Wolverine: Weapon X FULL STORY Motion Comic Movie #wolverine #weaponx #logan

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I love the fire I've got the fire for [Music] you storms coming yeah it's a big one the big one the one I've been looking out for time to ride home make peace with somebody dma you goe headed misshaping wall eyed witch got some news for you the secret is out signed your son with a hairy pause huh as if I knew who my was everybody's got one or two maybe Secrets I I got a doozy it's a serious motherload hard hiding it sometimes but I get by others get theirs rid all over their faces they're the ones who get found out and end up dangling from somebody's line but you only get hooked if you take the bait right maybe rain his routine I could put six shots into a quarter and get chained for the gun machine when my hands ain't shaking so I wink some geek with a Ricochet like who gives a toss suits do I guess some attitude they got screw them spending my nights at the prophecy it's for fallen Christians you know I ain't got that stuff but I lied to get through the door hey it's free for the fallen so I guess I qualify prophecy is part of the Apocalypse did you know that I didn't some drunk bum down the hall told me that Spar as he said it too then he croaked happens a lot around here been thinking about moving on yeah catching the 8:00 up to the Yukon but first there's bills to settle and some loose ends to tie that's cool yeah I'll be the clondike where nobody knows me I'll get away from what's coming up yeah do that get away you ever felt like a rat in a trap what do you call those things pin wheels or something like you're running for your life but you're getting nowhere just nowhere except the edge of the dark and the dreams of death in a shadowed rooms of the prophecy [Music] is the same every night pain and bones and spikes dagger hands blood shot with with v stent hor [Music] [Applause] storms coming just like the old Geer said the apocalypse when all the secrets are exposed and all the rded ends hell hell is coming [Music] Mr Logan who shaved the patient I did what you use poltry Shear what look at the poor guy not exactly a two quer that's really weird I shaved him 20 minutes ago and he was as smooth as an apall help me with him he's real heavy for just a little guy heads up gentlemen the professor is arriving good morning Professor good morning Dr Cornelius are we set to begin TKS filling sir few minutes how is the patient um could be better he put up some resistance when the boys picked him up last night get him off they had to jostle him a bit is he damaged any deep Cuts he's okay but we can't afford leakage well we plowed him up tight Professor Dr Cornelius we can begin now [ __ ] we got him with the stupid stunt gun of course I did Point Blank begin feed conductive feed steady feed Adam mantium brick down 29 and one sir it'll reduce no problem I'll compensate steady okay feed steady got R attack High higher than we expected suffusion enacting feed steady prof's not going to like this he said no body damage sure but it didn't say what a tough son of a [ __ ] he'd be steady things are going well doctor I'm pleased feed Fusion steady both steady this is an extraordinary experiment Professor I'm honored to be a part of it of course you are Cornelius cardio attack Rising not good I'd guess it's an ANS feed steady up Theo be two points no no one point any more of that and he'll have beans for brains is there a cause for concern I don't think so Professor you chose Logan for his remarkable stamina what we're getting here is his autonomic nervous system kicking in he's a hard fella even when unconscious gation begin what was that resistance sir compensate maintain resistance sir equalize feed impeded feed impeded feed backup Channel balance coming feed steady cardio attac Miss signs Rising rapidly sir feed steady H would you please access Mr Logan's medical profile in history yes sir I studied it long enough thought I could have missed something it's all in sir detail any cardio abnormality none sir you're really letting me down here Cornelius why didn't you prepare for this in advance impeded feed equalize I thought I'd prepared for everything Professor but who could foresee this feed feed steady feed it seems that Logan's highly accelerated heart rate is draining the adamantium Reservoir at a rate of HS the rate should be 24 and 1 53 and 1 sir I couldn't program for that Professor actually it really doesn't seem credible but I think I can assure you there will be no further problems Professor feed steady feed you see Logan's heart rate can't possibly go any higher he'd be impeded Superman or something we're passing the equalization Point sir we'll have to compensate on every channel astonishing refeed then on all channels what's causing this Dr your guess Professor we've enough Thorazine and Logan to drop a bulock so the problem is obviously more than Auto nervous system or a cast iron Constitution compound feed maintain at level two level two maintain feed doctor I've have some interesting data for you yes Miss hin maintain according to medfax Mr Logan has been shot at least five times and survived each attack four to the TR trunk once in the leg Yeah tough gezer we know the hins but the bioscans show nothing in epidermal nor internal Scar Tissue cornelus didn't you say that Logan was hurt last night yes then where are his wounds hin do you have readings I have a trace but no show an hour ago he had a dislocated jaw cuts abrasions feed now there's nothing maintain on the board there's a definite linear equation between this phenomenon and the intense cardio activity and well I don't know how important this is seems silly feed but Mr Logan's hair has almost entirely grown back in just 20 minutes maintain they seem to be in the midst of something unprecedented our Mr Logan is somewhat more than human okay I have to rethink this fast if the patient's wounds are now healed his heart rate could drop be prepared to deescalate at a second's notice that's plan one plan two if the rate continues to rise pump equivalent norrine to its ratio but keep me informed of all changes Miss hindes is the adamantium Reservoir sufficient for all this sufficient at current rate sir not good enough go Reserve I'll need authorization from you have it Madam go to reserve adamantium Professor I could use your advice on Professor feed how' you like that we're in the middle of a crisis and he walks out maintain it is I it's safe no one can hear yes I know but I have something to say yes the operation is proceeding right now yes of course