The spectacular failure of fat acceptance

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I regret to inform you this this is where we're at hi my name is Sydney welcome back to hell and of course as per usual before we launch in this video is sponsored by me and my little tea company L Tea Exchange this would make a great gift for Father's Day because dados deserve the best so I have put on the website a Father's Day bundle that you can definitely go and check out and if you are not interested in buying your dad a gift totally understandable maybe consider treating yourself given that our flavors are absolutely bum we have our giant tea bags and real actual tea leaves which are very delicious I will link everything in the description box and you can go and check it out so I originally started working on this video a little while ago when Victoria Secret was collapsing in on itself and the brand announced it was returning to sexiness and ditching its feminist makeover apparently feminist makeover means ugly and fat but since then several things have happened that have crystallized for me that the fat acceptance and body positivity movements are in free fall shocking I know who would have thought that movements dedicated to obesity would fail not me who would have thought not me the acceptance and normalization of obesity has been accelerating for some time and with the emergence of Tik Tok fat activism has been allowed to take off and flourish convincing thousands of people that being fat is not only completely fine but healthy we need to be actively deconstructing the idea that weight loss and getting smaller is what health is is what feeling good is we need to stop well it sure as hell isn't giving yourself diabetes and then crying about thin privilege I just realized from that last shot I should probably acknowledge it is once again that time of year where my arms and face are a different color because I don't mind getting a tan here but I don't want this to go in the sun because of the lines judge me all you want I don't want to look like a saggy bag of cheese but the problem is this assertion about health and obesity is a lie finally after years of obesity being glorified at worst and promoted at best it seems that there has been a very obvious and significant shift in the way that people feel about this issue when fat influencers aren't dying they're actively turning on these movements Brands and companies have started to completely move away from Buddy positive messaging and there seems to be this General impatience accommodating obesity at every turn not to mention the weight loss drug OIC has been on everyone's Minds whether it be speculating about the latest celebrity who has dropped a few pounds on it or using the drug as the butt of jokes like on the recent special episode of South Park cold the end of obesity did very aply named but the remaining fat activists are not taking any of this lightly pun absolutely intended I'm not sorry I saw recently a research paper where a fat scholar wondered if OIC could be considered a form of eugenics against fat people The Daily Beast even wrote an article asking if OIC was making fat phobia worse saying that the manufacturers of the drug are turning a staggering profit by exploiting our fear about fatness bold assertion there although I think it has less to do with fear and more to do with wanting to be able to climb a flight of stairs not to mention all of the fat influencers who are attacking other fat influencers because they chose to lose weight and get in shape and get healthy and that is somehow a slight against them I've had to unfollow so many people this week cuz everyone is like I'm taking a new medication for weight loss I'm doing this new thing for a weight loss I'm doing for weight loss I'm sick of it you can be fat and healthy the same way you can be thin and unhealthy so don't hide behind this facade that your weight loss is all for [ __ ] health benefits cuz we know that's not true we know you're losing weight so you can look better whatever the that means maybe you're just ugly just a thought just a thought but I'm so sick of it I'm so sick of especially you fat [ __ ] currently who have built your platforms on being fat and gained hundreds of thousands even millions of followers because you've been this body positive Queen for people and now what you've got the fame you've got the followers so you're done you've got what you wanted so now you're going to go turn your back on all these people who have supported you well I guess someone has to because their knees certainly can't anymore so that's what we're going to talk about today why the fat acceptance and body positivity movements have failed so spectacularly spectacularly spec spectacular I think I did this last time because to be totally Frank it's actually quite alarming how few people aren't really all that concerned with taking care of themselves and admittedly a lot of people are very comfortable doing things that will inevitably hurt them in the long run rather than turning to something like magic mind which is designed to optimize your focus without pumping you full of big pharmac chemicals it's sometimes nice to give your brain a little boost with magic mind magic mind is this nece little performance shot that enhances mood motivation and focus while reducing Stress and Anxiety it is safe uses highquality thirdparty tested ingredients and it's been in development for over 10 years in an effort to perfect the formula it's uh it's pretty good I'm a fan magic mind also has over 100% of your daily vitamin C and D per bottle now I usually have to work in burst because I get easily