WOF Convention 2020|Dr. Michael Freeman|9/17/2020

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thanks be to god who has given us the victory through our lord jesus christ i know i got somebody out there that has the victory we're gonna lift up our hands lift up [Music] to the word of faith convention 2020 [Music] he's been good he's been great hallelujah we bless your name jesus we thank you oh god we left you up lord you're worthy of praise hallelujah we're just gonna ready to praise him tonight glory to god we serve a good god hallelujah the worst of the song will be on the screen come on put your hands together [Music] you are the healer of the brokenhearted when we're torn apart you are the light that brightens up the darkness we see clearly who you are you're not afraid of all the fears [Music] hallelujah i know come on [Music] [Music] hey you say every day oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you always knew [Music] [Music] you always you'll always be [Music] be [Music] oh [Music] oh hallelujah hallelujah oh we serve a good god we serve an amazing god we serve a faithful god hallelujah hallelujah he's so good he's so good he's so good has he been good to you has he been good to you has he been good to you has he been good to you hallelujah thank you jesus lord you are good you've been so good lord you are good [Music] if i try cause i've been so good you've been so yes i can't even if i try [Music] me oh [Music] oh [Applause] oh so i'll let you think about that so many doors oh so many doors i can't sing this song without thinking about how good god has been to me and i know he's been good to you all the doors that he's over for me all the way so he's made for me when it looked like it was absolutely no way how he has kept me how he has sustained me how he has healed me how he has freed me how he has delivered me how he's given me to oh [Music] [Music] [Music] had no idea to me [Music] thank you god [Music] cause you've been so good cause you've been so good so you've been so good [Music] [Music] you've been so good [Music] [Music] [Music] say [Music] me [Music] we worship you lord oh we love you jesus we love you jesus we love you jesus oh come on and think about the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for you oh come on and think about it how he saved you how he healed you how he preached you how he delivered you come on how he made a way when it looked like it was the way come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] good god [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah let's just thank him for the doors that he's opened let's thank you for the ways that he's made let's thank him for being so good to us lord we thank you we honor you lord you're a good god you're a kind god we hold those doors open in the name of jesus we call them open in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i don't know about you but i can think of some doors that got opened some doors in my finances some doors in my house some doors in my family so many doors hallelujah all right praise the lord god is good in me i'm gonna say it again god is good in me yes he is all the time welcome to our 2020 convention yes we are so excited that all of you are here a special welcome to all of those that are viewing us online for whatever state whatever city whatever country welcome to word of faith we are so glad that you came to meet us here this evening for a great service we have the apostle freeman tonight yes and we are expecting a great word we know that you're gonna get it no matter where you are to those of you who are in here thank you so much wave at me if this is your first session for the conference wave at me if this is welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to you all thank you so much for being here now before i want you to sit down i need you to find again five people make some eye contact give them a high five or air hug something to let them know that you love them and you're glad to see them this evening come on find five people give them an air hug air high five wave at somebody let him know you're glad to see him this evening i don't know about y'all but being able to say it's glad to see you has taken on a whole nother meaning i want to know it is glad to see you i am glad to see you this evening amen you may be seated thank you so much for coming again we're going to have an awesome night in the spirit the holy spirit is indeed here and we welcome him i want to make sure for all of you that are here in the building and online we want to know that you are here please take the time to register if you got one of those slips just take the time it's real quick to fill it out we want to know who's here who's joined us for those of you who are online go to convention.org you can let us know you're here just by going to that website i do have just a couple of announcements before we run the main announcements the first being tomorrow morning i don't know if you guys weren't here this morning but dr avery pastor tracy they did an excellent job this morning yes they did and then bishop came back at 2 30 and just gave us a word about renewing our strength like the eagles if you miss any of those messages you gotta get them okay now for tomorrow during our morning sessions the east and the west lobbies are gonna be closed so your main entrance is through the north lobbies in addition to that we will not have the 2 30 p.m session tomorrow afternoon but make sure you get the series make sure you get the cds and meditate on those messages now please draw your attention to the overhead screens welcome to the word of faith convention 2020. let's take a look at what's going on here at word of faith would you like to touch the world with the saving message of jesus christ well you can without even leaving your home by becoming a partner with keith butler ministries you'll assist bishop butler in doing the work of the ministry on the foreign missions field time is short and we must do our part to reach the world with the gospel sign up today by completing the kbm form on the back of the convention registration card we need you looking to purchase a message during the word of faith convention all bookstore products are available on the e-store and in the bookstore area located in the back of the sanctuary which will be open before and after each service remember we are practicing social distancing so be sure to wear your ppe see you soon do you need ministerial training and have been looking for a ministry school that fits your work schedule then the pistes school of ministry is the right school for you the same great program that we offer in the classroom is available to you online you can pick your own hours of study and begin fulfilling god's call on your life today the cost is one hundred twenty dollars per course register online at pistes.cc or email us at info pistus dot cc attention all piston school of ministry alumni don't forget to stop by the alumni table in the back of the sanctuary to pick up your alumni association mementos as your gift for paying your annual dues of 30 only exact cash checks or money orders will be accepted the alumni table is open one hour before and after each session save the date you're invited to join bishop keith and pastor deborah butler and word of faith international christian center for an unforgettable life-changing journey to israel in the footsteps of jesus november 1st through the 11th 2021 walk with us as the bible comes alive before your very eyes for more information please pick up a brochure in the lobbies or email us at holy land at woficc.com if you have lost an item be sure to check in our lost and found located by the kids world bus it's open one hour before and after services we'll have a friday night fire movie night for all youth in grades 6 through 12 on friday september 18th starting at 7 pm all youth must be dropped off and picked up at the hagen gym snacks and beverages will be provided make sure you get there early so you can get a good seat [Music] thanks for watching for more word of faith news stay connected with us on facebook instagram twitter the word of faith app and adwordtofaith.cc here's this month's missions update from kbm hi i'm pastor george rigos i'm the kbm european director and pastor of our church here in athens greece called kendricks i'm here with ahmad who is overseeing our farsi service so here in athens we have a church that we meet sundays wednesdays we also have our school over here our school of ministry and um emma is a graduate of the school of ministry and we have our european headquarters in this building that we have out here in athens also we have a far siege service that takes place every sunday afternoon and iman is leading it uh farsi is the language that is spoken in iran right and where else [Music] we have some uh refugees here and they come to the church and they attended to the church uh from afghanistan you know also because in afghanistan these before sales okay yeah so farsi is the language that is spoken in uh iran it's also in afghanistan surrounding areas now this church is made up of refugees these men and these women have left their countries a lot of them had to flee and they've come here seeking refuge in europe and greece is the first place that they've been able to come to some of these people have come over land some have come on those boats you've seen the videos and everything around you know the world that you've seen them coming across in these little dinghies and all of that and they've just for life and for their safety and security they went through these waters and came across and just this last week we had a baptism service for some of these new believers praise god all of them have come from a muslim background right yes they found jesus here and as you can see from some of these pictures that you will see on screen these very waters that they came across and had to flee for freedom they went back into these waters to be baptized and declared their faith in jesus christ so we just want to say thank you thank you to all of you who have partnered with kbm and are continuing to pray for us we need your prayers i'll continue to sow the seed and support this work that is taking place here in greece and throughout europe you are making a difference you are part of us touching lives teaching a word and