Women of Grace - July 16, 2021 - Johnnette Williams

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com women of grace with johnnette williams starts now this is women of grace live discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams well good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am john at williams very happy to be with you today we do love spending this time with you monday through friday as we discuss issues of importance to your life and your faith inviting you to join us live here on women of grace live your questions and comments insights inspirations words of encouragement are always welcomed here and oftentimes they really do spawn a big discussion uh both on social media as well as right here on the air so i do invite you to call us and here is a toll-free number for you right here in north america it's 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 399 don't be shy pick up the phone give it a try i know you're going to like it once you do we have charles berry on the phones today it makes him outrageously happy when you give us a call here and i do invite you to tell him also if you're a first time caller so that we can ring our first time caller bell and welcome you for your premier debut right here on women of grace live so do let charles know that we're also available for you out there in social media areas and we've got ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page available for you chat feature is the way you communicate to us just put your question or comment in there and jeff burson our producer and social media manager will dash on out there and he'll grab it and i'll get it up on the board and we can have that friendly conversation as we have been discussing if you are first time submitter want to know about it so that we can ring our bell for you as well so that number again 833 288 ewtn that's 833. 288-3986 that's the way that you will be able to join us live here on women of grace live where we do love as i say having that holy conversation with you today is the feast day of our lady of mount carmel we'll be talking a little bit about her as we move through our program today and i want to invite you to share with us your thoughts on our lady of mount carmel or any of the titles of our blessed mother since this is one of the days that we dedicate to her it's a beautiful feast day it's a great feast day for the carmelites we certainly do invite you to join us here and tell us you know what title of our lady is meaningful to you and why and what about our lady of mount carmel what do you know about her what does she represent to you in your own walk of faith and how is it that she aids you and leads you ever more closely to our son our lord i love to have these days when we get to talk about our blessed mother because she is just you know absolutely fantastic remarkable and wonderful in the way in which she exercises her spiritual maternity of each one of us so i certainly do invite you to uh call us about that 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288-3986 i want to let you know that today on women of grace television which airs at 1 pm eastern time monday through friday we have a live show coming up and it's an hour long and we are going to be interviewing father matthias of the immaculate heart a carmelite priest who's going to share with us about his own particular calling to the priesthood what it means to be a carmelite priest what it means to be a carmelite he'll share with us about our lady of mount carmel and he'll take us into some of the beautiful realities that come by way of the carmelite spirituality so i know it's going to be a beautiful inspirational show and so i am inviting you to join us at 1pm eastern right there on ewtn television for this very very beautiful one hour presentation we do an hour show my uh every friday my the other days of the week it's a half an hour show but on fridays it's an hour live show so we invite you to call us uh we'll love hearing from you there too and maybe you know our discussion today will pro prime the pump for you a little bit and it'll bring some things into mind you know we have also been talking about the fact that the month of july is dedicated to the precious blood of our lord jesus christ and i've been giving you some inspirational uh quotations that come from some of the great saints and other people about the precious blood of our lord jesus christ and today i've got one it's rather long but i i really do want to share it with you because i think that it it's an instructive quotation it's instructive as well as inspirational and i think that there's many things that it can share with us and help for us to enter into uh perhaps a particular devotion to the precious blood of our lord jesus christ and this is given to us by a cardinal antonio cardinal bocce and this is what he writes he says god is our creator and absolute master whom the angels adore and irrational creatures obey his greatness demands that we should offer all our activities to him in a spirit of fervent and loving dedication since we have received everything from him we have many reasons for loving him by the work of redemption god became our friend and our brother and the victim of expiation for our sins how could we remain indifferent and ungrateful when we remember the favors which we have received love desires love in return and god loves us so much that he became man and shed his blood for us moreover he immolates himself continually on our behalf in the sacrifice of the eucharist let me read that again moreover he immolates himself continually on our behalf in the sacrifice of the eucharist finally our fervor should be increased by the reflection that god has reserved for us an everlasting reward his own beatific vision all these considerations should help us to increase the fervor of our love then our actions will form a ladder of ascent to god by means of which we shall become intimately united to him i just think