and uh they they are referencing a 2008 statement made by the congregation for the doctrine of the faith uh in the instruction dignitas personae that and here's the here's the quote grave reasons may be morally proportionate to justify the use of such biological material and they've got that in quotes nobody likes that language and they don't either thus for example danger to the health of children could permit parents to use a vaccine which was developed using cell lines of illicit origin while keeping in mind that everyone has the duty to make known their disagreement and to ask that their health care system make other types of vaccines available so with regard to the covet 19 vaccine we do know that there are there are i think at least three options that we have for the uh for the um for the vaccine itself three different pharmaceutical companies have given us rendered us a vaccine and there is a chart out there in this article that i'm referring to that that goes through the company that is sponsoring these and tells us whether or not there was you know a cell line developed from aborted babies and some of them do not have that so what we want to do is we want to select one that doesn't compromise us in that way if that is possible if it's not possible then there's a apparently it it is not uh you know morally unethical to use one that's been developed but we should strive not to do that and one of the ones that has not used abortion-derived cell lines is moderna and so uh the cell line was used in laboratory testing but it is not in the vaccine itself and the ethical profile for that has been rated by the national catholic bioethics center is good so that's the one that we might want to look for if we possibly can the astra zenica that was sponsored by the university of oxford that is it gets a very poor ethical profile because the abort abortion-derived cell lines are used in the vaccine and they were also used in the laboratory testing so that does not get a good rating and you'll be able to see you'll be able to go down and actually see right there uh what the what the deal is you know and what the rating is that's being given there so the um i think it's a very clear guideline for us so i want to refer you all out there uh you trinette and everyone listening today that has concerns about this to the national catholic bioethics center website and it's n c b c e n t e r n c b center dot org put vaccine in the search engine it will come up you'll click on the one that is in reference to the vaccine for covet 19. does that help you trinette yes it does thank you so much johnette oh you're so welcome it's it's our pleasure to be able to help it is a very confusing matter it's a very confusing day there's all kinds of conspiracy theories out there that are going on about covet uh 19 and about these vaccines uh but you know it's not a it's not a theory if it's true you know it's just what is true and what isn't and where there's a there's just a an onslaught you know that that at least comes into into my messaging and into my email box every single day and and it's baffling and it's hard to wade through so i'm glad that we've got experts out there that can help us do that agreed thank you so much you're welcome you too god bless you 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 is the way you can join us live here on women of grace live we love hearing from you we really do uh let ryan know if you're a first time caller we're also available to you out there uh via ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page um as well simply use the chat feature paula is with us in hunting huntingberg indiana she too is a first time caller ding ding ding listening to us via 93.1 how are you paula oh i'm fine and and i love you you are so great i love your program well thank you oh absolutely sweetheart um i listened to ewtn on my radio um it's out of jasper and um uh i have to tell you that ewtn is the only reason why i still have my sanity through all this um i have listened to programs that you have on awtm where a priest one night was telling him how why he became a priest i listened to that man describe how he felt i felt what he felt i knew that man was speaking from his heart he was just wonderful oh that is you know it's so interesting paul and i think that this is one of the great gifts that ewtn brings to us both radio and television and that is that we realize that we're not alone and it gives us permission i think to to really allow ourselves to feel deeply the love that god has for us and to be edified in that love by the witness of others and by the teachings that go on both through ewtn television and ewtn radio um and it helps us you know especially during this time where so many are lonely and so many feel so isolated it helps us to to have a certain connection with community uh though it's not the the one-on-one personal touch of community it is nonetheless that that uh beautiful way in which god brings us uh that that very important aspect of our life in him and lets us know that there are others like us and uh helps for us to feel part of the broader uh you know the broader dimension of the the family of god so i couldn't agree with you more i think ewtn you know i often think about mother angelica's fiat her yes to god and she said yes and certainly ewtn in those early days was absolutely essential and through all of these um succeeding decades has been very important to people but but we're in a moment of real crisis now and i think that there's something about ewtn and when it was that god worked through