OCCULT SCIENCE......sermon by Charles Lawson

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for he received from god the father honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy mount now watch this we have also a more sure word of prophecy it's more sure than his own personal eyewitness testimony right where until you do well that you take heed as into a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star now according to the new bibles that could be lucifer and the day star arise in your hearts knowing this first that there that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation for the prophecy came not an old time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost now what does this mean this means inspiration this is the definition of bible inspiration they god breathed upon them and into them the word of god if you remember when i taught you about the tabernacle and told you how that besolio and the holy ab had made these instruments of the tabernacle that they could easily touch them and move them about and form them and and manifest their great skill they were artisans they were master uh woodworkers and metal workers and uh working with their hands but once that glory of god came down upon that tabernacle and touched those vessels from that moment forth it was consecrated to the work of god and beasoli never laid eyes on it again and a holy ebb never touched it again at the pain of death and what's the difference the difference is that it was the unction the anointing that brought consecration and this is why the bible says you're not your own you've been bought and paid for with a price consecrated unto the lord god well this is what the word scripture means it means that it is consecrated unto god why it is the word of the living god and when a man starts messing around with the word of god he's messing around with something that can cause him all kinds of trouble now you live in a generation past two generations that are very light-hearted cavalier laid-back arrogant condescending patronizing attitude that they take toward the word of god as if it was laid before them to translate and handle any way they pleased and so they can make any kind of a translation to support any kind of doctrine they please and so it goes now that's exactly the attitude that people have toward the bible once you once you destroy a man's faith in the bible now folks please miss please don't misunderstand me i'm not talking about a bunch of scholarly greek books back here in my library i'm not talking about a bunch of stuff that was written two thousand years ago that nobody's ever seen i'm not talking about some some abstract idea about what god might have said i'm talking about a bible the bible the bible the holy bible do you have in your hand a book that is the holy bible that's the point because either you do or you don't and they don't obviously they don't because the niv came out in 1977's the front new testament first then the old testament completed the the corruption it was in 1976 i think it was the new testament 77 the old testament completed it then they they saw a great need for revision in 1984 so since 1984 up until 2011 and they've come out with another of course updated version to it only 60 percent of the original niv is intact they've changed 40 percent of the niv now if you've got a head between your shoulders you're going to go off somewhere and you're going to say to yourself now what's going on here really i mean don't get arrogant about it and jump on us there's a bunch of dumb clucks and a bunch of redneck uh hillbillies you know with our kjv i look at you and i say you're niv and that's the that's the granddaddy of all of them your niv has been changed forty percent of it forty percent of it and every book uh thousands of words have been left out that are in the king james bible now let me ask you another question if you're an niv fan do you believe they've stopped so the book you're thumping today and carrying around and correcting the king james bible with may not necessarily be the book you're going to be carrying around 10 years from now and do you know what to your chagrin some of the places that the original niv differed from the king james bible they've come back to the king james bible now that's sad that's sad because i've been i've been at this a long time folks and i remember back in the 70s i got saved in 1973 and i remember back in the 70s there was a movement afoot among fundamentalists to to to get rid of the king james bible and a lot of these big names you hear today as great king james defenders were not them and i'm not up here to drop names i'm glad they are now that's good thank god for that because i didn't start out of king james man either i started out ignorant and i had learned something but you know don't let any there's some of these guys that are going to stand up to you like this has been their position all along it has not right and that's what the judgment seat of christ is for so don't tell a big lie the almighty knows the position they had back in the 70s and some of the books that you have in your fundamental library at home that's written by some of these fundamentals fundamental preachers uh you probably wouldn't uh probably by reading those books you've already found if you've ever studied them you've found where they're correcting your bible amen and so you've got to watch these things but now here we've been at it long enough and this is not really long if you all know the truth about it it's not long because uh this is only 2011 1889 the rv showed up before that i told you there's only two lines of manuscripts roman catholic and the believer all right the roman catholic and the believer over here those were the two basic lines of manuscripts and westcott and horde got in the revision committee 1889 westcott and horde are two of the sorriest amen spiritists denying the deity of christ deny the blood atonement deny the virgin birth deny all these things yet they are the very granddaddies that got into the revision committee