Women of Grace - March 10 , 2021 - Johnnette Williams

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it's a more appropriate place for it for more news from a catholic perspective visit ewtn news.com women of grace with janet williams starts now this is women of grace live discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams well good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am john at williams and i am totally delighted and thrilled to be with you today i certainly am we love to spend this time with you monday through friday as we discuss issues of importance to your life and your faith and we love to hear from you here we certainly do and i want to give you a number that you can use to join us live here on our wacky wednesday with sue brinkman i know you've got tons of questions because you always do and we're always happy to receive them you can use your phone yes you can and use this toll-free number is toll-free for you right here in north america it's 833 288 e wtn that's 833-288-3986 that's the way that you can join us live here on women of grace live where we do love to have that holy conversation with you you can also get out to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page use the chat feature there to get your question comment insight inspiration or word of encouragement up on the board and we'll be happy to take it we've got ryan penny on phones today so when you call in you give him a big old howdy hay and we have jeff berson our producer out there in social media land and he'll retrieve your question and get it up on the board now listen if it's the first time you're calling or the first time you're submitting let us know that and i will ring one of my three bells that are sitting here for you i never know which one it's going to be well let me see which one we'll ring this one this is a very good bell for us during today for oh so many reasons maybe i'll tell you about that later i really don't know all that to say it is wacky wednesday and we have sue brinkman with us here and we're going to be taking your questions about all things wacky going on in the world we're wide open to you for other questions as well but on wednesdays we really do like to concentrate on some of the uh what do i want to even call these things well i'm going to call them false spiritualities uh and some of these occult activities that seem to worm their way in and there's there's a number of them out there that are going on and uh you know i get this image you know i really do i get this image of of snakes you know that are just kind of like crawling underneath uh the tent of our spiritual life right just kind of seeping in and crawling in and i'll tell you these things are insidious they're absolutely insidious on the face of them they look as if they're harmless but the fact of the matter is they're not and they will bring down bring down your relationship with the lord and they will eventually bring down entire apostles if we are not careful so we've really got to guard the perimeter of our heart you know we've got to guard the perimeter of what we allow in because what we allow in is going to have a profound effect on us now we say well how can that happen you know i have the indwelling of the presence of the holy spirit etc etc etc well it happens because the evil one is always out there seeking whom he can devour and we're told throughout sacred scripture that we have to guard the deposit of the faith right and we guard it by not letting false ideas false ideologies false concepts um all of these things that are forbidden in in the catechism of the catholic church as well as within sacred scripture we need to prevent them from entering in and we're passionate about this topic we're passionate about it and the saddest reality is that some of these things are sneaking in through a spiritual formation programs are speaking in through uh apostolic works that have been uh you know really uh very solid over the years but but i'm telling you there are cracks and crevices in in everything because we live in a broken and fallen world and we've got to be sure that we are guarding and protecting guarding and protecting that's the deal this is not to frighten it's simply to warn right we we have to have good warnings put in place so anyway that's why we do wacky wednesdays we want you to be suited up for the battle we give you a tactics that you can use but in addition to that and we want you to know the truth because it's only the truth that will set you free right it's only the truth it's going to set you free not the falsehood i do want to remind you about all of the things that we have going on at women of grace we've got bunches of stuff happening always and we're very very keen on our upcoming retreat that is going to be held on march the 27th it's a lenten online retreat man of sorrows lord of joy i've been telling you about it uh you know just about every time that we're together here and i'm excited about it and i'm looking forward to you joining us for this beautiful event it's number two in our slideshow and you'll see it also listed underneath our upcoming events on our home page when you click on either the slideshow or click on the mention of it in the upcoming events it's going to take you to a landing page you're going to find there the theme man of sorrow's lord of joy you will find there all of the listing of the presentations and who's going to be talking about what you're going to see there the schedule we start at 9 30 a.m on saturday march 27th you'll see everything that's going to be taking place through the course of the day and i think it's going to be something that's going to affect you deeply in a good way we want it to affect us deeply in a good way right and i think it will do that for you i certainly do you can register right online and i want to encourage you to do exactly that as well also on the home page i want to call your attention to uh the the opportunity that we have for you there where a mask can be celebrated for your deceased loved one also for special intentions or or for the living so if you have a special need and and you want an easy way to be able to have a mass prayed i i want to direct you to that section on our website it's right up there as soon as you go out there you're going to see it just you know scroll down a bit and you're going to see it right there on the right hand side that is a hyperlink you