A.B. Vines - Who Do You See? - Isaiah 6:1-8

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praise the Lord okay hold up we can't you can't start like that okay when I say something he will talk back to me okay so praise the Lord listen if you don't get better we're gonna be all I know we only got a half an hour but we'll get real real long I have extended and the Holy Spirit will extend us so when I call back I want you to talk back to me this is more relationship I'm interaction I'm not gonna be a talking head is that okay so let's go prayer completes pretty let me God let your raindrops from heaven full fresh upon you people spirit and God let your rain drops man for fresh upon your word spear Living God let your rain transfer vibrate server this morning Lord let me decrease that your spirit might increase I pray God for transparency they might see through me to see your son but father just in case they stop and just serve it please turn your servant to a detour sign that I may show them way to cross because God is definitely nothing about me this complete all about you because it's simply all about you nothing about me I pray for three things morning I pray for challenge I pray for conviction no God I pray for spirit of change for your people are challenged and convicted by the word they will be changed by the same power that's the same word let your spirit have the right away that your should Chronicle opening two messages temple and God please accept this offering today I present you in our site or Lord and my Redeemer it's in Jesus name we pray amen are you Darby and his uncle wanted to become rich so back in the eighteen hundreds are you Darby and his son his uncle decides to go to San Francisco and get a gold mine they got the gold mine from their families getting money from their families and to invest in this new gold mine project because I just want to go get rich the got the got San Francisco started digging and long behold they struck it rich got some money got some gold went back home and say hey y'all here's the money guess what we wants to buy a bigger piece of property give us some more money we'll go back there it's a good news new claim and we all get rich and be happy Sani believe that gave argued Arbenz uncle's for more money they went back just to San Francisco to strike it rich again well thought the entire year they kept digging and digging and digging and digging and no goal this time there wasn't as lucky as the first time but he kept digging and digging and digging every week they would go down to the console to the convenience store and talk to the clerk about about their troubles and their struggles about how this time was as good as the last time each week they would go back and forth on the way to on the way to the convenience store tell a guy about how they wasn't striking riched it wasn't getting the gold it wasn't gonna go all of a sudden they ran out of money went down to convenience stores he listened with flat broke with Donald we won't have enough money to get back home if you give us $200 you can have this piece of this piece of junk of this mind and you can go and because the guy won't always be a miner he wanted to his heart his soul was about being a miner he wanted to own a gold mine he studied him he really won but he could afford it are you darbins uncle gave him this gold mine for $200 they went back to sanity went back home and defeat in depressing that they couldn't be turned the investment their family gave them but three months later heard article in the paper that a convenience store clerk had just hit the richest ore ever in San Francisco all you died was depressed and ran back there and said man what happened did you Barney crazy no no no the same claim you had I use so what happened he said see I study go I studied mining and and and see gold runs just north and south also runs eastern lands it also runs he said and what happened is you guys were hitting or that was going that was going parallel there was a war three feet from where you stopped digging if you had just moved three feet and went up you hit the biggest or it was some of you right here right now are digging in the wrong places or digging in places in situations that you don't know you're trying to figure out god what am I to do when you're digging and digging digging and God said if you just smooth three feet and look up what you really want to have in life might be right where you need to be in a book of Isaiah the same story happens to a young to a prophet who spent his entire life mesmerized by kinga's I just blown away by others I was such an amazing man as amazing general he was amazing King he spent his entire young life writing articles about how great this man was and all of a sudden God showed up six chapters says here in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord no when I first met the citizen man you mean you've been preaching for twenty four twenty years and you just saw God once as I died because he was digging in the wrong place his eyes what the wrong place so this morning one asks you what do you see and who do you see are you caught up in the eyes of the culture or you caught up what's going around you or do you see God for who he really is who do you see Isaiah saw as I as I was a military beast he was a monster I'm he had better rams yeah sling some he was a second chronicles 26 