WOF Convention 2021 | Bishop Keith Butler | 10:30a

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on bless the name of jesus come on live them holy hands our god is awesome our god is amazing come on let's get reported tonight hallelujah hallelujah salvation and glory honor and power unto the [Music] salvation [Music] for the lord our god is [Music] he is wonderful all praises be to the king of kings and the lord of lords he is wonderful [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we are excited [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's holy he's mighty worthy of all our praise hallelujah [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] more [Music] hello my name is kevin johnson this is my wife angelique and we wanted to give our testimony of how god killed us of covet 19. both my wife and i found out that we had double pneumonia on march 31st when we went through drive-through testing as the week progressed my wife angie got better and i got progressively worse i developed double pneumonia with difficulty breathing and ultimately by the time i got to thursday you know i think it was taking me like 10 minutes to just even walk up the stairs and i was talking with a whisper and that was an interesting night because as i laid in bed um basically you know just trying to rest our security camera went off i got my sword which is my word and i was ready to fight i kid you not she was in this in this hallway in this doorway with the sword waking up the neighborhood yeah and praying in the spirit yeah that was you know something that i think was the start of a pivotal moment because to beat this disease you know you can't be in fear you have to fight so you know that was the start of the fight interestingly enough that thursday night you know was my very worst night i you know in the middle of the night my oxygen levels went down into the 80s so i made it through that night i had a doctor's appointment the next morning to try to you know talk to my doctor see if i could get my own prescription for oxygen because i was getting to the point where obviously i needed oxygen to make it make it through the night couldn't get the oxygen uh on the on the other side when we flipped over to the next day which was saturday i used a little bit of oxygen but we knew we didn't have enough to last through the weekend and and so we're sitting there and quite frankly there was a piece that had come about me because at this point natural means it wasn't gonna get me through you know i already knew that needed to rely on god the word is there and it'll spring up in your thought process while it's battling the fear that's trying to come on you and then the environment around you is telling you everything um negative and down and that uh it's just death everywhere and we don't have to accept that and i knew that so i wasn't so you know it was just a really you know one of those things of you know not only tapping into my believer's authority but tapping into you know the natural means the holistic means taking all the different things that god put at our disposal to fight in war you know because this is something that you have to fight you cannot you know just sit back and wait until your oxygen level dips and you need to go to the emergency room interestingly enough you know with god being god i woke up that sunday morning you know which felt like my very own personal resurrection day with my oxygen level at 97. my oxygen levels had been dipping into the 80s at night and then even with oxygen i had been you know running 92 93 94 stuff like that so to wake up at 97 and hadn't touched oxygen you know since and just literally just received more and more of that healing hallelujah amen thank you word of thank we love you guys we love you bishop ms butler pastor michelle minister christina god bless you all and thank you [Music] do [Music] come on bless the name of jesus come on live the holy hands our god is awesome our god is amazing come on let's give him come on [Music] glory honor and power unto the lord [Music] he is hallelujah [Music] lord our god for the lord our god is mighty yes the lord our god is omnipotent the lord our god [Music] he is wonderful all praises be to the king of kings and the lord of lords he is wonderful [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it [Music] is [Music] he's holy he's mighty worthy of all our praise hallelujah amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to the 2021 word of faith convention thank you lord hallelujah [Music] hallelujah glory to god hallelujah is he worthy to be praised this morning oh glory to god hallelujah [Music] come on [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes it is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go go [Music] no way [Music] right now [Music] right now [Music] how are [Music] you doing [Music] he's [Music] he's a healer he's a healer why not right now [Music] [Music] [Laughter] we got everything we need right now call me the car glory the car call me to god oh we give you our praise we hold nothing back we surrender all to you withholding nothing oh withholding nothing oh glory to god oh we just bless and magnify your name we come to praise you hallelujah what a beautiful name what a powerful name the name of jesus in them of all names at the name of jesus everything shall pile every turn we'll confess that jesus is the lord oh we honor you today lord we honor you hallelujah thank you jesus oh be glorify you hallelujah let's lift it up together you were the word at the beginning [Music] [Music] oh somebody declared what a beautiful name [Music] oh that's our testimony [Music] [Music] we thank you we bless you magnify your name we love you we adore you we honor you we declare there's nobody like you jesus nobody nobody you didn't want heaven without us [Music] [Music] oh and what could separate us now oh what a wonderful name what a wonderful name what a wonderful name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] what a wonderful name it is what a wonderful name it is [Music] the name of jesus what a wonderful name it [Music] is what a wonderful name it is oh yes it is yes it is we bless you lord thank you for the name of jesus oh we gonna be fire and magnify your name always the name that's been given hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh we magnify we lift up the name of jesus oh we lift up the name of jesus oh yes we do hallelujah death could not hold you death could not hold the veil tonight [Music] for you are raised [Applause] [Music] you have no rivals [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yes it is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] all the name of jesus we lift up the name of jesus oh yes we do yes we do yes we do oh we bless your name hallelujah [Music] oh think about that [Music] [Music] all for you are raised [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what a powerful name it is [Music] [Music] what a wonderful name what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus oh the name of jesus is so sweet the name of jesus oh we worship you lord all the name that's above our names oh there's no rival you have no equals we worship your majesty hallelujah thank you lord everything we need in the name of jesus all in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship and praise your holy name we magnify your name we glorify your name we honor you lord hallelujah thank you lord jesus hallelujah god is good all the time well good morning [Applause] were you blessed by the ministry of maryland hickey last night [Applause] so simple yet so profound glory to god yeah she's just a sweetheart i mean i know her and she's just she's the same wherever you see her glory to god just sweet and god amen an anointed woman of god amen turn the lights back up here now yo amen praise god i want you to agree to whatever way they're comfortable with you're comfortable with greet a number of people praise the lord today amen let them know you're glad to see him thank you how beautiful it is the scripture said for brethren to dwell together in unity hallelujah praise god and again we're grateful for those of you who are able to make it that a lot of people were not able to make it overseas and some in the country praise god but you pressed your way and if i've told my congregation for decades now i've been pastoring for decades over four decades and uh and as i've been telling them praise god from the time we were just a little tiny little church you press your way amen you press your way and we used to always say the early bird gets the word amen amen glory to god so i believe that you'll get some unusual revelation from the holy ghost amen anytime you make a particular effort particularly effort praise god not to say to those who have not made effort i understand but there you know challenges and things that take place praise god but hallelujah thank god for his goodness and his faithfulness and his mercy i want to know before i get started praise god anybody get anything on these last two days this praise god well if i confused you any amen get the tape listen to it again and listen to it again and listening to it again and those of you who are here i gave you over 50 proofs of some things so you had a chance to actually because i just touched high spots amen so gave you a chance to see praise the lord but i want you to remember something from the last two days remember in daniel that it said that the stone crushed the toes in other words jesus and his kingdom crushes the antichrist and so praise the lord the the upshot of all this is that we win hallelujah we're on the winning side i wanted to sing that last night man i wanted to sing that but i wanted to give maryland time but i really wanted to sing that last night we're on the victory side we're on the victory side yeah we're on the victory side we're on the victory side where all the victories victory side we're on the victory side we're on the victory side we're on the victory side we're on the victory side we're on [Music] hallelujah i don't want you to be frightened and concerned and amen i'm going to lay out some things for you today to make sure you are where you're supposed to be hallelujah so things work out for you okay amen praise god hallelujah all right lift your bible up in the air please say this along with me this is my bible the bible is god speaking to me the bible is the real truth it tells me what to believe it tells me