Nick Vujicic Talks Dating, Marriage & Family (Highlight)

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so going through high school and college did you date did I date yeah look I wanted to date badly I wanted the affirmation of someone you know and and I think I'm not you know not everyone looks for a spouse but I certainly was and definitely I felt like I was short-handed in the competition out there I had asked several girls out during the high school years of mine right and they all said no and then there was some girls that liked me who asked me out and I'm like no sorry I don't feel anything so it wasn't like it was weird on that says I wasn't it was interesting there was one relationship that I did have someone that I did meet before I met my wife and I we that was a difficult five or six year kind of process for us in finding out that unfortunately that we wouldn't be together but but she has her own family now and I have mine and it was in 2010 that I met my amazing wife Connie she's half Japanese half Mexican we call that seekin and we actually had an intimate speaking engagement and it was love at first sight I looked at her she looked at me and I couldn't feel my legs and she's incredible she's beautiful too so but let me ask like we while going through high school in college were you afraid to approach women at times I was but at that time I have to say that my confidence was much greater than it was in elementary school you see at that time 15 years old was when I started my faith journey got my soul and spirit aligned and then the renewing of my mind was happening over the age of 15 16 17 at age 17 I did find that I was pretty good at mathematics and speaking and pivoting on that I then got voted on the student government kind of as a vice president and and and had some good like how would you say clout with everyone everyone knew that I basically tried to just get along with everyone and at that time I had confidence so no I wasn't shy at the time let's just say that I know guys who have both legs both arms and they are afraid to approach girls it's hard for them to get a girl yeah look yeah you gotta you gotta understand that no one can do it for you your mama ain't gonna come and say hey you should talk to someone says daughter you're gonna get up and put yourself out there do what you only feel is comfortable but understand look I tell teenagers and young people all the time my twin daughters I've got twin identical twin daughters they're two years old they're never gonna have a boyfriend they're gonna be looking for a husband hey well I'll let him uh I'll let him go out for a coffee with someone when they can say daddy I think I'm of age to take someone out to coffee because he actually might be my future possible soulmate and and and father of my children we were taught that way there's no dating yeah and and sex man is the biggest distraction for these for any young person where we get so emotionally entangled we're even even I'm not just saying in category of which gender but Lester say that it feels as though that if I can please my boyfriend or girlfriend this way then then that makes me feel needed and wanted when we understand sex itself ain't love that right you can sleep with anyone you want as many times you want still wonder do they love me so coming back to the truth of who do I want and just recently on my podcast we're talking about short-term needs you know sometimes we have this ideology of what this person kind of looks like how they should look how they should laugh how much money should have be you know in their bank account but in the end even if prince charming comes and actually may not be what you need and so coming back to her self awareness of your personality is it that you have a gift and passion in something wherein you may need someone to have that common interest to help you accomplish that and complete your life or is it someone that we take time to realize oh my gosh I may need someone who doesn't think like me who doesn't look like me you know it doesn't come from the same background as me to compliment me in the strength when I'm weak so it's understanding it's the facade it's the outside it got nothing to do with who you actually may end up with and what we actually need so how did you meet your wife your wife is a beautiful lady yes how did you meet her and what may her say yes I love in Texas and at a small engagement and we were all dressed up it was a at the time I felt chemistry really complicated story I'll simplify it she had a boyfriend at the time and I found out later her former boss wanted to hook me up get this knot with my wife but my wife's sister they were both there that night so her boss asked me so what do you think and I said she's one of the most beautiful souls I've ever met in my life so she thought I'm talking about my wife sister when I was talking about my wife and then I found out my wife had a boyfriend at the time it's like the classic soap opera yeah so I walked away didn't text no calls I figured it out well we have a communication miscommunication and six months later I was back in Dallas and we happened to meet up in a group setting and at the time it was the pinnacle of my wife's thoughts where she knew that her boyfriend was not going to be the guy that she wanted to marry and when we met that chemistry was even stronger and we started courting dating and what was really amazing for me Jesse what did why did she say yes I still like him so thankful she did you know I put in a creampuff I got we got a sailboat rental in Santa Barbara tray of cream puffs the one with the powdered sugar I got a taffy give me that one I finished a cream puff without choking on the ring and I said baby let me kiss your hand I put the ring on her finger and and the interesting thing was she in our relationship for her why did she say yes there is one point where she was telling herself and telling God god I just want someone to fight for me and we had an interesting kind of text going on that day and she had this thought in the shower in Texas while I'm in California and I call it and I said babe we've been going out for nine months I just want to tell you something I'm gonna fight for you and that's for her was this I know I loved him I know that I could see my life with him and even my parents are like do you realize that our son has no arms and no legs my parents said what if my you know what what if what if our children have no arms and our legs you know what she said keep all five of our kids have no arms and no legs at least I have a great example to live from and and that blue my parents away on my wedding day my dad said son I just want to tell you I actually didn't think you'd ever get married no did you marry somebody she's amazing called me now and for me Jesse how did I know that she was the one in 2008 you know world economic crisis right you know I was touched by that difficult time in my speaking career and 2011 I was diversified enough at the time however in 2011 I took on too many projects and I had a cash flow crisis someone install 50 G from me and and many projects took twice as long twice as costly and revenue wasn't there and basically was on the brink of just about to fold the full profit and I got through it but at that time I went through panic attacks I told my wife would only dating three months of our relationship into that time and I said babe I lost all my money you know and she said don't worry babe I'll get a nursing job and support the both of us I mean it like man I want to marry that woman that's amazing that's our love-story yeah [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Fallen State
Views: 67,752
Rating: 4.9350648 out of 5
Keywords: TheFallenStateTV, The Fallen State, Counseling, Faith, Religion, God, Belief, Anger, Stress, Life, Love, BOND, Nick Vujicic, inspiration, TED talk, inspirational, dating, relationships
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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