Woke developers are DESTROYING gaming

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I know I say this all the time but this really is never ending [Music] hi my name is my name is to hell now for those of you who don't know I play video games in my free time because it's a way to switch my brain off it's also very cathodic so I don't commit murder I'm I'm just kidding Mr FBI man just kidding but seriously gaming really is a great way to just tune the world out and when I've had a particularly bad day or I've been looking into something extremely messed up it's always good to be able to just sit down and completely tune everything out and not have to be exposed to more politics some people choose to read books others choose to watch Netflix I choose to throw axes at dead people so you can imagine the collective disappointment felt when leftists make sure to get their creepy little tendrils into one of the only things left that we can actually enjoy more and more as games are released or even updated and remastered you see more and more political messaging in games that otherwise didn't have it before and it goes beyond that too it isn't just political messaging sometimes there is a time and place for that but this goes into other Realms of social conditioning that we haven't seen before I mean realistically we probably have seen it before I'm just probably noticing it now unnecessary political and social messaging is already pushed in basically every other medium whether it be entertainment on social media through streaming services celebrities take your pick really just take your pick it's it's it's like a plague my toxic trait is that I feel like a literal God when I look this hot and some of us were stupid enough to think that video games might continue to be more or less see from that that we were wrong there are countless games that have gotten the same woke treatment a continued sore spot for a lot of people is the last of us too which basically simultaneously gave up but also tried too hard all at the same time as far as the storyline went actually in recent news you guys are gonna love this The Last of Us TV series that's coming out has introduced some race swap characters can you believe it and I expect the whole thing will just be something akin to this ah has the planet gone mad I have recently noticed a lot of forced messaging in games that I like and in franchises that I like and I just sort of feel like can I can I just can I just not enjoy anything in recent news the days gone writer and creative director blamed wook reviewers for the game's low critic scores he tweeted several reasons for the lure reviews with the final one being that work reviewers couldn't handle a Gruff white biker looking at his dates but I mean he's he's probably not wrong now obviously some people have pushed back here and said no it was just a not very good game and maybe that's the truth of the matter but I think the Misunderstood Point here is that what users want is often extremely different to what developers and reviewers want an article from 2019 made note of several reviewers who complained about the game's white protagonist they also complained about about having to kill child zombies because okay another article noted if Deacon Saint John who is the main character in days gone was a bisexual biker boy who preached for the greater good the game would have still been the same it would have still revoked around a drab world that many struggle to care for I found this article excerpt to be particularly not intelligent because what this writer fails to understand is that yes the user experience likely would have been the same where the user would have found the world to be drab but as far as Critic reviews go they probably would have loved it for all the aforementioned things and that's the point right the gaming world is becoming just like other forms of entertainment superficially inflated and directed by Progressive woke lunatics who don't actually care about the game but the game's messaging which brings me to Modern Warfare 2. now I am acutely aware of the fact that this isn't necessarily how hot news because it's been a couple weeks since this was being talked about but honestly I didn't really see a lot of coverage about this particular issue so I wanted to address it but before you once again board my hell Gondola and I potentially ruined your whole day let's hear from today's sponsor blissy Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse the Sydney was dreaming from her side of the bed with a silk blissy pillowcase under her head you're really doing a Christmas thing that's so unoriginal no what's unoriginal is owning pillowcases that don't have a zip blissy pillowcases have a zip and not doing Christmas themed ads at Christmas time already then give us the rest of whatever this is as your new Santa I know Christmas is stressful the kids tore down the curtains the dog is on fire but at least you'll be able to get a good night's sleep with blissy's range of pillowcases sleep masks scrunchies and even loungewear blissy's pillowcases are hypoallergenic great for keeping you cool while you sleep so you get a better sleep non-toxic and they feel really nice like and ironically they they feel really nice I've personally used blissy for some time because they have all the qualities I like but also I am now a convert to their sleep masks because why is there a window like this in my room so if you'd like a better sleep or a great Christmas idea head over to blissey.com Sydney or click the link in the description for up to 45 off your Bridges and make sure to place your orders before December 16 to ensure they arrive in time the new Call of Duty called Modern Warfare 2. I can't I don't know why my mouth can't say that came out at the end of October Call of Duty is a franchise of military games that involve campaign style gameplay or online multiplayer gameplay where if you're anything like me you just die endlessly because the kids in China are better than you at this I can't stress enough that Call of Duty is a military game you run around shooting things throwing grenades insulting everyone around you as a form of male bonding it is not by any stretch of the imagination warm and fuzzy this isn't the adult equivalent of Barbie race and ride although given enough time it probably will be so in recent news the Modern Warfare developers decided to add some things to this this game that left people feeling a little confused and a little upset because apparently if you make any sort of entertainment then you inevitably catch the Netflix Marvel and Disney bug stupid military game Call of Duty goes woke no American flag 22 gay pride Flags burning U.S flag BLM allowed but not wlm or fjb what a headline what the hell is wlm women like men oh no I can see why that was banned no it's white lives matter oh well that makes a lot more sense stupid Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 the latest installment in the franchises runaway success and was released on October 28 2022 features not one but 22 Pride flags and no American flags as a call sign call signs in cud are basically one of the ways that you can distinguish yourself from other players in the game and in days gone by many of the flags that were available were country flags not Pride Flags now of the 29 flag options in this new game 22 