what to think it tells me what to speak and it tells me how to live and also in it is the path to eternal life hallelujah now father once again we come and we humbly bow our knee to the mighty hand of god which of course is also the word of god and the spirit of god we bow ourselves now hallelujah and we thank you father for the word is a lamp unto our feet light unto our path now we ask dear father through the ministry of the holy spirit that once again you would raise up the office and gift of teacher yes to explain to reveal and give revelation of the truth deep truths of the word holy spirit we celebrate you we honor your presence in our midst nothing happens without you and so we ask praise god the eyes of our understanding through you shall be even more enlightened that we may come to know even more the full and complete hope of our calling and the riches of the glory of the inheritance and saints of god yes and the exceeding richness and greatness of the things you have granted us because we are believers as we stand in an office of carrying out jesus will in the earth and father for what we've asked we give you praise and glory this morning we want to say thank you for it in advance for we ask it in that holy mighty matchless and highest authority of all jesus of nazareth by his precious blood everyone in agreement with this prayer in his authority said amen praise god hallelujah praise the lord you can be seated up in your bibles to the 21st chapter of the book of saint luke amen now in luke 21 we're going to read of course if you have one of them old bibles it's in red you know the a lot of these bible programs and uh things you get on your computer and in in your hand and all this kind of stuff don't necessarily have everything in red amen and so uh praise god yeah thank god for their convenience but sometimes the old way is still the best way so we see that this is in red so this is the savior himself jesus is talking and he makes this statement he said watch ye therefore and pray always so he told you something he wanted you to pray about and he said pray always which means this should be a constant prayer that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man hallelujah now of course he said that after he lays out things that would happen both to israel during their time and what would happen at the late time praise god just before a wonderful event happens for part of the church hallelujah so i'm ministering today on who will go through the open door who will go through the open door turn to revelations chapter 2 please and give me three hallelujahs as we get started one for the father one for the son one for the holy ghost so we're about to read about seven churches in asia minor praise god remember the book of revelation said blessed is he that reads it okay amen it's a blessing to read it understand it go over to god the reason why it's blessed is because then you receive the warnings you receive the praise god acknowledgements you receive praise god the pat on the packs you receive hallelujah what to do what not to do you get to have the benefits of the old covenant in it praise god to see what people did right and wrong and praise god it tells you about your future reward tells you about the defeat of the enemy the one there's blessing that read it it's not a scary book i know people i still know people who are afraid to read the book of revelations they're afraid of amen that's cause i guess nobody taught them hallelujah but i teach it praise god and ministers ought to teach it to their congregation what you know i don't teach what you don't know come on but what you know you ought to teach because blessed is he that read it and you want your congregations to be re but blessed now jesus warned here about uh he warned 5 out of 7 churches or groups of believers that unless they changed their ways they could lose the blessing of the open door and so let's just kind of read through it because this is a morning session you have bible students ministers predominantly predominantly or or workers praise god so so we'll take the time i know i got an internet audience and all that and i know there's like something like 10 times the amount of people watching online but but like i told you praise god that this ministry i'm doing is for predominantly for ministers and rest you just kind of get to look listen in so i'm treating my sessions during this meeting because though i'm teaching them a bible school okay amen so chapter two verse one so under the angel of the church of ephesus right these things saith he that hold up to seven stars in his right hand who walk up in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks that's jesus of course i know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how thou cast not bear them which are evil thou has tried them which say they are apostles and they are not you found them liars you have born and have patience and for my name's sake you have labored and has not fainted nevertheless i have somewhat against thee now you know i know in my bible the word somewhat is italicized okay and when the king james version praise god english bible and and i found out that when i started traveling the world ministering in different places in the world that and they don't always use the king james bible okay i was in uh poland i think it was i was ministering in northern poland in cadance and uh of course i have a interpreter and i'm going through and i went through a passage and i went through this whole passage i mean it must have been like kate must have been like six seven eight verses okay i i went through this whole passage and i know the congregation was looking at me just curious look and finally i stopped and i said to the interpreter what's up because i can tell something was wrong and i said isn't this in in your no one even there oh okay amen hallelujah praise god so you know like i said you have to pay attention to some things what's going on it's also why i'm not a big believer in other translations okay you need to understand when you read a lot of these other translations in my church here knows and churches that i have pastored at least one ipad king james the other ones will have their denominational biases in them see so they'll take out certain stuff they emphasize various things out of the uh uh old testament the hebrew or the septuagint or you know greek et cetera amen so he so this word here somewhat actually they tell you that so that is they're letting you know we added that and what they intended to do was they thought they were adding clarity to the verse sometimes they would be sometimes they wouldn't be see so we're going to take this word somewhat out so he said nevertheless i have against thee because thou has left thy first love i don't know how they came up with somewhat here so remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent now this word repent is big time okay but there's really three words you need to see here repent and do everybody say that we may repent and do again say it again repent and do repent and do the first works for uh for else i will come under the quickly and will remove there's another line you need to i will remove your candlestick out of his place except i'll repent so he said that there could be some removal that takes place here without repentance happening but this thou has that thou hatest the deeds of the nicolaitans which i also hate anything jesus hates guess what you should be you should hate whatever he hates he that happened here let him hear what the spirit save unto the churches to him that overcometh another word because to him that overcometh then puts things with a bracket it says that they are those who overcome and those who don't and and what he's saying here to those who don't overcome what i'm about to say don't apply to you right so he said to him that overcometh will i give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the of the paradise of god now i just read you just a little bit of of one and i'm gonna i'm gonna walk through all seven here amen but what you have here is the outline of those seven churches i'm just gonna give you just a basic outline ephesus here what we just read this is just a basic outline i'm going to get into some depth with each one but ephesus were believers who were not making god their first priority and they started out that way but him his his ways what he wanted done wasn't their first priorities anymore sardis as we'll get into later they those were believers who were doing works for their own benefit rather than allowing god to work through them to serve others in need jesus called their work dead works see then you had the church at smyrna there in sparta you had believers who were definitely suffering from persecution physical persecution and and jesus encouraged them to stay firm in their faith and that they would receive great reward then you have uh pergamus and these were uh believers who were involved in sexual uh immoral relations outside of marriage uh including adultery and fornication between unmarried men women or combinations of both thyrotira these were believers in the church where you had activities that were very similar to jezebel and her pagan worship including pornography immorality even child sacrifice the ladies leosian church uh it was a church that was really blessed financially but they were very selfish they were refusing to give god's kingdom priority through tithe they were not generous towards others as a result they weren't rich towards god and then of course there was philadelphia the philadelphian church avoided all the shortcomings of the other churches and then there's a line at the end of of philadelphia praise god that you particularly again in this teaching need to pay attention that is counted worthy to escape see they're counting worthy to escape the coming tribulation coming on the earth now i'll come back to revelations but let's uh set some things up here so go to 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 and see what the apostle paul was warning about right at the very end of days right at the later days that things are going to happen with the eighth kingdom what's going to happen in the seventh kingdom just before the eighth kingdom praise god and even though we now know that the lady in new york harbor holding up that candle that has seven spikes around it referring to of course the seven continents amen we know that that lady that the song was written