they'll survive it that is the point you knew you knew that Logan was a mutant Cornelius here status resting doctor but he's on the floor not on his cat it's okay anything to report no sir except what well you know looks like this guy's really been through the mill H yeah keep an eye on him out this fact comes as quite a surprise why did you not inform me I I told you no one can hear me I'm in some lab down the hall I can see the operation on a monitor I must insist that you hear me out Logan is a mutant he has some kind of superhuman power to regenerate damaged tissue he could be just about Immortal and you don't see fit to inform me of this somewhat important factor I'm in there with that Backwater Cornelius and his staff and this girl practically a typist discovers the truth about Logan by pushing a few buttons on her blasted computer makes me look like I don't know anything I had to leave the operating room in case they asked me any questions about it I felt like a fool yes yes you could say I'm a bit put out yes I'm supposed to be in control of these people how can I give an illusion of that if I'm not briefed by you do you not trust me I see then I have one last question feed what else do I not know about experiment X feed steady signs readings channels sufficient doctor but there's an excess strain at um wait at the flexor bous Minima digiti section expain language please miss hins hand and wrist sir sorry doctor you just woke up how does it look cow flop is he moving no just staring okay uh keep monitoring call me if anything happens out feed steady we're going to need some advice on this anybody know where the professor is no have imp paged then the doctor yes status what is it he's moving now violently he just leaned forward a bit status yes sir you don't have to tell me every time the patient shifts weight yes sir feed accelerated Cornelius what is all the fuss Professor where are you what do you want doctor we have a problem could you return to the O I'm busy what is the problem there's excess adamantium drain into the Minima flexo hands and wrists we can't account for it and we're unable to stop it accelerated feed uh Professor did you hear me of course it's all part of my program Cornelius do you think I don't know what I'm doing uh no sir of course not feed status patient's fine sir he's just staring at his hands hand yeah the wires on his hands H I'd better come over try to call the professor have him meet me there out she have Professor sir unstable this is the status Tech worker at lab two yes what uh Dr Cornelius asked me oh my God what is it man oh my God blood spurting out his hands something's happening oh blood status 2 where is Dr Cornel I oh Sor I need help here I'm all alone in the lab I'm not trained for this I can't help him he's just gushing blood feed oh unstable oh God feed status 2 listen to me unstable yes sir patch me into your monitors I want to see this yes sir sir should I go and help him uh no not yet D um but he must be in terrible pain sir yes I think you're right look at that you said you're all alone in lab two did you status yes sir and I'm not framing oh God he's he's got like spikes coming out of him right out of his hands what you I do stay calm status do you have access to the patient's Booth yes sir I do then you should go in there and try to help the poor man yes I'll do that sir if you say be sure to close the security door after you enter status just to be safe good [Music] lad you you come with me yes sir anything wrong sir could be don't know something just stick close the lab worker here what's his name um not sure Cal or Cole or something he's new sir just today new and he shouldn't be in this section good Lord he's dead he's dead Jesus sir what is that what has happened here Logan that's my patient Logan god what happened to him he's murdered the boy covered in blood those knives from his hands he looks like a mad animal kids a real mess look like claws sir we'll get guns and blow the thing away too late for that too late for anything magnificent if I knew what you were really up to Professor I might be very upset with you possibly I've helped you create a monster no not a monster exactly Devil with that it's a Mindless murdering animal uh yes but we can make him behave behave good God man it slaughtered an innocent boy in here and then it came after me and the guards straight through that blasted window as if it wasn't there you must have been terrified doctor you don't know the half of it but you weren't hurt so let's not overindulge ourselves Logan could have killed us all I met his eyes for a second filled with hate and fury but I couldn't tell if it was some animal blood luster her horror and what we've done to him then with his life supports torn away he collapsed those terrible knives sunk back into his body and I thanked God for my fortune so you survived to tell the tale now we should consider but the boy is dead professor yes it's tragic whatever could have possessed him to enter the booth I don't know must have seen the danger but still we have to answer for it how so doctor well the police obvious ly and what about the boy's family I don't believe police involvement will be necessary the boy's relatives can be compensated secured let us say doctor I realize you must be feeling a little estranged from me just now so perhaps it is time to induct you further into my program but I will require your explicit trust do I have that Cornelius I don't know there's a lot that I will explain your trust doctor offer it and I shall accept oh okay then if you want I trust you thank you for that you're welcome sir tell me doctor are you familiar with the term homo Superior as in master race or something to some extent but no I mean mutant mutant mutant humans mutants aren't human Dr Cornelius they are Homo Superior Logan is not human he is therefore homo Superior here what do you see what do you think I see a wild beast that was once a man very well Cornelius yet I see a man as ever he was but with a subconscious stripped bear cut from his very soul and scored to the Bone our friend Logan has come into his own at last um Professor the experiment the uh adamantium bonding process are you saying are you saying it mutated Logan into this infernal thing no doctor you must understand that this infernal thing is what Logan has always been a determinately violent individual pummeling his way through a purposeless life one day distinguished from the next only by the changing patterns of bruises and blood from last night's broken fights but then inexplicably the wounds are healed and gone before