doing the work so we just like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts god bless you [Music] well praise the lord was not a blessing praise god let's give it up for our bishop [Music] hallelujah come on we can do better than that y'all he and pastor deborah had a vision in their hearts to do exactly what you just saw praise god if you would open up your bibles to the book of exodus chapter 35 exodus the 35th chapter we're going to start reading at verse 4 if you would put up verse 4 please it says and moses spake until all the congregation of the children of israel saying this is the thing which the lord commanded saying take ye from among you and offering unto the lord whosoever is of a willing heart somebody say willing heart let him bring it an offering of the lord gold and silver and brass purple and blue and purple and scarlet excuse me fine linen and goat's hair ram skin dyed red and badger skin and and wood oil for the light spices for anointing oil and for the sweet incense and ionic stones and stones to be set for the effort and for the breastplate and every wise-hearted among you shall come and make all that the lord have commanded as you saw there were differing gifts that were actually brought to the lord everybody did not bring exactly the same gift there were differing gifts whatever they could give now if you would drop down to verse 20 because the lord told moses to tell the people this to bring an offering verse 20 says in all the congregation of the children of israel they departed from the presence of moses and they came everyone whose heart stirred him up and everyone whom his spirit made willing and they brought the lord's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation for all his service and for the holy garments and they came both men and women as many as were willing hearted and brought bracelets and earrings and rings and tablets all jewels of gold and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the lord now drop down to verse 29 it says the children of israel brought a willing offering unto the lord every man and woman whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work which the lord had commanded to be made by the hand of moses now let's go to chapter 36 chapter 36 so moses has given the command that the lord gave the people are now preparing and they're going to bring it as they were directed by the man of god who heard from god now in chapter 36 and verse 3 it says and they received of moses all the offering which the children of israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary to make it with all and they brought yet unto him free will offerings how often i'm sorry i didn't hear that and all the wise men that wrought all the work of the sanctuary came every man from his work which they made and they spake unto moses saying the people bring much more than enough for the service of the work which the lord commanded to make and moses gave commandment they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp saying let neither man or woman make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary so the people were restrained from bringing glory to god for the stuff that they had was sufficient for all the work to make it and too much somebody say too much now one of the things that the lord has placed in my heart for years now is that many of us in fact all of us praise god have been blessed by this ministry how many have been blessed by this ministry how many will venture to say praise god that where you are spiritually in your lives is the direct result of what's been poured into you here now i pastored three churches in mississippi but i came from this church and i have felt for years every time the convention time rolls around i've always believed that bishops should never have to wonder and should never have to be concerned about meeting this budget and the reason he shouldn't is because his sons and daughters and those of us who he has poured into all of these years should be willing to come every single year with an offering to the degree where the bishop has to tell us don't bring no more [Music] hallelujah hallelujah so i don't know about you but i got my seed and as a result of my seed the lord is blessing everything that i put my hand on why because this is good ground somebody say good ground and every time you put seed into this ground it's going to produce a good harvest somebody said good harvest so i got good news for you it's offering time come on let's shout like you mean it come on shout like you're really excited about it we just read the bible says every man whose heart stirred him up are you stirred praise the lord of course the because we're in the covet situation we do offerings a little bit different here now and so i know some of you praise god are still using offering envelopes and of course we're not passing any offering envelopes from the ushers so if you have them go ahead and fill them out now praise god and of course we'll instruct you as well as the ushers what to do in just a minute now for those who are uh visiting with us online and even those who are in the sanctuary there are two uh other areas and two other ways that we can actually sow our seed if you look at the overhead screen praise god you see we offer text giving that number is 248-200-5490 so you can text your gift to that number praise god or if you're going to sow online of course you sow to word of faith dot cc forward slash giving praise the lord hallelujah i don't know about y'all but my heart is stirred up stirred i'm stirred up to give praise god praise god praise god because we can't be god-given no matter how hard we try amen but we ought to be trying glory to god glory to god we're never we're never rushing you during this time praise god bishop hasn't instructed me not don't rush to offer praise the lord how many of you believe that this budget is met i don't only believe it i receive it amen praise god all right i trust you've done everything you want to do praise god if you're sewing online or you're sowing by text would you stand on your feet with me praise god we have a confession of faith that we offer here praise god we have a tither's confession and we're going to confess this out loud so if you have an offering envelope if you would lift it up if you so by your smart device if you would lift that up now in jesus name and repeat this after me and don't just say words meaning from your heart in the name of jesus say this allah says because we are tithers the windows of heaven are open the blessing is pouring out glory to god because we are sowers we are furnished in abundance for every good work hallelujah say we receive our jobs perfect assignments raises and bonuses contracts benefits sales and commissions glory to god say settlements estates inheritances interest and income rebates and returns checks in the mail supernatural wealth transfer scholarships tuitions paid in full bills paid off debts demolished we receive royalties and properties acquired [Music] we are getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles our equipment and our airplanes god is bringing into our hands seed we command our abundant harvest to come abundant harvest come to me now harvest angels go get it bring it to us right now right now right now in jesus name now somebody shout to god with the voice of triumph hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord we receive our abundant harvest amen amen right now we're going to go ahead and collect our offering by way of coming up to the front so if i can have everyone in the center aisle if you can go to your right you're going to go down this aisle right here and those of you who are on the ends please go to your right this section right here you all who are over here please go to your left and come down this aisle and then from there you can follow the direction of the ushers and hostesses thank you so much give and you'll receive good measure press down shake and [Music] receiver oh above and beyond us [Music] yes [Music] and we expect [Music] oh to receive [Music] praise the lord come on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] give me time time toy toy foreign foreign time job somebody put their heads together and chat if you got a reason to shout and have joy in 2020 let me hear you shout hallelujah do you know he's done great things and he's still doing great things right now if you believe it shout hallelujah [Music] got joy let me hear that i'll say yes to my lord i'll say it to my lord he's unbreathing somebody help me [Applause] hey oh [Applause] oh he's not crazy [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh hallelujah yes hallelujah hallelujah anybody here the lord's done great things for i know he saved you that's a great thing hey man healed you delivered to your praise amen [Music] yeah go ahead and shout about if you want to glory oh yeah [Music] amen i know we're about to hear a great thing right now praise god about what the lord has done in this healing meeting last year apostle freeman the end of the year the lord said to me our meetings normally in june and he said to me move your meeting to september and have it on the subject of healing that's before any of this stuff happened okay amen and then praise god so now we know why he said what he said and let me tell you people going to receive and are receiving heat and when they hear what the word of god has for you tonight more people gonna get healed now [Applause] in this room and watching all over the world [Music] apostle freeman praised god as a fourth generation pastor and he's the founder of spirit of faith christian center praise god once you know he's in the washington dc area and of course we've had his lovely wife d.d freeman here a number of times oh she's been such a blessing unto us they founded marriage made easy a ministry designed to lift and encourage husbands and wives to celebrate and remain steadfast amen and their purpose in marriage praise god of course he's the author of marriage made easy in 31 days as well as the storm trilogy praise the lord and many other things just they pastor tremendous churches multiple churches praise god doing a wonderful work for god it's my honor to have him with us tonight give a big word of faith welcome to apostle michael freeman hallelujah yeah i would i would i would prefer being right there