Woe, Lo, Go - Isaiah 6 by Leonard Ravenhill

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okay check out my enemy he did very well Josh now going isn't very good it will get better I'm sure I think the first thing we should do is remember that while we sit in peace and you've got a good supper but remember people are dying in Bosnia I remember a few years ago there was a conference at a place called Camp David you may remember my neck and beggin the leader of the Jews and mr. Katsaros the president trust their hands together with somebody else and declared that this was a a period of peace from here to the end of the world mr. Bush told us that they might desert war was over the fact is that this very moment there were 35 places in the world where there's war I have a few heroes one of them is a young man that came to my office just a couple of months ago he'd just come back from Bosnia and he said there's a most terrible sight he ever saw he'd been in Vietnam he'd been in the central stage render his sanitizers were fighting but he said to go down the street in Bosnia was terrible his is the body of a young lady and there's a head over there there's a river of blood down Main Street children were starving Andy the amazing thing is have you come back again this week he doesn't have a nice Church behind him he's a very wonderful individual and there are others like this Tomica nazca we just have quietly all of us have a miniature prayer and pray for petit particularly for the Christians will in Bosnia the sufferings everybody's suffering really did not make any difference suffering comes to everybody whether they're black or white or rich or poor but we live in luxury I don't know where we sing god bless america you know some women in India you are given Indian women Indian India gathered countdown today to bake a meal tomorrow god Bless America why you have two ovens or dm3 you have two cars Adele three you have two telephones we are 3d now rich we are in America we flush our toilets with drinking water did everything run but you put down the toilet every day will cost a stack of money oh but I'm an American you know the greatest fear that I have I'm not afraid of death I've been at death's door many times I'm afraid that God will withdraw his spirit for America he says my spirit shall not always strive with man I take the Billy Graham's office and the pretty accurate there I said how many Bible schools are there in America how many how many seminaries well as you know America in Canada joined together America and Canada have 450 Bible schools and 250 seminaries did Sodom have world Bible School did Gomorrah have a seminary now if the children under bats and let them all go I'll go if you want don't break up the meeting I'm afraid we don't treasure what we have some parts of the world don't on that one page of this sacred book we have 26 translations my judgement on the Bible is this is either absolute or obsolete you can't believe what you won like David was saying believe this part forget the other forget the dispensation with the Christ I serve he's no older than he was ten thousand years ago Heatley before creation II he's the only potentate who live before he was born the only potentate who lived after he died I like the emphasis David made on the throne the British throne is in tatters just now it's a mockery to the world I go back again and again again through Hebrews 1 dice throne O God is for ever and ever Dave didn't dwell long enough on that this money on worship I'll spank you afterwards well I'll tell you what I don't keep the little history my children I am you never hear about the preaching than you know this morning people ask me about this conference months ago I said if you only come to one meeting don't come Saturday night come Friday night David as a rare combination of being a teacher and a preach at the same time and today he reminded us about the throne in that wonderful fourth chapter of Revelation What did he say who sits on the throne Jesus Oh search within the Virgin Mary forget it the Catholic would suggest she does you know one day Jesus will not bow the knee to the Pope the Pope will bow the knee to Jesus will is hedging their wishes on the sole of them know who will those that want tell me all the cameras people say some time oh you know I'm a survivor I say I'm not I'm another camera so body means you're going down for the third time somebody dragged you by the hair and saved you know a brother I'm not living to celebrate eternal life up there I've got it now we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony well I listened very attentively this morning and now listen up message again I get that safe I'm sure they often tell Walter I say many days to our darling we're rich after the meeting this morning a man said to me you changes son baby well he's a good preacher no he isn't a good preacher he's a great preacher and his brothers gray and the mother's great for the largest hospitals in England for three years she helped at all the main surgery everything because she's skilled in her hair I don't have that genius the two boys that we had true the best preached in the world the other one is one of the big Chiefs of Smithsonian Museum mixes with kings and princes and people