Family Series Part 2 | Bishop Keith Butler | July 19, 2020

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hey welcome to Word of Faith Church online we are excited that you're joining us this morning I'd know that the Holy Spirit is going to minister a dynamic word that would change your life I want to let you know that we have a live chat but we have chat hosts that are waiting for you to come in and say hello let us know where you're from we would love to hear from you for everybody else let's enjoy the service right Oh we're golden we have the victory Oh for the same good news the same three we Oh I've got a stability I agree are you the live I've got his nature and his ability let me turn into one water turned into I open the eyes of the mind open the eyes there's no one like you not like you Jesus none like you into the darkness inside the air there's no is greater our God is stronger God you are higher I got either awesome like you Oh monastic members again waters it's turned into wine yeah Oh into the time Oh Oh how and if I got a soulless man who could ever stop us and if our God is with us then what could stand against an empire damn who could ever stop us and if our God is with us Oh oh thank you Jesus hallelujah always sir such a good girl glory to God hallelujah oh he is the waymaker he is our provider he's a miracle I got I'll just come on over sir you can't hear moving in our mist I worship you I worship you you are here you working yeah I worship you i worse you and your work I call you miracle-worker promise keep mine in the darkness whoa that is who you are Oh my god that is who you say you're here moving in you to you mine we peirong so Jesus who you are with glorify your name we honor your name lift your voice and give Him praise lift your voice and give him honor and glory hallelujah he is your healer he is your deliverer he is your provider he is your protector his name is Jesus he's the king of kings he's the Lord of lords he is Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and even and he is our God and he's more than enough hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise God hallelujah how we worship and praise in a door and magnify you there is none like you none as holy as you none as righteousness huge none as strong as you known as why is this you or you are God and you are more than enough hallelujah praise be unto God glory to God and yes that's what he is your way maker he is your miracle worker he makes promises and he keeps those promises he is God and he is more than enough yeah glory there come over more time give him praise and glory and honor how we worship in the dawn magnified glorify your holy name all for he is good and His mercy endures forever thank God for the mercy of God amen thank God for the mercy ago he is all that to us phrase got it yet amen he extends to us mercy coal we took out oh how I love the Lord amen anybody here love the Lord glowing into God ray it's be under go well o amen as you are seated praise the Lord if you're here from the very first time to a service a word of faith we want you to remain standing if you're here for the very first time first time you've attended a service praise God welcome back there welcome welcome come on word of a welcome welcome amen welcome welcome welcome welcome amen welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome amen praise the Lord well we like to welcome the Word of Faith praise God we're glad to see you out this morning Jesus is Lord of the glory of God the Father in one of those persons that believe Amen I need to come on out to church we glad to see you out here tonight amen in the name of Jesus amen praise God there isn't a seat pocket in front of your car this is visitors car and you get it and fill it out we'd appreciate on one of the ushers will give you one and amen if you feel that card out we'd greatly appreciate it we will receive an offering shortly and when we do at that time Amen just you should go by just dropping any offering receptacle when you come by tell us who you are where you come from and we'll be glad to course contact you later on and keep you abreast to what's happening here that word of a praise the Lord Amen I'm glad to see so folks in the house of God amen amen how good it is for brethren to dwell together in unity praise God we'll go right to the announcements right now in the name of Jesus welcome to word of faith let's take a look at some of the things we have going on this week join us Tuesday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. for our early morning prayer calls as we pray for our family our church our community and the world call for twenty five five eight five seventy one eighty three listen to the entire message over the phone during our call in service times call for two five five eight five seven one eight three on Sundays at three pm and Thursdays at 12 p.m. kids world is here to provide lessons for your K through fifth graders this week's lesson is about launching your faith and taking your trust in Jesus to new heights right at our website at word of faith dot CC / kids world resources our weekly kids noon zoom is Saturday July 25th will begin at 12 noon with our teeny towns circle time for all three year olds through K for children then at 1:00 p.m. will gather all kindergarten through fifth graders jump online and bring your favorite book to register go to word of faith dot CC / kids world resources we are partnering with the American Red Cross to help provide blood for our local hospitals we're asking our church family and friends to make and keep an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross let's put our faith in action by serving others go to word of faith dot CC / Red Cross to make your pledge today don't forget to share with your family and friends word of faith has several job openings in the building operations department please review the job descriptions posted on the church bulletin boards in the lobbies and send resumes as indicated calling all glorify God Youth we're open for youth service every Sunday at 11 a.m. in the 620 room lower Chapel all youth grades 6 through 12 are welcome so come expecting to hear a word from the Lord just for you remember to bring your PPE and we continue to practice social distancing hope to see you there what's up young I want to remind you that we're continuing our weekly devotionals that have been made just for you so please make sure you check out the weekly devotions by going to word of faith CC forward slash youth and make sure you stay up to date by following us on Instagram and underscore glorify God underscore a CEO I want to learn more on the office of the Prophet get Bishop Butler's important message where he dives into what God's Word says concerning the prophets ministry their gifts and the difference between old and new Testament prophets available online at Easter word of faith that's CC get your copy today bikers gas up and start your engines come ride with the word of faith blazing faith bikers on their annual bikers ride out with bishop and pastor Deborah Butler on Sunday August 16th immediately following service will have special parking in lot D off evergreen road for this event join them for a short tour through Metro Detroit and conclude the fund with food and fellowship ad word of faith more information to come to participate please contact pastor Derek green at 2 4 8 7 9 7 13 94 or email be green at Wafaa com coming September 3rd Pastor Deborah Butler will be hosting a new chat show woman-to-woman where a special guest will be interviewed each week in a live online streaming session stay tuned for more information greetings word of faith starting August 2nd our Sunday online services will begin streaming at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time in addition starting July 31st were to face of that church online org will be replaced with an updated website were to face dot online dot Church there will be no change to our other four platforms see you online join us wednesday evening for midweek Bible service and next weekend for our Saturday and Sunday services stay connected with us on Facebook Instagram Twitter the word of faith app and add word of faith dot CC open your