mother to bring this into existence that was really meant for our day and time uh you know here we are we we have capacity on all of these different platforms television radio uh you know web communications uh we're just out there everywhere ewtn is literally everywhere and i think it's because god knew that we were going to need each other in a very unique way at this very particular moment in time absolutely and there was a caller who called into a programming just before you all today and um the woman was saying that she uh didn't like something that she didn't agree with something that the priest said and she didn't you know uh she was so in fact she was um not sure she was wanting to go back to church and various other things and so the uh the talk show host just said um you know encouraged her and told her the things that that she needed to focus on and um but that's what they want us to do they want us to fall away and we can't we have to we have to stand up to everything that's going on we um um let's see i'm i've got i keep i actually keep a notebook and um i read this to a friend of mine last night and um um when i called her and she's not catholic either and um but i you've got to go under somebody else i'm sure and i can't find it right now but um actually in second timothy 3 1 it talks about reprobate minds and and occults and god reveals himself in that in those times and he's revealing himself now so we need a god in our lives uh and i mean we need our relationship more than ever so no one needs to fall away at all for any reason um you know just test the waters and find out what's good and what's bad and and know that our only hope is with him so you're absolutely right and and and i thank you for bringing that scripture to us today and you know we need to dig into the sacred scripture and we need to do what st paul reminds us to do and i was talking about this yesterday uh paula i was talking about the fact that we need to renew our minds you know we can we can absorb so much of what's going on and uh through media outlets and and reading about all of these things and and you know we can we can literally drive ourselves crazy it is important to know what is going on we we cannot deny reality and we ought not to we need to know how to pray so we we have to take in information but we don't have to let that information take us in and i think that that's the difference and sacred scripture gives us the guidance you've given us a beautiful passage there from timothy but but here's one too and i i shared this yesterday i'm going to share it again today because this is the way in which our mind gets renewed saint paul tells us in romans 12 2 do not be conformed to this age but rather be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you you might know what is pleasing to god would you might know what is god's will what is good pleasing and perfect and then in philippians 4 verses 4 through 8 he tells us how to do that rejoice in the lord's always rejoice in the lord always again i say rejoice let all men know your forbearance the lord is at hand have no anxiety about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and your minds in christ jesus finally brethren this is verse 8 whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is gracious if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things and it's important for us to remember this and uh you know i i think that if we spent as much time praying as we do consuming and worrying about all of the stuff that's going on in our world today including covet and everything else the political situation all of it if we spent as much time praying as we did absorbing this information i think that we would begin to see a great change you know i'm reminded too of uh 2 chronicles 7 14 if my people god tells us if my people will humble themselves and pray and he goes on and says i will heal their land but it's the people of god that have the duty and the responsibility to do the supplicating the praying uh the the the uh lifting up of all that is good all that is true all that is beautiful you know all that is worthy of praise is as saint paul puts it and that's your job and that's my job and if we're all busy about what we ought to be doing i think we would see i think that we would be seeing shifts happening and that's not to say that people aren't praying i don't want to insinuate that but i'm talking about all those that are allowing themselves to be just you know tied up in knots over this fear is useless jesus says what is needed is trust so i really thank you for your call today paula well can i add one more thing sure can okay my favorite verse i tell people all the time my favorite verse in the bible is philippians 2 14. do everything without complaining or arguing god is in control we aren't do everything without arguing or complaining we'd have a much more peaceful world you're absolutely right you are absolutely right god is in control and we ought not to be grumbling and complaining but doing what it is that we can do yeah so thank you so much paul and god bless you today thank you you're welcome bye-bye now and we invite you to give us a call here 833 288 ewtn that's 833 eight three nine eight six looking forward to hearing from you right here also inviting you to use ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page you can simply put your question your comment your insight your inspiration uh into the chat feature there and jeff person our producer and social media manager will dash on out there and he'll get it and he'll get it up on the board for