Woke Localizer Ruins An Anime And Finds Out They're Fired..

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localizers what theck is this another one of these drama things more localizer drama oh my God what is this localizers admit to changing script because the show sucked and they made it good lovely complex has a dub written by people who op people who openly despise the script in a now deleted post Jello apocalypse goes on a diet tribe about how the series problematic aspects and how disco Tech media mostly let them do what they want oh [ __ ] I'm going to have to zoom in on this this of course includes running the Rewritten script by sensitivity readers and hiring people from specific groups to join the cast rather than concerning themselves with telling the author stories so this is a quote from them lyy passed the episode in its script by multiple trans sensitivity readers and not only made sure to cast a trans person as Seiko but also to cast as many of the transactors who audition for the role of her as possible I don't have an exact number but I think lovecom dub has like something like 20 trans SL I guess NB probably means non-binary actors in it it's one of the transesterase their agenda thank [ __ ] God thank God that the world is a uh is a platform for them to express what they want to think with the world I feel like any normal person who's like a progressive thinker should be very much against this because this alienates a lot of normal people this makes people bigoted it's making all of you look bad and also further uh confirms the dishonest practice of Western anime companies they hide any changes that would upset anime fans because the audience is full of horrible human beings who criticize them for overriding the Creator's work of note the most anime Distributors do tend to ask that you don't quote advertise changes like making things less transphobic well yeah because people are buying that anime and that's just what the anime is this is because large swath of the anime Community are racist sexist or transphobic and will descend Upon A company's social media page for weeks for the strangest of things discotech added a content warant from one of their discs and got Flack for that so they're understand to be a little skittish now fun aunion and crunchy roll works like this too tldr most anime Distributors don't care if you make things nicer or more gay or add more representation they just asked if you don't flaunt the changes or use buzzwords well you're genuinely not allowed to say hot button words like sexism or patriarchy anymore in most FUNimation dubs unless it's already in the subtitles because those words are are words that brain dead weebs can get mad at and share on various image boards I guess they're talking about my video these people are activists they're not localizers they're activists and like I I'm just really kind of shocked that like why would anybody be okay with this why would anybody like this and I think that really like these people need to get reigned in by the other people that are on that same Spectrum as they are because like you should see that the the what's the word for it the uh Optics of this are so bad like it it takes something that's like I mean like being more open to like somebody else's lifestyle assuming that they're not hurting somebody like that's supposed to be a good thing but whenever you try to like rub it in people's face and try to like like [ __ ] force people to like it and then call them like freaks if they don't like it like call them weird or like a weeb or something like that brain dead like this is just it it it's completely counterproductive to your goal and it doesn't help make people less transphobic I think it makes them more transphobic and that's what the worst thing about this is is that these people think that they have like such a moral authority to make these judgments on other people that they think that anything that I do is good and anything bad that I do to somebody who I think is bad is also good so any anything bad is for a greater good and anything that they do is bad even if it would be good so that's it they're completely self-righteous Pricks they are it doesn't matter if they're woke Pricks or not there's the same people that try to do this with other types of uh media too and I will have to also say um you know in light of recent events uh there have been some people who have thought that my stance on this also uh translates to like any sort of like wly content uh I don't like any of that stuff and I wish that there was none of it in anime at all I think it's disgusting and this is I want to make one thing extremely clear like it is absolutely censorship but I don't like seeing it anywhere and I wish that we didn't have to now do I think that I have the moral authority to say that nobody can see it I don't know if I do or not not I wish I did but I I don't know but I'm really talking about like using using anime to spread a message that wasn't there have you seen the first episode of ninja camway no I haven't seen that at all my posts on your subreddit about the lollycon stuff and so many PDF files showing up defending themselves well people can have whatever opinions they want and it is technically it is technically legal here so people can do what they want to do like like I mean I I think it's really weird but I mean again I I feel like there's like such a massive like be like that there's like like between LLY and like CP stuff versus like being sexist that's like a mountain next to a mole hill like I'm sorry but like yeah I'm willing to change the mountain but this is this is a [ __ ] mole hill compared to that let's be honest I think so long as those things have stay in fictions I have no issues with it oh I think it's weird but it's people's right to look at it you know like I I I am judgmental about it but I realize that like I don't have like I don't have the moral authority to tell somebody else what they what they can and can't like right but that's it you say we should change Japanese culture but then you approve censorship sus well I don't really think that we should change their culture I don't I I don't I don't like that part of their culture it's very simple I think it's bad like that that's it's literally that simple like there's elements of like different culture that's bad like for example I think the way that we do families is bad and I think Japan does it better and Asian countries do it better I think that the way that they handle underage characters in anime is bad and I wish they wouldn't do it that way so like this is my opinion like I I I'm allowed to have an opinion I'm not saying that everybody needs to follow my opinion if somebody disagrees with me that's totally fine but this is what my viewpoint on it is personally so yeah anyway let's read the rest of it uh companies like crunchy roll now supposedly avoiding terms they think will anger the audience even if true this fails to address the issue it's not the words in and of themselves it's the fact that it's an incre correct rewrite rather than a translation uh which is exactly true that's 100% what the problem is uh the these people will admit to rewriting a script because they hated it and then act as though those who want the original work to be Faithfully translated are acting unreasonable the only unreasonable part is hiring someone who despises The Source material for yourself is a neon supposed to be transcend just terribly done 2007 protrans writing yeah and there's a lot of things that were Terri done uh many times right it's like the uh what do you call it like Old South Park episodes you could say are like super Politically Incorrect now like and I'm not making a judge this isn't a personal judgment this is just what people think and so some people at least uh my point is that you don't recreate things for modern sensibilities because they weren't written in the Modern Age