noon and his first beer I doubt he even suffered hangovers he became a government agent and was ideally suited to the danger of the work he had nothing to lose not even his godforsaken life all his years Logan endured this suffering a destiny that tore him from his guts outward battling a fate decreed him by Nature shot stabbed and beaten in the course of Duty recklessly seeking the honor of dying for his country how pitifully desperate he must have become yes indeed but now his demon is free released by The intervention of experiment X thus the double ID is supplanted by the super ego and all of Logan's Primal instincts are focused and resolved and what you're looking at right now doctor is the most formidable tactical weapon never conceived yes the knives then in his hands ah pure adamantium have you not heard a word I've said they're not knives Cornelius their claws security security we need the gas now lab five haste haste copy oh my God oh my God necessary action doctor you saw what happened yes but I mean can't we treat him better than this he he he's still human in some way isn't he in some way but your earlier description was more apt perhaps a Mindless murdering animal I believe you sand yes so and this is why I'm depending on you good doctor Logan must be restructured now trained and programmed you can do all of this manipulation of the Mindless doctor Cornelius it's your [Music] calling those knives from his hands Logan is a mutant he looks like a mad animal he he's still human in some way isn't he cut from his very Soul covered in blood and scored to the Bone I've helped you create a monster they're not knives they're claws animal restructured now it's a Mindless murdering animal Primal instincts tore him from his guts outward mutants aren't human Logan could have killed us all battling a fate decreed him by Nature was knives from his hands a Mindless murdering animal mutant those terrible knives cardiio limiter hin operant conditioning of Mr Logan then can't be counted on in his reformed State his brutish impulses being greatly exaggerated at since the adamantium bonding and this will correct that situation no hardly but it should give us a real knowledge of Logan's stress Dynamics since his operation set three of six mes I hope this isn't a waste of my time Dr Cornelius we should have begun reorientation by now what's the point of this weapon if we can't control him you can control him somewhat here use this it's a direct link with this I can speak to him control him suggest perhaps control I don't know what you'll see on the big screen will be in direct relation to your spoken word Logan you are in my control Logan yeah like that but you shouldn't use his former name sir we're trying to eradicate that stuff yes quite so miss Hines we'll need an exacting flow of the adrenergics it's all in sir I programmed it myself Splendid you are a beast you are an animal born to serve you have one master and it is me you will do anything I say um Professor yes what we haven't begun yet sir they uh the machine isn't on then please get on with it doctor subject experiment X set three of six adamantium cell bonding process stress and Ingram block and block complex have all that yes proceed Miss Hines pardon my suggestions sir but it might be advisable to avoid any directives to the patients during these tests the psychot Technics of the situation thank you for your suggestion doctor have you anymore no no I guess not ah overload H do something trying there what was that what's that on the screen we're getting some sort of internal feedback sir the Imaging is so powerful it's burning circuits something's wrong here um okay shut it down we'll check the data preps Miss Hines shut it down I I can't sir there's no response Bur [Music] pain what have done to me this is unbelievable Cornelius stop it now I can't we're not sending we're receiving Hines can you control this in any way no sir I can't do a thing doctor help good Lord you no security no please security not me no sir no Logan Logan leave that girl you animal this is your master you're a beast in my control you have no will but to serve me you have no stay back guards tranquilize Logan now we might hit the professor just shoot all right Professor are you all right yes I I didn't hit the pro sir I know it kill him we must kill Logan now he is a wild animal we cannot control him give me that gun I can't do that sir Professor calm down now you don't know what you're saying that Beast tried to kill me didn't you see yes yes of course but you're just in a State of Shock right now that's all guard get some medical staff in here yes sir doctor it's all right Hines he's totally sedated that's some sort of impulse a reflex good thing it didn't happen when he attacked you Professor oh God look at the screen well uh I guess we've all had enough for today turn off the monitors Miss Hines [Music] good morning good morning Professor good morning sir hin Cornelius so this might be the big day eh we're hoping so sir good good Dr Cornelius what do you have for me well we believe we've overcome the Supra indine gland problem how so a simple tabuli Matrix it was staring Us in the face all the time well you've got it now we believe so sir excellent Have You released Logan's feed cables not yet sir then do it now Dr Cornelius Wranglers release all cables copy and hul them in well doctor show me what weapon x can do set this is two of six defense set everything check cameras fine where's that coffee I asked for coming doctor Dr Cornelius yes sir Mr Logan seems to be covered in ier sheep's blood sir quicker sent I see ingenious lovely where's that coffee your coffee sir thanks Danish sure he's been out in subzero for 10 minutes can't we get on with this we are following procedure Miss Hines readings heart rate pressure all okay you can hear them yes no adrenal rise odd release the gate when were the animals last fend no no Wranglers copy about 6 days ago oh gee they can have my Danish he's not reacting give him a chance Cornelius I mean there's no pressure R is he alive yes of course good God he's not moving do you have data for me everything reads he's just not reacting blast is it physical the claws no I'm sure not then why doesn't he use them doctor off the response column now they'll rip him to shreds he won't be able to heal if he's in bloody pieces I'm getting no response he's lost it they're eating him alive wait it's coming through the ephrine is rising 86 90% 95 he's fighting back listen to that feral Roar the bloodlust gentlemen we have succeeded I don't think that sound as blood lust Professor I think