absolutely oh tv where you should be here no i'm just kidding what do you think bishop i think whatever works for you whatever works for you well if it's about television and we want to get up top i love you sir come on clap for me again oh man how good it is to be here tonight [Applause] i haven't been in a setting like this in eight months how long has this thing been going on it seemed like a very long time and when that brother was here dancing in front of me i felt like getting up and joining him [Applause] i'm just i'm just i'm just thrilled and honored to be here go ahead and be seated uh to to to the angel of this house [Applause] we have yeah go ahead let the lord use you absolutely absolutely the bible says to give honor to whom honor is due and we do honor bishop butler and of course pastor deborah thank god for her and the entire butler family pastor dre good seeing you god bless you sir um wow i've been a fan for a mighty long time and have watched from afar and has even invited him to come to d.c maryland area to minister to the people at spirit of faith and he's just been a tremendous blessing to the body of christ and i honor you sir [Applause] although dr price has been my father for years you have even taught me many things yourself and i've watched from afar and gleaned and didn't i are the better as a result of what you have given to the body of christ absolutely i'm so excited to be here to my awesome wife of [Applause] of 13 314 days a little over 36 years i thank god for her being with me all the way that's how i was able to offer and finish this work marriage made easy in 31 days she has assisted me and knowing how to make this thing easy i didn't say it was easy i said it's made easy because the way of the transgressor is hard but if you take on the yoke the instructions of jesus word this thing could be easy very easy i was contemplating i i i heard the pastor i believe up here talking about exodus 35 and 36 and if i may i would like for you to see 40 chapter 40. i want to expound on that a bit because i've tried that to the point you're talking about sons given to their fathers i have given to dr price so much that literally one day he told me now that's enough you are not to give me another dime while i'm here overwhelmed them no no some people just talk about this stuff when you were i sat there and leaped out of my seat in my spirit about what you were talking about because i have literally experienced the man of god telling me it's enough now not many can say they have asked anybody to stop and even in some meetings where we sit spirit of god would tell us to meet the budget ourselves i understand their sons here tonight i say i understand their sons here tonight wave at me that man and woman shouldn't want for anything by virtue of having grown spiritual sons his retirement everything as it relates to his latter years should already be covered by all y'all [Applause] i'm starting off wrong here tonight i guess this one got a little quieter on this side of the room [Applause] we were a part of taking care of oral roberts in his latter years every month they did not have seed in the ground of brother oral roberts i'm going to show you some things as a matter of fact let me let me let me just let me let me bishop told me i can take my time make myself at home so don't you rush me tonight when did we get out at midnight who said whenever all right i'm gonna try you show me if you would image uh one image one and and two give me give me give me one first that's at the home of brother oral roberts in 2008 almost 14 uh do the math mike i'm smarter than that 12 years and he laid his hands on me and released a healing anointing that's dr price go to the image too that's dr price standing behind him there dr betty they they both uh knew that i would be appointed his successor of this ministry's organization ministers organization and he wanted brother roberts to lay his hands on me and it was that day the lord instructed me to sow into the rest of his life the balance of his days every single month now now oh lord okay consider this meeting started i'm teaching right at this point do i have to pray for y'all you know there's some formalities in the church where you pray i believe if a man ain't prayed by the time he got up here [Applause] no no there's a lot of form of godliness and stuff that goes on in ministry that has absolutely nothing to do with the bible and people say they're having church well you can't do that it's impossible okay how are you gonna have church you've been called to be the church you can't have and these terminologies are confusing people and that's why to uh save the casualties and and some of the things that has happened in our land relative to the demise the church has come into an understanding that you are not this building because you can't come to church see in these terminals jesus said in in john 10 and 10 i have come so that you may have life and people think that he has come so that you may have church and he didn't come so that you may have church and that's why there are a lot of people who are just having this and not having life and until you begin to understand who you are you'll never be able to carry out what god intended for you to carry out the power to define is the power to defeat to fulfill if you don't define something it's virtually impossible for you to fulfill it so we got when we say church you got to understand they're talking about you look over at your neighbor say you you you so there are a lot of things that need to be removed crushed and and cast down and done away with so that verse 40 i think along that chapter 40 along uh the 24th verse show me that the bible comes up on the screen right let me explain that to you it ain't good to cough in the meat nowadays boy [Applause] [Laughter] ah jesus i'll i'll explain that a little later let me see 26. okay how about 27 find out wherever it says then chapter 40 where it says then it starts the verse so is it 34 i was close then if you read before that and and and if i may if you allow me to just share with you uh pastor um always include this part when you read that other part it's almost the equivalent of somebody quoting first corinthians chapter 2 verse number 9 eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither has it enter into the hearts of men the things that god has prepared for those who love them and people go bananas and some pasta that's that that's that that's that having church stuff now i'm not putting that down this is an observation ears put me in b for that no that's all right you don't go no i'm just going to sit down you you can't no no i'm just playing man go sit down okay all right and they tune up ears have not heard [Applause] and y'all out there what is so exciting about something your eye have not seen and your ear has not heard neither has it enter into your heart what you gonna shout about verse 10 is what you should be shouting about put verse 10 up verse 10 says but who was in the bible up here [Applause] i said first corinthians chapter 2 verse 9. i did say that now i'm at 10. you see that butt there that's a big butt no they ain't a little butt you should be able to recognize a big butt when you say this ain't no this ain't no lure but this this is a big butt some butts don't matter but this this butt mat this big butt right uh y'all won't laugh the whole night though we gonna learn some stuff i'm going back on this side with bishop y'all to get serious now god hath revealed them unto us by his spirit if there's something you want to shout about shout about 10 and not 9. see when you look at that chapter of scripture he used earlier and you don't add that 34 now go back how long is that going to take go back to exodus chapter 35 verse 34. what did i say chapter four i'll just leave you paying attention chapter 40 verse 34. then see this whole this whole thing starts at 25. now see i know this and i promise you i had no intent on sharing this until i sat there and the spirit of god said you cannot let that go it wasn't like you did anything wrong it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't incorrect it was just incomplete because if you give me a portion of it and don't give me all of it i may not become as inspired as i was supposed to become are you hearing what i'm saying and you can't keep wanting stuff that you are not willing to become what did i just say you cannot keep wanting stuff that you are not willing to become and the only way you're going to become it is that you are exposed to it are you listening to me then then it started in 25 where moses stood before the people and said tell them to bring me an offering and then he began to tell them specifically what he wanted bring me this bring me that well they just got out of egypt with all that stuff there were no walmarts or targets or neimans or or nordstroms in the wilderness so the money that they received was specifically for the building of the tabernacle and the man of god are you hearing what i'm saying he knew what they had because he made sure the egyptians gave it to him how many of y'all know god knows exactly what you have [Applause] that thing started in chapter 25 and it landed in 440 and you don't have a then there until the prerequisites are met the then will never be there until the prerequisite what happens after this then the cloud covered the tent of the congregation and the glory you talk about supernatural debt consolation resting on world of faith partners oh i thought that would make you a little more excited that's where the glory the glory of the lord go to 35 go to 35 and moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation because the cloud above their own come on move on and the glory of the lord now when the glory fills this house i'm talking about every last one of them corporately and individually every need of your houses will be met but you got to endeavor to take care of him and whoever the president because i was the leader of the organization i stood before men and taught them how to take care of my father in faith and subsequently i don't want for anything [Applause] everything that's on his life all my life the jets all of it doesn't matter big house i live in the largest house in my community in the in the entire city on 40 acres of land 22 000 square foot home all i'm lacking is my mule man they just