multi-billionaire never phrases him at all he's never lost for Kipling : come and touch but you know if you strike if you take a piece of metal and put it in a furnace the first thing is the metal goes into the furnace then the furnace goes into the metal I used to watch at the blacksmith and he'd take a piece of metal under I want usually plunge it into the fire and he pull it out he was right at the end then they put it back and turn up the barrels and before long you'd look in the furnace you can't tell one from the other not only does the mental institute apply the five eighths of the metal you see we've sent many of us for many years there is a room at the cross for you forget it I changed I have a little card I've sent it all over the country not there's room ads of the Cross for you there's room on the cross the term of most of us have never been crucified I remember their doctor to say one thing you know about a man going down the street carrying a cross he did not coming back it's a one-way ticket well David I want to tell you this morning I was richly blessed I couldn't afford a very much all the way because just when you put a piece of metal in the fire and the fire end of the metal and then you strike it sparks fly off in every direction I preached in the conference to preachers when the best known authors and preachers in America was there and he said God really spoke in that meeting I said how do you know because it was while you were saying one the spirit was saying another to me well I was doing the same thing there's a little tattered book here see this beautiful book this nearly as old as me that's why it's falling apart I was going to say I won't sell you it for $100 I was gonna say I'll sell it for a thousand and give the money to missions but a man came in my office and he looked down they saw bookies and I wanted that book for years I said I brought that from England I said well he can't have it for $100 I'll sell it for a thousand Oh he grabbed his wallet and wrote me a check for five thousand I'm still got some books with him but I gave the book submissions this is an old old Methodist hymn book I've taken around the world I read something every day but there's a book of the back Jack house some I think where's Jack raise your hand jack good yeah Delta closes book I come here oh well you can get dr. children's book he'd have many of the hymns that have found in this book wait but suppose a book is called the both the Christians book of mystical verse he's gathered lots and lots of hymns I'm saying this let me split right here when David was talking about worship I remember going to a town called Bradford I never went for three-day meetings there were churches in England standing today that we started 60 years ago we went to towns took a 10 slept in the tent ate in the tent prayed in the tent fast in the tent warped from city to city Wesley left London to go north to Newcastle came back to London went to Bristol Deroy on horseback I didn't have a horse I walked it I walked it with five of the young men for three years we Walter England 22 to 30 22 to 25 for miles a day now I can hardly walk across the room but I'd do it again if I told but we went to Bradford I remember going to Bradford that for this reason they made the best cloths when I was in the clothing business least I was a tailor and why we were there we met one of the world's most wonderful men Smith wiglesworth and every other very well Smith Wigglesworth boy and if you ladies pregnant be careful he was an amazing one day not far from my home and here's a woman obviously something wrong with it had a great big tummy to end now and why would people were seeing this shot in earlier are you pregnant whoa and about this I've got a big girl sir a tumor a big tumor head tourists growing and growing Smithfield says check your eyes and he punched in the belly oh my god he said your heel cause you like the heel of dead he did wear him a bit he's going down the street with the showbiz friends in France and a boy comes through the garden gate and they step back and little fella a terrible well I had a stroke a while ago which interfered with my with my voice and this is a boy of a terrible little speed and he said Lord don't let these men speak to me everybody makes fun of me it's made of three girls I've never seen the kid in his life and he comes over says son come here little boy came for their speech and they talk right away they could do with him right now there's so much fake healing even ourselves on faith evening okay I went to Bradford there I met this wonderful man but then a lady came to our meetings oh mercy teenage oil of the way from her head to her feet she was on the front row and noses were given out she didn't nose like a banana I'd often said she wouldn't mean she couldn't win the beauty competition a crocodile farm and to my amazement he said at the end of the meeting and she had a horrible voice boy I thought she's gonna braid up all the way around and she just said would you come to my house for some tea I said yes so he went to our house I can't forget it you wouldn't give a ten dollars for everything in the house and then she said what I wanted her to say there was brew - another this wooden table she had a little rule to live in