I told you all the things that as I made it all I did he was absolutely off the chart he was he was he was honest watch they're going steroids he was amazing for this blowing somebody was either he was a your own pad dislike but still uh Isaiah who should have been a prophet was running on all the things he did instead of writing about what the law was saying and too many times we let the culture get into our hearts instead of what's God is saying and sometimes God will kill your gods that you can see him because you're digging in the wrong place so the text says in the year King us I died I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up here's the first one I want you understand when you get a proper vision of God the first he does he gives you an upward vision of who he is the first thing when you see God in the right context he gives you a probability of who he is in the right place he saw God hi he didn't see God as just some guy he can just talk to he didn't see God and just some religious duty he did as being a priest he saw God high and lifted up now let's hear Isaiah the whole term he's following us around it and this thing he was doing all his temple stuff he was going to the temple he was making sacrifices but he didn't see God he's so what I'm you here today do all the religious stuff all of these activities all the really just think your daily seven you get bit morning which Bible pray go to eat pray go home these devotion pray go to bed give the morning the devotion to eat pray go home your devotion go sleep pray the same you doing every single day always because why it's what you've been taught to do it's your religious daily seven but guess what you haven't really seen God in the right perspective because why he's not high lifted up in your life cuz you got your eyes on so many other things you at the greatest spot in the world because right now you're young and you're seeing things man I wish I could go back in time and tell me at 18 boy pay attention cuz honey know now could see when you get my age and you start looking back you wish somebody came and told you wake up don't go out whilst I didn't go to old seminary when I was your age I was still on the dark side so some of you may not understand what I mean by the dark side but I was on the dark side of life in college and so you guys are blessed to be here but I don't want you become a Pharisee here become so fare acetic you miss God become so religious mind that you miss God becomes so religious you don't have relationship with God because you don't see God in the right place he said I saw God hi his train of his robe filled the temple above him stood six airframes each one had six wings and two covered his feet and two he flew and one quarter another saying holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory see God in the midst of the society in the midst of what's going on in America and mr. going on in this culture you think God is still all-powerful think God is still annoying you think God is still amazing all God are you saying like something saying God where are you how can the afia's got when there's so much poverty how can we see a guy with it so much shooting and killing how God where I got are you sleep are you are you there where are you you can't be this guy in the Bible cuz you're not showing up beloved he is everyday the issue is don't let culture pull you down to see culture and don't lift your eyes up to see God God is still high and lifted up God is still on the throne the issue is if you don't see God in the right perspective you stop seeing the hand of a mighty God the Texas verse 4 and the post of the door was shaken by the voice of him who cried out the house was filled with smoke so I said woe is me for I am undone because I'm a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of people of unclean lips once God gives you an upward vision of him he always gives you an inner vision of yourself 1 God gives you an upper vision of him he always gives you an inner vision of yourself here's the proper saying I'm undone what was me I'm a man of unclean lips although aren't you a preacher aren't you a prophet how are you man of Uncle is and you also draw people of unclean lips that means who you hanging out with who you are so you realize that your five closest friends will make you like them so choose wisely those five friends whether you run with the five closest friends that you run with you will become like so choose wisely he said I'm a man of unclean lips but I know the people of unclean lips wouldn't you see God as a god better pull you from here and send you all the way to San Diego I said you oh I'm from New York and God and literally I dislike California I don't like California I don't I'm a New Yorker I mean I am I am I bleed blue I mean I Love New York I love the Yankees I love the Giants out of the Knicks out of the Jets I love the items I love the rains I mean I love that the cosmos in the apples I Love New York and coming to California was a curse from God say God you gotta be kidding me city back to the hood he said no I will straight to California and I went down under to the worst see the world San Diego with a team called the Chargers what in the world are you doing God they haven't won nothing I'm from a sea that wins all the time and I'm coming to the dungeon of San Diego when they win nothing this is not right