Women in Prison - with Nick Vujicic

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[JAY] And so, here we are in Honolulu. We are in the Women's Correctional Facility. And before the big event, the main event, Nick was able to go into an area that was segregated, pretty much locked down. And God moved in this place. We know for a fact that that hallway will never be the same. There will still be ups and downs, but it will never be the same. And it was a surreal environment as it echoed through. [WARDEN] A man is here to speak with you. Just give him a few minutes of your time. Nick? [NICK] Yes, thank you everyone for your time. (to caregiver, Can you put my collar down, please?) My name is Nick, and I want to tell you all, first of all, that I'm gonna be walking down the hall just to make sure that I get to see your face. I have no arms and legs. And I just want you all to know that you are loved and that you are not forgotten. And I want you to know that God has a plan for us, and many times we feel like we've got broken pieces. When I was a little kid, I asked my mum and dad, "Why I was born this way?" And the truth is, my parents don't know why I was born this way. Lady Gaga don't know why I was born this way, and we think, "Well, if you're a good person, then, you know, bad things don’t happen." And I want you to know that no matter who we are or no matter what we’ve done, that we understand that bad things happen to everyone, and sometimes when you're hurting, you definitely feel alone. You feel depressed. And I want you to know that I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you've gone through. and I'm not going through something more difficult than you. But I want you to know that God can do beautiful things with your broken pieces, when you give your broken pieces to Him. And I've never thought that I'd get married, I never thought that I'd ever get a job. And I want you to know, it's very difficult to believe that there is something more for you right now. Sometimes we're disabled more by fear than anything else. The fear of being alone, the fear that you're never gonna be someone you want to be, the fear that maybe God doesn't even love you anymore. And I want you to know that when I was 10 years old, I thought even if I got married I can't even hold my wife's hand. I thought even if I got married and had kids, how am I gonna hold my kids when they're crying. And today I want you to know that my wife is actually here, and I can't hold her hands but you don't need hands to hold someone's heart. We have four children, and I want you to know that dreams come true, not because about positivity. There are some people who will say, "Well, all you need is positivity." You know that's not true. You know that sometimes in our heart, we do things because of what other people did to us. We do things and we feel things because of our circumstances in our life. And I want you to know that sometimes you can't control things, but that's why I love the fact that you have a chaplain here that you can talk to enough one-on-one counseling. I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't talk to somebody. And I want you to know that you're not alone, that we love you just the way that you are, and we believe in your future! God has a plan for you that even when you don't get a miracle, you can still be a miracle for someone else. I attempted suicide at age 10 because I really believed that there was no hope. My sisters, there is hope. And when we look at our being, we have the soul, we have a spirit, we have a mind, then we have a body. There are some people here who don't have what you have, and you can't go home and you can't be with your loved ones, but just because you're here, it doesn't mean that you cannot be free in your spirit and your soul to prepare you for the next season. There is another season for you. You have another chance. For as long as you're here, I want to ask you to seek God with all of your heart and find the healing in your soul, in your spirit, in your mind. I have no arms and legs, and I kind of look like I'm limited and disabled, but I want you to know that my soul, my spirit, my mind, my heart are full. And you could say, "Well Nick, that's easy for you to say because you don't know what I feel, you don't know what I've gone through." Well, I want you to know that I was one day in a maximum-security prison, speaking, and a guy who was a lifer, he wrapped my shirt through the bars, and he said, "Nick!" I said, "Yes." He said, "Go tell everyone who is behind bars that even though they're in a facility, it doesn't mean that they're a prisoner. Then he said to me, he said, "I’m here for life, but you see my guards? They don’t know who Jesus is." "You see, the people who are making sure that I'm in my cell, they're not free. They go home, they go to their home and have a home-cooked meal, but still in their soul they're trapped." And he looked at me with a smile and he said, "Brother, go tell everyone behind bars that it doesn't matter if you're behind bars or not. It's if your soul is free. Is it well with your soul? Do you have peace? Do you have hope? And I'm so sorry for the things that you've all gone through, but I want you to know that beautiful things will come from your broken pieces when you give your broken pieces a chance. And I want you to know that we define freedom right now in this season, and it begins with a prayer. And I had no idea that God would take me around the world. And I actually, at 24 years old, met a little boy with no arms and no legs just like me. And I'm like, "Wow! What a cute little kid, I wanna wrestle him." And when I was up on stage, I got his father to bring him up on stage, and it was so incredible. I looked at him-- I was 24 years old. He wasn't even 2. And his mom said, "You know what, now I know because you have no arms or legs, and God can use you to be His hands and feet-- If you don't need arms and legs and stand in front the gates of hell to redirect traffic, then really our bodies are just our bodies, it’s all about our souls and mind." And she said, "Now I know God has a plan for my son." And I told them, "When your