it's pain Splendid it'll make him all the more Savage greeings Cornelius heart rate just shot off scale phenomenal stress level he could burn out is that likely I don't know the metabolics it's beyond human and far more bestial than those he's slaughtering what a perfect choice Logan was Professor can't we stop it now save the animals I think not Madam I'm enjoying this far too much but the animals save themselves Professor I've got a flz's analysis now would you like to see it yes can you hold that then give me a reemission on the osteographia [Applause] bone bonded to the hardest metal in the world inside the body of a Berserker Logan the perfect fighting machine the perfect killing machine Professor there is some excessive Distortion in the metacarpal could be the cause of pain upon Extrusion you'll look into that yes Professor good then take us back to the battlefield program complete we seem to have run out of wounds a total Massacre Splendid couldn't be better and look I think he wants more do we have more no pity good God he's roaring like an animal and you thought it was just pain that made him cry out Cornelius no the Wolves would kill for food or territory perhaps but this man this living weapon his passion is the fear of his prey and to find Relish in the odor of the blood despite his original protestations I know we've done him a great favor his most beastial needs are about to exceed his most primitive dreams in our service of course you can turn him off now doctor Wranglers copy bring Logan in cancel that order Cornelius uh cancel stand by I'm sorry Professor I thought we were done for the day we are are then uh leave Logan out for the night I like the idea of him resting in his own Gore but it's 15 deges below all the better tosing him up eh you can monitor a ceiling from here can't you yes of course Splendid now we've accomplished much this day good evening to you all good night professor [Music] how are we all today and how is our Mr Logan functioning sir good you may bring him in now all right get up big F we have many more trials for Weapon X how are we proceeding Dr Cornelius spinal codes are in it's just a matter of final sensor grafts now and the distribution about a 3 m radius sir but that is so very very limited doctor is that all you can give me Professor if you want a puppet you got to have strings yes indeed but my design called for a 10m radius yeah I know that but the batteries are just way too heavy don't know why we couldn't have stayed with the onoff system anyway we didn't need batteries for that I will have my way on this Cornelius a 10m radius okay load him down see if I care you can turn him into a traveling radio station if you like your descent is noted dror but let's not be testy whatever staff those braces can only keep the incisions open for so long you know yes doctor the flesh is actually forming around the clamps here and work faster man yes sir computer indicates leakage of seen and Marrow into the intracellular fluids you heard the computer boys we're losing goop here keep those holes plugged give me a right stem short fiber short fiber right stem is on Ninth good God he's coming around don't get jumpy Professor we've had to keep him floating so we can trace the relay flux in his nervous system do you mean he's conscious yeah partly and two feno be staff yes doctor so he can feel what we're doing to him H most of it yeah or gizer is in a lot of pain pain is a principle of Life Dr Cornelius yeah sure not that I subscribe entirely to the dicum for pheno be staff and keep him from shaking will you reading signs sensory cortex monitor is overloaded sir there are no readings or [Music] gazer so the sutures are all healed are they not quite Professor but enough for this purpose we could wait a few minutes if you'd prefer no no let's get on with it Cornelius okay the cables aren't a problem they can be reduced later the power source and receivers are temporary we'll try to compact the boxes but I can't guarantee that for anything over say 150 yards we'll need the helmet device to pull in the signal um other than that we're in business and what of the range Cornelius little over 9 miles sir H and the control console here it isn't from my design you wanted the extra power we had to modify staff show the professor the layout of your top board sure okay sey look you got these codes here based on your data you just press them in your sequence and the levers are control I understand yeah uh yeah forward back like that give us a brief demo staff it isn't necessary n sure I can do that watch you got full articulation on the Clause like this little piggy went to Market This Little Piggy stayed home this little piggy yes I've got the idea staff and your entertainments are entirely out of place uh oh right sorry Prof I hardly need instruction to operate my own devices yes I see watch you see Cornelius how the naturalistic movements imitate the human yeah H yeah I can see that yes and how discre adjustments create the effect of weapon x he likes walkies way to go shut up bless you all Cornelius your staff are fools and ignoramuses I'm sorry sir long word eh okay boys that's it take a break get out of here yes get out buffoons I've never been so insulted lighten up Professor they did a good job you got what you wanted here have this and what's say we call it a day huh no the experiment isn't over Cornelius I have to know if it's safe he's safe he's wired and shut down Let It Go Professor if I am safe you fool me Logan tried to choke me to death remember look when the powers are you got him by the tail when it's off like now he's just dead meat you wanted that you got that but you have to be sure right so go spit in his eye then you can be sure I've had enough of this circus for one day Professor I'll see you tomorrow I'll send the Wranglers to clean up the mess [Music] he's within 100 yd of Target now at 3 minutes rather impressive camera 5 on subject switch to camera eight and bring him in close switching 95 yds 3 and 27 this is the fastest yet even with the extra weight he's downwind he has the scent claw Extrusion right hand some blood evident we need some kind of terminals there something to keep the flesh apart uh make a note Hines yes doctor less than 50 yards now Target is coming toward Mr Logan heart rate up adrenal rise with carpal flux left claw Extrusion camera 10 please switching all right this is it keep it running Hines we won't get a second chance Mr Logan said I mean experiment at set 12 stimulus response Cory 1 duration from zero 4 minutes and 21 seconds oh superb Bravo an utterly impeccable killing