Garden you what are you doing he said cooking just what go there and teach the words let's be on your mind I went to San Diego man hey but the weather is so nice so someone gotta suffer for Jesus and I guess I have to suffer for Jesus and San Diego Jesus name praise God you want to get called get called the San Diego there's suffering in a whole nother level of suffering I'm telling you this pray tell you Jesus but when you see God you see realize see some of us you didn't grow up in church my whole life I want to put the cap school my entire life I was calling preaching I was five years old and I ran from the call and like up I just ran from the call enough I was in 2000 some of the private school wants to be an altar boy I found out you couldn't get married so cancer that one and so I just kept doing you know the normal religious stuff when will the church on Easter Mother's Day and Christmas you know the normal things that we did when churches my grandmother and as far as I got caught up with God and it never kept being nurtured so all my life I got ran and ran and ran from God it wasn't a great student I finished high school 23.7 but I had straight A's in one class one class only religion MPE yeah was I was a stud I tried to ace he and religion and and I hate school this I have a learning disability a speech impediment I stutter and I would decide I've been to summer school every year from first grade to 12th grade every summer I spent six weeks we learning what I just learned what I didn't learn in school every year for my entire education years so we got said well yeah I get saved go to school are you crazy why would I wanna go back to the most to the children to the most dreaded place in the world school because you said you can't teach the people about me if you don't know me so I'm back to school dad to his word because I realized I didn't matter anymore it was all about telling people about an amazing God who loved me in spite of me I went back and learn about how he was a he was a an amazing he was a cornerstone he was a the line of Judah he was it he's a tribe he was a Rosa Sheriff he was an amazing guy that loved me so much in spite of how how I I wasn't in my desire he still sent a son to die for me I felt about a God that loved me in spite of my issues of my problems that he still was crazy about me and when I found out that God it blew me away I guess three days in college because why I wasn't studying for my mother I wasn't studying for my father I was studying for God I realized that God was worth finding out was worth taking those Greek classes and and not sleeping at night because his Greek is crazy and he was even worse and and you know Stefan theology and all the green nose all European guys it's just well yeah just still just terrible but but but but you do it because why you find out that you serve a god that's amazing he says here let's see if he said I'm a I'm a man of unclean lips unclean lips really mean a man of unclean heart crowded out of the mouth flows issues of the heart his preacher says my heart was wrong my religious my religious heart was wrong my views about people how do you see people in this religious setting you have an understanding of what sin is and what people aren't have you got so far from them you can't you might say well pastor I'm young well if you're young and a Pharisee you really don't know but if you're young and relational and you actually get in the grind and the dirt with those who don't think like you we don't act like you who don't want to be around you because you're so holy you know fun an african-american churches we have people that are really really you haven't met a super are really really really really really really um Jesus not a person jesus nutty-buddy met this kind of person I mean Jesus nut will see and after bringing Church we got guys that we have people when I go shopping they pray over the chicken they want to get holy chicken holy cow flakes holy milk that God was chicken should I touch much just by the chicken it's just the chicken is dead it's not holy there's no not even to do this by and fry the chicken and they went to doing holy fish and holy chicken oh holy green beans holy cabbage just buy the food stop praying come on you might be there pretty quick oh praise God no wait a minute this got a praise God moment just say hi those people drive you crazy they're weird Christians if I know we're Christian if it's you this people come forward because there's some time but they do this to the students it's just weird people why because they see God in a whole different light but they never see people who they are he says my heart's wrong because my heart's wrong my mouths wrong I can't connect with people I can't connect with people around because I see them not in the same level because I'm Way above them and when I see them I don't see them as people that God loves I don't see them as people that God needs I don't see him as anybody because I don't see them the way God sees me but he says he realized in the presence of Almighty God or nothing the president of Almighty God I'm a wretch the little the text verse 6 says the one the Serpent's flew to me having in his hand a live coal from which he take it from the throne from the throne from the altar that he touched my mouth with it and said Behold this has touched your lips your iniquity is taken away and