EWTN On Location - 2016-10-29 - Finding God's Mercy In The Midst Of Life's Battles And Travails

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EWTN goes on location to ann arbor michigan for renewal ministries 2016 gathering today EWTN host jeanette bank avec takes an in-depth look at finding god's mercy in the midst of life's battles and travail I was deeply struck last evening by Ralph's words to us and what's been resonating in my heart are the last words that he gave us Jesus is Lord and God is Jesus is Lord and God is and I was praying through that last night as I was praying my rosary and I was thinking about the prophetic words that were given to us and the relationship between those and the message that Ralph imparted and those final words that he encouraged us to take into our hearts and to give room to that they might grow and root in us take form and shape and produce abundant fruit in our own spiritual lives and in the spiritual lives of many and many of the words that were given came back to me but the words that that seemed to stick within me were those words that that that were stated that we were to stand in the gap that we were to stand in the gap and I began to think about the gap what does it mean exactly to stand in the gap and I began to realize that to stand in the gap in a sense means to become a bridge it means to become a place a conduit that joins two entities or two things together and what we have been called to join together are the souls entrusted to us in this particular day in time and the things of God I have marveled at a beautiful passage that comes to us from Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 I have marveled on this passage since I came back to the faith in 1981 and it's a passage that is resonated within my spirit all of these years and one that I spent a great deal of time meditating and one that has held me in good place in the most difficult moments of my life and in Ephesians 1 verse 4 we receive a marvelous message from God by way of st. Paul when he says God chose us in him God chose us in him God chose us in him before the world began to be holy and blameless in a sight to be full of love nothing about ourselves is outside of the Providence of God nothing out about ourselves is outside of his deliberation his intentionality and his divine and holy will and when we think of that we have to consider the reality that this means that not even the timing of our birth is outside of the plan of God and this is something that is often caught me in my time of prayer as I thought about me Johnette been Kovac having been given life in 1950 a marian year born on July 16th a marian feast day and the culture in which we live right now this kind of divine intentionality this omniscient God who knows all things this omnipotent God who can do all things knew precisely the people that he would select for this moment in history because in them and through them it was his will that marvelous things would happen absolutely marvelous things unprecedented things he knew it was going to be tough he knew that we would be up against some of the most difficult moments in the history of man he knew that we would be living in a day and time when we would be seeing watching observing the disintegration of Western civilization and those words are not too strong we are watching the judeo-christian ethos crumble about us and we are watching a clash of worldviews begin to alter the perceptions of man regarding who he is and who God is and God went and his omniscience observed this moment in the eternal moment he said aha I know whom I will send and he saw you in the crosshairs of his vision oh yes I will give life to drea and Patrick to Adobe and Debbie - Ruth - patty I will give life to Henry into George into Tom because they will be the one they will be the one who will preach my word and say my name they will be the ones who will open themselves up to my power and let it lay hold of them that they might be the sign of contradiction and the manifestation of my son in this day of stiff neck in this time of persons infatuated with lie beguiled by the seeds tempted tempted by deception it's an awesome fight isn't it and you sit back and you you almost want to rail on your heels at what it is that is communicating and we look at ourselves and we say Lord how shall this be and we acknowledge the fact that by our own power this could never happen but only through the presence of the Spirit of the Living God upon us within us surrounding us imbuing us moving us vivifying us transforming us converting us reforming us taking hold of this stuff of who we are and trading it out for the things of God but it gives us pause too because how is it that these great things happen how is it that we begin to experience this awesome movement of grace within ourselves it comes it comes through a singular word really just a word but a word that is resonated throughout Christian history a word really that was prophesied at the moment of man's great depravity in the Garden of Eden the fulfillment of a prophetic word spoken by Father God to the serpent I will put enmity between you and the woman between your seed and hers you will strike Latin Vulgate at her heel and she will crush your head that prophetic word found its fulfillment through a wee word given by a weak girl in a moment of time summed up in three little letters yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Fiat voluntas - ah yes die will be time and