and caused them to use these perverted greek texts that created the greek manuscripts or the greek uh text that they didn't create the manuscripts but they created the text that they translate from today and it came from westcott and hort and if you wanted to go home and just google the name westcott google the name hort fintonhort something westcott i forget his first name and and just put in westcott and horton that'll be good enough you'll pull up an amazing amount of information all right pardon www.archive.com all right and this is a critique is it a critique by their sons okay verbatim all right you're talking about original source now okay so he's giving you the information you can go read what they said themselves original source and there's nothing better than the original source that's why plagiarism is such a problem today people quote something or say something as if it's theirs and they're quoting somebody else but don't give them the benefit of it yes sir yeah yeah they were uh they were pretty um they were pretty bad now they were also a product of their times of the 1800s a lot of things going on back then and you know that uh when uh when charles darwin came out with his origin of the species or i forget the full title that's just a partial title to it it's something about natural selection and line on and on and on but in any event they bought it they jumped right on that bandwagon and therefore they believed in evolution and they believed that the first first five books of the bible then especially the first five chapters of genesis had a real problem with adam and eve and all of that well it shows up in their bibles it shows up in their translations and i'm going to try to show you some of that today but what i'm trying to do is lay a background for you to understand what's really going on what is going on what's happening today you remember i told you in the 1800s that uh helena petrova blavatsky a russian occultist who was the who's the grandmother of the theosophist society in america and she's the one who reached here's what she did you get people that come along down through the ages and they're able to reach into two or three different worlds and and combine it together and make their own what i'm talking about pac was good at that pike reached into all the religions of the world and synthesized them and created his own religion and and she did the same thing because she reached into so-called christianity she reached over into the occult world and she pulled the two of them together and created this theosophy theos in greek is god that's the word for god theos and safi or sophist or safi is wisdom so it's literally means the wisdom of god well that's a high sounding title you know theosophy's theosophist wisdom of god what if it had died with pro with blavatsky that had been you know just another face in the crowd gone long time ago but it didn't die uh they started in this country a group uh it it started or it just kind of swelled over into this country a group of people who who joined up joined the bandwagon reason for that a number of reasons but in the late 1800s you may not be aware of this but there was a lot of spiritist movement about in the world coming up to the end of the millennium of the eighteen hundreds a lot of it and what i'm talking about i'm talking about seances i'm talking about automatic writing i'm talking about clairvoyance i'm talking about claire audience i'm talking about uh mediums we're talking about physical manifestations we're talking about appearances of ghost poltergeist vampires werewolves the whole nine yards just like it's happening today so in the eighteen hundreds all of this stuff was was was really moving it was really happening and so she jumped she used the times she tapped into the times and created this theos office movement and uh and uh and when it came to annie bessant was one of her disciples in this country i think a colonel walcott was another disciple uh there was another one there too i can't think of her name but anyway these americans jumped on this bandwagon and began to preach this stuff and publish a newspaper and here's the title of the newspaper lucifer okay lucifer all right now if it had stopped then okay another face in the crowd but no it didn't stop if you remember woodrow wilson i remember woodrow wilson never met the man but i went to his home you ought to go there sometime it's quite a quite a sight over there in virginia he was a pacifist he wanted to see peace in this world so he he pushed hard for the creation of what's called the league of nations how he's ever heard of the league of nations that is the precursor of the united nations he pushed for the league of nations and the purpose of that was to eliminate war because the first world war was the war to to to end all wars all right it was a world war where you have nations crossing oceans fighting on foreign soil and the united states was was was right smack in the middle of it didn't want to get into it but a lot of people in this country didn't want to get into world war one there was a lot of people in this country that didn't want to get into world war ii but in any event we got into it and so the war ended and when it ended it left europe especially germany in shambles germany was bankrupt and so when you get a situation where people are bankrupt people don't have any money they don't have any they don't have any food they start they start reaching for straws they start trying to find answers and lo and behold the answer popped up you know what it was occultism germany was so full of occultism after world war one the people were bitter they were angry they were made to pay reparations at the at versailles they they they signed the treaty and they knew they were going to bankrupt germany and germany had to pay reparations from world war one that the people never could get out of it and so the occultism was it was it was an answer to it and they had some strong occultist in germany believe me they did these were the teachers of adolf hitler adolf hitler grew