Bible sentence chapter 9 you can be seated for a moment brie is gone amen here in sin Corinthians chapter 9 you read here praise the Lord and verse 6 but this I say he was sawed sparingly or a little sharp also sparingly he was so bountiful much reap also bountifully every man according as he chooses in his heart so let him give not with sadness or grief or of distress regardless of hilarious givers what all the Greek actually says and God is able to make all grace abound toward you so that you of all satisfaction in all things may abound to every good work then he quotes as an example of that the man in Psalm 112 that's what verses 9 and 10 is about praise God in verse 10 he says now he that supplies seed to the sower God's given us the seed for us to soul both minister bread for your food and multiply I said multiply multiply the seed that you plant and increase the offspring of your righteousness being made rich in everything all areas of your life to all liberality which cause us through us Thanksgiving to God Hebrews chapter 7 you can turn there to praise God hallelujah which is a takeoff of Malachi chapter 3 but in Hebrews chapter 7 amen to quiet in here hallelujah Hebrews chapter 7 verse 8 says and here men that die receive tithes but there he of whom it is witness amen the others words and other words people have seen and continue to say he's not dead but he's alive he receives our ties that's Jesus so tied in praise God something that we do we do it to support the work of God hallelujah it's God's system in God's Way it's tithes and offering time hallelujah amen once again if you need an offering envelope there's probably one in the seat pocket right there in front of you but if not you can always lift your hands be honored to give you one of course today most people now give by electronic Amen the vast majority of now about giving because now coming in electronically amen but once again you could give in person at our 24-hour slot in our main office praise God can try right up here at 20,000 West 9 Mile Road Southfield Michigan you give by text message at two four eight 250 490 you can give online at word of faith dot CC / giving of course you can phone in your offering by calling to for a four one nine four nine three three during normal business hours for us that's Tuesday through Friday because we're closed on Mondays once again you could just give by mail and we're to faith in International Christmas center twenty thousand West nine mile road let's stand to our feet praise God and lift up your cell phone or your tablet or your offering envelope or whatever methodology that you are using praise God and let's make our fake confession today because we are titres the windows of heaven are open the blessing is pouring out because we are sores we are furnished in abundance for every good work we receive good jobs perfect assignments raises and bonuses contracts benefits sales and commissions yes a it said we receive settlement estates inheritance interest income rebates returns and checks in the mail supernatural wealth transfer scholarships tuitions paid in full bills paid off and debt demolished Ross has received in properties acquired we're getting our buildings our land our houses our vehicles our equipment and our aircraft God is bringing into our hands seed we commend our bonded harvest to come abundant harvest come to us now harbors angels go and get it bring it to us right now in Jesus name somebody praise God what you say is coming to pass it's coming to pass in your life is coming to pass and your family is coming to pass in your job is coming to pass in your finances we give you praise and glory for it in the name of Jesus hallelujah yes sweet a bird we see to receipt to yes we to say further decisions I want you to know that our God is good he's got us here today he's good yesterday and he would be good tomorrow please start my awesome guard today and they are mercy Oh No oh yeah you Oh turn yeah hallelujah anybody agree that God is good oh he's good hallelujah and father we say thank you for being so good to us and we particularly thank you for being so good to give us the Word of God we know that your word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path we know that the Word of God the Bible is you speaking to us and inside of it is the pathway to success in this life and in it is the pathway to eternal life and so we receive it by faith and we thank you for Holy Spirit you are a great teacher and revealer and guide it so we asked you to do all those things with us today we yield this vessel now to be utilized by you and the way you so desire we're open father to whatever gives grace is anointings manifestations or demonstrations of the Spirit you see fit to grant us and father for whatever you do we give you and you alone all the glory and honor Allah praise we ask this in that holy mighty matchless and highest authority of all Jesus of Nazareth by his precious blood everyone in agreement with this prayer said Amen praise got your seat open your Bible to Colossians chapter 3 please Alleluia we'll take a look at verses 1 and 2 over there in Colossians chapter 3 amen now before I read Colossians chapter 3 verses 1 and 2 I want to just inform you about some things you may not know amen now a couple of weeks ago the state of California and of course those of you watching me today are from all over the world so I'm what I'm about to speak about now is in America and a lot of these statistics I'm going to use today are American statistics however I have studied these these things and other cultures too and find out they're all pretty much the same amen but here in America in California a couple weeks ago the governor California declared and put forth in a emergency order that it is illegal for people to sing in church so in the state of California it is illegal if you do go to a church which is the issue but if you do go to a church it is illegal for you to sing and they use the word sing or chant of course they don't know how to describe what we do so what the state of California told you was is that you cannot worship God because the Bible is full of sing unto the Lord worship God seasons cannot cease all these books tells you you do it with with the word of your mouth and uplifted hands and singing all that we're talking about the United States of America that is the law today in the state of California now you would ask the question how in the world could that happen do don't we have a First Amendment of countries United States and so forth and so on well it happened because there were lazy people in California who would not challenge the government immediately you see if you if you let the nose of the camel get under the tent and you wait before you know it the whole hump will be under the tent and now you got to try and get out most of the camel trust me it's a whole lot better to try and kick him in the nose when he first gets under that then try and wait until now you got a massive job you got to deal with and they got a massive job to deal with in California in other words you're you will lose rights if you don't fight for them immediately do you now understand so if you a are a born-again Christian we have a church in San Francisco so the church the San Francisco cannot have worship and praise in their church they can't work Almighty God if they're gonna do it legally of course in my church is we don't care we're gonna do it arrest us hello somebody's but the point I'm making to you is do you understand why stop thinking black white male female Republican Democrat how about thinking Christian amen Colossians chapter 3 verse woman tells us if ye then be risen with Christ and about here risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God set your affections the word affections in the Greek text is mine set your mind on things above not on things of the earth that's the problem amen so if the church the Lord Jesus Christ continued this way this is how you wind up this is how the Europeans wound up they wound up now with almost no churches in Europe that's how they wound up that way it happens chip-to-chip at it chip at it chip at it chip at it a little more and more and more and more not one of them not one shot chip at