can click on it and it'll walk you through the process a very easy one my senior matthew odong who is the vicar general of the archdiocese of gulu in northern uganda uh helps us with these masses he gives them to the priests in his archdiocese to pray and as i like to tell people uh you know when when you participate here it's a spiritual and a corporal work of mercy the spiritual work of mercy of course for the person that's receiving the mass but on the other hand too you're helping uh the this this diocese to meet the needs of its people through their priests uh it's it's not a it's not a wealthy diocese and so these mass stipends really enable the priest to be able to do the work among his people uh and and this is one of the only ways that they have to uh you know have some some money to be able to minister to the needs of their people and i just heard from on senior this um this week he was very sweet he sent me a beautiful letter and he was telling me that you know because of covid numbers of their young people are unable to go back to school they have a beautiful catholic school there it's a tuition-based school and many of their parents are not able to afford the tuition because of what's happening there with with covid and the devastation that it's had in many cases and so he was telling me that some of the priests were actually uh taking the mass stipends from these masses and they were meeting the needs of the tuition so the children can be educated you know we we don't understand here in this first world country what it's like to live in a third world country and um you know this is a it's a corporate work of mercy as well as a spiritual work of mercy so i'm just saying that to you you know i also too you know i believe that it's saint gertrude the great who tells us that the two days out of the year when the majority of souls the most souls i shouldn't say the majority of souls that gives a false impression but the most souls are released from purgatory take place on christmas and easter so we're having easter coming up and who knows how it is that you can affect the life of the soul perhaps the soul of a deceased loved one so that opportunity is there for you we've got sue brinkman this whole show is an opportunity to call in with questions that are plaguing you questions that you would like to have answered ways in which you can more deeply entering the truths of the faith so that you can live the abundant life in our lord jesus christ and share it with others 833 288 ewtn is the way to join us here it's toll-free for you in north america we're going to be right back stay tuned hi i'm doug keck inviting you to join me next time for a special bookmark interview with his eminence george cardinal pell prison journal volume one the cardinal makes his appeal he took quite a bit of struggle i was free to this extent because my conscience was clear and i knew that god would clear me on these issues at least ewtn bookmark with doug keck brings you the best catholic authors saturdays at 4 30 p.m eastern sundays at 9 30 a.m eastern on ewtn radio hi this is john at williams women of grace is hosting a lenten online retreat on saturday march 27 man of sorrows lord of joy join us as we journey with jesus in his passion accompanied by our blessed mother the day includes presentations lenten reflections on the sorrowful mysteries live music adoration and a healing rosary we pray this retreat through the intercession of our lady will be a time of reflection surrender and healing on your path to salvation and true joy register at womenofgrace.com and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for mothers heavenly father we worship you our creator you have revealed your tender love for us through the love of our mothers bless our mothers and reward them for their sacrificial love grant consolation and strength to mothers who are exhausted those struggling to hold their families together and those in difficult marriages bless our mothers lord and grant eternal rest to those who have died let men and women who never knew a mother's love come to know that of mary your mother amen transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams well welcome back everybody we're so happy to be with you today we certainly are we're inviting you to give us a call i'm going to give you that toll free number ryan penny is on the phones today he's eager to hear from you and so am i be sure to give him a howdy hey if you're a first timer let us know i'll ring my bow maybe that one maybe this one or maybe this one i have all these bells here it's just so exciting anyway 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 that's the way that you can join us right here on women of grace live i also want to let you know we're available to you out there on social media land jeff verson our producer and social media manager will dash on out there yes he will dash right out there and he will grab your question or comment and he'll put it up on the board you can see us too if you're out there on social media land and we always enjoy that uh sue bringman is with us woohoo it's wacky wednesday call us about wacky stuff uh we're delighted to have you with us sue how are you oh i'm doing wonderful today how about you sound so chipper i'm trying to be chipper i am chipper you know i'm really it's a beautiful day here it's absolutely an exquisite day absolutely blue skies no cloud in them and it's fairly warm not hot but warm you know it's comfortable here uh so so i am i'm in a very very happy frame of mind but how can i not be happy when we get to use these airwaves for the honor and glory of god and it gets to be wednesday and we get to be with you so all of that together works uh for the good listen so before we get deeply into topics and we've got lots of them to talk about our phone lines are lighting up we're happy about that please do call us but teresa is with us from ohio and theresa i'm going to answer your question but i'm not going to take the call uh but i'm happy well you know what she is a first time caller but i'm gonna ring my bell for you yay well uh welcome welcome uh it's off topic but it's on topic because we've been talking about this topic for a number of days and what teresa wants to know everybody is are we supposed to get the covet vaccine or not and teresa this is a good question and here here's the way that i want to answer that first of all we know that the church