me ryan penny on the phones today inviting you to give a big old howdy hate orion we certainly do uh want to get that phone call from you again it's 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 out there for you if you're not in north america use this number country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five uh remember email your questions or comments to us and your prayer requests women of grace all one word plural on the women women of grace ewtn.com you are listening to women of grace live i am john at williams inviting you to get out to our website womenofgrace.com see what's happening indeed and join us for what's happening we're going to be right back with you on the other side of the break looking forward to your phone call and to your comments stay with us get the catholic news perspective on today's top stories ewtn news nightly clear concise catholic tonight 9 eastern on ewtn television and radio prayer has been so powerful in my communication with god understanding the church better most importantly understanding the lord better and myself better i heard it said once that god answers nemail as in k-n-e-e prayer is powerful one of the favorite things i love to do when it comes to prayer is to ask for the intercession of the great saints try it sometime you'll be very very impressed and surprised by the amazing power of prayer father benedict rochelle i must tell you that from what i observe from very young people all of these blasphemers all of these mockers are in for a tough time because the devil bites his own tail and i find among young people a growing reverence and longing for god i find decline in the cynicism and skepticism around because it had to destroy itself no one can live on being an enemy of god it's too crazy it's too absurd it's too dark it's too bleak god is beautiful god is holy why in the world mock god the people you know and trust are on ewtn if you had the chance to do something one more time what would it be that is what we'll be talking about next on take two with jerry and debbie on most of these ewtn stations now back to women of grace with johnnette williams transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams well welcome back everybody you are listening to women of grace live i am john at williams and i'm thoroughly delighted to take your calls today let me give you that toll-free number to use if you are in north america it's 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 just pick up the phone give us a call looking forward to hearing from you right here i also want to remind you that you can email your questions to us and on one of those days when we have an email uh bag day we will get it out and we will talk about it women of grace at ewtn.com is the way in which you can send them in if it's a prayer request please note that in the subject line and we will uh make certain that we sort accordingly to get that prayer request um mentioned on the air and prayed for on the air so please do let us know it helps jeff uh to sort accordingly so we invite you to contact us that way uh always eager to hear from you here on women of grace ewtn radio's youtube channel facebook page also available for you we have marie with us she's in great falls montana let's go to her she's listening via ksmr 97.1 good morning marie how are you oh i'm wonderful janette and it's lovely just getting through and talking to you and it was kind of instinctively that i i decided to dial in my question um because you're so reliable you're so knowledgeable and you're so faithful to the faith and it's what you guys dreaming last night i was telling my children some of my girls that the greatest gift we've got to pass on to them when we go is is that the faith so hold on to that and as i was dreaming last night anyway um beautiful it has nothing to do with my questions it's a good dream it's a good dream and i probably got that from youtube but anyway my dear i had a doctor's appointment yesterday and you know i belong to the legion of mary yes i know i i yeah that she's my life my lifeline to jesus constantly but anyway girls we when we met last week we're so blessed to be able to continue with our legion of mary little group we had actually five showed up last week at the cathedral after mass when we met and we brought up the subject of the inoculation and the possibility of there may be some baby um fetus aborted cities in some of the the earth the shot so i says i'm going to the doctor next monday the 11th and i'll ask my doctor because she's catholic thank you and um so anyway i did ask her i'm right there in the office she she always saw such a lovely lady when i go there and she opened up her her laptop and showed me and it was from the vatican city from vaccine city and it said something to the effect and i want you to please help me with this i'm not doubting anything the holy father says but it says something to the effect that we mustn't worry that we must get the shot and i was wondering does he mean even if it's aborted babies i mean i can't imagine what do you think well you know there he did make a statement uh saying that he thought that there was a moral obligation to uh to get the vaccination um i don't believe that he was speaking you know ex cathedral here uh this this is his opinion and i do think that this is a you know an issue that is is really striking the heart of many people they're trying to decide what to do about this thing and uh as i have learned by reading what it was that he said the particular vaccine that is going to be used in the city-state of the