The children of OnlyFans mothers

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yes here we are again together crying inside hi my name is Sydney welcome back to hell and as per usual before we launch in today's video is sponsored by me and my new company Lions Tea Exchange which if you haven't checked out you definitely should cuz the tea is great and you'll love it and it's linked in the description box now if you have been here for any length of time orbiting this planet of ins ity and sadness you will already be aware that I have covered the topic of only fans a bunch on this channel but what I have never discussed at least in detail is the effect that this is having and potentially going to have going forward on children whose parents make adult content because I'm sure this issue is going to be really fun for everyone going forward as only fans continues to gain traction and popularity as more and more women seem to view this platform as a legitimate means of making a decent income it seems that there will inevitably be consequences for families now what specifically made me want to talk about this issue was a post I saw on Reddit not too long ago not counting for the fact that Reddit is the internet's but a woman asked the subreddit am I the a-hole if she is in fact the ahole for continuing to stream and post content on only fans kick and twitch while her son is being bullied for it uh yeah probably in the post the mother says that she is a single parent who has been using platforms like only fans in twitch for income netting way more than she's ever earned in any other job however despite the financial payoff her 14-year-old son told her he is being teased by his classmates because of his mother's content leaving him feeling humiliated and alone the woman finished her post by writing I'm torn between the need to maintain our financial security and and the negative effects my career is having on my son I strive to be a good mother and provider but I'm questioning if I'm failing him in other ways am I the a-hole for continuing this work despite the emotional cost it's having on my son ma'am is the answer not obvious in the way that you have articulated this can you not read the room the comments reacting to this post were very divided with people saying that she is the a-hole because she's contributing to the emotional anguish of her child and it's absurd that she's surprised by this at all While others suggested that it's better to be financially stable even if the job is embarrassing for her son yes I tend to agree that living in a cardboard box is probably not the go but neither is letting your kid get emotionally beaten to a pulp because you want to take your clothes off on the internet for $15 a month now a short time later the mother posted an update after a long discussion with her son about his feelings the woman said that she has decided to disable her only fans and will move away from inappropriate content completely to many people this probably seems to be the most obvious solution to the problem and even though the damage might already be done because the images and content are already out there at least the mother is listening to her child and taking action but the interesting thing here is that the reaction of this mother in this particular case doesn't actually seem to be the norm and I know what you're probably thinking here but Sydney this is just you basing this off of a bunch of anecdotes that you found around the internet and you would be right because it's not like we have a bunch of statistics about mothers deleting their not safe for work content off the internet because it made their child sad although with how things are progressing and given enough time I don't think we're too far off that Revelation makes me terribly unhappy most of the stories that I've read the women particularly who I have listened to and the other anecdotes that I have collected from around the Internet seem to have one very common thread and that is these children are being bullied relentlessly not only by their peers but generally by I guess wider Society they are being punished for the content that their moms and sometimes dads post and make online the parents are aware of this but they don't intend to stop not to mention the young only fans women who don't yet have children but want them in the future are incredibly flippant and very Cavalier about how this will affect their little ones somewhere down the road so that's what we're going to talk about today the children of only fans parents and more specifically mothers because there's just more of them and what on Earth is going on here and of course once again all of my regular disclaimers this is by no means an exhaustive video I am not going to hit every single point of this topic in this video this is a snapshot that is based on observation my opinion and a little bit of analysis because once again we do lack you know meaningful empirical evidence that might help us explain some of what's going going on and some of the effects and consequences that come along with this topic which I feel like is obvious but I always have to say so with that being said and before you once again bored my hell Gondola and together we Traverse this this River of sadness and Cry tears of of more sadness for Generation Alpha who I am assuming are the primary generation who's going to be affected by this let's hear from today's sponsor which is me lions Tea Exchange and if you think that my regular ads are incredibly chaotic let's see how chaotic my own's going to be all right so we have to make an ad for the new brand lion te exchange here's what I'm thinking imagine this you're sitting in your home and out of nowhere someone hands you a box of lion's Tea Exchange so a stranger broke into my home to give me tea no that's not be quiet you're normally a coffee drinker but you're curious you can smell the tea and it's all so enticing I'm still stuck on the fact that there's a teen ninja in my house you go to the kettle confused but curious you boil some water pour yourself a cup and from the first sip you're hooked tea is all you think about now you dream of tea leaves