if indeed we have any hope at all any hope at all any hope at all in achieving the great purpose for which God has given us life at this moment in the history of man we too must say that word we too must repeat that phrase we too must cry yes with the totality of our spirit with the totality of our soul in total surrender to the things of God and to all that he desires to do in us and through us and everything that he desires to entrust to us Fiat voluntas tua must be the cry of our heart not on occasion but 24/7 in moments of great grief in moments of great struggle in moments of contradiction as well as in the moments of joy in the moments of accomplishment in the moments of success and my brothers and sisters in Christ to the extent that we are willing to say yes to the extent that we are willing to say Fiat voluntas tua to that extent will those signs and wonders that father keep talked about this morning in his homily to that extent will we see them happening in our midst today amen it is yes it is yes it is yes I remember one time in prayer when I started to think about that word yes you know and I asked our lady Anna and I want to share this with you our mother is our mother right I mean she is our mother she's not our mother like you know like just in this spiritual sense she is that of course but she's this mother who wants to meet every need that we have she's this mother who wants to take the riches of her spouse the Holy Spirit and distribute them to us she's this mother she cannot be outdone like her son like her her father like her her spouse she cannot be outdone in generosity she wants to give us every good thing and so one time in probably I was talking to our mother and I was saying mother you know tell me about your yes you know tell me I want to know about this yes I want to know about this Fiat share with me about this Fiat mother weight like explain it to me you know I want to know and you know I'm thinking what was it like mother you know what was it like to be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit I was just I was just in this place where I just wanted to mine everything she could tell me everything that she could impart you know it doesn't come through words all the time it comes through I don't know things that happen and and it comes through like you know like moments of grace where suddenly there's an insight or something but in that moment I had one of those moments of insight you know one of those Oh golly one of those pristine moments in prayer that you know we just we cling to them you know and they feed us forever and ever and ever because they're part of the eternal moment and you can't exhaust the eternal moment you can't exhaust the mysteries of God they just keep on giving there like the ever-ready bunny it just never stops you know it just keeps going and going and going and going and so wait do you know what she showed me she showed me that her fiat didn't belong to her her fiat was a part of the trinitarian yes the yes of the father to the son and the yes of the son to the Father and ended spy-rays the third person the Blessed Trinity the one who is the embodiment of that love the Holy Spirit and that her Fiat was an echo you know we hear about our Lady being called the echo of God she echoes but in ways and her Fiat was an echo of gods yeah it was tied up into that that that Fiat the trinitarian Fiat that is always the yes there's always producing life a dynamic the dynamic of God it was the dynamic of God and and what I learned was that when when I say yes when I say yes in the spirit of mirror when I say yes Danny in mind when I say yes in the heart of our Blessed lady my favorite becomes part of that Fiat and of course it rebounds with power of course it rebounds with glory why because it's God's yes to who he is it's his yes to the I am edna's and never was that yes more important then on the morning of March 20th in 2004 when a knock came to the side door of our home was quarter to 5:00 in the morning never a good time for a knock on the door I was awake already I had had trouble of sleeping I prayed my rosary but that didn't put me to sleep either I got up out of bed and I answered the door and standing in the doorframe I saw two florida state highway patrolmen and a this is not good this is not good a quick glance out that door revealed to me that my son's Ford f-150 truck that he had used his combat paid a purchase Simon had recently returned from Iraq where in six months he had run 250 missions been involved in umpteen firefights had been stabbed in the back and was gathering insurgents from homes I noticed that that truck was missing it wasn't there and maybe I have to say that it was in that moment that I knew that thee hugg I had given him the Thursday night before was the last I would give him in this life they came into our home and I woke my husband up as they asked me to do and when we walked back into the family room the two state troopers snapped to attention and said mr. and mrs. bank avec on behalf of the state of Florida and the Florida Highway Patrol we regret to inform you that at 101 a.m. this morning your son Simon was killed in a vehicular accident now I share candidly with you that when those words were spoken it was my womb that felt the pain first and in some portion of my mind that was still functioning maybe even in observance of myself I really don't know I I thought isn't that peculiar so this is where it strikes a mother in the womb and I was