The M.A.S.S. Device | G.I. JOE A Real American Hero | 40th Anniversary Special | G.I. Joe Official

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[Music] we'll fight for freedom forever [Music] it's g.i joe against cobra and gastro fighting to save the day he never gives up he's always there fighting for freedom over land [Music] [Applause] gi joe is the code name for america's daring highly trained special mission force its purpose to defend human freedom against cobra a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world never gives up he'll stay till the fights one g.i joe will dare give [Music] [Music] the new skyscrapers are real beauties now with cobras slithering around on the loose we need all the help we can get i'm gonna kick the mustard out of that crazy hot dog he could have smeared us all over the runway hey bacteria brain come down and let's discuss your future as a mental patient oh come on duke where's your spirit of adventure give a teammate a hand i missed you duke you certainly did by that much [Music] something's coming in below our radar level [Music] [Music] hey why didn't you just yell look out didn't you read my green sheet man of action it's the sky strikers they're after we've got to get them airborne [Music] [Music] here they come hold tight return to face i want the joe's on full alert cobra's up to something big [Music] he comes [Music] oh great cobra we await thy give us a sign [Music] [Laughter] the superstitious fools didn't even wait for their pay now open the gates identification please [Music] we are disappointed you were expected days sako destro the shipment was difficult to assemble and i lost more time climbing to this ridiculously melodramatic location i designed the cobra temple to guarantee us secrecy and security now what have you brought me [Music] yes truly exotic substances destro but will they work raise the mass device these three elements will fuel the device and with it i shall bring the world to its knees but will it reach its target if it goes astray we look like fools [Music] this will guide us the perfect homing device one just like it is now being placed in the target soul then we shall not fail load the mass parts quickly it is the first step towards cobra domination of the universe [Music] eijo will return after these messages now back to gi joe sorry to send you without explanation duke especially in the aftermath of cobra's sneak attack but i've got a real challenge for the gi joe team i presume your request for gi joe was filed correctly general flag form bx 257 requisition order mz19 in triplicate duke this is major juanita hooper from the office of budget and accounting at the pentagon i'm supposed to keep her happy fat chance this is as far as we go lot behind those silo doors is a new space satellite of incredible capabilities my mission is to ensure its safety until launch time tomorrow so so you want the gi joe team to try a break-in to test your defenses am i right general affirmative duke you're way ahead of me as usual not a very wise procedure dollar-wise but necessary nonetheless major when can your team take a crack at this installation right now [Music] food [Music] so thanks for uh dropping in stalker shall we do our thing must share scarlet thank you sir [Music] it looks like your team blew it on the first try the notion that the gi joe team could breach these defenses was totally ludicrous you were saying well done but your success only proves security here is adequate you just lost me sir brilliant commando work got three of you inside but it'd take dozens of men with heavy equipment to steal the satellite a force your size just couldn't do it why not show them the satellite general they look like they could use an education uh well okay let me show it to you magnificent contraption isn't it too expensive for what it does however and just what does it do this is the ultimate relay star it can receive and send the most powerful energy to anywhere at any time once it's in orbit there'll be no safe hiding place precisely now let's tour the silo and leave your weapons outside for pity sake this isn't a combat mission [Music] exquisite well destro any moment now cobra commander my invention will seize the molecules of the relay star satellite assemble them for transportation scramble them into a coherent beam of pure energy and send them here to us now mass is ready it's the operating temperatures instead of beaming the satellite back here i'll send an assault team in to bring it out troopers to the sending grid what makes you think it'll work this time i could lose men material a fortune now [Music] [Music] no it's not possible [Music] [Music] now finish that off quick the emergency doors are closing we need another way in the satellite had to be raised into launch position by gantry elevators on target scarlett if we can position those elevators properly we can lift the silo walls right off their foundation go for it [Music] stand by for assault man it's working general let's take them [Music] what high defensive positions [Music] [Music] premature