the time has come Cornelius the weapon is primed and perfect yeah that was uh pretty hot stuff Professor but uh I I don't know the helmet it's it's cumbersome it cuts his vision 30% both sides and the battery packs they're nearly 10 lb a piece everything's so clunky and in the way it's not optimal it's not what we planned shall I retract his claws doctor yeah yeah go ahead Hines but we do have the weapon in control doctor that is what we planned yeah I don't know bring Logan in boys I just think that with a little more psychop no no more Psych go this and that I want Action Now action dropping a Grizzly into bloody pieces that's not enough action for you I didn't create this weapon to be some EMB silicate game warden Cornelius yeah so what are you saying here Logan is ready but it isn't all cut and thrust Professor a bit more time you know to eliminate some of the Kinks in the system that's all I'm asking no Logan is ready for what the great test doctor what is the most dangerous game of all huh bangle tiger with a stickup it's man of course man yeah well we don't have any in stock right now sir then we'll have to get some in won't we you're not serious of course on the contrary I'm deadly serious do you know what you're saying I always know what I'm saying Cornelius so I'll broke no arguments I will be in my control room but Prov said to remove the dome but keep them wired on the points we should leave the batteries on yeah and set the inline alarm right guess so I don't know about this Hines I don't like the sound of this right now it's like first I'm told we're creating a kind of super soldier from experiment X then it turns out he's some sort of mutant animal thing so the adamantium bonding sends him cuckoo but the professor takes me around pulls me into his game that's sucked in good there I know it oh yeah I got virtually blackmailed into this whole Affair you know no you don't know but it's like what's this thing going to do is the weapon going to protect us from the commies or something why don't you take your coffee break now John I'm on duty till six beans like some kind of assassin take a break John okay jeez I'm not too large on soul searching and like that but I've got some responsibility to you know stuff I ain't got murder inside me Hines I'm like the professor right that's got it set the alarm now okay what if you need me doctor I will support you in anything you need to do the alarm on sourds lab two Mr Logan my God he's good Lord professor professor what is it Cornelius you maniac how could you what you're insane what this is not my doing Cornelius I am not in control not in control all security at zone two Weapon X has escaped Professor my emergency shutdown is out use your monitor controls shut off the power I'm trying Cornelius it's not working we have three men down and two active can we shoot of course man shoot what happened to your fail safe Professor it isn't working I tell you sir how could this have happened Logan was harnessed up how could he it's not over sir the tranquilizers non effective this is crazy can't you do something my system is down down I I've have no control over Logan and who does yes who does indeed this is an emergency I'm losing men in zone 2 I need an advisory on this um so advise somebody Professor can you seal the corridor from your remote seal yes contain Logan inside Zone 2 uh nothing is functioning here Cornelius will one of you give me a directive here sir we got a lot of trouble can you close any part of zone two Professor Sir Mr Logan is moving out of two approaching Zone 3 and DB block security move to D in Zone 3 entering the service tunnels this is the professor speaking how are you I'm quite fine myself thank you huh what's he saying doc I got five men down we're going to need more than tranquilizers to handle this situation are you aware of what's happening this time doc you copy uh yes security I copy we can't take him down with an artillery sir you understand yes yes that is correct experiment X is out of my control running a mck you might say HS who's he talking to computer shows exterior sir but he's forgotten to turn off his intercom precisely killing everyone in sight yes yes it's just that you see Logan is fully harnessed yet my control panels are inactive DOC for crying out loud you got to okay the Weaponry I mean I got men down there popping peashooters freeze then get them out of their man before it's too late a security Zone 3 get out of the tunnels and while it's of little concern over all we are losing our martial guards somewhat precipitately security Professor I need your clearance to issue the men Firepower given this do you read me Professor I'd like to ask do you have a hand in these occurrences he ain't listening to me I think he's off his trolley so sir I think I found something important what Mr Logan has breached three zones and is now within 200 yard of the professor's laboratory at 3 and C block jeez and it is not coincidence sir I've traced his movements from the holding Bay at lab 2 he has made a definite path to the professor's quarters zone three respond if you can the ohin don't seem right how could Logan know where the professor is Mr Logan has shown un handy tracking ability sir yeah but that was in a controlled situation hins and who says this isn't one sir I see I see as in ah sort of biting the handed feeds eh a clean sweep as it were yes there is just one thing um let me ask uh should I should I leave now or should I Refuge here whilst uh as you put it Weapon X clears the dead wood security this is Cornelius break out the big stuff for your men did the bra okay it then sir no but he won't mind believe me I didn't hear you there's a and make that on the double okay security move it move it move it red light red light zone three SE block move help me good Lord we've got to do something security force is almost there sir they should handle it this is it take both doors at once 7 Seconds go go go we've got to help them too haven't we help me help help help help help than get the Prof out of here it's okay Professor we got you we got you be all right [Applause] he tried to kill me like glasses I I can't see I got him sir here my hand kill him kill destroy Weapon X did you get the professor out did you get the professor out answer me somebody what's going on Prof secured he's okay targets all over the place no clear shots losing men get back from him too late dozen body shots no effect this is a massacre go back all back bloody massacre try to stay still Professor lay down I I'm bleeding to death ah a stretcher is coming sir lay down please I don't