Wolverine vs Predator: The Complete Story

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[Music] what's up my comic comrades one of the best comic stories last year was Predator versus Wolverine and while we covered the entire series over a couple of episodes in October of last year and January of this year we're back to bring it all together with me breaking down the first two issues and Tim wrapping it all up with the final two so enough chitchat let's get into it okay issue one starts off in present day Canada where we see Wolverine has just got the crap beat out of him literally missing a chunk of his skull and shoulder he says to himself they say I'm the best there is but I sure as hell don't feel that way not now not that I'm the hunted now that I'm the prey as we see the Infamous three dotted triangle sight on his forehead telling us he's being hunted by a predator the Predator then Fires at Wolverine and he just barely Dodges Wolverine quite literally is on the run from this Predator which is something we're not used to seeing Wolverine do as he says to himself Rock and splintered wood trapnel in my skin deep cut plasma Burns I'm a leaking bag of blood that makes me slow to run and easy to track when I come to the cliff every nerve in my body is firing a red alert we then see Wolverine is then able to hide off the side of a cliff as the Predator finally deactivates his camouflage standing on the top of the cliff looking for Wolverine Wolverine then says in these final moments of the hunt he wants to be seen he wants us to face each other to recognize each other as predator and prey when he rips out my spine the book then takes us to the Alaska territory circa 1900 where we see a younger Wolverine hunting beavers he's hunting them for their hide saying never understood the point of traps because I never was good at the whole patience thing I could fetch a dollar per hide back then which I suppose translates to around a 100 today never cared much about the money only took as much as I needed to survive and this is the kind of work I preferred Lonesome work wood work work that don't make you think too hard and if killing was part of it I was particularly good at that this Northern Territory was a lawless Frontier you were on your own that suited me fine he goes on to say I never worried too much about the Subzero winds or Avalanches the pissed-off Moose the charging Grizzlies it's people who concerned me people is why I Ed this cave as my safe Alaska might have had 1,000 ways to kill you but murder was at the top of the list I'd rather stay away from their messy hunger not out of fear but annoyance and exhaustion as we see a predator land his ship in Alaska looking for a hunt the Predator then sees another Predator who was killed by a tribe with arrows and knives sticking out of it said Predator then pulls out a shuriken elsewhere Wolverine says he could smell a storm coming so he headed into the Outpost called scar he says it's mostly populated by Lodgers Trappers and Miners and a few women inclined to follow them and that he avoided it except when he needed money or supplies or a drink the lady who runs the bar says to a man when Wolverine walks in there he is now the man then comes up to Wolverine and says this one's on me the next one too paying for Logan's drinks but he could care less and takes the bottle and walks away the man says now hold on I only want a moment of your time Wolverine tells him if you're smart you'll stay clear of me because things are about to get ugly as two men come up to Wolverine San assuming he makes it through the storm the trade representative should be here tomorrow but this one already knows that this one always has a big pile of something to sell said man then holds a gun to Wolverine Ted saying where do you keep all your Treasures little man but this is Wolverine so clear clearly they're messing with the wrong guy Logan then gets up and starts putting hands on these gentlemen and knives inside of them he even cuts off one of their dude's hands with a saw the man who was waiting for Wolverine says that's remarkable you're exactly who I need I'm desperate you see it's my son he's been kidnapped they're holding him for ransom please I'm begging you help me we are then taken back to the Predator who's practicing with the shuriken hunting and killing deer mountain lions even freaking killer whales but it's all too easy for him he then spots a fire coming from a nearby Village which he sets his sights on meanwhile we see that Logan agreed to help this man get his son back because even a hard ass like Wolverine is a sucker for children however on their way through the Frozen woods they see skinned animal and human bodies hanging from the trees which we know was done by the Predator but they have no idea what kind of person or thing could have done something so heinous long story short they eventually make it to where this guy's son is being held and Wolverine goes in and starts stabbing people and chopping off hands left and right once he disposes of all the men the man who begged Wolverine to get a sun back shoots Wolverine from behind and tells Wolverine he lied I hired them to do jobs for me they decided they didn't need me anymore