OPEN LINE Wednesday - April 28, 2021 - Fr. Mitch Pacwa

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from the studios of ewtn this is open line with today's host father mitch paqua in north america call toll-free 1-833-2888 that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1-205-271-2985 you can also text the letters ewtn to 5500 or send an email to openline a tremendous wednesday to each and every one of you thanks for tuning in to ewtn's open live one of our most popular days wednesday father mitch pack was in the house if you've got a question for father mitch the number is 833 288 e wtn that's 833-288-3986 if you're outside the united states and canada your number is one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five and we'll even put you straight to the front of the line at one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five you can always send us an email open line at or you can text your question text the letter zwtn to 5500 wait for a response text your first name and your question message and data rates may apply i'm jack williams michael mccall producing the program your call screener is ryan penny and jeff berson handling our social media efforts so if you are watching on youtube or facebook live just type a question into the chat window and it may find its way to us by the end of the program our host as he is every wednesday father mitch pacquiao how are you fine how are you i'm terrific thank you do you have some emails that were sent to i'm openline all right i most certainly do so first one is from teresa and she says my husband attends a bible study at work and the phd theology teacher recently taught the class during their mark study that mark didn't finish writing the gospel someone else did is this true this is not quite a great way to put it okay here's what we have there a lot of scholars think that the gospel uh ended at mark chapter 16 verse 8. this is where the women you know have seen the angel and they went out quickly and fled and they didn't say anything to anyone before they were afraid and that mark 16 verse 9 is an addition to the text now um this is what the issue is there are some older manuscripts very old manuscripts that do not contain mark 16 verses 9 to 20. because it's the end of the book there are a number of possibilities one is that somebody lost the last page if a book starts falling apart the last page is one of the first to go that's not unusual uh sometimes the first page is too um so we don't know as a matter of fact that uh in the um what they call the textus receptors which is the greek manuscript sounds like you made that up i'll be honest with you i didn't make it up it's the uh manuscript it's a uh i think 13th century manuscript of the bible or the new testament from constantinople and it was missing the last couple chapters of revelation and so one scholar in the 1500s translated from saint jerome's latin back into greek and edited in well that wasn't a good approach and then translated into modern language and that was used for the king james bible but my point there is that the last couple chapters of the last book were missing because it got torn off um not because they didn't have it so that's one theory another theory is that a later scribe summarized some of luke and added verses 9 to 20 in there and so um and he and also makes reference to you know someone who knew uh matthew and uh john as well and frankly the scholarly world is pretty divided on that and it's been a long time since i had a course in mark back in 79 i think it was last course i had in mark and at that point uh it was about 50 50. i don't know where things stand right now but we basically don't know i suspect that there may have been some addition that's but that's an addition but it's not as if mark ran out of time and didn't finish it's more that he probably did finish and either some of the manuscripts got ripped or somebody added to it we've got a question from uh rosie who's watching on youtube and she says why do so many of our prayers including those in the mass sound like we're trying to order god around why do we rarely say please as we would to anyone else that's an interesting question and the reason is the word please doesn't exist in hebrew there is um a suffix that you can add in hebrew that has that sense to it like implication like you we say it all the time hosanna and hosha means save us save and then at the end means let it happen it it's more of something that indicates we would like you to do that if you would it so it would be quick but they don't have that word and they they um sometimes try to translate the word please here and there uh if if it please you they do have you know but the word the way the idiom of please do this thank you um they have it in modern hebrew but the word babakesha doesn't yeah i i don't ever remember coming across it in the old testament so it's um it's part of a dialogue our prayers are you know direct address and um that we also pray the lord's prayer enough i hope uh to know uh thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven should be the underlying mentality but we just don't use english or german uh uh you know idioms yeah a couple minutes left you have another one over there what is interlocution how do you decide if it's true for example i was advised to pray for guidance from the holy spirit through prayer is the inspiration truly from god or just myself okay interlocution is not that yeah yeah inner locution is when somebody believes that the lord is putting words into their mind and that they may or may not say it out loud um and what you're asking for is uh guidance and sort of usually that can be just leaning towards peace or something how do you tell either one of us truth it's what i've been talking about on my tuesday shows first does is it consistent with what we know from scripture and sacred tradition so that it cannot contradict sacred scripture or sacrifice tradition so you don't