I was doubled over really in pain and I had two questions for the state troopers just two only two and question number one was this was there anyone else in the truck with Simon and the reply of the Florida State Highway patrolman who answered was no ma'am I said praise be to God he said yes ma'am and I said officer was there any other vehicle involved no ma'am came to reply praise be to God I said yes ma'am he said my brothers and sisters in Christ I knew already that mercy was it work there was no other family receiving that devastating news that night that morning no other family experiencing the death of their child their husband their wife no other family being entrusted with this Christ once I knew that there had been no other deaths involved in this accident and only that of our sons I gave myself permission to flee the premises I left the failure room and I ran into our bedroom and I threw myself on the floor and I began to cry out to God I cried out to him I cried out to him I cried out to him I cried out to him I was in a heap on the floor of our bedroom and I said to him father God I have preached Ephesians 1 verses 3 and 4 from one end of this country to the other I have preached it on international television I have preached it on international radio I have preached this word consistently since you entrusted it to me in 1981 and I am holding on to that word right now in Ephesians 1:3 you tell us praise be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has bestowed on us in Christ every spiritual blessing in the heavens and I know you are not a God who lies I know that you are a God of truth and your word says that you give us every spiritual blessing in the heavens and I tell you father God I tell you in this moment I want every spiritual blessing in the heavens and I'm going to tell you something else I cannot get up off of this floor unless I receive every spiritual blessing in the habits and the spiritual blessing in the heavens that I desire is the very one that held our lady underneath that cross while she watched her son be tortured for three long hours and if you don't give me that blessing father god I am it I'm done do you hear me I'm done because I Johnette been Kovac cannot do this give me prozac put me in a corner let me drool all over myself because I'm never getting up again and I mean it now my friends I tell you that in that moment absolutely no consolation of God came none there was nothing visibly that was altered in that moment there was nothing that was emotionally altered in that moment except perhaps for the fact that the pain ratcheted more deeply into my heart it was like a sword that dug in and dug in and dug in and dug in more deeply but I knew something I knew something I knew that we cannot measure the things of God by means of the census I knew that at the moment of my baptism I had received the theological virtue of faith now I didn't tell you I was not reasoning all this out is not having this intellectual discussion in my head with myself but I knew on some deep level that I was being called to exhibit of faith the likes of which I had never exhibited before it was faith now you see it's a funny thing about that theological virtue of faith faith basically resides in the intellect it's something that we say yes to it's something that we give Fiat to it's something that we concur with hopefully on a very deep level and every Sunday Mass we profess our faith I hope that we proclaim it and I hope we proclaim it loudly and strongly with resolution with determination with gumption I believe I believe I believe I believe I believe I believe I believe and we do the same when we pray the rosary as we sign ourselves with a cross and we begin that glorious prayer we start with a profession of faith the Apostles Creed the abridged Nicene Creed I believe I believe I believe I believe and for those of us who pray the rosary every day sometimes more than once a day we say it several times a day but here's the big question do we really believe do we really believe so it is a it's a virtue that resides in the intellect but where is faith where is faith exercised where is it exercised is it just a mental construct is it just stay here if it stays here has really no power to move us it has no power to permit us to be open to the treasures of grace that God desires we be filled with and move in if we just keep it up here then there's no signs and those wonders those things that that the God has entrusted to us that the the way in which he wants to use us to to to revive this culture to once again constructed according to the things of it not gonna happen it's not gonna happen faith is an exercise here it resides here but faith has to be exercised in the will and the will right so you know Mary she says yes at the moment of her Annunciation she says she has to be the mother of Jesus you know and the Holy Spirit you know descends upon her overshadows her and she conceives the second person of the buzz about the Blessed Trinity takes on flesh Emanuel comes but that reality is exercised through a constant dying to self to the call that she was given through acts of the will you know I am absolutely crazy in love with father Gabriel of st. Mary Magdalen now gone on to his eternal reward and the beautiful book that he's given to us called divine intimacy I don't know if you're aware of that book but it's it's daily meditations some prior to 1960 just a oh it's phenomenal and in there in meditation 180 he talks