distracted that this is day one of the concentration juice so when I started giving magic mind a go last month I was skeptical it's tasty but it's been a few days now of drinking this and I definitely feel like I am way more focused I also noticed I don't get that 3 P.M brain slump which makes me feel like I need to have a nap magic mine also isn't high in caffeine so I've noticed that drinking it in the afternoon doesn't mess with my sleep which is very important to me the cool thing about magic mind is it isn't designed to replace your coffee or be a magic fix it's a drink designed to help support your body's energy engine ATP day after day magic mind is so confident in their product they also offer a full refund for 100 days after purchasing so if you too want to be focused motivated but not stressed then head over to Magic cidney Watson or click the link in the description and of course don't forget to use code Sydney Watson 20 which gets you up to 56% off your first subscription for the next 10 days not too long ago I came across an article titled thinness is creeping back in but my fat Liberation isn't just a trend in it the writer explains how good she felt leaning into the fat acceptance and body positivity movements after years of counting calories and obsessing about being thin however she said that she's now noticing that people are sliding back towards valuing thinness and what she calls heroin Chic the writer goes on if it's starting to become increasingly apparent how many people and Brands were simply using body positivity and curve washing as zeitgeisty marketing PLO if it's any indication of what's to come many influencers who previously used body positivity to build a career and land brand deals are coming right out and telling us how they really feel and how they feel is that fat acceptance is bad and being able to fit into plain seats is good that gives me a little bit of PTSD there I'm not going to lie never again but apparently all of this is off-putting and wrong to our fat activist friends but what this Daily Beast writer is saying is not actually isolated over the last little while I have noticed a massive uptick in people getting very upset at former fat influencers getting healthy and losing weight I'm going to take the heat since no one else will and I'll talk about this the fact that there are influencers who built gigantic followings based on their conversations around body positiv healing your relationship with food and with exercise who have now done a complete 180 and are now talking about weight loss medications weight loss surgeries and just like being on a weight loss journey in general literally just making coffee or eating their [ __ ] breakfast talking about the [ __ ] is insane that should literally be illegal the fact that there is one particular influencer who built over 300,000 followers talking about her Edie recovery journey and is now every single day talking about the fact that she's intentionally losing weight to those same exact followers you have to be out of your godam I like the I'm I I my brain cannot I can't wrap my head around like I've had to unfollow so many of my mutuals because this behavior is just so despicable I've also noticed an uptick In Articles and videos angry about the emergence of quote unquote thinness again after believing the desire to be small thin and athletic was seemingly defeated by the f acceptance and body positivity movements so I don't know if y'all have been paying attention to the signs but like we are re-entering a thin is in Era and it's [ __ ] with me real real real real real real real real real bad now I would like to make note of the fact that fat activism and fat acceptance have always been this bizarre corrosive arm of the bud positive movement over the years it's been marked as a group of people United against diet culture and weight loss with the movement even going so far as to shame people for losing weight and drawing lines in the sand on who is really considered fat and who was allowed to participate in their Ideology Now That Body positivity has been co-opted by all bodies and people are finally celebrating medium and small girls and people who occasionally get roles fat people are still getting the short end of this movement no one cares anymore because it's like body positivity is for everybody okay this is the fat in the Spectrum a small fat is a size 18 and lower 1X or 2x I'm a 4X 5x I'm a size 26 sometimes 28 I am the super fat you say I'm speaking over now I know I may be the bad guy for saying this but it will never not be funny to me that there is a fatness spectrum that doubles up as a victim hierarchy especially given that How fat you are directly relates to how many opinions you're allowed to express we have more than earned the Earth opening up and swallowing us all somewhere along the road this ideology actually took root socially making its way into dominant culture Major Brands started using obese models in their marketing obese women on the front of magazines and walking runways for major fashion houses women like lizo and Tess holiday popped up as notable celebrities and role models in the fat acceptance movement and all around it seemed that the ideology was making serious Headway I discussed at length in a previous video the origins of the body positivity movement but to recap for those of you who are not familiar as it stands there are three primary ideas that often get lumped together and are often discussed interchangeably Health at every size body positivity and fat acceptance the 2024 version of all of these is mostly just fat people screaming about discrimination and being very angry angry