of them are Pride Flags there are 22 of them we're talking about 22. Pride flags for sexualities that I I didn't even know existed 22 sexuality what our species is 100 gonna die out so I just bought the new Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and I only have one gripe so far since playing the game so I just started playing online last night and for anybody who's ever played a Call of Duty game you know you can customize your online characters you can customize what they call calling cards which is kind of what you see in the background here so from the outset of this you have 29 different calling cards that you can choose from seven of those are random like Call of Duty type calling cards 22 out of the 29 calling cards that you can pick from from the outset are all Pride Flags nothing against deprived by you want to fire private flag that's fine but where the is the American flag Activision it's a military based game and you don't have one American flag in there Jokes Aside this is an issue that developers run into all the time these days they prefer to make games for their staff rather than for the audiences that actually buy them the people who keep them employed so that they can drink their soy milk lattes and vote for Biden people were also pointing out that there isn't a possibility to select an American flag or any other country flag for that matter as a co-sign but the only American flag that they found in the game is on fire burning on the ground very good this actually reminded me a little bit of the controversy surrounding the Spider-Man game for PC that was happening in August where someone made a mod that changed all the pride Flags in the game to American flags the mod was labeled homophobic it was deleted and the Creator was banned from Mod hosting websites because the mod creator also referred to the pride flag as stupid one mod hosting site responded on Twitter saying that mod DB is an inclusive environment for all and we do not permit targeting marginalized groups our content moderation is largely automated but when identified we have a zero tolerance policy for this kind of content but to be be honest with you and just you know because I'm obviously a pessimist and a Negative Nancy about a lot of these things I still think this situation would have gone the same way regardless if the mod Creator referred to Pride flags as stupid or not I still think that they would have seen this decided that it was an attack on homosexuality and on pride and then subsequently removed the mod anyway because no American flags allowed it feels like this is so present in so many different areas of the entertainment space or the creation of entertainment space where a huge portion of people view any sort of nationalism as a huge problem and the funny thing is these people these developers these creators would rather give us 22 pride flag options rather than letting people select a flag that represents their country or a country that they like because it's not like these Pride Flags represent a very small portion of the population in the first place and an even smaller portion of the population who were playing Call of Duty tea I love modern society so much it absolutely does not feel like I'm being crushed to death by stupidity but Modern Warfare 2's game changers don't stop there people have pointed out that you can make your clan name BLM but if you try to use wlm or fjb these are prohibited due to profanity I did it I lived long enough to see white lives matter become profanity or women like men become profanity that I think both work I think both are offensive to these kinds of people I guess the most ironic thing and for me the funniest thing or the saddest thing depending on your perspective is that I don't know how many of you have played Call of Duty or who consistently play it but if you've been in one of these game lobbies or just been playing the game on multiplayer online in general you're gonna hear a lot of swearing you're going to hear a lot of slurs and if you don't have a thick skin you are 100 gonna be offended it is the verbal Wild West people do not hold back and they do not give a crap it makes me wonder how long it will be before these gaming developers or these gaming Outlets so to speak start trying to enforce censorship in game chats it looks like it's uh it's already a thing Intel unveils a tool to censor hate speech in video game voice chat I'm a fortune teller bleep's Central interface I guess the thing that that censors people is designed to be easy enough for the average gamer to understand well that's a bone assessment there it operates via toggles and Sliders and allows the player to control exactly how much offensive speech is bleeped out players can choose to hear none some most or all and under which category of slurs ableism and body shaming aggression aggression lgbtq plus hate misogyny name calling racism and xenophobia sexually explicit language swearing white nationalism and every possible variant of the n-word how does one exactly bleep out ableism and white nationalism how is this even real so there you have it bleeping out the voice chat very good I guess my overall point here is that it's incredibly frustrating and distressing in a lot of ways to watch yet another medium be taken over by the same people who've taken over other areas of entertainment this is something I actually want to expand on in a deep dive because I have a lot to say about this and a lot of examples that maybe people haven't thought of before but I will save that for another video as per usual and this is not news to any of you I think that it's quite clear that a lot of developers and critics are incredibly out of touch with the audiences who actually consume this sort of media and play these games and the reason I personally think this is a massive problem is because these people inevitably go on to make changes to games or just make games in general that are unnecessary and inappropriate to suit their own agendas and narratives absolutely nothing is sacred and nothing is safe in the end I do view this as yet another way for a message to be pushed artificially and to the detriment of Gamers all over the place now on that note and before I open the floor to all of you this is just a reminder to check out Blissey using the link in the description for up to 45 off your Bridges now open the floor to all of you what do you all think is this a good thing is it a bad thing are you a gamer who really doesn't like the new games that are coming out you don't like the way that they're being made the story lines the messaging that comes from them are you a gamer who doesn't really care you think this is a good thing or you're just totally not concerned by it are you somebody who thinks the gaming is a huge problem and it's actually kind of ruining society and so really yep who cares if it gets ruined by leftists and progressives because it's not good anyway how much you generally make of this issue overall as always if you liked the video Hit subscribe the Thumbs Up Button if you want to leave a comment if you do so disrespectful about it and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Sydney Watson
Views: 1,085,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fXI3G1JZ8J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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