from that climate adolf hitler came up from the occult climate of germany right after world war one uh adolf hitler was an austrian corporal in the in in world war one austria is a bordering country they share the same language essentially the same culture although they are two separate two separate nations in any event this occultism this this basis of occultism became the basis of what germany was fighting about because they were fighting for their identity in world war ii it was all about who they were and that these allied powers had put them down and subjugated them and all of that and so this occult power began to come to the forefront and it did toward the end of world war ii a good study if you ever want to do this toward the end of world war ii more occult manifestations began to pop up around germany they had and they had an exponential increase overnight in knowledge they had discovered the atomic structure they had already discovered the very building blocks of what it would take to make an atom bomb they were sending rockets out of germany and bombing and bombing london england germany germany was essentially it was it was uh it was light years ahead of a lot of countries on the face of this earth and what got the american space program going after world war ii everybody ought to know this german scientist so this this influence this increase of knowledge this this knowledge that's coming in where did all this come from well there's a lot of people out there that believe and i tend to agree with them that this knowledge came from occult sources occult manifestations occult con an occult communication the spirit world folks is not ignorant it's not ignorant and so germany developed all of this but what was it a dry run it was a trial it was to see how far it could go how long it could go germany if you don't know this you need to know this adolf hitler needed money to build germany there was no money in germany the the mark it's either the righteous mark of the duchess mark which one was world war one mark anybody remember the reich mark the reich mark in 19 and 20 had lost a thousand percent or more of its value it took a wheelbarrow full of it to buy a loaf of bread inflation you see what i mean the money was worthless like like a confederate dollar bill you worthless there's nothing to back it up almost as bad that the you know what what bernanke's doing to america is is headed down the same path you print all this money and it's not on the gold standard so they don't have to show gold to back it up they just show the economy the united states the ability of us to perform produce the gross national product all these figures figured in anyway but he didn't have the money so how did he build this war machine where did adolf hitler get the money to build up all this war machine adolf hitler had one of the greatest war machines on the face of the earth where to get it from he got it from international bankers where'd he get his support from he got it from some of the biggest businessmen in america that's where it came from now if you don't know that go check me out i dare you so what's going on a conspiracy is what's going on the people who pull the purse strings are the ones who are playing the chess game and they're winning and losing and they're and they're formulating their their their their method for the next strike for what's coming next and occultism is the very basis that put the glue that pulls it together it everybody's got to have a religion everybody's got a religion every phd at the university of tennessee has a religion every last one on the face of everybody's got a religion everybody and so occultism is the one thing that can pull all religions together and that's exactly how they pulled russia uh germany together was with occultism they they changed christianity into a national christianity do you know what the german do you know what the german the the name for the for the nazi party was in germany the name for it you know we say nazi nazi nazi you've heard nazi a million times sure that's true and there's a swastika right over here on uh i probably shouldn't tell you this but i pointed it out to my wife the other day i said see that bank right there she said yeah i said that's a swastika right in front of that bank she said you're kidding i said look at it carefully what's a swastika look like okay okay but what if you just curve the ends of it a little bit would it still be a swastika go hunt and see if i'm not saying what i say is so yes sir they're everywhere hitler didn't invent it he accommodated it but the and it's a it is an occult symbol that's the point and every symbol and every word in the occult world has two meanings or you follow me it has the meaning for the useless eaters for the human weeds that's what margaret sanger called you and it also has the meaning for the initiated elite and until you are initiated into the elite order you don't know what they're talking about they use that symbol to communicate with each other anyway let's move on the national socialist party that's the name of the party that adolf hitler belonged to what pulled them together the occult fast forward up to blavatsky uh past blavatsky to the u.n united nations is foreign all right everybody's got to have a religion and we got all these different countries coming in all from all over the world we got hindus we got buddhists we got confucius we got christians we got mohammedans we got this we got that everybody's got their religion some of them worship rocks and trees and dead people but everybody's got a religion so how we're going to get them all together got an idea we create a religion in the u n that will accommodate all religions and we have a room in there that is a meditation room in the u.n and lo and behold guess who their spiritual advisor is just guess guess who is the strongest voice in the u.n when it comes to a religious advisor that i found up until this point well ricky's the one who who is who's drinking from the trough ricky's original with nothing who do you think is