have anything that contradicts god coming from god he won't contradict himself secondly secondly does it lead you to interior peace and to good behavior you know what are the fruits of it first thing objectively what is you know how is this in terms of orthodoxy secondly what is the fruit of it interiorly and in terms of your action and uh that would be so god will never inspire you to commit adultery uh the lord just inspired me to have this affair with this other god no no no no but if you are free to marry and he is free to marry or she is free to marry then the lord may guide you and you'll find a peace that leads you toward that decision and then that peace lasts and that's a good indication that that's what the lord wanted you to do all right very good eight three three two eight eight e w t n is our toll free number eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six it's ewtn's open line wednesday father mitch is in the house give us a call hello i'm kristelina evert host of women made new each week we sit down with our guests to discuss a range of issues confronting us as catholic women in today's ever-changing society together we can grow in our relationships with god and each other you are not alone and let's heal our brokenness together or women help women get closer to god on women made news saturdays at noon eastern on ewtn radio living the beatitudes with father bjorn blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth what does this strange beatitude mean well father victor feltz points out that george bailey and it's a wonderful life embodies this beatitude he has to sacrifice his bucketless items and his dreams in order to save the building and loan company of bedford falls but by the end of the movie he realizes that he's truly the richest man in town the beatitudes challenge our understanding of happiness both as individuals and as a society they're paradoxical and they upend our priorities we don't need anyone to tell us that good fortune money and success do often make us happy but we wouldn't have thought that the road to riches in god's kingdom is paved with meekness it doesn't mean denying your gifts but it does challenge us to allow others to have the spotlight and to approach them with gentleness blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth for more about the beatitudes visit this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network if you have a question call 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1205-2711 or send us an email to openline you know if you want to stay up to date with everything going on here at ewtn simply sign up for our weekly e newsletter wings you can find out about ewtn radio and tv shows items from ewtn's religious catalog and a whole lot more to sign up for wings you can go to and look for the subscribe button and receive regular emails to help you stay up to date on everything ewtn with a focus on the most recent tv and radio programming just visit and click on subscribe 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number it's a free phone call anywhere in north america 833-288-3986 first up today is irene in the republic of texas she's a first-time caller in houston listening on irene you are on with father mitch thank you thank you for taking my call father mitch yes ma'am father mitch i am curious what is your perspective what is your perspective of the saying perception is reality oh um i i overall i would say that that would be uh the proposition of perhaps foolish people uh if not unreflective ones um reality uh how if you know that there is such a thing as reality how would you say that your perception of it is that reality you know how to make that distinction it means that there is something underlying your perception that is called reality okay and one of the problems with perception is that it is quite limited so even if you are a physicist with the best possible tools you can see light as light photons like particles or you can see it as waves both of which are true but you can't see both at the same time now the fact that your perception limits you to either observing the light photo or looking at the light waves doesn't mean that either of those doesn't exist so my perception of light as a physicist does you know is limited but the reality is not my perception the reality is both and the lie the uh waves and the photons i just can't see them both at the same time but that doesn't mean either one is not true so reality is reality and my perception ought to get in as close a true relationship to reality conform to reality this is what reality is about that you see the actual thing that is there does that help because when when you google it oh it says oh yeah perception is reality that's true well of course they say that and this is google but that's also that is that's an observation that you can make about others that would be absolutely true yeah yeah i mean i might say that but you know here's um this is exactly what underlies the relativism of our age i have to be able to admit that i am incapable of seeing all of reality i can't god can't i can't but that doesn't mean that my perception is the reality my pre my perception is a limited view of reality and the uh our culture wants to see that that is and for that reason they uh as an example uh the social media are therefore willing to eliminate a lot of information that doesn't fit their perception of reality so that they make your perception fit theirs and this is uh you know i am increasingly appalled at the very very poor quality of perception by our news agencies so for instance in doing a report on the police shooting of a young woman i think it was in columbus ohio one of the networks cut out of the picture that she was wielding a knife to stab two other women now and then they want that to be your perception and there's uh an editor at the new york times who said there are no real riots going on and it was like the or it was like the guy