panic is the sign of an immature mind i have mastered the device coordinates locked temperature perfect there it's over baroness you and major blood step out and lay down your weapons i'm afraid our surrender has been cancelled not so fast baroness duke good grief he's vanished and the satellite's gone with him gi joe will return after these messages now back to gi joe [Music] oh [Music] i want him alive you fall [Music] take him to the slave pens and prepare him for sport right now we have more pressing matters [Music] fair as long as we have the three precious elements we are invincible [Music] has been achieved no one can stop cobra now [Music] any luck yet breaker nothing what about cobra's weird fade-in fade-out technique computer says it might be a form of molecular transference if so a nobel prize-winning scientist dr laszlo vandermeer is the world's leading expert last place he was seen was his farm in new england monumental microchips looks like cobra took over every television and radio terminal in the world citizens of the world we have a power greater than any in the history of mankind look and tremble [Music] this is but the first in a series of demonstrations of the awesome power of cobra beg your leaders to surrender to cobra at once you have 24 hours cobra [Music] what what is this place [Music] uh where am i but can you understand me they seem normal except for those strange headbands those pulsing lights look like the readout on some sort of brain scanner water please do you have water it's useless to speak with the slaves duke they are mindless creatures of the cobra organization you will soon be one of them after you have appeared in the arena of sport [Music] let's take her down we should be right over vandermeer's farm [Music] welcome to new england and to your fight [Music] so tricky little serpents aren't they [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] cool [Music] ceasefire they've had it dr vandermeer what happened cobra they picked my brain they stole the secrets of mass you were working on the mass device yes and the only force powerful enough to counter it is another mass device then we've got to make one back to headquarters i can begin construction on the mass device at once but the three substances that power it are extremely rare we must get them before cobra does or all is lost [Music] i must find a way to help you [Music] welcome to the cobra arena of sport duke we are pleased you have agreed to participate in our games [Music] i've agreed to nothing reptile breath and the only game that interests me is kicking in your fangs now duke where's your spirit of competition it is useless to resist your motor reflexes are entirely in my control now bow so the sport may begin wow [Laughter] now it's time to bring in my champion [Music] you are my slave duke and soon the whole world will bow to destroy [Laughter] [Music] you're not very good at this [Music] i'm going to end it all just like that thousand pieces of gold says you can't how do you plan to stop me by letting my unwilling gladiator fight his own battles yeah it's turned off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] to fight cobra we must build another mass device but as you know mass is fueled by three very rare catalytic elements to defeat cobra we must get our own supply of this fuel cobra is going to be on the horn with demands in less than 24 hours dr vanamir now how long before you can have a mass device ready for us to use against them a few days perhaps a week but without the three elements it will be valueless well then tell us where to find them doc and we'll bring them in pronto very well but it will not be easy the first element we need is a radioactive crystal which can be found buried near the arctic circle [Music] not far from a glacial expanse known as the sea of ice [Music] that's enough commander a message wait this cannot be permitted uh the world has refused to surrender to cobra people are volunteering to stand and fight against us to the bitter end worse our spies report gi joe has learned about the three catalytic elements and is going after them the sport can wait we must have a strategy meeting [Music] i am selena slip this between your headband and your forehead and you will be able to interrupt the control waves it will cause you agonizing pain but you will be free to run why are you doing this the guards approach when you flee make for the great cobra's mouth i shall meet you there what are you holding i saw him pass you something search him ah nothing save the water slave he won't be thirsty soon or anything else but pulverized [Laughter] [Music] keep laughing jerk this is my ticket out of here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got the coordinates cold pretty lady and i'm talking cold how do you read it dr vandermeer was right snow job the crystal mine is ahead of us at the edge of the forest [Music] no tracks in the snow i'd say we got here before cobra then let's get those crystals and get out i'm starting to identify with frozen food [Music] they're over