the spiritual advisor since i told you what pulled germany together all right who do you think well now reverend clinton is an evangelist now you know well that can't be somebody that has who's the head of a religion see the problem is the pope is is the head of the christian church i said that tongue-in-cheek amen now what imagine what i tell you pulled germany together a cult now what religion do you think in the u.n would be pardon theo well now we know all about the structure and all of that remember what i told you about lucifer have you ever heard of a group called lucis trust did you know that they are one of the printing arms of the united nations don't they all right so what do we got now we got lucifer well now you wait a minute he's just no he's not just christian doctrine lucifer is so deep into the occult world that blow your mind that's what i brought all this to beginning about lucifer is as as as rooted deeply into the occult consciousness as you can imagine guess who is essentially the the steering committee for the create for creating the one world religion the theosophist in other words lucifer the occult now since that is true how are they going to get you as a christian to ever join up with you in religion there you go now that's that's one of the steps but absolutely this lady up here in the front is thinking folks they get you through what you read all right what else pardon the bible right what defines us our buildings does that define us i could not know folks some christian churches got cathedrals and some in a storefront what all right now that's one of the methods and you got that exactly right because the united nations you know started out well we're going to get all we're going to have we're going to have this place where we the security council we're going to come in here we're going to sit around this table and we're going to talk about wars and you know we're going to stop this stuff we're going to we're going to find a common ground we've got to do something here to to get men to live together blah blah blah blah blah so how we're going to do this well i'll tell you what let's create some organization cecus that's one of them you know and uh and and what's that other one you uh uh there's another one i didn't write all these acronyms down what uh ucla no we don't get anyway these are arms of the un that are designed for one purpose that is to go into all the nations and exercise authority in that one area i bet you they got one on education i bet you they got one that comes right into the public school systems in the united states and all over the world and begins to transform the mind of those children to think the way they want them to think pardon me and of course i mean you go up the whole ladder you know you don't just turn them loose when they're out of high school exactly and what do you do you go through their educational system you put your hands into their very operation of their governments you go into where they have uh where they set aside portions of the country as uh what kind of a zone do they call it uh whether you know where it's it's some kind of a zone like the uni like smoky mountains up here what's that called up there it's an environmental zone uh you create laws in the u n that take away the sovereignty of the nations you you but you do this gradually to take their to take their own to in other words you you get them to accept it gradually one step at a time what you're doing is creating a global citizen and a global citizen needs a global religion he needs a global identity he needs he needs all these all this global and where's it going to come from it's going to come from the u.n so here's where to go don't go out here where they're drinking from the trough go right smack dab to the u.n and find out who's do who's the mover and shaker of this thing who's the one creating this stuff what do this what does this bunch believe what's their goal here what's going on here that's what you got to do to find out and my my major concern is in the area of religion but since you if you have a child in the school system you should also be concerned about the educational system right and the influence the united nations may be having over your children and then of course you know there is that part of health care do you believe that obamacare in any way was affected by the united nations you better believe it was like you wouldn't believe remember they've never changed their attitude if you'll if you ever get this settled in your soul it'll help you until you leave this world they patronize you they can't descend to your level and feed you what they want you to hear feed you this constant dose day in and day out all men are created equal we've got to take care of all the races we need to take care of this and take care of that and take care of this and take care of that and take care of this and take care of that but in the background they are the ones who believe that they are the chosen elite to rule the world and they will call they've said it here and there they'll let it slip they'll say the world can't make it with with seven billion they just crossed that landmark the other day seven thousand million people on this earth that's too many people we've got to get rid of some of them all right it won't be them it'll be you and so that's how they do it they feed you what they've conditioned you to hear they've brainwashed you into receiving what they want you to receive and control your thinking do you think they care if you live or die if they wanted to do something about poverty in africa where those little kids are going down with a big belly all stuck out here starving to death do you think they could do anything about that well of course they could do you realize that aids has wiped out the latest figure was over a third of sub-saharan africa sub-sahara means below the sahara desert and which is that vast desert that covers the north north uh the northern africa when you fly into cairo egypt i've flown in there all you see is desert and all of a sudden a town