with doctors Health at every size was the first movement to really gain momentum in the 70s and ' 80s during this time a strong emphasis was placed on being thin rather than being athletic or healthy this time period gave us radical restrictive diets like the cabbage soup diet and women most notably were often prescribed drugs to you know curb their appetites and and whatnot I'm pretty sure this is where meth came from keeping the housewives skinny after the death of singer Carol Carpenter who suffered a card arrest and passed away at 32 in 1983 after suffering from anorexia for a number of years extreme diet culture and thinness was catapulted into public Consciousness but it really wasn't enough to change anything as we saw things get probably a lot worse in the '90s and early 2000s where as I've mentioned before in other videos women like Jessica Simpson were considered fat at only a size four but here with the rise of the internet and after Decades of these body standards being front and centa health at every size found a home on the now mostly defunct website Tumblr yes everything bad begins with Tumblr and from there it grew and mutated first into body positivity which started as an ideology that encouraged people to feel comfortable in their own skin regardless of their flaws and then into fat acceptance the new idea that looked down on dieting weight loss and fully rejected the idea of being thin and athletic in favor of accepting your weight no matter how big you get and this is why I see no reason why we shouldn't bring back lobotomies now because fat acceptance is very closely tied to activism and because our populations are just getting fatter and fet this of course started to catch on outside of this online subgroup soon it was being adopted as a marketing Ploy by plenty of Brands who saw an opportunity to reach a brand new highly motivated demographic clothing brands started carrying larger and larger sizes Major Brands like Victoria's Secret did away with its angels in favor of a more eclectic group of people and anything less than this anything that was considered conventionally beautiful or athletic or thin was almost vilified gave us some really really weird marketing let me tell you that much like what is this and and why anyway this is more or less where we have been for the past little while seeing obesity normalized everywhere social media and Tik Tok especially being full of fat individuals deeming absolutely everything fat phobic and the rest of us growing more and more exhausted and impatient As Time wears on and the net effect of all of this that I'm sure some of you have even noticed already is that Although our populations are getting fatter and fatter there has been a massive shift away from these movements why Brands and companies would choose to abandon ship is fairly self-evident they finally coton on to the fact that the online screaming and activism and seal clapping for these initiatives doesn't actually translate into tangible sales the activists that love to talk big game online don't actually put their money where their mouth is and frankly neither do the rest of us I like my products without a side of lecturing thank you you hear that Nike you're not my mom not to mention the fact that fat activists truly believed that corporations weren't just out here trying to make a buck and piggybacking off of Trends and that they actually believed in the tenants of fat acceptance and were promoting these radical ideologies is wild ah I would love to live in that level of delusion but I hate to break it to you Sandra Calvin Klein does not care about your war against the thins it's also worth remembering that the Dylan mulany Bud Light Saga was a bit of a wakeup call for Brands and companies all over the place well this situ ation obviously has nothing to do with fat acceptance it was a signal that the flagrant disregard for the opinions of the average person were simply not going to carry Brands forward financially and socially anymore so the companies we get that makes sense but what about these fat influencers and former fat activists what brought about their change of heart well simply put from what I can gauge being fat longterm and just being fat at all is quite challenging I don't mean the eating side of things I I mean just doing basic tasks it seems that as time has worn on these influencers have realized that the messaging of the body positivity and fat acceptance movements was overall misleading keeping them in an absolutely miserable Loop of pain and unhappiness back in early 2023 an internet personality called Gabriela lascano I I hope I said that correctly made a Tik Tok explaining why she'd moved away from the fat acceptance movement and why women should put being fat above their health I don't care how trendy or cute or fun it seems to be fat don't let that at your head don't let the idea that oh I could catch a dick no matter how big I am cause you to forget about your health and to keep gaining weight I actually feel kind of guilty for being a part of this movement and I know it's not my fault or my responsibility to keep other people's Health but being a Pioneer in this game like I literally was one of the first influencers to work with fashion NOA before they even had a plus-sized line she ends the video telling women that it isn't fat phobic to take care of their health and none of this is a joke health is real organs failing is real diabetes heart disease all that is real okay it's not fat phobic to care about your health and if nobody else wants to say it let me tell you the truth love yourself at any size wear the clothes you want to wear but don't forget that your