dream of lion's Tea Exchange boxes you like that our tea bags are pyramid shaped and biodegradable that all of our flavors were handpicked by me and made with a master blender and made for the purposes of being functional and good to your buddy say goodbye to Bland beverages kick that coffee to the curb you don't need it anymore and say hello to a world of flavor with Lion's Tea Exchange so what do you think could we possibly revisit the teen Ninja so if you too love delicious hot beverages and you want to support me and the channel and you also want to drink some delicious tea then head over to Lion te go and check out the flavors that we have get yourself a samper box if you're not ready to commit to one particular flavor and like I mentioned that does really help support the channel also know that I pack your shipments with love because I care so go and check it out go and order the tea you know you want to in late 2023 a woman called Sarah Chek and her family were banned from an ice rink in their Florida town during an ice hockey game her 9-year-old son was involved in an altercation instigated by another player a parent in the St reportedly cheered when the child was hurt while others ridiculed the boy Chek and her husband confronted the parents which led to a bigger conflict where she was reportedly threatened with physical violence a few days later as a result of these events Chek and her family were banned from the rank while the other parents involved were not Sarah Chek is well known in her community for producing content on only fans she also appeared on the cover of Playboy and now has a pretty solid gig doing sports commentary during an interview with WFLA Chek and her husband match were asked if it makes them anxious knowing that anyone can subscribe to her only fans and subsequently affect their four kids Matt cheek answered no it doesn't make me anxious because the way that I look at it is it shouldn't impact my four kids why would any adult think that it's okay to treat a child anyway based on the parents the parents job having things happen to our children has been really hard because we turn off work we're parents in that situation and to see them get affected it's probably the most heartbreaking thing anybody can experience the pair also claimed that this isn't even the first time cheek's explicit content has affected their children in the past few years she has been banned from attending her daughter's cheerleading events and her sons were booted from their football Le League one of the pair's sons was even suspended from school I think most of us can agree that punishing a child for the sins of their parents is probably not the way to go but for these parents to act surprised and blindsided when these things inevitably happen in these situations is wild like people going to people I feel like that's pretty well established now I don't have putting people as of yet but I would assume that's a general consensus among decent parents is that if you're doing something that causes your child harm or distress or pain whether it be physical or emotional you stop the same thing would go for any other relationship with a person you love and care about like a spouse or a parent or a close friend but that Dynamic is really exacerbated when you are dealing with a child someone who can't just often cut you out of their lives and over whom you have a degree of control but rather than doing that identify buying that only fans in the creation of explicit content is causing children pain and stopping the cheeks have done what many other content creators in similar situations have also done blamed everyone else and doubled down this is actually an attitude that I came across again and again while looking into this topic and I suppose it brings me to my first point about this issue these people seem to believe that sex work as they call it is as innocuous as any other profession and if it makes them feel good then really no harm done in July 2021 in another Reddit post a mother allegedly likened her only fans content to working in a bank or a grocery store okay you what the post gained media attention because the 13-year-old child who wrote it expressed that his mother's actions and content make him want to self-d delete especially after he became the target of bullies at his school when the child tried discussing ing that with his mom she apparently said that it makes her feel good about herself making the explicit content and that her son should be happy that she's more confident now I feel like this is the same argument that meth heads make except rather than making them feel more confident I guess it just deadens them inside probably just like how this little boy is currently feeling that that got dark the flippancy and the arguable selfishness expressed in this post reminded me a lot of an interview on the other people lives podcast from February 2023 the hosts Joe and Greg interviewed a woman who makes explicit content with her husband and other men this is this is going to be great during the episode Joe and Greg asked the woman about how her chosen profession affects her three children two of her older daughters being 11 and 14 at the time of recording she said that in order to circumvent them finding out about her quote unquote job from other people she opted to tell them herself I will would love to be a fly on the wall while these conversations are going down Mommy why am I being bullied at school I'm sorry Marta it's 2024 and sex work is real work and I put all my areolas on the internet to pay for your piano lessons I'm sorry you did what she added that the problems began when other kids in the town started finding her content and showing her daughters uh mostly like other kids finding my stuff and then showing my daughters and being like your mom a that was really tough and it ended up coming down to is I kind of had to just be like I'm not doing it anymore I kind of had to lie to them in fact I was told by their other set of parents that I needed to lie to them and tell them that I wasn't doing it anymore when the host went on to ask her how she broke this news to her children about her making