gathered our bed over the bath in the toilet she had a kitchen stove in the toilet and she lived another Cooper the kind of thing and she began to pray but I could all know that table I felt as I was in the upper room and somebody said to me this woman there's nothing to pray I thought that while you were preaching this morning they did because I never bother talking about well some things they did said this warming just kind of nailed down what I've been saying during the week one thing I've heard since this is Saturday afternoon eighty years ago today I went to a Methodist Bible study with my mother precious praying woman hadn't forgotten I can tell you the names of dozens of men but they tell me they know me and they asked me do you know so so no well he preached with you but you hadn't made dinner with them well I don't know him are you getting old yeah why don't you know it so one reason only I never heard him pray it's one thing for me to stand here and talk to you about God it's another thing to talk to God about you and if I want to start my life over again I give more time to prayer about time to Bible study but again now listen up precious old woman prayer haven't forgotten it and the other thing as David said this morning I'm gonna say I have a whole shelf of books are now to be filled with the spirit fruits of the spirit he gives to the spirit the love of the Spirit join us to it except David I've never heard anybody ever mentioned the grief over the Holy Ghost they call the old experience of the Holy Ghost is clapping your hands of stopping a fee didn't get the real thing as an old saying laugh and the world laughs with you is true laughs in the church laughs with you we penny we parole but the key to revival is launch in this book you don't need a new book you don't need to buy those wonderful books at the back except man once they say he that goeth forth what weeping it's amazing Paul says definitely I remember your tears did he give him the five lessons of weeping was it st. Jude praying in the Holy Ghost is not praying in tongues some type submit' I believe in terms with some big chatter praying in the Holy Ghost is praying with the strength of the Holy Ghost the wisdom of the Holy Ghost the grief of the Holy Ghost jesus wept are you better than Jesus dead he mentioned this morning project Genesis 34 events but Genesis 32 Moses comes down from the mountain what did he do well it being with God you get like that people live with he'd been with God but he can't say these people had seen signs and wonders and locals they forgot I mean leave hymns of golden carefully plotted the world our air and the anointed of God was leading half-naked people he soon back slid they see the sea divided they'd seen signs and wonders and those who start praying for them God says go down the mountain see what your brother's been I'm angry with them what does it say there I'll tell you what the paraphrase of it says in the Methodist hymn book let Moses in the Spivak groan and God cries out let me alone does God ever say that when you prayed you wouldn't the pipe on the back and say the most sanctified first on out the best preacher gift of turn to sing a big meetings and on the baloney later in the chapter the high priest says to Moses another says God was angry he was he was exceedingly angry he was very angry and Moses says I stand there between a Living God that dying people then it says God says Moses let me alone do you think he said that without tears do you think that most amazing prayer a little bit further in the chapter where he says God let me die was it your wonderful hero Nathan Hale who said I'm sorry I have only one life and one body to give to die for my country the wicked English killed him the reason we don't get revival is you're not present pay the price for it one world word is the key as many said of my Luckies either then it one word is the key obedience this is David's first time here I'm sure it'll come again it's such a blessing everybody's gone around the world they want him back this may be my last trip I'm not sure if I could have my choice I don't care if I never preach again what I'd like to do I can't I've got a precious wonderful gift to drive she lived in no home I they had servants now she's a servant to everybody a woman 83 years of age works from 7:00 in the morning and hardly goes to bed before 10:00 at night weekend French 10:30 business a week to the house and now she serves everybody puts me to shame I'd like to find a little house somewhere quiet right nobody knows my address every week people come from the ends of the earth to talk what do you do when a man calls from australian said would it talk to me for half an hour if I fly over I said yes he came we took you the Prairie to get some of those great prayer meetings Jack Morrison was in and his wife Pete men will pray we took the man home to supper he stayed the night mother said Douglas would make medical doctor do you have prayer meetings in Australia he said oh yes we have prayer meetings in Australia but we don't get upset he thought praying with tears and agony was being upset how do you think the Apostle Paul prayed in Romans nine I could wish myself accursed we don't wanna die do we as pulse then it said we won't die not sanctified