about the growth of charity in Our Lady and he talks about the fact that we must not think that because Mary was given the singular grace by God to be conceived without the stain of original sin that all of the graces that God desired for her to receive were received in that moment Oh to the contrary says he he says that Mary grew in grace by one decision for God after the other and acting upon it so there I was in this heap on the floor in my bedroom crying out to God and undeniably the worst suffering a person can endure and I'm asking him to give me that same grace that held our lady underneath that cross for three long hours to entrust it to me that I might not endure this suffering not slog around with this cross on my Mac but rather than I might embrace it that I might let it operate in me and me operate in it and my census said you see nothing's happens but it was that certain understanding the knowledge that objectively that grace was there objectively that grace existed you see because God is love st. John tells us that and what is love st. john paul ii tells us that love is an act it's not an emotion it's an act but what kind of an axe is he an act of total self donation an act of total self donation an act of what total self doing what kind of an act to what extent is it self donation now is there anything exempted from the word total is there anything outside of total I mean if you're giving totally is there anything that you're retaining for yourself no so if God is love and love is an act of total self donation is there anything that God can hold back for himself is there anything that that he can refrain from giving you is there a blessing in heaven that he says oh not today maybe tomorrow when you're asking for it is there no it can't be because if that were the case then God would cease to be God it would be in contradiction with himself and something that's in contradiction with himself can't can't exist for Allah so God by his very nature must give us every spiritual blessing in the house so I say to you see I got to come down it's hard for me to stay up there yeah God God wants to give us everything and he's always giving us everything when is he giving us everything when we're really good is he giving us everything when we're behaving really well is he a performance-based God no he's giving us everything always 24/7 every grace we need is there 24/7 every grace we need is there I say that with me 24/7 every grace is there again 24/7 every grace is there again 24/7 every grace is there again 24/7 every grace is there objectively it's there but what activates the grace our Fiat our yes our moving we're moving in that grace our trusting that that grace is there our moving in it even when we don't feel it santa rosalia says this she says it doesn't matter if we really have courage as long as we act like we do so this intellectual theological virtue that we have faith gets its legs when we act in faith whether we feel the faith or not and somehow in that moment I realized and I understood that but this God who cannot be outdone in generosity did grant me a spiritual favor and that spiritual favor was that he played a movie in my head have you ever experienced that where it's like a movie in your head and it's going from seeing to seem to seem to see well when that happens you best pay attention because it may very well be that God has a message for you in that and so it was in my case and the movie that was playing over and over and over and over and over again in my mind was a movie that I had recently just seen twice and it was Mel Gibson's movie and it was the passion of the christ' interestingly just a little side note at mother's funeral I sat beside Jim Caviezel yes I did so somebody said John it you sat beside Jesus that makes you Mary it was so very cute anyway I said to the Lord you are so funny you know you want me to be very aware of what you've done for me in my life you know you sit the actor down who played you is there an interesting discussion that we had anyway we'll go into that another time but the fact of the matter was he played scene after scene after scene after scene from that movie but the scenes that he selected were all of the scenes that had our Blessed lady in it and I knew what he was saying he was telling me one the grace is there exercise it to my daughter is with you and she will lead you and guide you through this time and so it was they scraped myself up off of the floor acted in faith and joined my husband in the family room I thank those state troopers for coming I told them that it had to be the hardest part of their job to come to a home at quarter to 5:00 on a Saturday morning and tell a mother and a father that their only son was dead and they said yes ma'am it is the hardest part of the job and I said well I will pray for you and I pray for those state troopers still and I am eternally grateful for the kindness of their hearts the gentleness of their delivery and the beautiful compassion and sympathy that they showed to us throughout my journey through through this time of grief our lady guided me indeed there were beautiful gifts that came by way of her intercession and lovely moments where she communicated I know to me some insight some reminder some special maternal intercession the fruit of which became evident to me as I was continuing to move forward taking one step at a time and sometimes one labored breath after another father God began to show me little insights