gotta give me my meal for the eggs to get but this kind of lifestyle come solely through and by walking in the knowledge of god's word and not being afraid to do so you got it in spite of what people don't say i've learned to divorce myself from the opinions of people people gonna talk about you whether you're doing good bad or nothing at all and i've divorced myself from what people say about me even on tonight i would pray you all like me i'm dede's husband you like her so give me some credit by virtue of marrying her i'm the product of her intelligent choice we're going to work through this thing tonight concerning healing i want to share with you just three things firstly along with the marriage made easy it's uh before the storm during the storm what's the next book your good class this trilogy here before the storm pre-storm strategies show them um image four please here uh this is where i happen to be six years ago this week who who is that in that picture well that'd be me look look at look at uh image five pull that up that's a clear shot ms5 okay and watch dede she give me give me give me image three taking selfies [Applause] the doctors asked her not to do it that she would not want to have memories of this because he's a dead man he is a liar that those tubes go back to image uh four please those tubes you see that those are twos from what is called an ecmo machine that's that machine is for a last ditch effort 98 of the people that they put on that machine perish it was 11 of us on that machine during this same week or month how long was i on that thing a month 11 of us was on that machine and 10 died now my question to you does god love the entire 11 i didn't say dead because he does still he is love well why did one of us live if he loved us all why did one live the love of god is unconditional but the promises of god are conditional did you hear what i just said now i'm going to share some principles with you but you'll get a head start you'll have an advantage if you'll pick up pick up these three uh books here and that's that's all anybody have a birthday today today is your birthday uh uh where's george george said he would never leave me nor forsake me that's what you told me when i got off the jet okay come here george wipe these down and give it to that young lady i'm just doing this for your comfort there you go make sure happy birthday to you finally made 22 huh praise god let's look at uh third john let's get into this a bit why did 10 die as a matter of fact it was so severe i was looking through the medical reports maybe when did i try to look through those things maybe six months a year maybe a year or longer i begin to go through the medical reports and the medical report says if he does not respond in how many days a week we need to begin to harvest his organs he's a donor i was about to just change that if that's what they're going to do to you they talking about your organs while you're alive i thought they i thought they'd wait until you just code it but they was talking a week out get that heart out of there a week away from harvesting organs when i came out of that thing and i'm gonna show you some things about that later i looked at dede after she began to show me some of these pictures she took that the doctors told her not to take i realized how well of a job she did in standing for for for the husband have not power over his body but the wife and the wife does not have power over her own body but the husband she stood in covenant took authority over my body and made it obey her but prior to going into this attack there was some knowledge that i established myself in to let her know it was already all right and this is the confidence when you know what you ought to know if you ask anything according to his will he hears you see yeah see see see you got to stop playing with with these understanding now understanding is divine comprehension in your heart that gives you the ability to repeat something at will whatever you don't understand you will not have the ability to repeat it at will and that's why some lives are up and sometimes now some must always level to the ground because you don't understand at times what you ought to know and there's a difference between knowing something and understanding it i remember going in the house one day i knew i was hungry and i said you haven't cooked yet how many of y'all know i didn't have much understanding and wisdom was nowhere to be found and then the lord began to speak to me about wisdom and understand he said it it'll work better if you say well let's go in this kitchen and find out what we can cook up together i said why don't we go in the kitchen and find out what we can do make a makeup together she said now that's better so i go in the kitchen and i'm just doing my thing trying to help and i'm opening up cabinets and pulling out pots and pans and she looked at me and just bothered her she said why don't you go and have a seat and let me take care of this that's exactly what i wanted her to say [Applause] but folks without understanding you'll go back and repeat the same narrative without learning anything and that's what's happening in people's prayer lives it's happening in their giving giving it's happening with their understanding as it relates to the bishop because that should be if not the first time that should be the last time the sons of this man and woman should ever have to be spoken to about what i said i i listen i ain't scared of none of y'all cause impala is right there at the airport waiting on me i'm gonna run jump on that jet and be out of here i'll be out of d-town tonight and then i know some people in this area too it don't start and that won't be nothing yet no i'm just that's that's jesse that jesse spirit came with me just come on let me just let me just flow here man so understanding is critical in your walking in this healed state it is critical as a matter of fact that centurion that boy because of his understanding jesus said i haven't seen such great faith not in all israel he demonstrated some understanding that allow jesus to know that this boy is onto something here you and that dancing man boy you're a dancing machine now don't get outlandish because i acknowledge you you know sometimes when people you know you just say hey you're dead now they don't know how to control this if they they're gonna dance forever get on top of the pews and i'm a good pastor man i know how to do this i'm fourth generation huh i've been around this for a very long time okay watch this i could have church without knowing jesus what did i just say there are some people who know exactly what to do when they do it how it's supposed to be done and going to hell the parable of the lost corn you in the house but laws come on let me just talk and so i did church i did it fourth generation my great-grandfather grandfather my daddy 39 years in ministry before he went to be with the lord and the lord told me to leave his place i got out of there i didn't want to go but i got out they're about to kill my daddy in their big old baptist church ain't i ain't putting nobody down i'm just giving you the facts here my father told me himself if you didn't obey god i would be a dead man because of that structure so there are some things i want you to get to know tonight and it should revolutionize your thinking for the rest of your life okay where you want me to go here now i approach every moment like it owes me something did you hear what i just said i approach every moment because i understand in every moment there's a lesson for the next and god is the only one in our tomorrow right now and so moments will be revealed to us and some people think god sent this thing corona he allowed it i i can tell you where it's coming from it come from where the scripture said it would come from these things shall come [Music] the believer and my best bishop he can he can rebuke me later bishop don't rebuke me while i'm here then just just wait till we get in the back or something but he said in the last of the last days these things would come don't you be concerned about it because only with your eyes it's going to get darker and darker for the unbeliever brighter and brighter for the believers are there any believers in here tonight so some of these things are just by way of what's going to transpire in the last days but what does that have to do with you nothing absolutely nothing it's giving you more time to be about your father's business because i wish a lot of christians were like this corona virus that virus is spreading that virus is doing exactly what it's been designed to do spread you come in contact with it it's going to make you a part of it you come in contact with christians and they don't spread the gospel like the virus is spreading there shouldn't be a person to come in contact with you when you don't have an opportunity to affect them with the gospel [Applause] the virus is doing this job i need the christians to do yours where i tell you to go let's look at that that's a good place to start third john watch this what chapter okay i was just testing look at verse two be love this is a term of endearment you're not in trouble there are times when dee dee is around the house she'll say honey babe and i leaned in yes she said would you come here please and i said yes coming [Music] don't say it quite like that but but when she said michael you ever had your parents to call you by your whole name you know something's wrong here now but but here the word of god says beloved in other words a term of endearment come in lean in i got to tell you something i wish above how many things now now now is there anything above this thing come on that ain't a trick question he said i wish above all things is there anything above this thing so there's not a thing that's above what he wished than this he says i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health now here we go again you can use like ephesians 3 20 and miss out on what it's saying because ephesians 3 20 and that's what i live the e320 life now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think and some people shout about that well to me he should be able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can actually think he's god if you can't do it make me god oh y'all need to just loosen up in here boy come on just listen i mean if he