it - better - better chip at your rights okay I hope now you will understand if you don't understand me at least pray for me that I know a little more about maybe this thing you do understand did they come to that here in Michigan it's gonna be a brawl with us alright let's get into the word now turn to Genesis chapter 1 praise God last week pastor Durban I began on the subject of the family and as I said to the Saturday night people service that there's no way we could look at this subject in a month okay we're gonna try and look at it in about a month but there's no way you can look at this subject in a month I mean we could spend easily six months on the subject of the family so what we're doing is just touching some high spots here amen praise God few things about it and some of the things I'm going to say today on they're going to be hard to hear okay amen you may be an individual that you might be part of what I'm talking about but let me tell you praise God even if you are the Bible tells you if you acknowledge repent amen get on the Word of God you can have success and have whatever changed amen it all depends on five keys wasn't out you were here the word and one night you will receive it or what not you will go back to it amen because of the four jesus said in mark chapter four there are four classes of people those by the side of the road those among thorns come on praise God those who are planted well well it depends on what they do about what they what they do when they hear what they hear so I'm telling you that in advance some of the things I'm going to say to you today because our biggest problem is not police brutality our biggest problem is now racism amen i'ma show you what our biggest problem is okay all right now so Ephesians sorry Genesis chapter one we registered our foundation in text again beginning here with verse 27 so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed him and said you see why he said milling from male and female he said be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth so do it have dominion over the fish of the sea fouled in air over the cattle and over all the earth I didn't mean to depress jarred and nobody says Amen hello somebody Amen but clearly his will was to create a male/female because only with a male female can you multiply anything outside of that is not normal is not scriptural that's not meanness that's not a phobia that's the truth amen but anything in any realm of life that is abnormal can be fixed by the power of God if you want it to be i-isn't it to me then in chapter 2 we read last week amen we read in verse 20 and Adam gave names to all cattle defiled the air to every beast of the field but for Adam there was not found a help meet for him he's by itself and so the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam he slept he took one of his ribs closed up the flesh instead thereof and the red which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man Adam said whoa I'm sure he had that reaction he said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called because he was taken out of man therefore shall a man leave his father his mother shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh they were both naked the man and his wife and we're not ashamed and so we found from Webster's dictionary 1828 addition those who descend from one common progenitor a tribe a race a kindred a lineage a course of descent a genealogy a line of ancestry praise God is what the dictionary defines as a family amen order to God actually this these statistics that I quoted last week about 40 farms in American American households was actually low actually high rather today is actually only a third of african-american families are a married couple today so done nor is not for there to be a father mother children in the home with folks who happen to have a suntan when they're born the consequences of that are enormous and bring bring about serious troubles now in order to get into a natural family of course or requires natural birth to get into a god spiritual family requires not only natural birth but also require spiritual birth remember John chapter three last week we read he said that was born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit amen well now the way social I'll just describe what the Bible calls family they call it a nuclear family amen people like black lives matter say that we we are around for the purpose in their mission statements to destroy the nuclear family and not hiding it amen and so that that information is available you need to understand who you are dealing with and what their purpose is their purpose is to disrupt the country change the country move it away from the Word of God are you listening to me that doesn't mean that some of the issues they bring up are not correct because there's always some truth and falsehood and it will help you gain followers amen when people don't do their homework now turn to second Timothy chapter 3 but my job is to preach the word and the Bible told me that the truth will make you free amen in second Timothy chapter 3 we read in verse 16 it says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable the word problem means it is helpful it is advantageous for doctrine as teaching for reproof sometimes the word supposed to rebuke you and correct you it's supposed to give you instruction in righteousness why so that the man of one of God may be complete and equip fully unto all good works God wants you to be complete and equipped fully here on earth and have success in everything you do why because God loves you now in in the 1960s for example I was born in the 50s but in the 1960s nearly 95% of babies were born to couples who were married the stats are about to give you now are for the whole country all races the whole country everybody amen so in 1960 95 percent of babies were born to couples were married today 40 percent are born to women who are either single or living with a non marry partner more more children than are being born out of wedlock in the 1960s for example of course I just told you the stats were today and what where we are now what they have found is that marriage is good for children the studies I'm about to quote you are from decades of data with millions of people amen they found that marriage is good for children in fact countless studies have shown that children born to married parents enjoy a number of socio-economic benefits over those born to single parents amen a solid intact family that stays together and intact family structure can have a significantly positive impact on the child's present and future well-being and offers countless benefits for the adults and for the children children grow up in homes where two parents who have been married continuously are less likely to experience a wide range of problems a men they're less likely to have academic problems social problems emotional problems cognitive problems not only in childhood but also as they grow up later in life become adults in two-parent families for example children typically have access to more of the economic and community resources because parents are able to pool their time money and energy so the chilled the children tend to have more focus on them and then family families intactness has also been shown to have a consistently positive influence on earnings for prime age males and is one of the most important factors for females and children in determining an area's dependents and welfare programs that target poverty research also shows that family intactness has a beneficial influence on reducing out of wedlock births increasing high school and college graduation rates and even as long-term benefits such as higher employment rates children living with married parents are more often involved in community activities take part moreso in academic pursuits and other academic institutions that lead them to college and eventually to a career family intactness increases high school and college graduation rates as well as high employment rates overall intact families tend to be more stable parents tend to be more involved in their children's lives are more highly invested in your children's success not because they love the children more