has told us it is okay to take the coveted vaccine we understand that in many cases uh you know people are very concerned because the fact is that the descendant cell lines have come from aborted babies but that does not mean that the vaccine contains fetal tissue in any way shape or form in them and it doesn't mean that all of them have uh you know use fetal tissue to get that vaccine what we do know is the two best are moderna and pfizer and they did they did not use fetal cell lines at all in the development of their vaccine nothing nothing nothing but what they did do is they tested in the cell line so if you're going to get the the vaccine and only you and your doctor can determine if that's a good idea for you as well as your conscience then those are the two to get the church is not holding us away from those vaccines so we want to make certain that we all know that okay now i can't tell you if you should get it or not or if you're supposed to get it there is a certain obligation to the common good and the church says that if we get the virus or if we get the vaccine we need to make the pharmaceutical companies aware of the fact that we want a vaccine that has nothing in it and you're getting this vaccine now because it's the only one available you know we don't have one that is completely uh devoid of having used uh the the the descendant lines for some use and so as a result of that we're doing this but we're doing it under protest so this is a decision you have to make and you have to make it with your doctor you have to make it based on your age and your general health consideration and also how you interiorly feel about it so we can't tell you to get it can't tell you not to get it it's an individual decision but i would say that if there's not a reason to get the vaccine then you want to you know you really do want to look at it a little bit more carefully so there's your answer theresa and i'm going to ask you to give us a call back maybe even tomorrow and we can talk about that a little bit more so so i wanted to handle that before we went uh forward because um you know there's a lot of questions out there and people are getting mixed messages here's victoria siriusxm 130 she's with us saying that there's mixed messages about johnson and johnson vaccine we know that the johnson and johnson vaccine is is not in the very good category both tested and used these descendant cell lines in the manufacture of it but again if you're allergic to something that is in the other two vaccines then the church has said that you can use it so it's a very complicated question isn't it sue yes it is it's not an easy answer to that you just need to as you said uh discuss it with your doctor pray about it with the lord uh and ask him you know what it is that you should do and as long as you are not trying to do anything sinful you're just trying to do this for the good of the the community that is an act of charity and is an act of love for for your neighbor uh to be able to take a vaccine that will prevent the spread of a contagion which is a life-threatening contagion this isn't just a little thing this has killed half a million people so yeah you have to really weigh that very carefully in your decision as to whether or not to get or not to get the vaccine that's right and i want to tell you sue that on monday we had father tad pohlchak with us from the national catholic bioethics center so i want to make you all aware of the fact that you can listen to uh the the podcast of that uh interview it's out there for you on ewtn's app ewtn you know has a beautiful app that you can download for free we have an app that you can download for free too another beautiful app and it's on both of those so you would just want to back up to today is what today is the 10th so you would want to back up to the 8th march the 8th was that program and it was very informative and very instructive and i think that it will really really help you uh to determine what it is that you should do so all of that is very good eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six is the way that you can join us toll free for you here in north america also ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page we're gonna go to our phone lines i'm going to ask you all to hold for just a moment though because we've got some cleanup business to do so uh when we were together last week we had some questions that we couldn't get to one of them involved this legend of zelda now please what is this legend of zelda and what is that all about yes the legend of zelda the twilight princess and that's actually a video game a children's video game and it's rated as being one of the top video games of all times it's very very popular game zelda and it's about you know a youth who tries to save these kidnapped children they were kidnapped by the bull blinds whatever whoever they are they were kidnapped by the bullwins and um you know they're living in this kingdom of hyrule which is ruled by three goddesses and he encounters all kinds of sci-fi creatures this is very typical of children's games especially those made by japanese game developers because remember their native religion there is shintoism and that is i mean shinto means the way of the god so these video games are riddled with gods and goddesses so yeah if you if you don't want them exposed to any of that stuff avoid any games such as the legend of zelda twilight princess or anything that is developed by by japanese developers that's their religion um and they have it's very much incorporated into their game so you know you have to do things in zelda such as revive spirits uh things that are not christian are in there they are it it is introduced to them ways of thinking about spirituality that is not christian so a parent needs to be careful when they're letting their children play these games you know i think two things one i think that we underestimate the power of a child's imagination and how the power of that imagination when stimulated begins to form and shape the way in which a child sees the world and so with that in mind we certainly want to stimulate our child's imagination but to that which is good and true and beautiful we don't want to introduce them to false ideologies in these things because it does have the capacity to form and shape the way in which they see things so we have to be very careful about that they've got fertile little imaginations