can't do that why could why shouldn't i be god if he can't do exceedingly abundantly above but notice the last part of that 20. he says according to the power that works in you so everything he just mentioned is held hostage based upon the power that works in you if there's no understanding no faith no patience no love working in you then what he just said that shouldn't matter just like this particular scripture here he says i wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even watch this even as your soul prospers so now there is a statement of equality that the spirit of god shared with me here george i'm going to need you back up here come up here with me again george you said you would never leave me no for saying i said come up here joy it's important that you follow instruction and george you should know better i'm gonna handle the pitcher you handle the cups what i said you thirsty george not really okay not really is that you are you can take it lower drink okay hold hold those glasses up do you think i distribute that water evenly which glass has more in it this one this glass has more in it are you participating no no what's turning to me george don't worry about them holy holy hell joe that one has more you think so george okay how about nanjo are you gonna be that particular about this tonight to me okay turn turn turn back in is that even class just for the sake of the illustration just say yes the glass in his right hand is your soul the glass in his left hand is things in your life a man's life will be lived out in direct proportion with wherever his soul is did you understand what i just said so wherever a man's soul happens to be wherever his thinking is scripture says his body his life will have to level off wherever his thinking is so you may look at some inequality right here as it stands and that's how it looks sometimes and unfortunately what most people do pour some of that out of your soul in the day when you don't see it fast enough poorer more uh george you begin to faint so now you're messing up with respect to the law of the scripture here because if you begin to faint in your soul you would have never qualified to have your life to come up where your soul were was before you begin to faint come on are you getting this i'm just trying to make it as plain as possible and subsequently what will happen if your soul stays there what's going to happen george you won't have to dump out what's in your left hand because that's your life level it off george while you pull it all out george you see that is that even no this is no i'm telling you this is how the order of god works here wherever your thinking is as a matter of fact proverbs 23 and 11 or 7 says as a man thinketh no not so is he because you leave another part as a man thinketh in his heart now this heart word is used interchangeably with the soul and the spirit of man and you got to be careful that you realize which one he's referring to because the thinking would be germane to the man's soul man is a spirit he has a soul and he lives in the body and his body is not him and him is not his body are you understand that so subsequently what you're looking at is a black body but i'm not a black man oh i get in trouble with this i i get i get in so much trouble with this you don't think black lives matter oh be quiet [Applause] yeah they matter every life match or that ain't what we're talking about i know you're tough and jesus said if one sheep left the foe and 99 would be left back he would lead the 99 to go get the black one i mean the lost one so yeah they matter every last one of them matter and don't you get so caught up because i'm not with the black lives movement oh y'all say whatever y'all want to say didn't i tell you i didn't care what you thought about me i believe the statement but i'm not a part of the movement [Applause] because the movement comes with other things that i didn't sign up for because i ain't a black man i am a spirit man oh y'all y'all yo is this all right bishop okay all right as long as bishop says i'm all right and you getting caught up in your blackness more than you are you're spiritual and i've come out of systemic racism into systemic righteousness because there's another system that trumps the systems of this world that i have left i've been raised up far above all principalities and powers [Applause] so that can't happen to me one of my partner came to me what if a police pull you over he just better do right by me he don't understand that 72 000 angels i got around me boy that boy being a heap of trouble he don't do right by me and i ain't scared of him okay okay okay back to your soul and you can be in the word of faith and get your soul up here and nothing for a minute moves that's why the bible says hold fast to your profession of faith without wavering because if you don't understand this you're going to start questioning everything bishop put in your soul and you're going to empty it back out i tried that tithing thing boy you messed up that speaker you [Applause] he it was him here's what's equally dangerous you get this stuff over here your life gets filled up with stuff and your soul hadn't budged it won't be long because this law is so you are not going to live above where your thinking is so that's why the ball players that's why the boxers that's why the football players that's why people who hit the lotto when they get plenty of money and their soul doesn't come up they lose what they had come on pour it back out and you plan this ups and down game but you don't understand it's all based upon your thinking so when you get the word on healing but you're still coughing and you don't hold fast possess you your soul luke number nine says possessing your soul and patience because you don't see the fruit of what has already happened now notice the scriptural theme is he healed them all this ain't a healing meeting this is a healed meeting [Applause] and when you saw me on that bed i wasn't sick trying to get healed i was the healed and the devil wanted me sick but i had so much in my soul oh y'all y'all know are you seeing what i'm saying to you here i had god's knowledge in my soul and my body wasn't responding right away but when them boys started talking about cutting up that manifestation speed it up in my body and it will spring forth quickly to the full till it overflows so that's on your shoe pull that out son yes sir stop shaking george watch this pour that out pour this out watch this that's how some of your lives look right now remember this your soul but that's your money that's your health that's that's where you feel like i'm getting all this word and nothing's happening you you better shut your mouth because if you stick over here if you stay over here [Music] that's where they get this dumb stuff from he may not come when you want him but he's right that's the dumbest thing i can't stand well i would i want to throw my bible my shoe my my book my eyeglasses i want to throw everything at that preacher he may not come when you want that's the dumbest thing that you can he may not when the book says i'll never leave you nor forsake you i'll be with you always even until you still tumble he may not come that's your soul you don't have knowledge of god's word in your snow in your come by hear the lord shut up open the windows of heaven let just time [Applause] and some of this church stuff can get a whole lot of christians it i'm here to work on your soul because if i can get your soul stretched i can get your life expanded so every time i minister i grab the bands of a man's soul and i'll stretch it i gotta get your thinking enlarged so that your living may be enlarged or you'll become someone who will talk about people who live bigger than you when you're supposed to be living alike give george a great big hand sit that down i wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers let's go to proverbs chapter number 4 verse 7. let's walk through this proverbs chapter 4 verse number 7. i'm gonna show you some things here because if you're believing to be healed or god's going to heal me forget it because he already has god's going to save oh no he didn't god is not going to save anybody and then got quiet in this meeting because it's already done we're going to let's look at the script four and seven let's go through this wisdom is the principal thing therefore what's the therefore therefore if it's principle get it and with all and with all you see that and there you remember conjunction junction oh y'all know that right and conjunction with all you're getting so when you get money he says get understanding when you get a pastor get understanding when you get a wife oh lord please get understanding when you get a husband lord please get understand he said and with all your getting get understanding because whatever your soul doesn't understand your spirit will not be able to rejoice in it now go to ephesians let's look at some other things here i'm setting you up here and you're going to be the better as a result of this night and if the devil tries to afflict your body with sickness and disease you'll have enough knowledge in you to cause it to flee the devil can't kill a man with purpose unless he doesn't know anything you got ephesians chapter number one let's look at verse number 15. verse 15. let me just take you through the scripture reference wherefore i also after heard of your after after i heard of your faith in the lord jesus and love unto all the saints go to 16 cease not to do what give thanks for you doing what making mention of you in my prayers how did you pray here that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you what the spirit the wisdom and revelation in what the knowledge of him now we just talked about solomon how important wisdom is go to 18. there it is that the odds of your understanding that's another word he said in all you're getting get understanding so that you will understand what you see and what you get involved in that the odds of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling born and what is the richest what the riches of glory of his inheritance in the saints now now i want you to get for me video one i want to show you something video one this is this is my first day out of this this coma and and it's the very first time i'm speaking run that video yeah let me turn this down that's