god bless god stand beside her guide her with the light from the light from above amen we know who that lady is praise god and we we now know what happened to him that doesn't mean that other parts of the world and other countries of the world don't have in them much of the same and has either reward and blessing or curse and what comes with it amen because the spirit of antichrist john talked about is in the entire world and it's not just from cedar sign and sea from the atlantic to the pacific hallelujah somebody so just some of the things that the apostle paul on writing to the church of thessalonica he says in verse one now we beseech you hey see beseech means hey listen to me right we beseech you brother by the coming of our lord jesus christ he's coming and by our gathering together unto him the gathering together of the church unto jesus we use the term rapture it means to be caught up see so now we know the subject he's going to be talking about that you be not soon shaken in mind no trouble neither by spirit nor by word nor by a letter that's from us that's that day of christ is at hand of course the people he's writing to think think this thing's all has already happened amen so he's got to calm him down a little bit let no man deceive you by any means because jesus told us that the number one thing that satan will use in the end time will be deception and in fact the hardest people to minister to are people who are deceived because they don't know they're deceived and they believe they're right amen that's why you have to always stay open so that the holy spirit can uh correct your theology the holy spirit has certainly corrected mine over the years amen some things i'm teaching today i absolutely did not believe okay i absolutely did not believe i would argue about you but didn't believe but as i got older and god stronger and god more developed in god praise god learned he got more revelation in the word praise god came to a place i said oh i see hallelujah praise god well i mean mainly that came from listening to other people instead of my own study so when i did my own study i found some things praise god so so let no man deceive you by any means that that day talking about what day they gather together okay unto him that day shall not come except there comes a falling away first an apostle a defection from the truth there's first going to come if an apostate first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition the man of sin is the antichrist and so in the seventh kingdom just before the gathering together just before the rapture of the church just before the lady or harlot is removed there is a great falling away of those remember he's writing about the church and i'll get more on that in more detail later amen this man of course the antichrist who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he is god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he's god and i'm not teaching all the book of revelations but we know he's going to eventually praise god that temple is going to be revealed he's going to go into it he's going to set himself up as god himself remember you not when i was yet with you i told you about these things now you know what we've holded that he might be revealed in in his time and the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now led it will let until he be taken out of the way then shall that wicked be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him who's coming is after the work of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders so it tells you boy satan is going to get his amen he's going he's going to pay the price now again i'm not going to tear this thessalonians apart today because i'm really going somewhere else amen but what he says here that there will be an apostle there will be a spiritual falling away that will affect jesus followers immediately before the great tribulation comes upon the earth and i have certainly seen this that falling that falling away that he's talking about uh god interprets it as a rebellion that's how he sees it he sees it as a rebellion believers would would be have become more influenced by society instead of society being influenced by believers now uh during this time that he's talking about it started in several churches during the time that john wrote the book of revelations and jesus warns about several here in the letters that we're about to read in revelations he warns about several different belief systems that seduce believers in several cities where each group was gathered now turn the book at jeremiah turn the 50 first chapter over there for a moment praise the lord you have to remember that uh he wrote to christians and the things that paul wrote to christians can you remember some of the things that he said to christians like in the church at ephesus he said stop lying stop stealing right other stuff okay stop following the devil this was not to the world see just pauline letters and others but not to the world he's talking about people who were born again but we're being ruled by the flesh amen when you read all that stuff hallelujah well now in the 51st chapter of jeremiah let's read verse 45 over here praise the lord he says my people going out of the midst of her and he's talking about that whole babylon and babylon spirit he said go out of the midst of her deliver you every man his soul from the fierce anger of the lord now that is where you don't want to be you don't want to be where the fierce anger of the lord is i should have got a better amen than that because if you haven't read the bible like i have if you get you get over underwear there that's going down we we don't have the words to describe this so like i said god's love there is another side to him though a lot of times when in faith circles quote unquote amen they will never talk about the other side but there is no sign you have to teach the whole council of god okay amen praise the lord now let uh and so to understand what the what the church is the ecclesia is the greek word of course and that that word means called out company see so we have been called out of darkness into the marvelous light but he has called us out so we're not supposed to be the world we're not supposed to be like the world we're not supposed to be mingling with the world that automatically if that's that is true automatically that makes us a pariah automatically it makes us stand out automatically it makes people disagree with us and most certainly automatically will make people not like you hallelujah is part of the prize for being here just is so you need to get used to that and stop crying i don't know why i just don't like me i never done none to them you saved ain't you that's all the devil needs amen you'll be by yourself you don't have to be doing anything when satan sees you he's reminded of god every time he sees you he's reminded he wanted the world he's the one that wanted to rule instead he took dusk and made man out of it put life in the man and rubbed it in satan's face and said you see you thought you was gonna have the world i'm gonna take some dust and raise up somebody to have it glory to god hallelujah so every time satan sees you he's reminded that he's lower than dusk so he hates your guts so he don't need a reason so stop bellyaching about it i don't understand why i mean shut up amen just rejoice hallelujah just rejoice praise god i don't cause agitation to the devil amen he's agitated again good i mean let me advocate himself some more glory to god now let's go back to revelations now chapter two let me get in this thank you lord let's talk about this church at uh ephesus for me praise god and let's just kind of slow down a little bit now until the angel of the church at ephesus is right these things say if he did hold up the seven stars in his right hand who walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks and again i would when i teach revelations i walk through all of that but i'm going to pass all that today so he said i know your works corpus is the word works in other words he said i know your toil resulting in your weariness and laborious toil amen and usually this describes an all-out effort that an individual makes so he says i know your works and your labor and your patience and how thou cannot bear them which are evil thou hast tried them would say they are apostles and are not and found them to be lighter liars okay amen now of course that whole tried them jesus said you know a tree by the fruit it bears and we judge fruit we don't judge people did you hear what i said amen hallelujah and as born and have patience and for my name's sake has labor and has not fainted that all sounds good nevertheless i have against thee because thou has left thy first love and so what you have here because when you first get born again you're in so in love with jesus and so everything about you if you really got born again i i remember when uh now of course when you grow up in traditional churches like i did you know people would hyperbolic and they would sing songs about it you know i looked at my hands and my hands looked new looked down at my feet did too started to walk and i had a new walk you know amen and it made it sound like if you got saved you know that you had a climax or something you know what i'm saying right they made it sound like so if you came up to the altar and you got saved and you didn't you didn't have then you must not be say that's what the enemy did to me when i came up to the altar because i heard all these people you know and then people you know they have these uh tesla i mean testify services people get up there and they would they would embellish you know all sorts of stuff you know amen so you you don't know you're just like you don't know you come to the other day i came to the altar right and well seemingly none of that seemed to happen to me and immediately the devil said to me see you didn't get nothing you must not be saved because you don't you don't you don't see no stars you're not hearing no boys you're not shaking you know there was people right left to me they were crying you know and there was a general i think was it no she wasn't there that day she came the next week she didn't even come to church that sunday that's right so to to my right praise god it was at that church still where she was at to my right you know there's people that was crying and he was crying you know family was over there you know and everybody everybody blowing