your sin is purged also I heard the voice of the Lord saying he shall I send and who will go for us the triune God then I said here am I send me he said go and tell this people listen once God gives you a clear upper division of who he is and once God gives you a clear division of who you are God always gives you an hour vision about his people he said go and tell them keep on hearing but do not understand you keep on seeing but do not perceive people around us right now they're hearing a lot of nonsense but they're not learning this see a lot of stuff but they're not seen God says go tell them what I've just told you to look deeper to look higher to look inner and see who you really are and see who God is and when you see God in the right place we use yourself in the right place you'll see people right where they are hurting alone to press down the start you realize that you and your age group suicide rate is huge because you walk by people every day who are lonely who are hurting but because we're so busy with iPhone and Android and the Samsung seven hope we don't have any I don't know baby gonna fire and all that stuff going on and you forget that you know what these people need God because you're so consumed with the world and society you miss the person next door listen the reason why I love coming to the schools you are 100% our future if we lose you we lose the game you are a game changer but if you stop dreaming and stop having vision a vision is nothing but a dream with legs on it that's it a vision is nothing but a dream with next one when the last time you have dreamed about God using you using you and this story not being a preacher there's been a great engineer a great doctor a great NBA a great ruler just being great and where you are and where you are telling people about a god that's crazy about them right where they are because when you do that we can then change the culture we can then change the siding and guys want even people like you the next generation to see him in the right perspective say Lord here am I sitting me some of you are preachers here need one you taking preacher class from your pastor do not get caught up in the height don't want to be the next next no be the best you be the best you can be don't assume i'ma start a church and have thousands overnight it's not going to happen wine people are crazy and they're sinners and most students don't like us because why we're weird and we learn to be normal that we can relate to them they might relate to our God because we don't relate to them well because we see the matter at a different place they don't see our God at the right place but I need you to go to people to go to them again and just tell Miguel how you doing what's up what are you thinking don't don't Miguel up to down on count ISM and Arminianism and eschatology and sociology he don't know you're gonna spell that just tell Miguel that Jesus loves we can so caught up in all that that the article stuff we miss the main thing Miguel's as a sinner oh nice Jesus don't get so deep in God's Word like you're so shallow you can't tell your neighbor that Christ loves them here mine Sydney and telling what God tell him that my son is crazy about him and that he loves them just the way they are you come to learn all this amazing knowledge take that knowledge and trip it down when it can eat it and learn that Jesus Christ loves them just the way they are because why he doesn't make junk if Jesus Christ made junk why did he make us the Bible said we are fearfully and wonderfully made the Bible said in to run with the apple of God's eye the Bible says in Genesis we are blessed to be a blessing so everyone you meet it's 51 from Eubank everyone you meet the apple of God's eye everyone you meet is blessed to be a blessing they're just in a sinful state itself you want to try when you come out and join our church don't change nothing cuz you just might change the wrong thing I have that was one guy in our church he's a he's a big he was a dug a big Doug he's like well he's like Tiny's got any tiny and times like six no no tiny and he's huge tithing like six nine so this guy's like six for like 360 he's huge he was he ran cellblock D and so we first met him he came in comes in in at people and women are like this year because you know he was from cellblock 1d and made him get along because you know I got issues and and and and and and and and we would hang out we would talk and and and I treated him me he was just a normal guy who was just big and and and and tattoos from here to his toes I mean and he had long he's a Samoan so he's thick I'm like please don't get crazy cuz cuz it I got to lay hands on you the whole different way I don't want to do and and and and and and everybody was scared of him but I wasn't scared of him because why God and so he gets safe and then this other guy comes get saving and and one day we're talking and this other guy gets a comes in the office and luck and get some offer he comes in office and he slams the door and locks the door this guy is a thug at a whole new level doctor I mean he's like major and he's got wild hear he's smelling like he's smelling he's his friend smoking a pipe and he's he's drunk and he has me locked in my office and saying hey I don't know about just God and my wife's going get open door open somebody he's in his he's in there with crazy guys so she's