need a stretcher you fool it's my hand that's missing not my leg what oh no oh goodness sir let me get your hands off me I get off professor professor jeez Cornelius help me get me out of here ah have to stop the bleeding we need a tourniquet doctor give me your tie yeah hold tight Professor try to keep it raised that should hold it for a while till we must get you to the infirmary can you walk I can run Cornelius ah just get me away from here but not to the infirmary sir you must be seen to sir we must get to the adamantium reactor hold yes yes what why it's the only only safe place from the weapon but security took care of Logan Professor don't be stupid Cornelius they didn't stand a chance security at Zone 3 respond sir we're we're we're all oh God heavy fire sir couldn't stop him what's your status nothing left sir sir sir he's coming for me this is it Cornelius break the seal we will be safe in here yeah if you don't count radiation Burns hindes get that gun get that gun yes sir B the door immediately doctor not me you idiot hindes what can I do with it I sorry give it to Cornelius sorry what's going on here Professor just what do you think I'm going to do with this rifle fire it doctor at the first opportunity you may not be able to kill Logan but if you could shoot away the power on that harness that that should stop him this is ridiculous even if Logan is still alive the systems are down he can't the system is not down it is in the control of another yeah like who for crying out loud it is not your place to know that Cornelius you got some G [Music] Professor look at you you're bleeding buckets dear jeez I got to bandage you up Edwood Cornelius I am considered dead what dead meat more like it your Delirious Professor all this stuff you're in shock you are ever the fool aren't you hold still if that door doesn't keep Logan back you will soon discover what shock is is yes indeed yeah well you know I think the quicker we can get you to the H yes sir stop that infernal Dickering I'm sorry sir but the computer shows Mr Logan to be fully active I knew that blasted he's in tunnel to Sir moving in this direction get away woman let me get there is this connected to the main computers it is the main computer sir yes of course pardon me sir that's not a central code that signs let it go it's out of our hands I don't think we're part of the game anymore it is I it is the professor please answer it is the professor here are you surprised that Logan didn't kill me by why are you doing this to me I am not part of the Rebel you must know that answer me please this is the professor please respond God oh God I I beg you please answer don't let me die here we don't have to die Professor none of us this gun I can use it please answer me I can shoot off the power packs like you said please answer I can what's that noise I think Mr Logan has found us sir The Sounds outside no it's in the walls coming through the power's down help me help me please bless you I don't know who he's talking to and I don't care but we got to get out of this Hines you scared yes sir very are you yeah to death Logan's inside now he's got to be Sir with the power off the turbines for the adamantium reactor shut down oh jeez Hines that's the last of our [Music] worries reactor I mean I mean the turbines maintain the adamantium coolant sir oh Deadwood shut off it will reduce to the charged compound sir I'll burn up Deadwood Deadwood we must Purge the cors sir or we could just blow up blow die die die a shoot him my God uh shoot shoot look Professor he's faltering I I don't know I think he's had it I mean he's too weak to attack he's lost a lot of blood that blood is what is left of our security guard you fool he is controlled and programmed to kill us all use the gun now while we still have a chance he ain't even moving Professor do as I command [Music] Cornelius I hit him I got him jeez the power Cornelius you have to get his power packs shoot away the receivers he he's still alive that's incredible he's shoot you fool oh God Cornelius you blasted idiot idiot idiot stop sir stop we must go back get away from me we can't just leave him he's dead you stupid woman I couldn't help him if I wanted to I must get to the reactor so stop your sniveling and pull yourself together I need your help now yes yes I I'm with you sir if we could Purge the core we could at least save the complex the labs and data records of course hin I I know this man after all what could be more important in a memory a dream then the memory of experiment X dream of D the containment is cracking already Professor we must releasee the fishion gate yes but it's a matter of getting Logan into the exhaust pit first I'm sorry sir I need a lore of some kind he would be incinerated in seconds Sir there's not much time left yes that's all too true Hines but let us take a moment Miss Hines I know you have worked long and hard for our experiment X yes sir thank you sir you have been a real Boon to the doctor Cornelius too oh oh poor Dr Cornelius yes he gave his life for this project why I dare say you would do the same would you not miss Heights sir give your life no no sir I wouldn't want to die it is required madam what are you saying Professor bait oh no why why would you want to hurt me Professor no oh no oh no please don't don't break your neck dear lady because I want you to scream and yell and draw the Beast into the pit come on woman scream will you think of the horror of it all use your imagination there there you have it Sy Control operating computer give current thermal breakdown 230,000 and 70,000 Cub feet advise on those numbers open Fusion at once begin Purge sequence and open manual control to me control open Purge begin come come creature into the pit with you I'll crisp you like bacon like the mutant meet you are Mr Logan I don't know if you can understand me sir good God woman don't beg you are living the last few moments of your pointless existence don't waste them cowering and pleading to a Mindless animal I can't stand pain phys AAL pain please please I beg you kill me quickly a grotesque how undignified I I understand I understand you you don't you don't matter to me I want him oh he did it he opened the vision gate R Mr loan run discharge 2 40,000 Megs and 70,000 cubic feet velocity 2,000 ft SL power current rate 700 FPS acknowledged acknowledged this is the professor experiment X is destroyed and I I am his Destroyer do you hear me I beat you you treacherous 600 FPS son of a 580 5 5 500 I served your every demand 4 Z zero you turned against 300 my God 200 F rate not critical you you are controlling