bit of me but it says sanctify you wholly okay I count one of the greatest honors of my life to talk time and time again me dr. Tozer one day as I went in his office well he said that don't ever come to Chicago without talk talk with me so I went down to his office one day and he said UPS all this awful look at the road well at that time there's no came out the place called Kresge's and he told me I think he paid 59 cents for that little little road made up of twisted bits of cloth so I looked at the road and we should offer him some money for it but I might have made a fetish a bit to me is the greatest man of God ever met another greatest preacher but the other an intimacy with God and he just said this let you see that Rome isn't sure he said I come in my office at 8 o'clock in the morning he used a good old Bible word I get down on my belly at 8 o'clock I get up at 12 o'clock and haven't said a word of Prayer I just worshipped you'll find in the same book in there and Santa books our hymn book together with the Living Harvey we've quoted quite often from one of the tablets of dr. Joseph Oh William saber take the road and kochu kochu was the toast often quoted how big his toes are need to bury four hours without saying a word of prayer gazing that's a very thing that the greatest missionary to China said gazing gazing that was bid me gaze upon thee and thy beauty fills my soul both I thought by that transforming power those made me whole but those who approached over and over again laying there as well crash was visible how beautiful how beautiful the sight of me must be then endless wisdom boundless power dat awful purity oh Jesus Jesus dearest Lord forgive me if I say for very lambdai sacred name a thousand times a day burn burn within the love of God then finish me night and day till all the dross of the earthly love he's burned and burned away he want to go get sanctified put your knees to the ground raise your hand cake that millions of people feel returned come on be honest I waited two torturous how many people in the upper room about what about one a hundred and twenty I have it written in my office I know the man that broadcast to the world every Sunday done better you know that does he's in Florida anyhow and he's written in it I he sent me the book he's written in it there were now 120 million Pentecostals charismatics in the world he came to my office I jumped on him I said Dan listen you say that our 120 million black white yellow in Asia Asia Minor Africa New Zealand the islands of the sea the Solomon Islands another Island a hundred and twenty million people in the world only a hundred and twenty nipple my god what's wrong is another Holy Ghost that we don't know oh is it daylight then he said we should up areas in our life Lord touch this take the bad things take the finger up to my life but there's something to leave you know almost every magazine in the last year is that something about Jezebel have you read those things Jezebel is worldly general is this listen I'll get the whole place on my head I'm gonna do it the Jennifer Jezebel spirit is worldliness and then a famous preacher came to our house has a lot of done what time to eat in the morning I said well we take breakfast later well my wife has everything ready by 8 o'clock wonderful he comes out shave dressed up wait until is your wife coming no she takes a little longer his wife came out at 10 o'clock good Lord and much paint on as they pre married a big ship I changed from flaming red their eyes were black we've been used to be a shameless a black eyes they thought your husband punched you now they go by the stuff that make black eyes no wonder women will live late for church the defensive eyebrows in stick on the false fingernails and then the false teeth put on the wig before you go to church you need the sense are you are you the real new if someone did not made me angry he went to a house and the little girl said we've got a new pastor who I like his wife she's a blonde hair she was what you call I call a dummy oh yeah yes she's a kind of blood but she's what I call a a suicide blonde died by her own hand my precious right God the Rizla so when a woman said she's introducing women where my child was dinner why because the woman sticks her hands in her pockets why then she stretch she thinks she's masculine I'm added a woman I don't want a man if somebody said Adam gotta even out Steve I've never seen my wife or the spot of powder on a putter face do you know why because right as a little boy we made up a poem little dabs of powder little drops of paint make a girl's complexion something but it ain't you see every time you spent with although they were making of you insulting God you didn't make me write I'm not attractive boy why'd you get made out do you think God stands on duty the dollar says he judgeth God looks on the outside appearance my god you think he did these days to go to a churches so make up do you think the trend rehearse for a film contract oh yeah medley in short I'm meddling tell me how long come on how long does it take you to get ready to go to church Sunday mornings till you put that time into prayer how much money do you spend in the last 10 years on makeup come on why do you give it to missions it's all right I thought