the the content similarly to the F4 mention Reddit post the woman explained that she likes doing the devil's Tango and that she didn't get to have a hope phase in her early life because she was pregnant very early on what what is this wait wait wait wait a freaking minute so this lady films herself doing the devil's Tango with not only her husband but with other men and then proceeds to put the explicit content on the internet Lady this is that's not a ho face what exactly did you tell them like you were like I I make adult content like yeah what ex oh okay that's pretty much exactly what I told them I was like yeah um so I've always had super bad self-confidence and you guys I know are pretty aware of that I became a mom at a very young age so I never got to explore that part of my life I never got to explore the sexual side I never got to have a ho phase and so this is kind of me as an adult being smart about it and safe like I do make sure everybody that I come encounter with has been tested I get tested regularly and I let them know that and I also reminded them that I am an adult and I am allowed to make these choices being open and free with yourself is a really nice thing and a really beautiful thing and being able to be confident in yourself and feel good about what you're doing and making yourself feel good because let's all be real sex feels good like plenty of other anecdotes that I've seen from content creating parents this mother also admits that her oldest daughter is embarrassed and that's not something that this mother considered happening when she started posting and making explicit content her friends have seen me naked like that is a little embarrassing for a child to go through and that that wasn't something I really considered when I started getting right into it and with not considering that that's my bad believe it or not the I didn't think about how this would affect other people thing is a very common theme Here online personality Adam 22 who makes spicy content with his wife Lena appeared on the podcast raw talk in mid 2023 during the episode when asked about his 2-year-old daughter Adam said the couple didn't consider her when making decisions about their content creation so so I mean cuz that that had to be the biggest thing you guys were like deciding for or against it right for your daughter right I'm assuming that would have been the hardest thing of it or you just no we didn't talk about that so what was the hardest part for you in then saying yes to it the hardest part for me was just like wrapping my head around the idea that my girl was going to spend any amount of time with another guy because even though I said it's not that big a deal to me it's still a deal it's still a thing you know I floated this idea previously but I'm going to float it again parenting licenses now much of this attitude seems to piggyback on the slogans of liberal feminism that sex work is real work and therefore cannot be questioned and any negative consequences that that come with participating in the sex industry are purely the result of unnecessary unwarranted stigma and that if everybody just dropped their puritanical attitudes all would be well and while that's all well and good as far as meaningless online political discourse goes it doesn't exactly translate in the real world a place where you have to accept that you're not always going to be met with the exact conditions that you want so while the sex work is real work crowd can fantasize as much as they like about what life might be like absent of stigma the fact remains it currently exists sorry to be the bearer of bad Tidings although at this point I feel like that's my primary role for all of you now it might be one thing for this negative association to impact a fully grown adult individual who is participating and involved in the industry but it is another matter entirely when that individual's actions start impact hating children who have absolutely no say in the matter a Business Insider article from early 2023 penned by an only fans mother lamented how this very stigma and the Judgment associated with making not safe for work content is the reason she quit the platform but she wishes that she didn't have to she wrote I felt I was already running a risk by having an only fans page as a mother it didn't matter how much it benefited me financially people look down on women who do any kind of adult entertainment work when moms do it the stigma is even worse everyone assumes it will irreparably damage the child somehow I don't know man if Jen Z have taught me anything it's that everything can irreparably damage a child if Jen Z can internalize Trauma from their parents forgetting to get them a birthday cake on their fifth birthday party I am fairly certain that you putting your pink bits on the internet your mom putting her one nipple nope that's not it either your mom getting very comfortable and intimate with some fruit on the internet for $12 a month is definitely going to cause some major trauma despite the potential blowback and negative perception the woman says running and only fans page is the perfect job for a mother I created content at home while my kids were at school I could take time off when I needed it I was available to pick up my children after school instead of forcing them into some daycare program if they were sick I could stay at home with them I even had enough free time to volunteer in their classroom what I find really interesting about this article in its totality is that this mother seems to be quite upset about the stigma associated with what she was doing doesn't seem to actually think that it will cause irreparable damage to children and even makes the argument that it's a great and even perfect job for mothers all while also admitting to the fact that she deleted her account from the platform from only fans because the drawbacks were too many the maths ain't mathin I guess all of this brings me to my second point the individualism that underpins most of modern society the attitude I do what I want when I want consequences be damned future consequences be damned is all well and good when you're a teenager