but be God are obviously more ability fathers of intact families spend on average more time with their children children living with both biological parents are 20 to 30% more physically healthy then children with broken homes research shows that family structures related to preschool children's cognitive development skills that children from two-parent homes had higher scores on verbal reasoning than those from single-parent homes a recent study found that children growing up in intact families traditional nuclear families were more likely to graduate from high school complete college compared to those who were raised in blended or single-parent homes amen another study found that adolescents and intact families had higher levels of academic achievement we're less likely to exhibit problem behaviors in school compared to peers living at home where the single mothers live alone or for cohabiting partners those are who are teachers in here know what I'm talking about I mean teachers I got in here you know what I'm talking about in second a modern teaching today in an urban school Amen most of my combat zone those teachers ought to get hazard pay amen today our heroes following divorce children are 50% more likely to develop health problems clearly children do best in a stable family environment where well-adjusted parents have established consistent routines for the home on the other hand an environment of turmoil will continue conflict multiple school parental employment changes are linked to lower levels of child well-being being raised in a marriage family reduces a child probability of living in poverty by 82% gosh almighty according to the US Census the poverty rate for single parents with children in the United States in 2009 was 37 point one percent the rate for married couples with children was 6.8% marriage is one of the greatest weapons against child poverty according to the CDC four out of every 10 children today are born to unwed mothers that's the general population an african-american community community we're getting close now to 80% said 77 today one in four children in the age of 18 are being raised without a father and nearly half lived below the poverty line the median income for families led by a single mother in 2013 was about $26,000 one-third the median for a married couple which is eighty four thousand dollars nearly half of single-mother household had an annual income of less than $25,000 single mothers often spend over half of their income on housing expenses and 1/3 on child care without financial aid single mothers students have little or no means to contribute financially to their educational expenses single fathers tend to have higher incomes and are far less likely to be living at or below the poverty line and single mothers still they farm much worse than married men statistics show that men who become fathers outside of marriage are more likely to be poor these men were 70 to 90 percent more likely to be poor compared to men who never had children before marriage in other words god nuclear family system is the best especially for women and children especially for them not doing it God's Way leads to poverty less education higher drug addiction unwanted pregnancy teams in a married family have a lower risk of teen pregnancy six times by six times cohabitation is less stable than marriage within three years of a child's birth 40% of cohabitating couples are no longer together greater stress is on single parents we all know what the benefits of stress are 77% of African American children born out of wedlock the results for that our kids are poor they're sicker a higher risk of violence poor achievements in school and too much of them are on a train from school to a door to the Prison Pipeline african-americans have a higher divorce rate only 1/3 of African Americans today are born in two-parent homes 32% of African American fathers 32% of African American file there's 32% of African American fathers never visit their children amen and so some of the things that pastor Deborah was talking about last week when she was talking about single women because before we start getting into the whole married couple things and about marriage and all that we know then that more than half of the congregation which we're talking to his single women amen praise God and sold their number things she said but you can you can sum up a lot of it and turn the 1st Corinthians chapter 7 then I'll get over to the min little bit and then we'll we'll go a little further can I get 3 how to Lou you somebody first Corinthians chapter 7 and we read verse amen 34 for the single women the first part of this verse is there's a difference also between a wife and a virgin the unmarried woman care for the things of the Lord that she should be holy both in body and in spirit when she cares for the things of God then she understands her body must be kept holy that's the first thing because ladies what the statistics show over and over and over and over and over and over again about what happens with single women Amen is that the guys would hit it and quit it I'm gonna say that again I understand that I told you already are you I told you what was coming all right okay amen but it's true man the guys would hit it and quit it she'll be left holding the bag and then has to try and be mama daddy provider and all of that and the end result of that what happens to her emotionally physically financially and we can go on down the line and then the children not have a father and God made male and female because every child needs both you need mama and particularly boys particular stats show that I'm not I can give you I can go over an hour and give you stats okay but for boys when you take a look at boys but for boys oh my gosh boys need to have their biological father all possible are you listening to me in particular because boys tend to get more into areas of trouble act out because they need a man to guide them by nature they're a little more aggressive amen I always understand which statistics amen and those of us who went to college you know they taught us that bell-shaped curve and so there's always on both ends people who don't fit what we talked about so when you talk about staff you're talking about the broad 64 percent in the middle okay amen dissolved oh you couldn't always see this difference and of course there are obviously single women who have raised some very successful children okay and I've done very well but those are not the rule those eyes on the exception or women who got that done especially they had boys amen because boys need a man to guide them period it's absolute because boys don't respect women as they come up in general know y'all hate him you say it is but when eleven-year-old boys and a woman tells him something he goes an old woman tell me so that's our boys all woman tell me something I mean I turned to her years old man I was talking to my mother not 12 you know so I looked down at my mama you know what she said was you gonna do now like you're right what you gonna do right of course if you knew my mom or you wouldn't know who my mom would grab you pulled you right down okay that's man today they want to call that child abuse Abel's keeping me in line tell you the truth my daddy worked 18 hours a day six days a week so she had to she had to deal with me the oldest come on so she had to struggle with me I was a good kid she had to struggle with me okay Amen you got sway boys all but then she but she couldn't handle me she said he just waited your daddy to get me do right I won't undoing him understood this is not a good thing to happen right so he never had to say much to me at all all he'd say to me was boy did I yes sir boy sneak goddess learn how to be a man women young girls do not understand what a real man is why they marry wrong ones but they don't know what a man is could they have seen one was it haven't seen one all day all they've seen is women in the house so they don't understand the things you would learn by a man being there my daughters knew what a man was because I'm one they had a father so they knew it one was so when other folk came along Amen it went hard for me to run down the fork off I didn't have a big battle with my