from i think it was cnn who is standing with burning stuff right behind him people running around stealing and breaking things and burning things and said and it's and it's peaceful out here tonight this is the this to say that perception is reality is a deception by those who want to control your view of reality and this is what we have to be all the more cautious about does that make sense oh yeah it's clearer to me that he's this person is wrong one and and be careful of such people they're saying this as true saying that perception is reality but they think it's objectively true and is that just their perception of reality or do would they say that it really is true that reality is what i say it is see that's self-contradictory and you have to understand that as well they are contradicting themselves if perception is reality then well that's just your perception that re perception is reality it's you haven't said to me anything about reality because you're just perceiving it so i can dismiss your idea as your mere perception that perception is reality i think you're projecting purer motives than exist on some of these folks well some of these folks i think are well aware that that is not reality right but they're selling it to you anyway yes well and but i'm also pointing out that the statement is inherently self-contradictory the inner logic of that statement contradicts what you're saying god bless you irene thanks so much for that phone call 288 833-2888 is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 next up is robert in buena vista colorado listening on sirius xm channel 130 robert you're on with father mitch how you doing father my name is robert yes sir what can we do for you yes i had a question um a couple of times my daughter is disabled um to give you an example she is 20 years old her brain is probably about 10. okay um a lot of things she doesn't understand in the past when i've taken her up for communion the priest would bless her but would refuse to give her a communion and this has happened a couple of different times with a couple different priests and i would just like your take on all that yeah you know of course um i've had a number of young people and older people who have similar disabilities and challenges and i i it depends uh can she consume the eucharist can she if she gets it in her mouth can she swallow it yes she can i don't know if she'd be able to drink the wine out because of all the medications she saw no no no she doesn't need to drink the precious blood you know the effects of that could be uh uh well that way that's fine but she could receive the body of christ right yes physically then yeah you know i don't see a reason not to if you remember that there's a great line by saint augustine the faith is like a river up in which an elephant can drown or a flea can swim in other words the greatest thinker can be overwhelmed by the depth of our christian faith the simplest person can still swim across the surface and you know someone whose understanding is very limited can still experience the love of christ and our lord's words suffer not the little ones to come to me i think would be applicable so we have a young man in our community who i i think is in his late 20s but he has about the mentality of a six-year-old maybe even less maybe less but when he can some days he's acting up and he just can't receive the eucharist because he's distracted by something else uh sometimes they'll get focused uh i had another young man in back when i was in dallas similar situation he's in his 30s now but he has the mentality of about a two-year-old three-year-old and he can get very distracted and so in those times he doesn't receive but when the the other times he's very calm and you know he has some vague notion that this is jesus vague but he would be that flea swimming on the surface of the river of faith and i give them communion with no hesitation so long as they can receive it you know if they get to a point they can't swallow something to know don't you don't force it and even if it means a small portion of a host does that help that does that does the only thing i the only thing i thought was maybe because she didn't go and understand first communion classes maybe this is why the priest did this i i don't know yeah it could be does he may not i don't know what he knows about it but knows about her but does she does she like jesus oh yes okay did that time every night yeah that's that's good enough i would have another talk with the priest outside of mass you know like on a different day because it's usually a message a lot going on so have a talk with him and say look she really loves our lord she she doesn't understand everything but she can she can love jesus and that's good 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 it's ewtn's open line wednesday with father mitch paqua [Applause] i'm brian patrick with the catholic sphere this is catherine hedrow from ewtn pro-life weekly this is raymond arroyo host of the world over get trusted catholic news every day on ewtn television and radio hi i'm doug keck this is an ewtn bookmark brief just had the pleasure of speaking with dr thomas w mcgovern about his book what christ suffered a doctor's journey through the passion of course the book is available through our ewtn religious catalogue so tell us dr mcgovern what did christ suffer and why did you write this book he suffered an awfully lot and i wrote the book so that people can understand his suffering better and know how they themselves can suffer better with christ and you're specifically focused on the crucifixion right and the scourging and the bloody sweat yeah there are a number of fallacies out there about the nails for the wrists where the nails go through the feet did he have trouble breathing what kind of scourge was used did the blood and sweat mix on the skin or inside the skin and many more how did he die what christ suffered a doctor's journey through the passion