that this is beautiful he reminds us that god loves us so much that he immolates himself continually on our behalf in the sacrifice of the eucharist just as god loved us so much that he became man and shed his blood for us it's a beautiful thing to think about and in those moments i know in my personal life where you know i i sometimes you know feel as though maybe god isn't hearing me or i'm feeling that i might be entering into you know a dark night or it seems as though everything is topsy-turvy and i'm tempted to feel abandoned by god i remember the fact that jesus loves me and that he shed his blood for me and if in fact i was the only person on the face of the earth nonetheless jesus christ would have come he would have endured that sacrifice just so i could have eternal life and that always bullies up my spirits it always helps me to get centered again it always helps to bring me back to the reality of who i am in christ jesus and who he is to me and who he is in me so i don't know where you are today in terms of your relationship with the lord i don't know if you're in the midst of a great struggle perhaps you yourself are feeling somewhat abandoned by him but i want you to know that god is with you that he loves you that that beautiful passage that we read in sacred scripture john 3 16 is all about you for god so loved you that he sent his only begotten son that you might believe in him and not perish and have everlasting life moreover he immolates himself continually on your behalf in the sacrifice of the eucharist most precious blood of jesus have mercy on us we're going to be right back 833 288 ewtn looking forward to hearing from you i sure am stay with us one of the more popular items on the rc show this month as we celebrate our nation's independence is the patriotic novena bracelet an exclusive ewtn design it features a miraculous medal in honor of our nation's consecration to the immaculate conception as well as a crucifix and a sacred heart of jesus an immaculate heart of merry metal pray for our nation with the patriotic novena bracelet to order go to ewtnrc.com and search for item number 742 you make an honest examination of conscience you identify what your faults are you make a firm purpose of amendment you determine not to do them again that doesn't mean you'll necessarily be successful but you make that resolution i'm really not i've been eating too much pecan pie i'm going to stop you make that resolution without that i mean you're really not contrite called to communion with dr david anders this afternoon 2 eastern on ewtn radio christ is the answer with father john ricardo i repeat i'm sure ad nauseam to the guys who are here a line from pope benedict emeritus now who used to say over and over again to be a christian is not the result of an ethical choice but the result of an event an encounter a meeting with the living god and the person of jesus christ this and nothing less is what it means to be a christian so we said the new evangelization is new and ardor that's a kind of old-fashioned word what in the world is harder arter is zeal fervor passion are you passionate about jesus passionate about jesus are you zealous for jesus are you fervent for jesus are we fervent for the gospel are we passionate about helping this world come to know him encouraging women in their gift of authentic femininity here's more women of grace with john ed williams well welcome back everybody we're so very very happy you are with us today and we certainly do invite you to join us here let me give you that toll-free number to use it is here for you if you're in north america it's 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 inviting you to pick up the phone and give us a call here phone lines are lighting up we have some phone lines available still though so i invite you to take advantage of the opportunity it today is the feast day of our lady of mount carmel so we're talking about our lady of mount carmel and all of the various titles of our lady or anything else that you want to talk about today you can contact us once again toll free here in north america 833 288 e wtn also available for you is a number if you're outside of north america it's country code 1 205 271 2985 again country code 1 2 0 5 2 7 1 2 9 8 5. ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook book page are both available for you there too we invite you to use the chat feature to get your question comment insight inspiration or word of encouragement up there and we'll be very happy to take it there's a lot of you out there on social media and i'm delighted by it you're wishing me a happy birthday and thank you very much i really appreciate your kind kind remembrance and your kind sentiments thank you very very much it is my birthday i was born on the feast of our lady of mount carmel and i like to say that uh you know my two daughters uh two of my daughters because i have katy two but two of my daughters were born on the feast day uh these days of our lady two my oldest daughter was born on may 13th feast of our lady of fatima and the youngest on a holy day of obligation which she likes to remind us august the 15th the feast of the assumption of our blessed lady well we do have some callers out here so let's get started we're going to go to jane she is in sun prairie wisconsin good morning to you jane how are you good morning i'm fine thank you and happy birthday well thank you very very much i'm grateful for every day and every year well i actually called a few months ago you might remember i called for prayers for a young mom who had a brain tumor and they had to deliver the baby early yes and i think i did give you an update like via the little message line and the mother had passed away i do remember that yeah and i haven't had an update on little baby shiloh since then but unfortunately i'm calling for another crisis pregnancy and this one is closer to home it's my daughter she's pregnant um with our first grandchildren twins