about our lady about the way in which she operates as our spiritual mother and what her suffering was like being unlike myself a woman without sin you see everything that I was feeling was being filtered through through my own perspective and through my own misery and condition but you see our ladies suffering on behalf of the whole at one little moment in Ralph's you can tell me later if this is theologically okay now not now that you're a full professor back there but as I was heading out to pray my rosary in the backyard in front of a statue of Our Lady one day I I said to the Lord if I am suffering this much what must it have been like for my mother and it seemed to me that the Holy Spirit said she suffered not only as a mother but as a father father God being pure spirit had no heart to suffer in and so he suffered in hers my love for our lady which was great increased immeasurably increased as I began to realize what was taking place within me and this cross that had been entrusted to me terrible and awful unwanted this Christ began to take on a new dimension and I began to see that this cross was a gateway that this entrustment by God if this portion of the Christ of our Lord Jesus Christ that had been permitted to be given to me that God intended for me in some way was rich rich with grace and that my call was to mine that treasure of grace my call was to dig deeply into that cross and not miss one blessing that was there for me in the midst of it and this is early on now this is in the first couple of days following size death and so I wanted some way to be able to express to the father my Fiat that I say yes to this cross and to the treasures that it contained and please don't deprive me of one suffering if indeed there is grace in that suffering for me and so I had this large cross like three feet high and I laid it down in the very place where I had crumbled on the floor that morning and I prostrated myself over that price and I said to father God immolate me with this cross immolate me with it take me into the reality of it take me into the grace of it spare me nothing in the midst of this because this indeed is fire try goat and I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it and he deprived me nothing I remember one night I was sitting in bed and I was praying my rosary listen I got to tell you what if we understood the power in these beads if we understood the power in these beads they would never be out of our hands never this is perhaps and I believe it is the spiritual weapon of choice for our 21st century so if you are not praying these beads I want to encourage you pick them up I don't care if you find the prayer boring I don't care if you find it long I don't care how distracted you might be with it you stay with it and begin to see what happens make it a sacrifice of praise but pray this rosary and pray it well ask our lady to take you into the mysteries of her son's life that every one of these these beads represents every one of these beads is like a nuclear bomb of grace that goes off every one of these beads is a mystery unto itself that takes you deeply deeply deeply deeply deeply into the heart of father God mysteries of divine lights become clear to you as you pray these beads well I was praying these beads that night and that wave of grief came on me anyone who's grieved deeply understands that wave of grief and and and and again it was all inside of my womb where this was taking I I was sitting in bed and yet I was I was grabbing and clenching my womb and I said father Godfather Godfather God when will this pain cease and he said in my heart my daughter you labored to bring your son physical life will you not labor now as well to give him spiritual life and I realized that not one of those pains that I was experienced in was without grace that it was it was the very means by which God was bringing eternal life to my son that there was merit there was merit in that suffering I was suffering in union with Christ I was suffering in the heart of our lady I knew I was in her Immaculate Heart I was suffering in that place and God was using it to great end you see because God is outside of time and space the prayers that we pray for our loved ones after their deceased are not just oh by the way nice things to do this God is outside of time and space he takes those Pursey applies those prayers to the moment that soul is separating body and and and it's a great opportunity we don't know what happens in that nanosecond when there is still life and then no life what we don't know what happens in that in that that moment where where where there's life and yet not life where where were the last vestiges of so I don't know how we picture so but the last vestiges of solar leaving but we don't know what happens there but all of the prayers that we pray for our deceased loved ones are applied to that very moment that our loved ones might experience the full measure of God's mercy and moment it and say yes and I praise and I thank God and I said please let this plant pain continue until I take my last breath if it is beneficial for my son's life but you see that was all the work of grace that was all Our Lady it was our mother's beatitude that was obtaining for me the sight I needed to see a year after Simon's death on the baptismal day of our first grandchild as we were preparing to have the party at our home my husband had a grand mal seizure that led to a diagnosis of terminal brain cancer and in that moment