vatican is the pfizer one and the pfizer one does not contain abortion-derived cell lines in it now abortion-derived cell lines were used in the laboratory testing but the vaccine does not include them and so the national catholic bioethics center has given that particular vaccine a good rating based on the its ethical profile so its ethical profile if you will is good because it does not the vaccine itself does not contain abortion-derived cell lines used in it and there are several of them that do not use abortion-derived cell lines i am not lobbying for or against the vaccine i'm just giving the facts that as as we know them regarding it and i do think that it's something that we you know we want to factor in what the holy father said uh and i think that we need to prayerfully discern which direction we go in there are some people that are opposed to vaccines period regardless of what they are uh even with regard to children and non-vaccine uh non-uh vaccinating their children so this is something that you know really is is is something that we we've got to consider and consider it from many different angles thank you jeanette and the thing is i i while we were volunteering i was one of the volunteers of the hospital and they offered me the opportunity to have the shot soon they didn't tell me when and i had to send the card back and so i i expect i'm anticipating i'm 86 now i'm 85. oh my goodness nobody would know that i oh yes i am but i'm blessed to have little all right i'm still i'm not outstanding i tell people but i'm upstanding i'm just thankful that god is helping me with the strength so i have the opportunity of getting the shot and now i was kind of concerned uh several days ago thinking oh my gosh what if they call me to get shot and maybe i'll be doing something terrible i would never i'd rather die than have a shot with any kind of aborted baby of uh leaders and so that's where my that's where my conscience is right now you know the irish confidence don't you yes well you know i i would encourage you you know do you have access to a computer yes okay so i would go online maria i would go out there to um the national catholic bioethics center website and ncb center ncbcente and put in the search engine vaccine and the article will come up and there's a chart there and it helps and i would ask the hospital and i'm sure that they know which vaccine they'll be giving and i would simply ask them you know which one are you using and that'll help you i think that'll that might um free you up a little bit to make a decision one way or the other thank you so much and i'm sure there's a lot of i imagine all of your listeners are interested in this this ethical question too and and and the conscience you know we want to do the right thing certainly so thank you so much janet and god bless you and lovely listening to you you're so so helpful and so it's such a joy oh well thank you marie may it be so and thank you so much for your call today and i do want to recommend friends something else too i had interviewed dr joseph meaney who is the president of the national catholic bioethics center i don't know maybe five weeks ago maybe maybe a little bit more than that but at any rate our programs are archived for you out there uh at ewtn website so ewtn.com you can go out there and you can go to the podcast and you should be able to hear that also if you have the ewtn app which i highly recommend you get you will be able to go out there and you will be able to access that program as well through the audio on demand feature and then of course women of grace also has that program for you so you would want to put in his name joseph meaney m is in mary e a n is a nancy i.e and you know that program will come up and you can listen and see what it is that he had to say about it so we invite you to take advantage of that opportunity we're going to go to tony tony is in wilkes-barre pennsylvania listening via siriusxm 130 good morning tony good morning hi can you hear me i can hear you can you hear me absolutely can okay i want to just say there's a small paragraph and i say uh chapter 30 15 to 18 i found found it years ago i put in my phone and it really means something just looked at it recently i just want to read it it says thus says the lord god the holy one of israel by waiting and by calm you shall be saved in quiet and entrust your strength lies yet the lord is waiting to show you favor and he rises to pity you for the lord is a god of justice blessed are all who wait for him i found that real like pertinent especially what you're talking about earlier about dependent on god and he's in charge and everything you know but by waiting in my calm you shall be saved and quiet and entrust your strength lies i thought that was real moving well you know i got to tell you tony i want to thank you so very much for sharing that scripture passage today i don't think it's one that that i'm aware of or am hearing maybe a different way today than i have heard it in the past it's beautiful and again you know it's giving it's god giving us this assurance that he has not abandoned us no matter what is going on in the world he has not abandoned us and he is with us and he's giving us i guess through that passage the means by which it is that we can begin to experience his presence with us uh spiritually and individually as well as corporately and he's saying to be be calm and and and to be patient he's telling us to trust go ahead by waking by way by waiting and by calm you shall be saved in quiet and entrust your strength lies well yet the lord is waiting