the other name of the man is how much a meeting wonderful boy I went to them at some of the greatest statistics in America on abortion how many people die every year of smoking how many people die every year driving cars when they're drunk how many people do this boy died did they thank me afterwards sure because chasing them and out there if I told you about vanity and makeup you fellows feel it all fruit off of the hog they listen lady don't make it make yourself up to come to church make yourself up before you go to bed that's all fellas don't look at that girl try systemic work and I go send the clock in the morning a look at the old rake you get season while you're stressing this because one of my favorite chapters is about the Bride of Christ I think David is it some 45 the king's daughter is all glorious what in a head room something women the past few years are spent more on headers native submissions there's going to be a day when we're all disgusted and shocked and amazed at the judgment seat of Christ and maybe not far from us and you know and they know and tell you why not Paul doesn't is not afraid to expose people is he oh I'd like to go to a Pentecost me would you please I'm going down the street nears pizza we're in Jonas oh hey Peter I want to ask you a question or you had an anointing Sunday morning I never thought that a nice was such a hypocrite and Sapphira good lord I went home and said our pastor killed a couple this morning now preach it on you go home and kill all the hypocrites indeed chose to be no dinner how'd if he went to church the next Sunday David here's her face I love this morning I used to say to my class my Friday night class I want the soul live that Jesus is comfortable living in me one of my tutors at cliff college used to use well they did use again this morning by the way the Epistle of James you see I'm going to son soul no no you don't know even tomorrow never mind next year it says if God wills I'll go if God the winter how many live them how many times you're gonna get gonna jump in a car they only takes you half an hour if it's a horse and buggy they take a day to do it now ideally the biggest elements of others having our automobiles I'm getting more stingy about my time maybe I don't have much left I'd like about three years to write to over two very interesting books but what about the time God gives us we don't think about that so I'm just telling you what David was spotting me off I've done some thinking this afternoon I cannae know if I'll tell unless you just wanted to keep me going for a week thinking about worship and adoration I'd be I believe that the highest form of worship is speechless that dr. Tozer said I can gaze and gaze and gaze remember an old hymn that says I shall know him I shall know him when redeemed by his side I shall stand I shall know him I shall know him by the principle nails in his hand a quick thing I didn't plan a lot of stuff to say just to kind of stir your minds up tonight I don't know much about Opera know that there will be play this operator in the in a great what he told it in Milan in Italy in the Opera House and when he finished the people clapped and cheered the unhitch the horses from his from his carriage and let them go down this they pushed his chariot they pushed his coach and they pulled it down the street yelling all the time very very very probably that was ten o'clock at night they were still shouting at midnight they were still shouting at three o'clock in the morning he went to the window and there were people dancing in the street and shouting therapy voce Aida even trying to sing as the Italians do all because he wrote an opera they did talk about making vows is he used to make them in the heats believing and then tomorrow there's no atmosphere you face the world of flesh and the devil you won't gain an inch of ground in this meeting but what the devil trying at farthings his bag so here's hundreds of people shouting gonna be birdy they're intoxicated with joy because he wrote an opera wait there's a man using a tool they put a storm on that on the tomb they put wax over the stone they put 16 soldiers they put all the sin of the world thereby even in demon in hell their Christianity hangs on one thing and not on the cross do you remember the chorus living he loved me dying he saved me buried he carried my sins far away rising he justified freely forever but David I don't wish you've done it I'd like to do it I never once heard a sermon on the Ascension Jesus has seen more than die he has to ascend to the Father every demon in hell is nervous and shaking will he rise from the dead every angel his ratings will proclaim it and similar to broke I don't know why we only sing as JH jolly said David why do you only sing up from the great heroes every East the time of the scene every Sunday the most disappointing day in the life of Jesus when he rose from the dead nobody was no wonder the leprosy he was not blind Bartimaeus was there Nicodemus wasn't there his old mother wasn't there how many times he told them destroy this body and I rise again and there was nobody there do you think he didn't feel it the simple question is you thank God today that he rose is it a male in a Christian gender like America the house standing suddenly