or even a 20s something living Wild and Free but it's a lot harder to justify when putting people are in the picture so as a result and unsurprisingly consideration for those pudding people really doesn't seem to be at the Forefront of this issue in early February of this year 2024 a woman called Michelle kleene got her children expelled from a Christian school in Florida Klein was asked to stop driving her car on school property because it had a decal of her only fans handle on the back window and quite a large one if I do say so myself like lady what did you expect told her she could not drive on school property anymore after that she added a larger decal and now this week the clients's got a letter saying the family's enrollment has been immediately terminated it's definitely not for kids but there's a pay wall that you can't access unless you have ID and a credit card in an interview she said that she had the decal on her car for about 2 years before it became an issue when another parent complained since then she says that she hasn't been on school grounds which just by the way is confusing because in uh another year report that I listened to uh they said that apparently she got a bigger decal and and kept driving on the school ground so I I don't know I don't know what the deal is there when asked about her thoughts on her kids being expelled she indicated that she thinks it's unfair so I want to ask you what was your reaction to the kids kind of being expelled or or or kicked out of the school did you think that that had crossed a line um I do yes because I feel like when they came to me and asked me to not be on property any longer with my my vehicles I immediately obliged I wasn't back on property one more time since then and I did what I was asked but then I felt like um you know like that wasn't enough it's like they had to like take it further and now I feel like it was being di on the kids because they weren't an issue you know their behavior their grades anything like that wasn't a problem it's just simply someone didn't like my car decal so I removed it from the property and yet it still wasn't sufficient now hilariously the latest development in this story is that the parent who complained about the decal her children have also been suspended because caused quote disharmony in the school by making a Tik Tok video about the incident so uh yeah there's uh there's all of that now something that I have touched on with relation to this topic in the past is that people seem to be of the opinion that there weren't actually ever really be any consequences for their actions this is especially common with young women who presently do only fans and make explicit content who are not yet mothers but want to be a parent somewhere down the road in one of my videos titled the age of only fans regret I showed a clip from the whatever podcast where several young women argued that their content wouldn't be a problem for their future children because the market is currently saturated with so many women doing what they're doing meaning their children and their peers will all be in the same boat because all their moms put their their lady Parts on the internet have you raised your kid in La like there are so many sex workers here that I don't think that you know specifically one of ours necess neily is going to be the Talk of the Town when there's like so many plus years now going on between now and then these women also seem to believe that they can have their spicy content meaningfully taken off the internet with takedown requests which like just to reiterate and I know that I already covered this in detail in my only fans regret video that's not a thing again the internet is mostly forever especially when it comes to seeing your butthole why wouldn't you delete your only fans if you I've already spoken about this I was big enough to where my going to be out there from you get taken down very easily you can't yes you can 100% you can you can't yes you can I was just curious why I can't I was just curious okay listen you guys you guys have been doing this for 6 months to I also have lawyers that literally tell like you just pay for it and it gets there's dcma takedowns so I actually a couple times a week will go out on the internet to search my name and see if there's any of my content out there and I use legal action and dcma takedown to take that content down so some of it doesn't always get taken down based on the country that it's in because they don't obviously fall under those legal actions unsurprisingly like I have already said in this video several times the things being expressed here are not uncommon and this has been articulated again and again and again in one clip from June 2023 host Piers Morgan asks an only fans Creator c el Brooks how she thinks her future children will react and feel feel when they see her explicit content she responds they can cry in a Ferrari whoever owns Piers Morgan's content and his show I actually don't know the company I didn't look it up sorry about that they are notorious for copyright claiming and whatnot so I am going to try to include the clip I don't know if it's going to stick but we're going to see how it goes how would you feel when you want to have kids yourself well I mean that's I don't really want kids right now but at Le you will how old are you 25 right so you will do at some stage probably right when you do you're going to be proud that you have your little ones and they look at you and go didn't you want to be a lawyer mommy what happened and you go yeah look at all my stuff they can cry in a Ferrari this is the face that we all make internally this this is the way just just weeping I find it very interesting that there appears to be this belief that the monetary and financial benefits of this type of work will inevitably pacify the negative experiences of children present or future this again is something that I've seen over and over with relation to this issue I feel like what I'm doing allows my daughter to have a better life like I'm able to we're going to be able to like put her through private school because I have the life that I have now like I