an hour ahead of us major blood by the time we reach the mine our enemies will have the crystals and be long gone i wouldn't bet on it lieutenant [Music] so [Applause] something in there bothers snake eyes tripwire and i know better to doubt snake eyes sixth sense scarlett a little sweeping scan couldn't hurt but stay back g.i joe will return after these messages now back to g.i joe all is in readiness cobra commander only a show of force will convince the world we mean business begin citizens of the planet evidently our first demonstration of cobra power wasn't sufficient to convince you of my purpose this time there will be no room for doubt premiere is the soviet union i have you and your red square battalions in my view come rad i hereby call upon you to order your entire military command to lay down its arms you have ten seconds to comply your time is up now you and your nation will pay for your arrogant refusal to obey me [Music] [Applause] [Music] the next demonstration of my power will not be so gentle therefore hear this and obey leaders of all nations meet at noon tomorrow on tanu island that is all [Music] i was rather good wasn't i the mass device is not a toy for your amusement these repeated demonstrations of its power have almost exhausted our supply of catalytic elements the world doesn't know that how come it's time to return to our sport i must replenish the parts that can wait first i'll dispose of duke then we can get on with our conquest of the world [Laughter] reptilian [Music] i don't pick up any life-form readings there's some funny blips on my scope but they could be from radioactivity then let's dig some crystals [Music] robot defenders i knew this wasn't one of my better days [Music] the robots are programmed to push us into the crystal vein the radioactivity will fry us [Music] [Applause] [Music] the robots have to reprogram to deal with our new position [Music] [Applause] [Music] great work snake they can't tell who their friends are [Music] we got this one shaking its transistors we'll mop up while you go get the crystals and hurry we're running low on time [Music] let us in this fast there's work to do i'm enjoying the sport besides i don't feel there's anything that can't wait that shows what you are it was i who developed the mass device i who made you aware of its potential you without my money and organization you'd be out in the rain watching your face rust [Music] gold strip selena said it would interrupt control i must concentrate this bickering is senseless cobra commander we are allies now may we of course [Music] stop the prisoner [Music] identification please [Music] he must not leave alive [Music] [Music] hold it right there hero you are hurt i'll be fine but i've got to get out of here the viper glider it is the only way hurry i'll have you all punished if duke escapes strike called one strike i don't know how to thank you selena there is no need what will happen to you i know secret ways back to the slave pens no one will know i've been involved in your escape now go something to remember me by until i come back to for you and your people any second now [Music] [Applause] until we meet again [Music] after him you don't [Music] hurry hurry uh [Music] g.i joe will return after these messages now back to gi joe [Music] ready when you are snake guys take cover [Music] oh i did it fresh snowy air i never thought i'd smell it again i we got company they can't get in we can't get out the fail-safe activator major an explosive charge was placed in the mine for an occasion just like this [Music] fail-safe device it's unleashed a radioactive cloud [Music] we can stay here and learn to glow in the dark we can go out there and maybe get cut to pieces steak we'll try a break out when he joins us come in snake eyes acknowledge snake eyes acknowledge he's lowering a radioactive shield get out of there snake there was no time for him to get out he knew that when he brought it down to save us there's nothing we can do for him and we can't get into crystals either hey look at there a way out it must have opened automatically when snake eyes lowered the shield come on we'll never forget you what you've done snake eyes we owe you our lives for now we've got to get out of this trap [Music] let's move out before cobra comes in here after us [Music] look out [Music] i dreamt [Music] now [Music] ah he's had it there'll be a bonus for all of us [Music] he doesn't look good doc is he going to make it his vital signs are weak cover girl but duke's no ordinary man full emergency team ready has world leaders rendezvous to await the orders of the cobra commander this is the scene at tanu island in the pacific the american delegate to this reluctant conference is presidential appointee general flag general what is the government's position on this situation simply this we will never surrender to cobra no matter what their threats may be the position of my country is [Music] your rash statements of bravery are pointless this is the fate of all who reject my supremacy [Laughter] [Music] the fate of your leaders