five weeks you don't want to talk you're not gonna you're not hurting you cannot hurt you it's no surgery listen to this it's no surgery okay okay okay what you want to say thank you jesus okay watch it that's the first thing that's awesome clear your truck thank you you hear your voice see it's just temporary you know okay okay okay get out of here back back back up a little bit just go back a little bit because i need you to hear that back back it up come back back it up okay right right right there you don't want to talk you're not going he's not hurting you cannot hurt you it's no surgery it's no surgery okay okay now i'm talking what you want to say thank you jesus yes that's the first thing that's awesome clearly the truth who you from listen this listen to this thank you you hear your voice see it's just temporary you know i know you ready to get out of here aren't you ah no watch this huh [Music] you want to go take a bath i was in this thing for five weeks ain't nobody give me a bath i love you say you love me i know she's going to take it to the back i'm going to take it i wanted to bathe but notice what i said when she said this is temporary i said i know while we look not no no prior to this moment you better know something see see see see there's so many people in the body of christ who's spending time and all these sorts of things other than the word of god and so when christ sees it see that was the difference between the other 10 and myself are you hearing what i'm saying it had nothing to do with how god loved either one of us it had everything to do with what you know and i looked at d.d i said did i said girl i want to commend you i was paralyzed from my neck down i couldn't move they had medicated my body so much they put me under total atrophy my body everything every muscle in my body flattened that's when i knew the strength of gravity because if you don't have anything to defy it muscle your body will just be pit so it is with your life if you don't have the understanding of faith i said dude you throw my arm around you should say what are you doing i said get my arm around i wanted to hug my wife and that's based upon the pictures i said you did an amazing job she you know what that girl told me she looked at me and said i only did what you taught me and then it dawned on me and the spirit of god said when you get back to all of the men in the ministry asked them if your life depended upon what you have taught your wife would you live or what you died while y'all at home looking at reruns of gun smoke and i love lucy you all better get these this information that's coming out of this man in this woman's mouth no no i'm talking about pre-storm strategies all right let's go to the next pass of scripts go to ii peter second peter chapter number one because all of what i'm talking about exists through the knowledge of god's word it exists through the knowledge of god's word you can love god and you can be a child of god and still live a defeated life what do you know now if you don't set yourself to become the lessons that are being taught you got to stop wanting what you're not willing to become the the word became flesh so that the flesh could become the word so when i stand in the earth in the flesh all people are seeing is the word i couldn't die you know satan would have used that against every partner of mike and d.d freeman's ministry you know what i did to your pastor you know you'll see that didn't you if i had died the devil would have had a field day and every attack of every partner of mine he would reference my situation and i said now if the enemy ever comes to you and tempt you with sickness and disease you remind him of your pastor you remember what my pastor did to you right if he was going to remind them it's time for them to remind him are you hearing what i'm saying okay where i tell you go second peter chapter number uh one verse three through eight come on i got a few more scriptural references here and we'll get you out here according as his divine power has given hath given hath given this must be king james this king james according to his divine power hath that old english word there have it simply has what tense is that that's past tense so he's already done this so he's already given you all things that so you all you are are you trying to get me to believe that you based upon this scripture already have all things that pertain to life in godliness is that what you're saying if the scripture is true the bible says according as his divine power have given unto us how many things all things that does that protect could we could we say that's money could we say that's health could we say that's a sound mind bless children could we say that's all all needs met he's always shout he's already given me all things that pertain to life and godliness so i don't have to go and get those things i already have those things now when you function from that position it's going to cause you to move differently he's have given you all things pertaining to life and godliness how has he done that looks like again one of those first corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 thing and 10. but that looks like one of them things ephesians 3 20 according to the power all these things have been given unto you and we will be released to you how through the knowledge of him no knowledge know him and you can tell the people who got this and the people who done won't he do it i'm like what he's already done it shut up that's dumb won't he do it that's that church stuff it's already done all right uh uh go to verse number four whereby are giving unto us exceeding in great glory of god that's why i live like i live we were landing the helicopter in our front yard you know i got 40 acres so we land don't don't hate congratulate participate celebrate be a part of this so we land helicopter in the front yard i was taking the helicopter to get on the plane if he's already giving me everything that pertains in the life of god why drive when you can fly to airport i've been raised up above all printed ballots by what rush hour that's just a waste it's a waste to you it ain't a waste to him ain't no shortage of money in the kingdom of god it's just in the wrong hands we took off one time out of our front yard i got about to i guess it's about 19 of the 40 acres in the front yard them landscapers was out there this morning when i was looking at it they arrived about six o'clock they were still there around 3 30. cut and i'm looking down there i'm like cut that grass boy cut that gun yeah we took care got bought all their equipment that's why they come to my house got them starting business what you need to have a good business brought all the equipment here take it go to work it's your business now he gainfully employs other employees and all of them are partners of the ministry okay okay so we taking those policy dr freeman you're ready to go and i got my head sitting on there there's a roger that pilot he takes off and i just so happen to look off to my left down and one of my neighbors unstrapped their pants pulled them down and mooned me that was the whitest thing i have ever seen in my life god no son on that thing boy i said you that thing was so pale i looked down when i discovered you ain't doing nothing until somebody mooned you [Applause] come on haul over at your neighbor and say when the last time you've been moved the bible says with this kind of life great persecution comes and because i walk in agape in honor i went over to them and tried to discover if there's anything wrong how can we fix it come on up to the house let's sit down and break bread and fellowship and they found out i was just one of the nicest men that they have ever met in their life some people ain't gonna understand when you're living as large as you are and some of them you're gonna have to help the other you just keep making them mad let's go let's go first five and besides this and besides this giving all diligence add to your faith what virtue and to your virtue what knowledge and to your knowledge what tempers and to your tempers what any of y'all play golf this seems like a golf game boy keep your head down keep your elbows straight keep your legs locked it's it's a lot of moving parts of this he says and to patience godliness watch this verse seven and to godliness what brotherly some of you all are disqualifying yourself because of kindness and to brotherly brotherly kindness charity watch this verse number eight i love that for if these things be in you and about they'll make you watch this that you shall neither be buried nor unfruitful how folks in the knowledge of the lord okay let's let's let's go on go to colossians chapter 3 verse number 10. oh bishop my time is uh i i my spiritual father here tate you all have known that you had one hour don't don't be trying to ask me for no more time like the price has sent you that wasn't till the last three years he just allowed me to flow i'm not going to be much longer but i was just trying out my man over there he said take your time i'm with you and watch this have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him it's renewed in what knowledge okay now go to ephesians chapter number 4 23. come on i'm almost done here you shouting by the fact that i'm almost done who said hallelujah out there and be renewed in the spirit of your mind and be renewed in the spirit of your mind some of you have watched so much of this new stuff man about this corona stuff man your soul has been literally attacked i mean day in day out you watch the six o'clock news the eight o'clock the 10 the 11 you you just news you go to bed with that and depression is just coming up on you creeping and you understand and then you're going to yield your mind to it and then try to pray in the holy ghost against it now i told you you are a spirit you have a soul and you live in the body now that soul component of man is a very strong and important part of man as it relates to your spirit everything about it has been made brand new you don't need to add anything to your spirit the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead resides on the inside of you but if you don't get your mind renewed even though you have the ability to live above all principalities and powers and rulers of darkness and in high places you will stay bowed because your