little boy goes to school, if he ever gets bullied and teased, I'm gonna go to his school, give a free speech and while I'm there, anyone that teases him, I'm gonna run them over with my wheelchair." But you know what, I went there and talked about love, and they stopped teasing him. And I want you to know that if I had a choice to have no arms and no legs, but help one person come to the Lord Jesus Christ-- I mean, heaven is forever! Heaven is a place where there is no devil, powers and principalities of darkness. You know that witchcraft, voodoo, devil stuff like magic, that's all real! Science can't explain that there is a spiritual realm. It wasn't just bad luck that we had bad things in our life. It’s, I’m just saying that there is a spiritual realm warring for our soul. And I want you to know: Don't give up on God. God will not give up on you, and heaven is real. We buried my father of cancer last year, and I can do it in peace because I know that I'm just a citizen of heaven passing through. And I don't know how many times I need to say this anyway, right? And I want you to know that I don't need arms and legs, but I need joy! I need truth! I'm free! I still have a body that looks like I’m in prison and limited and disabled, but I'm not! Then I want you to know that no matter where we're at, physically, it doesn't matter. It’s "Who are you? Who is God calling you to be?" Believe Him. Believing in something you don't see sounds crazy. But that's faith, and God will give you that faith. Last thing I just wanna say, if I had a choice to have arms and legs or not, that little boy, Daniel--now he's in high school and he's the coolest kid in school-- and now he knows that, you know what? "If God had a plan for Uncle Nick, then God has a plan for me." And if I can actually change one person's life, if I can say, "God, use me to help someone know that no matter what circumstance that they are in, they can find You, they can find love, they can find healing." What do you think of what I’ll be in the next 90 years? Or the day that I’m in heaven, and I hear my name, and yes, I'm in heaven with arms and legs, and then someone says, "Hey Nick!" You know what? And guess who it's gonna be? Little Daniel, with his new legs and hugging me with his new arms, and saying, "Thank you for helping me believe that this place called heaven was real." Maybe you were abused, and I want you to know that in that hurt and pain if you get through this-- just imagine this for a second. When you get through this-- Everyone say the word, "WHEN." [Responses] "WHEN." When you get through this--10 years from now, 15 years from now-- I want you to know that with God's help, you can get through this. But, just, I want to give you a picture in your mind. Imagine in 10 years time, you come across a woman who's your age, and she is here, and you come back and you tell them, "Hey, I was also abused. I also went through something and I also was in this hole of this cell. I also felt like there was no hope, and I thought of giving up, but I didn't, and I want you to know, you're gonna be okay." What if you could save another person's life? It doesn't change the past. But what if you can find that healing and purpose? There is purpose for you! Don't believe the lie that your story's done. Don't believe the lie that this is the end of your story. And I want you to know that I'm thankful I gave my life to Jesus at age 15. And I'm so thankful! I've never been the same again after that. And I just want to say a prayer for you, and if anybody here feels like, "You know what? God, if you have a plan for a limbless man from Australia, then you have a plan for me! If you can take his broken pieces and you can take his anxiety and depression and loneliness, then take mine. Because I can't do it on my own." Lord Jesus, words could not describe what some of us have gone through. Father, we pray, in the name of Jesus, against any power, principality of darkness. We say, "Be gone in the name of Jesus," and we say right now, Lord God, "Take over our lives. Take control, Lord Jesus. Father, we pray that You would heal our hearts and heal our lives, that we would know that You love us just the way we are." How hard it is to believe that truth. But Lord, we thank You, Jesus, that You died on the cross for our sins-- that, Lord, no sin can separate us from your love, meaning, there is nothing we can do better or worse to change Your love. You love us because we are Your children. Father, I lift up your daughters, in the name of Jesus Christ, and we thank You that You indeed have a plan for everyone here. Lord God, You know the tears that they have shed and the hurts and burdens that they carried. Lord, we pray for their loved ones. Lord, we cannot reach them, but, Lord, You can. We pray for miracles and breakthrough, in the name of Jesus, for not only these girls, but their loved ones out there. Lord God, we speak in to all that fear and anxiety in Jesus' name, any depression in Jesus' name. Father, we thank you for full healing in our hearts. These people, right now, my sisters, invite you into their heart. If you want to invite Jesus into your heart, and you want to discover that faith journey with Him, please repeat after me. Say, "Dear God, I come to you today, and I thank you for loving me. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross for my sins. I am so sorry for what I have done wrong. Please forgive me. Come into my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I can't do this on my own. I know I'll never be perfect, and from this day on, I want to know You. Help me to live. Teach me to pray, and help me to never give up. I give You my life, and each day, give me faith to know that You will never leave me. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen." Let's give God a shout of praise! [CLAPPING] LIFE WITHOUTLIMBS LWLHOPE.ORG
Channel: NickV Ministries
Views: 69,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nick Vujicic Life Without Limbs Prison Ministry, how to live in prison, prisoner of joy and hope
Id: LSJ7PhOc01Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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