snot you know and on the other side they doing the same thing you know something so and i'm standing like and the devil was saying see god don't want nothing to do with you and i bought it except i was determined so the next sunday i came back to the altar again same thing happened the next sunday i came back up there again i came three sundays in a row i am determined you're going to take me one way or the other but okay here and finally there was a track on the park bench out in the how the holy ghost would lead you to stuff and i was in a park and there was what they call a track little booklet that explained salvation did how it works okay then i read the track oh you lied to me there's the devil amen hallelujah but you know when you first get you first get born again praise god i mean your focus is on everything and your focus will be on doing the works of god and the focus will be on how can i help and the focus will be on i got a witness and and all that and but what happens to too many believers over time is that all that begins to fade and they start losing some of the fire and they can become judgmental of others amen we saw the herd that wednesday night and they can become judgmental of others and come to the place praise god where they begin to cool off he says now you've done a lot of works but you have lost that closeness to me amen hallelujah and what it did was because they lost that closeness to god it opened the door to apathy it opened the door to indifference to others and it opened the door to compromise with evil so they come to a place where you can become just apathetic you can see evil all around you don't bother you no more don't affect you in fact what the enemy is trying to do right now he's trying to dull our senses and our children's senses with just a crush of evil every time you turn on the television you know it used to be for example you would never even see i'm not old enough i'm telling my age now but there was a time when i was a boy growing up they didn't even allow a man or woman to be in the same bed on television not in the same bed they had to have separate beds on television a few people in here old enough to remember this remember i love lucy and all that okay okay i mean lucy had to be in one bed okay and ricky had to be in another bed well that that's what the standards were right okay back in those days amen you never back then you wouldn't even see anybody kiss each other back then now not only when you turn the tv on there'll be two men kissing i'm gonna borrow something from from what i kind of call marilyn also one of my she calls me her son so i recruit so i reciprocate and call her mama so i'm gonna take something from what i just said what she said yuck yuck i love you in jesus name don't even think about it hallelujah but so you become indifferent apathetic come to a place well but you might even compromise with it i mean i don't know how many times i've been i've heard christians ask me why i don't see nothing wrong with me i mean after all who you love for your love you can't help yourself that statement you can't help yourself is not true come on now notice praise the lord when he goes on to say here and i'm going to come back to them in a minute he they have an ear let him hear what the spirit said to the churches to him that overcometh will i give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the garden of god then he goes on here to sardis to the angel of the church in smyrna excuse me smyrna write amen things said the first and the last which was dead and is alive i know your works i know your tribulation and your poverty but you are rich and i know the blasphemy of them would say they are jews and are not but are of the gathering of satan or synagogue of satan fear none of those things with thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that you might be trying you shall have tribulation in 10 days it be thou faithful unto death and i will give unto thee a crown of life he that have ears to hear let them hear what the spirit saith unto the churches he that overcome them shall not be heard of the second death amen well this particular group in many many ways they were doers of the word and i'm simplifying this but they were doers of the word but only on the other hand they're going to pay a price for being a doing of the word uh amen and that is that they're going to wind up being persecuted and again that very thing can happen and mark all of the parables sower ourselves the word well he goes on and he says that well this actually the second group because people don't really see the first group unless somebody points it out to him but the second group he says they're going to wind up being individuals who are become very upset and begin attempting to fall away because of tulipsis that that was affliction persecution one and two there and affliction and persecution one affliction is really uh being tested and tried with circumstances persecution has been used other people including he'll use christians he'll use your family he'll use anyone that seemingly can get uh have an effect upon you he'll use him he'll use husband he'll use wife he'll use children okay anyone who will yield to the enemy that's why the bible told us that our enemy is not flesh and blood so you have to look past what people are doing and see the spirit that's behind it spirit that's behind it pushing them okay and a christian whether he realizes or not a christian can yield to the spirit and be used by the devil as a tool against other individuals hallelujah praise god now when you talk about synagogue of satan uh you are uh particularly the word synagogue means a gathering okay so when you when you have a gathering of people around a religious idea or religious belief it means also this word also kind of gives you about kind of a hurt mentality okay that people come together in a group okay and they have a group think so and that's what that's what we are watching right now if you're paying attention there is a groupthink okay that's going on and satan would use it to drive it uh uh i just kind of put it in in just a modern day stuff my my wife asked me something else he said did you see the store in the newspaper i've been just hit down in this meeting all week i haven't seen anything so i saw uh she showed me that i told me what showed me or told me where it was anyway i wound up looking at it and what it was was there was a woman in the grocery store picking up groceries and the guy and uh and she's not wearing a mask now you know and now but across the country in most places most places you can not wear a mask or wear a mask it's up to you inside of a grocery store in a grocery store anyway at this stage in the early days of course you could of course so you had people in there who had had one on people didn't have one on but this guy has going on and he comes up and he opposes this woman don't know her never seen her not connected to her but he opposes this woman and begins to call her out because she's not wearing a mask right and so what she does she takes out her cell phone and you know and tells him you know stop following me leave me alone get away from me you know and this guy started talking about the groupthink okay he's talking about well this is the way everybody says this thing's supposed to be done there's a way such and such and such and such you don't know this woman right and so she's she's being bright about it you know because i i have seen some stories where people did that and that woman would just pick up some and hit you i've read that too come on somebody but she just get off get off my wham i've seen some stories like that recently too okay but she's not doing that so he ain't put his hand on her okay amen those words are not going to hurt you okay but what what you have then you can have a whole group think mentality and all of a sudden they focusing on someone that was her decision what business is that of yours right if a husband or boyfriend had been in the other eye on the scene that then you might have had a confrontation just put it like that right and then that confrontation and you know how guys can be oh you go you gonna front me oh i'm gonna front you with that next you know it's on both of them could be saved field the holy ghost and wind up in the newspaper amen i almost wound up like that one time i sure did almost wound up like that i'm telling myself i almost did okay amen i'm at a football game with the wife of the lions game i'm at a football game and this guy i'm i'm on the isle the wife is sitting right next to me and then there's three guys sitting next to her and uh you know i guess they got a little bit tipsy and all the the guy next to her you know he's he's he's out and so i see his arm too close to her head so i just said to him i said sir what you uh just watching you almost hit it in the head and he gave me the f word and stood up and challenged me and my flesh said let's go let's go right now i mean i was mean that's my woman right he gonna front me in front of my woman you guys know what i'm talking about the ladies think we you know think we beast but the guy know what i'm talking about right he gonna front me in front of my woman amen i forgot i was a pastor a former city councilman in the city oh nine yards you know and we about to throw this effect she said she ain't never seen me that mad i mean i about ready for that we bout to throw down hello somebody right there it was three of them wasn't smartest deal either three on one probably wasn't the best idea but i wasn't thinking about how many was i'll take all y'all let's go you know i was so mad hallelujah oh amen what dance can happen because groupthink groupthink will make you go with the herd that's the way everybody's going and the pressure will be for you to conform we cannot have group thing hallelujah we ain't have that we have to go with the holy ghost someone's somebody's going to say amen to me hallelujah praise god so i'm just pointing out some things here and there amen verse 12 let's go a little bit more because where i'm really going this message is not here but i just want to point some things out here per gammas these things say if he would have this sharp sword with two edges i know your works whether i'll dwell us even where satan's seat is thou hold as fast my name has not denied my faith even in these days wherein antipas was my faithful murder who was slain among you where satan dwelleth but i have a few