and oftentimes it takes a while for children to be able to differentiate between that which is real and that which is unreal so you know just a caution to parents with regard to what it is that we give to activity we've got to be very very careful um the other thing i wanted to say about that sue is that this is not an uncommon reality we're seeing these themes being expressed in these games we're seeing them in animated films we're seeing them in cartoons our children's world in terms of these you know reading opportunities etc for them it's absolutely riddled riddled with ideologies that are antithetical to the revealed truth of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church we've got to be very cautious as parents today in a way and perhaps we didn't have to be vigilant in the past oh absolutely they have we they have to be vigilant and take a look at the at the game go on the internet you can find this information out on the internet very easily it's not that hard um to find it and and you know then you can make that determination do i want the child to buy it or not i wouldn't just go out to the store just pick up something off the shelf and bring it home you really should in these days in this day and age with what you're saying johnnette how pervasive this stuff is among children's games and literature and entertainment a parent needs to do some homework beforehand i know it's kind of a burden but it'll pay off in the long run because you can you know prevent your child from being exposed to something that's going to lead him and his little imagination down the wrong road well that's exactly right and so um you know we don't want to get involved in this game folks i i guess that that's what we want to say you know we've got to protect our children from this and from everything else as well uh you know it does it requires a hyper vigilance almost i mean you've got to be at the ready and it's not to throw us into a tailspin it is just it's just a cautionary word to all of us out there um you know i know that you also we're cleaning up business here and then we're going to get to you pat we want to be with you too 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 sue you get a lot of mail and we want to let you know that if you don't get your question answered on the air we can still answer your question but this is something that came into you and here we are we're back [Laughter] we're back on what i feel is like a treadmill you know sometimes we feel like a hamster in the cage because we keep saying the same things over and over again we wonder do we really make any progress you know because the questions keep coming on the same issues so i want to direct you out there to our blog which is on our website it's in the navbar you'll see blog just click on it and then just click there and it'll open up for you and you can read and you can search for any number of topics that sue has already addressed and you're going to get probably more than one article that she's written on a given topic so you can read all of them and this is one that we have talked about you know frequently i i frequently isn't even the right word we've talked about this consistently in addition to that uh you've written numbers of blogs on this but here it is again christian yoga oh i hate those words don't even put them together oh my gosh no there's there's no such thing as christian yoga truly indeed no such thing as that okay and and we want to go back to scripture we want to go to deuteronomy 12 31 uh where the lord says to us do not worship me the way the pagans do so even though you're saying but i'm not i'm not you know doing the yoga for to worship those gods i'm substituting jesus's name on that jesus does not want you to invoke his name while you're in a position of worship to the sun god he doesn't want that okay it is it is and so many of these programs are based on um the flawed christian yoga that that started out about 20 years ago this is nancy roth you know brooke boone um sudan borden kircher uh they all put out these programs about christian yoga and it was flawed theology was the the hindu theology was flawed and the christian theology was flawed so it's just a big flawed mess and all these programs are now you know kind of lumping onto these and and um but it's always going to be flawed because you can't blend christianity and hinduism you can't do it it's impossible christianity is monotheistic one god hinduism is polytheistic many gods christians believe that that man dies but wants hinduism believes in reincarnation i mean the attempts to join these two it's like oil and water they don't join together and by putting jesus's label on it and putting this christian veneer on it you're not you're not praising god you're not giving glory to god at all you're just trying to make a buck off of the yoga craze is really what it is or or trying to baptize it in a way that is never going to work it just doesn't work so there is no such thing as christian yoga and the person that wrote to us said that it was in their um their church bulletin there was an advertisement for it in the church bowl and i would just very nicely uh approach the pastor and inform him about the problems with christian yoga we do have so many blogs about it out there at newage.womenofgrace.com just scroll down to the y half of what almost all of y the letter y is yoga and you'll find an article that says yoga christian yoga is syncretism and take that to your pastor christian yoga is syncretism and that explains exactly why you cannot blend the two and especially why you cannot call it christian no matter how many christian names you put on it i know i think the thing that really you know gets gets to me a lot when you talk about people saying yes but you know i pray i pray i pray to jesus when i'm doing this you know and people will say i pray the rosary when i'm doing this you've got to think about what it is that you're doing here you you know just because you're praying the rosary and just because you might be praying to jesus does not sanctify what it is that you're doing i mean any more than you could say well you know i i i i'm participating in in this religious action but at the same time i'm pulling in all of these occult activities with it you can't do that you just can't do that you're not making it right it's it's a degradation of the prayer that you're praying so is you're stating so