is not easy to send your Christmas suddenly it's what what he called us Sunday football to me yes super super bowl sunday everybody needs for Super Bowl suddenly they spent so much time watching football and spend about Jesus up from the grave he arose do you know I believe somebody needs to do so many needs to go so American impeach the new birth I don't believe 5% of all the Christians Apostolic pending don't Mentalist Nazarenes are saved and that's true of England you'll go to your own pastor and said cut someone ask you one question do you are the witness of the Spirit John Wesley women greatest men ever lived alone he did I read it today Charles Wesley's put John Wesley's theology to music and one thing that Charles Wesley wrote my heart is full of Christ and long as mystic a glorious message suka you know John Wesley says I went to London I went to Birmingham I went to Memphis I offered men Christ we don't offer Christ we hold on heaven gonna go ahead and raise your hand forgiveness of sins raised your hand but the one battle dead he didn't tell you he had the three cruel years of conviction of sin why because as Paul said to Timothy you've known the scriptures from being a child your mother knew it your grandmother knew it we took their baby than the family every time we could bring them to conferences and in Ireland we didn't America we did David didn't tell he's a very skilled artist he does wonderful painting but his battle was he wanted to design his own studio at the for a follower but he knew a scripture that spoken and then he often preaches now at least you're not your own you bought with the prize so he dropped his brush and never worked picked it up since and I appreciate that but 300 years ago there's a great preacher in Scotland by the name of Philip tub which he wrote the greatest thing ever written outside the Bible on regeneration and he wrote that lovely hem we had leathers thing anymore with dok2 up and going happy day happy day when Jesus washed my sins away he taught me how to watch and try and live rejoicing every day happy day and he goes on to sing happy day and when I got from his knees he down wrestling's too but he when he got up he put it on record forever I see hundreds of times my granny singing in the fireplace she's done the great transactions done I am my Lords and he is mine don't come in my office unless you're living the walking with God I put my finger right between your eyes and say does Christ live in do well I'm a method I didn't ask you that I got the Box in I didn't ask you though that's Christ living you does Christ weep through you how do you think God looks down on the head of the world like this he looks of Bosnia tonight running with blood when of America's most gifted preachers he doesn't count generations by 40 counts of my 70 he says we had 70 years and then judgment came on America what was he told a civil war then yet another 70 years we had judgment obviously called he was called 1929 the crash of all the banks and that the 70 years goes to nineteen eight nineteen nineteen ninety eight or nine we're ready for another thunderous devastating demolition that God gives nobody's going to escape our precious others Sonny you have to go do some business for Smithsonian Museum in Italy so they put him under one of the Rockefellers multimillion-dollar mansions he's up in the third storey manicured lawns fabulous scenery and he's right had to write an article there but the next crash the mother they these guys won't get through it you know we put a new man in office do you know let me tell you something I used to be a Baptist preacher called Bill Moyers Bill Moyers has been around the world with David Rockefeller a billionaire the other said when he came back this world is run by fifteen men that's all they regulate the price of money ring the price of everything else did not happen this last three weeks you remember gold went up 40 dollars an ounce in three weeks so there's something brewing in the world 15 men control this world no no no but I got a better than 9 merit I believe that God owns this world the earth is the Lord's and he's going to collect a rent for it soon he's not the bit of it to you not a bit to me well come on you see I don't know way to get to heaven and they put in a dances class I don't to be a strange when I get there I want to know him I wondered when drove me I want you to say no one say yes and govern me Andrew me because and this is going to do that look at the times and then just as I have ecstasy I can't there that'll be times and I'm broke and I can't do anything but weep and grieve the ranting of demons in hell there aren't enough sinners enough to handle revival the hindrance to revival is in this room it's in your disobedience it's in your rebellion it's you're unwilling to suffer those amazing Christians in Scotland were hunted all over I'm not hunted if Jesus came back to earth today what we do truce if I'm not ignoring the world doesn't crucify us it ignores us you think Clint never were they sir or mr. Gore sit down and say what were the Christian say no siree I grieve about all the religious work into the board I've got a precious granddaughter the last thing I do I go to sleep at night I pray for my precious granddaughter Lisa in China oh