and took my money so I decided I no longer needed them as he essentially tricked The Wolverine into killing them but the jokes on this man as he's then vaporized by the shoulder Cannon of a predator who walks through the door at which point Wolverine Bean Wolverine of course has already healed and gets back up using his claws to slash the Predator's throat the Predator then takes off his mask revealing his face and hisses at Wolverine with Wolverine saying whatever you are I'm going to carve the the ugly off of you as the two enter into an epic battle with the Predator using one of his weapons to break a set of Wolverine's claws in half and then proceeds to impale Wolverine right through the stomach Wolverine then pulls it out and starts to run as captions say I was young but I'd seen more than my share of blood in trouble this thing was on another level I wasn't one to run from a fight but I knew if I was going to win this one I needed to move fast and think smart as he leads the predator to a bear cave where the bear starts attacking the predator and at first it seems like the bear defeated the Predator but as Wolverine walks away thinking he defeated this monster we see the Predator walk out of the cave holding the Bear's head as a caption says what I didn't realize until many years later was this was just the beginning of what would turn out to be one of the longest hunts of both our miserable lives we are then taken to South America many years ago where we learned Professor thoron has taken Wolverine and several other mutants and made a team called team X but he frequently wipes the minds of Wolverine and the others so they don't remember much meaning Wolverine does not remember his first run in with the Predator the team consists of Wolverine Sabertooth Jackson crru and Maverick they were on a covert Mission and the Intel told them a gorilla forest was planning a coup the former General was storing weapons and rallying support from a jungle stronghold we were supposed to make sure he never came into Power everything was sleepy and quiet once we took out the sentury it would be easy pickings but their mission is interrupted by not one not two but five predators as Wolverine says I might have forgotten about our battle years ago but he had not forgotten about me and this time he brought reinforcements as we see Predator brought back up this time to take out Wolverine and his team and with that issue one ends now jumping back back to our story Predator vers Wolverine issue 2 starts off back in present day Canada with Wolverine hiding off the side of a cliff as we saw at the beginning of issue one he says to himself don't know how long I've been hanging off this Cliff maybe 10 minutes maybe an hour long enough that the healing factor is kicking in blood gums up nerves fused torn muscle seal I needed a beat to recover because more pain is waiting for me out there below is a fall of 200 ft or so above me somewhere is a hunter who comes from the Stars a piece of the cliff then breaks off alerting Predator as the Predator uses his Tech to start shooting lasers at Wolverine now knowing he's down there Wolverine is forced to jump for it falling into the water below sinking to the bottom as he says water is a weakness of mine I'm already weighed down with adamantium to make matters worse I've got an avalanche of stone pinning me flat my lungs fill with cold black water and my vision goes red and for a moment I lose track of where and when I am as the Predator Dives in the water to go after Wolverine who's pinned to the bottom we're then brought back to the past in South America many years ago where issue one left off Logan narrates saying TX was a dirty crew that did Dirty Jobs assassinate a politician blow up a dam seize an oil platform take out a cartel all in the name of geopolitical subversion we came here to stop a coup but we found ourselves instead in the middle of a borderless war we were already down to four against their five because remember in the previous issue one of the Predators took out team x-member cruel with one of their Nets Wolverine says what they were I didn't know like everyone else on the team my memories were regularly deleted but I had carried this weapon with me over the years as a necklace it was like a scar relative pain I understood the two of us somehow shared as Wolverine pulls off the shuriken he's been wearing as a necklace all these years and Chucks it at one of the Predators cutting his throat it then comes back to Wolverine like a boomerang as he says Creed MAV Jackson fall back Maverick then says fall back how about fire away Wolverine tells him this isn't going to be a firefight Maverick I said fall back Sabertooth but saber-tooth is like no thank you and starts trying to mow the Predator down with his Gatling gun Wolverine then says to himself an invisible enemy you only know halfway and can't see altogether requires is a different sort of strategy than just the standard hack and blast operations teamx specialized it as we see saber-tooth get impaled through the chest from behind by one of the camouflage Predators but Sabertooth has an amazing healing factor and pain tolerance just like Wolverine and turns around and takes the Predator's