the fishing gate aren't you Secrets can't is there nothing you cannot do good God in heaven you're still transmitting to him controlling a corpse a walking dead [Music] man am I dead is is that what youve done to me Dad Walking Dead Man am I you are an animal I am Logan Logan I am a man and you all the animals security security security help me [Music] security for good [Music] Shake now we both got our pedals bollock do you think that makes us even well it don't now we're Square got that jump [Music] Mr Logan what I don't know if you can understand me sir use your imaginations think of the horror of it all can't think yes that's all too true must have been some party he's lost a lot of blood yeah I'd like to see the other guy dward please respond I can hear you Logan is still alive you bet but security took care of Logan Professor I I'm pleading to death this this is a joke right bloody massacre will be pal Mr Logan has shown uncanny tracking abilities sir yeah yeah and I'm butt naked too so who was this already precisely killing everyone in sight running a mck you might say wa this ain't no joke are you aware of what's happening this time okay game's over how are you who's pulling this stunt it's a me I'm losing men in zone 2 it's some kind of random playback this is crazy nobody's controlling this I am not in control I'm alone here can we shoot I got to get out experiment X is out of my control I am not in control I am not in control picking up smoke ozone home of heavy machinery IND dustrial maybe the military I don't like Army and they don't like me so I'm out of here before I get enlisted this place is a maze or a tomb and it ain't military too sharp this computers are Buck Rogers a body a man man all smashed up what went on in this place has been cut manad three in the gut [ __ ] brutal I I know this man in a memory a dream a dream of dying this this place stinks of it hanging in the hair like heat but who did The Killing cut cut blood on me no wounds my blood or did I knife this guy here what did he do to me and that hand back there seven hand Mr Logan come come creature I don't know if you can understand me sir into the pit with you I can't stand pain physical pain please please I beg you kill me quickly run Mr Logan run am I Dad Dad am I walking you are an animal I am Logan Logan I am a man and you are the animal the animal and you they found me found me out brought me here cut me got it to my body animal the animal tortur me to my my I got to get away got to get away I'm running running in a dream I got sticks for legs and my feet are putty and something's behind me moving with me like a like a living Shadow it's at my heels and if I slow down it'll get me I'll suffocate in it in its in its darkness and I won't be able to scream or yell or fight it off cuz it'll be inside me under my skin in my guts inside my bones I'm running like a truck a baring truck and I'm uphill with a full load and the thing's behind me and it's gaining all the time I'm pumping and pumping but losing ground it's grabbing at me scratching at my veins like ropes pulling me back tendons like wires like a puppet fingers pulling through my ribs muscles stretching bones bending back I'm running I'm running it's tearing at me dragging me back into its Darkness endless nightmare pitch and waves running into the night liquid like black blood and I can't get away it's at my shoulder and it's cutting me with spikes it's breathing into me and I'm sucking its hot breath stench of death in my mouth lungs heaving fingers clawing legs pumping and I can't get away but I but I must run run forever fight forever never give it to the Beast out of the [ __ ] black it's coming it's free then it wants revenge it's going to rip me turn me inside out I'm running running into unending darkness and it's behind me it's everywhere everywhere I am don't give up can't go on don't give up knees given in gristle shot don't give up every thrust blood and fire bones heavy dance like blood shot through like Steel in the heart caving in don't give up under the weight the weight of the Beast it's extraordinary isn't not Cornelius a creature of such power shaken by his own shadow driven by fear of himself yeah but he's pulling through despite it all exterior camera hind switching you think [Music] so then we shall see what we shall see yeah I guess we will Professor I mean he's still standing isn't he he didn't Buckle he didn't give in he didn't even retract his claws when we gave him the power to do it you know hush Cornelius he has found the snow leopard Siberian tiger sir yes thank you madam we could have set this up better what do you mean doctor if Logan had to seek it out you know hunt the thing down just based on instinct to kill it or confront it or whatever instead of the tiger just being there it would have been more telling I think yes I suppose you are right but still it is an acceptable scenario for one such as Logan's simplistic perception look at that Hogan's right in there he's just as wild as before he may seem so doctor but in the past few days Weapon X has been changed irrevocably his savagery is now tempered by ego and reconation any hesitation a moment of fear or a mere caution and he will be undone yeah like literally right it has been necessary that Logan should not know of his indestructible skeleton won't help him if he gets dis embowed Professor no he could learn it all the hard way it's true camera four Hines yes doctor switching he's getting the advantage Professor but not so long ago Weapon X beheaded a grizzly bear without hesitation without so much as a tus this is what I call getting the advantage oh you got to have some Faith Professor look I'll lay a 100 on Logan what do you think of that give me fall on six Heights come on wake up a switching this is not a game Cornelius telling me that slash could have gutted him and I'd be out to see enough you don't see doctor that was a faint Logan is drawing in for the kill Closer hindes Closer yes sir look a magnificent blow give me readings Hines no readings Sir Mr Logan is offline for this yeah right right jeez another one straight to the heart son of a gun's more brutal than ever so what do you say then Professor indeed Cornelius remarkable his instincts and reflexes though perhaps more pragmatic seem quite undiminished and his ferocity is still unparalleled P I couldn't get you to make that bet huh I will not Sully the nature of scientific Endeavor with Wagers Cornelius yeah well that's just cuz you'd have lost a bundle you want underestimated your prize Professor Logan was set up we gave him a chance to escape