pops up and that town is right next to the nile river the nile river is the lifeblood of egypt they don't care they don't care they don't care for a minute but what they've done is brainwashed people into believing they do and all the time they're creating laws and sending them out and affecting the sovereignty of nations and states to take that away from them and the way they're going to do it in religion is through occult science and that's what the new bibles were created for and that's what they're producing and this is why they attack they have to attack the lord jesus christ because he is the most unique individual that ever walked on this earth there was never one before like him and there will never be another after like him amen and they gotta attack no i don't believe it i don't believe i don't believe they'd do that our government would never do anything like that gut control they're going to give it to these mexicans to kill some americans along the border and they'll scream that it backfired on but the report came out yesterday now the democratic party is crying out for more gadget control because of what fast and curious what happened it backfired but they're still going on going on with the lie as if it's a test to see how see how much they've dumbed everybody down yeah didn't that fella know that it was illegal to murder people in a gun free zone now think about it think about it yes sir bankruptcy will create the chaos and order comes out of chaos it'll create the situation that they're looking for sure and they don't put all their eggs in one basket you watch the way they operate no they never do but bankruptcy absolutely if the nation goes belly up if they downgrade us again now i don't know if i mentioned this in here before or not but i do need to mention it since he's mentioned money how many of you know what reserve currency is did i ever mention that in here before how many know how many really know what reserve currency means okay let me explain it let me explain reserve currency because i didn't know about three four months ago i was watching a documentary and man the hair on my neck stood up when i heard that i thought good night here's what reserve currency means it means that in this world there is a currency that all nations recognize as being valuable and that's based upon the economy of that country in other words that country is stable their currency in other words if i accept this bill into my hand is this country going to be around a year from now you know reserve currency means that when the nations these international companies uh these uh what they call them uh uh these uh uh ultra nationals companies these banks international banks and all of that transfer buy sell trade what have you they trade american dollars the reason they trade in american dollars is because that is the world's reserve currency that's what it means it means it is the currency that the world recognizes as being of value now every currency has value but i'm talking about value that everything else is measured by even though another currency may be worth more like the canadian dollars gaining on us if you've got a canadian pen in your pocket hold on to it's worth more in your penny but the bottom line is america is supposed to be a greater stronger more stable country even than canada reserve currency but we've been downgraded we've been downgraded when the nation was downgraded that meant that it began to look upon our currency and cast an eye on it to say you may not be the world's reserve currency if we downgrade you again it may go somewhere else now enter china china has just said that the dollar should no longer be the world's reserve currency or uh russia has already been preaching this for some time no longer the american dollar as the world's reserve currency on and on and on say what's that got to do with me it's got everything to do with you because the moment they downgrade your currency to where it is no longer the world's reserve currency immediately it will lose at least 30 to 40 percent of its value at that moment because everything is based upon your currency the value of their currencies on your currency and so they can no longer look at your currency as the stable reserve currency of the world then your currency journals the pact with the rest of them and when it does you've lost immediately those of you that say if you've got a million dollars in the bank i don't know how many in here do but if you've got a million dollars in a bank you've got six hundred thousand dollars left you've just lost four hundred thousand dollars in the value of your money and inflation will skyrocket why because the goods that you buy and the goods that are imported be are bought with american dollars that are no longer worth as much as they used to be that's what it means that's how important that is and when bernanke prints money and prints more money and prints more money and injects more currency into the economy you know what he's doing he's loading overflowing bloating the economy with american dollar bills which are not supported by the products that we produce and send out and exchange and buy and sell and produce it's just a big bloating of all this money so everybody's got pockets full of money but it's not worth what it used to be that's inflation that is insane that is insane and write number is worth that's exactly right that's what a that's fiat money that's fiat money is there less money today than there was yesterday who has the money that you hear what he said do you think that do you think that a trillion dollars just disappeared now i'm not talking about derivatives i'm not talking you know i don't know if i understand somewhat about it you know it's the potential of something to earn something that's something down the road i think i understand that to be a derivative it's not a real value of anything that that's intrinsic now but the potential and it's all wrapped up in a bunch of bad loans to begin with okay derivatives but what he's talking about what he's talking about is where