spear that is still in his torso grabs the Predator pulls him in and impales him while saying come in for a closer look there I see you saber-tooth is kind of a badass now saber-tooth took out one of the Predators but he still has to heal with MAV say Creeds down but he took one of them with him as Maverick Logan and Jackson start running Maverick continues to say what are they Logan he replies don't know Maverick says your weapon is somehow in tune with that Gauntlet Wolverine says I don't remember okay that memory is gone must have got deleted and scrambled like everything else in my stupid head at which point we see a predator camouflag in one of the trees above he then drops a new St putting it around Jackson's head taking her head clean off at which point Wolverine and Mavericks start opening fire in the trees above but the Predator throws down a bomb badly injuring both Wolverine and Maverick a camouflage Predator then tries to sneak attack Wolverine but Maverick luckily sees him and takes him out shooting him several times in the chest with Maverick more hurt than Wolverine from the explosion and having just saved Wolverine's life Wolverine picks him up and starts running to safety which is a temple in the woods that two Predators track them into but not before killing the wounded predator for failing to kill Wolverine and Maverick once Wolverine and Maverick are inside of the temple in the woods we see they're surrounded by explosives and realize this is where teamx was sent to take out the gorilla Force who remember was planting the coup a former General that was storing weapons and rattling support from a jungle stronghold as we see them surrounded by all the weapons and explosives the former General comes out with Wolverine obviously ready to fight but the general basically says I know why you're here Wolverine then says why haven't you shot me then the general says we're not enemies so long as those things are out there essentially the general convinces Wolverine we need to work together to kill those things or we're all going to die after this the two Predators storm in taking out the soldiers from the General's forces however while this is going on Wolverine Maverick were able to escape the temple and rigged it to blow killing the gorilla General and the Predators inside as Wolverine and Maverick meet up with saber-tooth to be rescued by Professor Thorton via a helicopter however when they fly away in the helicopter we see the general and one Predator are still alive somehow the comic then takes us back to Canada at the weapon x facility years later where we see it's being invaded by Predator who's killing most of weapon X's workers in gruesome fashion might I add as he makes his way to where Wolverine is being held and experimented on as the Predator stands over Wolverine's Kos body issue two comes to an end all right so issue three picks up in the present with Wolverine trapped underwater and a boulder is pinning him down the Predator jumps into the water to kill his prey but Wolverine is able to break free while simultaneously creating a cloud of blood underwater by the time Predator swims through it he realizes that Wolverine is gone immediately after this we're taken to the past to a moment we saw at the end of issue two where the Predator has stumbled across Logan at a weapon facility the story jumps back and forth between the present day fights with the predator and all the confrontations Wolverine has had had with him in the past you see the Predator has never been able to kill Wolverine over the course of Wolverine's life so Predator comes back to Earth to try to kill Logan all the way up to the most current present day battle that we're seeing now anyway back at that weapons facility scene we saw at the end of issue 2 Predator sees Logan lying there comos and decides to take a look at Logan's insides as he realizes Logan's skeleton is laced with metal which we all know is adamantium then his Predator is ripping open Logan's body and examining him on the table Logan wakes up with narration saying I had no moral code I had no intelligent thought I only knew how to hurt the Predator had found me at my most dangerous and at my most vulnerable Wolverine then stabs the predator in the shoulder with his newly laced adamantium claws as the narration goes on to say this hunt began for simple reasons I was challenging prey then things grew more complicated as he was driven by pride and revenge we then see Predator shoot his Infamous acid into Logan's mouth melting his face down to his metal skull it's insane anyway once the Predator sees Logan's adamantium lace skull he knows he needs it as a trophy so he throws Logan over his shoulder and brings him back to his ship he then lays him down in his ship and starts looking at all the other skull trophies he's collected in the past but what the Predator doesn't know is that Logan has an insanely fast healing factor which starts to kick in and as Wolverine slowly begins to heal the Predator has another problem because he broke into one of weapon X's greatest weapons Wolverine which the organization sunk billions into so they weren't just going to let him rip him apart so to nobody's surprise several f-16s have