twin fraternal boys okay and um everything was going great she's in her second trimester and then at her appointment on wednesday they did a very high-tech ultrasound and the babies aren't growing um one's in the uh eighth percentile and the others in the 14th percentile so if they think there's something with the placenta not allowing enough blood going through if they don't grow in the next three weeks he's going to have to be hospitalized so i just thought you know obviously going to mass and i always pray for them but just upping the prayers and i just was you know i thought oh feast of our lady mount carmel and your birthday maybe god will give you like a birthday gift for me so you know if you would just pray and just lift them up her name is grace they haven't decided on boys names they were going between august and blaze but they keep you know shifting around so we just they're calling them you know the babies the boys yeah that's sweet is is the a and b because of baby a and baby b august you know i don't know she uh my daughter said no she just always loved the name august like that like they're pretty sure they're sticking with that one she said we've always loved that one but yeah no that wasn't it i can't remember why she said blaze at first um but now they're bit you know they're very you know very practicing the safe he's um a marine stationed down in pensacola right now in the flight school so stress may have something to do with it they possibly are going to have to move to corpus christi texas right around her due date which i know was is not ideal and things like that but yeah so we're just i just prayers you know oh james we're gonna we're gonna pray for them and and with with uh you know i don't know if there's a saint august but we certainly know there's a saint augustine we certainly know there's a saint blaze so even if these do not become the baby's names we're gonna pray to them and we're gonna ask for their intercession and of course our blessed ladies on this her feast day uh you know i just do believe that there are special graces that come from heaven on these very important days of the year and we're going to ask that those graces would be released upon grace but um and and her husband but especially upon these two little ones that she's carrying in her womb and so father god we do come before you in this moment and we know that every one of us is created in your image and likeness and we know that these little boys that your daughter grace is carrying within her womb are created in your image and in your likeness father we know that before the very foundations of the world were laid in place you saw these little fellows and you determined that they would have life you you chose them before the very foundations of the world were laid in place that they might have life and so father now we are asking that the fullness of life would be granted to them that whatever the hold up has been uh with regard to their growth that this hold up this hurdle this obstacle whatever it is lord would be moved and pushed aside and that these boys would just have a growing spurt in the womb that whatever has not been attained yet would be attained swiftly and quickly dramatically attained lord god in a way that would be safe for them and safe for grace father god we ask on this the feast day of your daughter you're the daughter of zion our blessed lady the one whom you prophesied about in genesis 3 15 the one whom you revealed to the angels before time began this one on her feast day lord we ask that the graces would be granted that these babies would be healthy and well that the rest of this pregnancy would go normally that these children would be born strong and that these little ones would be marked for you in some special way lord in some special way and so it is mother that under your title of our lady of mount carmel we would ask that you would be mediatrix of every grace that's necessary to ensure the safe arrival growth etc of these little guys oh mother we love you so much and we know that you love them we know that when you see them in the womb of grace you see your son there because they're made in the image and likeness of the one who is father son and holy spirit we also asked for the intercession of saint augustine we asked for the intercession of saint blaze we ask that even if these names do not become the names of these little guys that you would be interceding and praying for them names have purpose names have meaning names really are names that that help for us to understand the manifold blessings that you wish to pour out upon us lord god through the intercession of these patron saints and so i do ask that you saint augustine and you saint blaise would pray for these little guys i pray that their guardian angels would attend to them father god we offer you this prayer in the fullness of confidence because as much as as as jane and her family already love them their love could never measure up to the e to the scope of your love for them the infinitude of your love for them and so in love we ask that you safeguard them and bring them into this world happy well whole and completely formed according to the way in which you determine we offer this prayer to you father in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our blessed lady well i can tell you one thing jane a little little these little fellows have a special place in my heart i have two sets of fraternal twins um uh twin grand sons and i will be praying for them and praying that there will be they will be safeguarded and as a matter of fact i will have my little twin guys praying for them as well so we're going to get a lot of prayers going for you okay oh thank you so much and i wanted to tell you one other thing the so the babies you're praying for are the children of my son-in-law and you actually had something to do with him coming into the church he's a convert he was engaged to my daughter who's very active in the faith and um he but