things against thee because thou has them that hold the doctrine of balaam or baal or another word we would say babylon now you know this word now by now right who taught they like to cast a stumbling block before the children of israel and again ministers you know this story okay this particular so-called prophet was for hire he was a prophet for hire so i'm gonna pay you to prophesy against okay the children of israel and i want them to be defeated and be let down so you prophesy against them sure i'll take the money and go do it until then he come understand wait a minute i bet not prophesied against them okay amen hallelujah and of course he get people he's paid but they have kept sustainable stumbling blocks before the children of israel to eat things sacrificed under idols and to commit fornication so hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the nicolaitans which things i hate now that kind of doctrine of the nicolaitans has kind of manifested in more recent years and a lot of grace teaching what they call grace teaching okay in other words you can uh the grace of god so uh the grace of god is with you the grace of god is around the grace of god is on you so you know you can you can kind of do whatever you want you know kind of say it that way that's what really comes out to be you kind of do whatever you want and kind of grace covers it and they they take okay romans chapter six and take verse one and two over there without going all the way back because if you read actually read it over there you don't start a conversation where he started it see but they take just that chapter six there and they kind of spread it all around and so grace is you can kind of you know the grace of god will cover you even you mess up but you go all the way back to chapter three and the apostle paul tells you in chapter three again i'm assuming you and go read this i'm talking to preachers here you go back to chapter 3 and read it and you will see well that's not paul said just the opposite of that in fact what he said was he said people have been lying on me saying that's what i teach that's not what i teach amen praise god but you have that teaching going around this teaching going around in america it started pretty much here and as i've been traveling the world i've been hearing it on different places all around the world a lot of stuff most doctors come out of here and then goes around the world i was ministering in italy at a church in italy and the lord had me teach on the subject of grace really what grace was so i didn't i didn't know nothing about nothing and this was a a convention what's going on so you had you know representation a couple hundred churches and i'm teaching on the subject grace the lord just gave me the minister of that and then about time i finished it the whole place exploded and they stood up screaming and clapping okay and all that i didn't know look at my interpreter but i didn't know what was going on then they told me they said the whole thing had been split over the subject of grace you won't pretty much i mean you know god's good the other half said not taught what grace really was power of the holy ghost grace is a person okay verses hebrews 10 29 one of the new testament names of god the name of the holy ghost he's called the spirit of grace amen they weren't even talking about grace anyway they were talking about mercy those are two different words you're throwing no grace that you may obtain mercy and find grace to help you mercy out comes before grace but they're two different things mercy is compassion hallelujah grace is manifestation of power is what paul talked about amen god told god told paul my grace is sufficient my strength he called the grace of god the strength of god my my grace praise god makes you strong in the middle of this situation and paul got it went most gladly read the greek most gladly therefore amen now that i hear that i'm going with that strength but when i'm weak then i'm strong the grace of god had nothing to do with behavior mercy has to do with behavior i understand the difference thank god for his mercy amen well you have churches caught up in them we're talking about right now this has been and it is a prevalent thing and i would even say there's some uh people who i would call great friends of mine get caught up in it now let's read on down to verse 18 because i'm just touching on a few spots amen and to the angel of the church at uh the uh theater right these things said the god god who have his eyes like onto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass i know your works i love your love i know your love i know your service and faith your patience and your works and the last to be more than the first nevertheless i have a few things against thee because thou surfaced that woman jezebel which called herself a prophet to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication to eat things sacrificed unto idols and i gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not behold i will cast her into a bed and then that commit adultery with her into great tribulation don't you see what it said accept their repent of their deeds and i will kill her children with death all the churches shall know i am he would search the reigns hearts i will give unto every one of you according to his works i say unto you and i say unto the rest of you and many that have not this doctrine which have not known the depths of satan as they speak i will put upon you no other burden now you know this particular city revolved around trades and crafts and they worship patron deities and many of the patrons deities were you worship them with some form of sexual practice if you read paul's letters of course paul went to a number of places that was the case even if you've gone to israel and with one of our groups you have seen that some of the places that we have gone even with roman practice that religion was practiced with sex some of them multiple sex partners a lot of things even like we see paul worship whole dancing now should call it pole worship but pole dancing that they do in strip clubs and all that that's not new that goes way back to biblical times okay they they had polls and they would of course carve out a woman and then they would dance in front of these poles there there's something like they say 3 500 pole dancing sites in the united states there's nothing new under the sun let's see amen and so the lord's very clear here about uh these issues and that as far as he was concerned this was a very this was a uh place that of course been a center of trade people would come through and when you have a center of trade and trade and practice you have people come through from like everywhere okay amen and they when people come from one place to another they bring everything with them it's like people in the united states moving from one state to another like they go from california okay a very liberal state and if you go from california to one of the most conservative states in the country you would find that they still they may be in a different place but they'll bring their values with them where they go hallelujah amen and so this place became some place that you had just all kinds of things and of course you had these kinds of worship that took place hallelujah praise god now notice what he says here in verse 25 but that which you've already hold fast till i come let's get down to ver chapter three to the angel of the church and start us right these things have heated half the seven spirits of god and the seven stars i know thy works you see how many times he said that see i i'm paying attention to everything you're doing you have a name that lives but you're dead be watchful and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die for i have not found thy words perfect before me remember therefore how thou has received and heard and hold fast and repented therefore thou shalt not watch i will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what hour i come unto thee thou has a few names even in sardis which have not defiled their garments they walk with me in white for they are worthy they are worthy they are worthy they are worthy he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment i will not blot out his name out of the book of life but i will confess this name before my father and before his angels he that have an ear to hear let him hear what the spirit would say unto the church amen and so praise god we're seeing key words and the key words i'm pointing out because i'm not really getting into the churches but i'm pointing out to you jesus sees them jesus passes them on the back jesus tells them however amen you can be left out you can lose amen and that he talks about things of pride sexual practice false religion being an individual that will take bad doctrine i kind of do whatever i want because it's grace all these things and all these things jesus is watching these things and here's another part problem with these folks and that uh uh this lady is seeing church and legacy was a very large and it was a very very prosperous place and also like the other ones had issues with sexual immorality but it was a place that they come to the place that they would not use their money for god tidying was a problem still see this element of church today they say only between 5 and 15 of the church of the lord jesus christ tithes so everything else is paid for all the works that are being done are being paid for by 15 to 5 of the people with god what you do with your money says to him what you think about him absolutely hallelujah amen paul teaches that money gained in greed is called filthy lucre but money used to minister to others is a sweet smelling savor it's acceptable and well pleasing to god now the church of philadelphia avoided all the problems of the other churches and one of the things that that he says about the church in philadelphia praise god he uses a statement about you'll be counted worthy to escape all these things that church amen why this church avoided humanism it avoided uh paganism it didn't shed innocent blood it used his money correctly it stayed away from sexual practices that was wrong and stayed away from bad doctrine all of that now praise the lord turn to luke chapter 17 let me go where i'm going because here's the point of the message when i'm about to go amen praise the lord can i get three more hallelujah somebody. if you study the words of jesus if you do a study on