it's wonderful our second generation now they didn't answer the door to that of another girl that's been around the world she's once a fine God's will he's wonderful every day I feel it was an extension of my life through David the extents of his life through Lisa she knows God and then they're reading the paper a new threat that the government in in in China is they gonna wipe out the underground church now what do I worry and cry my granddaughter maybe slaughter no I say God is over all if you had the Holy Ghost revival show malice probably do you get over the man looking about to go to New York look him up to go to Philadelphia book him up to go somewhere no there's a Holy Ghost revival in Scotland in the time that wasn't him now Robert Murray McShane was their problem it may be very much Shane a friend of mine a neighbor went up there recently and he said he stood outside of st. Peters in Aberdeen in Japanese I believe nothing and he said look there then I went inside that's outside the storm about six feet long with one word eternity and every time the preacher went in to preach he looked on the stone eternity he put his elbows on the tail on the desk put his head in his hands and wept and wept and worked another broken heart for years over that city then God took him away he got a call he said God took him to speak to the Jews over in Israel and while he was there WC burns came WC burns the whole city shook with a Holy Ghost revival some Peters was packed with people they'd revival in the schools they did five and university they revival in the business houses conversation wasn't the football conversation wasn't sport it was God it was eternity also a little man who had prayed and prayed so what'd you do boogie man to go to London New York no silly don't take Sullivan drops him in China he died in China unknown what happened Jonathan go forth American went in that Aryan had revival why because the phallic grin was broken up the scene of being so on one-man shows and the manga reach this one comes in and reefs in the harbors he died unknown when I was in India don't know how you went I think it through Amy Carmichael's area wish I had that woman took a single tricky ticket from Island out there and eventually had 350 children we had Jackie pulling Gina how she took a single ticket at 19 and got off the boat in Hong Kong she's still there she got married three months ago of 46 years of age she played the hobo she was a classical scholar in the Royal College of Music in London the Queen Knight gave her a knighthood what's the equal Gabler odd of the British Empire anyhow she's lived in poverty by choice she's living a slum I told you I felt totally amazed at what God had done through World War women the handle thing even the public clothes off her back she gave us away she said for the land the last thing I did I went into China saw a man shaking 86 years of age is ripe he is 82 and under both legally blind and then furniture worth $1 in the whole house and I talked to him and he said he didn't know his wife was in through it didn't know his wife was alive she'd been in prison 23 years even in prison 26 he'd never seen each other and it and they talked about the Lord and he said he walked and felt across the room to an old pump organ and he got there and pedaled his feet because the song he sang Martha remember so that leads me I think I can't remember again you must we gettin old there what was it saying it's one of the biggest only would be having that's about all that was it thank you all of us all the way my state that leads me and there's the old man feeling for the organ and he sat down and pedal and played and he cried and she cried all the same way my saber b3 what's the verse what have I to ask me said what's at last for yourself well all this away might say believe me what a night as beside can I doubt his tender mercies and he forgot them for 25 years in jail she'd never been to a meeting that's why you need to store the Bible in your mind I word about hid in my heart it almost protects us but also there's danger coming to America all the way by say believes me well it's almost time to quit no it's not yet I think it might take so big it might taste what I want to do is talk about vision because vision is the most vital thing that we have if you have a vision without the task you'll be a visionary if you have a task without the vision it's drudgery if you have a vision tied through a task you'll be a missionary the greatest missionary we feel in the world you're living in it is America it's so confused with false doctrines that a 1,000 cults in America today okay as icing some reading from the NIV the Nevin improved version King James good-looking him as a 6-1 in the year the King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up is painful a temple above it's to the seraphim's each one had six wings with two he covered his face with two knee given his feet with two days ha alright look at verse 1 5 then said I wore after what I preached in God verse 5 whoa man whoa
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Id: duiMcqdME4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 44sec (3404 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2010
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