girls about it cause my girls understood a little look if you can't get paired daddy amen and they understood my job until I married them off was to be their protector so I protected them to the day I said I said all right and he walked on the island then I performed the marriage ceremony amen praise God so they've got him both men who had fathers amen both of my real men and I'm very happy with both with the real man very happy with so I don't have to walk in love I ain't got to think about hurting somebody cuz they hurt my daughter got to go to none of that hello somebody life is grand praise God and so first God that's why one of reasons why the Bible tells you you want to you want to keep you a body holy and the other thing she mentioned to you in particular and says here you want to care for the things of God so then what should a single woman's focus be what is the mission God gave me what's the mission inward let me focus on doing that now the same thing let me get over to the unit let me get over to the single men for a minute yeah now hearing where first question is chapter 7 take a look at verse 32 gentlemen can I get three hallelujahs again somebody I understand we're not going to shout today but we should shout because the truth makes us free amen verse 32 says but I would have you without carefulness he that is unmarried care for the things that belong to the Lord how he may please the Lord time I demand same thing single man's focus should be on finding out what God call your doing serving God with all you mate amen and the same thing holds true for him where is the Lord that means Amen no we're just going to keep things locked up until this time amen to find the wife oh I did hear a male a man back there Alleluia same thing because what the statistics continually tell you the Word of God tells you just long before there was ever statistics it's already already in the Bible but the Word of God any statistics tell you amen that both of you will be poorer spiritually mentally socially financially it is a price always for stepping outside of God's will because the will of God is what works he designed the system and you can struggle against the system or you won't but the fact that the matter is the only way you gonna have success is that you got to do it God's Way so he must do the stain he must have a holy lifestyle he must seek our gospel for his life amen and he needs to get all of that before he even thinks about finding a woman to marry you need to find out who you are what your job is so that when the time comes that you do seek her she will see who you are amen and she can make a decision on whether or not this is the right thing for her based on what she's looking at and not the rules changed halfway down the road amen you can evaluate her because she either accepts the mission submission she gets under the mission she accepts the mission and then lines her life up because she's made to be a help for that mission but if you don't have the mission yet then you may find after you get married that she's not interested in that submission could add in what pastor Deborah knew I was a minister before she America like I told her I said I and you know I mean she was there my first sir so she knows she was there in the choir stand amen she heard my refused at the very first one act chapter 9 transform transform about the great transformer Paul on the road to the masses my first mission ministry 46 years ago he was sitting in the class so she knew I was Minister but I told let me tell what that means because at the time I went completely sure if if my mission was overseas or not I had some Stern's in my heart about my having to do stuff overseas I was not developed as I am now spiritually so I told her God may call me to go to Africa go to Australia somewhere else and I had to live in the bush so don't marry me if you talking about you can't leave Detroit not to be home with your mama cuz I'm going to obey God so don't do it you can't do it don't do it huh she said it meant so at least she knew what she was getting into now I see their nose gonna be all this has been butting into and that's what you as a man deserve to be able to give a woman at least certainty first of all praise God secondarily amen you need to prepare yourself spirit soul and body and financially spiritual development because the most the number one and most spiritual person in the household is supposed to be the man there's nobody else to go to church gets Masuka nobody else to tell you the word guess who shouid hallelujah nobody prays guess would be the one brand because what comes with authority because the scripture said in first Corinthians 11 amen he is the head of the home and seven in the Bible but how can you be the head of something and yet you are the least spiritual one there you have to be the most birth to one I'm the one gonna pray more than anybody else in my house are you listening to me don't spend more time than anybody else that's what you have to do amen praise God but that's how you turn our children who love God and our credit to you amen that's how you not have Wow PK kids I don't have any glory to God so first of all whether you're a male or female then the spiritual developments the first thing the scripture says in first Corinthians chapter 6 seconds in chapter 6 gives me seconds chapter 6 be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers the first thing the Bible said is is that a believer doesn't marry someone who was not also a believer but the whole issue of yoke together follows all the way down the line you want to find someone that is as close to you and I am NOT talking about age and I'm not talking about race but someone was close to you where God is concerned as you are if you love God with all your heart not your life than the person you choose must love God with all their heart of life or there is no way you are going to make it with this person how can two walk together except they be agreed the scriptures and secondarily for his God then both sets male or female must be she brought you read the scripture last week and i'ma read it again to Romans chapter 12 go over there amen in Romans chapter 12 it said I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God provides your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God that is your reasonable service the Greek word for reasonable is the actual English word logical he said what makes sense with works for you is keep your body in line and which means continue thought and be not modeled after the world so the world's going this way by doing that way this is what's cool now this was cool this was cool today amen what's that guy doing anything the thing that works is God's way the rest of it is doomed to failure say see so don't mind yourself after the world system but be changed or transformed by the renovation of your mind that's why you spend so much time meditating the Word of God and that's why you hear us talk about it so much I know what you're going to say so what are you doing it hey mater take the word day and night because what happens it continually changes your thinking you see things you more and more the more you meditate the word the more thing where you see a Gosling well you see it gossipy the more understanding and wisdom and revelation you get mad at taking the worse than you got to do on a daily basis amen so you said so change your mind so that read the rest of that so that you may prove that we're proof there that you may allow because whether or not this happens is not in God's hands in yours whether or not you allow the good the perfect choice the God to happen God's choice for you is that you prosper spiritually financially socially amen family wise in every way that's his choice but the person who determines whether or not that happens is not God it is you you're the one who will determine that and that comes first of all I have enlightened understanding of revelation and understanding praise God hallelujah so you meditate the word guess what it gives you it gives you the proper view of life which is a God centric Bible centric way so it helps that helps your soul one things passenger said last week was about to tell my single females amen in this