to show you a favor as he rises to pity you for the lord is a god of justice blessed are all who wait for him but those two lines by waiting and by calm you shall be saved and quiet and entrust your strength lies so instead of getting all been out then yeah that's what i mean i keep on repeating to try to remember it and stuff but it just you know instead of blowing your top and everything it says by waiting and by calm you shall be saved in quiet and entrust your strength lies when people blow up you know what i mean we blow up ourselves but when you realize in quiet and entrust your strength wise you know it's not easy but the spiritual life isn't easy you know what i mean but this it's isaiah 30 chapter 30 15 to 18. i thought it was so moving years ago i put it in my phone and just recently i came back to it and it just seems like it was so pertinent to what's happening today you're absolutely right you're absolutely right and i'm really glad that you shared it i'm going to mark that in my bible as soon as the program is over i'm making a note of it right now and i would encourage all of you to do the same thing the passages that have been offered to you today are passages that help for us to have that peace you know that surpasses understanding to have that calm um and it's beautiful that he says you know it it the the it's there it's there that we find the presence of the lord it's there that we know that god is with us and it's that's where we place our trust and uh i just it's just beautiful just beautiful god cannot be outdone in generosity but we do have to do what you're suggesting tony and that is that we've got to work with these passages and let these passages work in us and how do we work with with you know these words that are revealed to us by god uh we work by investing trust in them and and through an interior action of submission to them and so you say you know the spiritual life is not easy that's true because the spiritual life is always about the surrender of self it's always about this dying to self and that's not an easy process and the natural inclination is to get worked up about everything and the evil one is happy when that happens because we can't even think much less feel you know we can't feel the pres we can't experience the presence of god uh you know and our thinking process gets all you know befuddled and um we run around like chickens with our heads cut off instead of being that that that solid sure steadfast um exemplar of hope and faith and trust in god so yeah i like that i like it very much thank you for it yeah you're welcome i really that's what i mean it really came back to me i had it my phone years ago and just recently because of all the stuff that's going on but by waiting and by calm you shall be saved in quiet and entrust your strength lies in quiet and in trust that's remarkable it is remarkable it it really moves us to want to ponder it and to meditate on it and i suggest we all do that okay thanks for taking uh my call oh you're so welcome tony thank you so very much for your call and we invite you to give us a call today friends and the number to use toll free for you right here in north america is eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six we also invite you to go out there and to use the chat feature at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page to register your calls uh to register your question your comment your insight your inspiration we invite you to do that you know here we are today and at this point in time we have had um two questions about the covid vaccine and we have had three individuals who have called us and have shared beautiful scripture passages with us and i'm thinking that there's probably a passage that is very meaningful to you too and a passage that you find speaks to this moment in time we would love to know it because you see it's in the word of god that we find our hope the word made flesh our lord jesus christ and in the words of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church so if there's a passage that really means something to you give us a call we want to know what it's about 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 399 we have a listener who left a comment for us on our listener comment line let's go for it sylvia i am from san antonio texas i need some prayers because i went through a very difficult surgery and i need your prayers to help me to a healthy recovery thank you you're welcome and so father god we hear the request of your daughter and you know the surgery that she's been through you know the difficulty that it's caused her you know how it is that you are about the process of healing her and restoring her and we asked father god that this healing in this restoration would be soon and that it would be quick we asked father that this surgery will have been successful for her that whatever the problem was that initiated it will be rectified through the gifted talent that you have given to the surgeons and to all of the medical staff who was attended to her we thank you lord for the gift of the healing arts and we pray father god that you would increase that gift in all of those who have dedicated their lives to others through the work that comes by way of medical science we lift your daughter up to you and ask also father that in this process of healing and restoration of her body you are also healing and restoring her soul healing and restoring her heart that you are bringing her to the fullness of life in your son our lord christ jesus we ask father that in your mercy and in your kindness