will be yours if you continue to defy us surrender to the new cobra order or become our mindless slaves the choice is yours there's duke he's been hurt what stalker [Music] how did i get here we were hoping you could tell us you were with cobra and if you know how to get to cobra headquarters we could put an end to this nightmare fast it's no use i i can't remember anything nothing except except the face [Music] a beautiful face you gotta remember man somehow some way you must if you can cobras one at all [Music] surrender to the new order of cobra starting at noon tomorrow or suffer my wrath devastation ruin chaos [Laughter] egotistical peacock doesn't he realize our supply of catalytic elements is too low to activate his wild threats and an empty threat destroys our credibility but we retain the upper hand destro g.i joe failed to get the red crystals we have failed as well my dear baroness your concern is unfounded major blood may yet succeed in bringing back the criminals he must succeed he must have to program the repair model yet if we're not out of here before night four we could freeze to death ready now sir let's send it in to do its work this robot will bring out the crystals and deal with any gi joe survivors [Music] it'll flush them out or finish them off [Music] [Music] look there was someone alive in there hold your fire poor devil he's a walking time let him go he'll die soon enough [Music] think back dude there is a picture there dude look at it describe it you are in the cobra hideout focus concentrate yes i can see something i do see something someone really she's coming in clear she's in danger and that's all i remember [Music] hey we're here all right let's get topside we are right over the deepest trench in the ocean floor at the bottom plus a pool of heavy water the second of the three catalytic elements we've got to get before cobra beats a steward you know your team assignments buddy up and get into your diving gear we're going over the sides [Applause] i believe none of us knows doodly squad about deep sea dive so who do we have to ramrod this operation good question stalker and here comes a good answer look at that dick i'm checking out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] there are only two things to remember take your lead from torpedo this is his turf and don't get out of your dip suit while the pressure down there will crush her like a grape good luck and happy hunting okay straighten up your formation synchronize depth gauges ready going down [Music] hang on here guys we are going where you have gone and fewer still have ever returned [Music] g.i joe will return after these messages now back to gi joe [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] so [Music] even though i cannot see you i can tell a young strong man you are too sure but what you're doing in these bleak hills i do not know but you are surely freeze to death if you're not given shelter [Music] easy now boys teddy it was disturbing you will have to wait we're off rush [Music] [Music] accomplished excellent major blood i salute you now we lack but two of the precious elements which will make us invincible only the gi joe team stands against us but if we can get the remaining elements before they get them there'll be no stopping us the planet will be ours there's a bottom coming up we'll set down on that sort of plateau over there and watch out for that fissure the stuff flowing out of there is molten sulfur the water around it is hot enough to hard-boil an elephant so keep awake those odd columns i've seen them before so have i in a nightmare i've got it they look like giant tube worms giant tube worms yeah hey do your worm worrying later right now activate your facial suits let's find that heavy water and get out of here this could be a hairy detail so maintain radio contact at all times the heavy water pool should be somewhere down there check your coordinates and move in looks like a pretty bad neighborhood oh i wouldn't say that see no graffiti [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] torpedo carry on with the mission we'll try to cover you [Music] listen gotcha come to beetle baby [Music] what's your situation over lousy request permission to wheel and deal affirmative commander of cobra forces you baroness we've got to work together if any of us are going to get out of this otherwise we'll wind up wormfold collaboration with the enemies out of the question i girl oh second thought your idea has merit we will help you with the understanding that once we are free we will split the pool of heavy water all right baroness you've got a deal excellent attention join with the gi joe team and destroy our common enemies the two worms [Music] they are indestructible we have succeeded only in making them more angry they must have a weakness and if we don't find it fast we're finished eijo will return after these messages now back to gi joe there's one chance the worms have fastened themselves to rocks at their base blast away their anchorage to the sea floor if they float up far enough the pressure