particular case but she was talking about emotions many times people have struggles physically talk about the bound body for a minute there are physical physical struggles with their body because of emotions they're all tired together amen there are men who do this to people who emotionally eat see we know this from being in the ministry 40-something years all these people we've ministered to all these years they eat emotionally they've been hurt in the past rejected in the past unhappy about stuff and so how they handled it is that they go to food and then when they get the food and in if they do it then they also eat the wrong kinds of food so then they begin become larger than whatever it should be good for their frame and they become larger than they ought to be and then they develop comorbidities high blood pressure diabetes and get killed by Kovac 19 they become more weak physically racism is the reason why more people are dying to cope at 19 no reason why it's lack of obedience to the Word of God when you have the majority of your your families are not intact when you have been poverty because of the families not being intact hello somebody you didn't have all the other things underlying conditions will produce worry stress fear all those which I taught you break your body system down and as something like Kovac comes through amen you could wind up a staff thank God for the mercy of God and the Word of God 1 for God's mercy something I didn't do with faith just mercy of God came in here God knew you loved him but you hadn't dealt with the emotion dealing with the emotions amen Paul said I pressed toward the high remarkable high calling of Jesus he said I'll leave those things that are behind in the pass you got to decide to receive healing own way she did on what he did on what they did about what was unfair about what happened you can't go into tomorrow jesus said in Matthew chapter 6 he said tomorrow we'll take issue of itself amen you got to let that pass go look down that aisle and tell somebody down that aisle you let that pass go so many people are tired to this amen see it's why Foods important even if you're gonna eat a mostly at least let it be the good stuff that it won't put the weight on you because the weight and the being out of shape makes you what they say you see on television every day have comorbidity we have more than any group because of what we do black live magnet can say all they want all the to say it's got a racism if you want to call it racism then there's black folks against black for their own fault you may not like it but this the stats are true truth is the light and the Bible's true it just damn very many people very many people got enough courage to say it because it's hard to hear amen so what God wants from you than what you should want for yourself is not just your spirit being and your soul but also your body being the very best you can be physically amen I won't somebody accept me the way I am you don't want something you don't want to accept someone accept the way you want them to be oh you tell mind you want them to be dis and that be spiritually this mostly it is physically this don't it could I ask you are you all that you have a right to expect what you are no more okay whatever you are that's what you have a right to expect as you sow that's what you're supposed to read amen so you should do the things but a lot of times people have trouble with this for two reasons one is emotional and they haven't dealt with it got really good before God deal with this thing you've even you covered it up for so many years covered it up but you ain't really dealt with it Amen you got to deal with it you got to face it could get the Word of God and God would get your heal over it you need to get rid of it the second one is just laziness laziness comes from being so tired and if you're single and you try to carry everything it's difficult right am I telling the truth it's very difficult then it's difficult it's a real challenge that's why I mean we do things the right way God's way to start out you don't wind up in these situations and then finally financially praise God right now I'm still talking to single Mary before we get to y'all next week so don't stay home hallelujah but financially pastor Deborah and I got married don't love that would dumb the mercy of God we still together come on in the first couple years a good Lord Almighty come on somebody it had no money got married on love Alleluia had to believe God to eat ladies what is the number one thing for women tell me security did the men hear that did you hear that number one thing last night when I asked it at a Saturday night crowd I said ladies what's no money when they hide it out last night on y'all's more timid but last night group last night order they got other whoa he's security crowell right here I go where they go absolutely brother amen woman feels insecure and she feels insecure she has a tendency to she has a tendency to not be as effervescent as effervescent as she can be and she has a tendency to not want to be with you as much in ways of which you take great delight in how did I do data back sir now he's not supposed to be on anyone come to the table that way she's pulled to come to table that way to both parties are supposed to bring something to the table it's never supposed to be with one party coming to take care of my knees God takes care of your needs you're thinking two months asking a man a woman to be all the stuff you need to fit your life no person can feel the voice you have totally but you should bring to the table something amen so you'll discipline yourself about your financial habits you don't spend all your money you learn to save money you don't build great debt amen hallelujah you shouldn't come to to a potential merit Union with lots of credit card debt Shonda Shonda oh my lord get him off the stage getting them out of here why do I go to this church what's the matter with that but oh my god absolutely amen does that money trouble will break your potential marriage absolutely sex and money will kill your marriage I said sex and money will kill you kill it amen hallelujah praise God the same thing with gentlemen so that's why Amen you do what the Bible tells you about it there's ties offering God said he'll do what he does the scripture said in Luke amen that the wise men does what then sets aside funds hallelujah glory to God Saints and they'll be able to wipe you out in just one fell swoop you didn't get a checks this week you out knocked out you should never be in that position hallelujah over to God aren't y'all glad my clock is out he just told me to shut up so I'm about to sit down there all right financially praise God and so I have taught for years and I'm still teaching it to grown people you do what the Bible says about tired and then offering difficult before the Holy Ghost and find out which will do about offer then you pay and offering to yourself we ain't bought none yet we ain't done them yeah we ain't decided on what we live none of that yeah okay then we pay an offering to ourselves every single paycheck every single one every single time any unexpected money goes into that amen we build up a nest egg hallelujah glory to God Satan cannot knock us out in one fell swoop amen if you marry her she feels a whole lot thicker cause she knows that you ain't penniless and if you come home today and you lost your job we not out in a box yet she know this time come on she knows there's something there and the same thing for you it is amazing when you particularly if you do what the Bible talks about don't do the debt thing my wife knows something happens to me she knows that she is not in trouble she is not in trouble it's not how much money you get it's what you do with it amen I have counseled many folks who make 500 million to me and 3 million dollars a year that counseled them and will broke as a Churchmouse as they used to say there now how much you get is what you do with what you give for some people more money they get is just more money they spend a men this is all big because if you do parent children it is your responsibility to see them through till they grow not your momma's not their grandparents if they want to help