so clearly there you cannot separate the the the the spirituality if you want to call it that or the uh the the the essence of what you're doing you cannot separate that from the action especially in yoga where you're actually putting yourself into the position of these false gods uh you know and i you know we talk another one that really gets to me sue uh is zen christianity there is no zen christianity i mean that's ridiculous it's craziness you know it it just you so you cannot do that as a matter of fact i just want to state this and if maybe if i have time on a break at the bottom of the hour i'll reach back here and pull this book up but it's a book that was written a long time several decades ago uh and and it was this whole it's called kundalini it's called kundalini christianity or something you can't blend these things together it's abhorrent uh and there's a quite a bit of explanation in there and and i was reading it the other day just because i had it on my shelf because of research purposes and i thought to myself you know this is long standing there's been an attempt to do this for a very long time but it cannot be done oh god what in the heck here we are at the bottom of the hour i can't believe it uh well we've got christine with us joan with us pat with us um and we've got one more thing to clean up on uh we'll weave that into the calls though sue we'll take we'll we'll go to the phone lines as soon as we get back we're eager to hear from you 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 that's the way to call us toll free for you in north america we'll ring our bell if you're a first time caller let us know that also ewtn radio's youtube channel facebook page chat feature available tell us if you're a first time submitter and that bell will ring for you too coming right back stay tuned missing catholic radio in your area heed god's call to get involved and start a catholic radio station contact jack williams 205-795-5756 or email jay williams jaywilliams ewtn.com [Music] this is a messy family minute with mike and alicia hernan we believe that parenting is a path to holiness sacrificing and suffering are built right into the vocation of being a spouse and a parent saint john paul ii tells us families become what you are meaning if you want to be holy be a better father mother a sister son husband or wife holiness can be found by embracing the call to be a family to help couples celebrate lenten easter we've developed a program called canaan 90. canaan 90 is designed to help couples grow in holiness through commitments of prayer fasting and mercy but all these commitments are made remembering that the path to holiness is found through loving your spouse and children our canaan 90 program provides guidance to help couples make good choices together we provide free videos podcasts and even activities to do with your children if you want to join us sign up by visiting us at messyfamilyminute.org he was a doctor of the church a carmelite and one of the most famous mystics of all time matthew bunsen and the doctors of the church saint john of the cross wanted to help all christians to become saints one of his most important teachings was to encourage us all to learn how to love for there is no love he said put love and you will find love he died in 1591. for more about the doctors of the church visit doctorsofthechurch.com [Music] hi this is psy kellett later today on catholic answers live we ask which catholic moral teaching do you reject trent horn is our guest cath cancer is live 6 pm eastern on ewtn radio now back to women of grace encouraging women in their gift of authentic femininity here's more women of grace with john ed williams well welcome back everybody we're so happy to be with you today sue brinkman is with us it is wacky wednesday we've got a lot of questions out here but we've got two phone lines open we're eager to hear from you two eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six um uh we're gonna go to pat pat has been holding since the beginning of the program and she is one patient woman she's in ottawa canada she is listening to us via holy family radio and she is a first timer so pat i am ringing my happy little bell for you to welcome you to the program we're happy to have you how are you today i am great thank you so much but i am in ottawa ohio oh okay well it says ohio on my board i just decided you were in canada i'm sorry i made a mistake ottawa ottawa ohio see i want to do it again ottawa ohio i wondered how you were getting holy family radio all the way up there in canada anyway what's your question today you've got a good one i think okay it's probably been covered before but i have a group of friends that we pray together and they suggested that i read the warning by christine watkins and something about that just doesn't sit right with me i haven't really gotten into it and i don't want to until i hear either you or sue say oh that's a good book or no that's not a good book so all right here we go well i'm not going to say it's a good book i'm sorry um but there's a lot of controversy about that book first of all the warning and the whole idea the concept of warning is not really church teaching this all came from private revelation um which leads me and many others to to question uh why the lord would put something that important into private revelation and he tells the the faithful that we we are not obligated to believe that um so that's that uh and then also um christine watkins is using a lot of people uh in the book to substantiate um this warning and the idea about the wording and it's all again private revelation and just because a saint might have received a message about the warning does not necessarily mean that there is going to be a warning they're not a saint because their prophecies came true they're a saint because of the virtue of their life so um that's not really the best evidence that you could have you can just put it out there and just say okay this is what this saint or that person or this seer got in in private revelation from the lord but you are not obligated pat to believe that so that should tell you right then and there whether or not you need to read the book you don't i mean if you want to read it out of curiosity you could possibly do that but there's so many people out there who have become so upset um and just tied themselves into knots over this warning they're so afraid of