thomas w mcgovern md is the author check it out through our ewtn religious catalogue i'm doug keck thanks for stopping by we'll see you next time [Music] ewtn teaching the truth thank you bill very much first of all for this ministry you have no idea what a blessing you and ewtn have been in my life and for my life and i just thank you for that well first off i'd like to say god bless you for your ministry and uh my wife prayed daily for ewtn it's uh it's a game changer in our world ewtn live live catholic hi this is dr david anders do you have questions about the catholic faith get the answers on call to communion tomorrow at 2 p.m eastern on ewtn radio now back to open line with father mitch paqua this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network right back to the phones we go next up is julie in valparaiso indiana she's a first-time caller listening on siriusxm channel 130. julie welcome to the program you're on with father mitch good afternoon father mitch thank you for taking my call what can we do for you all right uh my question is could you please answer are there different levels in heaven or are souls magnified at different sizes and father mitch i'd like to hang up because i'd like my husband to hear your answer on the radio okay um let me start off thank you for the question let me start off this way i've never been to heaven so there are a few things i we can say though a we know of different grades of angels that the bible mentions nine different groups that we now call choirs of angels using a greek word and they are of different degrees of closeness to god i don't think about size that would be perhaps a little too close to the physical analogy of things but there are different degrees of angelic relationship that um i think would be appropriate for us to consider and that um you know this that would be a good indicator that they're going to be differences in the uh the ability of different people to enjoy heaven the sisters used to explain it this way some of us will have more capacity than others others of us will have less capacity to enjoy god but all of us in heaven will be completely full and none of us will envy what other people have there'll be no envy you'll be so filled with god you won't and so focused on him that you won't be looking down on anybody else and so there'll be greater capacity for some less capacity for the enjoyment of god and the vision of god than others just as when i uh uh there's a guy named robert greenberg that uh is on uh the learning channel i think is it learning it's learning company that's a learning company it's a series of lectures his insights into music are way beyond mine he's a a really fine musician and composer and when and he has a greater capacity to appreciate great music than i do i love opera and i love symphonic music especially beethoven and mozart but he understands it better and enjoys it more doesn't mean that i don't enjoy it as much as i can his is more refined i try to learn from him what i can and i love listening to his lectures about insights into music but you know i don't know i'll never know what he knows and that's fine something similar is true of heaven okay eight three three two eight eight ewtn is our toll-free number eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six next up is sarah in tulahoma tennessee she's a first-time caller listening on siriusxm channel 130. sarah you're on with father mitch thank you hello follow me hello ma'am what can we do for you okay i'm a little confused um i've been catholic all my life you know and i've been to school in the catholic school and everything and but you know i never questioned i was always confused you know if you jesus was jewish and you know and we are catholic you know yeah very devoted catholic and how can i don't understand how can the lord be connected to us when he was jewish and we are catholic with different religions okay all right now a couple i don't know how they missed that in your catholic education that's what i don't know that's another mystery but here's what you have to understand uh the lord prepared when you went to school did you go to a grammar school first yes and then you went to high school yes why didn't you start high school right away well because we move is that what well okay that would be a good reason for you for me i didn't start high school when i was six years old because i couldn't read yet i needed to learn the basics i need to learn abcs i need to learn my multiplication addition subtraction and division tables i need to learn fractions and all those other things before i was ready for high school and the same thing is true with judaism judaism well israel like religion i would start off with because judaism only refers to the tribe of judah but you know that the lord prepared the way for his coming he chose the people of israel to reveal to them that he was going to send a messiah and then he sent the messiah to them and if you look at the gospels i think in matthew 10 is one of the first examples of this our lord said that he was sent only for the people of israel it's after the resurrection and ascension that he then sends the apostles to the gentiles but the people of israel had been prepared first they had to learn about a covenant with god with abraham isaac and jacob that'll learn the ten commandments through moses they had to learn about the prophecies with samuel elijah isaiah jeremiah and all the other prophets and they'd learn wisdom from solomon cyrac and the others and then in with that as a background to build on like the abcs multiplication tables and division tables and fractions with that basic background then our lord comes and finishes it off so this was the necessary preparation for the most coming of the messiah and that's what happened does that make sense uh yes father it makes sense i have another quick question okay okay my answers they go forever but go ahead try it okay you know you know chisha