freaking out because she were my just got gonna fight me but she realized that I had my hand on my head my hand on a copy machine so Casey got hit crazy he did you know I was gonna you know blessing in Jesus name with a machine so so I was I was good that was good you know I'm still holy but I but I ain't crazy but you know I know I'm still good you know David had a sword I had a cop machine so I was okay so I was ready to go and so he said tell me about this Jesus did you say you know cuz you like me you was Doug was a year so I told about Jesus and I say no more on nobody on the street to him and yet you even said yeah and you took care your turf right - yeah I saw Jesus I say you're a part of the turf you could be part of my disciples you're part of my crew and I'm you're one of my lieutenants and I'm the I'm the chief I'm the the roller I want you part of my game and I want you to take what you know and go back to your game and bring them back to church I don't want you to change how you look I want you to change how you are because see if you put on a suit you can't reach your people you put on a get all suited up you can't reach who you need to reach so since saying where you are except now gangbang for my Jesus and guess what and you start getting gangbangers for Jesus all sudden you get a whole lot of Gamemakers in your church and all sudden you know why because I live I can't say his name he might be watching I let Paul the Christ when I live Paul the Christ Paul wouldn't and let Jonathan see because I let Paul the Christ Paul let John the Christ John went home and told his father about Christ he came to Christ because I let John the Christ who led Paul to Christ who led John the Christ who got his home safe not a house went to the neighbor because I led John Makris because I let John the Christ who led Paul to Christ who led who let Johnny Christ his neighborhood Christ the neighbor next door and got Miguel safe because of that Johnny Christ who got Paul the Christ who got Jodha Christ who saved his neighbor who they were when he got his sister's neighbor say well so now the streets is say because I led John to Christ because I let John the Christ who let Paul the Christ who let Jose the Christ will let Miguel the Christ who got his house saying who got his neighbors save the say no some the street guys say all because I led Janet rice garlic garlic rice who led hula-hula Paul the Christ who let me get on the Christ who got my girl's house a look at his Labour's safe who's got the streets safe and now the streets girls get the communities safe all because I led John the Christ could I let John the Christ who got Paul who got Paul the Christ we got Hosea the Christ who got Miguel the Christ but girl save his neighbor's miss neighbor got the street safe the street got the community safe the street got the coal shades then the culture might get too silly saying all because I led John to Christ because I let John the Christ we got Paul the Christ we got the other crimes who got his house same who guys neighbors save that the streets save who got the community same we got the codes same we're gonna see say we just might save the whole world all because I live John to Christ stop trying to save the world just say John and by saving John it's a snowball and everyone else would get saved because you would cross the street and let one person to Jesus hear my he's sitting you not to the masses Jes to the one there's only one Charles Spurgeon who's on the base there's only one Rick Warren and only one Bill hybl but someone told the one about Jesus and that one did some amazing things it's only one Papa Bell you don't even know him but Papa Bell mentored me because of one man my whole life was changed stop trying to reach the masses just go and reach the one when God gives you a vision and one understanding he always gives you and I will call to tell people how busy is and got to be calling you right now the Teledyne world that Christ lives just go and tell the person across the room tell the ones sitting at Starbucks systems always by themselves the one who's always having a smoothie by themselves every single day tell them that God loves them and who knows you just might change the whole world father God we thank you this morning for your word but we pray that these amazing young people who have dreams and have visions of grandeur but God gives a vision of just a one if they can just reach to one God it was snowball and the rest of nasus if they get us focus on the one God because you said for God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son was one man Christ Jesus died and saved us all so god I pray today they would get an inner vision they would get a upward vision and God please give them an out of vision to go change this world for you that you'll be qualified uplifted that your name will be above all names because you are an amazing God it's in geez me to pray amen
Channel: Southeastern Seminary
Views: 12,482
Rating: 4.6764708 out of 5
Keywords: Southeastern, Baptist, Theological, Seminary, Chapel, Message, Jesus, Preaching, God, Book, North Carolina, Wake Forest, Gospel, False Teaching, False spirits, Spirit, Danny, expository, Great Commission, Truth, Grace, Love, Discerning, Training, Education
Id: 54kvAUJVuK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2016
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