you know mary was a hurdle for him and i remembered you saying on a show well you know just ask jesus what he wants you to think of his mother and he recalls that all the time and that led him on this journey and he's just now an on-fire catholic oh my goodness we just we owe you so very much so you know happy birthday and thanks for all that you do well thank you so very much no that that came straight from the hands of god through our blessed lady and our lord always always points us to his mother to be the one who spiritually mothers us into the fullness of life that comes by way of him it just works that way you're making me cry here thank you jane thank you so much thank you god bless you god bless you too thanks god bless bye-bye now oh boy um so please let's continue to pray for these little fellows and uh and for all of those uh you know women right now who are carrying babies and the pregnancies are a little troubled um you know god wants to work all things to the good we're going to go to alice now she's in westminster massachusetts good morning to you alice how are you hi i'm chris hi i'm a little emotional today about my mother's uh fourth anniversary of her passing uh she she was a i believe she's a saint and i know i know she's praying for me i'm sure she is sweetheart i'm sure that she is well you know it's hard when we lose a loved one there is absolutely no question about that it's very difficult to bear that pain and i think it's it's a beautiful gift when that grief can be expressed it's one of the ways in which god helps us to accommodate life around that loss uh you know i've had great losses in my life and people say well i don't know how someone does it and i said well you know you learn to accommodate life around that loss but you never really stop missing the one that you love you never stop grieving the one that you love grief takes different forms as time moves on but there are those days when the the weight of it presses heavy on the heart once again and we find ourselves crying and it is a way in which i think god helps for us to move forward so i'm glad that on this beautiful feast day of our blessed lady you have the opportunity to ask your spiritual mother our lady to help you through this day and what a beautiful day for your mother to enter into eternal life it's almost like yes i want to i want to give her her name on her her name is anna maria lopez and she's the one that introduced me to a lady the queen of heaven she was a devout catholic she played the rosary every day she was abused by my father mentally and physically she never gave up she never gave up she never gave up on god never gave up no and she died she died she died with my sister praying the rosary very peacefully um she was losing her mind and she would pray from parts of the rosary but the last day that she listed well you know let me share this with you sweetheart uh it's almost as if our lady of mount carmel scooped down and gathered your mother into her scapular and took her uh to her son and it is in a very special way i think appropriate since your mother was so devoted to our blessed lady and prayed her rosary every day and it was a a beautiful reward for her for all of her years of dedication of love of bringing you and i'm sure your sister too up uh in the knowledge of our lord in the knowledge of our blessed lady and all of the splendors of heaven and so let's just say a little prayer for the repose of your mom's soul but also for you for consolation on this day and so father god we do lift anna maria's soul up to you we ask for the repose of her soul father we know that our prayers though they're offered in time are not bound by time they become part of the eternal moment and so all of the spiritual blessings that you had in mind for her we ask that they would be released into that moment in time when her soul was separating from her body we pray for that repose of the soul of anna marie and we pray for her daughter alice and for her other daughter too as they mourn the loss of their mother in this temporal dimension and how good are you at letting us know that we will be reunited with our loved ones when we too leave this earth and find ourselves in the heavenly dimension father god we await that day with joy and pleasure and until that day comes we ask that we would be ever more dedicated to you and about the business that you have us uh in in proclaiming the good news of your son our lord jesus christ and being a beacon of light and hope in this world today and so i asked mary our mother on this your feast day the very day that god determined that anna marie would return to him i asked on this your feast day that you would release from your beautiful maternal hands you under the title of our mediatrix of our all grace that the the very spiritual blessings of consolation that alice needs today would be hers and i asked mother on this feast day that you would just give her a little special hug in her heart something that perhaps she might even feel so that she knows that you are with her and with you is her mom we offer this prayer to you father god in the name of our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our lady amen thank you alice for your call today we're going to go to maria she is in merced california she is a first time caller and we ring our bell for you maria how are you i am doing well and you i'm doing fine thank you for asking so yeah today yeah so my concern or my question is that i've been having trouble um having a conceiving a child um today my name is maria del carmen and today is my saint day you know we say it in mexico and i just um i just been having a lot of trouble conceiving and um yeah well let's say a prayer for that okay all right well father god we come before you in this moment and we lift up to you maria and she is wonderfully made in you lord god you know every intricacy of her body you know exactly what's going on with her reproductive system father you know exactly