heart has to beat babes don't forget that your blood sugar has to keep a balance babe no amount of Instagram pictures looking cute and being an influencer wearing a size whatever you are is going to stop your heart from not beating if you eating bacon every day and this is coming from someone who's learning those those those those lessons now myself as expected a bunch of people got very upset with her and accused her of abandoning the movement and being a horrible demon devil she witch I made that last one up but you get the point needless to say a lot of angry Tik toks were made but the vital lascano experienced isn't unique and honestly it's a really really sad component of these movements anytime you try to do anything to better yourself you are screeched at and accused of perpetuating fat phobia because at this stage anything to do with health and fitness and slimming down is considered fat phobic this is I hate it here earlier in 2024 another Fat influencer called Rosie beam posted an Instagram story where she explained full transparency I have zero remorse or shame for being public about my weight loss 2 years ago I couldn't wipe my own ass well that was certainly not an image I needed similarly to Las gano's treatment a bunch of fat activists kicked off online accusing her of ableism and even racism but for some reason one obviously not remotely unhinged individual even wrote an entire blg post attacking beam while also simultaneously saying that she too is too large to wipe her own butt but explains why that's okay I don't even know what to say about this I need a drink but this is a major theme that is unfolding currently in the fat acceptance movement with plenty of people now turning their backs on this ideology on this culty group of people saying that being fat or listening to the tenants of this movement is just keeping them perpetually in a horrible horrible Place 43 years do you know the years I've wasted on that to realize it's about the health to me 43 years to realize that until January 16th 2022 I said that's it I have to make a change and I've been making that change and I have no regrets no regrets I'm loving the choices I've been making because I'm down 70 lbs and the problem is we have people who like to cleus and not keep it 100% real because yes just because I'm overweight doesn't mean I'm ugly but it's a serious health issue and when you're in your 20s yeah you don't feel it early 30s you can still get away with it but once you hit those late 30s early 40s that's when everything starts to really come into effect your knees your feet your everything everything just hurts like everything just bothers you so seriously if you are gaining weight just to be on this fat girl Trend stop it stop it cuz it's not going to work out for you in the end you have to focus on your health the body positivity movement kept me fat body positivity also means enjoying the body you have and not beating yourself up over changes that happen naturally du to aging and pregnancy absolutely but lifestyle choices absolutely not dude are you kidding me if your lifestyle choices are actively harming your body there's nothing positive about that when I was almost 200 lb and I was prehypertensive and pre-diabetic at 19 years old and and when people were telling me just love yourself Embrace body positivity like there was nothing positive about anything that I was doing self- love should be about loving yourself and taking the best care of yourself so when I was 19 and I was obese and I was already having health issues the best thing I ever did was look at myself in the mirror and tell myself holy if you do not make changes you are going to go down a road that you are not going to be able to turn back from the New York Times even ran a piece in February 2024 about this exact topic the story covered several former fat influencers who lost weight and then had to navigate this new world and the response from their audiences the tragedy of it all at least in my opinion is the push back these women are getting from their former audiences and other fat activists who feel as though they've been abandoned and and mistreated here somehow this has always been a feature of this group of people anytime one of their Idol starts working out or working to better themselves people go absolutely nuts and I think for a lot of us it's hard to understand why you wouldn't want your favorite e person to better themselves however an article I read about this issue took a run at explaining this reaction writing people don't look at body positive influences for change but for validation if they wanted change they'd follow someone who's already declared they're embarking on a quote unquote fitness journey and that does more or less seem to be at the heart of the issue and speaking of Hearts I think you guys know where this is going there's one one final very important part of the failure of these movements that I wanted to touch on and it is the passing of fat activists and fat acceptance people around the end of 2023 several outlets published articles about several notable fat acceptance people passing away before the age of 45 cat po a professor of fat studies okay a Tik talker called waffler 69 a reality star called Jamie Lopez and another Tik tocker called Britney sour it's worth noting that waffler whose name is actually Taylor Le June wasn't expressly part of the fat acceptance movement it seems he along with other food creators got fat by virtue of doing this job which just is a whole thing on its own but the other three women were at one time or another very proud of their bodies and their fastness K po was staunchly Pro obesity until