but he didn't run instead he turned around and brutalized to the lot of us and we jammed his psyche with fear of his mutism didn't phase him I'd say he came through A1 wouldn't you yes yes and yet he failed to kill Hines an act of Mercy that still leaves doubt in my mind uh that's just because Hines was never a threat to Logan Professor it's it's like we just proved they'll only kill when threatened with death or or uh or out of hunger yeah or out of hunger like You' want to eat hindes huh yes all right Cornelius I suppose we should consider this experiment a success flawed though it may be if I may say doctor I think Mr Logan only killed you because of that accidental shooting sir I don't think he would have attacked you otherwise huh that right thanks hin have the Wranglers pick up Logan will you yes sir so what have we got here Professor Logan thinks he's killed just about all of us getting to you the focus of his Vengeance but now he knows he ain't a human and with that he knows it was you who harnessed his dark secret indeed so he had to destroy me did he not and in the Act of Killing his creator his once incapable savagery is transformed into the cunning of a ruthless killer I Savor these events Cornelius yeah well you did kind of head your bets a little bit you know what how do you mean Cornelius Wranglers Mr Logan should be brought to deblock this time we know Hines you know making up that stuff about how you were actually working for somebody else some great power or something yes ah quite like you were just a sto or a flunky instead of the genius behind experiment X yes that was uh ah a mere psychological ruse Cornelius easy boy easy it was good setting yourself up for your own murder but then playing it being betrayed by the real creator of Weapon X in the end this it only hurt a bit easy boy working for sympathy testing Logan to see if he'd reason that you weren't the real thre clever tricky oh crap indeed Cornelius a dramatic Ploy that proved a great deal about the nature of the Beast H yeah real cute say where's Logan off camera sir I can see that Hines put him back on camera will you switching sir security where's Mr Logan Wranglers got him hindes Wranglers where's Mr Logan Wranglers do you copy oh security what is wrong what is the siren for don't know sir checking this could be serious uh shut down Logan's transponder Hinds yes sir oh dear no response the transponder is an override sir from an outside source security I ask again sorry sir some confusion breach and de [Music] block suggest you get out sir Professor do you copy hello Hines you there Dr Cornelius anybody doctor yeah Hines what's up um I was wondering can I talk to you sure it's just that I keep thinking about Mr Logan yep don't we all and what we're doing yeah and that well before I came here was Mr Logan here no I don't know what do you mean I mean did Mr Logan volunteer for this uh no was Mr Logan abducted then yeah I I ain't too proud of this Hines but yeah we're doing something bad aren't we sir well Mr Logan was forced into this I don't know about forein see if you if you listen to the professor it's like this is all kind of pre-ordained like it's a Logan's Destiny or something how could the professor know Mr Logan's Destiny sir I don't know to be honest all I see is him suffering the professor seems to enjoy causing him pain it's like torture sir yeah well some guys they got the worst Destinies you know hey don't cry Hy I'm sorry that was a lousy thing to say look this poor slob doesn't have much of a life anyway he's a mutant the professor says he ain't even human he is human sir you can't tell me you can't tell me that you don't see it in his eyes you can see he's a man who's being turned into a [Music] monster I don't know what to tell you Hines now I'm going on what the professor said maybe anything other than that is out of my league I think the professor is a liar sir yeah maybe I I wish I had never become involved with experiment exter yeah me too I guess come on cheer up Hy be over soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fresh shot at an army A young handsome soldier who thought he had the whole world awaiting him oh how naive I was so naive in fact that I actually had the audacity to be excited when I received my orders I need to tell you what the name of that project was cing an installation that house to Joint USI Canadian top secret project mind you I didn't know whatsoever as to the nature of the program itself I was far too low on the totem Bowl to be privy of any information of such importance however the secret of what lay behind those Gates I patroled would be uncovered soon enough whether I wanted them revealed to me or [Applause] not that was only a few short days on the job when it happened you should remember it was the day you [Music] escaped you busted out of the fac fac ility like a bed out of hell cutting and slashing everything and everyone in sight nothing can stop you except you I imagine and you sure weren't going to at least not until you have butchered every living thing in your wake everything that is except me perhaps it was the absolute Terror you sense within me the way I shook as you approached the way I lost all bodily control whatever it was you had something special in your mind for me even though I posed no threat to you in the least you started cutting me in the ribbons the body at first then the face oh how you focused on the face slash after slash after slash after slash God how I prayed you would stop but you just kept at it howling like a mad animal then without warning your blood less had finally been satisfied and you left me for dead only miraculously I didn't die Frozen in the Canadian winter bleeding from every part of my body still I refused to allow your despicable act to extinguish my life lucky for me I was found hours later The Men Who found me became ill at the living Massacre my face had become but at least I was alive lucky me
Channel: The Russian ComicBook Geek
Views: 61,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolverine: Weapon X FULL STORY Motion Comic Movie, Wolverine, Wolverine: Weapon X, Deadpool & Wolverine, Deadpool & Wolverine (2024), Logan, Wolverine logan, Wolverine: Weapon X Motion Comic Movie, Wolverine: Weapon X Motion Comic, Wolverine Motion Comic Movie, Wolverine Motion Comic, Wolverine Comic Dub, x-men comic dub, x-men motion comic, X-Men, X-Men comic dub, X-Men motion comic, X-Men '97
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 42sec (5322 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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