what needs to take place here that if it be your holy will she be able to conceive a child and so father god we ask that on this feast of our lady of mount carmel that there would be healing that would come to the entirety of maria's reproductive system we asked father god that whatever might be blocking her capacity to conceive would be healed would be brought into right order would function normally lord that she might be able to carry a child full term and give glory and praise to you for your marvelous deeds father god we ask that you would open up her fallopian tubes we asked that her ovaries would be healthy and well we asked that she would be able to experience that that fullness of the womb that comes by way of a child growing within her father we ask this prayer in the name of our blessed lady on whose feast day it is and for whom maria was named and we ask you mother to attend to your daughter and we ask that this this beautiful beautiful gift of new life would be entrusted to her we offer this in the name of our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our lady amen maria we're going to go to a break and we're coming back with all of you right on the other side you're listening to women of grace live [Music] this is monte alvarado from ewtn news in depth i'm jonah macyone for the catholic news agency this is tracy sable from ewtn news nightly get trusted catholic news every day on ewtn television and radio there was no single event it was more gradual you know eventually you just don't go one sunday and then you don't go two sundays in a row then went through a divorce and um ended up being a single parent if i didn't have church or god i i would be back at that lonely stage that trouble stage whenever you get anxious and worry about things you just know that jesus has it under control if you've been away from the catholic church for any reason visit catholicscomehome.org in these uncertain times catholics depend on ewtn's national catholic register the register is so much more than a newspaper it's your faith your life your source of information and spiritual resources the register is uplifting redemptive journalism interviews with catholic leaders and newsmakers liturgical coverage health financial and political topics and analysis of the key issues you care most about ewtn's national catholic register covers every aspect of the catholic faith that impacts your world to get six free issues order online at ncregister.com forward slash radio or call 800 421 32 and mention code radio that's ncregister.com forward slash radio or call 800-421-3230 and mention code radio the national catholic register read faithfully hi this is psychelette later today on catholic ants was live jimmy akin answers your bible questions catholic answers live 6 p.m eastern on ewtn radio now back to women of grace transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams welcome back everybody we're so happy to be with you today on this beautiful feast day of our lady it is the feast of our lady of mount carmel we're inviting you to call in and share with us about our blessed lady under that title or any of her titles today but we're here for you for any questions or comments that you might have anything that's going on in your life that you'd like prayer for or any other kind of issue that you would like to discuss 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 that is the way that you can join us live here again that toll-free number for you right here in north america 833 288 ewtn also available for you out there uh outside of north america this is your number it begins with country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five that's country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page is also available for you simply go on out there uh and use the chat feature to get your question or your comment up uh we are happy to receive it jeff berson's our social media manager he'll retrieve your question from social media he's also our producer and we've got charles berry on phones today and he's always happy to hear from you as i like to tell you if you're a first time submitter or a first time caller please do let us know i'll ring that bell to welcome you uh to our broadcast today uh okay so um alice was with us and she wanted us to know that she disconnected and she's going to be praying uh for me and i thank you for that alice very very much we can all use all of the prayers that we possibly can get right uh and so let us now go to elizabeth she is in rochester new york uh good morning elizabeth hi how are you i'm well how are you doing good good happy peace well thank you very much and happy feast to you too um i just wanted to call and say a comment to um the poor mom who's pregnant with the twins who aren't who aren't growing well right now and say that um when i was pregnant until i found a catholic doctor who would prescribe me progesterone to take throughout the pregnancy um the the babies just would stop growing very early on um with the with progesterone i was i was able to have a i'm a baby so i i didn't know perhaps they've already tried that but you know just for for anyone who's listening struggling with a pregnancy that really helped me and um yeah a catholic doctor will be happy to work with them on that so well you know elizabeth i really thank you for that i mean it's really a sign of your compassion and your love uh you know and it was jane that called in about her daughter grace so i hope you're still listening jane because there is something that perhaps your daughter grace can ask her daughter about the progesterone and i'll tell you something my mom had a history of miscarriages and the only reason why i have life and my sister had life is because she took progesterone during our pregnancies and uh so you know this this seems like it's a very good option perhaps so elizabeth thank you and i'm so very very happy that you were able to carry your little ones to term yes yes me too