now followed Predator to his ship and start blasting at him but obviously the Predator is able to handle this because you know he's got a spaceship so he takes off into space causing the fighter jets to fall back to 70,000 ft but by the time the predator ship reaches space Wolverine is already back on his feet with half the muscle and one eye already regenerated looking like some kind of flameless Ghost Rider it's wicked so with the Predator busy piloting the ship Wolverine uses his new and improved metal claws to cut through the wall of the ship and jump back to Earth burning up in Earth's atmosphere on re-entry ultimately landing and making a giant crater and as you might imagine he was also completely disintegrated from head to toe anyway Weapon X and Professor thoron find him retrieve his body and bring him back to the weapon x facility Thorton also finds predator's helmet which fell out of the massive hole Logan made in predator ship Professor thoron would then take the tech he discovered in predator's helmet to help improve the iconic mind controlling helmet Wolverine would wear at Weapon X at this point we're brought back to one week ago in the past where we see Wolverine was able to recover predator's helmet at which point he props it up on a stake in the middle of the woods to lure predators there for one final fight to end this back and forth once and for all the book then takes us to the past one more time in Japan at moram masas mamasa was a leader that Wolverine was training under at the time and while Wolverine is training with his master their sparring session is suddenly interrupted by the Predator who's back yet again to try to kill Wolverine this time wearing a bare skull as a mask or helmet as his original helmet fell out of the spaceship along with Wolverine all those years ago and with that issue three comes to an end and I got to say I freaking love when when they Infuse Samurai elements into Wolverine stories any stories really it just makes everything cooler all right moving on to Issue four we begin in the present day and Wolverine has been waiting in the woods for a week trying to lure Predator to him using predator's helmet as bait eventually Predator takes the bait arriving in our atmosphere looking to get his helmet back we then see narration from Logan saying of course he knew it was an ambush I was counting on that I set up an obvious rudimentary trap just enough to give him some sense of danger and confidence in avoiding it then when the Predator shows up Wolverine jumps out of of hiding leaping towards him saying I needed to get hit I needed my blood on the ground because once he got a taste of it and once he got a hold of that helmet he'd think he'd already won at this point Wolverine takes a blast from predator's shoulder Cannon which completely takes off Wolverine's right shoulder Wolverine continues narrating saying suppose I could have rigged the helmet poisoned the air filter nestled it with a bomb but over and over again technology has been his failing he surrounded himself with it just like he surrounded himself with trophies like a boast of compensation or something to feel right about taking him down I needed to prove that I was deadlier than the death he wore and as he's saying this we see Predator take off the bare skull he was wearing as a helmet and reclaim his original one we are then taken back to Japan where issue 3 left off as Wolverine's Master says this is not my enemy if I help you it will be like the parent who does a child's chore or schoolwork when they whine you will never learn and with that he leaves Logan to fight Predator all by himself he even tells Logan remember if you truly want to know you're the best keep your claws and your anger sheathed now for the next few pages we get another amazing battle between Wolverine and Predator that ends with Predator using his shoulder Cannon to knock Logan's Katana out of his hand at which point Logan says forget this we're doing things my way as he ejects his claws saying come on let's go claw to claw but Predator just stares at him before using his camouflage Tech to run away Wolverine then screams get back here don't run away from me we then see the hand show up to take down Wolverine and mamasa mamasa then tells Logan he didn't come here to fight me any more than he came here to fight your enemies I'm sure you two will meet again assuming we survive the hand which tells us the Predator left because he wants Logan and he's not fighting Logan's battles for him we are then taken to Westchester New York at Xavier's School for gifted youngsters in the past now at this point in time Wolverine has joined the X-Men but he's constantly surveying the school because he knows it's only a matter of time before Predator comes after him yet again Xavier even comes out saying Wolverine you missed dinner with the students again I'm not exaggerating when I say they spent half the meal looking at your empty chair especially Kitty and Kurt you couldn't take a night off at that moment Wolverine sees the iconic three dotted sight on Xavier's head and leaps to get Xavier out of the way just before an explosion goes off the Predator then follows up the previous explosion by launching several more