wouldn't have been able to give her that without that and you don't you're not old enough or mature enough to grasp the benefits that have actually happened from this you're only seeing one side of it and I think after I had that conversation she seemed to understand it a lot more it's not that serious I don't know people get bullied for all sorts of things so I think I would set my kid up with a life where they would be one safe two financially stable and three have a good relationship with me so if anything were to take place I would be able to take care of it now of course I would be remiss if I didn't add that there are children who seem to be mostly adult who don't care about their parents spicy content I also saw articles and Other Stories while looking into this topic where daughters make cont content with their mothers or Sons take photos of their mothers others indicate that the children are overall fine with all of this and even support it although I would argue that children are not the most Forward Thinking humans so to sign them up to a lifetime of implications that they probably don't fully understand the scope of yet seems a little selfish this is also sort of an aside to this issue but I do think that it's worth adding that parents Model Behavior for their children so a mother or even father making spice content models that this is a viable career path particularly for their daughters in my view it sets them up for a life of exploitation especially if they choose to pursue this path when they are freshly 18 like fresh out of the womb their little Noggin are are not developed yet that's yeah that's how I feel about 18-year-olds I also also want to add that I assume that this is going to make custody agreements and disputes a lot more challenging going forward but that's definitely a conversation for another day I think the fact of the matter here is that only fans as a platform is probably not going anywhere anytime soon and actually I think you can extend that to any kind of adult content creation and these adult Industries generally there is an Ever growing market for this and that means that there will be people to meet that demand but as far as children go it's sometimes very hard for me to wrap my head around why mothers especially would participate on a platform that more than likely won't give them the Financial Freedom that they so desire given that the vast majority of creators on only fans only make somewhere between $150 to $180 a month this is something else that I explored in detail in my only fans regret video so I won't rehash it here and if you're interested go and watch that video cuz uh we talk about all of this ultimately I think that we can all agree that first and foremost a parents responsibility is to make sure that their child is safe and well cared for so with that said I think it's very hard to make the argument that knowingly exposing pudding people to an industry that is known to be destructive and gross and harmful meets that criteria especially when many if not most only fans creators are very public about information that would ordinarily be private like their actual name and their face and other information that they use to promote their spice content while I understand that some people would much rather live in this magical fantasy land where there is absolutely no Stigma attached to doing the horizontal monster mesh on camera that is not the reality in which we currently live and that likely isn't going to change so especially where putting people are involved I think it's considerably more important at least in my opinion to accept the reality in which we all exist the parameters that exist and work with within those confines rather than wish for a world that's completely different and put your child In Harm's Way I think it's worth remembering that only fans only really Rose to prominence in 2020 during the pandemic which wasn't all that long ago so with this platform being very new it's very concerning and telling that we already have so many examples of children suffering the consequences of their parents participation on the platform and in the end and unfortunately I think all this indicates is that things are almost certainly going to get worse now on that very happy and pleasant note and before I open the floor to all of you this is just a reminder to check out lion Che exchange my little brand using the link in the description we have a bunch of flavors that you can try you can get yourself a sample pack if you so desire and it helps the channel it supports me it supports all the things that we do and it means a lot that you guys give my weird little Endeavors a try so go check it out you won't regret it and and yeah now open the floor to all of you what do you all think is this issue actually a big deal to you do you think it doesn't really matter all that much this is not that important do you think that parents owe their children a sense of responsibility and respect when it comes to how they conduct themselves not only in their profession but also on the internet and if those two meet where's the line on how that parent should actually behave do you think that it's not really that big of a deal all kids get bullied this is just par of the course do you think that parents have a responsibility to stop doing what they're doing to protect their children in this sense and what you generally make of this issue overall as always if you made it this far in the video congratulations I always like having you along for the full ride and this ride was very long indeed if you are not subscribed already and you would like to see more of me and more of this kind of content feel free to subscribe to the channel and also leave me a like and a comment I do read the majority of your comments and I really like hearing your feedback it's always good to get an alternative perspective then my own on that note stay safe and well and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Sydney Watson
Views: 498,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EmGq0ZA1eVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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