he's the greatest blessing so i'm all i'll get off to other callers um and can get on but thank you for everything you do and have a great day bye bye bye dear thank you so very very much what a a beautiful call that is and you know there is always hope and we look for that hope we know that god sees all things uh we know that in fact um you know he determines only good things for us and he works all things to the good so even when things are going rough and bumpy we know that god is working out a great good right even in our sorrows we know that god is working out a great good so we never lose heart we never lose heart and we cling to faith sometimes we have to just plain cling to faith we have to hold on to it you know the evil one will try to rob us of it especially when things are are going poorly he'll try to rob us of it and that's when we've got a double down that's when we've really got to double down in prayer and in faith let's go to sarah she is a first time caller she is there on the east coast of florida in sunrise florida i know exactly where that is good morning to you sarah hi good morning good morning how are you i'm okay thank you oh you're so welcome well today being the feast day or later lady of mount carmel i wanted to see if i just to call and um for some prayers um recently diagnosed with stage four metastatic breast cancer oh we're practicing catholics um and um my brother and my sister and i um they live in other states but we do a nightly rosary call oh beautiful and so that's just something we do we've been doing for since since the pandemic started we started doing it and then it just recently was diagnosed as well so we can we're continuing to do it and so i just was calling to see about getting some prayers and also for a family member who is actually in getting um open heart surgery at the moment he's having quadruple bypass surgery in in colombia um so he's currently having that right now he had recently he's in the hospital with a heart attack so he's undergoing that right you have to so i wanted to send up prayers for him too okay so sarah now just so i understand correctly who is it that has the breast cancer and was just diagnosed my myself yourself okay all righty okay okay um well and what is the name of the uh gentleman who's having this uh bypass surgery his name is julian garcia julian okay all right oh my goodness oh sarah well let us just lift you up right right this very moment and um we just come into this eternal moment lord where we know all grace uh is is found and so we enter in there and we just recollect ourselves in this moment and so father uh we do lift your daughter sarah up to you and and we do ask that we would gain entrance into this eternal moment it's always here for us lord god and i just lift her up to you father and i ask that in your mercy and in your kindness and again on this very special feast day of our lady of mount carmel that uh you would you would see fit to heal sarah completely and totally father god you know the whole of this issue you know exactly uh where this this cancer is located you know exactly lord god the shape and the form that it's taking you know how many cells uh you know are are acting abnormally right now you know the whole of it lord and because you know the whole of it uh in your omniscient gaze we ask now for that omnipotence that is yours your all-powerfulness to break into this moment and to heal her 100 lord that it would be gone we dare to ask this lord because we know that you're the god of the impossible we know that you withhold nothing good from us lord and as we stand here in this eternal moment bathed in in the light of your reality bathed in your truth bathed in your goodness and your beauty we ask that this grace would be dispensed upon her mary our mother i ask that you would hold your daughter very close to your most immaculate heart that through your maternal beatitude and intercession praying with us in this moment our prayer would be heard i asked mother that you would continue to minister to your daughter throughout this time and father we're asking for an instantaneous healing because why not why should we not why should we not ask the greatest from the one who is the greatest the omnipotent one but father will take any form of healing that you want to bring her and i ask that in this time that her own relationship with you would grow and expand beyond anything that she thought possible and i pray mother that she finds this safe shelter in your immaculate heart and that she experiences your love for her and your maternal beatitude i pray for wisdom and guidance on the part of the doctors i pray lord god that they would be flabbergasted because you would grant our prayer for an instantaneous healing but if they are are going to use treatment because it is your will then i pray that the very best treatment um would be selected and that it would lead to a complete and total healing and the cancer would never return we offer this prayer to you father in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and especially on this her feast day with the maternal beatitude of our lady under her title of our lady of mount carmel i thank you jesus and we just praise you lord for all that you are doing for all that you have yet to do and for all that will be done according to your good will of pleasure amen sarah will you keep us informed i sure will and thank you so much for everything you do i appreciate it so much well you're welcome and thank you so much and we'll be i'll be tucking you uh into my rosary as i will all of these prayer intentions okay i i appreciate that thank you so much and i'll keep you in my purse as well thank you okay god bless you bye-bye um i just want to send a little prayer out for uh one of the women who graduated for our women of grace benedict leadership institute she is taking her masters of pastoral studies comprehensive exam right now and so father we just ask that the holy spirit would be with