was very poor he suffered so much why the catholic church but other other other churches why don't we are so fancy i mean you know we have to change you know uh different you know different the you know the world uh the father you know and in different locations you know he said you know they change the clothing that the you know the color and everything and all the catholic churches are so beautiful so expensive when our lord they have anything why why are we we look so rich okay sure a couple things when you uh are you married yes and when you uh when you were engaged did your husband give you a ring an engagement ring yes he is father yeah and at that time that he gave you the engagement ring were you rich people no no no matter of fact most of the time because i i deal with a lot of young men before they have established themselves they buy a nice engagement ring and to me it's kind of funny because when the young lady finds out um how much you know sometimes he she might overhear that how much he spent on that ring and say oh honey you shouldn't have thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you know it's people who don't quite have enough want to show i'm going to give you the best i've got because i can't believe you are going to say yes to me to marry me and i want you to have the best ring i can get even though i can't afford it i could really use this money for other things but i just can't believe that you love me and i'm going to give you my best that's what we do in the church and yeah our lord says something like that when the woman anoints his feet with oil worth 300 it was worth a year's wage a whole year of your wages was poured on his feet and it was judas iscariot who said we could have sold that for the poor and of course she was lying because he was a thief taking the money but our lord said let her do it and she'll be remembered for this with our churches and i'll never forget being at a church in um was a cusco i think it was cusco peru and the there was gold all over the back of the church it was covered in gold but it was an extremely poor place and the priest said let's scrape that gold off we'll sell it and we'll do something good for our people and it was the poor people said father please don't even think about this this is the only beautiful thing we have known for the last 400 years our ancestors made this beautiful and we've passed this beauty on for 400 years don't do it and he tried to insist he said father if you do we'll have to kill you and then he said oh i see we should really leave it here but it it gets across this same kind of idea as a young man giving a beautiful diamond to his beloved uh fiance you give your best even though you don't have much and that's what we do we want the church we worship god to be a place of beauty and if you sell all this stuff you're going to sell it to rich people who will then enjoy it and the poor won't have that beauty so this the church becomes a place where instead of having to pay to go into a museum everybody from the richest to the poorest can come and enjoy the beauty and it's our little gift like a wedding ring to our lord 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 paul is in saginaw michigan listening on ave maria radio paul you're on with father mitch yeah father yes sir i uh uh i'm going to restructure my uh question a little bit because i have seen an error in my original question i was going to ask well i didn't know what the original one was so go ahead just give me a question all right the uh there's four categories of prayer basically uh uh adoration thanksgiving reparation and petition right and i i know there are about uh that i know of eight quick prayers you can say to fulfill those four categories i'll give you an example our father hail mary glory be angel of god act of contrition and the two prayers before and after meals and the saint michael prayer those those prayers fulfill those four categories yeah my original question was why aren't those eight prayers said at sunday or daily mass but i have discovered that sunday mass does have those four categories of prayer in them bingo exactly that's did you not go to catholic school yes i did 12 years they didn't tell you that because the the sisters i sure didn't remember wow you should have had some of the nuns i had ha yeah this is well i had the franciscans uh and of our le the franciscan sisters of our lady of lourdes of rochester minnesota and they made sure we understood that that those four they told us those four categories and that all four are present in every single mass thanks paul we appreciate that phone call we'll head next to tom in twinsburg ohio watching us on youtube today tom you're on with father mitch hello father mitch yes sir what can we do for you how do we know that jesus was in his early 30s during his ministry in luke i think it's chapter 4 he says and jesus was about 30 years old so it's right there okay thank you that was easier than i thought 833288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 next up is vivian in kansas city missouri she's also watching us on youtube vivian you're on with father mitch hi brother mitch yes ma'am thank you for taking my call sure um i have um a question about [Music] why did the priest always read the prayers and even when during confirmation baptism it's they're always looking at a book and always reading the prayers why don't they just pray i mean they've said those prayers forever i'm sure they have a memorize um and it and it seems kind of disingenuous to see them reading prayers um catholics which prayers are you talking about reading well the prayers of the mass uh when the when the priest is um so when the priest so when the priest is saying the the prayers at mass that it sounds disingenuous to read them no no i mean it just why can't he just look to god and and pray from his heart i mean ah why are the prayers always read okay first of all let me answer that last guy i said