will decrease and they'll explode [Music] [Applause] [Music] you for a successful but extremely temporary partnership too now give us your heavy water as well we had a deal baroness a deal with cobra surely you can't be serious i'm serious yo joe now let everybody back off it cannot end this fight [Music] we have no time to pursue the fools we have both the crystals and heavy water one more element to go and then we are victorious dr vandermeer we got the heavy water but we're still two elements short for your mass device if you don't get them soon duke it may not matter the cobra commander demands gi joe surrendered once or he'll disintegrate new york city [Music] your radiation sickness is gone me buckle a simple dressing of leaves and herbs draws out the contamination [Music] and you're none the worst your uniform and mask are on the wall behind you i cannot see so i do not know why you cover your face lad but whatever terrible disfigurement is there i can see into your heart and that is sound and true you can't deny it lad your loyal wolf friend here he needs a name how about timber yes to the perfect moniker [Music] you'll not be going without this i think i went back for it it was easy to find get common and warm like it is now one thing more before you go trips and off into the snow there's an old ice boat board at the eastern end of the sea of ice just over the rise crossover in that and you'll soon reach civilization [Music] this is a step in the right direction but new york has had it if gi joe doesn't surrender i wish i could see some other alternative if we give up cobra will have a stranglehold on the world we've got to keep fighting somehow uh me and stealer maybe got something you know how coco needs the relay star satellite to send a mass energy beam down on new york yeah short fuse go on well you see stealing me was talking and i said to him stealer buddy i said well you tell him already i'm telling him i gotta tell him my way so anyway i said to steal there's no time to tell it your way what me and short fuse figured was if we could knock out that satellite cobra couldn't do nothing to the big apple so we built this here doohickey with clutch's help it's a killer satellite it's all mounted in a portable launch game tree and everything or what do you think crude roughly constructed but magnificent [Music] it just might do the job [Music] a little closer a little closer to the relay star and we can blow it to bits [Music] shock truth to the grid at once hurry this will use up our last remaining bit the third metallic element but we have no choice [Music] they beamed cobra troops up to the relay star we have just sealed the fate of g.i joe and ensured our future greatness [Laughter] [Applause] we have failed to pull cobra's fangs you will have to surrender now unless you can summon up a miracle guess who i just picked up at the outer perimeter i heard a relay alarm kick in you were all busy so i went for a look-see and here's snake eyes i don't know how you made it back snake guys snake you're alive i knew you were too tough to be finished off by some dumb old crystals hey who's your friend these crystals give us a chance to meet cobra head on mass to mass and a chance is all we need [Applause] something's bugging your big bad wolf snake eyes well maybe that's smoke the canister it's a booby trap if it flows we're all cosmic dust the fumes they have paralyzing properties must get rid of bomb before it's too late [Music] good boy liquid can filter fumes maybe enough time to get fusion bomb out of here [Music] we don't have time to spare boy so keep your paws crossed [Music] here we go look out [Music] timber you're my kind of wolf thanks to timber and covergirl we've still got a chance there is a remote possibility we can activate our mass device with only two of the required elements if and only if the synthetic meteorite flakes i have devised complete the equation i shall need an object for the test gung-ho bye baby take good care of her dr vandermeer we've been through lots together i should do my best snake eyes the homing device prepare to receive transmission the electromotive force field seems to be adequate now baby what'd they do to you i wouldn't use that weapon unless your insurance is paid up without the third element we are no match for cobra the catalytic ingredient we need is to be found where the so-called ring of fire emerges from the continent of south america it is a center of extraordinary volcanic activity more than 100 000 years ago a gigantic meteorite survived entry into the earth's atmosphere plummeted into the crater known as the devil's cauldron that meteorite is the last source of the pure metallic compound which is our third missing element it remains there still in a deadly sea of red hot lava what's that look at that screen unreal what's a pattern an ultra secret message on the video scrambler it's only used for terminal condition white condition white like in white flag no way [Music] i'd do anything if i didn't have to be the one to deliver this message but the president and