soul in the spirit the core of your thinking has not been transformed by the renewing of the mind and your mind is still in the same place where it was prior to you receiving jesus that's why there's a way that seems right because your mind ain't been renewed and when your enemy talks about you your mind ain't been renewed you just automatically talk back but until your mind gets renewed you won't understand bless them that talk about you i got so much joy out of blessing people who curse me they don't even know what in them they talk about you and expect a response but i perfected agape and honor i walk in both of them agape and honor and at the end of all things that's all that's going to be left you ain't going to have your title you ain't going to be bishop apostle nothing you better understand agape and honor now now now now let's look at uh uh uh uh two other scripture well okay let me jump through this go to luke chapter number 18. because the only reason why you won't have the exceeding abundantly above is because you faint in your thinking if you if you have you bombarded yourself if you've just consumed a bunch of knowledge other than the knowledge of god's word you ain't gonna be able to stand up in this time now i haven't seen more money come into my life and in my hands since this corona virus lord jesus this is good days boy happy days are here again no i'm telling you again except for the casualties of course i miss the fellowship of the saints but would you not believe the numbers both financially relative to people partnering with us salvation holy spirit the numbers have just been gone like like all these weeks i've been ministering to 125 000 people 93 sunday after sun 61 i ever minister to that many people and they're just partnering with us from all over the world that's why the bible says in all things give thanks you tell my i wish corona will go away from me i'm saying if it's causing these kind of results stay a little while because you're supposed to be insulated and isolated from this attack why are we fearing like the world jeff bezos made 48 billion dollars since this thing started well there you go show them this image here somebody sent me this years ago because i worked on the soul so much show them that image number seven i want to anoint your mind so your mind can function properly you see that oil can that's what i'm doing tonight i'm getting your soul well oiled i'm anointing your mind to think concerning the things of christ paul said it so in philippians chapter number two paul said this and and bishop this is where you're really going to have to uh watch me and check me but do it in the back [Applause] he was asking the churches the church at philippi to do him a favor and when he gets to verse five of chapter two you throw that up so they don't think i'm throwing anything on he said let this mind yeah let this mind be in you now whose mind was he talking about here see and that's where we run into problems if you say this is the mind of christ then why would he have to add which was also no no it's right there just look at it just look at it from don't go with what you heard in church because the church at berea was more noble than the church at thessalonica that they came they heard the word but they went home and searched it every day to make sure what they said at the meeting was accurate so if you think he's talking about the mind of christ you're wrong because if in fact he was talking about the mind of christ why would he have to say which was also why wouldn't he just say now i ever heard nobody preach this or jesus the lord showed me this and then that's what i preached because you need somebody in front of you who has a mind that you can follow the same mind which was also in christ so you got a man that's in front of you who already has the mind of christ or you you you you you miss so paul said follow me cause some of y'all don't know him like you should know him but i know him i've walked with him i got revelation of him so i need you to follow me and as you follow me you'll also be following him because the mind that i have i got from him but he said which was also in christ any bowlers in here i ain't talking about people who go bowling i said bowlers now i lost some hands you're a bowler there are marks on the lane on that lane what are those marks for pour your mass down for a little bit i can't hear you so you can stay within what what are the marks for what are the marks an indication of direction but it's the same lineup as the pins if you look on those marks on the floor that's that that's going down to the pins you'll see that the layout of those marks are exactly the layout of the pins and those marks are closer to you than the pen but the scripture says i pressed for the mark you got your eye on the prize when you should be looking at the mark now the mark is closer than the prize see jesus is the chief prize but he's putting marks in your life so you can lay your life down on the mark and when you release right [Applause] strength but you need a good mark it does matter what ministry you're connected to go to second corinthians chapter 4 verse 16. are we an hour behind in detroit it's the same as dc this e this esd so it is 9 10. okay just give me about 10 minutes what say ye no because i want so badly for you to have this and it's going to require understanding of the knowledge of god's word before you go there go to matthew 13 and look at verse 18. i'm going to show you another one of them uh addendums that's added to something you should know and the doctor said i would always have this injury i would always have this lung injury that took place in my life and my my breathing would be limited and you probably better get used to that cough for the rest of your life well who you going to believe i got knowledge of god's word in me my mind is anointed in the spirit i'm renewed in this the core of my thinking see and this is the confidence that we have in him and the minute the enemy can get your confidence he can take your life and you save and love god and everything can pertain into life and god and godliness is your watch this hear you therefore the parable of a sword of the sore come on man that could be a woman but you're still a man yeah every woman is a man have somebody explain that to you when you get home when anyone who is that is that a black one is that a white one is that the jewish one how about the asian one okay okay this may get tricky how about somebody who ain't saved that's why some unsaved people living far better than some say because this thing says when anyone watches hears the word of the kingdom watch this and understandeth it not then oh wow that's another then there you see that then when anyone hears the word of kingdom and understanding that not then i submit to you that the then would not be there if you understood what you heard and the only reason why the then that's there is because you didn't understand but if you would understand the then wouldn't be that so it's not enough for you to come here and jump up and down you better be sitting here trying to get some understanding because because watch this if you don't understand then event is there connected to what you do not understand and you ain't got time to not understand what bishop is talking about because if you don't set yourself to understand he said and understand if it not then cometh the wicked one and the only reason why the wicked one came because you did not understand i can move that then there if i set my on myself to understand what i've heard now where i tell you go second corinthians second corinthians chapter number four let's look at verse 16. and i won't give them to y'all i'll just give you a couple of them then we'll call we'll quit for this for which cause we do what then we look at luke 18. go back to luke 18 and 1. i told you to go there but we didn't look at it that's right look at 18-1 then we'll come back to here show me that image of video two video two uh right here you don't have to take down the scripture just get luke 18. show me video too let me show you what i was doing while i was in rehab this is after i'm talking then they had to take a lift and put me in that chair because i'm still paralyzed but now i was able to move my body right there where you see now now watch this run it again watch this that whole time i ain't locked into no television i ain't got time for no television i'm trying to tell my own vision you'll say watch this and i'm praying in the holy ghost i'm keeping my mind afixiated on what the word says about because i can't walk here yet and i'm sitting in the chair every part of that entire process i'm keeping my mind connected on the word of god the bible says and those who will keep their mind on the word will be at perfect peace okay luke 18. come on give it to me luke 18 1. and he spake a parable unto them and said to this end that men ought to what always pray and not think it seemed like it seemed like praying got something to do with you're not feigning and specifically praying in the spirit now let's go to second corinthians chapter number four verse 16. and i ain't giving us so many scriptures so you get home and don't have anything to watch but this word and some of y'all gonna go you'll get up from here and you're gonna drop this word and you're not gonna see it again i know it that's what the scripture says immediately they get that word walk away and they don't see it again and the enemy comes and snatch away what was sown and he that has much more shall be given to him and he who has not even what he has shall be taken away from him and then you get offended with us for which cause we faint not but through our outward although our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day now your inward man are we talking about the soul so local part of that man or the spirit part of that man because the spirit man never never needs to be re anything but that soul that inward part that inward man that soul your mind needs to stay in the word every single day okay okay all right you go over and look at it later look at galatians six and nine because what's happening you're the healed but you're feigning galatians 6 and 9. and let us not be what weary and what for in we shall if we you remember we were pouring all that water in the soul if you stay with that water going