this event that's coming that tells me right then and there that there's a problem with it when people aren't peaceful and calm about it uh but they're they're you know running around pulling their hair out they're they're buying beeswax candles to survive the three days of darkness they're doing all this stuff um based on this book the warning um so my advice to you is is there's better stuff out there there's better stuff out there to read the uh you know it's interesting it's interesting and i think some of some of this suit comes from matthew 24 where it does talk about you know the sun isn't going to shine anything like that and and and that may be true we don't know but i love what you said there sue about private revelation and it's interesting to know pat that even even the approved apparitions that the the ones that the church has approved from the vatican you know um big ones like fatima and and lord and and and uh saint faustina we are not obligated by faith or or duty or anything else to believe any of those private revelations now if the church pronounces that they are authentic then we would do well to pay attention to what has been said there because it means that obviously there's nothing in their revelation that is going to mislead us or misguide us but saints are not perfect people especially at the times that they're receiving the private revelation they're they're perfected you know now but not when they were living they weren't they were on the road uh but they they can make mistakes they can't have misinterpretation so the best thing to do is always to stick right beside holy mother church and to go the direction that she goes and uh you know i i agree with you sue fear isn't fear does not come from god that kind of fear does not come from god that's false evidence appearing real and and there you know there are some cases where you know the saints said very uh difficult things uh that they revealed to us from their their private revelations but you know and but all of that usually measures right alongside of the revealed truth of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church nothing new comes through these revelations so that's there you have it okay thank you so much i appreciate that i really do thank you well you're quite welcome so we have uh lane out there on facebook my mother is going to a tarot reader who refers to herself as a real psychic born with powers from god uh mom is a good catholic how can i debunk this to my mother it's a good question yes it is well the first question that i would have is if she's a good catholic why isn't she obeying the church there you go you know the catechism number 2116 specifically specifically says that we are not to get involved with any kind of clairvoyance any kind of recourse to mediums none of that stuff there is no such thing as a a psychic who gets their powers from god who is out there doing tarot card readers there's no such thing as that and and unfortunately there's so many it's not your mother's fault necessarily because a lot of them build themselves as catholics or christians there's even some that will before they call up uh somebody's deceased relative will pray the rosary with them so it's easy to be led into thinking that well this must come from god it does not come from god it never comes from god and i will also uh warn you that this is exactly how satan does these things he he never makes himself look obvious he always hides himself in one way or another and he's wearing a very good disguise right now if he has convinced your mother who is a good catholic if he has convinced her that this person is actually giving psychic and tarot card readings from god he's doing a very good job of disguising himself um as an angel of light because he that is not the teaching of the church and that's from scripture it's from the catechism god could not make it more clear that he does not want us consorting with that and that alone should be reason to stay away from it and he's not doing it because he does because he wants to be a party pooper and that we can't have any fun he's doing it because he's trying to protect us from from the spirits that those psychics and tarot readers are consorting with he wants to protect you from them and we open the door this is what we don't understand too is that every time we do such a thing we run the risk of creating an entry way for those spirits to come into our lives and to create havoc for us spiritually and and sometimes physically and in all kinds of ways so we do well to heed the administration of the church i like what you said there sue about taking your mother out there to the catechism uh give give us that paragraph number again it's two one one six so go out to two one one six and show her right there it says it very plainly very clearly um and she should be able to break away and she's not able to break it away that's a problem because that already begins to show a sign of bondage you know the the there's a pool there that is unhealthy so then you're going to want to pray you're going to want to pray the rosary for your mom 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288-3986 we've got christine with us sue she is in raleigh north carolina siriusxm 130 is the way she is listening today welcome to women of grace live christine thank you so much for having me you're welcome i have a question my daughter or my daughter a few weeks ago went on a trip to sedona arizona and of course she went for the hiking and the beauty but i know that sedona is kind of like a mecca here of um the new age stuff and the last thing i said to her was just don't buy a crystal and guess what she did she bought a crystal so because it's beautiful and my thing is is should i be concerned um that she has it in her apartment because it's pretty but you know is there something negative attached to it um because of where it came from likely it depends on that if she really just bought a crystal just out of a shop uh because it is pretty the the crystal itself there's nothing wrong with it it's the belief that people have attached to these crystals that's where they get in trouble and they believe that these these rocks have special powers um that they they absorb energy from from the environment from forces of nature the the touch of human beings um they believe that that it's the stone is then imprinted by these things now if somebody is involved in some sort of a