the joint chiefs have just ordered me to assemble the entire gi joe force and surrender as directed by cobra no way you're putting this on right stalk you where are you gone come off it stalker you're reading this wrong there must be a foul up in transmission it's no mistake as soon as our entire outfit and its support and supply networks have been repositioned as demanded i will formally turn it all over to the cobra commander leave one don't you see one don't try to talk me out of it it's not my decision they don't know where eve's dropping on their super secret transmission so it must be the truth mystery distro i said victory dextro is it not sweet i see the forces of our enemy marching to the designated staging area but until the moment of surrender i shall not count g.i joe out [Music] where are you going i've arranged a banquet we still lack the third element to power our mass device at this delicate juncture i shall take no chance of anything going wrong i will leave the search for that final ingredient myself it'll take several hours to complete the surrender operation then i will i crush them they're finished we must stop these evil men ramar if not they will enslave others as they have our people give me but one opportunity one ungodded moment and i will repay the swine this is my moment of triumph and i'm not having any fun you slave come here and amuse me [Music] there's nothing like a show of spirit to add spice to the contest [Music] shall i have you fight i've got it [Music] [Laughter] wherever you are duke you must not let the evil ones vanquish you you must fight on i pray that you will it's now my duty to ask all the g.i joe team members to report to the will you get out of the picture sorry stock they're kind of cute you know better an electric train set [Music] relax stalker you weren't transmitting when gh took a play break as far as cobra knows we're taking their surrender ultimatum seriously [Music] i hope i was as convincing as these models my only previous acting experience was playing a pumpkin in the school thanksgiving show you were great breaker discovered cobra was intercepting our ultra secret transmission and you gave them the show we wanted them to see well let's hope it buys us enough time to get that third element okay listen up operation big lift is about to get underway yo joe get down too close to that lava and it's barbecue city hey wow far out what you see what do you think i see for pete's sake what are we looking for if i say hey wow far out i must have found it right right it's the meteorite we're there this is it man look at that baby that's the payoff fantastic okay by the numbers boom we're gonna lift that sucker check your cables and electromagnets and fasten your seat is wilder and belts bronco with the cactus saddle my old daddy taught me how to dip a net to catch a mess of blue crab this is about the same except this old crab weighs about 10 times we gotta lift it quick or the magnets will melt contact got it reel them in jojo yeah lift that sucker and go out of sight way to go scarlet lower more cables on the double this is all we got babe if it don't work we're cuffed and i'm talking go go [Music] [Applause] [Music] g.i joe will return after these messages [Music] now back to gi joe cut the cables look out it's gonna hit let's hear it for nine we have only one target and that is the volcano itself concentrate your fire at this level just below the surface of the lava in the crater when we break through the lava spill will trigger an eruption an eruption would put the meteor right into the sky like a champagne cook then we'll net it before g.i joe realizes they've lost what can i do oh come in destro i demand you acknowledge your commander in chief destro the gi joe force is not surrendered yet repeat not surrendered over yeah i will wait no longer my patience is ended i demand your surrender at once or i shall destroy new york our total force hasn't assembled yet you surely don't want a partial surrender silence how long to complete the process an hour and a half two hours at the most if we're lucky you will not be lucky fool you will be vaped that is all ah they have taken far too much time as it is frankly commander i suspect some sort of trick so do i tell me do we actually have enough catalytic elements to disintegrate new york as i threatened i do not know we have scavenged destro's original shipment containers and found only a handful of the meteorite metal it will have to suffice i'm throw waiting for gi joe surrender destroy new york the homing devices are in place destroy it now [Music] it cost us a third element but it worked [Laughter] [Music] the ted went for us this is the end it's curtains any second now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] new york still stands my threat has been proven empty our future rests with destro now unless he brings back the media right our mass device will be useless maintain your fire we are almost through the lava lake what we've got here is a game of dirty pool with a capital d for death row [Music] he's