when we were receiving the news from the doctor that this was a fatal diagnosis that he was going to die my husband turned to me and he said you know Johnette he said we can do this we can do this babe because we have seen experienced and realized that God's grace is sufficient I got to tell you something I never liked that passage you know I really never did I was not one of my favorites you know it's living his life abundantly for 17 years on EWTN it was the abundant life I want abundance I even said to the Lord one time I don't I don't like this passage I don't like this concept of sufficiency I don't want what sufficient you know I want abundance and father God said my daughter don't you understand that my sufficiency is infinitude Oh father god that's great yes I like this passage and so it was the passage that that my husband repeated to me and we made it through that travail now Peter here is giving me the sign I could go on all day but this is what I want to say to you and this is what I want to leave to you with you these times that we're living in these times that have been entrusted to us these times that present the Christ to us in so many ways the suffering that we experienced corporately because of the culture of our day and time the contradiction that we experienced perhaps in our workplaces because of our faith the taking it on the chin that we are realizing and will realize more as we make our way through this secular culture this humanistic culture this relativistic culture this heathen culture in which we find ourselves the misery of the condition that we may experience within our own bodies diagnosis of serious illnesses or simply the effects of advancing age the the the the sorrows of the heart that we experienced the loss of loved ones and that the pain that a parent experiences when a child is living a dissolute life or we've got a drug-addicted kid or or an alcoholic husband or wife or we see our all lives moving in a direction that we would estimate to be without the grace of God in the midst of all of that God tells us that he knows well the plans that he has in mind for us plans for our welfare not our woe plans for a future full of hope but he does more than that because this God cannot be outdone in generosity he gives us someone he gives us someone to lead us in the midst of the travail someone whose intercession is perfect someone's who whose Fiat exists within the eternal moment and is replete with the birthing of salvation into our lives and into the world at large he gives us our Blessed lady now my brothers and sisters in Christ in the few short minutes that I haven't since Peter isn't holding up a sign I figure I have a couple always already I want to encourage you to consecrate yourself to our Lord Jesus Christ through our Blessed lady and I want to encourage you do it according to the consecration of st. Louis green onto Montfort I love Maximilian Kolbe I love I love him and I do his consecration too but you must do it through Louie initially and the way to do it is by becoming very familiar with his treatise on true devotion you must read this because the answer to this our day and time is in this book this is a prophetic book and he gives us the answer he gives us the solution he tells us what will happen and what he says is very very glorious so I want you to know who you are I want you to understand the reality of who you are I want you to understand what God wants to do in you and through you what he is doing I want for you to drain the heavenly treasury of every grace God wants for you to experience because God wants to work those signs and wonders in yes he does now listen I'm gonna read you a few passages really really fast I'm gonna go into my auctioneers voice so I can get them in so here we go so hang on it is principally of these last and cruel persecutions of the devil which shall go on increasing daily till the reign of Antichrist that we ought to understand that first and celebrated prediction and curse of God pronounced in the terrestrial paradise against the serpent it is to our purpose to explain this here for the glory of the Most Holy Virgin for the salvation of her children and for the confusion of the devil and he cites genesis 3:15 i will put enmity between thee and the woman and thy seed and her seed she shall crush thy head and thou shalt lie and wait for her heel god is not only said in enmity but enmities wars wars not simply between Mary and the devil but between the race of the Holy Virgin and the race at the devil you're the race of the Holy Virgin that is to say God has said enmities antipathies and secret hatreds between the true children and servants of Mary and the children and slaves of the devil they have no love for each other every time we sin we are saying that we love the devil more than God do you know that every time we sin we are saying I love saying more than I love God because we are falling and allowing ourselves to be brought into as ralph mentioned last night his deception his doubt his confusion but his children of Mary we cannot walk in that way and when we fall in this battlefield of life we haul off and we get to a priest as soon as we can and we become reconciled to God to our fellow man and to ourselves because all sin is disintegrating but the humble Mary now look this is what our mother does for us but the humble Mary will always have the victory over that proud spirit and so great a victory that she will go so far as to crush his head where