ritual and puts a blessing of some kind on on crystal then she would have a problem with having it in her house but she would know that pretty much right away if all of a sudden things start going wrong for her she starts she can't sleep at night she's not able to focus you know some sort of of of oppression might start in her case although that's quite rare that has something like that happen on an object but she just has to be very careful that she doesn't buy into any of this nonsense about crystals because it's just simply not true they've done all kinds of scientific testing on rocks and believe me they don't they don't predict anybody's future they don't make you more powerful they don't do they're just rocks right and they are beautiful some of these crystals are very very beautiful but they don't have these powers attached to them that's just a superstition does that help you christine yeah my yes my fear was just that maybe because if it possibly came from a new age shop that maybe i don't know if they like prayed or did anything over them um in general or if it's if it's just something that she just needs to be aware of and kind of have an idea they may have they may have prayed over it but just that's the fact that they predator doesn't necessarily mean that it's a cursed object um as i said that's quite rare according to exorcist that that that would ever happen and she would know it because things would start going wrong and rapidly and then she needs to get rid of that crystal i'll tell you what you can do christine is you know she she can just she can just use some holy water you know um and throw that at the crystal or you know kind of wash the crystal in it if you will i mean she can you know and i i i think it's probably okay that this is one of the problems that we have um christine and and sue i think you when we look at these things as you mentioned you know god created the crystal god created the rock right so uh in it of itself there's nothing the matter with it it's the it's the superstitious use of it or the occult use of it that causes the problem and just about anything can be uh you know the uh subject or object of of that kind of uh overlay of of thinking but that doesn't in any way like a lot of people have crystal chandeliers in their home you know there's nothing matter with crystals so they're pretty right so don't don't don't overly concern yourself i think it would be the bottom line right thank you very helpful thank you you're welcome unless your daughter starts talking about oh this crystal has special powers then we got a but it's not problem christmas problem it's your daughter's perception okay yes okay thank you you're welcome we have uh uh let's see angeline is with us and she is in phoenix arizona and she is with us via siriusxm 130 and she is a first time caller welcome angeline it's good to have you with us thank you for having me um i have a question about my father um he is a recent uh revert to the faith um now he's a sacristan and doing uh frequent confession and frequent eucharist and he met this lady at the church she was a parishioner and she came to him saying she was being stalked this was less than two weeks ago so now two weeks later here he is he's gonna help her find bugs in her home he's gonna put cameras and i feel like he's playing into her kind of paranoia but there's another layer to this um she claims that she has had marrying apparitions and that jesus talks to her and if it's the affirmative he can make the sun spin and so apparently my dad has witnessed this and he claims that she in the last 10 days has helped him with her prayers overcome an addiction um so i'm just very concerned um i did tell him that god doesn't use mediators um you know to please go to prayer and talk to god himself so have you ever heard of anything like this and what can i do more to help my father well having the marian apparitions jesus talking to her he believes that her prayers have helped her he believes that he may have seen even a manifestation of i think you said the sun spinning or something like that here's what i would suggest that you ask him to speak to the pastor his pastor but if he is the sacristan to sit down and have a little chat with the with the pastor and say my daughter is kind of concerned about this let you know let him blame you but say my daughter is concerned and what do you think about this and chances are this woman's probably done that before in that parish and he may know about that and my suggestion would be to go and and and ask your father to go and talk to the pastor about it to see what the pastor might think about it to say that looked at i'm just concerned and if you could possibly would you just talk to the pastor about it and let him know what's going on and just see if this is everything is okay here because you know marion apparitions a lot of people think that they've seen her and they didn't it was their imagination or you know the church has to approve stuff like this and and it should be under the guidance of a spiritual director i mean does this woman have a spiritual director even um so there's questions here uh i don't blame you for feeling the way you do um but that's kind of the route i would go to to see if this has been going on if this woman has done this before in the parish and if people know about her chances are they probably do know about her and the pastor would be probably the perfect place to start i don't know if you think that's possible angeline yes and i've mentioned that to him and um i don't know he's just really sucked into her paranoia as well and he believes he's a very holy woman and so i'm going to reiterate that and tell him to talk to the pastor and again the church has to approve apparitions um well and it seems to me in in sue's 100 percent correct it seems to me that if this woman is actually uh having these apparitions etc frankly um this would be something that she probably would have taken to the priest you know if somebody's legitimate if if i felt like i was seeing our blessed lady or something of that nature i certainly would talk it over with my spiritual director i certainly would take it to a priest because you don't want to be deceived even some of the great saints were deceived i think it was catherine of siena that thought that our lady appeared to her and her spiritual director said no that was the evil one because he is very capable of making