that's fine but it is not their responsibility amen is your responsibility so you pitch every she gonna have a child then you set aside every paycheck for the child this is their money that goes for their life when it's time for them to go to school good preacher whoa don't worry there God I thought he said he was quitting I am I just gotta get a couple more in there just a few this hallelujah amen that's necessary amen now not everybody then should be looking to get married because there's some people praise God amen they're not either ready or God calls him do something else and nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong being single you should be happy when you sing say I should be I'm single and I'm happy I clapped my hand there's a bunch of married people man they would switch with you in a minute if they could go back and do that again I'm not asking for no show of hands there don't you don't you do that amen in other words the scripture said to do what it said to be content with such as she had what's your focus on gone I close with this the biggest in my opinion after a few years be half the half a century in ministry a few years my observation is the biggest failure the body of Christ does not understand an assignment then not only did God save me but then he called me and anointed me to do something at a place and at a time 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 6 says humble yourself under the mighty hand of God verse 7 says that he may exalt you in due time in other words there is a season a particular timeframe in which if you are following God and you where he has told you to be that's where you find your miracle that's where you meet your future spouse that's where good things happen are you listening in time praise God - often times it's not that God has not provided is that you missed the window behind me no God's merciful you go go back to him praise God he'll bring that one to a back again go over it hallelujah I said hallelujah but we missed the window I know their number of times I've missed the window and even in financial things praise God Lord told me something I was too slow or you got hurt because you didn't move as fast as God told you man I got physically hurt because the Lord told me something told me about them something I was doing with a bike and I was just took my time with it instead of just let me instantly done what he said say so you you have to listen to the Holy Ghost got to hear from God but God's will for you is to succeed and even if you have made all every mistake that we're talking about today guess what you still can fight the good fight of faith you still can be victorious you still have your children can still be blessed hallelujah graders heaters in Yunnan heat us in the world mark 9:23 is still true all things are possible to him that believes toreador God hallelujah and as good news stand with me please who I blame the most for the fact that we find those of us who have who were born with skin tens who I blame the most for our predicaments the preachers not social justice and that stuff if you do any reading after World War two in the height of Jim Crow y'all know what Jim Crow is hide a rat rampant discrimination african-americans prospered almost more than any other group we build universities businesses banks institutions huge middle class all of that wild Jim Crow was going on build hope communities towns cities all of that wild Jim Crow was gone what changed so even with the civil rights revolution Martin Luther King was a preacher and he had ten points in order to join the six the Southern Christian Leadership Council you know what some of those points were you had to sign up to be somebody's gonna do daily faster than in prayer so you got God that got in on singing Amen and help fix those things cause today things are far better than they were when I was 10 years old but you will never get rid of it as long as you have people who are not born again or people are born again and will live the word you'll never get rid of it people have always I've been used by the devil dev don't stop you the only person who can stop you is you you got the greater one on the inside of you you got the word of God you got the name of Jesus glory to God you got the law on your side found 118 six what can man do unto you go worry to God none of that will stop you but the preachers did two things after that they either went into social justice and the Pope the Pope it is not for social justice purpose for the word or they want to entertainment appealing to what felt good to the people and that's how you wound up getting the loom the Lord is my shepherd I shall not long get a good organ is baby you get a good organist man and you know how to string some phrases together no folks with a jump shout run never go now is a rookie pre tiles are working preacher and been preaching six months I'm closing but I feel led to this it's only my fifth clothes you understand sir I'm sitting on the plat I'm brand new preach I'm sitting on a platform next to one of the elder old he said he's a senior assistant pastor of the bishop the church I want we sitting there Sunday night service and he said he got the priest at night he said i'ma show you something today son I said sir he said I'm a preaching hog marks and green beans he's saying watch these people running shop what he said to me what is it he got up he didn't read about he just started out way down in Mississippi mmm my daddy used to say well he would night oh that church up there footwork jumpin flopping running spitting yeah then he turned to me and he would be gave me a big wing true story I'm not embellishing any of it so you have people who maybe can quote scripture but they don't have scripture they don't know the word they don't know what to do my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge they're not emotion and so if bad things happen they are then available to get knocked out poverty sickness and death grabs them and even if there are people group who goes to church more than any other group on the planet or at least in the nation they will be the poorest group sickest group amen least educated group because of not having the word and it's gonna be a lot of Ministers won't get a ruled awaken in the god now I said to the Lord you ain't getting me because I didn't do my job now I'm gonna do my job so if it's just me and pastor different and it just be us they're not gonna be as unpopular as there is gonna be but I'm going to tell you the truth let me give you an example of this during Kolb at 19 when all this hit amen do you know that we've had less than 30 people go to the hospital or our church with : 19 now we are Church of thousands less than 13 is 27 27 okay my man my guy who heads this for me 27 okay amen you know plus 90 percentiles our people are all working when I'm about to say please don't take wrongly cuz I do not mean it wrongly because every life is precious especially to the family of whom I'm talking about but we've only had four people go to heaven out of Tobit 19 now to give you some background on this because they all had comorbidities and we're older at least my age or older come on somebody Alleluia and I'm not saying anything about them what I am telling you that it's not unusual for us to have that many people go to heaven period anytime that's a normal coal or narco there are always people going home are people being born always had babies and y'all had people who transition into a Highland amen what about what are you saying Bishop what I'm telling you is that our church has been to God be all the glory largely unaffected I mean almost totally unaffected I'm not talking about different your families what we found people who and their families who are not in a church talk to work their families now your family's got rat they'll hit really hard but the members of the church almost not affected at all almost as though there's been a shield or so so where does that come from it now cause God likes one group more than another the difference is simply the strength of the word people get the word in them hallelujah start living God's Way have been a greater chance to live the prosper to have God work on their behalf that's