on your soul and then you're thinking you're going to reap you're going to reap if you don't faint when the doctors were telling dede it's a wrap it's over that girl has so much in her soul she said it ain't over until we say it's over that's what i love about jesus so much he's such a gangster jesus jesus jesus she's such a gangster jesus jesus jesus jesus look at him no man take my life that's gangster that's the kind of talk we were talking and people get upset with you even christians you start talking about how rich you are the lord asked me one time he said have you ever thought about paying off this nation's deficit i said no sir he said then you never will he said because whatever you don't think about your feet can never go where your mind hasn't been first that's how you got into fornication that's how you got in the robbery that's how your mind went there first you meditated on being somewhere and you end up there i'm telling you i don't put my mind on so much stuff i used to take my children out to just raw land and stand them out there so y'all see it my son he's seven years old i don't see nothing i say you don't see the horses y'all racing your mother up the driveway in her convoy her convertible sports car daddy i don't see a thing i say act like it's christmas and you told me to get you something don't you see it under the tree oh yeah i see that i said it's the same principle i got to get you to start getting this thing established in your soul the eyes of your understanding i'm not sick i'm healed the devil wants me sick but i refuse to be sick [Applause] when god has made me healed okay write down ephesians 3 13 and hebrews 12 and 3 and 5. i i got since there's some sons here i got to look at hebrews 12 3 and 5. let me let me look at this because this is another area that you cannot faint it especially sons and i know bishop butler don't play that's my man and sometimes they don't give us a chance when we change a little they still holding us to what we how we used to talk you know i we we were so led to give bishop a limousine he got in that limousine and uh and the driver told me said bishop said he loved this guy i said he did and they said yeah that's all he talked about i said give it to him it wasn't mine it was the driver's car i said what you want for it he said well i'll take this i just went in there wrote the check for it gave it to him send that card to bishop the man of god asked for it you remember when jesus asked for a ride he said you'll see him tied down in the city boy if y'all only knew the bible i sent bishop that right and bishop just wanted to call and just say i appreciate it and he called and somehow i didn't get a word of it until a day later and and i called the day later and i said uh bishop this mike freeman he said i called you yesterday i said god dawg yes sir i was i was deity told me to do so what i love about him he ain't nobody's punk he ain't gonna play your games he ain't gonna no no no and and that's why hebrews 12 is so important for your son look at three and five for consider him that endure three and five this swell endure such contradiction of sinners against himself lest he be weary and faint and lest ye be weary and faith in your mind you feign their mind watch this ye have now go to verse four ye have not resisted unto blood thriving against sin go to five i think it's fine watch okay there it is and you and ye and it's been a long time since uh i read uh kjv so they were ye and this is in dao's three and ye have forgotten the exaltation which speaketh unto you as untouched unchildren my son despise not thou the chastening of the lord watch this don't go nor faint and the minute somebody rebuked you you gone off to and all that man and woman trying to get you to grow up and become more than you are i'm gonna leave that one alone last scripture reference because if i was if i was talking about money tonight i would uh i would give you an opportunity to sow if i was talking about salvation or holy spirit i would minister salvation holy spirit but i want to minister healing tonight and this knowledge of being healed okay uh some people might have problems with someone laying hands on you and so i get that and i'm not because you may give me something you sitting up there tomorrow he may give me something you may give me something but i found in the word where jesus practiced social distancing i found it go to luke 17. [Music] and i'm a minister healing to you luke 17 man go to verse 12. and as he entered into a certain village there met him ten men that were what that is the modern day corona virus and these men were practicing social distancing [Applause] they stood to fall come on i got clothes in there they stood the fall they stood and you know what lepers had to do they had to leave everything socially their families their jobs their career everything you've got go out there and die don't come around here with that and some of y'all just are scared you ain't coming on my ah [Applause] now when you put that mass above the master you got a problem now i'm not saying there's anything wrong with the mask because i got on glasses figure that out go to verse 13. and they lifted up their voice they ain't come over to him hey jesus yo homie have mercy on us look what jesus did when jesus saw them he said watch this go show yourself to the priest [Applause] see because some some ministering healing by the laying on of hands but then there's another dimension well i ain't got to touch you y'all understand and if your mind is renewed in the spirit of it with the knowledge of god's word if you watch this jesus said go show yourself to the priests and it came to pass that as they went [Applause] some of y'all gonna get to that door before you close over that thresher you're to notice that pain and your back moved it's gone the headaches the migraines oh what is that thing that make you so dizzy and wobbly vertigo who is that in here you got that vertigo and cases of it constantly hitting your go show yourself to the priest in other words he would say you're already healed be healed he told because the priest was the only one who could give you permission to enter back in society and had to give you a certificate indicating you're clean watch this watch this watch this and one of them how many of them it was 11 of us on this machine and one had something about him that the others didn't have i'm preaching now ah and one of them when he saw that he was what turned back and with a loud voice oh if you just realize i'm healed because he said and he glorified god glorified god i said he glorified [Applause] you're gonna have to give a revelation through the knowledge of this word i'm already healed the next thing to do is that he glorified god and look what else he did watch this he fell down on his face got closer to him at his feet giving him thanks and he was a samaritan samaritans ain't got no deals but look what jesus said and jesus answering said unto him wasn't it ten clans but where are the other nine what happened to the other 10 that was on this machine with me there are found what says they are not found that we turn to give glory to god save this stranger and look what he said that boy didn't just receive his healing this boy was made whole when he glorified god humbled himself and gave him thanks for what he received jesus said the others got healed but they wouldn't make hope what do you mean may whole well obviously you lost your job you had to suffer some financial strength behold oh you just missed that you just behold in your finances the family had to be distant and destroyed be oh go get your family back [Applause] i'm sure there was some depression after the priest said you are unclean get out of town i'm sure he was discouraged when jesus said be cold peace was restored so i not only call you healed tonight because of your glorifying god every single day you're not gonna focus on what the doctor said you're gonna focus on what god said i call you whole from the top of your head be home will you receive that tonight well give the lord a shout somebody thank you thank you so much thank you so much you ought to be shouting just a little bit more if you've been made whole you got something to shout about hallelujah there ain't gonna be no talking in the back about straightening up nothing because it would lay down very nicely oh yes go ahead if you gonna give a round of applause go ahead and do it you appreciate what you heard tonight oh we appreciate it i am here you are thank you jesus [Music] so it is nine in the morning with the doc 10 30 in the morning no afternoon session tomorrow praise god amen then we'll close up tomorrow night with the evangelists hallelujah i want to say thank you for honoring us and giving us your valuable time to come bless us we don't take any of it for granted we are honored and we say thank you and thank you again praise god hallelujah now they're going to fly back to where they're from and continue to bless the people in that region and all them other people all watching all over the world thank god and stretch your hands towards the freemans pray in the holy ghost of them for a moment yes father thank you for what you've done with them we give you honor may they have even greater opportunities to share the millions and millions and millions around the world your goodness thank you for the authority of jesus amen as they pull out now go ahead bring them out glory to god amen our speakers can go out praise god make sure tomorrow night amen you find your way here so you got told tonight how important the church is really he just laid out this bold relief let me just hallelujah amen so important to your life it's 9 37 praise god be here at 9 00 am we love you blessings in jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 2,762
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: WOFICC, Word of Faith, Bishop Keith Butler, minister, Word of God, church, church online, bible teaching, Holy Bible, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord’s power, power, Southfield, Detroit, michigan, metro Detroit, God, Christ, Sermon, God of salvation, salvation, WOFCON, convention, 2020, Kate mcveigh
Id: KRsXbHjmedY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 24sec (10644 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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