undercutting the lava in the crater when that crater wall breaks we could have us one humongous blow up it'll send that old meteorite pushing out faster than a field mouse at a tomcat picnic if that meteorite gets into free fall we're a big trouble i am in the sky go in high congo joe is going low yo joe [Music] [Applause] cobra don't let them interfere with our mission [Music] coming in at 15 000 feet [Music] [Music] [Music] balls a deep center field let's try a shoestring catch now we have it steady steady [Applause] [Music] well caught it's your party now the g.h is jumping babe [Music] [Music] prepare to repel boarding party [Music] g.i joe will return after these messages now back to g.i joe [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yo joe go [Music] [Music] so [Music] go [Music] don't let him get away yo joe [Music] [Music] destro [Music] i'll bring it [Music] [Applause] the mopping up's complete except for destroy was on his tail [Music] they found me [Music] [Music] that was scarlett's thermal arrow no further if you shoot you'll hit your friend step into the clear destro if you've got the guts [Music] i have no time for childish games i intend to deliver a healthy supply of the meteorite to cobra and scarlet will accompany me i believe the expression is till we meet again [Laughter] [Music] the steel stove bumps got the meteorite and scarlet and there's not a thing we can do about it for the moment no there isn't but we now hold the last remaining portion of the final catalytic element we need to make our mass device work i can only hope for scarlets and all our sakes we're not too late we'll break your spirit soon enough my dear scarlett seeing you a groveling slave will provide me with great pleasure [Laughter] groveling before a meatball like you isn't my style destro you're a paradox scarlet you little fool [Music] [Music] it's a tractor ring hurry up that one you jerk the third one that's it now set it on short range or you'll blow it through the instrument gently have her hands steady [Music] nothing's happening it will do something fast [Music] it's no [Music] congratulations [Music] home port i never believed this grotesque hideaway would look so welcome [Music] take it away don't open any champagne yet scrap iron breath you took a round not the fight what a tiresome tigress she was my ticket out with the third element [Music] i knew you would not fail however all has not been going well since your departure there was the ill-advised attempt to destroy new york city what my old friend we congratulate you on the success of your mission success you dare speak to me of success you psychotic sibilant serpent of adult really destro is that any way to talk to your leader your stupid bungled attempt to disintegrate new york has given our enemies the two commodities they must not be allowed time and hope nothing undermines our cause more greatly than failure to execute our threats deathstroke even you must see that with the meteorite particles in our possession we are invincible even you must see that yes commander yes and i shall assure us a victory by taking full authority over all operations myself [Music] you can't do this to me destro stop i'm speaking to you destroy [Music] this will take the fight out of you [Music] see i told witch [Music] you haven't deceived me you're a cobra spy [Music] tell your masters that i told them nothing and i will tell you even less relax sister we have the same friend i do not understand the ring duke's ring duke six foot two eyes of blue look i'll tell you straight off duke wouldn't want us to sit this one out understand yeah yes now i understand perfectly [Music] all right you crates keep moving now gentlemen gi joe has its own mass device and it is ready for action hot slave we have special greetings for you from destroy [Music] valencia where have we been it's all hazy i do not know flag but that one he makes me afraid silence i destro order you now to speak to the people of your nations the time has come to surrender at once or perish i can't be sure where i've been or what has been happening to me but destro is the new cobra leader all severe is yet to come the monstrous imperialist deathstroke is demanded simple to command respect when one has the power to back up one's speech-making that is [Laughter] that strip of metal you gave me works selena if i concentrate i can override the control of the cobra soldiers it works best when the energy level supplied to the headband is low stop slaves the cages of the male slaves we are expected to serve their food can we count on them get to work [Music] they evade only the proper moment this is rama when the time comes he will lead the male slaves into battle against our hated cobra masters the time must come soon our patience is wearing sin soon i promise you very soon pass it on [Music] yeah such bottomless stupidity the fools something troubles you destro the world is not yet at your feet not one nation has surrendered this one must take a vote that one wants to take it under consideration don't they realize they're dealing