his pride dwells she will always discover the malice of the serpent she will always now this is the part I love get this Mary our Blessed Mother is our intelligence agent you know you got it you got a picture her she is heaven CIA she will always discover the malice of the serpent who discovers the malice of the serpent who she's your mother you think she's gonna hide that from you no she's not gonna hide she will always discover the mouth of the serpent she will always lay bare his infernal plots anticipate his diabolical counsels and even at the end of time will guard her faithful servants from his cruel claw that's what our mothers gonna do she will she will through her intercession for you gain the grace of her spouse the Holy Spirit to heighten your discernment and I want to tell you in these last days that we're in we're in the last days who have been in them since the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ it's later now than it was that the fact of the matter is these gifts are going to be heightened there's a new dispensation of grace is coming I tell you it's coming and it's coming through a new I knew yeah I don't even know what the right I don't know if the illogical turn is it's coming through that I knew a new dispensation through Our Lady and the Holy Spirit something new is coming we experienced it in 67 through the beginning the charismatic renewal nothing yet it is coming and it's coming at us can't you taste it remember those words from Isaiah you know behold I am doing something new - you're not perceiving do you not perceive it it's coming you know it's coming you can almost taste it in your spirit because it's coming it's coming it's coming and this is coming through our Lady in the Holy Spirit and it says but the power of Mary over all the devils was especially shine forth in the latter times when Satan will lay his snares against her heel now who's the heel of Mary st. Louis tells us it's not a little sweet heel that's on the back of her foot there no her heel is you your heel but the power of Mary over all the Devils was especially shine forth in the latter times when Satan will lay his snares against her heel that is to say her humble slaves and her poor children whom she will raise up to make more against him why have you been given life now be cause God desires that you sign up for the militia of Mary that you become the fullness of your Sacrament of Confirmation a true soldier for Jesus Christ willing to sacrifice your head if it's required of you which is an easy way to go are we willing to give our Fiat to that are we willing to say yes to that the full-hearted yes an echo of our ladies yes which is an echo of the trinitarian lifes yes to each other are we willing now st. Louis says they shall be rich in the grace of God which Mary shall continue to distribute to them my favorite word abundantly with the humility of their healing union with Mary they shall crush the head of the devil and cause jesus christ a triumph one last paragraph Peter one last but who shall those servants slaves and children of Mary be this is who you're gonna be this to me I don't know you know y'all can tell me what you think but I see gifts especially reserved for this our day in time charismatic gifts that just come upon us in a moment we don't even know that it's coming and suddenly it's there I would even say they're like the preternatural gifts gifts that existed before the fall if we're opening our hearts and living a life of holiness I think these gifts are already being distributed they shall be the ministers of the Lord who like a burning fire shall Kindle the fire of divine love everywhere they shall be like sharp arrows in the hand that the powerful Mary it appears their enemies thou shalt be the sons of Levi well purified by the fire of great tribulations yes the sufferings are going to increase but everything good comes by way of the cross and closely adhering to God who shall carry the gold of love in their heart the incense of Prayer and their spirit and the myrrh of mortification in their body get this they shall be clouds thundering and flying through the air at the least breath of the Holy Ghost I think that means my location they shall be clouds thundering and flying through the air at the least breath of the Holy Ghost who detaching themselves from everything and traveling themselves about nothing shall shout were fourth the reign of the Word of God and of life eternal they shall find her against sin they shall storm against the world they shall strike the devil and his crew and they shall pierce through and through for life or for death with their two-edged sword of the word of God all to whom they shall be sent on the part of the Most High they shall have the silvered wings of the Dove to go with a pure intention of the whole of the glory of God and the salvation of souls wheresoever the Holy Ghost shall call them that is the destiny God has in mind for you that is the gift he wants for you to receive and it takes only one small word to begin to receive it and be prepared for it and that word is what that word is what what's that word do we say yes to the Lord yes hallelujah Lord Fiat voluntas tua amen Oh God Thank You pieces
Channel: EWTN
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Keywords: EOL, EOL02187
Id: E7cnuyvMODU
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Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2016
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