everything is a product of it time and in 2007 the culture had a different perspective on trans people at that time so if you write it as if that wasn't the case you actually take away the value of the growth of the culture over that time I think that you're actively like it is in my opinion I think that it's very good that the culture is changed a lot in terms of how it accepts like for example gay people like whenever I was in elementary school I didn't understand why gay people couldn't get married I was like well this seems [ __ ] stupid but everybody else was in agreement that this is the way it should be I remember talking about it with people like and like adults around me and I was like this is what the [ __ ] why and by the time that I got older well they changed that and now you can be gay and get married and I think that really the fact that people were massively homophobic then that should be acknowledged and known because it goes to show how far we've come that's a good thing and there are still people that are homophobic now they always will be they just don't like gay people okay that's fine that's I mean [ __ ] like that's that like what what like I can't control their their mind right I think that they're wrong but I mean what else is there besides that it was kind of because of a Christian church and only has one narrative that it's for a man and a woman woman yeah but like the marriage is recognized by a state and not a church so it's different I don't think that a church should have to marry a gay couple of course not but I mean a state needs to recognize a gay couple absolutely it's just common every normal person thinks this like I I really I think that every normal person thinks exactly what I think not the church religion well yeah I mean Islam says that too then Islam shouldn't have I don't think Imam should have to marry a gay couple if they don't want to no absolutely not this is it it's it's their religious it's their religious decision but it should be acknowledged by the state you should be able to get married by the state absolutely it's not even a question what is normal uh I don't know I mean normal is everything that I think weird is everything that I disagree with it's obvious isn't it uh uh as not true to the original [ __ ] I don't care what they think the trick is to change the intention of the characters to something that makes sense for them while keeping the intention of the overall story yeah these are people that are trying to uh lots of sweaty racist nerd boys got mad about that one oh the dragon made thing because they didn't want WL politics in their titty show yeah that's right pretty much much get out I mean I don't know what else we're doing um this new opportunity to add new jokes Otani asks for a more contemporary compliment Rea compliments him three times with three pieces of slang that are immediately dated but from different decades for the win is 2000s epic is late 2000s and early 2010s and pogers while being contemporary is also really dated and will probably fall out of popular use soon wow these guys are so cool why do these people feel like it's okay to change an author's writing because they think they have the moral authority to do it that's why and once people think they have the moral authority to do something that justifies any action they take it's actually pretty simple we canonically wrote and directed Rea as a psychopath who doesn't understand empathy frankly having a dub come out this good in the end is a little frustrating anyone who watched this show as a kid has fond memories of it and revisits the dub and think wow it's just as good as I remembered no it isn't we made it good the show sucked I mean you could say that for like you know people said that about the boy comic right but the difference is that the show's better I think that it's it's always easy to to say this but like is is this something that you think or is this something that the audience thinks because it seems to me like it's something that they think this is their own this is a decision that they've decided oh my God uh and apparently they've made an update disco Tech has even replied to this our statement regarding a contractor who worked on the lovely English dub oh my God where aware of the comments made by a contractor that worked on Lovely Complex the English version was made with the supervision and approval of the show's original producers dubs commonly punch up comedy and smooth over rough patches so the end product aligns with the show's intended audience and provokes the intended response and there will always be Shades of Gray with adapting a work and so present as little alteration as possible we are deeply disappointed at this individual's lack of professional discretion and will not be working with him in the future I think this is a huge [ __ ] W rip Bozo this statement is so dog [ __ ] man they didn't fire him for changing that [ __ ] they fired him for getting caught no they probably didn't even give a [ __ ] or care to begin with and now they found out about it they're like okay you're out like they can't probably expect or uh know about all this stuff yeah they said they agree with realigning dubs to cultural differences well what no no no you have to understand what they're saying they're saying that this is what the purpose of having localization is because the idea of changing like uh slang from like Japanese slang to American slang that's what localization is supposed to do localization is supposed to change the words without changing the meaning but they're clearly drawing a distinction between that type of localization and what this person is doing because they said that they're disappointed in their individual's lack of professional discretion so that they're clearly not saying that and also I mean they're probably not able to uh to look at every single thing ahead of time I think this is a pretty much a W uh we're fixing it yeah yeah that that's I think this is the best response they could have is it something burning behind you or is it just a bright candle you know that candles are burning right that's how it works anyway yes uh that's pretty much it that's what my perspective is that's what I think I'm going to be honest I think these people are doing a massive disservice to their causes I think that they are radicalizing people against them I think that they are completely insufferable and I think that they're hurting the exact thing that they're trying to help it's like remember what I said about how I thought that there are like uh like oil unions and [ __ ] like that these like oil conglomerates that are paying losers to throw paint on photos and like paintings to like make fossil fuels look good by painting environmentalists as being ridiculous I feel like these people are doing the same thing but they're doing it for free it's crazy man W cultist desperate for power and control Well everybody's desperate for power and control these are just people that have it right now that's really all there is to it uh I've not heard about the J Apocalypse in ages this is how I'm reminded of them I don't even know what this is uh it seems like most of the blame is on Jello never heard of the anime I don't know imagine if painting restorers work would say the original drawing was ugly and it sucked anyway so I made it better you know what the picture is going to be well it literally says akomo right but you know what it is it's the difference between uh oh my God between the original meaning and the localization apparently oh my God I wonder like at what point whenever she did this did you think wait a minute maybe this is messed up you know like maybe that happen she just stupid man
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 651,477
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: gKkLtOJ_vrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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