just what jesus said about things you will come up with some very interesting things that he talks about at the end of days he says here praise god in verse 26 and so it was in the days of noah so shall it be also in the days of the son of man so again pastors and ministers what would you do you would go back to the days of noah you would go back to genesis 6 and you would read that what you had was extreme violence extreme sexual practice throwing away the ways of god amen said they have corrupted my way so they moved away from how the scripture says life is supposed to happen and what you're supposed to do completely and every man did what was right in his own eyes in other words man became his own god and did what he thought amen they did eat they drank they married wise they were given in marriage till the day that noah entered into the ark the flood came and destroyed them all likewise or in the same way also it was in the days of lot they did eat they drank they brought they sold they planted they built it and i'd go back and read a lot but in the same day that lot went out of sauna it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all negative judgment even thus it shall be in the day when the son of man is revealed in that day he shall be upon the housetop his stuff in the house let him not come down and take it away he that is in the field don't return back remember lot's wife what did lot's wife do she looked behind her yearning for what her past life used to be whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it i tell you in that night there should be two men in one bed one taken the other left two women shall be grinding together the one shall be taken the other left two men shall be in the field one shall be taken the other left they answered and said under him lord he said unto them with us whoever the body is there will the eagles be gathered together now this was very interesting here is that the lord talks about some being taken and some left now turn to mark chapter four let me give you a more easier understanding of this in mark chapter four i kind of mentioning a little bit it's the parable of the sower mark chapter four if you do not know mark chapter four back and forth by now why not jesus said if you don't know this parable how will you know all the others so he said this is d key parable to understanding everything else he said right all right so now notice notice again what he said real quickly the sower sows the word these are they by the wayside the word is sung when they heard the word satan immediately come away and come to take away the word satan didn't have to do anything why they heard it they rejected what they heard nothing else for him to do they just rejected saying i don't believe that amen you get up you pastors have had this happen you get up and when you praise god you say dusty of the lord you hear the congregation going please that's him he continues on praise the lord and these are they by the way side the word of god is sown everybody hears the word when they heard satan came immediately take away the word that was planted in their hearts either they likewise sown on stony ground they heard the word they shouted when they heard it but they had no debt no meditation in the word they didn't take it home they didn't get in in their life and so they just lasted for a little while but when tulipsis showed up when affliction or persecution arose for the word sake and came because of the word they were scandalism they stumbled they backed up they became enticed to sin when satan put the pressure on them well he continued on and these are they which are sown among thorns they also heard the word but the cares of this world that word carries me distractions they got distracted by all the stuff all the glitter and gold in the world and the deceitfulness of riches that rich has been deceived by them that cares us this world to see the riches lust of other things this is stuff you just got to have you think praise god it choked or strangled the word and it became non-productive but these are they on good ground watch this good ground these are they which are on good ground they hear the word receive it bring forth fruit some thirty-four some sixteen a hundredfold what did he say here he said there were four different groups revelations there was right he said here with four different groups they all had the word ministered to them only one of the four was good ground what does that mean three out of four were not good ground we're not productive at all meaning they were of no value to the kingdom of god you understand i didn't say they wouldn't get to heaven but while you're here on earth is i'm gonna go to someplace else in a minute while you're here on earth you are not here to be like these churches some of them in revelation where they lost their first love when it became apathetic where they became lazy come on somebody sat in church but didn't really go too much only one in four was good ground now let me ask you a question if only one of them was productive what would you do with the other three turn to luke 19. this one makes it look cleaner too i think hallelujah i said hallelujah the 19th chapter of luke amen i know this is not the kind of stuff to make for get up and shout but i'm preaching the preachers here i don't need preachers to shout i hope you listen right luke 19. here's some more this red stuff note what jesus says verse 12 a certain old man went to a far country to receive for himself a kingdom in return he called his ten servants delivered them ten pounds and said unto them occupy till i come get real busy right but his citizens hated him and sent a message after him no that was his citizens his citizens hated him and sent a message after him saying we're not going to have this man reign over us ain't going to tell us what to do we do it we won't canaan passed and when he was returned having received the kingdom then he commanded these servants to be whom he called unto him to whom he had given the money of course here's actually talking about money but it could be any talent ability anointing call any of the things given to you by god amen that he might know how much every man had gained by trading you don't know this parable mark 4 okay so mark 4 put mark 4 on top of this one he wanted to see what every man produced let's keep reading then came the first saying lord your pound gained ten pounds ooh very productive good ground he said whoa oh man you've been faithful and little have authority over ten cities second one came the lord uh that pound gained five pounds he wasn't giving as much the other guy but he took what he had and he did something serious with it he did likewise uh he'll be over five cities to another it came saying lord look here's your pound i kept it laid up in the napkin i mean i was afraid of you because you are an austere man i mean i mean you just ask too much of me you take up that you lay up not down and reap of death you did not sow and who oh i read that one day i said he said to his pastor you're gonna make me do all the work and you get all the credit ouch and his master spoke up out of your own mouth will i judge you you wicked servant you know that i'm an austrian man i take up i lay not down and reap that i did not sow wherefore then gave us now that thou my money my money what the bible tell us about money who gave us the power to get wealth wherefore then gave us not my money into the bank that my coming i might have required my own with interest in other words so if you weren't going to do something you could have at least funded somebody else who would at least i'd get some production out of that come on somebody and then he said unto them that stood by take from him the pound gave it to the guy that has five nope gave it to the guy that has 10 pounds now socialism says okay all the isms communism socialism all the isms liberalisms all of the isms are about man having a system opposite of god's way they all are where man is the head he decides his own fate and what he what he does so he says give but now give it to the guy that has ten pounds i mean the socialists would have said now we'll find somebody ain't got to pound it all right well certainly ain't giving the guy got 10 he's already rich so give it to somebody not as rich as him thank you for all that shout out they said unto him he already got 10 pounds jesus if i say unto you every one of you to have shall be given and from him that have not even that he hath shall be taken away from him but those my enemies those my enemies which would not that i should reign over them bring them here to me and slam in front of me you mean he called the guy with the one enemy he did well then the old testament is given for our admonition and for our learning so we go back and look at the old testament so you had the children of israel god's chosen people god called them to produce and do a particular job if they did their job they were blessed if they didn't and then start going opposite of god because a lot of times sure a lot of stuff that was there in those seven churches that were you know some outright sin stuff but there was other sin stuff in there that jesus said people didn't really recognize you didn't do nothing you got cold you got lukewarm you didn't produce huh you became apathetic he talked about all that things so israel when israel either would not do what god wanted them to do or did things god told them not to do god warned them and warned them but in the end judgment came to him they did not get rewarded for not obeying now what makes you think that you're going to be rewarded for not obeying god at a time when there's a decision to who gets caught up and who doesn't the church today is no different than israel in that regard now here in the american church we are called names like islamophobic if you disapprove of islamic terrorism so you're called homophobic you disagree with the lgbtq god disagrees so i do too they'll call you narrow-minded if you say there's only one way to heaven well i guess i am their almighty because that's what jesus said in other words when you when you take a stance against the world system amen i don't know if i don't know as i talked yesterday i don't know the lady of babylon will actually have physical persecution there's no question she'll have every society she'll have group think against her she'll have government against her okay she'll have all these things satan will apply pressure