you print money you print money all right you print twenty dollars here all right here's this twenty dollars all right it's worth twenty dollars it goes out into the in into the into the world it could be in puerto rico it's still a twenty dollar bill if you had say five years ago the world had ten trillion dollars in liquid cash all right today everybody's broke did that 10 trillion dollars just disappear somebody's got it amen somebody's got it yes sir richard if that downturn were to take place that for america and our money our money worth goes down then there would be a reciprocal i guess you call it another country's money would then be chosen and see there that's the issue i'm glad you brought that up where do we go what's the cur what's the reserve currency that's a good question if the american dollar is no longer the reserve currency then what what about the euro look what it's going through right now germany has to prop up the euro if germany hadn't propped up the euro it'd be belly up right now and the germans are sick and tired of propping up the euro they're sick and tired of it yes with all the sir with uh italy and greece and spain and all the other european countries our dollar is still only worth 74 compared to the euro well here's the point now what you're doing see you're making an observation what does this lead to all right what it what it may lead to is a one world currency see that's that's the based off of what the world determines that's what the brother was talking about a minute ago well if no if the dollar is no longer the reserve currency but here's what they're doing see they're showing that the european euro is not going to be able to stand italy is in debt spain is in debt greece is in debt what i mean by debt they have all of these social programs all this money the government's been doling out and yet now the government is flat broke and they're saying to the people we can't get any more loans the world the world's not going to loan italy any more money so we're going to have to start cutting our services while they do it they're demonstrating in the streets that's why these people are so mad they call it austerity austerity when they go in there and start cutting the program this is why you've been hearing so much in this country in the last few months about entitlements entitlement now i've been in america since i've 1946 here a while and when i started working and paying into social security i was about 15 years old i started mixing mud and carrying blocks so since i was 15 that's 50 years ago for the first i'll guarantee it for at least the first uh 40 years 45 years i never heard the word entitlement how many of you old greyhead people been around here as long as i have when did you remember hearing the first time hearing the word entitlement mid-90s start what why why then y'all know what they did but why why why i know they did a bunch of a bunch of devils ought to be lined up that's the truth though the truth is that they've been dipping into the social security retirement fund now for decades and they fund programs so they can go back and get votes that's the way that works but but but think about when it showed up when did when did they start talking about entitlements mid-90s okay why why all of a sudden call it that when you've never called it that before exactly like you're entitled to this you know yeah right and they haven't given me a thing for 50 years i've been giving them money really 50 years i've been paying social security i never failed one year or one month out of any of those years for 50 solid years i've paid social security never been without a job never went one month and i'm thanking god for that because you know some folks get laid off and what have you this is no slam against you i'm just thankful but for 50 solid years i've paid that and now they're looking at me and telling me that my social security is an entitlement you see how i feel i get real excited about government and about republicans and democrats both neither side is worth a dime if you don't know the truth from me i don't have any use for republicans or democrats either one i'm a wig yes well that's very true and i would say this to young people now i believe the lord's coming back soon hope he does i hope lord have mercy i hope he does but if the lord doesn't come back soon and you say you're 20 years old you're 25 years old all right the government's already taken a year away from me i was supposed to get mine at 65 now i have to be 66 before i get my social security all right they've already taken they've robbed me of 20 something thousand dollars probably but anyway if i were you i would look these politicians in the eye and i would say to them what are you going to do to fix social security so that when i get old enough what are you going to do don't give me a bunch of mumbo jumbo what are you going to do because if you let this thing go belly up then you have lied for 50 years to the american people why should we believe anything you have to say right why should you believe anything the government has to say because they've lied to you and lied to you and lied to you young people i'd be mad i'd get up in arms i would i'd go hunting up a pole captician that would get up there and do something that would change the situation up there in washington about social security social security's not welfare folks that's not welfare yes sir sometimes i'm thinking that's probably the clean house boy i'd like to bought that gold back in 1965 for 35 dollars an ounce i know it is i know what it is as i know it is i know it is i know it is i know it is we are we are not anti-government in here we just know who caesar is that's right brother that's all you can trust in you trust the lord all right let's have word of prayer and we'll let you go
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Rating: 4.9689922 out of 5
Id: i3HvJS69C8E
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Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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