the end she even made a point of suggesting that obesity wasn't unhealthy Britney s originally made Tik Tok videos suggesting she too was very happy being overweight just because I'm fat that doesn't invalidate the things that I say but tragically before she passed away she realized that promoting obesity was wrong in one of her last Tik Tok videos ever she warned other people not to make the same mistake I ruined my life with food um Bing eating and lack of self-care um and I'm hoping that it's not too late for me this time I'm out of breath constantly um you know and I wish I knew the cost of eating I wish I knew the cost of the the Comfort at the time that I was seeking um and I just want this to be a warning to other people this was more or less the same story for Jamie Lopez a woman who starred on the show superai Salon she seemed initially very proud of her appearance and weight her Salon was also dedicated to helping other overweight and obese women providing them an experience that they couldn't get elsewhere due to their size however she soon began updating her audience about her weight loss journey and said that she lost 400 lb for those of you metric babies out there I have no idea what that is in kilos how much is 400 lb in kilos 181 that's literally like I'm so bad at mats four of me that is genuinely a wild achievement wow personally I think it's really tragic that the last two women were really making an effort to get their lives on track and trying to make healthy and positive changes so that they could live longer and ended up passing away anyway and meanwhile the same culty group of people who promoted the ideas that led to their death in the first place will continue to promote them going forward the bottom line is that while fat acceptance is definitely falling out of favor and more and more people are waking up to its lies it is still operating as an ideology as a group of people and it is still pushing ideas that are leading people down a terrible path like I mentioned earlier the way in which fat acceptance came into being was largely a response to earlier movements that prioritized extreme thinness often at the expense of women's Health but just as that social era fell so too was the glorification of morbid obesity destined to fall and not to be cliche of course but the pendulum always swings back and I think fat activists had a somewhat shorter shelf life than their predecessors in part because they were so obnoxious but also because people do in fact want to feel good I know crazy right and even if you are gifted with the most body confidence in the world you are not going to feel good when you are severely overweight to the point that you can barely function that is ultimately why more and more fat influencers are reporting that they want to lose weight not because they hate themselves but because they didn't feel good in the bodies they were promoting as acceptable now for me the interesting part hasn't been the full of this movement because that was really just inevitability social movements and Trends come and go all the time after all the interesting part has been the reaction of those in involved in this movement at its decline it's been very very bizarre to witness cult-like is really the only word that I have for it it's like a bunch of people are trapped in a burning room and they're yelling at the ones going for the exit in the end I am genuinely really glad to see more and more people taking control of their lives and seeing no defat activism and no defat acceptance because nothing good can come of these ideologies and maybe with enough time we can stamp this stupidity out entirely now with that being said and before I open the floor to all of you this is just a reminder check out magic mind using the link in the description and don't forget to use my code Sydney watson2 for up to 56% off your first subscription now open the floor to all of you what do you all think are you on my side of this issue where you believe that fat acceptance is generally just a terrible ideology or do you think that there is some good in it and maybe it is just trying to make people feel comfortable in their own skin skin what do you make of the body positivity movement do you think that we've moved really far away from its original goals and thoughts or do you think that it's kind of in line with what people are feeling and thinking about themselves today what do you think of the brands and corporations moving away from this kind of messaging was it kind of to be expected was it unexpected what do you think of the fat activists who are attacking their own who are trying to get in shape is it good is it bad are they terrible people are the people Los weight terrible people and what do you generally make of this issue overall as always if you have made it this far in the video congratulations I always like having you along for the full ride if you are new here and you are not subscribed already and you would like to see more of me and more of this kind of content feel free to subscribe to the channel as well as leaving this video a like and a comment because I do read the majority of your comments and I really like reading your feedback don't forget to leave me a video suggestion if you have one I do have a running list of your ideas and my ideas but in the intrum stay safe and well magical people and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Sydney Watson
Views: 559,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y75gWKkITvw
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Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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