to you you know if they can tell you that you can't go into certain places without mass a day can tell you they can tell you one day you can't go in the place at all because you are christian see things are being set up things are being set up for you now as i close what are you bishop what are you really trying to say here i'm really trying to say just one thing i used to always believe that well if you were just born again you instantly went in the rapture and what's going to happen is the lady's going to get judged rapture of the church installation of the 8th kingdom seven years ago second coming of the lord thousand year reign right so i used to believe and take a few verses now when you interpret the bible preachers you never take one favorite verse you take all everybody say oh what does all mean how much is left after all you take all the scriptures on a given subject and compare scripture with scripture and when you take all of the scriptures on any given subject and compare scripture with scripture it will tell you what's being told now i dare you to take all what jesus said and all the other verses that deal with this issue close to this and you will i believe and you believe whatever you want to believe okay but i believe you come out with the conclusion every believer is not going to be taken up [Music] yeah but the bible says it's not appointed unto us the wrath well first of all how about taking that in context read the whole passage there okay he was talking about those who get saved i'm not saying that people who are not caught up are not saved i'm saying they are technically i mean if their bodies their breath will leave their bodies well they're getting to heaven i mean all them letters we read pause right into the church with all the stuff and then jesus writing the church with all this stuff amen sure i might get into heaven how many know people who are born again but they fit any of this description hallelujah sure you do do i get to heaven i don't doubt it because god is just so good but on the other hand when i read all them scriptures scripture after scripture after scripture old and new when i read compare a scripture and was called you to be doing the assignment god gave you doing it faithfully hallelujah praise god walking before him as close as you can to holy because they like singing someplace else because of whatever else something else of the flesh they got nothing to do with the spirit and when they first came to the lord they told you the holy ghost told me to come here that's how i got here hello but then the holy ghost changed his mind and in fact he changed his mind two or three four times because they were over here but now they're over here and now they're over here the holy ghost just keeps changing his mind oh you've got somebody not following the holy ghost they're following the music they're following this they found some personality they're following something else but it's not god sent them there because the number one problem in the body of christ is the lack of understanding of assignment and and that's the only place where the production that god counts is first corinthians 3 tells you that you can have lots of works and they'll all be burned up as a fire but it's not what he told you to go to be because over here is the reason why he sent you over here is because he's going to fit you to do a certain thing to have a certain result you're over here because you decided to be over here so what he wants to happen god's will that you go through wrath but you have a vote in this with everything old testament the new you can praise god praise god you choose and then he says praise god what happens if you will what happens if you don't so he said pray that you'll be worthy i tell you this to do this make sure you're checking lord what is it i'm supposed to be doing where am i supposed to be am i supporting what i'm supposed to support led by the holy ghost lord are you in charge or am i in charge or are we kind of taking taking it where we're kind of doing it together sometimes i do what you want i'm asking you to let me do what i want i'm not expecting amens here do whatever and this is going to be just caught up out of fellowship out of place no value one out of four good ground now if you read good ground keep reading that mark chapter four when you read that good ground that good ground will produce more knowing anymore everything will come their way and it'll look like the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer why do god keep sending money people favor and everything else the ministries that already got all that and their ministries don't seem to don't have nothing they got a claw for everything because one's productive ones amen to make money for you who are you going to give money to the guy who's the most productive but one that's kind of in the middle you see like i am i got 116 employees i think he's 116. well who do you want to reward the individual that just doesn't do their job i don't think so how about the one that just barely does their job they do that job but they just barely do it yeah how about one that goes beyond that call of duty they so fired up with the mission because they're not working for a paycheck they're not here cause it's a job they're here because i believe god called me and i want to follow his kingdom amen let me get wet hallelujah that's the one you get raises to that's the one the other one amen they'll be mad at you too i mean like come on i called someone so god raised i didn't get one they'll come up with all kind of excuses you're discriminated you can do whatever okay now i'd have a church in the caribbean in fact they're here okay but before that one i i sent a guy in the caribbean okay i sent him down there to start a church and of course obviously it was underwriting and all that sent him down and do it caucasian mail his name was pastor gill after about two months i'm not hearing nothing and i've been busy i'm over the place i'm not hearing nothing so i'm fine so what's going on down there what have we done such and such well to make a long story short he was on the beach every day praying in the holy ghost to find out what god wanted done while he was collecting the check from us lawyer showed up with him came into my office we are going to sue you for racial discrimination now he's black i'm black we're going to sue you for racial discrimination was it really you gonna sue me with your black self okay say you're gonna bring your black self in here and you're going to trans and sue me for racial discrimination well yeah i mean your mission director he's white yeah but i'm his boss he only do without dealing so you saying you're suing me for in my office at my table gonna start trying to talk to me telling me what's gonna happen so we're gonna call the judge and say i said go get your judge go get a team of lawyers get out of this building for i throw you out physically now that wasn't love god forgave me later for me i repented for threatening them i was a little younger back in them days too hello somebody hallelujah really and that'll be the one that says i'm going up singing the song i'm going up yonder to be with my lord i'm going to be caught up to beat him totally useless taking the money from god's people amen and angry then because you had judgment come so we had to go through the judgment of not having a job and all the things that happened with them that they went through because they lost their job that was judgment stand up with so i realize these last three days have been kind of solemn amen that's why i brought other people so y'all can shout at night my job my job is to get before the lord and find out what he once told to you so that when you go back to your country or church or go back on the road you're a missionary praise god in here hallelujah that when you go back you bring the fire and understanding to the people because the people usually will not rise above the level you are amen faith comes by hearing and hearing if you won't tell them they won't hear it and they'll suffer because faith comes by hearing they can obey because or not obey but most of them most of them don't know how to get there to that next level yet that's why god called you he called you and anointed you praise god and gave you anointing and revelation so that you can help them get to the place where they can walk on their room hallelujah but even then it's still supposed to stay on the authority everybody should have a pastor i said everybody should have a pastor a pastor should have a pastor every minister every apostle prophet supposed to have somebody they are under if you are not under nobody you got full of prize what you are come on somebody somebody ought to be able to slap you upside your head right and say you stepped off the path get back on it somebody should be able to do that and you don't lose it i'm leaving i'm going to somebody else then as long as they pat you on the back you never find out who's really there until you say something they don't agree with then you find out only then do you know who is with you and who's not you understand see i got kate up here right well you know i mean i'm kate's pastor but if i call katie in and say look let me read you the riot act that's then where i'll find out if she really is committed or not only then but i really know there's another way i will know if she helps fund me i would know that too because people don't give away money that ain't anything hard to do the lord tells you that right hallelujah and so if you can't be slapped upside the head you got a pride problem dad hagin told me one day he said i'm there in his office amen i'm not there in death for discipline that's not why i was in the office okay it was good for positive stuff but he said to me he said boy he said now you do know that there was something wrong with you you know i'd call and tell you right say yourself that prophet said yes i understood that probably called me i was gonna do what i whatever it was i had to do while he was alive he was like my security blanket i never had a situation come up with dad hagin didn't have a word for me every time i went somewhere he had it i'd be trying to sit in the back somewhere okay amen they wouldn't let me sit in the back they made me come in front right and certainly almost every service somewhere in it either or in the office after somewhere the word of the lord would come on them and he'd reap my mail don't mess