himself look like uh you know religious uh you know uh people he can he can come in the guise of an angel you can come in the guise of our blessed lady and come in the guise of a great saint that's not uncommon and i should think that she would want to be able to separate the truth from the falsehood or to to legitimate what it is that she's experiencing what do you think about this if your dad won't go to the priest what do you think about going to the priest and just saying look you know i'm here well maybe maybe you should do that maybe you should just go to the priest and say look this is what's going on here i'm a little concerned about it i've mentioned a dad to come to you i don't know that he if he has or not but you know i'm coming because you know if if this is legitimate the church should know about it if it's not legitimate the church should know about it right and my dad he wants to help and he has such a big heart and he's very feeling so um right now he's running on his emotions a little bit and that kind of concern right let me ask you this about you dad is he a widower no he's not um and i've talked to as my stepmother um and because she's a little skeptical but then the day after i told her please just my dad also says that he would love to speak to his father and i said dad that necromancy you know you need to really be careful so when i talked to my my stepmom i said i can see this coming down the pike please it's a serious red flag if this woman says jesus told me that your father is okay he's in heaven just i'm trying to warn him but i feel like i'm not really getting anywhere with him yeah he wants so desperately to believe this woman well that all of that is concerning in and of itself so you might want you know i i think i would i think i would go to the priest yourself yeah you think about that too thank you for that yeah to do with discretion i can see how angelina might be a little reluctant that she might feel like she's tattling on her dad you know and i'm sure she doesn't want to do that but to say that you know i just want to talk to you confidentially about this just between you and i you know i'm not really sure what to do here and at least get some in indication of whether or not this woman is known for this behavior around the parish if she's done this before because that then could be something that you could bring to your father to say listen i've got this from a very good source um that she's been involved in this before with other people and at least begin to introduce some skepticism into him because you're right if he's running on emotion he's probably not going to listen to too much other than maybe something like that to find out well she's done this before and that might snap him out of it yeah mm-hmm yeah yeah i think so angelina i'm not i'm not at all comfortable with you know a man going into another woman's home to do all of this kind of stuff without his wife being there to tell you the truth um i just don't i i think that that sets up for problems um anyway numbers of reasons there to to talk with somebody and get some advice in counsel and it seems to me the good beginning would be to the priest that knows your dad and as likely as who says to know this woman god bless you angeline thank you you're welcome sweetheart we'll be praying for you and for your dad yes flight novena coming your way how's that yeah thank you thank you you're welcome god bless i want to get to denise sue we've just got you know three minutes left here but she's in spencer massachusetts facebook is the way she's with us but she's calling in i'm happy about that denise and she's a first timer so welcome welcome hi denise um i have a question i was very confused not by something you said but the other speaker um about i listened to the marians of the immaculate conception association american helpers in stockbrood massachusetts and um sister faustina has been canonized and it sounded like the lady was saying that you know what she said when she was on earth could be wrong and i listen to their math every single morning they have a reading from the divine mercy um book that she wrote and um i'm very conf and and pope franc i mean well well is the one that canonized her sure well nobody and we love let me just just say this to you we love st faustina we are crazy for st faustina so i'm going to let you explain what she means and if there's time then i'll explain what i meant when i said what i said go ahead sue no i just meant that that a saint could say that make a prophecy of some kind it doesn't mean necessarily that that prophecy is going to come true that's not why they've become a saint and a lot of people will use a saint because they're trying to lend credibility to their argument or to whatever concept they're trying to get across to people it doesn't they weren't canonized because their prophecies came true they were canonized because of the virtue of their life okay that's what i was trying that's exactly what i said as a matter of fact as a matter of fact the first thing is when they're when they're investigating a saint for canonization they discard or move to the side all of the private revelation that they've received they look at it but that is as you say it's the heroic virtue that they're looking for denise and the other thing that i would say with that sue is that prophecy true prophecy is always conditional and so it can be mitigated through prayer and that's the whole purpose for giving a prophetic word is so that we can pray to mitigate you know the the the uh trouble or the travail that that that prophecy would cause so i hope that that helps you denise we love st faustina god bless you sweetheart sue it's been great and here we are once again at the end of another wacky wednesday sue will be back with us again next week you can send your questions to us out there info at what is it to info at womanofgrace.com there you go very simple god bless all of you bye most people are really passionate about something what's that something for you we'll talk about that next on take two with jerry and debbie on most of these ewtn stations is prayer power
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,079
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: 3r4d-NN67G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 25sec (3265 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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