that your daughter's healing in this way would work towards its completion as well as the physical healing that is taking place within her i pray that you would take away all misgiving from her all lack of trust from her all inordinate worry and concern father i ask that you would give her the grace to be able to uh implement the the advice and the counsel uh that she has received from those that are caring for her and i pray father that soon your daughter will be be experiencing that fullness of wellness that you desire and so it is that we offer this prayer to you in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our blessed lady amen thank you for your call today and i just want to say to all of you too you know that we do need to be lifting each other up and we need to be lifting uh ourselves up too by asking for the prayer of others so we're available for you uh you know to to pray with you on the air here 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288-3986 that's the way that you can join us also ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page is available for you there i do pick up the phone and do give us a call here asking you you know which scripture passage truly means the most to you uh what passage has really worked in your life a great good let us know about all of that too and i think that we've got katherine with us she is in cleveland ohio good morning to you hi jenna um i'm calling it doesn't have to do with a scripture passage but it has to do with literature children's literature and how to evangelize children in a soft i know you were an english teacher and i thought it might be interesting to have a program to bring out some of the things the gifts we can give our children um or you know our nephews or whatever um that um that would help them see uh see the world in a biblical way such as heidi you know classics um and and books that are written today and so that's just a possible suggestion for you well thank you so much i really do appreciate your call and of course the fact of the matter is that we have uh uh you know the benefit of these classics that really do uh come underneath the category of of good literature which is why their cat their classics and when we're evaluating children's literature we want to look for for that which is going to be edifying to them and it's not going to put you know concepts into their minds and their hearts that will lead them away from the faith and lead them down nefarious pathways the unfortunate reality kathy is that a lot of the children's literature that's being written today for the general market in the secular world is filled with things that that are gnostic filled with things that are occult filled with things that that are are very anti-christian in the belief system and i'm not saying that they speak against uh you know christianity uh in the context of of um the the book itself but nonetheless they're they're anti-christian anti-catholic in the world view that they're presenting and so we have to be very discerning on on what it is and one of the the typical ways in which we can uh discover good uh literature from from not so good literature is that implicit especially in children's literature is always the salvation story so you will see a struggle between good and a struggle between evil and the good is good and the evil is evil there's no crossing no gray area there you know who is the good person you know who the protagonist is and you know who the antagonist is and so when we look at that literature we want to look for that and then you'll also find that there's a struggle that ensues between the good and the evil but that the but that the good triumphs and and so implicit in every one of them is the salvation story basically uh and and when you talk about hansel and grotto when you talk about heidi when you talk about some of these great classics you're always going to find that now that's a good guideline for parents to employ and parents should read the book before they give it to their children so that they can see what's in it and you know i think that's important the other thing i want to say is that we're blessed today with a lot of good catholic authors that write very good children's literature uh that that are very helpful in uh teaching to them great morals and i want to mention one author that i interviewed recently his programs aired on on our television program women of grace seen monday through friday at 1 pm eastern time and his name is anthony destefano now he's not the only one but i recently interviewed him and he's written numbers of children's stories that i think have great moral value for kids and really helps for them to uh take away lessons that can be applied in their lives now and for the rest of their lives so thank you kathy thank you i appreciate your question and i really do appreciate the way in which you are thinking it's it's it's refreshing you're welcome honey bye bye now well here we are you hear that music we're at the end of the program it's been great being with all of you today right here on women of grace live where we do love having holy conversation get out to our website womenofgrace.com all kinds of good things coming up so we want you to participate in them until we're together again may god richly bless you john at williams signing off for now god bless bye-bye
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,592
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: PPE6u05KJ_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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