around with prophets not real ones it's a bunch of most of them ain't real you're running around but there are a few real ones the real ones are going to mess with them are you listening to me that god when he went home to be with the lord boy i don't know anybody was more except maybe ken junior in his family than me oh he's almost become a security blade praising glory somebody father we praise and worship in the door here yeah pray in the spirit for a moment we're overcomers praise god victors that's our end end game praise god hallelujah hallelujah and the holy ghost yeah saying no more abe said oh no my heart said man yes oh i'm with you everywhere i see everything about you i know your heart and and follow my way i'm the one that'll help you walk as you yield to me and do the thing many go there narrow is the way to life few be that find it but oh understand that's them coming in and out i'll bless them with prosperity yes i'll bless them with health and i'll bless them with protection yes yes they'll find me because of the anointing that i have given them no don't be afraid in this hour help but be there for thee i will assist you through my spirit and he shall invite you yes spend time with him you'll see he will tell you words instructions where to go what to do who to do it with yes i will give you the way to go and the time and the place to do it and as you have victory but don't think of that in terms burnt this way and that is you cause yourself through me to be promised of me you lead them to me and i get and as you walk in faith and say the things i tell you to come to pass and yes you'll be you'll be profitable to the things the enemy intends for thee oh and over thee he will not be able to stop you because you have been honored the father that is shown to me that's what the way we honor you hallelujah oh somebody praise him now rededicate yourself unto him right now dedicate yourself even how you use the time that the lord has given thee yes dedicate yourself so that your life will be completely glory to god there's a song church in philadelphia that was a church that embodied that song lord you be glorified in my life that's the only focus he's the only focus not that you can't do certain things but he's the focus now understand the lord is not telling you that everyone has to be a quote-unquote call minister god sends people to work in all kinds of places he sends you to be doctors and lawyers to be grocery clerks and politicians he sends you to be who knows what particular area but when he sends you to an area he sends you there to be his light in the middle of darkness he sent you there to be the salt and the light hallelujah praise god wherever he set thee don't leave that place unless the spirit of god directs thee you don't decide yourself where you work you don't decide yourself where you go to school you seek god's face and god will send you here and there god will place you in the place he wants you there he'll place you in those places because he's got a purpose for you he may have someone that he wants you to meet someone he wants you to help someone he may have you meet to help you and further his kingdom but you've got to be at the place he wants you at at the time he wants you at so get before him this day take this time away from here and spend a little extra time and say lord i hear you you told me not to judge others you've helped me get clean you've told me to persevere and to fight my way clear you told me how to walk in faith and you've also told me what's coming in the future you've told me i need to be productive and yes you also told me i'm an overcomer [Music] thank you for it lord he that has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the church one more time has left our hands and lift our voice and worship god father we worship you in praise and adore and magnify you we glorify and honor your holy name there is none like you on all the earth none like you on all the earth none like you on all the earth how we praise and worship let's sing that song praise god lord be glorified praise god in my life [Music] be glorified in my life lord be glorified today sing it again hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] lord be glorified be glorified in my life lord be glorified today that's what it's all about folks praise god time has come to receive the offering this morning praise god now listen to me i know you've given during this meeting and you may have given multiple times like me to give every day praise god hallelujah we need to just go on over this budget and knock this out this morning it's knock it out right now hallelujah so you can be seated for a moment check your spirit amen i can tell my wife and i we're going to serve give a sacrificial offering right now the word said in philippians 4 praise god paul said you gave once and again unto my necessity not because i desired a gift but i desire fruit compost fruit results that may super abound to your logos to what you've been saying but i have all the bound i'm full i receive from epaphroditus the things that were sent from you and know what he said amen he said sacrifice the sacrifice is when is not just the normal thing he said that that sacrifice was acceptable and well pleasing to god now i actually the greek here now because of that my god shall cram your net full degree whatever you require according to his riches in glory by christ jesus the riches in glory is the holy ghost then the holy ghost praise god gets involved leading guiding making divine connections amen one of the pastors told me today last night she had to leave and go back to her church but she told me last night she wouldn't leave her she told me she said while she was in service last night somebody called her and said the lord told me to give you a gift land that's worth a million dollars told me last night sell the land park it to me and use it for the kingdom just last night so i said rain what they give sacrificially see that's really that verse see the diverse can't be separated from 15 16 17 and 18. people separate it my god supplies all you need and that's not what he said he said my god supplies the knee because you gave sacrificially again and again and that you mastered your giving with your mouth hallelujah that's what he said praise god so by your head and see what the holy spirit might give you to do he he gave me in prayer this morning what he wanted me to give sacrificially me and the first lady so i wrote that check out then and there so i already brought it praise god hallelujah you'll see me also with two offering envelopes because uh amen i'm also gonna give my normal tithes and offerings so amen you're giving your normal tithes and offering to the church that's not what we're even talking about listen to the holy ghost for a moment just go ahead and pray praise god see what the lord have you to do i thank the father praise god we already have the budget meant that's my words praise god and abundance besides i'm have what i say thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus praise the lord all right now stand praise god and obey the lord if you're given by text you can give at 248 254.90 give me by text message that's 248 200 54.90 or you can give online at word of faith dot cc slash giving if you're giving by text that's word of faith dot cc slash giving now i can tell you what would happen if you obeyed the lord here whatever it was he gave you he said he will cram your net full whatever you require the holy spirit praise god well get involved in your money bring about a miracle i've been here hallelujah you're sitting in a property of 110 acres if you're in europe it's 44 hectares we're more than just what you see with this building all these trees you see all that place down it's all worth the faith it's all paid for not a dime it's over on anything we have no debt in our ministry glory to god and we acquired this land it was a miracle amen here's a miracle that we did it now of course you learn these things progressively you learn how to believe god i can believe god for things back now that i couldn't then i could believe partially for it so i can believe for x amount amen as you're growing and developing but then you get to a place praise god you should anyway where amen today seven figures don't bother me to believe for nothing you need so many millions so praise god it's already done anything about twice i said i'm not even thinking about this glory to god we were talking in one of my meetings and amen and i'll tell them this church need we need to go get something except they said well that thing costs a million dollars so amen god's supplies i ain't thinking about it as i got as far as i'm concerned we got the millions already paid for now marilyn said sometimes you might have to wait on it for a while amen so let's keep your faith confession hallelujah amen all right everybody stand up front row get up praise god everybody stand up amen whether you're giving any offering or not praise god how are we going to dismiss is that we're going to walk past the offering table you got nothing to sow touch the table amen praise god you give him with your phone have your phone touch the table amen but everybody i know god everybody's on something hallelujah so if you're right here in the middle section or in the upper bowl you go to your right-hand aisle and you come past glory to god if you're there i'll tell you to walk not yet if you're here praise god in the west side auditorium you're going to go to your right hand iron and go to the table here if you're here in the east side i'll turn go to your left-hand aisle and you come here but let's lift our offering right now to the great high priest lord we we receive your word today and we sow this seed right now from our hearts with love will not like be others we may be blessed already financially but no we don't take it for granted we just say thank you lord we'll sow more now as this seed is sown miracle harvest comes to every person until they come to the place that everything is full in jesus day amen god bless you come on tonight we'll see you in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] you
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 2,198
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Id: HkpIz624Py0
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Length: 153min 8sec (9188 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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