your daughter lauren uh that you would imbue her uh with with every spiritual blessing in the heavens that she needs to be calm and and thoughtful as she takes this exam but also we ask you holy spirit to bring to her mind all of the knowledge that she has acquired that she might pass this exam beautifully and be granted that degree we offer this prayer to you in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our lady amen you go girlfriend you go let's go to jean she's calling us from columbia south carolina jean is a first time caller and we ring our happy bell for her you know you all can call us too 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 that is the way that you can join us right here on women of grace live where we do love having that holy conversation with you good morning gene how are you good morning how are you very well thank you for asking well thank you for taking my call and i just really wanted to call and drop down some information about saint gerard for maria if she's not already praying that prayer it it worked well good you know saint gerard is is a beautiful beautiful uh patron saint for women who are carrying children and so yes it's a he's a beautiful saint and a beautiful intercessor for these women so thank you for reminding us of him and i uh passing that on to you jane if you're hearing gina's calling remember saint gerard and maybe a novena to him right and then also too another yeah and and how have you seen these prayers at work in your own life gene my daughter she was afraid that she was not going to be able to conceive easily so they just got right down to business with saint gerard every day her and her husband prayed it um in the mornings and in the evening before they went to bed and um now we have little jack and he's about eight weeks old oh how beautiful that's wonderful so maria we invite you to pray that prayer for uh for conception and we invite jane and her daughter grace and and uh grace's son-in-law um also to be praying that prayer uh for the safety and well-being of the babies in the womb there gene thank you for sharing with us today no problem thank you for your show you're quite welcome it's my joy and pleasure bye bye now bye-bye and we're going to go to tiffany tiffany is in mckinney texas we're inviting you to call us too 833 288 e wtn that's 833-288-3986 that is the way that you can join us live here on women of grace live where we love to have that holy conversation with you uh and we are going to get to tiffany in a moment uh she's not quite ready for us yet but we'll get there in a moment you know it's a beautiful grace that we have isn't it within our catholic faith that we have so many patron saints and god hears the prayer of those things right and their prayers are very efficacious why is that because they have been perfected by god and you know when you go for intercessory prayer don't you always try to find someone that you believe is living a holy life someone who you believe um you know through their their love of god can bring that love of god in a special way to you and who better than these holy men and women who have already gone on to their eternal reward and the fact of the matter is that you know um they're right there we don't quite understand how heaven operates and works but you know we have some insights into it that come by way of the saints and the mystics and uh also you know obviously through sacred scripture but you know as as we think about this we know that those things are right there and we know that god loves to operate through his saints he loves to operate through men and women who you know still are on this earth who are in the process of being perfected so of course he he operates beautifully uh and and loves to operate as a result of the prayers of of patron saints so here you know we had this beautiful suggestion from maria and for jane from gene to pray to saint gerard many good insights on other patron saints who can help in these times when we're facing particular difficulties and you can go right online and just put in you know patron saint four and whatever the malady or situation is that you're facing in that moment a saint will pop up and then you're invited to ask that saint to intercede for you they're right there in heaven you know and sometimes i like to picture that i like to picture that particular saint and whatever way i fashion that saint if we have images of that saint it helps but to picture that saint right before the very throne of god presenting our petition to him and of course our blessed lady the greatest of all intercessors right you know jesus christ is the one intercessor but in the secondary intercessor category it's our blessed mother and it's her feast day so why not ask her uh for special graces today i think it's a beautiful thing to do uh we have t tammy with us she is in albany new york going to go to tammy right now good morning tammy good morning thank you for taking my call you're quite welcome so share with us what's going on oh so great what i was going for i just heard you you praying um i just actually jumped in my car and heard you praying for the woman with stage 4 breast cancer and really his home my mom is a breast cancer survivor but my younger brother was recently diagnosed with central nervous system lymphoma which is basically lymphoma in his brain and he's going through some very very intensive treatment and i just was wondering if we could pray for him also and pray that the treatment works absolutely and what is your brother's name his name is brett brett okay all right tammy all right father god we come before you in this moment and we lift up to you your son brett and again we we recall the fact that he is made in your image and in your likeness father we pray that the god life that is in him your your life your divine life would be effective in him lord god we asked father that the treatment that he is receiving for this disease of his brain would be effective that