why I refuse to close the church and I know the people saying out there well they said I got you all shoulder to shoulder and I don't care if y'all die all that kind of stuff could you finally come here and seen you got to be a part and you still wearing masks and all that Hilda lying on me okay cause they got that church's clothes they got try explaining to their congregation while their trip don't strong why the word of faith over by elf oh yeah I give some explanation amen well it matters where you go to church because the church can keep you alive Darby all the glory so I ran over about 20 minutes today amen please forgive me amen but if we do things God's Way we allow his power to then be our shield protect your provider and all the other things he promised because every promise of God has attached to it a condition you have something to do about whether or not the promise gets to be met every hit bow please early October Lord we thank you for what you have done we are so grateful for it to you be all credit or glory all honor praise God in the name of Jesus so while every head is about every eyes closed in prayer no one's moving no one's walking no one talking cept the folks who are saying God loves you so much those of you watching me now video he loves you so much he says come to me my brother come to me my sister come to me my son come to me my daughter make Jesus Christ a Lord of your life how do I do that the Bible said in a New Testament book of Romans in the temp chapter if you would announce with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the highest authority of all shall believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead the Bible said thou shalt be saved with your heart it reads in verse 10 men believes unto righteousness with the mouth your announcement is made unto your deliverance Romans 10:13 says whosoever which would include you watching me so call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved that's God's promise to you then there might be a person in here that says you know I know that this is the right way and I'm I'm really not in fellowship with God right now I'm really some people call themselves mad at God like how can you be mad at God he's the one that's got to save you he wasn't the problem in the first place you were what they were praise God knowingly or not but you need to come back to him because he loves you so much first John 1:9 was written to Christians it says that we would acknowledge our sin God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness when you've been cleansed from all unrighteousness what do you do drop to honor your righteousness again right stand with God so we're gonna pray right there on your phone or your computer or wherever you're watching me from or if you're here in this auditorium and you want to pray this prayer and make Jesus cry Lord your life will come back to God I want you to pray with me right now out loud and I masses congregation was here with me to pray out loud to together in your support so I'm gonna ask everyone lift one hand towards heaven that's where hope comes from you do that - were you watching Freitas from your heart mean it right now dear Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus I do believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God I believe he died for me on the cross where he carried my sins for me I believe he's risen from that grave he's alive right now coming to my heart I accept you as my savior and asked a master of my life I repent of sin I'm sorry Lord I accept your offer of forgiveness so thank God I'm now forgiven thank God I'm cleanse thank God unrestored thank God I'm back in fellowship heaven is my home jesus is my lord hallelujah father I pray for those men and women boys and girls who prayed up with me now thank you they're now members of the kingdom of God heirs of God joint heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ granted them the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of you media eyes are their understanding be enlightened may they come to know the full and complete hope of their calling and the riches of the glory of their inheritance as Saints strengthen them with my knee inward man media northern one in his own awning live digging in the faith in Jesus mighty name everybody said amen if you prayed that prayer with me and you're here in this auditorium praise God when we dismiss in just a few minutes we want to give you some free material into your hands that tell you what you do now that you've made this decision for Christ I have ministerial staff will be here on what we call the blue line right here on the either side of the center table that we have here services over your coming up here there'll be standing up here for you pray with your father give you more information those you're watching me by announcer on the screen they're telling you now what you ought to do just before we dismiss praise God we're gonna pray for some prayer requests that people have sent in to us thank you minister Davis praise the Lord one of the testimonies that came in this week was I asked you all to pray with me for healing for my cousin who was diagnosed with COBIT 19 she is healed praise God and relief from the hospital she wanted to thank word of faithful praying for her and fighting for her life thank you Lord Jesus for answered prayer glory to God Matthew 18:19 says the two of you shall agree on or touching anything they shall ask it shall be done fit with my father which is in heaven stretch your hands towards prayer request the big thing is agreement that's what that verse is about agreement let's get into one Accord for these people to have health wealth restoration praise go on we come together the name of Jesus now father an agreement for these who sent these prayer requests in we pray father that they will have manifestation of healing in their bodies health for their finances restoration for their families and whatever else that falls under those categories in the name of Jesus say we command you get your hands out of their lives ministering spirits go minister unto them and bring about what we have agreed on and father we thank you in Jesus name for answered prayer and we give you glory and honor and praise for lift our hands and give God thanks father we thank you hey man we give you praise and glory and honor in the precious name of Jesus hallelujah amen Ray's got anybody to get anything out of the services today Ray's the Lord this is a most important subject amen may not be exciting and you may think well I got it but first of all Peter said I put you in remembrance of these things though you know them so that you might then be grounded and established in the truth praise God Hebrews chapter 2 said that we let things slip that we know so you still got to be reminded of them amen and it's important because the closer we get to the return of Jesus the more radical things are going to get the more you need to be solid if you're solid when the wind blows you ain't going away but if you're a pencil and you get pushed over you go so we need the roots of the word I love you look for seen Wednesday night you are dismissed in Jesus name man that was an awesome dynamic service the Holy Spirit really ministered to me and I pray that he ministered to you as well I want to say congratulations to everybody that made a decision for Jesus Christ there's some information on your screen that we would love for you to follow fill it out in its entirety because we want to send you some free material that will help you with your next step for everybody else I'll see you next time you
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 1,524
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: WOFICC, Word of Faith, Bishop Keith Butler, minister, Word of God, church, church online, bible teaching, Holy Bible, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord’s power, power, Southfield, Detroit, michigan, metro Detroit, God, Christ, Sermon, choirs, gospel, family, the family, family dynamic
Id: 4S69PkmrFEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 13sec (7513 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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