with destroy oh i'd say they all know that and it doesn't frighten them in the least yes they shall learn the price of their elegance baroness is the device at operating temperature yes destro then lock on homing devices and eradicate new york now at once do you hear the world has denied my commands let them learn the consequence of insolence [Music] cobras fired off another mass destruction ray we've got to do something maybe we can knock gastro's beam off course with a zap from our baby it's worth a try [Laughter] come on b baby yo joe [Music] gi joe will return after these messages now back to g.i joe [Music] they stopped us they must have a mass device brilliant deduction [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the festivities scarlett is still a prisoner and we can't do anything about it until i remember where cobra headquarters is you the people of the world mistake my determination to conquer i am not soft and merciful until your nation surrender to me i shall execute your leaders one at a time every half hour on the hour starting with general flag bring him to me and i shall personally carry out his sentence [Music] is now not a suitable time i don't see why not [Music] duke would be proud of me for this scarlett you bet kid [Music] you are a fool distros [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's all ladies be glad you survived with your beautiful skins intact remove them from my sight [Music] well it was fun while it lasted yes you are very brave but duke's our only hope now everything is ready duke relax breathe deeply let your thoughts flow freely it looks so weird he isn't no danger breaker and this special sensory deprivation tank may be able to get at the memory of his cobra captivity which has somehow been erased let's start at the beginning duke with your childhood in iowa early on your sense of justice and honor was tested and you responded it has never deserted you it is at the heart of your idea of america an idea despised by cobra that's it duke it's coming into focus now concentrate on a cobra headed fortress on top of a bleak mountain it looks like the hotel dracula that's it duke play it back slowly you can do it there start there and move forward about half speed hey look at her wow she's really nice hey man how could he forget her fizz like that we've got it the slave girl has duke's ring [Music] it's got special electronic characteristics which can serve as our homing device right into the heart of cobra's hideout perfect duke the microchip components of your ring give us an excellent homing fix on the cobra hideout then start massing us out dr vandermeer cobras had things their way long enough [Music] g.i joel will return after these messages now back to g.i joe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the ground units moving up bring on the air cover [Music] yes [Music] [Music] his madness has brought this upon us but my genius shall save us my robot cobras [Music] [Music] what do you have magnet grenades huh good thinking [Music] [Music] [Music] you shall be executed general whether or not the battle goes against me yo [Music] april [Music] scarlett are you all right duke it's about time you guys showed up a girl gets tired hanging around the house [Music] later sister we've got a war to win i was gonna bring flowers but i thought you'd like these better [Music] look it's destroyed [Music] [Music] yes [Music] the barricade won't hold up long we've lost this throw last and it's all you're doing there will be time for recriminations later for now mass will take my revenge [Music] if that disintegrates the planet will explode that's the general idea goodbye for now commander or as you might say so long [Music] [Applause] that's the mass device it's pointed at the center of the earth [Music] [Music] the cobra commander he's got to be here somewhere [Music] [Music] so much for the cobra commander and his cronies but it looks like destro's slipped away i shall be back for vengeance i swear it i shall be back using part of our mass machine with what's left of theirs and a little bit of elements remaining i think there's just enough juice to send the eiffel tower back where it belongs here goes london you put the eiffel tower back in london [Music] i guess i goofed but there's nothing i can do all the elements are used up we can't just leave things like this there may be a way [Music] it should reach paris in a few days well nobody's perfect no but we do okay [Music]
Channel: G.I. JOE - Official Channel
Views: 56,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cobra, Cobra Commander, Destro, Duke, Flint, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Film, G.I. Joe Renegades, GI Joe, GI Joe ARAH, GI Joe Miniseries, GI Joe Real American Hero, Hasbro, Joes, Part 1, Snake Eyes, Snake Eyes Film, The Cobra Strikes, The Cobra Strikes: The M.A.S.S. Device, Zartan, full episode, gijoefullep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 46sec (6046 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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