chapter four it's luke chapter 3 verse 23 just to have this precise word for jesus about 30. secondly for you uh your question i get it it's it's you know he does he may not be uh read just sort of make prayers up um because the prayers are not his prayers he can have his own prayer life and and you know if he's say at some prayer group in his parish he can make spontaneous prayers but the prayers of the mass are the prayers of the church i actually walked off the altar when the priest who was i was on a scan celebrating a mass and the priest started to make up his own eucharistic prayer i walked off because i did not know what he was going to say next and i don't know what he meant by whatever he might say but when we're following the prayers laid down in the missile that that's what that book is called a missile uh the which means just the mass book um that these are the prayers that have that come from reflection by the church and it's not prayers that reflect a particular priest's opinion or feelings but these are the prayers that represent the orthodox teaching of the church and one of the things about that is prayer these written down prayers are meant to help teach us how to pray so for instance every day at different times of the day there are set prayers that i say for the sake of the church it's called the liturgy of the hours or the divine office and that's outside of mass and those are meant not only to be official prayers of the church and the church guides me to pray correctly for the whole church not just my own little ideas and they also teach me how to pray because the a lot of these are composed and when i used the lotties are composed by saint ephrem the syrian these are prayers that go back seventeen hundred years and sixteen hundred years some of them and they have that refinement of time and they give me a resonance with the the this long time history of the church and that when i do have my spontaneous prayer i follow that it's the same way as when somebody reads the sacred scripture you don't say well this is sort of what i think jesus would have wanted to say no i read the words of jesus in the scriptures so that he can inform me and teach me his truth and have my mind become conformed to his as well as my heart so and then with that as forming uh that his word informs me then i go ahead and make my own prayers and the prayers at mass all of them are very much rooted in scripture that they all will go back to scripture there's a great book by one of my former students and a good friend deacon harold burke sivirs going through the words of the mass and showing the biblical basis for each phrase so that would be another good thing to look at william is in charlotte north carolina also watching us on youtube today william you're on with father mitch hey fireman you had a question about the different orders with church another jesuits and a franciscan order but i was wondering what the other uh orders are so he's asking about not just the franciscans and the jesuits but what are the other religious orders or the other really what are the elderly religious orders well the first of them is the benedictines and then even with the benedictines form a larger family that have various subgroups that have branched off as reformers of the benedictines the dominicans are also another order the augustinians are another order in addition to orders there are also hundreds and hundreds of congregations so the orders have more of a permanency to them um and you know that because they're a variety of reasons and the congregations are oftentimes variants uh with specific foe side they have a a particular focus in the congregation like the resurrectionists obviously focus on the resurrection of christ passionist on the passion of christ precious blood fathers focus on the pressure meditating on the precious blood of christ and so on um so you have specific congregations but the major orders were founded by a variety of saints recognized by the church as orders and the main ones i once i mentioned are the main ones alana is in seattle washington listening on sacred heart radio alana just a couple of minutes left with father mitch what's your question thanks i'm just interested in the difference between the use of the word shalom and erene the greek word um what do you mean the difference besides the linguistic ones what what what would be the uh i don't quite understand the question does irony have a more theological sense to it oh no no no no both of them have strong theological senses um you have to keep in mind that in hebrew shalom meant peace well-being and it was and still is a greeting yeah in greek they didn't use irini to be a greeting it shows up as a name as in a great song good night irene uh one of the first songs i learned as a little boy about two or three but uh apparently i used to go around the house singing that um but uh i still do and but it's uh it wasn't used as a greeting in greek they used hairy uh hail was a more standard greeting and it's not the same as police so peace um it just means hail i like in health so that would be um a big difference so that they use it use it differently but they uh both have theological connotations of the peace from god as well as the generals lack of violence that would be involved father would you leave us with a blessing sure lord bless you all and keep you in his peace the father the son and the holy spirit amen amen on behalf of our host father mitch pacquiao producer michael mccall call screener ryan penny in our social media maven mr jeff person i'm jack williams thanks so much for tuning in to ewtn's open line back at it tomorrow with father brian malady until then god bless [Music] this is al cresta let's scripture
Channel: EWTN
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: qi8EFj24Hi0
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Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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