he would be completely and totally healed that he would lose none of his faculties lord uh that that he would be able to function normally that is thinking uh in reasoning capacity would not be affected that that all of the faculties of his body his his speaking his movement his hearing his tasting uh every every aspect of his being lord god would be preserved as a matter of fact we're not even asked to be preserved we're going to ask this to be did it become better than it even was prior to this diagnosis lord because when you restore us when you heal us you heal us even more greatly than we were prior to the diagnosis prior to the disease and that healing yes that healing physically but but that healing spiritually and that healing psychologically and that healing emotionally healing for the whole person lord uh we become a new creation in you uh through the magnificence of your healing power and so i'm praying this for brett i'm praying for all of his family members who love him so i'm praying for tammy his sister who is offering uh you know this call on his behalf today lord god we ask that you would bring wisdom and guidance to all of the doctors we asked lord that they would be accurate in their treatment that the treatment itself would be calibrated to his specific need we ask that there would be no complications we ask both for him and for sarah that you know all of their levels would remain at the level that they need to be so that they can get all of the courses of treatment lord which would afford them the greatest uh you know potential for healing if in fact you choose to use medicine to be the means by which you bring them through but why not again ask for instantaneous healing because you are the god of the impossible and we place our faith and our trust and our hope in you father god i ask that that during this time of brett's treatment that indeed you would use this time as a blessed opportunity for him to dig more deeply into his faith to grow in faith to grow and trust to grow and hope to grow in love and we do offer this prayer to you in uh in in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our blessed lady under her title of our lady of mount carmel and so mother we turn to you now and we entrust brett to you uh just as father god entrusted his son to you and so it is that we ask all of these things lord with confidence and with joy amen tammy thank you for giving us the privilege to pray for him thank you that was beautiful and and i i've been praying and praying and praying and i appreciate everyone else's prayers also yes and you know we have we have very strong prayers that listen to women of grace and we have seen amazing things happen as a result of their prayers and we have had reports of people who have been healed instantly we've had reports of people whose diagnosis were uh you know far less uh uh than than the doctors expected um them to be uh and and we've had you know instances where uh infertile women have have become pregnant we've heard these things as a result of prayer and so as i say we've got mighty prayer warriors out there and i know that they'll all be praying for your brother and and for everybody that's called in today and as i like to say i tuck all of you into my rosary and all of your prayer intentions in so know that he's going to be covered and again i'm going to ask you please keep us informed right if he gets to certain moments where you know a specific kind of prayer is needed for him you let us know and we'll pray again on the air okay thank you so very much and god bless you thank you you're welcome tammy and god bless you too let's get to betty uh betty is a first time caller ringing our bell for her she is in abilene texas i believe listening to us via guadalupe radio network betty how are you thank you i'm fine honey thank you for asking except i'm greatly concerned about my dear sister-in-law diana who is just the most beautiful soul inside and out he just loves the lord so much yesterday was diagnosed with stage four bladder cancer and just come to you and all the prayer warriors i'm just asking for prayers for her i know she can be healed yeah and and i want to give you some hope on that my father had uh stage four bladder cancer it affected all of his organs they all had to be removed including his bladder and my father gained another 16 years of life after that it was the worst case yeah it was the worst case of bladder cancer that his urologist had ever seen so we have great hope and we know that god hears prayer and what is your sister-in-law's name diana diana okay so we're down to our last minute here uh so i certainly do want to get this prayer in for diana and for all of you that are calling in right now that have prayer requests know that your prayers are going to be remembered they're in my rosary and we're going to incorporate them all together here but in a special way this is for diana father god we come before you and we have seen the magnificence of your power at work in our lives and in the lives of others father god we know that you are the god of the impossible i know that my dad should not have gotten those 16 years if medical science alone was the predictor but no god through you all things are possible and so i ask that those very same healing graces that my dad received diana would receive now lord i know that she can be healed in you we ask that you would bring uh knowledge and wisdom to the doctors that are beyond their their capacity because it's supernaturalized by your divine life father god we trust in you and we lift your daughter up to you and we pray this prayer with confidence in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with the maternal beatitude and intercession of our lady amen god bless you happy feast day everybody bye bye
Channel: EWTN
Views: 840
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: c5Us3P_-2dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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