missiles into the school causing a massive fire so Logan rushes up to the upper floors to get all the mutant kids out eventually he sees Kitty on the floor and when he goes to check on her she says Logan look out as we see the Predator is right behind him and uses one of his weapons to electrocute Wolverine however luckily for Logan Nightcrawler shows up to teleport him out of there Wolverine says elf stay out of this that goes for all of you keep away from me but Nightcrawler responds you don't have to do this alone to which Wolverine says I don't want your help Nightcrawler that just proves what I always knew I shouldn't be here Wolverine then hears Rogue from down the hall so of course he runs down there only to see Predator holding her at knife Point she says if I can take off my gloves I can touch him Wolverine says no as he gives himself up to the Predator letting him restrain him and take him away as long as he leaves everyone else alone so as the Predator thinks he's escorting Wolverine to his ship we see the actual Wolverine running up behind him saying you sure you got the right guy as we learned this was actually a trick and it was The Shape Shifter Donnie disguised his Wolverine Nightcrawler then teleports in behind Predator pulling out the gauges in his helmet causing smoke to go off as more X-Men arrive for backup which ultimately causes Predator to flee then we jump back to the present day where we return to the final showdown between the two in Canada Wolverine eventually surprise attacked Predator jumping on his shoulders stabbing him through the back with both sets of claws at which point Predator electrocutes Wolverine with a few ,000 volts but as the two get up the Predator whips out a ceremonial dagger before Wolverine and Predator charge each other impaling one another it's just all kinds of dirty now at this point Wolverine thinks it's done he's finally defeated the Predator however the Predator had one last bomb on his arm Gauntlet as Wolverine narrates I didn't recognize the numbers but I knew a countdown when I saw one he was going to get that trophy even if he claimed it in his grave but here's the thing about desire once you get what you want you realize that wanting was the real pleasure so in those final bloody seconds when the hunt finally ended I hope he felt the century of disappointment slammed into his heart after the explosion we see Wolverine's narration continue saying not sure how many days passed but when I finally pulled myself out of that smoking crater I felt like a lit cigar crushed out in an ashtray there was an emptiness inside of me it took me a while to realize where it came from I missed having him out there nothing makes you feel more alive than a gun pressed to your temple or the cold lick of a knife at your neck so I was going to be a little dead every day I lived without him coming for me at least he left me a dangerous trophy I see my reflection in his blade I'll remember its Keen Edge every day of my life and with that the issue and the story come to an end so Wolverine ultimately pulled out the wind and defeated the Predator because he's got one thing that the Predator does not have and that's one of the best healing factors in all of comics and when I say he's got a great healing Factor we saw several instances of that throughout this story first where the Predator basically melted the flesh off his entire body only for it to grow back and now to survive this explosion where undoubtedly he was completely obliterated all in all this was a dope story and a fantastic read super short and fun only four issues and every issue was action-packed with great story as well we really loved how Benjamin Percy was able to establish that Wolverine and Predator had been fighting each other for decades and then even tied that into pivotal moments in Wolverine's past going as far as to tell us that the weapon x helmet that was used on Wolverine was only made possible because Professor thoron was experimenting with Predators helmet anyway this is an A+ story and series I hope we get a sequel because this was a ton of fun I'll also add that at the end of the comic on the letter Pages the creative team tells us if you love this series keep writing in and demanding more more importantly buy this series if you see the issues at your local Bookshop or CBS buy it when it's released in a trade that would guarantee us a sequel and more stories like it and I'll also add this was probably my favorite Predator versus comic series I've ever read but that's just my opinion what do you guys think let us know down in the comments otherwise we'll see you next time when we talk about all things comics [Music]
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 46,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: predator versus wolverine comic, wolverine vs predator, predator vs wolverine series, predator comics, wolverine comics, sci-fi comics, predator vs wolverine full story, wolverine vs predator full story, wolverine vs, wolverine vs predator comic, wolverine vs predator comics explained, predator vs x-men, marvel comics
Id: irIlZ0ca7Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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